X SHOT HIS local mention. l'ATHCB<»*LA\l 1-OST HIS nO."iE¥ AT POKER. Their Ardor Coolings Story of a Wife Slayer. Society People Involved In the liartol A Freak of Arrhlttrlnrr. THE KPEECT OF DR. M"GLYNN'S STATEMENT ON HIS HB SAYS THAT 1113 Wjke AND UK C'aae. FOR SAt.E.\11scEM.A N E<>T'S J aim.-* A. C lark. Shoot* 1111 llart Down Invited to AGREED TO DIE THE cvxiors MANSION EVU.T CNbKft A WOODEN SUKLL The Wmihi r. the "Club" Rooms by Some PARISHIONERS. TOGETHER. to the New in tlit* street* Jlen. Philadelphia Special York World. BY IIKS. THOMAS A. SCOTT. SAl.l I ARTIKSAXINI | Mil U1\H llo; »»K- Office ok thf. i'riek Officrr, Young; The New York Times savs: a number of the William Dllle, of St. Louis, who, on January 19, The Barlol divorce suit, In which John a A to the New 1*»Uk'-rplff <**« hesr of a r ra«|4>ivw>-tiill»irc<>in|>lrt l*»r A«ltln»>. A 11.1*. WiCHiKinwi, D. t. Feb. 7,1NX7.. TKA01C FNDINO OF A F.AJULT DIFFICULTY.hart A SUNDAY RAID OF THE POLICE ON A "UIIBiBt parishioners of Stephen's were Inter¬ by cutting lier throat, and then New York club man, and the son or congressman delphl, Pa., February 5, says: "She or the viewed and It Is evident that Dr. Mc- to commit suicide family oiikf. rr ',i' Jnrlifatirmt for -4 J/our*. Commencing iwi p.m. TTR.VS his SOS IN-LAW ADRIFT, AND CLARK KK- AND MUSICAL ASSOCIATION"' FOR "MUTUAL BKNE- attempted by cutting his own, Kelly, or this city, are co-respondents, will be late Thomas A. Scott, president of the sakk saddh \sn has much has so far recovered as Pennsylva¬ * v.ri'»i 1 ma'ii v JVv/dtf. SfONDS BY FIRINO FIVE SHOTS AT TH8 OLD MAN. FIT".THE KKSCI.T. Glynn's statement cooled their to be able to make a state¬ called for trial In the court or common pleas Mon¬ nia railroad have so a new Itivjnlnp at JOHN Mi LAI tillLIN'S s <. taw F'»r District or Columbia. and ardor. all it to ment of the affair. He company, long occupied po¬ I^ou Maryland Virginia. Ell Hart, a bricklayer, residing on K street, ly>- They Interpret mean says that on the day before day. Several prominent society women of Phila¬ sition of the highest prominence iu lilllttA f7 2t* 1 s ru,:°w 1*-'ir v*cativT. winds Yesterday about eleven o'clock Detec¬ that he will not to Rome. AstheMc- the murder he and his wife Philadelphia's SALE- BKP FFATIII HS. Al 15c t, n Tally Hitti and '-'oth streets northwest, was shot morning go became intoxicated. delphia have been summon«\1 as witnesses. Mr. most exclusive fashionable society that recent ec¬ A IMt M». southerly, stationary temperature. tives liaff and Home and Lieut. went with Glynn fund was raised for the of On awakening the next were both una Mrs. Bartol were leaders of at one 1*ORin le 'ted. new Midi'lfWi all utileiw V\ mail it--ii -pilar through the body and fatally wounded about tt:15 Kelly purpose morning they society centricities on the part ot Mrs. Scott have not un¬ Ittrt -W to: imliT» »'f t»»U pounds ami up ii-liv. r-d. 4 stressors to a Issued tlie him to therein a manner 111 and despondent, and that their condl-e time, and when the respondent Med her bill of «t. R. Goldschmld, o'clock last nl/ht by his James A. raiding warrant, by Major Moore, to enabling go becoming agreeing last November naturally caused a o»"d (leal of quiet comment. A. SEITZ. <"«b H ua 17-1 w w,i'!a-,^sVt northw-t, otter the greate-t bar! son-in-law, rooms of "The Potomac and Musical asso¬ many of the parishoners are now asking "What tlon,was Intolerable, concluded that It was best particulars she charged her hus¬ Morel ban a year ago Mrs. Scott for *,'x* 1 i lark. ( lark is a pnnf-reader, and about 3T» years Literary be now that is for both of thein to die. settled band with Intimacy with certain bought $200,- S\l> V Nv,'l VHI MK.ISVUV I'UNO, I* beirdeparUuents. See advertisements shall done with it, he not golngr" They tlnally upon Philadelphia ooo two adjoining house* on the southeast cerm*r »rWtMl »t «¦[.». iriTr <« iti i» ciation," on the second floor of No. 4iJrt Pennsyl¬ their a.s their and also 1%)KciHklitiiMidiiMu, (l.tlmi, t if ) Items* of age. llart, who Is »t"> years has been work¬ OF cutting throats. The question to who society women, giving only Initials of Kit tenhouse v old, vania AN OPPOSITION COMMITTEE PARISHIONERS. should die first was with Mabel of New or¬ square and isth street, Philadel¬ nm* 4300. for |trU>uUn> address r :t.i. ar at his trade In since avenue, and arrested Clarence O'Brien, who then discussed, and they Jordan, York. Judge Fell iuo>t desirable residence r. uftW jouf. .\sk summoned home on there. O'Brien was on Saturday before the He his wife done and a t, is now some sixtv-rlve jrears J lady will m il for ^1150 cash. her buiiKum huh jfrOrtT. having been account of the persons who do not believe that the parishioners' says lay down on the floor, threw her so, startling exposure Is looked for. ot aire. gave it out her i* >mI. fast trouins- and ri«wiurrr IMirm . son of R' «>-.t.« a'a sick, and the court took his bonds to she died In a few minutes, but he hesitated when a bureau purporting to be from John Draper, ' would ,i jiitn'ltoUMii. mxi'iM itani I'iara I > s. .-ley's *«i rt- V"N'VK ''""-dken's school coats at *° h<- was Informal that her husband was not treat¬ guilty, personal lections. To-day, as it Is the first Sunday of the worded a surprise everybody. The two houses were «^r>: leave the District. Later In the the officers contributions will 1x3 taken toward It came to carrying out the rest of the program, In way that left no doubt of her dis¬ to be turned Into one and finished with star. third dam McKniatr) mare. dam «f Miark. r:u;h- "»nmrlj -.j«i fn,iu j.-, t. j-J,], ing her properly. Clark, It Is stated, haa taken to day month, pavim: just then some entered the and honor. every 1 ruirf*" is a briirht nrh colored t*v »H Mar>\ w:\a f ii, in ai Vsi/es, rr ,ni -j years to in .>ars Tnl- arrested I. It Is was t he debt of the church. The commit tee of thirty- neighbors door, imaginable refinement which wealth and art foaled May 10th. 1*75*. is I.*>S Rami* biarli. wt-itrha drinking since Hart's departure for the south. Oppenhelmer, who, charged, flve met last at Miss Munier's this decided liim. lie placed the knife to Ills could command. lu pr''" to reduce connected with O'Brien In the Illegal evening residence throat and cut a which severed the The Ocean Yarht Race. Soon, however, the gaze of the 1 i»(H> | ami ver> rmlwrj.li>* I ill M^k^ind your chance to si-cure a Finding his daughter in an almost helpless con¬ alleged 223 East aid street, and requested the parishion¬ deep g.ish, curious was cut off, tor an entire outside st ructure muc anil tail. Alio,nrin liiut«n. and k-«*>il. *>urnl. «- r - or. genuine and windpipe. The wound was not and he is MR. BCSH PROPOSES A CONTRACT .i.J t, he will be used as a wit¬ ers at fatal, FOR CENTER BOARDS. of a frame (M . lis* crest couraare ami itHturtnii', ami is a natuis! faxgalu. k u TaYlob^ dition, he had her removed to the Garfield hos¬ practices, probably to leave their pocketbooks home to-day and now in a fair to wood, palace, was built o\cr both ness. When the officers raided the rooms they pay their contributions to the McGlynn way recover from Its effects. The UK. GOEI.ETS PRIZES. houses and the entire and from t hat the nwl»t <-ati l»-tra.-etl to auy pital, captured quantity ot chips and playing cards AN ADDRESS TO CATHOLICS. statement, John H. Bird, secretary or theJNew York Yacht public was In ignorance ot what was Ix'lrig done CLARK AND HART MEET. and the books andcharter ot the association. The Dllle will be tried for murder In the first degree. within. A trotter of the ace. She nlnmitl tliree heat* the >l»j' my Send . frame qolnlne pills 7.V. *«« club, has received a letter from It T. say¬ great stru ture on such a com¬ late husitaml |>urrhsae.l her, a little oxer a> -ai is-', u lJlx W. r- lott,,r'^i object of the as stated in the Is The committee appointed at the cooper Union Rush, site natural!v *' ten, 67*,' N. st., Pliila. i'o. Last night Clark called to see his society, charter, manding attracts! great notice. V.' 31. - '.VVistl i)ra!ui>>i V s ? father-in-law, .'mutual Site ing: "I think it would be an excellent plan '.'KVit Nork, . was to Cut a benefit." a regular set of books McGlynn meeting appeals Catholics to raise a ffia Thumbs. Curiosity became lut 'nse as the sound of the drwrii by Mr Ih'tiiK r. uid «tll l«< wirnnliHl t » to -¦ ' ill j»t the est and together they walked to little confectionery for the to Immense ablishment o( Fran- kept In which the members' names were regis¬ fund for Dr. McGlynn, without reference to the AN EPISODE OF SCHOOL LIFE IN TOR BAT STATU. center-board people get up a race to be hammer and adz** echoed without and the red¬ tr->t faster: speed riiowtl; nlw has ne\er trott.-d f.# . r" K- NBJ 7tli store it No. -J1.V5 Pennsylvania avenue, which Mrs. tered and minutes of entered. olent of mot iet» has m«* u' r»*e<-rd, dbf ueeds 110 or «'Olds,,hml.l. proceedings whether he is to Koine or not. The Katy Ware began her career as a schoolmarm at started the same time with the Dauntless. Coronet workers wlthiu remalmxl unseen. Finally icy, puM ,rthWf>t.largest house of its kind In Clark had l>eeu keeping. In the rear of the store The attention of the was called to the question going a of the frame w as t.s- «i>.rhta ot any kiu.1 when trottuia'. -In >1.in 11.4 police committee end other keel schooners, and make the portion building removed and * if.