The Lost Notebook
James Joyce THE LOST NOTEBOOK Edited by Danis Rose & John O'Hanlon Foreword by Hans Walter Gabler JAMES JOYCE THE LOST NOTEBOOK James Joyce THE LOST NOTEBOOK NEW EVIDENCE ON THE GENESIS OF ULYSSES Edited by Danis Rose and John O’Hanlon Foreword by Hans Walter Gabler P Published by Split Pea Press 57 Morningside Drive Edinburgh EH10 5NF First published 1989 ISBN 0 9512899 2 6 James Joyce text © the Trustees of the Estate of James Joyce, 1989 Preface & Commentary © Danis Rose & John O’Hanlon, 1989 Foreword © Hans Walter Gabler All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means: electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the copyright holders. Contents Foreword by Hans Walter Gabler vii Preface ix Commentary xi Key xxxix The Lost Notebook COMMENTARY FOREWORD Between James Joyce’s months in Rome in 1906 when he conceived the original idea for a Dubliners story to be called “Ulysses” and the morning of his 40th birthday in 1922 in Paris when he held the first copy of Ulysses in his hands lay a good fifteen years. These years saw Joyce rearrive in Trieste from Rome, going thence in 1915 to Zürich, returning briefly in 1919 to Trieste, and, ultimately, departing for Paris, where he planned to spend a few months, and, as events fell out, where he stayed virtually for the rest of his life. During those fifteen years, we believe, Ulysses was seldom far from his mind.
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