PHYCOLOGICAL NEWSLETTER A PUBLICATION OF THE PHYCOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Volume 39 Number 2 Summer/Fall 2003 Editors: INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Alison R. Sherwood Morgan L. Vis Dept. of Botany Env. & Plant Biology PSA Awards of Excellence 1 Univ. of Hawaii Ohio University Awards 3 Honolulu, HI 96822 Athens, OH 45701 Phycological Trailblazer 4 Email:
[email protected] No. 19 Dawson Turner Meeting Announcements 7 Bold Award and NWAS poster award 8 PSA AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE “The Name Game” - Ralph Lewin 8 Obituaries 9 ANNOUNCED PSA 2003 annual meeting in Oregon 10 New Book 11 The recipients of the 2003 Awards of Excellence are Announcements 11 Isabella Abbott (Department of Botany, University of Ha- PSA 2004 announcement 12 waii, Honolulu, Hawaii ), Gary L. Floyd (Department of Biological Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH) and Karen Steidinger (Florida Institute of Marine Sciences). of a milestone in phycological studies on the west coast, the This Award has been established to recognize phycolo- “Marine Algae of California,” a floristic account that is still gists who have demonstrated sustained scholarly contri- the “bible” for phycologists working from Baja California, butions in, and impact on the field of phycology over their Mexico to British Columbia. It was also during this time careers. These individuals have also provided service to that Izzie with George Hollenberg, Peter Dixon and others, PSA as well as other phycological societies. began teaching a summer phycology class at Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station. This class proved to be a major Isabella Aiona Abbott breeding ground for developing phycologists, many of Since the beginning of her professional career in 1941, whom to this day credit Izzie for inspiring them towards a initially with William Randolph Taylor for her Masters career in phycology.” Izzie also initiated an important Degree and completing her Ph.D.