- im-inrt, win « onvlnce anylxidy that th. v are i l.irfc and his wire Hart and his one day last week when a man a com¬ says: Raynham, Mass., early last month. She entry fee. Intimate friends w«tv shy or ull. and i» nut of looom 4ivm or any slept. son-in-law place lodged taught If much or less. If dlowed inside. What was struts a nil over their eatabllsh- stood for a while of that on "The Irish people refused, to permit interference her for a they choose, smaller, say $1,000 rlwui< l<> in 11..«. has ver> areutle .lisp. siti ^'Eal0t* bargains talking in front the store, and plaint, stating Thursday evening he met In the pupils $0 week and boarded around such a race should be and to keel their surprise when they found that they were In anil can Ik" adil «*rivet. to her 1 a JllCJlI. t. . them some men who their national affairs by ecclesiastical au¬ organized open haTtieescd t>> ladjr then of rang the door bell at the adjoin¬ claimed to be his friends. They among the parents. It was not before she I would be to enter the In a single residence, containing uny-two re>uis. or Mir most timid i>ersoii with m t». t ing house. the duor of this were very and after had thorities In Home. Shall American Catholics tol¬ long schooners, glad coronet more |»>rf«vt ^atrtj 1 vor'i for vs Leaving house, they pleasant young men, they erate It? We are and loyal and we became very and her first that race also, as the boats could all start at one than any ot h"r ii<>'i-e m t he city.and t hat *h>» i« a i*'rf»i t animal. -Ur i".'*! «i] lat>'uu>tiaiiit starch la> and chlMron'a dresses. walked to the front or the store and had several drinks one of them good Catholics, popular, experience the entire from ou mil is a uiik'Ii better mar»* 11.>» than again began together suggested are resolve*! to be true to our church, but we are to be a time and would necessitate only one trip across. Klttenhouse square was pterml i|,I(K), «lnu Kxt>;\ I* conversing. At the corner of street, on the that they go to the "club." He favored this sug¬ promised great success, until last week leave the race by a sw arm of narrow windows set clo^e her In1 ) iirvha.-"')! lit-r. «tir ia a i-rwr toraii) ..*. utlrinau V'Ai.t*..i.ood Fur rf.y-% |i..jO; Hut-, also American citizens, and we are resolved to This would between the Dauntless toget ^ islte side of the stood policemen Keefe gestion, and In a few minutes he found himself in when she discovered that the desk of Arthur and the facade the of a wantiuir milr. i>'Uat>lr faniil\ animal aii.l fa*t r> st will romhinifil. |r Mintiil.lilttd ind in n l'srti> iiar I talking minutes, it appears that Clark the boys, and after smoking and t hat he did with his little penknife. "I will fix owners would be would |*r**fer to sell Im to larttf* who lr *UK dre.-s» d to to enter a simply for sport." Washlrgtoj. beef go John IS. wanted the confectionery store, where lie drinking, game of poker was mentioned. He was A telegram from New York last night says: you so you will never do It again," said Miss Mr. Bird has also fr>'!(t thi* < it) ;iiut tnvt' lwr a tro-'il hon.- I «1 t .-r»tt-r market. at a She Ware, recf'lveu from Robert Goelet. Kelly, Mail «£.\s h id been sleeping; but the old man objected, and pleased hiving chance to win a few dollars Solemn mass was celebrated at St. angrily. took the knife away from the "In accordance with a CITY ail<>w thirty rr*|K»nntlilr i>ai-tir« t«. t.-t was heard to but a tew minutes high Stephen's him to boy, saying; letter received for turtlit r liilm.a- say: "I tell you that you can- later he found that his last dol¬ with all the and, forcing hold up his hands, drew the from my brother, Ogden he desires me to JTK.MS. lin-auiltlriviUK qualiti.¦«. IroKT Starch. s»,,rr[, r»n«i iron without first iMt enter this house to-night. You have lived lar had been won by his friends, and he drew sev¬ church yesterday pomp which form¬ blade across both his thumbs until bled Goeiet, tiou acply to William, m> ktooui. at iu> i iiv*t< stat. Ul.lng. No eookii*. 1, . stl, Iseandend they ofTer for him the following prizes, viz.: one cup of Mfn'n Show at Lew than No. ;l tHiuiliu-toii ftn-rt. r>-»r of nwktal* lit J -king. my daughter and myself long enough, and you eral checks to get even, but they were also won. erly characterized the services. The sexton of freely. The boy's father had her arrested. She to be sailed for my J oar trouble. Ask gpic. r tor it. i After the who had been absent re¬ $1,000, by schooners of the New Great clearance sale for this week only. All our Hwtt Kawfc.lL!. f.VJk an now shift for yourself." The old man turned losing his money.ISO.and £200 in checks church, since the came up In court at Taunton, and cried York Yacht one of to for I mm his son-iu-law and started lie went home and related his to his moval of Dr. McGlynn, had and under and so club; cup $500 be sailed $5 warranted hand-stitched, lace, button or con¬ AN 11man artlfii iai ey. s cor. towards 21st experience returned, pleaded effectively that the heart of the by the of t he New York yacht club. These to be out our SAli" r.l.liUNTWIHH.l ll* AMI.Si.* ii-mpier's, ave., 4^. street. who went at once to the bank had his direction the church was stern sloops gress Gaiters, cloxxl at £1.40. All N«« In t-nivml No N S»-wniir M i- wife, and the brilliantly lighted. parent relented and she was allowed go on prizes to be competed for at it. on the f3 men's calf to l>e out at 1>>r. xt-aiirlil 1IK payment of the checks The next There was a full surpliced choir In the chancel costs. She rode one Newport, I., Shoes, closed #1.90. All rliirt". «::-rlitly muM. *itti all attaa hno'iitw. ilro|. FIRED FIVE SHOTS. stopped. morning paying away from Taunton same day, during the month of next. The our |2 solid lace or to aiilc tlrawi r» ai.J covi-r. It-at, o Bri'-n appeared at the bank with the but Father Boyle was the celebrant, and Dr carer afternoon in Mr. Lovell's and held August leather, button, congress. tor#!*' oj.li . Hitli fi»« ji'.irn* lie had but a few checks, wagon day to be selected the the course be closed ltvol ut Al ». CITY gone steps when the report of a t he officials refused to cash them. Similar cases H. W. Feeney, Maggie Cregan. Miss McCaffrey aiiii the In her two by flag oflieers; out at $1.50. All our men's $1.50 lace K-narantr.'. KKUVrH'S, rtli ami II «ik. i.t ANI y pl-toi shot attracted the attention of the officers. have heretofore beeu case other or Dr. Mctilynn were caused her so committee; congress gaiters, be closed #1. lo-uiclM. reported, but In each supporters present. which had much trouble. to be sailed under their Jurisdiction according to All our $:$ call sewed to be closed out at for tli<- Siirut Now Aiiirn. au No. 7. J< l. i'lioiir nil Looking towards the little store, they saw Clark the victim refused to prosecute. Ihe collection amounted to $1,000. the rules of the and with boots, rr»:u National..Miss Fortescue In "tiretchen." in the Police was club, the time allowance $1.!*>. All our men's $1.50 patent leather pumps, lire four more shots at his who was To-day, court, O'Brien charged A SHOT FKOM BISHOP GILMOCK. A Girl's Wonderful Pluck. as In races for the him to be SALK-tJlliH'FKY AN'1» s A ijurtiit's..Plchar: Man-Held 111 "Prince KarL*' father-in-law, with setting a gaming and the case was cups given by in August, closed out at #1. Men's f1 embroidered slq>- I'HOVISli>N I'OKG, making towards street. After the fifth shot up table, A dispatch received from Cleveland says that HER SCALP HAVING BEEN TORN OFF, SHE ENDCRE8TWO 1885 and 18so." pers, to be closed out at 00c. |>»lll«ar room an.t ti«tur>-». rrtail li. rn«. r.'a* .u l.Mtn Lwantkt Akhokv..Aztec Fair. li id lH-«-n tlre. Stkket tally wounded. Clark turned and attempted to Bifthop Hennessey SAli<.ll'ST AKKIN Hi |.% IIV Kink..JapuM^e village. est "Dr. McGlynn, In his defense, as published yes- Last Thursday afternoon Emma em¬ Surprised. M>i»K ItKAIT Vaka«i8 Panorama..Day and aj>e l»> running towards ^.'d street, but the ofli- The Court*. Nurnann, FATHER JEAN GIVEN A J CDC.MENT AGAINST HIM FOR Raum\ "Hoyal Miie" repairs china, Ac. t»tn I>dK.Mul<*. al«o. 1t»a|_>U SAl.K - for costs; Newton & Co. Klllman; Judg¬ land.' Is I ever recorded. As she was on her table GOLDKCHMin, Dins JtftsEUM.."p.'.rtners in ctlnie.