August 2009 Volume 6, Issue 3

Sinoe Rubber Plantation Benefits from QIPs

By J. Wesley Washington SRP. Formally announcing the take over, Minister Johnson said it NMIL has inaugurated two quick impact projects was government’s intention to end the illegal management (QIPs) at the Sinoe Rubber Plantation (SRP), near schemes inside the plantation and improve the condition of the Greenville, Sinoe County, worth over plantation’s population, emphasizing that the extension of State US$46,000. The projects include a health centre authority is meant to ensure law and order and the respect of inside the plantation and a police station just on rights. theU outskirts of the plantation. Also making remarks, Minister of Agriculture Florence The projects were handed over to Internal Affairs Minister Chenoweth highlighted the need for agricultural development, in Ambulai Johnson recently as the government re-established its terms of individual food production to sustain communities authority over the plantation. An interim management team will inside the plantation. Labour Minister Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe work in the interest of the communities until it can be handed underlined the connection between health and labour, while the over to a major investor. Justice Ministry’s Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs Sam Turning over the projects to government, the Director of Russ touched on the importance of justice and health for all. UNMIL’s Reintegration, Rehabilitation, and Recovery (RRR) Senior Senator Mobutu Nyenpan stressed the need for peace Section, Andrea Tamagnini, disclosed the difficulty completing and stability in the plantation. He recalled the hardship and dis- them as in both cases local contractors absconded with the proj- content faced by the population and called on them to cooperate ect funds. They were finally completed through the joint effort of with the management team until the establishment of the new UNMIL, UNDP and UNHCR. Interim Management Team by Government. He called on the Tamagnini welcomed the re-establishment of State authority population not to burn down the police station, however in SRP which concludes the work of the joint UN-Government aggrieved they are. Rubber Plantation Task Force set up to re-establish government’s Adding flavour to the occasion was the inauguration of the control over one of ’s lucrative natural resources. Landmine Action Agricultural Training Centre at Panama Following the civil war in 2003, the SRP like Guthrie in Bomi Junction, about 10 km outside SRP. This centre will train batch- and Grand Cape Mount, Cavalla in Maryland, and Kokopa in es of 200 students from the plantation for periods of three months Nimba counties were occupied by hundreds of former rebels who in oil palm, rice, vegetables, poultry and piggery, as well as busi- controlled these rubber plantations to tap and sell illicit latex for ness skills, literacy and numeracy and social reintegration. millions of dollars and terrorize the plantation community. Land Mine Action has agreed to include ex-combatants who UNMIL and other UN agencies in a joint initiative with gov- were previously controlling the plantation in the first batch of ernment gradually took control of the plantations, beginning with students who are to begin their training shortly. Until then, these Guthrie in mid-August 2006, then Kokopa, Cavalla and now individuals will be employed in UNMIL road repair projects.

Beyond Work Behind The Scenes Snapshots Inside This Issue Ghanbatt 10 Adopts .. Pg. 3 Camp Abuja ...... Pg. 7 Gbehzohn ...... Pg. 11 From the Editor

s the United Nations Corrections Advisory Unit, the staff and inmates of the Central Mission in Liberia Prison in Buchanan have set an example by engaging in farm- continues to carry ing activities while Ghanaian peacekeepers in the city have out its peacekeeping adopted an orphanage. In Ganta, , Bangladeshi mandate, the Mission peacekeepers are helping to enhance food security by support- isA also providing facilities and serv- ing a 15-acre agricultural project. ices to Liberians aimed at improving The Wellness Day in was enjoyed by many staff their quality of life. In early August, and UNMIL Today was there to witness the proceedings. We a health centre inside the Sinoe also bring you advice on how to prevent malaria which, unfor- Rubber Plantation and a police sta- tunately, has taken the lives of a few of our colleagues. tion nearby were handed over to local residents. UNMIL has also Read on. been instrumental in the Government taking over the Plantation. We bring you details on our cover story. Mathew Elavanalthoduka Supported by UNMIL’s

Brig.-Gen Ebiobowei Boma Awala

he UNMIL Until his recent appointment, Brig.-Gen. Awala served as Nigerian the Director of Higher Military Organization (DHMO) at the TContingent has a National Defense College, Nigeria. Before that, Awala served new Commander. He as a Platoon Commander, Battalion Adjutant, Company is Brig.-Gen. Commander, Instructor Tactics and Battalion Second in Ebiobowei Bonna Command. He also served as General Staff Officer Grade One Awala, a career Training, Staff Officer Grade One Administration, soldier commis- Commanding Officer, Assistant Director of Operations (Land), sioned into the Chief Military Personnel Administrative Officer (UNAMSIL) Nigerian and Chief Instructor Tactics. Armoured Corps He has received a number of awards including the Forces in December Service Star (FSS), Meritorious Service Star (MSS),

