E C U M E N I C A L + I N T E R F A I T H

ECUMENICAL AND INTERFAITH COMMISSION, CATHOLIC ARCHDIOCESE OF bulletinPRINT POST PUBLICATION No. PP381667/00474 No. 66, APRIL 2004 from “What Gibson has created is a great cinematic lamentation of Christ’s passion...” - Mark Coleridge, Melbourne regional bishop to

re you going to see the Personal, universal, spiritually Commissions Meet! “ passion film?” stirring ‘No, I've read the book,’ is one or the first time, the Catholic tongue-in-cheek reply. ‘I We ecumenical and interfaith Ecumenical and Interfaith didn’t realise ’ suffering promoters turn now to Pentecost, the FCommission has met with the A Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and Uniting Church (Vic.) Ecumenical was as bad as that,’ one mother said intensely after seeing the film. She the proclamation to all people, Relations Committee. On St Patrick’s decided to read accounts of the passion springing from the Easter passion, Day, 17th March 2004, the in each of the four during Lent. and resurrection. We hope that Commission met for its meeting at the ‘The passion is only part of His life our vision could be deeply personal to Uniting Church offices in Little Collins story; there’s also the life of miracles and people of all faiths, and of no faith. Street. After a short business meeting, the hope of heaven,’ said an Italian ‘That they may be one.’ Could unity we adjourned to dinner, hosted by the shopkeeper. be truly a universal virtue? We continue Uniting Church ERC. After dinner Yes, the film The Passion of The Christ, to pray so. there was a frank and open exchange has driven Christians to re-visit the Certainly our pathway is often of information. The agenda was Scriptures, to question them, and to draining emotionally as we churches worked out before hand (and turned situate Christ’s suffering in the whole reach out to other faiths, cultures and out to be much too full!). Fr John event of Christ’s Easter death and beliefs, here in Melbourne, and Dupuche began by sharing information resurrection as we move towards . about our Catholic Interfaith Pentecost. It has also introduced Christ Spiritually stirring? 2004 is already Committee and its work, including our in his sufferings to a wide audience of stirring spiritually, highlighted by the involvement with the VCAT vilification non-believers. The Passion is for people April visit and retreat with Brother case. This was of interest to the UCA of all denominations and faiths, and for Ghislain of the Taize community, committee because they too had people of no commitment or faith. ‘Stranger Danger’ discussions during sought to make an intervention into Bishop Mark Coleridge, Melbourne March with Christians and Jews, and this case. Fr Denis Stanley spoke on regional bishop, writes: the Ecumenical Summer School in Cardinal Kasper’s visit last year and his ‘What Gibson has created is a great February which engaged youth in “The agenda for the Church and David cinematic lamentation of Christ’s Church for the Future.’ There’s much Schütz spoke on the Catholic concept passion, deeply personal, but in its way, more to come as our EIC bulletin of “spiritual ecumenism”. On their universal, visually stunning, emotionally suggests. part, the Uniting Church General draining and spiritually stirring’ (Herald The drives us all Secretary, Dr Robert Johnson, shared Sun 29/2). towards Pentecost. information about the decision making process of the Uniting Church, including interrelated councils and the process of consensus seeking. Joan Contents McRae-Benson spoke about how the Uniting Church was developing Feature Event 2,3 Regional Informations 6 interfaith relationships. Other issues Special Overseas Guest 3 Diary Dates 7 discussed were: the impact of the Roman Catholic-Lutheran agreement Pope John Paul’s Opening Theme 4 Inter-Religious Events 8 on Justification by Faith in the last 5 years (addressed by our ex-Lutheran David) and the issue of homosexuality ECUMENICAL AND INTERFAITH COMMISSION (EIC) in the Uniting Church (addressed by 383 Albert Street, (PO Box 146), East Melbourne, Victoria 3002. Moderator Sue Gormon). Tel: 9926 5708 Fax: 9926 5617 Email: [email protected] There are plans to meet again either Website: www.melbourne.catholic.org.au/eic this year or next year. FEATURE EVENT