-' to say anything al>out the shooting, or tell what ment agt. Tills Incorrect. did not denounce Dr. standing county, Iowa, has been given Judgment against 812 seveuth st. n. * his motive was. The Used was a notwithstanding plea, llufty agt. Green; McGlynn because of his land but her hair caught In the and In an instant w., K1ECIAL BARGAINS IN riA\sTprdar afternoon McK^-ndree V.F. church store and was afterwards removed to Providence sustained with leave to amend. Meyer all, had placed lilmseir, In deiiance of authority, at eyelid, and down as ago Bishop Hennessey deposed Father Jean vertised for Saturday only.will be continued on IWi' hiial-r S^uar«'. #."H> cash auJ 10 |** wa.s to <>n 01 tlit* use of &c. Insurance Co. far as her hair went on from the or St. Irenaeus' or and hose of our Uiontfa. rro»d>-d overJlowjut: the oo\i>lon hospital by the police. Anglo-American the head of a band of women whom I had found it her neck was torn off and priesthood parish Monday Tuesday.So 114111 patrons «»nr funeral of MLss Sarali K. (»od>tard, an employe of do. do. Loekhead agt. Tryo, Sweeter et aL agt. to excommunicate because of their dropped on the floor beside her. other girls ran Lyons, also debarring him trom becoming the who were kept In doors by the bad weather can llriarLainpHtiiuu>'n<' Majiiiti.-ciit t i-n»rlii, t- . ">. *10 |«rr moiiiii. the Bureau of Engraving and 1'rintlnjr tor a "liUni- and Long et al. agt. Follin; defaults. unwomanly conduct* Deiiance of authoritv and tainted, she coolly stepped down and seated priest any parish, really taking from have the benefit ot the following special BarKains cost l**r of Thf >.-r\lf»'s nen- ion1.1 I'ihIi.-h t»k. ti tw on by charged battery Keese 1882, very defending and teach¬ scalp. olic world. The cause of this polish part |>a>liu:it fpnirlits, an4 the Interment was at Uleniv.iod. and he was committed to without bail. To-day, agt. Walter; time to file bond ex¬ ing the principles of the laud league. I com¬ and hoped for her recovery, as not once did she deposit ion was un¬ Colored Glass Hat Tooth Pick stand with 2.500 full %aliir allow.-.1. At a me»-tintr held nlMS,14 hall under thf* auspices of St. Patrick's Total Ab¬ stricken from calendar. Truesdell agt. Richards; authority, not because of his advocacy oi the land tion was setting In, as the scalp had been oft 20 funds. Suit was begun many years ago Cut glass Water Set.Elegant Water Pitcher, 2 <3SMiA stinence society aodr»**^-s were delivered bv Hon. The prisoner, w ho is employed at the office of do. Johnson agt. Jackson; suit dismissed at minutes, so now the surgeons have removed and was at once thrown out of court. This, how¬ and brass tray, for t>3c. SAl.i". hI'.A KKA iM 1 sm \< '1 ! league." again is a new trial and goblets, l7~ 1*IM »K\ .S Tnom.»s MeStieedy, of Ohio, JHr.F. M' Neriianey and the XiUional lYihtme, said to a Star reporter this plaintiff's cost. Moody agt. Newmyer; default. the scalp.- Iodoform gauze and oiled silk have been ever, case, Judgment w as ren¬ Wooden Water Bucket, 50 clothes pins and bot¬ 1^111:huuiutr iiitotvet at ii (»-r <-rut an. Knott dered In default of the of 1 ! tni«t oti I 1 Mrs. E. A. Chambers. morning that reports circulated about him to the agt. Kengia; on hearing. in the placed over the bare skull. The girl bore the ope¬ appearance the bishop tle of blueing all for 2lc. <-\.-.-l|,ut miiroxrtl «it) 1 rtv No Siitunlay nlirht John nealev. ae"'! 17 rears llv- Equity CoxTKt.Judge Merrick. Earthquakes West. ration, which the doctors say was the most diffi¬ personally or by attorney. A motion to set aside Large sl/.e colowxl gla.ss bread plates for 10c. 1 r< ti-raco« r.liM'oun aUi'WrJ. Ad "l'KI Ni ll'AI."* at 4:51 6v ftreet had his foot badlv effect that he had ill-treated his wife did him great TOWNS IN INDIANA AND ILLINOIS SHAKEN CP AND cult they ever but her the Judgment has been made by the latter and wort h :«x-. surotti.r. f4-M* 1ns southwest, arf he had never said a harsh word to Saturday, Durant agt. Durant; order appointing undertook, bravely, pulse be « rushed by beln^f struck by the enelne of the Vir¬ injustice, THE PEOPLE FRIGHTENED. and respiration are going rapidly up. Yet there wljl heard later. The Judgment Is a perfect Majolica Butter and S;irdine dishes for 'Ji*.'. U SA1.E- V IHM»I» l»l AND. mil hi HI Mi A her since their about a year He W. Horner guardian ad litem. Corcoran to the and he ti o< t*vi-s, with aii.I iNl., ginia Midland train. marriage, ago. et A special from Terre Haute, Did., says: This city Is hope that her strong constitution will bring her surprise bishop refuses to speak worth 50c. ht««.l rovrr. all in |^-i t«-« t . ."I agt. Herner confesso as to G. < < At the and Mission rooms denied the statement that he did not support his al.; pro George Tills result would make it an un- upon the subject until he has heard from his at¬ An Extra four for rJ. r. for t-»lr > lie«4> lor iwli. (Vir. ut.au Mi.ll-ttU Hope Help yesterday- w ite. ,tnd said she was sent to the Satur¬ Campbell. Sims agt. Gregory et al.; appearance was visited this (Sunday) morning by two severe through. finally Quality string parlor broom st.se. 14 :it* afternoon a sertfcj of Ktbie readlmrs !. -r \v< >iwh hospital of absent defendants ordered. parulled case. torneys. 2.V. worth 40c. was vei,., day at his expense; that yesterday evening he Starr agt. Treacle; shocks of earthquake, which, according to the .«* White china only inaugurated by Mrs. M. M- Bart. visited her at the sale decreed and trustees appointed to selL The chamber sets New shape for $1.'JS ¦JOB SAM CHEAI' ONE SIMKIHAN PAFTK At the services of the hospital and got the pistol at testimony of those Killed llimaelf With a Slate Pencil. Won h J Olltt'T. I>-H."tll of ,'tli in. Ik* i »lc<- missionary anclversitry home after he tar as court adjourned out of to the memory of having experienced them, A Duel on the Road. $2.75. Itllfr, tiltifc held last ad- returned. As the shooting respect were From the Times. Kxtra luaiir Kni'r GnuJrr hh » tor ail km.I- . >t loi«r kwi\«a. Kyland Chapel Sunday-school nlglit was lie Mr. John E. Norris. more severe than that of last fall. The BOW TWO NORTH CAROLINA politicians SETTLED Pittsburg large size foot Tubs for 47c. worth 75c. made by vutcheon concerned, said, his mind was in a chaotic Willie a curtain with Brass lixures for l4-:» til <» HILU in. 4:t*Jt*th «t u w Kepn-sentativ-s state and he was inline at the time. To-day. Warren agt. ximms; sale approved nisi. shocks came in quick succession and were followed CAPAIGN Muezzlo, ten-year-old son of the second poles Complete and Jjjucs. lue amount coiiecu-d for the year positively Brown rule DISPUTES. chief cook at 33c. wort h T»0c. SAl.K I'Kol'l KTV OK Tin I Ml i.l W Alter th" occurrence he knew tli it terri¬ agt. Brown; on complainant. Schenck by heavy sounds which awakened the the Hotel Anderson, died about ten |^"ii as jL'tiU. something agt. J. s. Edwards ad rumbling A special to the Philadelphia l*r. i-iflit ars < At a meeting of the Maryland Demoi-ratlc club litem. motion to strike out sleepers. N. February 3, the details of yesterday morning home, A dust pan, brush, and go>*l broom for 2!*\ yt "!il ati.l *.-11 a< lima'i-tl. Koud .-it He seemed very anxious about his father-ln-law s Taylor agt. Mclntire; from southeast to northwest and shocks were felt C., gives following after twelve hours of tlriv.-i-* utiil us.-tl t.. tin- . ity unlay night Mr. E. K. Buchanan, chairman of of E. street, terrible suffering Elegant Colored cut glass Salt shaxers new- i hf condition, and several times asked about him. He plea A. Mclntire denied. Bohman agt. Seal; more in the eastern part of the city. Houses were the duel between two politicians of that state, trom a On lue srt .it nnr 4»ulile l:aru.-«<«in irood orilrr. campaign committee, present^-d Mr. t harles c he N. Carusl ad litem. Abraham peculiar Injury. Thursday night the shape for only 5e. I >ti<-elfvaiit lai l»-t»«'ii ldtk ^'.Hd-lieadea.^Tri'^deatcane. tiiu", and that, with the whisky he had drank, agt* Abraham; E. rattle, chandeliers to sway perceptibly. The sels- is the slate with a wort h >, if made him for H. Miller appoiuted trustees. at Kose O. Wilcox republican leader of Ashe county long, sharp pencil, when he happened $5. ati.l lTtli Hts. at-.l l.ainlM.(| lit* Hali, a Baltimore detective, made an ad- wholly irresponsible what he hau moscope Polytechnic Institute recorded and Mr. John Baker is to move too near the edge of the lounge and tell White China Chamber sets decorated with bread Ure>»T^idat the Lnlon done. Circuit 5114:50' President who one of the leading demo¬ off. In the rail he sTim K AN1» llXTt HIS <»h \ Mi'K M.E. church yesterday after- Court.Judge Cox. °f Mendenhall, same struck his head on the Colored bands extra line quality beautifully liu- little ami iirar t*o his hearers 01 bis conversion and re- lias given the earthquake theory considerable at- crats of the county. During last fall's cam¬ end or the and it rated the sharp lshed worth i^oRSALE^n.H-rry roufrrtloti.-ry filing A PiMtol Shot at Saturday.Christlana agt. Anderson et aL; security estimates a bitter feud between the men pencil penet skull, for$2.95 $4. hi-IiooI bnikliii«n«. liitiuin* at S'J4 Tni «t. u.w. 14 .U ligi.successors to H. Goldschudd, S12 Messrs. Thomas Hughes. Wm. L. Hickevand .T;is AN AI.LEOED CHICKEN THIEF HAS HIS FINGER SHAT¬ about ten seconds. He places the intensity at discussing political questions. As the campaign Dr. Mullen found that the slate had been Seventh st. S W. and MU hi:t >t. N W. SALE."A'lIAMl'IttN tNH «iH «'l HI- Is THE notwithstamllng plea, llufty agt. Green; judgment from two to three, on a basis which gave the around Ashe county progressed It was with the broken off pencil Klght kfrratrst n-lurdy on rarlli for CVxwrlm an.l (-'f the bricklayers" uiiion .No 1" TERED BV A BCU.ET. confessed. I nited states to Inside the boy's head, and all of it could The largest store South of New It t i » ^.CUIJ?IliJtc'e agt. Howgate; leave Charleston an of six. There Is an greatest difficulty that a duel between them was at department I'm*,!!."