Arrival 1981. He holds a Distinguished Service Star (DSS), Pass Staff Course (psc), Diploma Fellow of the National Defense College (ndc), Republican Certificate in Medal and a UN Peace Medal II in UNAMSIL. Public Brig.-Gen. Awala is happily married to Ebiweni Sophia Administration from Awala. He enjoys reading, traveling, watching movies and play- the Ghana Institute of ing basketball. “I will continue in the footsteps of my predeces- Public Administration, a sor in maintaining and sustaining the peace as directed by the Certificate in Humanitarian Laws of Armed Conflict and a UNMIL Headquarters,” he told UNMIL TODAY. Master of Science in Strategic Studies.

UNMIL Today Published by the Public Information Office, UNMIL

Chief of Public Information Head of Publications Editorial Team: George Somerwill Mathew Elavanalthoduka Sulaiman Momodu J. Wesley Washington Design and Graphics Paddy Defoxy Ilos, II Thomas S. Blidi [email protected] 2- UNMIL Today - August 2009 GHANBATT10 Adopts Orphange

By Frances Alesi Beyond Work

s Ghanaian peacekeepers continue to implement their the students. The donated uniforms were presented to the peacekeeping mandate and provide a human touch in orphanage by UNMIL Force Commander Lt.-Gen. Zahirul Athe midst of misery, the GhanBatt10 has adopted the Alam during his recent visit to Buchanan, Grand Bassa, when God’s Heritage Orphanage in Buchanan. The orphanage also he paid a courtesy call on the orphanage. At the presentation of serves as a junior high school and hosts 55 orphaned children. the items, the Force Commander encouraged the children that Currently the Ghanaian contingent’s engineering detachment is as the future leaders, their education was key to the country’s assisting in the construction of a six-classroom block at the development. orphanage and donated one bricklaying machine to aid in the construction work. GhanBatt10 has also donated uniforms to Help in Harper

By Bwewusa Williams & Emmanuel Capehart The UNVs say the orphans require basic needs such as good shelter, clothing and food and appeal to well-wishers to make eyond their call of duty, UN peacekeepers in Maryland donations. The proprietress of the orphanage, Annie Bekoe, has County capital Harper are undertaking activities that are lauded the volunteers for their assistance. Bbringing smiles to the faces of some Liberians including Meanwhile, a plot of land opposite the United Nations children. The Lue Klanyene Orphanage is being supported by headquarters in Harper is today green with vegetables such as UN Volunteers stationed in the town. The orphanage caters for cabbage thanks to the assistance by UNMIL personnel Anthony 22 children. UN Volunteer Mwaura James says since 2005, Namara, who assisted local gardener Augustine Weah. The gar- UNVs have been supporting the orphanage with food, clothing, dener recently received a donation of hybrid quality seeds from beddings, construction of bathrooms, installation of hand pump the UNMIL Ugandan immigration personnel assigned in and cleaning up the compound. They will shortly begin the Harper. Weah, who has been doing gardening since 1998, kitchen construction project which will provide a permanent expressed gratitude to the peacekeeper as he has become the hygienic structure for cooking purposes. The UNV Support only source of fresh vegetables in the area which the peace- Office in Monrovia has so far donated US$ 500 to support the keepers also buy for their own use. project. “Nobody will buy us again…”

By Sulaiman Momodu the nation,” he stressed. UNMIL Today NMIL Force observed that amidst Commander Lt.- the jubilation, some UGen. Zahirul local residents were lit- Alam, accompanied by rep- erally sprinkling rice resentative of some UN seeds into the air. “Why agencies, inaugurated the are you wasting the rice Youth for Development and instead of cooking and Progressive Action eating it?” A very excit- (YDPA) project in ed woman remarked, Beyond Work Gbarnga, , in dancing frenetically: July amidst jubilation by “Yes, we can cook it, local residents. “I am very but when good thing happy to inaugurate this come to you, you show project,” says the FC, as he your appreciation. We cut the ribbon and toured are happy more than the agricultural project. the word happy.” The “You will be amazed to local residents say they know that this entire community is relatively peaceful and we are very grateful to the peacekeepers for their technical and feel that if this project is decentralized, nobody will come and logistical support, and for preparing an access road to the proj- buy us again to become foot soldiers to tear this nation apart. ect site. We have wasted enough years and we think we need to recuper- Among other activities aimed at assisting the local popula- ate and save the years ahead of us. Once we can feed ourselves tion, the contingent is also supporting a school-based agro proj- nobody will give us 5 or 10 USD to go into the bush and fight ect at the David Futhsue Elementary & Junior High School in war again,” said the executive director of the project, Prince Gbatala. The school has 25 acres of land and about 900 pupils. Valentine Samson, as he submitted a copy of their project pro- The peacekeepers also undertake free periodical medical out- posal to the FC. reach programmes in Gbarnga in places like prisons, Cuttington The YDPA is a volunteer organization which was recently University, orphanages, and even far flung areas. established with the arrival of the Bangladeshi contingent (Banbatt-16). It has more than 100 members including widows, war-affected youths and physically chal- lenged persons, among others. The benefi- ciaries who have already cleared 10 acres of land, including paddy swamp, say the project is inspired by the success of the 25- acre Bangla-Bong Agro Farm, which is also in the county. “We do things together and we help each other. Sometimes YDPA people go to work on our farm and vice versa,” says Mark Dowee, head of the Bangladeshi supported Bangla-Bong proj- ect. Planting of plantain, corn, cassava, rice and vegetables are in progress on the farm. The Banbatt-16 commander, Lt.-Col. Tanveer Iqbal, says the project is to enhance the socio-economic condition of the people. “The youths are the strength of

