Objective→ to gain an understanding of: • The Fact That We Are the Bride of Christ • The Meaning of the Parable of the 10 virgins and What It Means When the Bride is Dressed in White Garments i.e. How to Be Ready for The Coming of Our Bridegroom • An Interesting Deeper Insight and Revelation from Physical Science into the Scriptural Meaning of “Shama” (Hebrew word meaning “to listen to and obey the Word of God”)


I would like to take a break in this chapter, from the whole subject of health and healing in this book, to look at the bigger picture, regarding the importance of repentance, renewal of our minds and sanctification of our spirit, soul and body. Whilst healing and divine health is a side benefit of this – the ultimate purpose is to mould us into His image and prepare us, as His Bride, for His very soon coming return. Notes:______


______In various places in Scripture, we are referred to as the Beloved – we are called to be Jesus’ Bride. Here are some examples: ______Jeremiah 3 v 14: “Turn O backsliding children, says the Lord, for I am married to you!” ______Isaiah 54 v 5: “For Your Maker is your Husband.” Song of Solomon 6 v 3: “I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine. He brought me to the ______banqueting house, and His banner over me is love!”

Ephesians 5 v 25 - 27: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself ______up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word, that He might present the church to Himself in glorious splendour, without spot or ______wrinkle or any such things [that she might be holy and faultless]. Even so husbands should love their wives as [being in a sense] the own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves ______himself.”

It is important to realize that Jesus was a Hebrew, and many of the things He said and did in the ______New Testament, you will not fully understand, if you are not familiar with Hebrew customs. If you do a study of the Hebrews customs that take place during the courtship, proposal and ______marriage between a bridegroom and his bride, you will find that Jesus followed these Hebrew customs exactly. ______We see Jesus carrying out the Hebrew custom of proposing to us as His Bride at the last supper: At that time, they were celebrating the Passover feast. During this dinner, Jesus picks up what ______is called the third cup in the Passover meal, which is the cup of salvation. Traditionally, they were supposed to just set that cup aside, but Jesus takes this cup and offers it to His disciples ______saying, “This is the cup of My covenant, take it and drink it” (Matthew 26 v 26 – 28). Now if you understand Hebrew customs, you would realize that this would seem outrageous to them for several reasons: firstly, this meant that Jesus was declaring, “I am the Messiah!” Secondly, in ______that time period – when Jesus said to a bunch of Hebrew fisherman, “This is My Covenant, take it and drink it” with a cup full of wine, what they heard Jesus say was. “Will you marry me?” ______The reason they would have heard it that way, was that in Bible times, when a young man desired to propose to the woman he loved, he would go to his father – and say, “Hey dad… this woman – I want to make little rabbis with her, you know what I’m saying?” Then his father ______would go to her father, and offer a gift to pay the price for his daughter. This basically brought the young man the chance to propose to her. Then they would organize a special dinner, where ______all the family would gather together (talk about pressure!), and the groom would pour a cup of the finest new wine which was the best that money could buy, that he had purchased at a ______sacrificial price. He would first take a sip, then slide the cup of wine over the table to her and say, “This is my covenant with you, take it and drink it.” ______At this time, he would also give her what is called a Ketubah. I already shared in the beginning of chapter 3, where I included an excerpt from the Shama Book about the Hebrew custom of ______the Ketubah: “This was a very beautiful covenant contract for marriage, that the bridegroom wrote with great care and consideration, where he expressed his heart’s desire; of how he loves and adores the young woman he hoped would be his bride; and of his promises to her of all that ______he would be and how he would protect and provide for her; as well as his likes and dislikes, his favourite foods, his highest ideals, his standard of living, how he wanted his household run and ______his children raised. This covenant was basically the blueprint for the bride.” When her suiter offers her the cup of wine together with the Ketubah marriage covenant, she could refuse, or ______she could take the cup of wine and drink it – and if she does, that is her way of saying, “Yes, I will marry you.” ______2 ______And it also signifies that she has accepted all that the Ketubah covenant contains and the betrothal is sealed. They are now bride and bridegroom and the silver trumpets are blown, making the announcement to all.

After this dinner, she would go back home, and she is no longer be referred to by her name – but as “one who is bought with a price.” The man would go back to his home and they would Notes:______not see each other the whole engagement period until their wedding day, which could be anywhere from 6 months to a year later. They did not have the luxury of text messages in those ______days – so the best man would run back and forth relaying messages between them. During this engagement period, the bride would study her ketubah in preparation for their marriage, until she becomes the bride of his desire, the mirror image of the covenant promise. During this time, ______the bridegroom supports her financially and starts building a house for his bride referred to in Scripture as a “mansion”. But before you get too excited about that ladies, “mansion” in Hebrew ______means “apartment” – and to top it off, it is an extension of his parents’ house (at this point some of you are saying, “God please don’t let me marry a Jewish boy!”) It was called an insular or family dwelling, and they would keep building onto it. What is also interesting is that the groom ______did not know when it got to be finished – he had to wait for his father’s ok and stamp of approval. The father is the one who said, “Alright, it’s done, go ahead, go get her.” He would get his ______groom’s men, and they would march into her town. She would not know the day or the hour – she would just be waiting with anticipation each day, wondering, “Is this the day?” There was ______another tradition where she would fill her lamp with oil, which she would keep lit on her window sill, so that anytime the Bridegroom did arrive, he would know that she was ready and waiting for him. Finally, the bridegroom and his groom’s men would come to her house unannounced, ______blowing shofars and rams horns – and she would come down the stairs and be whisked away to the marriage ceremony. Now let’s have a look at how Jesus paralleled these customs in His ______relationship with us:

At the last supper, Jesus says, “This is My covenant with you, take it and drink it.” At this point ______the disciples may have been a little confused as to why He would be proposing to them – maybe they were thinking, “We’ve been with Him this long – He’s crazy and way out the box… let’s see ______how far this goes...” The disciples drink it and thereby say, “I do.” And then Jesus says, “We’re not going to see each other for a while. But don’t worry, My Best Man – My Spirit, is going to ______relay messages between you and Me – that’s how we’ll communicate (John 14 v 16). In the meantime, you are going to go home – and you’re not going to know the day, the time or the hour that I will come back for you. But you are now going to be referred to as ‘One who is bought ______with a price’. In the meantime, I’m going to my Father’s house where there are many “mansions’”, and I’m going to prepare one for you!” John 14 v 2 - 4: "In My Father's house there ______are many dwelling places (homes). If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you. And when (if) I go and make ready a place for you, I will come back again and will take you to Myself, that where I am, you may be also.” ______

We are in the engagement period, and Jesus has also given us a Ketubah – which is His Word, ______where He explains His likes and dislikes and how He wants us to live (John 14 v 15). His Word is the blueprint for us as His Bride which we need to study in preparation for the marriage, until ______we become the mirror image of Him and the Bride of His desire (Ephesians 5 v 25 – 27).

None of us know the day or the hour that Jesus is coming back for His Bride – only Abba Father ______knows (Matthew 24 v 36). But when Abba Father tells gives Jesus His stamp of approval and says, “Ok, she is ready, go get her!” Jesus is going to get His Groomsmen, who are the Holy Angels, ______they are going to blow their shofars – the 4 trumpets (which is symbolized in the feast of trumpets) and He is going to come fetch us as His Bride, hoping that He will find us with our lamps filled with oil, ready and waiting for Him to that He can take us home for the marriage ______supper of the Lamb! ______Through following the Hebrew customs of Betrothal in Scripture, Jesus is proposing to all of us. And He is not even proposing to this really fantastic, amazing wife who is going to do all these ______amazing things for Him. In Isaiah, Hosea, Ezekiel and all over Scripture, it tells us that He brings this proposal to an adulterous, unfaithful wife. So, the issue is not whether you are going to be the perfect Bride – the issue is, will you take it? Will you drink it? Will you accept His Word, His ______Ketubah and marriage covenant proposal to you? Because the invitation is open…you are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb! Scripture talks about how, just as there was a first , ______Jesus was the second Adam. And just like there was a first … so there is a last Eve! We are the last Eve! We are the Bride of the Last Adam! ______3


Listen, what do you hear? The sound of false grace Leading you into lawlessness! Listen, what do you hear? A covenant song, Leading you into fruitfulness!

Heaven is My throne, And the earth My footstool, Where is the house, that you will build for Me? Where is the place of My rest? Is it not with the poor and contrite heart? Who walks in My ways!

I will put My Word inside your mind, I will write it upon your heart, I shall come into you, And create My garden within you Within you!

There was a first Adam, There was a last Adam, You were cast out of the garden… But offered a way back, There was a first Eve, Where is the last Eve? You were cast out in the darkness, Misformed through the serpents seed.

You are the last Eve! A generation of restoration! A priestly bride! Return to the garden Cause of our High Priest Who made the way back for His last Eve!

I will put My Word inside your mind, I will write it upon your heart, I shall come into you, And create My garden within you Within you!

He who gives the sun for a light by day The order of the moon and stars as a light by night Put your Word in my mind! Write your instructions upon my heart! That I may rest in Your finished work, Through obedience I will return To your garden!

The last Eve!

To obtain this song as well as any other of Sarah Jubilee and Lize Wiid’s material, contact Bridal Harvest Ministries- www.bridalharvest.com & Lize Wiid -www.hadassahsong.co.za