*'. y..ti*r -. Mil. r» hi* bcrtbed. In recognition^ of the aid given bv her to Henry a. Green, colored, in Herbert's alley, be¬ leave to amend. a, railroail train and Just getting republicans carried county by nearly 300 ma¬ until yesterday when death relieved Valentine*, at Gould's, 421 9th st. 8 Myer, use, etc., agt. Anglo-Ameri¬ wbea the shock Cltme- He was seized jority. Wilcox gloried and exulted in the victory moriting, SALE EN<'V«'I*H'AEIilAS. JAMIs I tlt- ^ A,r- tween Trumbull and Pomeroy streets, in the can him. His rather and mother are almost distracted . Insurance company; demurrer sustained with !5,'?Jbed nausea and the defeat of Ids and IMtktou, thr <-l.-tirate»l ln«t. nan ami Hi. *-n»|»b«-r, >¦ tya carried off wltmsevere and has been 111 all day. No enemies, again de¬ with Who llaat Conferred flit- 4ir<*at«>%t "that ill S^nSti£rm*M «^i county, and four chickens. The loss of leave to amend. United States, use, etc., agt. Is from the shock. nounced Baker. grieL rvrry house whrrr tlivp is | lu. >sl a K.'t I't K|- church last evenln" I his fowls worried the old O'Leary; submitted. Lockherd damage reported Dispatches blessing upon humanity? George P. Lies l>ae«liu it 1H llk.. ndlli>f til-' wlit.lt't all:Ity man, who, expecting the agt, Trego: Judg¬ and Matters "off at this until Dr. 1 ^tt.^flrsl£rMbyter1;ui"k" lD f;1Vl>r or th<- ment default. Sweeter et tromEvansvflle, ind., Springfield, centralis, passed yesterday. To Lengthen toe Mexican Presidential Tekm. the practical cigar manufacturers and the origina¬ t< t'olli'*fe. lnia work all the volunits < an t« t»- f h « passage by al. agt. Kaufman; Hlllsboro other Wilcox had been a re¬ *jf?r the bill introduced1,S|in the senate by Mr. Vance return of the thief, sat up three nights guarding same. et al. and inauy southern and central visiting patient, and, on his The full text of the bill proposed for the consider¬ tors of the "Grand Republic" clgarros. Luch.» & tullH'l at oliCe ou an.all uinutl.ly ( ayiui-i.le I > a-Mr- sm- i his the Long agt. Follin; same. Keyser agt. Illinois towns turn met Bilker in the road. No one was iuir liox l".".i, star > tin .-. to prevent Juvenile crime. property. Saturday night clock was just Fendall; demurrer sustained. Keyser Hume report rumbling noises, accom¬ home, ation of the Mexican congress by the legislature Bro., sole agents, 525 7t h st. n.w. 1 Ja*ji»Mnl* At 1^:40 oVlot k this strikingly when the thief made his appearance. agt. panied by sleep-dispelling earth vibrations. present except the two principals. Baker Invited or the state ot ViR SANI > > 1 > S morning, rire was dlscov- I et al.; demurrer sustained. Baer, Jr., agt. to Puebla shows that It Is a measure SALK AN AN1> THl It- S"- "".> The chickens did not roost high, and l»efore Henry Smith and THE SHOCKS FELT IN MISSOURI. Wilcox halt, which he did. Baker then said designed to give constitutional to con¬ Cheap and fine eye glassea,OpUctan, 487Pa. av.3 I M-nl>rr is |>re|.ar.-tl to turuish San.l iu an> quantity Capitol smetl' c.u'd interfere the head was a Kurt/.; demurrer sustained. Hllde- that he could not submit to the denuncia¬ authority lit the shortest Ilotlif. ^'?J,r£mZhvu~ iJ °r,V''r- stofL' U"<1 wrung off nice fat brand agt. motion to ret ax A St. Louis a few longer gress to lengthen the term oi any president from hen ami t.he expert tliief had her In his He Bowles; costs denied. special Sunday says: min¬ tions of and had only done so this to Knsrravlng.Manufacturing gold bought, as' Oi-rs reivivnl at W. W. Mcc*ulloinrh's. 511 NeW tSbv iir -N"-13 1st stn-et north- ! bag. Johnson agt. Jackson; set Barr Wilcox, length four six years when, in the judgment ot con¬ ave y.Zriivl V ' was about, to reach for another fowl when judgment aside. utes after four o'clock this morning two distinct of time In deference to the of Ids wife. Pa. ave. Jersey u.w. ^ SlWK WaS 10 the Henry agt. Hamilton; new trial denied. New York and pleadings gress, this Is desirable. The bill does not con¬ :5,o,7 Ja'-ii-lni* JOHN II. I/)ltli. flred at him. The form of the thief suddenly dis¬ earthquake shocks were felt in this city, in the He then declared that he could not live any longer template a tixed term of six years and l^ntuf*.-!oo. and Green not his shot Brooklyn coffin company agt. Lee; Judgment without asettlement of the difficulty to making "lOe. Royal" mendseverything! Lansburgh's »R SAl.K HV~\kITi>I'.I «HiIS I SHKI-HI Hl»'.4 1 m:in named James Tavior appeared retired, thinking granted. fourth story of the Western Union office, where a according does not change the present system ot Ineligibil¬ M.-dii-atetl .«.If^T^Ji!J'rCn?oondl»d suildenl> at had taken effect. In the morning the matter was number of were the code. of re-election. are Muttou Tallow, romlniml with Wit.-Ii ^uppletr's n*staurant, «;u» Loui^- ' Court in Genkrai. telegraph operators at work, the ity The newspapers paying Frrwh Aldorney Butter churned every mornlug 11a/el for 1 me au port»-d to the police, and in the afternoon Officer Term. shocks produced a dizzy motion that could not be "I am ready and anxious." said Dr. Wilcox, "to much attention to the matter. The and deliver^! in lb. "Ward" 50c. ll». Cliaii|H>l llaiitla, l.ii«> I'nit^ \ ft Nicholson arrest**! llenson 25 To-day, Strasburger agt. the District; accommodate you at time and in manner opposition \ prints, p«r Hi.-euts. ?jilS-lai' Ferry, colored, years tion for mandamus applica¬ accounted for at the time, Policemen, printers any any press is against the measure. Also, Cottage cheese and Buttermilk; Sweet Milk old. Th.- officer found him in a house near the denied; opinion by Judge Hag- and others in the streets at the time state that you desire." 5c. per quart. Cream 15c. >»U SAl.K STl't'K ON A UlT I.AP If'HI S ANl» revival which jalL, where a physician had been summoned to ner. In re Morris S. Miller; application for quo a moment "Are you armed?" asked Baker. F Mors. Covent.Now sellmir IK) Inir Sguaitj The meeting has been ta Drnirress only elapsed between the shocks and Mme. Fcrsch-Madi Sces Manager Locke.. ltlanketfor 1 i ">i» hy*; at attend him. A buliet had struck his left hand, warranto submitted. mere was no or "Yes," replied the doctor. $ v heavj am «!iai»-.! Itl.tiiio * f'Hir of the Nineteenth stn-et Bautist rumbling sound of any kind Dis¬ When Manager Charles E. Locke, of the National now only Hoval herne> t'ovt-r tor*0 tKi. t. riht-r yt-jeniav auu one tinger was torn to pieces. The officers rrom St. jeffersou Each pulled his pistol and It was examined by to ^1.7;». chur h icoloml) <-iilmlnat'-d in the' took charge of and had patches Charles, City,Boon- the other and handed back to the Opera company, goes back New York he will Special 8ale Of Desirable 1)RY |>riee ill To. luairiiihi-eut tan. >-itha|s-tt Wtml Itla-ik- t* of him to owner. It was o immer-ion tisty person.-, Ufb.jin se\e- the nte Perry conveyed Alexandria Affair*. ville, Lexington and other points in the state say have served upon him notice of a suit begun GOODS lor if .V». th<*a|> at i.'i.OO. lot tain \ I'iush « arrias'u o: b.lt,g penormed by Freedman's hospital. for The that the shocks were felt there about the same a nice, level piece of road where they met, and It against him Mme. Furscb-Madi for mi.l liiitrs'y lt>-ts» 14."si, nslii. e«l to #.( no arts.il ^i. 00 I th? p^tor h"^ Reported Rvksisg Star: two. was individually by the month of at . Holies lit»w alterljupusmi>. BruOKS. A time and created a great deal of consternation. agreed that they would mark off fifteen $.>,790. The singer says that she a contract During February only |4.."iii, ai.tl tor .si a *i>|. mlitl ! A Bill that Bid *ot Jleet Tlurli Favor. Murdered Babe..A colored man, while pass¬ from paces and take their stations and commence and signed oca a rrk tttt kek rrr ". JColte Worth #7..»0. liEC'KKH'M, l.l-4.> fVnusylvaiiia 1 he Irlsij-Am -rlcjui club has filed a certificate of the Telegrams Mattoon, Vandalia, with Mr. Locke In October, to forty-live " .ss^® As stated in The the ing alonn marsh near Jones' Point yesterday, Slielbyvllle, continue to fire until one or both were hurt or 18N5, sing coaarrt K R R 5 ave. JilMai IncoqKjrotioti Morris Murphy, j. i>. oConneU and Star, bill to deflne the discovered a dead white babe a few Highland, Greenville, Edwardsviile and other ce£ times In the American opera company; she was to O A A liRR T K.R days old hid¬ their exhausted. This was RRR ^SS^ SAI.K - ON'K John C. Walsius being the incorporators. routes of steam railroads in the District of Colum¬ den in the grass on the of corroborate the statements weapons agreement earn $225 each time she sang and payment was to C O AAA RRT K RR SKOJlNll HANII AliE a raiiie margin Hunting creek. that the shocks across so well executed that, five rounds were fired and be made She HC I^OH1'iauo, ifliij; earved l.