Partnerships Wire 3 May 2007

UNHQ, New York CSD-15 Partnerships Fair 30 April —8 May 2007

Inside this issue: CSD Partnerships Fair Discussion on Benefits of Partnering to Address Climate Change Challenges Partnerships Fair:Benefits of Partnering to Address Climate 1 Change Challenges

New CSD Touch Screens 4 Terminals

Launch of Partnerships E-Forum 5

(Left to right) Mr. Kevin Conrad, Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Mr. Matthew Quinn, nrg4SD, Information Desks May 2-3 6 Wales, Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado (Vice-Chair CSD-15), Erin Birgfeld, Methane to Markets

Mr. Luiz Alberto Figueiredo Machado effective projects to this end focusing Schedule May 3-4 6 (Brazil), Vice-Chair of CSD-15 opened on four areas: agriculture, landfills, oil once again the second session of the and gas, and coal mines. Partnerships Fair thematic discussions Ms. Birgfeld outlined the rationale for on 2 May in Conference room 7. creating a partnership with an exclusive Welcoming CSD participants, Vice-Chair focus on methane, explaining that as a Figueiredo indicated that this session gas, methane is 20 times more potent aimed at considering the challenges and and has a nearer-term effect on the lessons learned as well as identifying climate than CO2. As importantly, she key strategies that have proven Published by the Partnerships Team added, methane is also a valuable effective in the effort to implement resource, as it is a primary constituent Patricia Chaves, Senior Sustainable climate change goals and objectives of natural gas, and there is sound Development Officer through partnerships. market value for projects. She indicated Laura Hildebrandt, Economic Affairs Ms. Erin Birgfeld of the Methane to Officer that the marketability aspect tends to Markets Partnership introduced the be a more important driver for projects Phone: +1 (917) 367 2089/ 367 2028 initiative by referring to the 14 original than the need to address climate Fax: +1 (917) 367 2341 partner countries and the 6 additional change. partners that have joined since the Ms. Birgfeld emphasized some of the Email: [email protected] partnership was launched in 2004. In significant benefits and savings that can Web: addition to the country partners, she be obtained through methane projects, indicated, there is a vast project such as decreasing the waste of fuels, network, which includes companies, improving safety in coal mines, multilateral development banks, and Contributors: improving air quality, diminishing odors other organizations that have an around landfills, and improving water Lucile Pages, DSD, UNDESA interest in methane reductions. quality benefits from reductions in The objectives of the partnership, Ms. runoffs from agricultural wastes. She Birgfeld explained, are to advance added that the four sectors of the recovery and use of methane as a partnership were selected on the basis valuable clean energy source and to of being major sources of methane, for encourage development of cost- which technologies already exist to cost-

continued on Page 2 Page 2 Partnerships Wire

Benefits of Partnering to Address Climate Change Challenges (continued)