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4- UNMIL Today - August 2009 redhpCne’whichwas Friendship Center’ porting the‘Bangladesh–Liberia governmental organizations. tance fromUNagenciesandnon- project shouldtheysecureassis- school, poultryandfisheriesinthe construction ofanelementary dents areplanningtoincludethe vation ofaplayground.Localresi- bles, cassavacultivationandreno- involves different kindsofvegeta- which “Ideal Domah Town Project’ with anotherprojectcalledthe Banbatt-17 isalsoassistinglocals are thedirectbeneficiariesofproject. Added totheBCDC, sonal vegetables. About 500familymembersoftheBainClan utilized forpeanut,sugarcane,banana,papayaandvarioussea- being cultivatedon14acreswhiletherestoflandis Project” consistsof15acresland.Currentlypaddyriceis project. T I Commander, Lt.-Col. Abdul Hamid The BANENGR-12Contingent field willbeinauguratedinSeptember. sonal rainswhichposeachallenge, the pointing outthatnotwithstanding sea- going on,”saysthefemaleengineer, ment atwork. see bulldozers,rollersandotherequip- Local residentsexcitedlymillaroundto ble, ninefeetoflateritehadtobeused. well. To levelthegroundandmakeitsta- the placewasajungleandhillyas to accomplishthetaskinJune.Shesays Vertical ConstructionPlatoon4,setout Razia, whoisthecommanderof preparation ofthefootballground,Capt. UN peacekeepersforassistancewiththe Suakoko districtcommissionertothe 12) inGbarnga. Bangladeshi contingent(BANENGRS- peacekeeper Capt.SultanaRaziaofthe The peacekeepersarealsosup- The “BainClanDevelopmentCouncil(BCDC) Agriculture “I amveryhappytoseethework Following arequestfromthe Ganta, NimbaCounty, arespearheadinganagricultural food security, Bangladeshipeacekeepers(BANBAT-17) in n abidtobuildthecapacityoflocalresidentsandboost eaePaeeprConstructsFootball Field Female Peacekeeper thanks totheefforts offemale have astandardsizefootballfieldtocalltheirown he youthsofSuakokoDistrictinBongCountywillsoon BANBATT-17 BoostsGanta n. NI oc omne n h NPAssistant ForceCommanderandtheUNDP ing. UNMIL been trainedsofarwhile118 areparticipatinginongoingtrain- and Carpentry. ItalsoprovidesanInternetCaféforthelocals. and Medicare, Tailoring, GeneratorRepairandMaintenance five different disciplinesincludingComputing,BasicNursing developing skilledhumanresourcesinthecommunity. Itruns vocational trainingcentrehasbeencontributingimmenselyin and hasbeenassistedbysuccessiveBangladeshibattalions. The inaugurated inOctober2005byPresidentEllenJohnsonSirleaf through games,sportsandotheractivities. which isexpectedtocontributeinunitingespeciallytheyouths Sardar, hasexpresseddelightattheconstructionoffield totalof1,874studentsfromdifferent disciplineshave A August 2009- activities. ing materialsforfarming viding implementsandplant- assistance inadditiontopro- adding thattheygivetechnical Banbatt-17 Commander, Lt.-Col. Motlub Ahmed, the to dobiggerprojects,”said Liberians onhowtobeunited we areprovidingguidanceto population. “We aregladthat keepers forassistingthelocal projects andhailedthepeace- ited theBanbatt-17supported Country Directorrecentlyvis- UNMIL Today - 5 Beyond Work Wellness Day Comes to Monrovia