-vs amt l>r» eas\ u-n.ia Lac>t eyeuiug Wrup» iii^etiug was h^ld the Anuory for was He gave information to the and the re¬ passed entirely Illinois and monthly. says she received only 1XXJ A A R R T fcKK R R BSSS HKOO W.otM'H k at. at Pa. ave. and bia, ^riMng square depots, up police, Missouri. So far no has been on the last round Baker was shot through the out of that she ro., snj;. 7tli u.w, asi-nts t.* Hayden ha.l, 4^' street, under before the District committee of the House mains were carried to Wheatleys undertaking damage reported. head and is said to b« £5,3:$5 $10,125 earned up to April, Cadh I>r}' Goods Sum;, Sohruer llanos, llanos to rent. jas the aU-spi. es of the Minerva Beaevolent associit- last w mortally wounded. 1880. 1 establishment, on King street, here, later in the Wilcox then Buker the of 711 MARKET SPACE tion. Address.-s were made by Messrs. KusselL Thursday for consideration. The Commissioners the Dr. K. C. gave benefit his skill SALE-MNUINO BIRDS. BIRD K">OD AND andit were to tlefend the bill; the Baltimore and day, coroner, Powell, held an Inquest. murdered for Hi* money. as a physician and saw him safely home. Baker BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS!!! ItOK«'a»res, t«.lil fish, A^uariuina an.t Fish f'sKL barley xj«. o; Uoye, of Tab.rna.le present It that the babe had been Knights Moving Against Scnday Labor..A assortuulit 111 the at aiso a Ohio railroad was Messrs. cowan appean'd smothered. A DETECTIVES DO NOT BELIEVE THAT KCHEIDWEILER immediately sent for his trlends and made a state¬ movement or some PLAID MITSTJN. onlytlc. l^alVust eitv. SCUM1I>'H Hird fame, delivered strong sp.-e. h. A ladv sung represented by of cotton rag was found In its throat, and Its importance is developing In store. I'Jtli St., two doom south l*a ave. n'-T7-lliu* A here Ls My Boy and re. 1- and Douglas; the non heast section of the city by KILLED HIS WIFE AND HIMSELF. ment embodying these facts, and that he pressed Chicago labor circles which has tor Us aim the Finest quality, yard wide, WAM8UTTA CAMBRIC, Wandering To-night," Slugeail was enveloped in cloth. It was difficult to the duel on and that Wilcox acted 10c, SAl.K HAHTZ KT AN 1>HI AS- taliens were given by Miss Lee and Master Funk. ! Mr. W. C. Dodge and itaer citizens; the southwest deterndne w hether the babe A telegram to the New York .Vim from Wilcox, only in abolition ot Sunday laltor and Sunday labor meet¬ MOt'NTAIN. Mr. c. B. Church and others of South Wash¬ was white or mixed, Babylon, self-defense. The matter Extra lanre sitjp WHITE WOOL BLANKETS. *1.50. I^OKburv. Train.tl SinmiiK. Norwieti untl Red «'anain.s; by but it seemed to be white. The body had been in L. I., February 5th, says: District Attorney Wll- ings. was started by a tew members lin|«jrtetl Mini l>oi!]' stii Binls of ..11 kin.Is llirtl ington. Wilcox is a man of high character and Is of District No. of and has now HOME-SPI N DKESS G< h »DS. extra width. 25c. ?»>-td, Officer* Fleeted. the water about ten days. The Jury returned a mot M. Smith and the detectives who are Investi¬ known as a man when 57, Knights Labor, 1 foil and Ca«f.s. iHKD. /.IXt.KH. 1MI fa.ave.u.w. ' 1 he Baltimore and Ohio people wanted a differ¬ verdict that the babe came desperate aroused. He been brought up In several assemblies PI UK WOOL CHUDDA SEKGE w ide double width, The i-otomae Canoe dub has elected officers 'is ent route from that In the to its death by vio¬ the of Philip Scheidweller and his has several times been elected 10 the to both 57 belonging all c<.ilon», r»HliHfd to :!4c. _dI4 proposed Mil; they lence, and the remains were buried under gating killing legislature Nos. and 24. It is everywhere looked 8AI.E.LAROE HTOCK tif KAKI. ANI» W1N- lotto*s: President, Mr. Bernardo. Green; would prefer to enter the city at 1st east and Mr. young wife Christina in their Isolated little cot¬ from his county and has never been defeated. On favorably. At a held BLACK CASH MEllEts, very fine «4uahty, wide double secre-| south along that Wheatley's supervision. examination Wilcox found two bullet-holes upon meeting Saturday Width, reduced to .'17 I^HiRter earriaf-t*. t-tiU|ies, eoU|*-l. ites, tir> u>rtiaii.s. lau- Wy-treasurer, Mr. llckcnng lxnlge; commodore, proceed street, tunneling through Fike..A fire alarm for the a mile north of Breslau have night delegates to both dlst rlcts were Instructed ltoVAL tlallH, t.-ouyie tutka«4> aisl latert Ii m an I -sjO Hill and under the new building. third ward was tage village, con¬ through his hat and one in his clothes. W ilcox to tiie matter SKRGE all colors, wide double fold, 12 *l)J>n, Mr. i). m.-c. club house committee. F N Capitol Library struck shortly after 7 o'clock this for a cluded that the double crime was bring up before their organizations yards for 41. oii'l hand. JoIlN M 11 it Nii, kusseii, Mr. Dodge this of under morning murder, and that married a Miss Henry, of this city, and has sev¬ at the earliest 479 auttl 4K1 'J st 11 w. Mc*»re and Mr. Hak'u»* Uussel!. opposed plan tunneling lire which had broken out at Calvert's near the was The old man opportunity. Sunday work, except Black Brocade SILKS, reduced #1. u37-ilui th« Library building, but believed that his section stable, object robiiery. was worth eral children. in the believe can be dis¬ BLACK CASHMERE SHAW LS. inrr> wool. The stockholders of the Capitol Cash Re--ister to j the intersection of Cameron and Fayette streets. at least $.j,000, and was reiwrted to have Hive emergencies, knights «L50. have the of would agree the main features of the bill if cer- The alarm was and the firemen pensed with. Their own Sunday meetings are too BLACK STRIPED SILK VELVET. *1.19 eooipauy. orjfanl2ed by election the tain obstacles were which no doubt late, reached the sums of money always with him. He sold about a Excellent BLACK SILKS. r»-du<-ed to i>l. trustees: A. F. Chi lnvit, removed, after the flames were well a lTnioni*ts in Conference. much of strain on them physically and mentally quality MONEY TO LOAN. following ids, could !>*. done by next session of congress. ground under way. The four years ago fine seventy-acre farm in Germa- of them want COLORED SILK, iuiiutuae a»r. irluu nt, 50c. 00c., <1 .einent HowanL M. 1». H-lm, c. W. Thorn, Avea stable was destroyed, the loss some hun¬ and with a small of the A MEMBER OF GLADSTONE'S LAST CABINET CONDEMNS and, besides, many to go to church. 75c. S7c.. #1. Mr.B. church, of South Washington, was op- being nla, Pa., bought part pro¬ HIS PRESENT The knights will make an effort to IMA *i«mxi. Pe-.urs.jn, H. O. lilies. \lex. Elliott. to for such dred dollars. ceeds three lots lu Breslau, without haviu'Tseen POLICY. probably BLACK BROCADE SILK VELVETS rrnhic-d 41.50. OOiku fl.'iOO, The M^r .(HKl. li..pe,Juvenile Temple, lor. them except paper, from Charles F. or A great unionist conference was held in Man¬ « oili.-.-rs: pose, and aid that whilst the bill does In a meas- i summoned to this the convention, Schleler One hundred jiieced beautitui FIGIKED sAl'lNES, Money 111 hand. roimequetiHy 110d< lay. <'harp. iu.- tural club, will open at the opera house to-morrow laid out the town in chester, England, Among speakers An Infernal Machine for Capt. Williams.. chl^i pose any relief to the southwest section. Iu fact, Wellwood, 1871. Thev in was sir Henry James, who was Considerable excitement was caused in cir¬ SHEETING COTTON, bent quality, one yard anda To Loan in si m> to si n om caru-ll vice templar; Mollie it seemed to additional to morning, but it will not complete its rolls and pro¬ tended to make It a copy of Breslau, Germanv~ attorney general poUce hall wide I2H<". L|»*r"7 jiiiii . premise annoyances the cles in New York the 4 ai pn.viil real estate se. a4 heppanl, ^ j.-ssle ivrklns, r>-»i>r.unir ceed to business until later In the day. 1 he old man s in to under Mr. Gladstone's last administration. He Saturday by discovery of an Inmiens»' aw* .rtuient of BLACK i.nt> chaplain;Wi,";Un people along the line of Maryland and Virginia object moving Breslau is said infernal machine upon the desk of the SOth-street SILKS, 75c^H7c- h.wt-st rates t>l interest «rrr., ir-\:. FittCiu. financial setretaA- avenues. Notes..Bishop Andrews, Kev. W. C. Webb and to have been to lend money, lie held morUrasres s:ild that while a year ago the liberal leaders did station *1, <1.25, .. 