Julie Zaar, a parishioner of Our Lady’s Church in Ringwood, was asked to give her response to the film The as a mother. She commented that her two young sons had recently been ill; during the night, they only had to make a sound and she was running to Passion their side. She strongly identified with Mary’s grief as she witnessed the horrific suffering of her own son. of the Christ Julie had also seen the film twice, and discussion night found the second time drawn to pray “Lord, have mercy” and the psalm THURSDAY 18 MARCH, 2004 CARDINAL KNOX CENTRE, MELBOURNE “Have mercy on me, O God, in your kindness; in your compassion, blot out my offence...” For a different perspective on the he Mel Gibson film “The carrying my cross, and when I saw Simon film, we asked Dr Paul Gardner, Passion of the Christ” caused of Cyrene helping Jesus, I was reminded Chairman of the B’nai B’rith Anti- a sensation when it opened in of my duty to help others carry their Defamation Commission and an Australia on Ash Wednesday. crosses. When watching the film the first executive member of the Jewish Three weeks after opening, time, I couldn’t even watch Jesus being Community Council of Victoria, for Tthe ‘passion’ surrounding the film nailed to the cross, yet I thought: it is my his reactions to the film, especially in seems to be dying down, but the sins that are nailing him there. And so view of the charge the film was anti- issues raised by the film remain there was this contradiction-I couldn’t Semitic. Dr Gardner said the film was important, and many people are still watch it, but I was doing it.” of concern to Jewish community talking about it. For Rev. Fraser Pearce (Pastor of Box because there was a danger that Anna Krohn, the director of Catholic Hill Lutheran Church), the ‘flashbacks’ “Jesus message of love of humanity Adult Education Melbourne, believed gave the film added depth, yet he [was] overshadowed by messages of “The Passion” presented an wondered, given the strong emphasis on contempt for Jews.” He said it would opportunity for education. David Mary’s suffering in the film, why Gibson be “a serious accusation” to say that Schütz, executive officer of the “did not chose to flashback to the “Mel Gibson deliberately set out to Ecumenical and Interfaith presentation of Jesus in the temple when make a film that would express and Commission, was well aware of the stir Simeon prophesied of Mary ‘And a sword promote contempt for Jews”, and that the film had caused for Christian will pierce your soul also’”. Pastor Pearce there was no evidence to support this Jewish relations. Together they planned drew our attention to the strong ‘blood accusation. He acknowledged that a “Discussion Night” on Thursday imagery’ in the film, saying that this was there was no explicit incitement to March 18 for people of the Archdiocese a common element in both Catholic and hatred, that there were sympathetic Jewish characters in the film and that to air their views of the film and to Lutheran piety. He quoted the Lutheran the Romans were shown as the hear the reactions of others. Catechism which says that Christ has perpetrators of the real brutality. The evening was attended by about redeemed us “not with silver or gold, but However, given the “serious historical 100 people from many different with his holy, precious blood and his corners of the Church. As well as innocent suffering and death.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 > many Catholic lay people both young and old, priests and religious, the discussion night was attended by some Lutherans and some priests and members of the Society of St Pius X. Five speakers were invited to form a panel. After each member of the panel had spoken there was a lively dialogue from among those who attended. In addition to the panel, participants in the discussion night also viewed television footage of reviews of the film, including an interview with Mel Gibson on his own reasons for making “The Passion”. Monica O’Shea (21), of Catholic Youth Ministry and a member of the panel, said she had seen “The Passion” twice, with different experiences on both occasions. “When I saw Jesus carrying his cross, I thought: he is


< CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 Then on Saturday 3rd April, a group of about 30 people gathered to spend distortions” and “the power of film to to the the day with Br Ghislain at the Holy burn images into the mind” there was a Cross Centre in Templestowe. There, Br potential that the film could be used to Ghislain led us in a day of reflection on promote hostility in the current climate wellsprings “The Wellsprings of Joy”. The day of rising anti-Semitism in the world. concentrated on times of singing and Finally, Father Terry Curtin (Master prayer, but also gave time for quiet of Catholic Theological College) of joy reflection, using Brother Roger’s Taize spoke giving his own theological Letter for 2004. reflections. In particular Fr Curtin Brother Ghislain will be returning to drew our attention to the two different Visit of Br Bhislain of Melbourne again next year, and we interpretations of Christ’s crucifixion hope to make this event a regular one. that were worked together into “The Taize to Melbourne We are also trying (with the Victorian Passion”. The first interpretation is the 2ND AND 3RD APRIL, 2004 Council of Churches office) to build up “Christus Victor” theology of the early a database of Taize prayer groups Church. Christ is in control. He is in Melbourne. If you would like more battling against Satan, who drifts rother Ghislain of Taize information about Taize in Melbourne – through the film in the background. visited Melbourne on 2nd or if you can help us with our database However, Christ’s death on the cross and 3rd of April. He led two – please contact our office. represents a final vanquishing of events: a “Retreat in Daily Satan, so that Christ emerges as the Life” and “To the BWellsprings of Joy: a retreat for young victor from the battle. The second interpretation is the later medieval people”. view of the cross as redemptive Brother Ghislain has responsibility suffering. Christ faces the judgement for the territory of Asia and Australia. of God on the cross. His death is a He first visited Australia in 1985, but bloody sacrifice in our place to pay since 1991 has been a regular visitor to Sydney and Adelaide. This is the the price of our sin. first time he has led retreats in Questions from the floor included: Melbourne. the use of the Shroud of Turin as a Organised by the Victorian Council model for the scourging; the distorted of Churches and co-sponsored by the images of children in the hounding of Commission, the events of the two Judas and in the ‘ugly baby’ scene; and day visit were ecumenical in the best the question of why both reviews on sense of the word. the Australian website were On Friday 2nd April, three prayer negative when bishops throughout the sessions were held: one in the world and in Melbourne and Sydney morning at Wesley Uniting Church, had given positive reviews. one at noon at Collins Street Baptist, It was agreed that the night had been and one in the evening at St Peter’s one of fruitful and respectful dialogue Anglican Church. In all, about 200 between film viewers of many different people attended these quiet “retreats” Natalie – one of our organisers – and baby Daniel with backgrounds and opinions. during their daily working life. Br Ghislain