After Hours By Sulaiman Momodu laboration with the Gym. Starting in the morning hours with a break at noon, activities continued up to the evening when staff lthough UNMIL personnel are required to pay a mod- members took to the dance floor to display their dancing skills, est monthly fee to use the mission’s Gym, Wellness a moment that was an opportunity for some to learn how to ADay in Monrovia was an exception and all could use shake the body to the rhythm of classical hits. Tasty dishes and the state of the art facility free of charge. fresh fruits were also avaiable. Betty Duhaylongsod of Staff Wellness Day at the Gym in Monrovia followed similar Counseling Unit was among colleagues who had a fine week- activities in Buchanan, Voinjama and Greenville, which gave a end. “It was so relaxing to have colleagues come together. It chance to many colleagues to see Liberia’s lush green country- was really fun and I would like to recommend that we have this side, mingle with staff in the coun- activity from time to ties, including meeting with old time. The food too friends and have a good time. Yoga, was ok.” Reginald aerobics, fitness class, salsa and line Taylor, the gym dancing, and disco formed part of manager, says activities that brought all categories Wellness Day will of UNMIL personnel to what was a return to the coun- lively Saturday after a hard week’s ties at the end of work. Medical personnel were also August. “The next in attendance to test the vital signs of place is Zwedru and staff including blood pressure, fat we encourage all percentage, and sugar and choles- personnel to be a terol levels. The activities were part of it. You will organized by the mission’s Welfare never regret you and Recreation Committee in col- did.”

Contingents Lock Horns in Bong

By Solo Williams utes ended 2-2, winning the inter-contingent soccer tournament. Sector Commander Brig.-Gen. Rahman Muhammad NMIL staff in CARI and the local residents of Suakoko Majibur commended BANBATT -17 for their excellent per- and its surroundings recently had a great time of enter- formance as he presented them with a trophy. He also praised Utaining games as UN peacekeeping contingents locked other participating teams for their display of good sportsman- horns at the Bangladesh-Liberia Square in CARI, Bong County. ship, noting that “in any competition, it is one person or team Five strong teams drawn from various contingents partici- that emerges as a winner.” pated in the seven-day tourna- “We tried to build a bond ment including BANBATT 16 - among the team members. GBARNGA, BANBATT 17- This is a unique opportunity GANTA, ETHBATT - because we are getting Zwedru, PAKBATT 12 – together to build a good rela- Voinjama while CARI present- tionship,” said Lt.-Col. ed a combined team from Tanber, the chairman of the BANENGR - 12, BANLOG -6, tournament organizing com- BANMED – 6, BANMP -6 mittee, adding that the com- and BANSIG – 6. In the final petition was organized for match, the Bangladeshis peacekeepers who are work- (BANBATT -17) of Ganta beat ing far away from their fam- the Ethiopians (ETHBATT) ilies to have some fun and to from Zwedru 5-4 in a penalty de-stress. kick-out after the full 90 min-

6- UNMIL Today - August 2009 One Day at Camp Abuja Behind The Scenes

By Sulaiman Momodu Community of West African States Monitoring Group (ECO- MOG) paid the ultimate price for peace. Nigerian soldiers were he last day in July was very special at Camp Abuja- the also part of the military vanguard force, ECOMIL, before the headquarters of the Nigerian military contingent, aptly deployment of UN peacekeepers. Tnamed after the peacekeepers’ home country administra- Nigerian and Ghanaian troops were responsible for tive capital, Abuja. Montserado and Margibi counties up to 2007, but from 2007 After 16 months as commander of the Nigerian contigent when the drawdown started, the Ghanaian contingent moved to and of Sector A2, Brig.-Gen. Ezekiel Olu Olofin was handing Grand Bassa and River Cess counties. Currently, the Nigerians over the baton of command to his compatriot Brig.-Gen are in charge of five counties including Montserrado, Grand Ebiobowei Bonna Awala at the camp which is located at the Cape Mount, Margibi, Bomi and Gbarpolu. Star Base outskirts of the capital, Monrovia. A guard of honour Over the years, the Nigerian peacekeepers have rendered was lined up to bid farewell to the departing commander and countless services by building schools, providing vocational welcome the new. Incidentally, both of them attended the same skills, constructing toilets and supporting agricultural activities military academy. With overwhelming tributes from Chief of in communities, usually through personal contributions. Head Staff Brig.-Gen. Paul Boroh and others as the outgoing com- of the UN Montserado Field Office, Patrick Coker, who until mander bade farewell, the new commander did not mince his nine years ago was a member of the Nigerian navy, commends words about the challenges of living up to expectations. the peacekeepers for their “participatory and very supportive” The Nigerian contingent comprises two battalions, signal role in rendering medical assistance to Liberians, repairing company, military observers, among others. During Liberia’s damaged infrastructure and assisting orphanages. civil war, many Nigerians under the aegis of the Economic The Nigerians say they understand the problems of Liberians very well. “The terrain is similar… there are many Liberians in Nigeria and vice versa. We came here to help our brothers and sisters,” says Brig.–Gen. Olofin, who served in Liberia in 1994 under ECOMOG, returned under UNMIL in 2004, left in 2006 and returned in 2008. “Liberians should try as best as possible to embrace peace,” he said, urging peacekeepers to continue to build the capacity of Liberians. Both Brig--Gen. Awala and Brig.- Gen. Olofin decorated Lt.-Col. Zaria, who has been promoted by the Nigerian Army to Colonel and was all smiles. In August, Special Representative Ellen Margrethe Løj awarded UN peacekeeping medals to 1,648 Nigerian peacekeepers, includ- ing 72 women, and paid them tribute for their contribution to peace in Liberia. Thank you well well to all Nigerian peacekeepers!