Secretariat opened his presentation continued from Page 1 identifying specific activities and policies to support methane recovery. with the following key messages: effectively address methane emissions in reducing rates of is She emphasized that Methane to Markets the immediate term. possible, positive incentives can is very focused on near term project counteract the drivers of Despite their marketability and other development, and has developed a deforestation, sustainable benefits, Ms. Birgfeld noted, there are database to help identify and promote development measures can catalyze several remaining barriers to the specific sites, such as landfills, where success, and funding should be development and implementation of potential projects can be developed. projects, which include a lack of available to better support awareness of methane as a source of She announced that the partnership will reforestation. hold a major expo in Beijing in October emissions, lack of awareness of existing Mr. Conrad explained that developing 30-November 1, 2007 to highlight project technologies for methane capture, countries do not want to lose opportunities and showcase methane- unwillingness to change within industries, opportunities for development, but capture technologies. and uncertain investment climates. that cases of success exist, such as in The genesis of the partnership, Ms. Providing an example of a Methane to Brazil and Costa Rica. He emphasized Birgfeld explained, was as an extension of Markets project, Ms. Birgfeld presented that to have an impact, the changes four voluntary domestic programs of the the case of a Jincheng coal mining must be made through positive project in incentives, rather than regulatory measures, and that the higher the “Methane projects use simple incentive, the more immediate the impact will be. He added that the technologies, are highly opportunity for sustainable marketable and have a major development must be taken into consideration in deforestation policies impact on climate change” and measures. Erin Birgfeld, Methane to Markets With respect to measuring current rates of deforestation, Mr. Conrad explained that there is no certainty regarding exactly how much China, the largest coal mine methane US EPA since the early nineties. She added deforestation is occurring, and that the project in the world. She explained that that, even in the absence of carbon numbers that do exist tend not to China has the highest coal mining financing, projects were already found to measure forest degradation, which also emissions in the world, and is therefore be profitable and having a significant has an impact on emissions. He an important target sector and country. impact on the reduction of methane emphasized that although She added that the project is a valuable emissions. deforestation accounts for 10-20% of example of how Methane to Markets the global carbon emissions, this is Ms. Birgfeld went on to explain that the assisted China to bring together technical insufficiently reflected by global structure of the Methane to Markets assistance from a variety for sources, measures and financing aimed to partnership is comprised of a US-based including the , Bank for address climate change. He argued steering committee and subcommittees International Cooperation, Asian that a comparable percentage of the chaired by partner countries for each of Development Bank and the US Trade and globe climate change effort should aim the four sectors as well as project Development Agency. networks to support the work of each to address deforestation. In her conclusion remarks, Ms. Birgfeld subcommittee. She added that a special Mr. Conrad gave the example of Papua summarized that Methane to Markets is effort is being made to provide value- New Guinea where perverse incentives focused on near-term outcomes, is a added activities and side events to attract to implement international voluntary initiative with easy procedures industry and other participants to the development projects lead to the to join and is an example of a public- project networks. clearing of forests to grow coffee and private partnership working well, with other commodities, or even to build She outlined the work of the multiple win-win benefits. subcommittees, which have developed roads, without a full consideration of action plans and developed country Mr. Kevin Conrad, the Executive Director the larger impact of deforestation. profiles for each of the four sectors, of the Coalition for Rainforest Nations Where agriculture is an important part

continued on Page 3 1 May 2007 Page 3

Benefits of Partnering to Address Climate Change Challenges (continued) continued from Page 2 deforestation and that the first Kyoto to engage in concrete actions and to Protocol commitment period can provide make a significant contribution to of the economy, he added, it is a testing ground for pilot instruments, climate change, particularly at a time unrealistic to expect countries to stop which should be a blend of market and when greater responsibilities are being deforestation without some predictable non-market instruments, as a devolved to regional governments. alternative or incentive in return. Mr. complement to the CDM. Conrad raised the question of how to de- Mr. Quinn provided an example from his link economic growth from carbon Mr. Conrad concluded his remarks own region of Wales, where they have emissions. He noted that in some emphasizing that deforestation is an responsibility for pollution control and developing countries the fossil fuel-based important source of emissions which does strategic planning of environmental economy is less embedded than in not entail high-tech solutions but projects. He argued that the region has, developed countries, and that it should requires financial incentives to provide therefore, a very strategic level of therefore be easier to government as an actor in sustainable shift to other sources of development and a conduit for delivery. energy. Mr. Quinn emphasized the objectives of “The CDM is not the nrg4SD, which aims at sharing Mr. Conrad emphasized knowledge between the different that the impacts of working for the regional government partners within the deforestation have a network as well as to work direct effect in ‘green’ ” collaboratively on the development of reductions in water Mr. Kevin Conrad, Coalition for policy positions. He added that the quantity and quality with network creates a forum for North-South the associated health Rainforest Nations dialogue to which regional governments problems, increases in might otherwise not have access. As an extreme weather, diminishing of coral developing countries with the necessary example, he added, Wales could benefit reefs and subsequent degradation of resources to invest in reforestation from Southern regions experiences that fisheries, as well as declines in efforts. have explored rural solutions for off-grid biodiversity, increases in infectious electricity systems, which could lead to diseases, and reductions in quality of Mr. Matthew Quinn, representative of a shift in the paradigm for energy rural land that leads to a significant the Network for Regional Governments supply. migration to overcrowded cities. He for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD) argued that these impacts are measured partnership, began his presentation Mr. Quinn outlined some of the in the ledgers of different Government introducing the history of the network’s efforts in the field on climate departments but are not typically seen as partnership. Mr. Quinn explained that the change and energy for sustainable a result of deforestation. The remedies, Network covers a broad range of policy development, including a website he added, do not therefore address the issues and is not uniquely focussed on a (, created root cause of deforestation. specific topic within the climate change by the Government of North Rhine- agenda. Westphalia, , where users can The Coalition for Rainforest Nations, Mr. get and exchange best practices Conrad explained, aims to address the Mr. Quinn outlined the objective of the information about these two thematic unfair discrimination against forested partnership to generate policy dialogue issues of the CSD-15. The nrg4SD, he nations that exists within the Kyoto at a distinctive regional level which is not added, encourages its members to work Protocol. He argued that the agreement currently represented at the UN. He together in partnership to implement tends to favour nations with heavy explained that at present regional projects and he noted that the network industrial emissions over those which gain governments are not represented as a has signed agreements with UNEP and their livelihoods from forest economies. major group or in any other form in UN UNDP. He added that the current procedures deliberations, and that their only entry and structure of the CDM are negatively point into the CSD process was to channel Mr. Quinn highlighted major intra- impacting the ability of African nations to their contributions through a registered regional meetings organized by the benefit from projects to reduce partnership. nrg4SD and informed that the next event will take place in Siberia in 2007 deforestation, in a continent that has He indicated that the level of governance with a focus on adaptation to climate greater deforestation rates than all of between the municipality and the change. Mr. Quinn concluded his South America. Mr. Conrad asserted that national government has the possibility a new tool is needed to address global