wandering minstrels and groups of carriers awaited us outside as we other-language people, mostly Italian, queued for lunch. A bun, an apple, Memories French and Spanish, swelled the trains some vegetable wrapped up, warm tea, into town, Monday to Friday. Local a chance to sit with someone unknown, of a Taize fan train travellers got used to us. Taize quietly, in peace. Taize music does that FR LEN REFLECTS music attracted many, including me to people, in Germany, in France, in The cold early mornings and late Australia. This retreat was for me a rother Ghislain’s visit to afternoons didn’t worry us. most spiritual experience, because I Melbourne early this month Few could speak my Aussie English. couldn’t talk the language of others. I B(April) awakes former memories Thousands of us sat on the floor of a was centred on the atmosphere of for a Taize fan. large building, in silence, alone in a peace, the serenity, even in a busy city. Between Christmas and New Year crowd. Someone read a Scripture And so, Melbourne in April annually, Taize’s team visits cities like passage for us. A Taize brother spoke experienced this same Taize, far from Munich, to hold a city retreat. January a homily, translated partly into the Munich, far from France, the is cold in Germany, often snowing. I major languages. More Taize songs, headquarters of this remarkable lodged at a Marist Brothers house, harmonised often by a small skilled backpackers movement, which began half-an-hour train ride from the choir, devotees no doubt, roused us to originally for refugees recovering from central city venue. Thousands of join in song.. World War 2 turmoil in Europe. People youngish adults, Uni students, Army cutlery and portable food can live in peace. And pray together.


