How to run behavioural experiments online: best practice suggestions for and

Nathan Gagné1,* & Léon Franzen1,2,*

1 Department of Psychology, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2 Department of Psychology, University of Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany * These authors contributed equally

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2232-9408 (NG), 0000-0003-2277-5408 (LF)

Keywords: online research, best practice suggestions, , neuroscience, dyslexia, working memory


The combination of a replication crisis, global COVID-19 pandemic, and recent technological advances have accelerated the on-going transition of research in cognitive psychology and behavioural neuroscience to the online realm. When participants cannot be tested in-person in the laboratory, data of acceptable quality can be collected online still. While conducting research online has many advantages and generic advice on their infrastructure and implementation exists, numerous pitfalls can hinder researchers addressing their research question appropriately or even result in unusable data. Here, we present detailed best practice suggestions that span the range from initial study design to the final interpretation of the data. These suggestions take a critical look at issues regarding the recruitment of typical and (sub)clinical samples, their comparison, and the importance of context- dependency for each part of a study. We illustrate our suggestions by means of a recent online study investigating cognitive working memory skills in adult dyslexia.

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In the midst of a global pandemic, experimental research has exceeded the realm of physical space through online experimentation. In a change that started years ago, its transition at large scale was long overdue. Most researchers were forced to transition their research to an online setting almost overnight. This increasing shift to online experiments in cognitive psychology and behavioural neuroscience was enabled by increasing technological innovation and put a new and more intense focus on both its advantages and disadvantages. Until the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, data validity and reliability had only been investigated for selected leading platforms, such as Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk; e.g., Berinsky et al., 2012; Chandler et al., 2014; Crump et al., 2013), and groups of experiments (e.g., psychophysics: de Leeuw & Motz, 2016; : Woods et al., 2015). However, the sudden shift encouraged publications addressing the generic implementation of online experiments in accordance with the current technological possibilities (Grootswagers, 2020; Sauter et al., 2020). These constitute a great starting point but a more nuanced take on many, often practical and experimental, aspects of online research remains absent from the literature. Here, we aim to provide best practice suggestions spanning the entire study cycle from the design to interpreting the results, with a specific focus on the sampling of scarce populations. To this end, we use a recent online investigation of working memory skills in adults with dyslexia as a practical and tangible illustration, as the recruitment of dyslexia and other specific populations has a long history of proving difficult, especially in a university context. Online research has gained further importance in recent years as some fields including psychology and neuroscience have found themselves in a dire replication crisis recently (Baker & Penny, 2016; Ioannidis, 2005; Ioannidis et al., 2014; Makel et al., 2012). Their failure to replicate findings of previous work has been a growing trend (Sharpe & Poets, 2020) and reproducibility rates of published findings in the field of psychology are estimated to only range between 35% and 75% (Artner et al., 2020; Camerer et al., 2018; Etz & Vandekerckhove, 2016). Many well-known psychological findings have later failed to replicate, such as the “marshmallow test” and the “ego depletion” theory (Hagger et al., 2016; Open Science Collaboration, 2015; Watts et al., 2018). Out of 1,576 researchers surveyed, 52% of them believed

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there was a significant reproducibility crisis (Baker & Penny, 2016). In fact, more than half of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce their own studies. These numbers do not build trust in reported findings. At the same time, between 1900- 2012, only 1.2% of articles in major psychology journals were replication studies, indicating its low value in the community until then (Makel et al., 2012). Causes for low replication rates had been attributed to the complex nature of reproducing experimental methodology including, problems with statistical power, selective and small convenience sampling, engaging in questionable research practices, publication bias, and high costs associated with running a study repeatedly including a sufficient sample size among others (Button et al., 2013; Holcombe, 2020; Ioannidis et al., 2014; John et al., 2012; Munafò et al., 2017; Nosek et al., 2012; Rosenthal, 1979; Simmons et al., 2011). Online research provides solutions for these issues that can be implemented with relative ease (see advantages listed in Table 1). These solutions include the important ability to efficiently collect large samples from a wider socio-economic background for less monetary and time investments on the researchers’ end, which would otherwise be difficult to obtain in-person (for discussions, see Grootswagers, 2020; Mathôt & March, 2021; Sauter et al., 2020), and all-in-one platforms offering experiment building, presentation, recruitment and distribution capabilities. Hence, online research could become advantageous for both single studies and research fields in the context of this replication crisis. Increased possibilities for recruitment are the most frequently mentioned argument for online studies. Differences in recruitment strategies can increase an experiment’s ecological validity. For example, researchers examining the beliefs of registered voters by calling numbers listed in a telephone book would fail to capture registered voters not listed in the directory, resulting in a form of under-coverage bias (Schaeffer et al., 2011). Many of these sampling biases in experimental research are a product of convenience sampling, which involves drawing a sample from a population that is close and easy to reach (Saunders et al., 2019). This type of sampling method is often useful for pilot studies, but psychological research has become increasingly reliant on convenience samples of undergraduate students from western universities, resulting in a misrepresentation of the true population (Masuda et al., 2020). Henrich et al. (2010) grouped these issues with the growing reliance on such samples in psychological research in the descriptive term WEIRD