Notes:______In Scripture, God described 7 feasts that He desired for His people to celebrate. Many people mistake these feasts as only being relevant to the Jews. However, they are not Jewish feasts, in Scripture God said, “These are My feasts.” These feasts are relevant to us today as believers ______because they are prophetically symbolic of Jesus’ first and second coming: FEASTS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR – PROPHETICALLY SYMBOLIC OF JESUS’ FIRST ______COMING ______(March – April period during the Hebrew month called Nisan): 1. Passover (Pesach in Hebrew) – everything that takes place in the customs of the ______Passover meal is symbolic of Jesus dying on the cross for us, and He was crucified on the day of Passover, thus fulfilling it. ______2. The Feast of Unleavened Bread – this is prophetically symbolic of when Jesus was buried for 3 days. 3. The Feast of First Fruits – this is prophetically symbolic of when Jesus rose again – which ______He did on this very day, as the first fruits of many to come (which is you and me). 4. Pentecost (Shavuot in Hebrew) – this is prophetically symbolic of when the Holy Spirit ______descended with tongues of fire on the disciples in the upper room, which took place on this exact day. ______FEASTS AT THE END OF THE YEAR - PROPHETICALLY SYMBOLIC OF JESUS’ SECOND COMING ______(September – October period during Hebrew month called Tishrei) ______5. Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah in Hebrew) – this is prophetically symbolic of when Jesus comes to fetch His Bride and the Angels blow their trumpets, and He takes us to ______the marriage supper of the Lamb, as explained previously in this chapter concerning what takes place in the customs of a Hebrew wedding. Jesus said that He would come fetch us, ‘at a day or hour that no one knows’. In Hebrew culture, the Feast of Trumpets ______is also referred to as ‘The day or hour no one knows’. When Jesus said that, He was basically telling us exactly when He is coming - He is coming on the Feast of Trumpets ______to fetch His Bride – although we don’t know exactly what year this will be, so we need to stay ready! Just like Jesus fulfilled the feasts at the beginning of the year exactly to the day with His first coming, so He will also fulfil the feasts at the end of the year, ______exactly to the day with His second coming! The sounding of the shofars at the feast of Trumpets is also a sound meant to awaken a sleeping Bride (the church in spiritual ______slumber) to prepare for the coming of her Bridegroom and King. ______6. Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur in Hebrew) – all the other feasts are happy times of celebration and feasting, but this is the most serious day of the year, where the Jewish people fast for 24 hours and seek God in repentance, because this day is prophetically ______symbolic of when God’s judgement will hit the earth – it is referred to in Scripture as the great and terrible day of the Lord (for example in Joel chapter 2). Around this time, ______the time of grace will come to an end, and there will be great tribulation on the earth, such as has never been seen in history before. ______7. Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot in Hebrew) – this represents the start of the new Millennium, where Jesus will ‘tabernacle’ with us, which means He will live with and ______dwell amongst us, as we rule and reign on earth together with Him for 1000 years.

______I am not going to go into much more detail about the feasts than this, because it is beyond the scope of this book. However, I will say at this point, that the 7 feasts are also symbolically relevant ______to health, healing and the way that Abba Father designed us in our creation. I will give one brief example about how the 7 feasts tie in with the gestation period: ______


5 ______



1. Passover is on the 14th day of the 1st month (Leviticus 23 v 5) – in a woman’s menstrual cycle ovulation takes place on the 14th day of her monthly cycle – in other words this is ______when the female egg is released from the ovary. Interestingly, as part of the Passover meal – there is an egg on the plate! ______














______EGG ON PLATE IN A PASSOVER MEAL ______2. The feast of unleavened bread is on the 15th day of the same month i.e. the day after Passover (Leviticus 23 v 6) – in the same way, the female egg needs to be fertilized by a ______male sperm, otherwise it will pass on. Remember in Scripture it says, “Unless a seed or grain falls to the ground and dies, it cannot produce a harvest.” ______3. Feast of first fruits is observed between 2 and 6 days after Passover (Leviticus 23 v 7 - 8) – within 2 to 6 days implantation takes place, where the fertilized egg attaches itself ______to the wall of the womb and begins to grow.





6 ______











4. Pentecost – this is celebrated 50 days later ______(Leviticus 23 v 15 - 16) – around the 50th day, the embryo starts to take on the form of a human being, with a head, eyes, ______hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes etc as shown in the picture on the right. ______

5. Feast of trumpets (Leviticus 23 v 24) is celebrated on the 1st day of the 7th month ______- On the first day of the seventh month, the baby’s hearing is developed. For the first ______time, it can hear and distinguish sounds outside the womb. Symbolically, at the ______feast of trumpets is when we will first hear the audible sounds of Heaven when the trumpets blow! ______

______6. Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23 v 24) is celebrated on 10th day of 7th month and is when the blood is taken into the Holy of Holies - on the tenth day of the seventh month, the haemoglobin of the blood changes from that of the mother, to a self-sustaining baby. ______

7. Feast of Tabernacles (Leviticus 23 v 24) is celebrated on 15th day of 7th month - On the ______fifteenth day of the seventh month (28 weeks), the lungs become fully developed and can sustain life. If born before then, the baby would have a hard time breathing. The ______festival of Tabernacles is a time of celebrating the Temple or home of the Shekinah glory or Spirit of God." In the New Testament, the Greek term pneuma, normally ______translated as "breath," is applied to the "Holy Spirit”. How the body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit – we are the living tabernacle. ______

th 8. There is an 8 feast called the “Feast of Hanukkah” which is also called the Feast of ______Lights (we see Jesus observing this feast in the New Testament). This feast commemorates the time when the 2nd temple was built where a miracle took place – they wanted to dedicate the temple on the same day that the 1st temple was dedicated ______– but they only had enough oil to burn in the menorah of the temple for 1 day. ______7 ______It would take 8 days to make new oil in the way that it needed to be properly prepared, which meant that they would be short of oil for 7 days. They decided to dedicate the temple on the appropriate day anyway, and lit the menorah – which miraculously burned for 8 days on oil that would normally only last for 24 hours. Therefore, to celebrate this miracle, at the Feast of Hanukkah, they have special menorah’s that have 8 candles – and they light a candle each day until all 8 are burning on the 8th day - Birth of the baby Notes:______takes place on the 10th day of the 9th month. This corresponds with the Feast of Hanukkah which takes place 9 months and 10 days after passover. ______