1V .M f st Martin Mco'iad-, Ida t h.imberiain! I Kev. John Edwards, with a on half a dozen houses in the (capt.William's) district). The machine is fl_ manual; The B. & O. people denied that this would be the large congregation, village. His son-In not utter a single word In behalf of home about six luches in length and resembles the one i.V IV ALWAYS IN ol H IIAM'N To l.o\N ti>J Chariuo Ucr^ k'Uard; Thomas case. participated in the religious services that re¬ law, Arthur Parthe, owed him $400. Part he mar- I rule, E ^uCntl opened Trinity M. K. church There ried his tliey now associated themselves with the promul¬ used to cause the explosion on board the t he ouy- W Ua>TS CULLEI) Misatistaetory real estate ats urity, m siiuj.h u>»ui:,a( suvjt^, Mr. Church said he had read the bill yesterday. youngest daughter, Caroline, several of the of What andotte. How It came into the station house Is a OVER OCR STOCK oaudti Iter relit mterest. arid carefully, were many congratulations at the completion of years ago, thus the old man of' a gators plan campaign. safeguards, SHOES, i:»HII.L had arrived at this conclusion. He then pro¬ depriving house¬ he could protect the minority In Ireland? mystery, and Superintendent Murray has the case and seleebd another lot ol narrow widtlw that we lu¬ J0HNST0N. 7:W l.'.th st. Btscor* afmsal to Hk Hkard..A dlspateh frem ,'ls an amendment to the bill the the work, and that the congregation is now in keeper aud companion. Then the old man mar- asked, u.w._ L-vii init.^n, thai the mised plan recom¬ jh >ssession of a tine,commodious and the 1 Casting off the lrl>h loyalists was similar to aban¬ in hand. Dr. cyrus Kdson will test the machine tein! to »rvt rid of at cut prices. Saline auioutr the lut, to loan on heal i vi a i ^ M.L, Sil.vs upon attention mended by the commissioners to Congress in well-appointed ried Christina, stepdaughter of Jacob oberst a man. "ir Irish for and to the Hand-Sewed, fortnerlj sold at now jjl.50; #4, now Monk*111 sums to suit. Isiiraljee 1'la. t-tl 111 l*.*t roiii|«> of Altornev . 1HH1, house of A conference doning drowning landlords ap- dynamite report superintendent. «.emral Roberts U-irig aUed to the whi' h connects birth roads at K street worship. between the He recently made a will, it is said, giviuir all his " «s« $2: &t, now $1.50. Any odd lobi in broken bi/^s at nies. TBUM.O IIENsfi. fact that to the 01 southwest, finance committee and to pcar harsh,"' he said, remember that the tenants owli.g p-ivertj Bls*t>e.conM.-ted and thence Likes them along said street to Water city Messrs. Goss and property Christina, it is generally beUeved Trying to Prove a half-price. ja'.'S .'lm ltMdi I at. n.w. liiir. j/s.- of th-» nuirderuf of relative to the taxes and the agitators declared war against, them. If Herself Wipe..Judge Whoever will a inly capt. Dixon street, and along Water street to the Moody, Boston, on th« that the murder was committed by somebody who a Devens of the court of tjeta them tret lunvain. KSTATE INHt HAN« I be1 wasun ioit-tohavethe re« ord 1 Long bridge, "iron boom" property, took place and the knew the old man well. landlordism Is crime In Ireland, It must also be supreme Massachusetts has loans'aNil I.0ANS prepare. upt>n giving to the railroads the right to occupy any to-day, Postmaster Warner savs a crime In England." dismissed the libel in the noted divorce suit of J. W. SELBY'S, KEAL1011 itoihI <-ollateral s.-i-unt> ol all knuls. Arm; uud TJie tp|*'al taken by liin counsel to tn-* eo'irt or said route a result will be reported to the city council to-mor¬ It was Scheldweller's habit not to areounts etc. A*. 11 10 tlie ground along for passenger depot, row Elder Smoot admit"anybody Lord Harrington, the earl of Derby, and Mr. Maria Norcross against Alvin Norcross, a wealt hy f5 1914-1910 PenuHyivania ave. Navy pay tashetl, MI'SKk# attortiev general has written to the prev nled they pay for it. night. visited the Primitive to his cottage, day or without Bostonian. The case was a 14'J4 New York awe. Ju Mi-Sin cier*appeals,ol Charts court to forward 1 lie here and at the night, Inquiring John Bright sent letters expressing regret at their peculiar one, the main county record Some of the members of the committee said that Baptists yesterday, preached their before unlocking door tlie name of the \1sltor inability to attend the conierence. point being whether there was any 4k4k4k IN hi Ms TO SITT, TO LOAN a* intbe.ase.The .ounsel for Bis. -oe Claim that a It was evident from the church on Fairfax street. It is understood that The villagers were excited to-dav by a report th/r legal £i» 31. RCHARD cV Bro I for the diversity of views on this the tire marriage between the parties. The defendant *?*>VP«UUU,7 REAL IVI A E. fjiun-, reason sUted, to have the cose n-- subject that it would be Impossible to a bill Friendship company, organized in 1774, one of the murderers had been krresteJT^ KSk- denied that there was alt uik'ii«d\e:: ^ report any marriage Make a of court would l>e a d. idal of at this as would before shall parade on the 22d of February, and the com- vllle Centre, and that he had confessed the crime A Defaulting State Treasurer. lived hough S(»ecialty ja!2-lni L'ltlt ati.l 1 *ts J,. *1"! ' V" ls session, they prefer, doing will meet at they have together as man and wife " a capital case, the attomev so. t<> go over the route ana set.' for them¬ panv to-night its engine house on saying that his companion had £>00 of the old A decision was rendered by the supreme court for seventeen COFFEES AND TEAS FOB <»n ri al r.' las1 thinks the proposed Alfred street to consider the years. Norcross married two or ROASTED BOARDING Ctl4Uk" naa"" " ixTixian k>i.aik stated, appeal shoidd be selves. To this the commissioners assented, and proposition. man's money. 11 turned out t hat t lie alleged mur- of Arkansas Saturday In the case of the state three years the woman HOl'SE AND BOTIX TRADE J A "1 Beeunty. Invnstliit-nls made ad- ^e^rli was a half-witted ago, thereupon who ¦ said they would be glad to furnish the committee derer Hungarian t ramp, John Thomas J. ChurchllL It affirms the de¬ claimed to be his wire brough suit to test the v alitairroiiMiy to eilBtouters Inaunuv 111 l*st e la- every facility needed to that end. Catholic View of a Social Ix»reusky. He said through an Interpreter at the against of her Send tisan order for a Kami de lot and comi«re qual- ¦¦aiiies. J. R. KKRTfoRD, 1 -4i I »(. JtN-lliu I ue \\. I. I. Corfs' Kisancks..An Problem. cision months CarroH as to validity marriage relatlonswitb hersupposed and with what are n< w as-ignment The committee then, after a short session, con¬ The Kev. P. F. iu the county jail, where he was taken, that he given ago by Judge husband. The case will to the lull ity pri<^ you u.-intr. TO 1>IAN 1 isldngton Light Infantry cluded to McSweeney Catholic World. hadouee^sbeen In the the first and second bonds made probably go 10 ."i* 2,y lay the bill on the table for this session. You see out accused, by persons place where by Gen. Church- bench on questions of law. f5-a&m MOKBVMoney coustautly on lianil to loan, at the |owt«flt s. boos-, tnisi.-e, of all tie^ rents due It is that at the many people ot work, many on the he before* Kockvllie PENNA. AVE COR. 4>4 ST. | rale ot interest, on real estai. a.»<. »¦ thought next session a measure stopped reaching Centre of Ill, that the erasure of certain names on approved urity. .\# n:.rijf fn>iu AIli t'igh's ojiera House for the can list of the St. Vincent de Paul and the throat of an old a holding tit Moderate t,hanres. M. M. 1'AHkl.H, v be matured and passed providing a more sat- society, you cutting man, killing woman these bonds without the consent of the other Enriching a Farm with Sewage..A committee lay. s-vurtt of the bondholder, and the payment of solution of the railroad "I have a hill in that field that and $500 from them, ills efforts in lual Eatate and Itt.an Hrwk.-r. u" .if the istactory problem than the say: might be bet¬ taking broken bondsmen rendered the bonds void. On the second of the Massachusetts legislature arrived in A.T Cost For (Jasil st rremiutus poii.-ieson property. present defective one tabled the ter In the hollow. I English to make his captors understand this were will to last to jbui-ltm HIM n w. i'rt^r. au tf 11 1,,^ t>.-en by committee, don't care particularly about bond the sureties have pay about $25,000. Chicago week Investigate the drainage and i/gn brought .ij.' aa"-t which pro|>oses to give a prominent square construed into a confession of murder. Churchill in i«81 was found to have fallen short system of the town of Pullman u>1 iUi Iklkffc TO LOAN ON HA'l ISfAt'ToU* 1 J",;-m.-!it Was _ni.en l:u,t We,|Ws- public it, but I will give these poor men fifty cents a had two sewerage The rl F estate sei V't °irpS for railroad uses. day Scheidweller watches, one Void and tlie lu his accounts as state treasurer The system is known as the surface or sewer¬ r»-al Uli(> . lli auiii* ot .Ivi. Jr. order to protect the interest s of the siock- and let them dig away at it, it is better than to other sliver, both of which, It is he $234,000. deposit WM. D. CLARK, lf-,i>OU and Ulaii,l .^ner the said, habitually matter has been In the courts since ishi. Among age farm plan, where the accumulation is all jail HILL & 711* 1 5th st. u,w. credlLors, assignment was Sales of Heal llitate, have them getting flour and meal In and It curried. Nobody in this neighborhood knows their bondsmen is General carried to a farm and there JOHNSTON, a;. I III- ju.igl.ieuh, by default lorestailed alms, as were the Attorney Garland. absorbed. It Is the Successor to Trunnel & Clark, . , will save them Trorn the of number, they never left with here ONKY To 1A N . G. R. Aiken has of Nettle J. dangers idleness unUl jeweler; only system of the kind in the on an \| .Aa1'"' morT^a.