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(Westernized, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic). These individuals tend to be undergraduate students who are taking courses in psychology or neuroscience and have previously been exposed to psychological research. WEIRD samples in university participant pools allow researchers to conduct their experiments at a low cost and with limited recruitment effort. Students are already familiar with the experimental process and only receive course credit as a compensation, which results in an easy and low-cost form of recruitment (Masuda et al., 2020). The evident convenience associated with WEIRD samples has often left researchers reluctant to explore new ways to expand their sampling efforts. One example illustrating the importance of appropriate sampling comes from the field of dyslexia research. Researchers have failed to reach a consensus on the perceptual (non-linguistic) nature of developmental dyslexia. A point of contention in the field is the conflicting evidence for a visual, perceptual magnocellular deficit in dyslexia (Skottun, 2000; Stein, 2001, 2018; Stein et al., 2000; Stein & Walsh, 1997). The foundations of this theory may be subject to sampling bias themselves, as researchers reporting supporting evidence have predominantly sampled from populations at ophthalmology hospitals: a convenience sample (Blythe et al., 2018). In other words, whether dyslexia, a specific learning difficulty defined by selective deficits in the linguistic realm, also affects non-linguistic tasks or aspects of tasks involving higher cognitive functions such as working memory capacity remains elusive and is addressed in the exemplary study. Online research provides an alternative method that is well-suited to bridge this gap in knowledge by allowing for easier replication of research while not sacrificing the true representation of a population. In fact, Berinsky and colleagues (2012) found online samples on MTurk to be more representative of the US population than standard samples recruited for laboratory studies in university settings. Nevertheless, the suitability of a sample depends heavily on the context and posed research questions. For instance, if the research question is not US- centric or the common fine-tuning of an experiment’s difficulty level is only performed generically, recruitment through this channel may not provide meaningful data for every participant from the general population. Study-specific method considerations are key to properly utilizing the advantages of a remote design and not falling prey to its disadvantages. All too often methodological problems have appeared as major obstacles in the eyes of many

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researchers. Pitfalls of remote research can include reduced experimental control and possibility for intervention, increased demands on technical implementation, a higher risk of distractions, varying computer processing capacities, inaccurate millisecond timing accuracy, and an unknown impact of undesired nuisance variables (see disadvantages listed in Table 1). Although researchers may accept some of these pitfalls to achieve increased sample sizes resulting in more statistical power, online research is not the blanket solution to all problems. Only if study objectives and online methods are aligned, the remote experiment can quickly become a useful and trustworthy tool that is able to replicate (Crump et al., 2013), extend and generalize findings from laboratory experiments. Hence, it is indispensable to tailor suggestions for successful online studies to the specific context of a study and its research questions. Otherwise, well- intended generic blueprints bear the potential to be counterproductive by leading the avid trainee astray. For example, the generic recommendation to provide participants with feedback in each trial (Crump et al., 2013) may help to avoid missed trials but risks adding an unintended, confounding learning component to a perceptual decision-making experiment. Thereby, it could fail to address the research question altogether. To facilitate the transition to online experiments, this paper’s suggestions for future online studies will focus on context-dependent leveraging of the opportunities of remote studies in psychology behavioural neuroscience research.

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Advantages Disadvantages

More data collected Data quality concerns

Rapid data collection (in parallel) If bug present, much data needs to be discarded

Reduced research and equipment costs Non adequate/ethical compensation

Time reductions for experimenter(s) No possibility for direct intervention themselves

No physical presence needed Limited experimental control

Less lab equipment and space needed Varying computer processing capabilities; Timing inaccuracies for brief stimulus display

Capturing a more diverse sample Sampling of non-naïve participants; Compensation of cognitive or perceptual differences by expensive hardware

Increased autonomy for participants Higher risk of distraction and undesired nuisance variables

Reduced social pressure and feelings of Higher dropout rate obligation to finish study due to physical absence of the experimenter

Potential for increased anonymity of data Lower accountability afforded by anonymity

Access for more trainees to running their Learnings from data depend on its quality own study earlier in their career

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of online studies. To facilitate evaluation of the importance and consequences of items, advantages and disadvantages are matched to indicate a potential trade-off any experimenter would engage in when conducting research online.