week of Shoah Memorial Service prayer he memory of the Shoah (often referred to as “the Holocaust”– the systematic murder of more for than 6 million Jews in Nazi TGermany) continues to haunt Christians as well as Jewish people today. For that reason, and also to unity... show solidarity with the Jewish community, the Commission’s Sub- committee for Relations with the and Jewish Community invited members of the Christian communities to gather together for a “Shoah Memorial Service” at St Francis Church, Peace Lonsdale Street, on the evening of Monday 19th of April. (The 17th of hen Pope John Paul April is universally recognised as Yom spoke aloud “Never again!”. Singing opened Christian Unity Hashoah, the Shoah Memorial Day). included the “Lord have mercy”, the week (Northern Sr Verna Hollyhead had prepared a “Shamah Israel (Hear O Israel the Lord Hemisphere) in Rome poetic and inspiring text for the service your God is one God)” and the singing Wmid-January, he took this around readings from those who of Psalm 136 (Haugen setting) at the year’s theme: ‘My Peace I Give to You’. experienced the Shoah. Nine large end of the service. A cellist accompanied This theme, proposed appropriately by candles were lighted on the altar: six for much of the action playing a solo the Middle East churches, will feature the six million Jews who perished in the lament. Young people, in particular through Melbourne and Australia, Shoah, one for the non-Jews who died, students from Our Lady of Sion College starting on Ascension Sunday, through and one for the “righteous gentiles” who in Box Hill, assisted with the service. to Pentecost did what they could to save those in Mr Michael Cohen, chairman of the Some suggestions for celebrating the danger of their lives. An earthen Council of Christians and Jews in ‘Week of Prayer’: container of earth from a concentration Victoria, and his wife attended the • Enlist 2 or 3 parish ecumenists, or camp was placed in the centre of these evening as did a number of other people who publicly work for peace, to candles and a ninth candle lit as we all members of the Jewish Community. hold home discussions, perhaps using the new Anglican Roman Catholic international document: Church as promise of Christ, meditating, day by Communion (see page 5). John Paul II day, on the evangelical gift of peace and • Ask 2 or 3 parish or deanery on the efforts the latter entails. liturgists to prepare an ecumenical speaks of a “world “In promising his peace, Christ service using the resources available assured his disciples of support in trials. from the VCC office (9650 4511) or on thirsty for peace” And is not, perhaps, the persistent the internet at: division among Christians a painful http://www.ncca.org.au/departments/fait t the beginning of the Week of trial? This is why they feel acutely the h_&_unity_commission/week_of_pray Prayer for Christian Unity in the need to turn to their only Lord, so that er_for_christian_unity Northern Hemisphere, Pope he will help them to overcome the • Using these same resources, John Paul II addressed the temptation to discouragement in the prepare prayer of the faithful intentions pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s difficult path that leads to full A communion. for the Sunday and weekday masses, or Square (January 18, Zenit): a blessing prayer, or an appropriate “My peace I give to you.” These words “In fact, in a world thirsty for peace, it mention of one of the other local of Jesus, taken from the of John is urgent that the Christian communities churches in your area on each day of (see 14:27), constitute the theme of the proclaim the Gospel unanimously. It is the week (e.g. Anglicans on Monday, annual Week pf Prayer for Christian indispensable that they witness the Baptists Tuesday, Lutherans Wednesday, Unity, which begins today. It is divine Love that unites them, and that Orthodox Thursday, Roman Catholics significant that the theme was proposed they be bearers of joy, hope and peace, Friday, Uniting on Saturday). by the churches of the Middle East, becoming leaven of new humanity. • Circulate the Pope’s homily on where unity and peace are the most “It is my heartfelt wish that this Week Peace (see box on this page) acutely felt priorities. of Prayer bear copious fruits for the • Circulate the experience of Fr. “During the next eight days, in every cause of Christian unity. May it be a Bruno Healy, whose contemplation led part of the world, Christians of various propitious occasion for those who believe in Christ to exchange a fraternal him to pray with Methodists, Anglicans confessions and traditions will gather to embrace, in the peace of the Lord. May and Lutherans in the City of London pray intensely to the Lord, to reinforce the maternal intercession of the Virgin (Tablet, 17/1/04 page 11) their common commitment to full unity. They will do so precisely from the Mary, Mother of Christ, obtain this gift Use your imagination. But DO richness of meaning contained in the for us.” something.