-*- UJN,» »he uniforms belonging bought Sawyer sub. or lu Breslau for The' country ex¬ J1 AT L< »W KsT RATES Of INTERKST , lot 18x40 leet on spring opens." "What! he ofTers us fifty cents a repairs. murdered eoimio A Speaker Charged with Illegal Votino..In tended scale, and is believed to be better 811 Market Spare, to the the 13th A 1 . furmi un- and Hher movables si», sq. ._"/«, street, between day! No, sir." "But this is not regular it were burled this afternoon In the Lutheran Carolina house last the to the formation of the adapted ON ULAL 1s t K sKl'l HI I t. f.e UlSyorpjyVvo,f t.i secure W. S. Kor»- for K and s tor work: Si the North Friday bill to land In Massachusetts Will commence d'J'.'-.'lni BEA1.E k: HAHH1S, 1.1:4 f st n.W. r.'.NIO, streets, f4,~00. W. C. Hill has bought is an alms." "It makes no difference. j>il not tery, a mile from their cottage. Two and' three railroad commissioners came on than ahy yet discovered. The committee members THL'RSDAY MORNING, January 27, Wa.spi.-wrd sufru discharge ail liabilities. I and of terfere with his ideas ot was a member, read the funeral sen The AIONEY TO LOAN- , Pretty Prospect, part l'rett^ pros- independence, you must let lc*^ claimed the right, to vote again, and did vote to Side, Ga.. for thirty years. During that time Mrs. All to be will at Jri. IN sl'MS TO pcet, over one hundred acres in him remain Idle and his utrtess old man had bought a plot in the cemetery shortly Wiien the roll-call was lias saved for her husband goods charged be regular prices. WIT. 1ms t OL xri\ . all, family suffer, you the bill. first over it Ramsay up quite a sum at lowest rati'*, on aj>iA. Ill Iil.KY, vi.-w the ere.Hon or a Tut tie ha-deeded to Helen Hand Tlndall lots » into his house while he is at and Mm. Oberst, the stepiather and the a M a .»' away the mMher^f votes, but this was mistake, it is thought that were afraid to loan out the money, so they had uai-aui 1411 fat about and io. Widow s on Kalorama lor saloon running a bill for or on the murdered woman; Mrs. Caroline Partlie th« was * Mite, up of recour.-e to holes In the Mrs. " rh,:u^.u»** -N,'w Vork Athletic club. avenue, whisky, the speaker guilty gross usurpation of ground. Ramsay- j»26-2w W. D. CLARK. to loan on real estate, in , corner us old man's youngest and her hushnnri bum* > ~ I»;,s:jo.oo. the politics. Let daughter, in Ills desire to have the bill would trade off her lor to i»i^'., a _ .!'-nl talking give passed. A res¬ money $20 gold pieces and biut, at lowest rate of interest. v>mnasium there will lie a bowi- another In a remote Arthur. The old man s and wu' power in Money U :,h r example: country dis¬ sons, Frederick olution was introduced Saturday to declare the bury them her back yard. Some time betore R. OHoLTZMAN. :reshment Recent Robberies..a few thieves after the llrst snow in the and his daughter Mrs. Emma sue-' of vote a ALENTINES. st-15 corner i-.«im"ie'a-I i"1',*7!1 co::unitV» e ai>- nights ago trict, year lsso. llam, Wrtiil sjieaker's second nullity. Forty-four repub¬ Christmas she burled $:$50 there. It was her cus¬ V loth ami f st« n w. loliowlng has been visited the residence of Kmanuel com'is along what is known as a boro', Pa., and Mrs. Schauman, of Whiuktonp ..n welve on VALENTINES. "a.sM»-r ,u.d formtiiate a Waldccker, No, tramp. "Father, licans and t democrats voted against the bill tom sunny afternoons, now and then, to un¬ to loan on approved leal J j1- p.an for the l.VH Caroline street, and entered the house by would you nave a pair of boots? These I have are other daughter. Francis stleg, a grandson fmm democrats and twelve earth her treasure, count it and then estaia -"il c.u». « . and forty-four bury it tSECL'RITY. prop A. oradoury. U? H. JllZ for nig the kitchen window, 'l wo small 'most worn and feet are on Sufferus, N.Y., arrived too late to attend republicans Mosey " opeu toy out, my nearly the the The old were .Moderate conindasioBa. ¦ for it. again. couple horrified No delay. William banks $i<>7 in gold were taken off. with them." I have no but ral. Christina was the old man s fourthwife yesterday Prang's aad other manufacturers. Art Prints on aullO OKO W. ¦ containing when arose cor. 11 it. *. . van-!' : |_ ground "No, boots; morning they to find that some one LiNKlNS, and l!Hb nta. 7,V"": «.raut, »e-.,r.-. N.-arb«tfOttirli Mrs. Bolt- n Porter, No. SMI 11 street re¬ wouldn't you like to earn a We are existence of a will that disinherits all the old man's for northeast, pair? husking relations direct the Boycotting a Connecticut Post Office.A had been mining gold during the night. The Satin and other Art Novelties in Valentines for sale at to loan ports stolen irom her a gold watch, a cluster corn now. I'll give you btwrd, and 40 may efforts of the detect t ve^n to the New York World from New Haven finder took every dollar of the old lu sums to suit, on diamond one an a lodging another direction than that in special lucky lady's Money appro**-,! Real Kstate a«-tirity, ring, pearl ring, and opal ring, cents day." "No, father. I'll not be like one of 3 which they are^owttre now Ever since the President a demo¬ savings. BEALL S BOOKSTORE at It w est rates ol itiiereat. CbarKtw in sl. rate Noiur value street that are says: appointed lie. $70. Louis Kurt/, No. ~W 7th nortii- them Italians ruining this country. I apparently going. cratic postmaster at North Haven the f3-4t 495 Pennsylvania ave. esaary tlclay. j. \ > HCYCK, . republicans wc.-t, reports the larceny from him of a pair of belong to the Knights of Labor, and cant work have been the office there and a 15 15051'elins} Jvauia art ¦Sp»Ss5SL5ga&aattjf shoes worth Mrs. Ellen O'Connor boycotting mailing t.. the < tu.a $5. reports for nothing." "Very well. Good day!" Prohibition in their letters on trains or at some office. LACE PLAIDS. Sc., ONEY TO LOAN" report-d p.,:i y,hiie VSI stolen from her house tin the a tlds a true of Ueorgia. adjacent at the Great Cleanup sale, at the smithsoui in Glenwood road Was Knight Labor? Should we RAIDS ON THE They also refuse to purchase stamps from the Constitutional Catarrh. SHORT-END M In sums to suit, at lowest ntm. or irpnnnd ral . 1 grountls KriJiv worth such men POLICE VIOLATORS OF THE LAW Double Combination, 1-ii.urV he ..a- KU-1'ketl .!< »!, a:. 1 roi b> .1 i "l gold breastpin #r». Charles Stewart r»*- pension during the winter, or provide and the result Is that the postmaster's "^teaec^inty. j, 11X1P KoX A liltovs N. or HI u stolen from his on same for them at a Last week was one of sensation in democrat, No single disease has entailed more or J4-3t and 1243 11th st sas. '-o a ,i.vcr «- U-h. II - he lu.d t, jwirts house, the road, 500 work high rate of wages, and tax Atlanta, irrow income has been very smalL A post office inspec¬ suffering J1241 14Li I'eiinsjlvauiaar*. et,"In Rn^ev^ Ijpc metal worth $50. Isaiah Fear- the community to out of the Into hastened the breaking up of the constitution K.i ...11 dri.'^.lJSf, .,jjd Ul- COIIlpa Fill -,1>» v.. p. u.ki",,", No. proportionately? According lng prohibition question. Early in the tor has been looking the matter and it is than to loan him home. ii. dMi..,; kn-.w whether fKiundsofng. «lir Massachusetts avenue, reports stolen ordinary thinkers we should provide work for week it was determined the the office will be abolished. Catarrh. The sense of of of Fine Old R,ye Whiskey, Moneyat Lowest rates of interest hi- fneu^ a coat worth . on by police authorities probable smell, taste, sight, of hear¬ werv with nim ,- and $10. David Scllgman, Pennsyl¬ them, if they cannot, account of exceptionally ON REAL ESTATE KBCt'HlTY. jokUig u..t, wantAi th"mau vania stolen irorn his hard times, tide over the it were not to make a raid upon the open violators or the law ing, the human voice, the mind.one \>r more, and FINE OLD rye WHISKEY, TUOs».J. MsHEK A CO, ter ».et Until h:* could h LS avenue, reports money winter.for Vandals broke into Cambria City, Pa., Roman kept llive-tl-'ate lie drawer jy.fjO. w ell to relieve them of the of for and detectives were stationed around at w.» l,'J'~.'4 f st n.