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Experimental design suggestions and methods

In this section, we start introducing methodological suggestions (see Figure 3 for overview) and showcase them using a recent visuo-spatial working memory online study with individuals with dyslexia. We combine a detailed description of the example study’s methods for the interested reader, which can be partly skipped, with our suggestions. These suggestions equally apply to behavioural data forming a part of neuroscience studies, which may be complemented or followed up with neuroscientific methods in an offline setting. The field of consumer psychology offers the possibility for studying cognitive functioning in an applied context that is relevant to almost everyone engaging with consumer goods daily. Specifically, our exemplary study asked whether adult dyslexia is associated with performance deficits (i.e., accuracy and reaction time) in an adapted version of a Sternberg task using logos and symbols from the consumer psychology literature. A research question that can be answered solely with behavioural data collected online. This research question gains relevance as the evidence for differences in processing non-linguistic stimuli is still a major point of contention. Additionally, reports have shown impairments in higher order functioning processes, such as working memory capacity in individuals with dyslexia (Beidas et al., 2013; Callens et al., 2012; Reid et al., 2007). In line with these reports, performance on non-linguistic visual processing speed tasks appears to depend on the working memory demands of the task (e.g., Franzen et al., 2021). However, the specific role of visuo-spatial working memory in relation to behavioural performance in adults with dyslexia attending higher education on a non-linguistic task remains to be seen. At the very beginning when designing a study, the specific objectives and research questions of the study are important to consider in determining whether running the study online would address the research question(s) appropriately. For example, if physiological measurements, such as those obtained from electroencephalography (EEG) or galvanic skin response devices are a key component of the study, answering questions regarding those data by means of an online study alone would be impossible. If the study also asks a question about behavioural performance, however, the experimenters could decide to run this part online. This could work as a pilot for a subsequent lab experiment including

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physiological and neuroscientific measures. Vice versa, if experimenters get to run the study in the lab first, those pilot data collected under controlled circumstances can be used to establish data screening thresholds for the future analysis of online data. In this way, online and offline studies can be complementary and benefit each other, but carefully considering the research question(s) that can be addressed is key. Such complementary methodology also has the advantage of avoiding a reductionist bias in neuroscience (Krakauer et al., 2017). To examine the research question in our example study, we used a mixed within-between participant experimental design. Incorporating a within-participant comparison of conditions has been recommended as a safeguard to decrease both participant and technical noise by making the data less dependent on differences between participant set-ups (i.e., excluding technical noise; Anwyl-Irvine et al., 2020; Bridges et al., 2020; Pronk et al., 2020; Rodd, 2019). Our design included Arabic numerals, which could serve as a familiar reference condition in the analysis by calculating the difference between the target and reference conditions. A between- participant component could then investigate the difference between relevant conditions by comparing two groups of independent participants. An a priori power analysis for a random linear multiple regression model resulted in a required total sample size of 121 participants (three predictors, effect size = 0.15, power = 95%; Faul et al., 2007). This number was exceeded by including 148 participants in the statistical analyses. It did not serve as a stopping criterion, since online research gains strengths from collecting as much data as possible and effects are often small. Specific to our design and study, our sample comprised two participant groups (between-participant factor). One group consisted of 18 individuals with dyslexia (M age = 22.94, SD age = 4.07, female = 11), recruited through Concordia University’s Access Centre as well as posters and flyers in the Montreal area. The other group comprised 130 individuals without dyslexia (M age = 23.62, SD age = 5.75, female = 115), recruited through Concordia University’s participant pool. Here, we succeeded in collecting a much larger control group than would have been feasible in the laboratory. As in previous studies, we ensured that we did not include any participants in the control group who were suspected to encounter dyslexia related issues frequently by means of the Adult Dyslexia Checklist (Franzen, 2018; Franzen et al., 2021; Smythe & Everatt, 2001; Stark et al., 2020). A conservative cutoff score of 40 was used as an upper cutoff and exclusion criterion from the

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control group (Mcontrol = 31.75, SDcontrol = 4.47, rangecontrol = [22, 40]; Mdyslexia = 54.11,

SDdyslexia = 8.35, rangedyslexia = [43, 75]; Figure 1a). This checklist is a self-report questionnaire that can be easily administered and scored online without much effort on the experimenters’ side. Once implemented in the software of choice, it can easily be reused in multiple studies using the same software. Of note, all participants were attending higher education at the time of participation or had done so previously. Although this is in line with the definition of WEIRD samples, we discuss later on when and why it may be appropriate to rely on such a specific sample, even in an online study. Though, caution regarding the generalizability of our findings to the entire population of adults with dyslexia is indispensable. Detailed experimental methods and stimulus design. During the experiment, participants were asked to recall stimuli presented in either three (low WM load condition) or six (high WM load condition) out of eight possible locations; analogous to attempting to retrieve a previously encoded item from a grocery shelf (within-participant factor; Figure 1b, c). Every trial included one of three types of non- linguistic stimuli novel to participants, such as brand logos (informative element) without their brand name, symbols (non-informative element), or Arabic numerals (familiar reference condition; another within-participant factor; Fig 1d). We included a set of ten separate stimuli per category (i.e., numbers, logos, and symbols). Logos and symbols were obtained from the consumer psychology literature (Henderson & Cote, 1998) and chosen according to specific dimensions. Logos were designed to be higher than symbols in dependent characteristics such as affect and familiar meaning. The design of these logos and symbols also considered other factors such as natural representation through realism and natural shapes, harmony as a function of balance and symmetry, the richness of the design (in terms of complexity, depth, and impression of motion), the use of parallel lines, repetition, proportions between horizontal and vertical dimensions, and overall roundness. Logos were designed and found to be higher on all these dimensions compared to symbols. All procedures were approved by the Concordia university’s ethics board (certificate: 30010817). In our experiment, each trial began with the presentation of a fixation cross for a duration of 500 ms, followed by an encoding period of 5000 ms in which participants encoded the location of various stimuli of the same type presented in different locations within the display (Figure 1b, c, d). A blank maintenance screen was subsequently presented for the same duration (i.e., 5000 ms) to engage