continued on Page 4 Partnering SolutionsPage 4 to Growing Energy Demands (continued)Partnerships Wire

Benefits of Partnering to Address Climate Change Challenges (continued) continued from Page 3

“Regional governments, as the delivery agencies and regulators, offer valuable lessons- learned for climate change.” Mr. Matthew Quinn, nrg4SD, Wales Ms Parra provided a history of the Cities decision to act is left to the local for Climate Protection Campaign, which government themselves, she added, ICLEI presentation inviting participants from began in the US, but has since extended aims to assist cities in identifying and other regional governments to join the around the world, with over 800 facilitating relevant tools to implement partnership and to implement concrete members at present. She added that sustainable development projects. actions taking advantage of this South Africa is one of the most active strategic level. Vice-Chair Figueiredo opened the floor countries involved in the partnership. for questions and a very fruitful discussion Margarita Maria Parra, representing Ms Parra also indicated that they ensued. The first question addressed the ICLEI, Local Governments for provide greenhouse gas inventories for levels of subsidy or incentive that would Sustainability and the Cities for Climate cities and help to identify solutions, be needed to prevent deforestation in Protection Campaign, provided a brief tools and materials that are customized developing countries. Mr. Conrad overview of the partnership, indicating for individual cities. She added that responded that developing countries need the close collaboration already ICLEI had recently launched a major to see a predictable revenue stream and established with the Methane to Markets greenhouse gas inventory for New York would have to carefully structure partnership, in particular for a project City. She noted that ICLEI also works incentives. He cited a successful example being implemented in Sao Paolo, Brazil. with smaller cities that do not have the from Costa Rica where a proportion of fuel Ms. Parra outlined the major objectives same level of resources to invest in taxes is used to provide land owners with of the partnership, which aims to inform climate initiatives as larger cities. the necessary resources to maintain/ and develop policy options at the local Ms. Parra concluded by explaining the conserve the forests. level among cities around the world as voluntary nature of the initiative which well as represent local governments Vice-Chair Figueiredo added that is performance-oriented and aims for during negotiations at the CSD-15. achievable results. Although the continued on Page 5

Touch Screen Terminals: Information at your Fingertips

As a new addition to the CSD this year, the Division for Sustainable Development, with the generous support of the European Foundation for E- Government, has installed five touch screen terminals in the Neck Area.

During negotiations, members of delegations as well as representatives of major groups and UN organizations would be able to access the entire UN DESA/DSD website, in particular download all CSD official documentation on USB keys, check the latest information on the CSD calendar of events, Partnerships Fair, Major Groups as well as send e-mails. We encourage CSD participants to take advantage of this new and innovative way to support and facilitate your work. Please send us your feedback on this new service. CSD-15 Partneships Fair Information Desks– Tuesday 1 May Page 5 Partnerships Wire