«r. Mil. «r oil .tided thai ;»c w .s n-t the rt. or burden caring various Catholic church, robbed the charity box, com¬ sometimes all, yield to its destructive influence. The The same that 1 have handled for over nineteen "m themselves; but the rate ot should be The climax was reached when mean stole food and wine years, TOLOAN ON REAL ESTATE AT LOW UtT pra tlcai j ikerv, b it oi highwaymen, and is anx- The National Rifles' wages pro¬ points, on Wednes¬ mitted outrages, from poison it distributes throughout the system attacks and warranted over six old. Free from Fusil i jUo to have his lricnd- to Band..The National portioned u> the need and value of the work pro- two detectives the sisters' house and fired at the mother years ^ONEY brought Justice. Rifles'Armory was crowded last to hear the And then we day night shadowed four barrels superior. vital and breaks the most Oil aiul all impurities whatsoever. Specially suited to DANENUOWER A RON. night .posed. should legislate In such a of which were It Is reported that ltasaloula, at the head of every force, up robust of con¬ complimentary sacred concert of the RU1«js' band. way that the whisky saloons liquor taken from the station to the has a with other the sick and debilitated, of tine flavor and smooth, *P34 1115 fat Boo* S*le..M r. Dow ling has arranged, readv Mr. t. B. Introduced the baud and business, gambling city brewery. An hour later a dray started 20,000 troops, signed treaty Arab stitutions. Ignored, because but little understood, by .or a miscellaneous coli.s ti.n Hay announced and such institutions shall not exhaust the pock¬ oh! tribes to tolerate no European occupation of the pleasant taste. Warranted just as here claimed or to ioan on heal ehtate or fiHHT- examination, of that arrangements had been made to at dif¬ et s of the and force to with two of the barrels and delivered them at the most physicians, 1inpotently assailed by quacks and ' laaa at low eat rau* of intcreat. Sm tn<* saleoi which will coounence ^.n play laborers the community the wine room of & Soudan. money cheerfully refunded. Moneywt-onuw, ferent pans of the city during next summer. Mr. alternative of suffering riot and arson or else of Kenny Werner, where the detiv- charlatans, those suffering from it have little to delay w here the security is iris id evening next, at 7::«» o'clock. Catalogues Hay, in behalf of the National tlves pounced upon them. Just then Mr Ken. hope uduto o. C. UREF.N. :t03 7th st n.w. are now read) for distribution. Prof. Fran/ Rifles, presented providing employment. In and declared that the barrels be relieved of it this side of the grave. It is time, then, REDUCED hr.tuse, leader, with a handsome stepped there hid be^n baton. The baud appeared in their full-dress uni¬ delivered by mistake, and Should haw that the popular treatment of this terrible disease by From 75c. to bottle. I vfort \ht Art Sals..When the doors of M~*. forms. Shot His Sixteen-year-old Sweetheart..Wil¬ ^ house, a big crowd had col 50c. per pint huts. frr-. Waiter B. Ullll.uus & corner loih the pne RRR OO V Y A I, remedies within the reach of all into hands « - - Between Season 1* co.'s, ami liam Davisson, 18-year-oid son of State Sena¬ lected and a conflict seemed Imminent, ^aen the R RO O Y Y AA L passed at From 75c. to 50c. pjii'ijiania avenue, were thrown open to the Judaism and tor DavLsson, of Missouri, on Saturday night, shot detectives retired and permitted to O O YY A A L once competentand trustworthy. The new and DRY GOODS REDUCED JO PKB CENT »OR 1U> at ii o'clock first floor Chkistianity..Rev. Dr. I. L. Town- wounded his Kenny remove RRR hitherto public iliis morning,"their send, rector of the church of the de¬ and fatally sweetheart, Lizzie Cre¬ the lhiuor to his home, cases were made out R RO O Y AAA L untried method adopted Dr. Sanford in the BL'ARY » «*ns, turned lnio a gailciv of paintings, were livered at Incarnation, tan, a handsome little girl of sixteen years. the brewery and the R R OO Y A ALLIX by prepara¬ ARTHUR NATTAN8. Pharmacist, UARNER A nil* Epiphany church last evening the sec¬ against wine-room keened tion of his Radical. Cure has won the AT JOHVSOK, CO. >1 by ladl -s ana gentlemen anxious to see ond of the series of leetures on "Judaism and For a year past Davisson has been Impor¬ Fines of $500 each were entered up against ailtS hearty appro¬ J""1trie of tli> artists uikiu the her to him. of a dis¬ val of thousands. It is instantaneous in re¬ f5 14th and L sod 2dand D ata. n. w. 636 Bennaylvanla avenue, south aide. examples repn-?<*nted Christianity," lfr. Tow nsend's theme being, "The tuning marry Being jealous defendants, with the alternative of tElrtTdavs on affording ; he eihlliiiion will continue till time of t> -tuning at Jerusalem." Rev. 1_ stern, of the position he followed und annoyed her. Several the rock pile. Another Incident of the lief in all head colds, sneeting, snuffling and obstruct¬ Our limited spare will penult only the iiwuttua^i w 'tiLa-s, '.t>, March 'J. The course is en¬ laughingly, pointing meeting pass ordnauce ^n^f PPP WDDD EEBRRR Solvrnt, RAGLANS »0cent Corded now IS rents. L»«ooratiow at Accno* Tapre tirely new, a lid lias been received with marked Ladles and gentlemen, "come and take a slide, ingtne pollee to enter private residences in P POJ^WftWWWWDJ* DE R R and Improved Inhaler; price £1. Klque ar '1,4' ^uctiou rooms favor * herever she said, and the words were scarcely ut¬ of beer. the se^h MUFFS, BOAS and FUR TRIMMING. S£5 rent < ortied flque tioa 20 oenta. of rho^»a.s detlven-d. Billy," bottled Altogether, situation is^div ppp & 2 WW WW D D KB RRR Potter Drco It Chemical Co., Boston. AT JOHNHt>N. UAHNKR k CO.* liiiwung. 11th street ,-uid Fenn-sriv lnia tered when Davisson drew his and the and there Is no p °0 WW WW DDK R avenue. avenue, a choice pistol fi^d, tangled, peaceprobability of nea^fiue- Rm All desirable goods. OlWi PeUUs) 1 vauia i-ooet-tlon of bron/.es, brass goods < Advertisement.) ball striking her In the left breast. The girl fell tween the factions. P OO W W DDD BEER R. WILLETT * tl.10 W hite Countertwnes now W(l rent*, bisque ugur.-s, Italian a. ulptun-s. Novel designs in diamond 'on the Icy street, and Davisson disappeared down RUOFF, 1.25 While Cotinterjiaues Ii. w * ] 111. and jewelry, broochea, and RHECMHTIC PAINS, Jal8 Hatters sod Furriers. 905 Pa. ave. f kSS^SSS bracelets, pendants uecklaces, richly chased an adjacent alley escaped. Fasted 106 Days..A from Tn/» EKr 1 *dll take place on silver toilet articles. The special Wabash Sciatic. Sudden, and Nervous Pains BLACK 24C. PER YARD. at ?'m , Wednesday, newest pattern in silver says: Mary Baker, the White county ABSOLUTELY PTJRB Neuralgic, Sharp FUR, .t 11a.m.iT and .$ p.m., wnen dountless tnere will and fancy goods for wedding presents. Assassinated While with His Family..Col. J. lasting Sh* and Strains relieved in one minute by the Cuttcura 5"-INCH at the Great Cleanwr Sale, st the I* a the 105th day or her tast th'tti l'euus\ I vania avenue large attendance to secure some^thc beauii- M. W. lino. & a citizen of completed Sundav TtJl * the Double'Combination. Mr. tiALT, CO., W. Melburn, prominent Poplar Bluffs, attending physicians and nurses are astomkhwi ot¬ Thie Powder never varies. A marvel of parity, Anti-Pain Plaster, moat perfect antidote to pain f4-3t 1241 and 124a Ilth su «A 30 cent Cream Table Liuen uow '.;5 oenta. ^ ^^'h l»owung anuou'ices^ lie is 1107 Pennsylvania avenue. Ashley county, Ark., was assassinated in his bed ever Table ljm-u now lnstruc led to . her endurance. Several days ago the extremui^ and inflammation compounded. New, original, 35 cent Cn-aui .'Mloenta. aeiljwUbcnt reserve. room a few days ago. Melburn had taken off his began growing cold and signs or strength and utooleeomeneee. Hon economical than instantaneous, infallible and safe. At all LEHMANN, SrCCKSSOR TO HOMER 4V eent t'-ream Table Linen now 35 cents. It is said that the English war coat preparatory to and was talking to She Is still conscious anddlasoluumf^is druggists, M. KINTZ, dealer m WOOD AMD OOAJU OM oent Cream Table Ltueu now 43 cents. Tbe Hotki. PTsta Gokda, at Tnibue teimtnii* to the in office, retiring, peared. loauinw the ordinary Unde, and cannot be sold in competition 25c.; live for (1.00; or, postage free, of Potter Drug ANTON 121«4thau.ooc.1'21K4UiiL.iw SU-TI _ at Johnson, oakner a oo ti. owing prohibition Hungary, Austria and his wife and children, when some one outside death. She but one hour «. M n . Florida Soutuem railway, will open aa is about to make him the shots sleeps each day illm and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass. 13 Washington, D. C. JsJt#. S-lm* t>.'Mi 1-ennsylvania avenue February Germany, large purchases of fired at through window. Six took Is great Interest among the medical fratemi/Jr with the multitude of low teata, short alum or ToUe Due Moire Crtnkled OliurtM horses iu America. It Is said that agents are effect, and be fell backward on the floor. He is to the of the weight, 204 10TH ST. N.W. diagnosis ALKER'S, . TO OK. I. WALKER FOB 10 centa. 12 .-enta. and most on regard disease. MONUMENTAL ~ ^anl°^t daring acrobit^ on their way to for that not to have had an Lnd^h« . it already Kentucky pur. said enemy. The murderer will be attended by a powder*. 8ou> oiu r* cin Round and Square Chimney Flue Builders' Granite Work, best taciUtiea in tor 7 Eiu tc.- earth kenuii'i cheap prlces.-^«ft * are so autopsy numbero phoephate GO WaaluSnon broidery, .>v5c.,7c., Sc_ errue^Ju jxjoe. and the motive far unknown. nents from different of Parchment and other Papers;lime. Charcoal. Oeinents such work. Office and Yard 702 to 708 5<*1fcOs*«u2 at john&on,, OAJtMKR ft Oo T^ physician parts Uiestltef Bajuxq Powseb Co., 106 Wall street, X. f. oc24 Felts, Pitch. Tar. Tiua. he. Jal» iL in rsar ut < invsaniiiaiil PrtntiagUOliis mlutf JOl