3500 years ago, man could not have known the scientific detail of the gestation period that we now understand today. The establishment of the feasts which are Holy Days was given to Moses ______by God Himself. Its correlation with the human gestation period is not only remarkable, it proves "Intelligent Design." It proves the existence of an intelligence beyond this world. It proves that ______there is a Creator God that guides the affairs of man!


So far, in this chapter we have established that Jesus has proposed to the church as His Bride. We ______have seen that the 7 feasts established by God are prophetically symbolic of Jesus’ first and second coming. In His first coming, He died on the cross and offered us salvation. In His second ______coming, He will fetch His Bride for the marriage supper of the lamb. ______We also see the purpose of Jesus’ first and second coming depicted in a parable in Ezekiel chapter 16. Here we see God choosing Israel as His Bride. ______Ezekiel 16 v 4 – 6: “4And ask for your birth, on the day you were born your navel cord was not cut, nor were you washed with water to cleanse you, nor rubbed with salt or swaddled with ______bands at all. 5No eye pitied you to do any of these things for you, to have compassion on you; but you were cast out in the open field for your person was abhorrent and loathsome on the day that you were born. 6And when I passed by you and saw you rolling about in your blood, I ______said to you in your blood, Live! Yes, I said to you still in your natal blood, Live!” ______The first time that Jesus passed by His Bride to be, He found her as a baby, cast out and rejected, lost and dying. Through His sacrificial death on the cross at His first coming, He proclaimed to her, ______“Live!” Here He provided salvation for all mankind.

Ezekiel 16 v 7 – 14: “7I caused you [Israel] to multiply as the bud which grows in the field, and ______you increased and became tall and you came to full maidenhood and beauty; your breasts were 8 formed and your hair had grown, yet you were naked and bare. Now I passed you by again and ______looked upon you; behold you were maturing and at the time for love, and I spread My skirt over you and covered your nakedness. Yes, I plighted My troth to you and entered into a covenant with you, says the Lord, and you became Mine. 9Then I washed you with water; yes, I thoroughly ______washed away your [clinging] blood from you and I anointed you with oil. 10I clothed you also with embroidered cloth and shod you with [fine seal] leather; and girded you about with fine ______linen and covered you with silk. 11I decked you also with ornaments and I put bracelets on your 12 wrists and a chain on your neck. And I put a ring in your nostril and earrings in your ears and ______a beautiful crown upon your head! 13Thus you were decked with gold and silver, and your raiment was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth; you ate fine flour and honey and oil. And you were exceedingly beautiful and you prospered into royal estate. 14And your renown ______went forth among the nations for your beauty, for it was perfect through My majesty and splendour which I had put upon you, says the Lord God.” (Emphasis mine) ______

When Jesus comes a 2nd time, He is going to pass by His Bride again to see if she has matured and ready for love (Ezekiel 16 v 8). In the natural, when a baby is born, it is not ready emotionally or ______physically for marriage. It has to mature in order to be ready for love and a lover. In the same way, when we are born again at the time of salvation, we are like babies spiritually, and are not yet ______ready for our Bridegroom. Between the time of salvation (represented by the feasts at the beginning of the year) and Him fetching us as His Bride (represented by the feasts at the end of ______the year) – there is a spiritual maturation process that needs to take place, called sanctification of our spirit, soul and body as we learnt in chapter 8. ______8

______This is where He desires us to renew our minds with His Word (the washing of the water of His Word alluded to in Ezekiel 16 v 9) and for it to bear fruit in our lives i.e. where the fruits of the Spirit (described in Galatians 5 v 22 – 23), which is the aspects of His character, become a part of our character. Adorning ourselves with the jewels of His character, is what makes us beautiful and desirable to Him! This is what all the symbolism of all the gold, silver and jewellery described in Notes:______Ezekiel 10 – 14 represents.

Song of Solomon 6 v 10 – 11: “10Who is this that grows like the dawn, As beautiful as the full ______moon, As pure as the sun, As awesome as an army with banners?' 11"I went down to the orchard of nut trees to see the blossoms of the valley, To see whether the vine had budded Or the ______pomegranates had bloomed.”