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participants’ visuo-spatial working memory processes (Figure 1b). Then, a display containing a specific location highlighted in red, as a retrieval cue of the target stimulus to be recalled, was presented for 1000 ms (Fig. 1b, c). Finally, a response display was made available to participants for 2000 ms in which they were given the choice between three different stimuli (Fig. 1b, c, d). Participants were asked to respond as quickly as possible using one of three keys on their physical keyboard (i.e., “J”, “K”, and “L”; Figure 1b, c). All stimuli within a block and in a trial were from the same stimulus type (Figure 1d).

Figure 1. Experimental design, stimuli, and dyslexia scores. a) Raincloud plots of the dyslexia checklist results (Allen et al., 2019). Blue colour of the kernel density plot and single participant scores illustrate data of the dyslexia group (n = 18), whereas yellow colour indicates data of the control group (n = 130). Overlaid boxplots show the median, upper and lower quartile. A maximum score of 40 was used to delineate between participants included in the

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control group and others without an official dyslexia diagnosis who were excluded. Values of the dyslexia group were unbound. b) Schematic of the paradigm and trial sequence. c) Step- by-step instructions displayed at the start of the experiment. These may also be used during a guided practice run. d) Examples of the three stimulus types. Arabic numerals as well as logos and symbols. Logos and symbols displayed in panels b-d have been adapted from Henderson and Cote (1998), where they were scored on several dimensions. Symbols were simple shapes that did not constitute an element with obvious semantic meaning. Importantly, no stimulus included writing.

Counterbalancing can be applied, as normal experimental design principles become even more important online to avoid even small order effects becoming relevant due to larger sample sizes (DePuy & Berger, 2014). Optimally, a Latin square can be used to determine counterbalancing order of conditions. Counterbalancing of the block or trial order could also be performed using two or more separate versions of the experiment to avoid unequal dropout rates imbalancing groups during automatic, participant-id-dependent assignment. Some platforms offer in-built quota management or randomization modes. An alternative method to structured counterbalancing would be full randomization, which was applied in the present study. Here, the order of blocks and trials within blocks were randomized to mitigate the impact of their order altogether. Counterbalancing and randomization are supposed to be common practice in experimental psychology online and in the laboratory (Kingdom & Prins, 2016). Particularly, when participants can be randomly assigned to two groups independent of their characteristics in between-participant designs (Altman & Bland, 1999). We recorded accuracy and reaction times from individuals with and without dyslexia. The use of a speeded task in an online design is recommended as fast reaction times may avoid cheating and serve as a supplementary screening measure by recording hints of a lack of attention (Rodd, 2019). We implemented sensible but challenging time limits, particularly for the decision (i.e., 2 seconds; Figure 1c), that were fast enough to keep participants attentive and discourage “screen grabbing” on memory tasks, while not being too fast either to avoid participants dropping out or making the task too difficult. Participants were required to use a physical keyboard and button responses to avoid cursor moving times or touch screen inaccuracies to confound our results. Nevertheless, using this set-up, one has to keep in mind the