August 2009 - UNMIL Today - 7 Around Liberia A S By Frances Alesi peacekeeping contingents inotherpartsofthecountry. counties. Similaractivitiesarealso beingundertakenbyother nances weredisposedof. The contingentcoversLofaandBong disposal operationsinwhichmore than50unexplodedordi- Within thelastfourmonths,teamhascompleted19bomb tion, transportationanddisposal ofthedangerousobjects. technical officer, addingthat theyareresponsibleforthecollec- al,” saysCapt.ShohelKeyser, thecontingent’s ammunition report anybomborUXOs,werushtothelocationfordispos- nances sincetheirdeploymentin April. “Themomentlocals team hasbeendisposingofbombsandotherunexplodedordi- tion: “Nobomb”. Gbarnga duringwhichtheycarriedplacardswiththeinscrip- by peacekeepersandresidentsalongthemainstreetsof County RennyJackson.Partofthecampaignincludedamarch nel andlocalresidents,includingtheSuperintendentofBong Abdul HamidSardarandwasattendedbyseveralUNperson- was launchedbyBangladeshiContingentCommanderLt.-Col. Gbarnga. The campaignexplaininghowtodealwithbombs an awarenessraisingcampaignintheBongCountycapital inmates areveryenthusiasticabouttheproject,”hesaid,point- engage inphysicalactivitiestokeeptheirmindsbusy. “The says theinmates,aspartofrehabilitationprocess,needto CorrectionsMentor Advisor, Ani PatrickChikezie,UNMIL support fromtheUNMIL-CAU(Corrections Advisory Unit). 8- NI Today UNMIL Bangladeshi engineers(BANENGR-12)bombdisposal self-help projectinitiatedbythePrisonsauthoritywith are activelyengaginginfarmingactivitiesaspartofa taff andinmatesattheCentralPrisoninBuchananCity cultural activities,UNpeacekeepersrecentlyorganized ed ordinances(UXO)especiallyastheycarryoutagri- s Liberiansdiscovermorebombsandotherunexplod- - Buchanan PrisoninFarming Activities August 2009 N o

t o

B Central Prison. said Thomas White, theDeputySuperintendentofBuchanan ing activitiesthatwillsustainthefoodsupplyforinmates, assistance tothefacility, itiswiseforthemtobeginundertak- graduallywithdrawsfood Government ofLiberia. And as WFP provided bytheUN World FoodProgrammeandthe farming projectalsoaimsatsupplementingthefoodrations their communitiesandlivenormalproductivelives. The process willhelpthemwhentheyeventuallyreintegrateinto ing outthatthefarmingskillsprisonersacquirein o m b were about80inmatesinthefacility. port tosustaintheinitiative.Inearly August there activities. The Prisonauthoritiessaythey needsup- age ofstaff tosupervisetheinmatesduringfarming There isalsothelackoffarmimplementsandshort- more arablelandishinderingfurthercultivation. of theinmates. rearing projecttofurtheraugmentthedietaryintake campaign. The facilityisalsoundertaking arabbit Environment Programme’s globaltreeplanting of thefacility’s participationintheUnitedNations suckers havebeenplanted. The treeplantingispart trees, 8banana/plantainsuckers,and140pineapple coconut trees,37cashew, 344oilpalm,17mango trees suchascoconutandoilpalm.Forty-five vegetable varieties,sweetpotatoes,andeconomic erty, hasbeencultivatedwithcassava,improved s Although theprojecthaspickedupwell,lackof The four-acre farmland,whichisprivateprop- Cpnj!Dmfbot!Vq xxxxxxx Arouund Liberia By Seble Worku Tammirie UNMIL staff based in Tubmanburg, including civilian, UNPOL, Military Observers (MILOBS), representatives of n observance of the 162nd Anniversary of Liberia’s Nibatt-20 and Pak-Engineers, residents of Tubmanburg and Independence, staff of UNMIL Sector A1 in Tubmanburg other service providers including St. Michael Engineering and Icarried out a clean-up campaign as a way of identifying Unique Cleaning Services converged at the Tubmanburg city with communities they serve. Launching the campaign, City centre for the exercise that ended at UNMIL Headquarters. The Mayor Gbelly Karnley commended the peacekeepers for bring- Independence Day celebration also included volleyball and ing peace and stability to Liberia and for taking the lead in the football matches between UNMIL Sector A1 and Bomi old- clean-up campaign as Liberia celebrated its independence day timers. on July 26. NASA Celebrates Independence Day in Style