REGIONAL INFORMATION news from our Christians and local churches Hindus • The Decade to Overcome Violence • The National Day of Thanksgiving, meet in (DOV), a United Nations initiative, has May 29, launched by the Governor been taken up by the Victorian General and Cardinal Pell, with support Melbourne Council of Churches, after its annual of the Prime Minister, is an initiative of onversation between Hindu Assembly at St. Albans Filipino the Australian Prayer Network, to give and Christians at Stella Maris, Uniting Church on March 11. This thanks to God and community leaders. Beaumaris, on March 20 may follows a resolution proposed by the • ‘Geelong Interfaith Network’ was have been a first for Uniting Church, and discussed by launched by City officials and churches Melbourne. Organised by the delegates from member church bodies. just before Harmony Day in March, on C Catholic Interfaith Committee, of the The National Council of Churches of the forecourt of Geelong West Town EIC, 13 Hindus and 13 Christians Australia has supported DOV strongly. Hall. About 1000 children enjoyed gathered to discuss the theme: “The Its Youth Committee has made a CD music, dancing and food. Shirley Many Faces of God”. concerning violence. Carroll, our Geelong member of the After an opening ritual where a candle • Pax Christi has been given Commission, says the Network has was lit, flowers were offered and texts read from both the Hindu and Christian Associate membership of the VCC. called upon all faith communities in sacred writings. Dr. Mrinal Bhave spoke • Maureen Postma has been Geelong to be represented in future from the Hindu point of view to which approved for a further 3 years as planning. Mrs. Patricia Chaves responded. After Executive Secretary of VCC • An ecumenical service for June 20 at refreshments, Rev. Dr. John Dupuche • Breaking the Fast meal, led by Fr. St. Mary’s Geelong will honor 150 years spoke from the Christian point of view Henry Dabbous at end of the Moslem since the laying of the church’s to which Rev. Dr. Jayant Bapat Ramadan, was a successful meeting of foundation stone, along with local responded. Dr. Stewart Sharlow chaired Christian and Moslem people. councils, fire brigade, post office, the meeting. • Dr. Claire Renkin ofYarra Geelong’s Advertiser newspaper, and Discussion was open and courteous, Theological Union, gave the ‘Women other community origins. frank and challenging. What is the place of Wit’ address at the Women and • Ivanhoe Churches Together held a of interreligious dialogue? Is God Church prayer breakfast on March 4. successful gathering with Moslem beyond good and evil? Is Jesus the unique saviour? • The Churches Docklands Forum is people at the Uniting church Ivanhoe The meeting concluded with the interviewing for a Docklands during March. This followed discussions offering, very Indian in style, of flowers Community Worker. with food at a Moslem mosque and at to each of the participants. The sense of • ‘Guidelines for Multifaith St. Bernadette’s West Ivanhoe. harmony and a meeting at depth beyond Gatherings’ is a new printed resource • Ivanhoe Catholic parishioner, words led participants to express the by the VCC’s Living Faiths- Dialogue Lorraine Smith is the ICT co-ordinator wish for another meeting of this sort in and Community Commission. this year. the not too distant future. Easter in Ivanhoe any local churches gather About 60 church people attended. Just Catholic parishes’ 3pm ceremonies at together to celebrate Easter before 8pm, the Catholics retired to Mary Immaculate, instead of their own M ecumenically. Fr Len Thomas Mother of God church for the cluster’s normal Good Friday service. This relates the events that took place in Holy Thursday Mass and Washing of swelled the cluster crowd. Ivanhoe in Melbourne’s northern Feet, involving the three Ivanhoe The main Catholic liturgies were region this year. Catholic churches. planned together by the cluster Easter in Ivanhoe parishes was both On Good Friday morning, East liturgists, with shared readers, special ecumenical and “clustered”. Ivanhoe Churches did the stations of the ministers and, of course, bringing their Ecumenically, Ivanhoe Churches cross together as usual, from the local own Easter candle to the Vigil at St Together, coordinated by Mary Uniting Church to the Mother of God Bernadette’s, West Ivanhoe. Each parish Immaculate parishioner Lorraine (via the Anglican took responsibility for directing finally Smith, shared a meal and appropriate Church) where hot cross buns were their particular Easter “cluster” event. readings and prayers on Holy served. Partly as a result of the Thursday The Resurrection at Ivanhoe brought (Maundy) Thursday at the Uniting night ecumenical gathering, the Uniting ecumenical and cluster light to many Church annex. Clergy served the meal! Church community attended the local church people.