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standard polling rate of keyboard devices of 125 Hz (i.e., one sample every 8 ms) when interpreting the precision of logged reaction times (Anwyl-Irvine, Massonnié, et al., 2020). Equally, the monitor’s frame rate has important implications as it constrains the rate at which stimuli can be presented, and in turn their presentation duration. We recorded a frame rate of 60 frames per second for all participants, which is standard in most laboratories as well. 60 frames per second (also termed Hz) means that a new stimulus can be presented every 16.6 ms and its multiples. Most platforms exhibit a positive delay, whereby they present a stimulus longer than intended (Anwyl-Irvine, Dalmaijer, et al., 2020). Therefore, achieving exact presentation of short stimulus durations of 50 ms or less is difficult to impossible to guarantee online and should be avoided for this reason (Grootswagers, 2020). To ensure full attention on the task and reduce the likelihood of distractions, we forced the browser in full screen mode. Researchers may consider pausing the experiment as soon as exiting the full screen mode is detected by the software. This mode reduces, but does not eliminate, the possibility of distractions, since notifications often need to be disabled manually and extended or second monitors are not affected from the full screen mode. We used screen resolution as a quick proxy of the size of the stimuli on a participant’s screen and its relation to performance to rule this out as a potential confound. To this end, we did not allow participants to use their phones or tablets to complete the study. Screen resolution varied between 1920 and 834 pixels in width, and 1366 and 720 pixels in height across participants. This indicates rather similar screen and stimulus sizes on the participants’ displays. Importantly, screen resolution and behavioural performance were not correlated suggesting that the small difference was not a confounding factor (r = -.006). We suggest, however, to equalize the visual stimuli appearance by adapting it based on a comparison to a common reference object (e.g., a credit card), performed by the participants themselves, at the start of the experiment. This method has been implemented for some of the platforms including Psychtoolbox (Psychtoolbox Team, 2021), PsychoPy/PsychoJS/Pavlovia (Carter, 2021), Gorilla (Gorilla Team, 2021). The absent possibility for the experimenter to intervene online calls for improved study designs that make experiments “dummy proof”. This places particular emphasis on the use of clear and concise instructions and substantial

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practice. Instructions may include a step-by-step guide (Figure 1c). Their minimum presentation time should be fixed to increase the likelihood of them being read by the participant without simply moving on. Visual instructions may be accompanied by a read-out audio file for increased comprehension and accessibility. Researchers can also consider instructional manipulation checks, which follow a format similar to other questions or instructions in the study but ask participants to click on a non-intuitive part of the display (Oppenheimer et al., 2009). If time allows, participants may be quizzed about the nature of the study after reading the instructions (Woods et al., 2015). Subjecting participants to practice trials with intuitive feedback at the beginning of the experiment to ensure proper understanding of the task requirements. This practice should consist of at least two trials per experimental condition and indicate whether the participant’s response was correct, incorrect, or whether the participant was too slow to respond (in a speeded task). Intuitive colouring of the feedback itself, such as correct in green, incorrect in red, and too slow in blue may facilitate learning. Experimenters should consider repeating the practice, if a valid response (correct or incorrect) was given in fewer than 51% of the trials. Our study’s overall duration was kept to 45 mins to reduce dropout rates based on the assumption that participants are at higher risk of distraction and have shorter attention spans in an online setting. In any case, shorter studies have increasing appeal and may benefit data quality as a recent survey suggested (Sauter et al., 2020). 70% of respondents indicated to prefer studies with a duration of less than 30 minutes. The dropout rate increases with increasing duration of an experiment, as participants become less attentive, motivated, and occasionally discouraged. However, increasing the monetary incentive structure only mitigates this issue somewhat (Crump et al., 2013). When it comes to keeping it short, researchers always face a context-dependent trade-off between statistical power per condition, often represented by the trial count, and the length and complexity of the experiment. For instance, to perform a modelling analysis of reaction times with a hierarchical Bayesian version of the prominent drift diffusion model (DDM; Ratcliff, 1978; Wiecki et al., 2013), at least 20 valid response trials per condition and/or choice option are necessary to increase the likelihood of successful model convergence and parameter recovery (Wiecki et al., 2013). These modelling analyses aim at gaining mechanistic insights, which researchers attempt to infer from

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manipulating the difficulty of stimuli. To avoid categorical differences in decision strategy confounding actual differences in the decision process in perceptual decision-making, covering a range of difficulty levels in small steps is recommended (Waskom et al., 2019). A psychometric curve can then be estimated. An efficient online workflow is also important for success, which is discussed at length elsewhere (Grootswagers, 2020; Mathôt & March, 2021; Sauter et al., 2020). The workflow of the presented experiment included the creation of our experiment using the Builder and python-based Coder of PsychoPy3 (Peirce et al., 2019) before exporting a preliminary form of the experiment to experimental platform with the click of a button. This process translates the python-based PsychoPy code into Javascript code and creates a repository on GitLab to host the code. The experiment is then linked to this new repository and Pavlovia at the same time. It can also be updated directly from within a PsychoPy file, if the Javascript code on GitLab has not yet been modified manually. Should one want to implement custom or advanced aspects, the easily accessible Javascript code upon which the experiment is based can be modified directly. Other experiment builders are also available, such as Gorilla (Anwyl-Irvine, Massonnié, et al., 2020), LabVanced (, InquisitWeb (, PsyToolkit (Stoet, 2010, 2017), OpenSesame/OSWeb (Mathôt et al., 2012), and Testable (; Sauter et al., 2020). Here, we do not intend to give specific recommendations. Instead, we encourage researchers to examine the technical capabilities and licensing costs of each platform closely before committing. Participants can be recruited through a university participant pool (e.g., SONA) or advertisements sharing a link to a questionnaire hosted on an online survey platform, such as Qualtrics (, SurveyMonkey ( or SoSci Survey ( We collected “written” consent, demographics and other relevant information using a questionnaire on Qualtrics. Some software including SONA allows for generating ID codes automatically and porting them from one software to the next. In our study, SONA generated a random ID code that was automatically forwarded to Qualtrics and subsequently to Pavlovia. The Pavlovia experiment opened in the participants’ default browser and started the automatic download of the experimental stimuli to run the study locally. Once downloaded, the experiment began to run in the browser. Upon completion of the task, a thank you message was displayed. Importantly,