In Song of Solomon 6 v 10 – 11, the King goes down to His garden to see if the fruit has reached ______maturity. In Scripture, pomegranates, which is the only fruit with a crown, is symbolic of the Bride. The King “going down to His garden”, is a parable alluding to Our Bridegroom and King coming ______down from Heaven to earth at His second coming. He wants to find a Bride that has matured and is bearing fruit in her life spiritually. Jesus is not returning for an immature girl as His Bride. Romantic love is not appropriate for children. For a girl to be ready for love and intimacy, her body ______must mature – for example her breasts must develop and her hips must widen. In the same way, the body of Christ needs to mature spiritually in order to be ready as His Bride. That is what I’d ______like to focus on for the rest of this chapter – what it means to be ready as His Bride: ______THE PARABLE OF THE 10 VIRGINS ______

Matthew 25 v 1 – 13: “1Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. 3 For when ______the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps. 5 As the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and slept. 6 But at ______midnight there was a cry, ‘Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him.’ 7 Then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘Since there will not be enough ______for us and for you, go rather to the dealers and buy for yourselves.’ 10. And while they were going to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the marriage ______feast, and the door was shut. 11 Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, lord, open 12 13 to us.’ But he answered, ‘Truly, I say to you, I do not know you.’ Watch therefore, for you ______know neither the day nor the hour.”

In this parable, there were 10 virgins, symbolic of the body of Christ or believers in the church ______who are born again. However, not all of them were able to take part in the wedding feast, because not all of them were ready. What is important for us to realize, is that at the end of the age, the ______church and the Bride of Christ is not going to be the same thing. Just as Eve came out of the rib/body of Adam, so the Bride will come out of the body of Christ. Not all born again Christians will be a part of the Bride, because sadly, not all Christians will be ready for the marriage supper ______of the Lamb. ______In this parable, we see one of the Hebrew customs of marriage that I mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, which was that whilst the bride to be was waiting for her bridegroom, not knowing ______the day or hour he would come to fetch her for the wedding, she would keep her lamp lit on her window sill, as a sign to him that she is ready and waiting for him. To keep her lamp lit at all times, she had to make sure that she had enough oil. What does it mean to have enough oil? What is the ______extra oil? How can we ensure that we have extra oil so that we are found ready when the bridegroom returns? To understand the answer to this question, we need to understand ______sanctification of the spirit, soul and body.

In chapter 6, I shared about the importance of sanctification of our spirit, soul and body, and how ______healing takes place as a result of this. ______1 Thessalonians 5 v 23: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray God your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” ______(Emphasis mine) ______9 ______Whilst healing is a side benefit of sanctification, the ultimate purpose is to mould us into His image and prepare us as His Bride, so that we will be ready for ‘the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ’. In 1 Thessalonians 5 v 23 you can see that we are made up of 3 parts – spirit, soul and body. We are Notes:______like a house that consists of 3 rooms. We see this represented in the tabernacle and later the temple, where there is the outer court (our body), ______the inner court (our soul) and the Holy of Holies (our spirit). ______



______Before we are born again, our spirits are cut off from God and we are in a dead, dark place. But when we accept Jesus as our Saviour through what He did on the cross, our spirit is reunited with ______God and becomes alive again. At this time God deposits everything of Himself into our Spirit - all the beauty of His nature, His love and Who He is, and everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1 v 3). Our spirits are complete, beautiful and perfect. You could imagine our spirit looking ______like a room in the house, like the picture on the right, that is like a beautiful gold and white palace. ______Philippians 2 v 12 says, “Work out (cultivate, carry out the goal, and fully complete) your own salvation with reverence and awe and trembling…” ______

What does Philippians 2 v 12 mean when it says we must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling? Was the ______salvation that Jesus provided for us on the cross not complete? Yes of course! But what we need to understand is that, after ______becoming born again, our souls remain unchanged. Our soul is our mind, will and emotions. We still have our old poisonous ______thinking patterns of fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, rejection, unworthiness, bitterness etc. So, our souls still look like the building in ruins in the picture on the left, even though our ______spirit looks like a beautiful palace. Because our soul is a mess, so is our body – because you have learnt in previous chapters ______how our thoughts and emotions affect the health of our bodies. Therefore, our soul still needs to be saved. How is our soul saved? ______James 1 v 21: “Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” (Emphasis mine) ______

Our soul is saved through the renewing of our minds with God’s Word where we get rid of all our ______old poisonous mind-sets that come from the image of the serpent, and learn to think like God thinks – to think, feel, speak and act according to His image. This is what it means to work out our own salvation in Philippians 2 v 12. In Ezekiel 16 v 8 - 9, Jesus spoke about washing His Bride with ______water (of His Word) and covering up her nakedness by dressing her in clean white garments – this was also alluded to in Revelations: ______

Revelations 3 v 18: “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not ______be seen…” (Emphasis mine) ______Ephesians 5 v 25 - 26: "Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the ______Word, that He might present the church to Himself in glorious splendour, without spot or wrinkle or any such things [that she might be holy and faultless]. ______In the above Scripture, it speaks about the Bride being washed in the water of the Word – so that she is wearing clean white garments – without spots or wrinkles. What does it mean to have spots ______

10 ______on our garments? Imagine a wedding dress with blank ink spots all over it – it would not look good, would it? Those black spots are our old mind-sets that come from the Kingdom of darkness – fear, anxiety, guilt, shame, rejection, unworthiness, bitterness etc. There is only one thing that is able to wash out these stains – the blood of Jesus! The blood of Jesus is able to cleanse us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1 v 9). The blood of Jesus is like soap and His Word is like water that Notes:______cleanses our wedding garments. We apply the blood of Jesus through repentance, and we apply the water of the Word through renewing our minds, in order to get rid of those old filthy mind- sets from the kingdom of darkness. This is what prepares our wedding garments, so that we can ______be clothed in white, ready for the marriage supper of the Lamb. The extra oil referred to in the parable of the 10 virgins is the sanctification and salvation of our souls through repentance and ______renewal of our minds.