For complete information on these speaker on an important human rights events, see our Website: topic. This year’s speaker, Rabbi Harris, http://www.melbourne.catholic.org.au/ is a Scottish born rabbi who has served eic/eic-diarydates.htm three of the largest synagogues in Sunday 23rd and Sunday 30th London beofre arriving in South Africa in 1988. He established a strong email (Pentecost) May, 2004 relationship with Nelson Mandela that Week of Prayer for Christian Unity continued beyond his presidency. He news Resources for the Week of Prayer for also supported the Truth and Christian Unity are now available at Reconciliation Commission chaired by on’t forget that you can get the VCC office (9650 4511) or Bishop Desmond Tutu. A popular regular weekly news updates downloaded from NCCA website (see speaker with a keen sense of humour, link from our website). his message about humanity’s concern Don local, national, and Saturday 29th May, 2004 for one another is a key concept in his international ecumenical and autobiography “For Heaven’s Sake: The interfaith events by subscribing National Day of Thanksgiving Chief Rabbi’s Diary”. An initiative by the Australian Prayer For more information, download the FREE OF CHARGE to the Email Network, The National Day of registration pamphlet from the ADC News. If you want to join approx. Thanksgiving will be celebrated website http://www.bnaibrith.org.au 70 other regular readers across the annually on the day before the Day of Pentecost. This vision was launched by Advance Notice: 2005 August country, send an email to David at the Governor General, with blessing of Association of Interchurch Families [email protected]. Cardinal Pell and the support of the International Conference, Newcastle Prime Minister. The Deputy Prime Minister has accepted the position of Patron of the movement. (For Gov. General’s speech and Prime Minister’s letter see: SUBSCRIBE TO THE ECUMENICAL www.thanksgiving.org.au/index.php) It is expected that the churches in each AND INTERFAITH BULLETIN NOW! city and community will work together to show thankfulness to community ell, yes, I know you are Should you be thinking about leaders, etc, as well as hold united already holding a copy in sending your annual subscription services of Thanksgiving to God. your hand. But all that donation of $10 to us? A quick glance For more information, please contact means is that we value on your address label will show either Rev. Rob Isaachsen (9570 2534) Wyou (dear reader) and our “subscription due” or will give the date ecumenical and interfaith mission so up until which your subscription is 7:30pm Thursday 10th June, 2004 much that we want to bring you both paid. Please consider! Fr Richard John Neuhaus, editor of together on a regular basis, but… the US journal “First Things” will be …it doesn’t mean that you have paid for in Melbourne for one night only and this copy of the Bulletin. Currently we SO PLEASE, EITHER will be speaking at the Cardinal Knox have 435 subscribers to the Bulletin. 65 of 1) Email us (at [email protected]) Centre Lecture Theatre (Lower floor, these are “Web-based” subscribers. That saying that you wish to access the means they have told us they are happy to 383 Albert Street, East Melbourne). Fr Bulletin on the Web, and we will notify download their copy of the Bulletin from Neuhaus, a former Lutheran Church you when the new issue is uploaded. Missouri Synod pastor who converted our website. Since that costs us nothing, it costs them nothing. If you would like to This service will be free. to the Catholic Church ten years ago, OR: is a leader in the States in Catholic change your subscription from postal to 2) Fill in and tear off the bottom Evangelical dialogue and in the place Web-based, just send an email to David at section of this page together with of religion in the “public square”. [email protected]. About another 25 have paid their $10.00 for one year’s subscription Read First Things at $10 per annum subscription donation. (3 issues) to The Ecumenical and http://www.firstthings.com (click on That means almost 80% of our readers Interfaith Commission, PO Box 146, “previous issue”). More details from make no contribution to the cost of East Melbourne 3002. our office. production. Sunday 27th June THE 21st ADC GANDEL ORATION ✄ presents RABBI CYRIL HARRIS I enclose $10.00 for one 12 month subscription (3 issues) (cheques made out to Ecumenical and Interfaith Commission) Chief Rabbi of South Africa and leading Human rights campaigner Name: Phone: Camberwell Civic Centre Address: Each year the Anti-Defamation Commission hosts an Oration to Email Address (for information): present to the public an eminent


• Are today’s Muslims, Christians and c/eic-diarydates.htm or contact our Abraham Conference Jews ready for tomorrow’s world? Office (9926 5708). • Can they build a common future in All sessions of the conference require a multifaith context? prior registration. There can be “Our future • Are there barriers to harmony in the registrations at the venue on the day of way these faiths are understood by their the conference however we cannot together adherents? guarantee seats if sessions are full. • How and in what form will mono- To reserve your place please call the Muslims, theistic religions extend into the future? Conference Hotline on 0409 879 817 • Will these faiths have a place in or go to the AIS website “the public square” of secular society? (http://www.intercultural.org.au/index2.htm) & Christains These are some of the thought to register online or print off a mailable provoking questions this conference registration form. No registration is Jews” will explore building on the experience required for the Saturday Keynote AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY, of previous year’s conferences. Presentation. Public parking spaces are 115 VICTORIA PDE, EAST MELB. Download full information on reserved in ACU multilevel car park for SAT 22 AND SUN 23 MAY, 2004 program and speakers from our Website participants on a first come first served http://www.melbourne.catholic.org.au/ei basis.

If undeliverable return to: ECUMENICAL BULLETIN POSTAGE PO Box 146, East Melbourne 3002 SURFACE Registered by Australia Post PAID Print Post PP 381667/00474 MAIL AUSTRALIA


n exciting New Initiative for each of the three faith communities will Cost: $195 for a shared room, those committed to be selected to participate: including up to $295 for a single room. Interfaith Dialogue. This active members, tertiary students, (some subsidies may be available) will be the first conference academics, field workers, clergy and Download full information on Ain Australia to follow the religious leaders. the program and speakers from the pattern of the annual residential The Programme will include a Australian Intercultural Society’s Conference of Jews, Christians and balance of worship experiences, website at Muslims in Europe. Fifteen women personal stories, and engaging group http://www.intercultural.org.au/index2.htm and men of each faith involved from discussion over four days. or contact our office (9926 5708).