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problems can be presented as error messages before the end of the experiment to avoid participants spending a long time wrongly doing the task and the researchers having to award credit or pay participants for unusable data. Most importantly, it is crucial to pilot your workflow using multiple machines, browsers, and participants extensively before starting data collection. Lastly, having good lab organization is an often underrated factor of successful online studies—and in-person experiments alike. Acquiring research assistants, ensuring having access to all software and platforms, implementing a system of on-boarding or training on these platforms and all aspects involved in the study, and keeping track of administrative tasks such as emails, subject IDs, and credits should all be independent of all individuals to mitigate the impact of the absence of one crucial person or researchers moving to different labs. This is especially important considering many younger trainees (e.g., undergraduate thesis students) getting the opportunity to run an online study but moving to a different programme shortly after its completion.

Data screening and experimental results

Once the experimental design considerations have been implemented and data collected, researchers face the challenging task to evaluate whether their data could give rise to valid empirical results. Therefore, the implementation of robust data screening measures is of utmost importance. Since control over a participant’s setting, their technical equipment and understanding of the task is more limited than in the laboratory, increased noise in a dataset is expected. The data screening procedure has to be able to 1) identify and quantify this noise and 2) lead to clear decisions on whether a dataset should be kept or excluded from all analyses. The first step in our data screening procedure consisted of identifying the number of participants that did not fully partake in the study. The number of completed experimental trials lends itself as a good proxy to evaluate whether sufficient trials have been recorded and whether sheer experimental duration might have been the reason for participants dropping out. This threshold should be based on the requirements of the statistical analyses, such as power, and set a priori to avoid issues that have contributed to the replication crisis (Button et al., 2013; Ioannidis, 2005, 2008; Ioannidis et al., 2014; Munafò et al., 2017; Simmons et al.,

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2011). We set this threshold to 80% of all trials (i.e., 192 trials) to retain about 30 trials per experimental condition; a sufficient number for drift diffusion modelling. Using this threshold, 182 sessions (80.9% of a total of 225 sessions in our experiment) were successfully completed. 15 sessions were aborted during the training (6.7%), and 27 (12%) considered aborted throughout the experiment. However, only eight (3.6%) of the latter sessions were aborted during the second half of the experiment, speaking against the length of the experiment as the reason for attrition. Seven (3.1%) of the aborted sessions were repeated attempts of the same individual (four out of seven sessions included in the training count). Repeated attempts can be prevented using the settings in most software. Data of aborted and repeated sessions were excluded from all analyses, as they did not fulfil the inclusion criteria of our design. In a second step, we excluded 27 participants without an official dyslexia diagnosis from the control group because those scored above the Adult Dyslexia Checklist’s cutoff (M = 48.19, SD = 7.41). We also excluded an additional participant who self-reported as having been suspected to have dyslexia, but scored within the control group’s cutoff, leaving us with a total of 154 participants at this stage. Particularly, the exclusion of the latter participant underlines that the double-checking of crucial experimental variables at independent time points should be considered good practice. Third, we found and cleaned all trials without a valid response within the limits of the response deadline for the decision (1205 trials; 3.26% of all trials). As is common practice in perceptual decision-making research (Franzen et al., 2020), a missing decision should not be counted as incorrect by the experimenter, since a decision is simply absent and should not be evaluated for this reason. Additional data screening measures were applied that are specific to the behavioural data we collected (i.e., accuracy and reaction times). First, as an indicator of the ability to understand and perform the task, we screened for mean accuracy levels that fell below 50% on the rather easy three-load (low-WM load) condition across all stimulus categories. A total of six participants were removed due to accuracy concerns (dyslexia = 3, control = 3) resulting in 148 participants being subjected to data cleaning based on reaction times. Second, we screened reaction times for all trials considered too fast for any valid decision-making processes having been completed and indicated via a button

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press. Given that the lower bound of object processing of a single object was found to be around 100 ms (Bieniek et al., 2016) and participants saw three choice options, we removed all trials with reaction times faster than 200 ms. Overall, 2146 (6.24%) trials were considered too fast. We also excluded participants whose reaction time data represented outliers based on robust measures of variation in a distribution including the standard deviation, median absolute deviation, and participant variance

