MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY R Outlook 'Encouraging1 Mix-Up
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Grissom And Young Named For Gemini Flight HOUSTON f -A veteran space traveler and a rookie astronaut also revealed by Robert R. Gilruth, Manned Spacecraft Center di he went under twice before grasping a life preserver thrown from Schirra, whose mission was called "textDookperfect,” was back were picked Monday to close the gap in the United States’ race to rector, that an ear ailment similar to the one suffered by former a helicopter. up Mercury astronaut for Lt. Cmdr. M. Scott Carpenter’s flight May the moon. astronaut John Glenn, knocked Lt. Cmdr. Alan B. Shepard, J r ., 40, The loss of Grissom’s space capsule prompted the National Aero 24, 1962. Maj. Virgil I. (Gus) Grissom, 38, the second American in space from consideration for the first Gemini crew. nautics and Space Administration to develop a new method of water He said, " I ’m a backup pilot again, and the backup crew does have and Lt. Cmdr. John W. Young, 33, a former Navy test pilot, got the Gilruth said Grissom was picked because of his long association recovery by having frogmen p la c e a rubber yoke around the capsule. work to do. We will do almost as much as the primary crew right up nod as the first crew to fly a Gemini spacecraft into orbit later with the Gemini program. The short, slender astronaut—he is 5‘7” Grissom said he was ‘‘very happy to be assigned the first Gemini to the day of the flight.” this year. and weighs 150 pounds—has held a primary assignment in recent flight. I have been following the program since its inception. And it Stafford, one of the tallest astronauts at six feet, said it was a Named as backup rrew were Cmdr. Walter M. Schirra, 41, pilot months of coordinating ail Gemini developments with members of is a real honor to be picked on the first crew.’’ "re a l privilege" to be in the group. of a six-orbit Mercury flight Oct. 3, 1962, and Air Force Maj. the 29-man space team. Young, a dark-haired slender flier, said it was a “ real pleasure Gilruth said the first manned flight, now set for November or Thomas P. Stafford, 33, a test pilot who has written textbooks on Grissom had to swim for his life during recovery operations when to be assigned the first flight.” December of this year, would not contain many scientific experi flying. his Sigma ~ spacecraft sank in the Atlantic after an 118-mile sub He said, "there will be a lot of work coming up but I couldn’t have ments. He said the astronauts would be able to fly the spacecraft At a news conference at which the astronauts were named, it was orbital flight July 2!, 1961. A valve was open in his space suit and been picked with three better men.” back through the earth’s atmosphere. Inside Weather 'Rhinoceros' Is Adult Pup MICHIGAN Windy and partly cloudy, pet Show, p. 3; Differences with chance of scattered Over Soviet Scientists' Po STATE r showers in the afternoon. sition, p. 3; Duffy’ s Seven F Fairand mild in the evening. Helpers, p. 5. UNIVERSITY WS High near 50. Vol. 55, Number 123 Tuesday, April 14. 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Price 10c Record Turnout Seen In Vele Today Outlook 'Encouraging1 Traveling S cholarship Polls Go Into Town OK Expected A bill creating competitive next day, as is the usual pro Ballots Include state scholarships for college cedure. and university students should The scholarship bill is contin A m en dm en t receive senate approval without gent to the higher education bill much opposition, a Republican passed by the senate last week. Today’ s All-University Student senator said Monday. Money for the scholarships has Government presidential pri Sen. William G. Milliken, R - already been provided in the edu mary election should produce Traverse City, who introduced cation budget. Milliken said. This the largest turnout ever, says the bill, said that prospects for bill sets up the terms, grants, Jim Patton, Wilmette, 111., soph its passage are "very encour amounts and conditions on the omore and assistant elections aging.” scholarships. commisioner, because in many The bill currently is top pri The education budget provided cases the polls—via mobile vot ority on general orders. Milli $1 million for use as loans and ing units—are being taken to ken said that he would not ask scholarships to college students. the students. that the bill be moved up im "The current bill must be Presidential candidates are mediately for third reading but passed in order for the $500,000 Tom Partridge, Swartz Creek would wait for it to appear the alioted for the scholarships to be junior; Jerry Wallace, Cedar put into use,” Milliken said. Springs junior; Herb Wingo, Bu Milliken initially intended to FE