Benefits of Partnering to Address Climate Change Challenges (continued) continued from Page 4 He added that particularly now that the An audience member raised the population is much more engaged in and complexity and the challenges for Africa addressing deforestation with subsidies is informed of the issue, Governments can to access the Clean Development a difficult and expensive way to address and should respond in a more ambitious Mechanism. Vice-Chair Figueiredo climate change issues. He argued that it is way. explained that it is necessary to develop less expensive to change the fuel which comprehensive evaluation criteria for runs a factory than to change the economy Vice-Chair Figueiredo added that the projects to qualify for CSDM in order to of an entire country, where there will issue of emissions is a complex one, establish that real offsets are occurring. always be a tendency to switch back to since even for rural areas in developing He added that it is therefore to be traditional forms of income. countries to simply satisfy the basic conditions and needs for human life, expected that the countries that are the An audience member raised the issue of emissions will be increased and that this largest emitters, such as China, Brazil, the linguistics of climate change, arguing has been recognized by the UNFCCC. India and are the ones that that it is time to change the language to benefit more from the CDM. He reflect the urgency of the problem, and When asked whether Methane to Markets indicated that the CDM will not always suggested that “climate crisis” would be a had best practice guides, particularly be an effective tool for development of more appropriate name than “climate with South-South examples, Ms. Birgfeld other countries. change”. He also raised the point that noted that there is a landfill methane With respect to the high transaction there should be equality in the amount of analysis guide that has been developed costs to certify a CDM project, Vice- CO2 emissions allocated to each person on for Mexico that could be applicable for Chair Figueiredo added that the planet, and therefore developing similar climates, as well as oil and gas industrialized countries are not paying nations should be entitled to continue to guides that are being developed with these costs as the system intended, and increase their emissions as their Brazil. Ms. Birgfeld also explained that it instead Brazil has funded 2/3 of its own economies grow. Comparing the total is very easy for countries to establish a CDM projects. He explained that this is a “allowable” future emissions (to reach a country program with Methane to further reason why the CDM is not cap of 2 degrees increase in temperature) Markets, requiring only a letter from the working for development of the poorest to a pie, Mr. Conrad responded that as the Government and participation on countries. The point was raised that remaining pie is further reduced, applicable subcommittees. She added better measures could be developed to industrialized nations should have to pay a that cities are also encouraged to help aggregate projects so that smaller high price for the right to “eat it”. become members of the Methane to Markets network. scale projects would also be considered Mr. Quinn explained that the climate of for accessing the CDM. Wales is actually likely to improve with Ms. Parra explained the relationship Mr. Conrad added that the CDM was climate change, and that the between ICLEI and the C40, an alliance designed to address the Government's every action to address the of large cities that was initiated by the ‘brown’ (emissions) rather than the issues is based upon this concept of Mayor of London, emphasizing the close ‘green’ (reforestation). He added that equity. Mr. Quinn also agreed that there working relationship and the significant the global dialogue is evolving and could should be an increase in the sense of overlap of members between both be reaching a tipping point. urgency to address climate change in the organizations. However, she indicated, CSD and other international discussions. ICLEI also works with smaller cities. Partnerships Team Launches E-Forum

The CSD Partnerships team is pleased to announce the launch of the Partnerships e-Forum. The pur- pose of this service is to foster communication and strategic alliances between CSD Partnerships and to offer an online platform for the sharing of best practices and lessons learned.

The first set of e-Forum topics provides the opportunity for discussion of the Partnerships Fair interac- tive sessions of the CSD-15 on the themes of: Partnering Solutions to Growing Energy Demands, Bene- fits of Partnering to Address Climate Change Challenges, Partnerships Building Cleaner Industries for a Sustainable Future, Partnering Solutions to Reduce Air Pollution and Emissions, Addressing Challenges and Lessons Learned from Partnering with the Private Sector, and Identifying New Technologies for Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States. The CSD Partnerships team invites you to login to join the online discussion with other partnerships. Access the e-forum at this address: http:// CSD-15 Partneships Fair Information Desks– Tuesday 1 May Page 6 Partnerships Wire

CSD-15 Partnerships Fair Information Desks Wednesday, May 2

Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Methane to Markets Earth Charter Youth Initiative Program In the Partnerships Fair Today Thursday, May 3

Partnerships Building Cleaner Industries for a Sustainable Future

Christine Egan, Collaborative Labeling and Appliance Standards Program (CLASP)

Andre Bourassa, Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development

Martyn Griffiths, Vinyl 2010

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Conference Room 7 CSD-15 Partnerships Fair Information Desks Today Thursday, May 3

SIDS Partnership: Implementation Vinyl 2010 Intergovernmental Forum on Min- Environment and Energy Partnership of New Technologies for Sustain- ing, Minerals, Metals and Sustain- with Central America able Development able Development In the Partnerships Fair Tomorrow Friday, May 4 Partnering Solutions to Reduce Air Pollution and Emissions

John Mitchell, Partnerships for Clean Indoor Air

Philip Coleman, PePS-Promoting an Energy-efficient Public Sector

Jane Metcalfe, Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles

10:30 am - 12:30 pm Conference Room 7