Way back in the , before the fall, ’s spirit and soul was one – and they ______lived in the spiritual realm and the natural realm at the same time. However, after the fall, there was a split or separation between our spirit and soul. This is represented by the veil separating the ______Holy of Holies from the inner court. When Jesus died on the cross, this veil was torn in two – and He became the door (John 10 v 9) – and the Way, the Truth and the Life. ______When the Passover meal was first instituted, the Israelites had to apply blood to their doors, so that the ______angel of death would pass over them, and their first- born sons would not be affected by the plague coming ______upon the Egyptians that would kill their first born sons. In the same way, we need to apply His blood to the door of our soul – through repentance and renewal of ______our minds… so that our soul becomes a beautiful, white palace like our spirit – and becomes one with our spirit ______again.

When our soul has been sanctified from poisonous ______disease-making mind-sets of the serpent through applying His blood through repentance and through ______the washing of the water of the Word and renewal of ______the mind, and we have developed Godly mind- sets fashioned after the image of God, our body comes into alignment with our soul and spirit – ______as it is sanctified through the removal of diseases and everything that destroys it. ______

Our sanctified body becomes one with our sanctified soul, that becomes one with our ______sanctified spirit – and now we live according to the Spirit – and not according to the flesh ______(Galatians 5 v 16 – 26). ______






______11 ______



I want to come before You, In my time of need, I want to lay down all I am, All that I have, Take up my cross, And die to self, Cause I am not my own, You bought me with the highest price, Through giving me Your own life.

Resurrect my soul in truth, As I die to every lie, Resurrect my soul in faith, As I die to the fear, I cast down the serpent staff, I take up my new garment, As a pure bride.

No more do I choose to exalt myself above You, Through living for any temporary satisfaction, You’ve awakened my ears to hear, Through the trumpet sound! You’ve awakened my heart to see Through Your Mishkan, I will dwell with You.

Burn away the compromise, Remove the lawlessness, No more procrastination, Take away all the mixed seed, Any religious mind-set And I will Passover Into what You purpose.

No more dry bones, For You will make it come alive, No more fruitlessness For You will cause us to grow Into who You are. I will journey with You From trumpets to tabernacles From where I have heard Your call To where I dwell.

To obtain this song as well as any other of Sarah Jubilee and Lize Wiid’s material, contact Bridal Harvest Ministries- www.bridalharvest.com & Lize Wiid -www.hadassahsong.co.za



Notes:______In James I v 22 we see the importance of listening to and doing the commandments of God’s Word. ______James 1 v 22: “Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only deceiving yourselves.” ______That is what the Hebrew word “Sh’ma” means (pronounced Shama or Shema) – a daily lifestyle of listening to and obeying Him. How is this relevant to us as His Bride? Well, every bridegroom desires for his bride to love him. Our Bridegroom is Jesus. He said that we love Him by obeying ______His commandments: ______John 14 v 15 - 16: “If you [really] love Me, you will keep (obey) My Commands.” ______Somebody once asked Jesus in what the greatest commandment was. He answered by quoting Deuteronomy chapter 6 v 4 – 9, where He said it is to “Sh’ma” (i.e. hear and obey) His Word, and to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. And then He said the 2nd ______greatest commandment is like it, love your neighbour as you do yourself. These 2 commandments sum up and upon them depend all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22 v ______37 – 40).

You may have heard about the importance of what is called “The order of Melchezidek”. ______Melchezidek was a king of Salem (which later became Jerusalem) that we see Abraham paying tithes to in Scripture. Melchezidek was not only a king, but also a priest. He was a shadow and ______type of Jesus, who is also our High Priest and King of Righteousness, Who, will rule and reign in the New Jerusalem. ______

Both the Kingdom and Priesthood of Jesus (which is basically what the order of Melchezidek is) needs to be applied to our lives – we cannot have one without the other. The ‘Priesthood’ ______represents our inner life – our intimacy and fellowship with Him in His Presence, and time spent in renewing our minds with His Word, so that we can store up and treasure His Word in our ______hearts. In Jeremiah 31 v 31 – 33, we see how He desires to write His commandments on our hearts. This is the listening part… to listen to God’s Word. ______Jeremiah 31 v 31 - 33: "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not according to the covenant ______which I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to bring the amount of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was their Husband, says the ______Lord. But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel: after those days, says the Lord, I will put My law within them, and on their hearts, will I write it; and I will be the God, and they will be my people.” ______

Then James 1 v 22 says we must not only listen to God’s Word, but do it – that is the “Kingdom” ______which represents our outer life.

