Print BB December
Racial identification and assessment in Britain: a report from the RIACT subcommittee Chris Kehoe, on behalf of BBRC Male ‘Black-headed Wagtail’ Motacilla flava feldegg. Dan Powell hroughout the past 100 years or so, mous in this paper), of a single, wide-ranging interest in the racial identification of bird species. The ground-breaking Handbook of Tspecies has blown hot and cold. Many of British Birds (Witherby et al. 1938–41) was the today’s familiar species were first described first popular work that attempted a detailed during the nineteenth century and, as interest treatment of racial variation within the species in new forms grew, many collectors became it covered and promoted a positive approach to increasingly eager to describe and name new the identification of many races. However, as species. Inevitably, many ‘species’ were the emphasis on collecting specimens was described based on minor variations among the replaced by the development of field identifica- specimens collected. As attitudes towards what tion skills, interest in the racial identification of constituted a species changed, many of these species waned. newly described species were subsequently Since the 1970s, and particularly in the last amalgamated as subspecies, or races (the terms ten years, improvements in the quality and ‘subspecies’ and ‘race’ are treated as synony- portability of optics, photographic equipment © British Birds 99 • December 2006 • 619–645 619 Racial identification and assessment in Britain and sound-recording equipment have enabled selection of others suspected of occurring but birders to record much more detail about the not yet confirmed. Any races not listed here are appearance of birds in the field, and this has either deemed too common to be assessed at been an important factor in a major resurgence national level, or would represent a ‘first’ for of interest in racial identification.
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