By J. Wesley Washington Bankers of UBA-Liberia s Liberia officially celebrated its 162nd Independence (0-1) in the anniversary in Gbarnga, Bong County on 27 July 2009, final soccer national colleagues and their international counterparts A match. joined the celebrations in Monrovia and other parts of the coun- At the try with a series of activities. German In Monrovia, the UNMIL-National Staff Association Embassy (UNMIL-NASA) in collaboration with the UNMIL Welfare and Conference Recreation Committee organized a series of activities including Hall later in a sports tournament, climaxing in an evening Ball to mark the the evening occasion. national and On Saturday, 25 July, activities kicked off at the Don Bosco international Youth Centre with a basketball tournament amongst four teams staff were treated to a sumptuous reception of wining, dining including the NASA Basketball Team, the Nigerian and Filipino and dancing that ran to the early hours of the morning. contingents and the United Bank of Africa, Liberia Limited The NASA President, Abenego C. Kofie, in his (UBA-Liberia). In the basketball games, the Nigerian Independence Day Message urged national staff to make maxi- Contingent piped the Filipino Contingent and UBA defeated mum use of the opportunity afforded them to be a part of the NASA Basketball team. UBA-Liberia defeated the Nigerian peacekeeping mission. Citing this year’s independence theme, Contingent in the final match. “Peace and Reconciliation,” Kofie urged colleagues to make In a soccer match between UNMIL-Star Base and UNMIL- peace even with those whom they have had conflict. “Peace can PAP, the game ended 2-1 in favour of UNMIL-PAP. Star Base truly return to Liberia if every one of us can embark upon a got a goal through Daoda Kamara of Supply while PAP’s two peaceful mission by reaching out,” he said adding that Liberia goals were scored by Mamadee Fofana and Francis Yancy of at 162 can only boast of her age with very little development; Finance and Procurement Sections respectively. but if Liberians put their country first development would fol- In Kickball, the girls of NASA walloped the Bankers of low. In other parts of the country, the NASA and the Sector UBA in a one-sided match. NASA girls won the game with Welfare Committees organized appropriate programmes befit- more than 10 home runs. The NASA Soccer Team lost to the ting the day. ‘Gbehzohn’ Reawakens

Snapshots By J. Wesley Washington providing jobs to thousands of Liberians in District #3 of Gborblee, reconstruction activity has commenced at the prem- uchanan, the provincial capital of , ises of former LAMCO/LIMINCO since taken over by the is named after Liberia’s first governor, Thomas world’s leading steel company, Arcelor Mittal, following an BBuchanan. The 2008 National Population and Housing iron ore mining agreement with the Liberian Government val- Census put the port city’s population at 34,270 making it the ued at over US$1 billion. The coming of Arcelor Mittal has cre- country’s third largest urban city behind Monrovia (1,010,970) ated hundreds of job opportunities for Liberians who have and Ganta (41,106). begun rehabilitating staff houses, reinstalling the railroad link- Also referred to as Gbezohn in the local Bassa dialect, ing Buchanan to Yekepa, Nimba County and rehabilitating the Buchanan is situated 70 miles southeast of Monrovia, and lies industrial side of the port, transforming the once desolate city to near the mouth of the St. John River which empties into the one of hope and promise. Atlantic Ocean. A new company, Buchanan Renewable (BR), has begun Black Quakers of the New York and Pennsylvania making use of non-producing rubber trees in Liberia for the Colonization Societies founded what was known as “Port export markets. BR too is creating jobs for many, including ex- Cresson” in December 1832 and established it as a settlement combatants. In addition to rehabilitating roads and bridges, the for black emigrants from the United States. At the time, emi- company is also assisting rubber farmers replant their farms as grants named the settlement in honour of Elliot Cresson, a well as provide other cash crops to help them earn an income. Philadelphia merchant and the founder of the Pennsylvania The palm oil plantation, LIBINC, is also back. Once reacti- Colonization Society who funded their voyage to Liberia. But vated, the largest palm oil plantation in the country before the Bassa tribesmen destroyed this Americo-Liberian colony in conflict would provide additional jobs and revenue. June 1935. However, a month later, a new colony called Bassa With all the economic activities picking up, major commer- Cove was established by black Quakers of the Young Men’s cial banks are also trying to gain a foothold in Buchanan. The Colonization Society of Pennsylvania. On 1 April 1939, Bassa Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI) has Cove was incorporated into Liberia. opened a branch in the city providing traditional banking and Before the civil conflict, Buchanan, Liberia’s second largest remittance services, while ECOBank has two branches, one port, was a hub of vibrant economic activity. A number of com- within Arcelor Mittal premises and another on Tubman Street. panies had operations there including the Liberia American Global Bank has also opened a branch in Buchanan. The Mining Company (LAMCO)/Liberia Mining Company (LIM- Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) has also opened a branch office INCO), the National Milling Company (Flour Mill), a rubber in Buchanan that facilitates transactions, including the payment plantation company, Liberia Agriculture Company (LAC); and of civil servants. the palm oil plantation, Liberian Incorporated (LIBINC). A scenic city like other coastline cities along the Atlantic During a lull in the conflict, Oriental Timber Company (OTC) Ocean, Buchanan has real potential to become a tourist attrac- set up its logging business there. The 14-year conflict had cata- tion. However, some important coastal areas are seriously strophic effect on all these businesses as various warring fac- affected by sea erosion. All in all, with economic activities tions at different times occupied the port city forcing inhabi- gradually returning to this once barren city, its beautiful sandy tants to resort to farming or fishing as a means of livelihood in coastline beaches and other social attractions could once again the area. bounce back with life and vitality. However, Buchanan is reviving. Besides the LAC, which is