So, in summary, the order of Melchezidek is: ______

1. The Priesthood – our inner life/listening to God’s Word and writing it on our ______hearts. ______2. The Kingdom – our outer life of doing God’s Word.

Once again, you can’t have one without the other – if you just apply the Kingdom, without the ______Priesthood, where you try to apply God’s Word to your daily life without spending time with Him, you are in performance and trying to do it in your own strength – this is merely religious dead ______works. But if you just apply the Priesthood, where you study God’s Word but never apply it to your life, that does not work either, because Scripture says that faith without works is dead. ______

______13 ______We need to listen to… and do the commandments of God’s Word. Let’s explore the significance of this more in science and in Scripture…


______As the Intelligent Designer and Author of all of creation, Abba Father is an incredibly detailed God, and He does not do anything by accident. Everything in His Word has meaning, even ______colours! Let’s take a break from medical science, and go into the world of physics, to bring out some amazing revelation of the spiritual significance of colours in Scripture – and how it relates ______to us as His Bride.









When you pass a beam of white light through a prism, as shown in the picture – it splits into all ______the colours of the rainbow, of which the white light is composed of. This shows us that white light consists of all colours. ______In creation, we have the pleasure of enjoying the beauty of different colours. This is how it works: the sun gives off white light, which is a mixture of all colours. When that white light hits an object, ______some colours are absorbed by the object and other colours are reflected outwardly. The colour ______reflected outwardly is the colour that we then see or perceive that object as, with our eyes. ______For example, in the diagram to the left, is a round yellow object: This object appears yellow because ______the blue light is absorbed, whilst red and green light is reflected outwardly and combine to form yellow. Hence, we see the colour yellow. ______


______BLUE = DOING GOD’S WORD ______

In chapter 3, I highlighted the importance of being doers of the Word of God, and how obedience ______to God’s commandments is a big missing link in health and healing.

In Number 15 v 38 – 39, God asked His people to wear a strand of blue to remind them to keep ______His commandments and to do them. 14 ______


Number 15 v 38 – 39: “Speak to the people of Israel, and tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments throughout all their generations, and to put a cord of blue on the tassel of each corner. And it shall be a tassel for you to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord, to do them, to not follow after your own heart, and your own eyes which you are inclined to whore after.” (Emphasis mine) Notes:______

Symbolically, blue is associated with the remembering and doing the Word of God. In the order ______of Melchezidek, this is the “Kingdom” part – to apply God’s Word to our outer daily life.


Psalm 119 v 72: “The law from Your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver ______pieces.”

Psalm 119 v 127: “Therefore I love Your commandments more than [resplendent] gold, yes, ______more than [perfectly] refined gold.” ______Psalm 19 v 9 - 10: “The [reverent] fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the ordinances of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.” ______In the above Scriptures, we find that gold is associated with the treasuring of God’s commandments in our hearts. Likewise, in Revelation 3 v 18, we are counselled to buy gold ______from Yahweh that has been refined in the fire. This means we have to pay a price for this ‘gold’ – this involves crucifying the flesh/sin nature and dying to self through renewing our minds with ______His Word.

Revelations 3 v 18: “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, so that you may be ______rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen…” (Emphasis mine) ______

Revelations 21 v 21: “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each separate gate being built of one solid pearl. And the main street (the Broadway) of the city was of gold as pure and ______translucent as glass.” ______In Revelations 21 it is describing the New Jerusalem where we will live for all eternity. In verse 21, it says that we will walk on streets of gold. I remember having a conversation about this ______with my parents who have always lived on farms in Africa and who love living amongst the wildlife and beauty of nature there. Living in a city with ‘streets of gold’ in eternity is not something that appealed to them! They would prefer to live in the countryside where there are ______trees, grass, flowers etc.! Well our natural minds cannot fathom eternity. But when Scripture talks about ‘streets of gold’, is this only a literal sense, or is there a deeper meaning? What ______would be the significance of walking on streets of gold? This is where it starts to get interesting… let’s go back to physics: ______











Gold, or the colour yellow, is often referred to as “negative blue light”. This means that ______gold reflects all colours with the exception of blue, whereby it absorbs or retains blue ______wave lengths. In essence, gold keeps all blue inside of itself. ______


______Let’s apply what physics and science knows, along with the symbolism of these colours in Scripture: ______If gold retains all blue inside of itself – and blue stands for the remembering or doing of God’s commandments… then symbolically, the remembrance of God’s Word (the blue) through ______studying and renewing our minds with it, is how we become like gold refined in the fire. We need to study His Word and learn and remember His Commandments/Kingdom principles i.e. write ______them on our hearts… this is the gold retaining the blue inside itself. When Yahweh counsels us to be like gold refined in the fire - it means to have the remembrance of His Word inside of us i.e. to have the law of God written on our heart. ______

In summary, Gold keeps all blue inside itself i.e. ______Gold means having God’s Word inside of us: We need to hear His Word, study it and write it on our hearts. ______