(sample median: SDRT = 0.39, VARRT = 0.15, MADRT = 0.24). Outliers were identified as exceeding 1.5 times the interquartile range on all of the three measures. No participant was excluded on this basis. Similarly, the combination of frequent fast responses without much variation and poor performance suggests mere guessing. In our study, four participants exhibited a pattern of fast median reaction time and small median absolute deviation (<5th percentile of group distribution: MedianRT < 326 ms,

MADRT < 0.112). However, minimum performance of these participants across all experimental conditions was 77.5% indicating no systematic bias or guessing. Taken together, these data screening measures resulted in the exclusion of further six participants for a final sample of 148 participants whose data was included in further analyses (ndyslexia = 18, ncontrol = 130; sumall = 32265 trials; Figure 2). The remaining data shows that all average values are within reasonable boundaries, with only few participants from both groups exhibiting more extreme performance (Figure 2a). To ensure reproducibility of the analysis and avoid inconsistencies, we implemented all data screening procedures in custom R scripts (version 1.3.1093, RStudio Team, 2021). Generally, to base data screening decisions on robust evidence, the use of robust measures of central tendency, such as the median, trimmed or winsorized means should be considered good practice when computing averages (Rousselet et al., 2017; Wilcox & Rousselet, 2018). These measures are best suited for continuous variables. To analyse the cleaned data for effects of dyslexia, working memory load, and stimulus type, we used Bayesian mixed modelling and compared models with and without these factors in question (R package BayesFactor by Morey and Rouder, 2018). This Bayesian analysis allowed us to quantify evidence for both the alternative (BF > 1) and the null hypothesis (BF < 1), which extends beyond the capabilities of the frequentist framework (Kruschke, 2014; Kruschke & Liddell, 2018). Results show that individuals with dyslexia exhibited slower reaction times across both working memory load and stimulus type (BFRT = 316.42; Figure 2b, c), however,

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we did not find evidence for generally worse decision performance among these individuals (BFACC = 0.22). Increasing working memory load resulted in worse decision accuracy and slower reaction times in both groups (main effects: BFACC =

51 25 1.77x10 , BFRT = 3.33x10 ; for RT see Figure 2c). Equally, decision accuracy and reaction times changed with the type of stimulus, being the best and fastest for 34 numbers and the worst and slowest for symbols (BFACC = 1.72x10 , BFRT = 1.2x1024; for RT see Figure 2b, c). Though, our data neither provided evidence for worse or slower performance specifically with increasing working memory load in dyslexia (BFACC = 0.32, BFRT = 0.16; for RT see Figure 2c). Slower decision speed can also occur together with increased accuracy. A phenomenon long known as speed-accuracy trade-off (Reed, 1973). This trade-off is present in our data indicating a slightly stronger relation in the dyslexia group than the control group for both the three-load and the six-load working memory conditions (rdyslexia = -.49, rcontrol = -.44; rdyslexia = -.40, rcontrol = -.29, respectively).

Figure 2. Working memory results. a) Scatterplot of average accuracy as a function of average reaction time across all conditions. One mean value per participant computed across mean accuracy or median reaction times of all six experimental conditions. Colours indicate groups. Blue dots depict single-participant values of the dyslexia group whereas yellow dots

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depict values of the control group. Dashed lines indicate the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval for all participants included in the analyses. b) Raincloud plots of reaction time by group and stimulus type (Allen et al., 2019). Colour notation as in panel a. c) Raincloud plots of reaction time by group, stimulus type, and working memory load. Colour notation as in panel a.

Nowadays, modern computing power equally allows for running full simulations of data synthesized from group distributions according to certain statistics or the application of bootstrapping or permutations (i.e., sampling at random with or without replacement, respectively) to extrapolate from one’s data (Efron, 1979). Since our data collection resulted in two very differently sized groups, we conducted a permutation analysis to ensure ourselves of the replicability of our statistical modelling results. Specifically, we sampled the same number of participants at random from the control group (n = 18) and subjected each subsample to our Bayesian modelling analysis. Slower reaction times in the dyslexia group were then evaluated using model comparisons of the dyslexia main effect and its interactions. We repeated this procedure 1000 times and counted the number of times the dyslexia main effect replicated. BayesFactors indicate that all model comparisons (100%) provide evidence for generally slower RTs but no interaction with working memory load or stimulus type in adult dyslexia. In sum, simple and permuted modelling results suggest that linguistic demands are not necessary to challenge the working memory of adults with dyslexia beyond that of individuals without a diagnosis of this specific learning difficulty.

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Figure 3. Overview of suggestions for online research. Flowchart following the workflow of experimental studies in cognitive psychology and behavioural neuroscience. Symbols on the right side of each suggestion indicate whether this suggestion is predominantly relevant for online (checkmark) or both online and offline research (plus sign).