E -A K E R S SIGN-UP-The University:s available for room reservation for next fall. own library, auditorium and classrooms. chanan sophomore; Bob Harris, create a special commission to two newest residence halls, viewed here The $6 million structures, located at Haga- Interested students can s i g n-up at their Bryan, Ohio, junior; and James Jesse, Buchanan junior. award the scholarships. How from a Winged Spartan aircraft, are now dorn Road and Shaw Lane, will have their dormitory manager’ s office. Mix-up Starts ever, this was deleted by the Also on the ballot will be house committee on state affairs. as proposed amendment to the Instead, the Michigan Higher AUSG constitution. The amend Khrushchev Education Assistance Authority ment would change the part of was given charge of the scholar the constitution which requires ships. The Authority already han proposed amendments to be pub Death Rumor dles student loans. Eleven Appointed To Faculty Group lished in the State News four To qualify for the scholarships times during the two weeks be fore the election. FRANKFURT, Germany UPi—A the applicant must: President John A. Hannah has James B. McKee, professor of Robert N. Hammer, associate Fuzak described the committee as well as specifics," Fuzak said. The change simply calls for West German news agency said —be a Michigan resident, appointed 11 new representatives sociology. professor of chemistry; George as "an instrument for better The new committee is organ —be "a person of good moral to the Faculty Committee, on Stu Claude McMillan, J r ., asso H, Martin, associate professor cofnmunications among the var ized on a rotating basis. The proposed amendments to be pub Monday night a garbled conver lished, without specifying how sation in Moscow between a character,” dent Affairs. ciate professor of management; of engineering; Frederick ious departments of the Univer terms of Miss Everett and often. Japanese journalist and a Tass —meet college entrance re They are Esther Everett, as Buford L. Stefflre, professor of Williams, associate professor of sity.” Roelofs expire Dec. 31, 1964. It was decided to place the employee apparently started a quirements, sociate professor of home man education; Charles Titkemeyer, history; and James M. Elliott, as "I am enthusiastic about the McKee, McMillan, Stefflre and amendment on the primary bal rumor—formally denied later— —take a state competitive agement and child development; professor of anatomy; Gordon L. sociate professor of natural sci new organization,” he said. ‘‘I Titkemeyer will serve until Dec. lot because of the many issues that Prem ier Khrushchev was scholarship examination, Eugene W. Roelofs, associate Gray, associate professor of TV- ence. believe this will be a more ef 31. 1965. and candidates in Thursday’s fi dead. (continued on page 4) professor of fishery and wildlife; radio. fective group.” The terms of Gray, Hammer, Dean of Students John A. Fzuak One of the primary tasks of the Martin and Williams will expire nal election. Deutsche P r e s se - Agentur is also a member of the faculty committee this term will be to Dec. 31, 1966. Elliott's term will Mobile voting units will go to (DPA), the German agency, said: committee. create an organization to make a end Dec. 31, 1967. fraternities, sororities, co-ops, Supports Lunar Surface Theory Each of the University's 11 ac major policy evaluation of all “ A misunderstanding over an New members will be appointed ademic colleges is represented areas of student affairs. apparently inexplicable in as terms expire. (continued on page 3) on the new committee. The old Fuzak said the group hopes to terruption in th e Soviet news committee had only six members. begin such an evaluation by the agency T ass’ report on Premier end of this term. Khrushchev’s speech led Monday ‘M oon ’Rock M a d e H e r e The decision to enlarge the to rumors about the death of the committee’s representation was Specific problems which might cuum, as if it were lava erupt in Ann Arbor, Mich., did his Soviet party and government Sand plus heat plus a vacuum made last fall by the Academic be included in the study are hous ing on the moon. research partly to fulfill a grad chief. makes “ moon rocks." Council. However, the committee ing, methods of dealing with stu It also strengthens the theory The molten sand foamed up uate course assignment. on committees of the Academic dents who violate University reg " A Japanese journalist in of a part-time graduate student and out of container. As it cooled, If Dobar is right—and his pro Senate did not submit nomina ulations and alldisciplinarypoli- Moscow inquired at Tass why the about what the moon’s surface is it hardened into a "moon fessors in the geology depart tions to President Hannah until cies.