10 - UNMIL Today - August 2009 Malaria

alaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted by the • Congenital malaria (neonate born with malaria ) bite of an infected mosquito and rarely by blood D. Malaria in children Mtransfusion, contaminated needles and syringes. It is - Of the estimated 1 million to 3 million deaths each year the most important parasitic disease of humans and affects more most of them are young African children. than 500 million people. Most of those who die of malaria each - Symptoms are often severe in children year are young African children. - In general, the response to antimalarial drugs is rapid and Malaria mosquitoes are present in almost all countries in the well tolerated by children. tropics and subtropics. It is the female mosquito that bites a human being. The mosquito sucks the malaria parasite in the How long is the Incubation period? Health blood of an infected person and injects them into the next per- The incubation period in malaria covers the time between son it bites. infection and the first appearance of clinical symptoms of which fever is the most common. The length of incubation peri- What is malaria? od is usually 9 and 30 days, depending on the infecting malar- It is a protozoal infection transmitted to human beings by ia. In exceptional cases, the incubation period could last longer. mosquitoes biting mainly between sunset and sunrise. Human malaria is caused by four species of plasmodium How do I avoid catching malaria? They are: 1. Minimize exposure to mosquitoes: 1. Plasmodium falciparum Use - Mosquito net with insecticide 2. Plasmodium vivax Use - insecticide aerosol 3. Plasmodium oval Use - mosquito repellents 4. Plasmodium malariae Avoid - nighttime outside activity Avoid- dark colored clothing, perfume, cologne and after Plasmodium falciparum predominates and causes the most shave Lotions. serious disease. Cover - your arms and legs in the evening

Which parts of the body does it usually infect? 2. Take prophylactic drugs Parasites are injected in the skin capillaries by a mosquito. • These will kill the parasite, which has entered your body, From there they travel via the blood stream to the liver, where but before it gets the upper hand to cause disease. they develop and multiply in liver cells before entering the • The tablets should be taken one week before you travel. blood stream again and invading the red blood cells for further • Take regularly during your stay in the malarious area. reproduction. • Continue taking the tablets for four weeks after return. As a result of this, some red blood cells will be destroyed • No need for prophylaxis if traveler does not stay causing fever with chills, headache, etc, as indicated below. overnight. • No antimalarial prophylaxis regiment gives complete prot What are the symptoms of malaria? ection. A. Common Malaria may be contracted despite taking antimalarial pro - Fever with chills and rigors phylaxis: - Headache - Muscle and joint pains Is there any cure or vaccine? - Weakness Malaria is a curable disease. Vaccine is under investigation. • Early onset may resemble flu; • Travelers with these symptom should seek medical (Courtesy UNMIL Medical Section) attention immediately and should inform their physi cian about their travel history ; • You may get malaria despite taking prophylaxis. B. Severe symptoms - Jaundice (yellowish eye) - Anemia - Renal failure - Confusion, convulsion and coma C. Malaria in pregnancy - Malaria is dangerous for the mother and fetus - Some outcomes • Low birth weight • Fetal distress • Premature labor • Spontaneous abortion • Stillbirth BULLETIN BOARD Mamba Point is noted as the diplomatic enclave. It hosts most RESTAURANTS NGOs and UN agencies, the United States, French and Egyptian embassies. Bamboo Bar and Restaurant – European dishes HOTELS - Corner of Broad/Randall Streets, Central Monrovia (Roof Top, Palm Hotel)- Tel. # 06.585.959 Mamba Point Hotel – UN Drive, Mamba Point – Tel. #s: (231) 6. 440.000, 6.441.000, 5.929.292, 5.939.393, 6.544.544, 6.511.202; e- Beruit Restaurant – Offers European and Middle Eastern dishes - mails: [email protected], reservations@mambapointho- Center Street (between Broad and Ashmun Streets), City Center; Tel. #; single room at US$135. - 06.512.051.