IMPORTANT NOTE: When Scripture associates gold with the ______commandments of God, this should make much GOLD ABSORBS BLUE more sense. Not only is gold rare, beautiful and ______AND REFLECTS YELLOW precious, just like God’s commandments and (GOLD) instructions should be treasured by us – but it also retains all the wavelengths of blue – which ______is God’s commandments to do them. When Revelations 3 v 18 says to buy gold refined in the BLUE ABSORBS YELLOW ______fire from Yahweh – that means we are to buy His (GOLD) AND commandments. REFLECTS BLUE ______

Blue absorbs gold/yellow wave lengths and ______reflects blue light. This is how we perceive an object as blue with our eyes. Once we have God’s law written on our heart, we are empowered to do it – to live it in our daily life. Blue is to obey ______and do of the Word of God. ______




______16 ______






Yellow/Gold is to hear the Word of God…and blue is to do the Word of God. Remember, to ______hear and obey is the Hebrew word Shama in Hebrew (which is found in Deuteronomy chapter 6 v 4 – 9). It is important to become like gold, meaning to write the Word of God inwardly on ______our hearts – and likewise it is also important to be like blue where we reflect the same Word of God outwardly to others by doing the Word of God. ______

• Gold = Loving God’s Commandments/treasuring His Word inwardly by writing it on our hearts = the Priesthood ______• Blue = outwardly doing God’s Word = the Kingdom ______

Thus, both colours – both gold and blue, play a critical symbolic role in helping us understand ______the purpose of God’s Word and how it equips us to be prepared as His Bride. One part of the Word of God is to transform us inwardly into gold (through the renewing of our minds and writing His law on our hearts) and the other is to reflect the Word of God to others as an ______example by doing it in our daily lives – as blue. ______If gold is the retaining of the law of God on the inside of us – and blue is the doing of the Word of God outwardly, guess what happens when you mix both yellow and blue light frequencies together? ______








When you combine yellow/gold light with blue light, they become a perfect, brilliant white ______light! In other words, we become clothed in the white garments of the Bride spoken about in Revelations 3 v 18! His Bride is the one who “sh’ma” – hears and obeys – listens to and does His Word! It is His righteousness that we become – inside and out. And now you know why ______white light is used so often in the Bible to illustrate this perfection. This is why in the context of telling us to buy gold from YHVH that is refined in the fire, that He makes mention of clothing ______ourselves in white garments.


______Revelations 3 v 18: “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen…” (Emphasis mine)

The white garments from a physics perspective is both gold and blue mixed together – which Notes:______represents both listening to and obeying or hearing and doing God’s Word. This is why James said what he said in James 1 v 22: “Be doers of the Word, and not hearers only deceiving yourselves.” If we truly have the Word of God inwardly – as gold, then we would naturally want ______to do the Word of God – as blue…making us become clothed in white. This is how we make ourselves ready and prepare ourselves to be His Bride. ______

We need to abide in both the priesthood and the kingdom. We are not to be just gold inward, but also blue outward – and in that we are clothed in the white garments of the Word of God, ______so that we will not be found naked and ashamed. ______When Revelations 21 v 21 says that we will walk on streets of Gold for all eternity in the new Jerusalem, that symbolically means that our hearts are permanently transformed to only have the law of God on the inside of us – and no longer the law of sin or the flesh nature. Our desire ______for eternity will be to follow His Word – the streets of Gold are symbolically the streets of God’s Word – a lifestyle of Sh’ma – listening to and obeying His Word. ______

As we continue our journey through the next chapters of the book, I will take you through ______different spiritual strongholds and poisonous disease making mind-sets, first explaining how they affect you spiritually, psychologically and physically – and then how to overcome them. However, whilst in the process of dealing with these things through repentance and renewal of ______the mind, realize that this is not just for your healing and so that you can enjoy divine health, but more importantly, it is equipping you to prepare yourself as the Bride for the very soon ______coming of our Messiah, King and Bridegroom!

Reference for physics and spiritual significance of colours: Psalm 119 ministries: TESTEVERYTHING.NET ______















Like a faithful Bridegroom, Behold I look upon your altar Is it consecrated, Will I find My blood applied to the doors of Your soul Will you let Me Passover into you?

Behold Your High Priest! Like a Lamb to the slaughter, Behold Your King! Whose robe is drenched in blood…

Enter in, enter in Passover the threshold! Enter in, enter in Enter into My Priesthood!

Enter in, enter in, Passover the threshold! Enter in, enter in Enter into My Kingdom!

A covenant people! A royal Priesthood! A holy nation!

Behold Your High Priest! Like a Lamb to the slaughter, Behold Your King! Whose robe is drenched in blood…

Shema Yisrael Adonai Eluheinu Shema Yisrael Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael Adonai Eluheinu Shema Yisrael Adonai Echad!

To obtain this song as well as any other of Sarah Jubilee and Lize Wiid’s material, contact Bridal Harvest Ministries- www.bridalharvest.com & Lize Wiid -www.hadassahsong.co.za