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THECOPYRIGHT, 1888, BY THE SPOETINO LIFB PUBLISHING Co. SPORTING LIFE.KNTIRBD AT PHILA. POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS MATTER VOLUME 10, NO. 24. PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH 21, 1888. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. for ?200 stakes and 8300 added purse. Dougherty WBB necessity be arranged in a series of six ganits e»ch with iucirrablo Lime arms on account of that niaoa- allowfd fifbt Mood in the third round acd had the beet ud there was a unanimous expression of opinion, ^irT*B fir-feeing and t;. n*r.>us spirit. Manager liurn- GENERAL of the fig,ht throughout, receiving little punishment, A REHEARING. too, tbat six would bo too large a number to play ham is a good financier and bus done rcninrkahly well MVS. successively iu any town SAFEJLEAGUES. but his opponent was badly tattered. between two elub-i. A in hia fotir or five >* a:* counecti(.n with the National hitppy idea was struck upon and will In all likeli gnmo, but a good deal of the reputation which ho A Big Oiler Refused. hood be adopted. It is to f.lwy two of every «six now boars he obtain-d Tii'arioosly from Ms connection Special to SPORTING LIFE. games in a neutral cit.v. Say, for instance. New wuh Fi»nk S' elye and tlio Lawrence nine of 1885. An Eastern Estimate of CHICAGO, March 17. A dispatch fram Racine, Wis., Geiss1 Case Likely to be Orleans WAS scheduled hero with MiaipiiM for six List of Organizations Un To "Slerrimack" and my Lawrence COR Ijntor I say<* J.
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