Krystal Oceanview Hotel – UN Drive, Mamba Point (opposite La Boulevard Café – Offers Western dishes – 14th Street, Tubman Pointe Restaurant) – Tel. #s: (231) 6.510.424, 6.430.099, 77 767.676; Boulevard (opposite the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church) Sinkor; Tel. #s e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.krystalo- (231) 6.969.969, 5.123.456; Regular room at US$160. Garden Restaurant – Chinese menu – Paynesville (near S.D. Cooper The Cape Hotel – UN Drive, Mamba Point (Adjacent Mamba Point Junction) Tel. #: (231) 6. 888.067 Hotel) - Tel. #s: (231) 77. 006.633, 6.643.760; e-mail: info@thecape-; website:; single room at US$135. Golden Beach – Pizza, Chinese and Western dishes-Tubman Boulevard, Sinkor. Tel. 06.586.739. Offers take away service Park Hotel (Grain Realty Company, Ltd.) – Carey Street (opposite the Nigerian Contingent Headquarters) – Tel. #s (231) 6.739.224, Groovies – Western and African dishes. 24 hours service - Tubman 6.739.221. Rooms: Negotiable Boulevard, Oldest Congo (after COMIUM) Tel. 06.551.506

Sinkor Krystal Ocean View Hotel – Liberian and Western dishes; Sunday Sinkor is the area between the city center and Congo Town, where the brunch - UN Drive, Mamba Point (opposite La Pointe Restaurant) – UNMIL HQ is located. Tel. #s: (231) 6.510.424, 6.430.099, 77 767.676

Royal Hotel – Tubman Boulevard (between 14th & 15th Streets), Mamba Point Hotel – Lebanese, Indian and Western dishes United Sinkor – Tel. #s (231) 6.510.006, 6.554.444; single room at US$144 Nations Drive, Mamba Point; Tel. #: 06.544.544

SUPERMARKETS Marlin’s Corner – Seafood, steak and western dishes -Between the TOTAL gas station and St. Paul River). Tel. 06.437.861

Abi-Jaoudi Supermarket – Randall Street (between UN Drive and Monaliza Restaurant and Patesserie – Lebanese and Western dishes Benson Street) - City Center including ice cream and other sweets – (Opposite UN Drive Supermarket, 15th Street, Sinkor); Tel. #s: (231) 6.439.439, 5.656.444, Stop and Shop Supermarket – Randall Street 5.656.111. (between UN Drive and Benson Street) – City Center Musu’s Spot - Western cuisine and ice cream - Tubman Boulevard, Oldest Congo Town. Tel. # 06.510.596. Monoprix Supermarket – Benson Street (between Mechlin and Newport Streets) – City Center Royal Hotel – Lebanese and Western cuisine, Sunday brunch. Offers take away service – Tubman Boulevard (between 14th and 15th Streets, Monoprix Supermarket – Point-4 Junction (Bushrod Island) enroute Sinkor) – Tel. 06.566.669/544.444. to Dualla or Riverview Ruby Bar and Restaurant – International cuisine. Daily specials – Up Exclusive Superstore – Center Street (between Benson and Carey Broad Street (below Ducor Palace Hotel) – Tel. 06.510.991, Streets) – City Center 06.569.263.

Exclusive Superstore – Tubman Boulevard (19th Street) Sinkor Taaj’s Restaurant – Indian cuisine; Sunday brunch. Offers delivery and take-away services – (Near Total gas station) 5th Street, Sinkor; Greenland Supermarket – Tubman Boulevard (opposite gas station, Tel. #s: (231) 6.522.190, 6.590.101, 7.777.6666. 7th Street) – Sinkor This page will be updated from time to time. UN Drive Supermarket – Tubman Boulevard (15th Street)

Monrovia has several restaurants, attending to different tastes. Prices vary from US$5 to US$40 a meal.