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The opportunities for future online research are manifold but the devil is in the detail. A combination of specifically tailored research questions and experimental designs paired with online attention checks and rigorous data screening is required for success. Remote designs could help in the recruitment of larger and locally independent samples or specific populations and demographics that are otherwise hard to reach due to an increased feeling of anonymity and cost efficiency. Increased anonymity may be a particularly important advantage for individuals with learning disabilities who may not feel comfortable disclosing their diagnosis and standing physically present in front of an experimenter who they may even know. Equally, the hurdle to quit an experiment is much reduced by simply closing one’s browser tab instead of having to walk out of a laboratory. This is of particular relevance for studies conducted physically in the university context where students participate in their professors’ experiments, and may feel obligated to finish a study due to implicit social pressure associated with this relationship. Hence, especially the recruitment of participants with specific diagnoses (e.g., dyslexia; for psychiatric conditions, see Gillan & Daw, 2016) may benefit widely from shifting experimental research in cognitive psychology and behavioural neuroscience online—if done thoughtfully. Recruiting populations with dyslexia and other specific diagnoses has a long history of proving difficult, especially in a university setting. The nature of dyslexia and the predominant focus of the education system on reading and writing mean that individuals with medium to severe cases of dyslexia may not be captured when recruiting at the university level, as many have most likely not progressed to this level (Warnke, 1999). Therefore, generalising lab-based results to the general population of individuals with dyslexia can become problematic, if based on a WEIRD sample. Here, extended sampling of individuals from a variety of socio- economic backgrounds would be a step towards more generalisability. Collecting a sample diverse in socio-economic background, age, country of origin, etc. is not automatic and needs to keep the distribution of access to the internet and technology among other variables in mind (Lourenco & Tasimi, 2020). The need for an appropriately matched control group is a crucial aspect of between-participants research with specific populations. Its appropriateness is highly context-dependent, as a control group with limited years of education may be

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matched for age but is likely a mismatch on a cognitive task (e.g., reading age) when compared to a group of individuals with dyslexia taking part in higher education. In these cases, a WEIRD sample (Henrich et al., 2010) can also be appropriate, particularly if sampling of a population taking part in higher education is important for the research question or the budget for advertising the study is constraint, as is often the case in student research. Then matched WEIRD samples are important for scientific validity but care needs to be exercised regarding the generalisability of results. In the case of our study, comparing a diverse dyslexia sample from all walks of life to undergraduate students on a challenging cognitive task would have rendered this group comparison not meaningful. Hence, WEIRD samples need to be well-justified but should not be categorically condemned. One suggestion for increasing ecological validity, however, is to collect similar, but more, samples in independent locations. In other words, running the identical study at several universities in different cities, provinces or even countries. Thereby, cross-cultural questions could be addressed (Knoeferle et al., 2010; Woods et al., 2013). Selecting specifically matching control group(s) is equally key for those studies run at multiple sites. Networks facilitating such collaboration exist, such as the Psychology Science Accelerator (; Forscher et al., 2021), and have their roots in the promising open science movement that seeks to counteract the replication crisis by promoting transparency, openness, and replication (Klein et al., 2018; Munafò et al., 2017; Nosek, 2015; Nosek et al., 2012, 2018; Simmons et al., 2011). However, these initiatives can come with a separate set of challenges regarding its organization and logistics, which are discussed in another article in this special issue. To increase sampling efforts and recruit a wider variety of participants, one may use one of the many existing platform solutions. While platforms and large-scale initiatives simplify recruitment of larger samples, it is crucial to investigate who are the standard users of platforms, such as Prolific Academic (; Palan & Schitter, 2018), Amazon’s MechanicalTurk (MTurk;, OpenLab (, university participant pools among others before recruiting through them (Chandler et al., 2014; Rodd, 2019; for details on implementation and platforms, see Grootswagers, 2020; Sauter et al., 2020). Here, we do not aim to describe populations on these platforms in much detail, as this has been done elsewhere (e.g., Berinsky et al., 2012; Levay et al., 2016; Walters et al., 2018;

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Woods et al., 2015). Specifically for MTurk, the interested reader can draw back on several analyses of participants and task performance in the context of online tasks (Berinsky et al., 2012; Casler et al., 2013; Chandler et al., 2014; Crump et al., 2013; Goodman et al., 2013; Hauser & Schwarz, 2016; Levay et al., 2016; Mason & Suri, 2012; Paolacci et al., 2010; D. N. Shapiro et al., 2013; Sprouse, 2011; Walters et al., 2018). Reports show that results obtained from more diverse MTurk samples are almost indistinguishable from those collected in laboratory settings, as many well- known laboratory effects replicate (Casler et al., 2013; Crump et al., 2013; Goodman et al., 2013; Sprouse, 2011). The prevalence of self-reported clinical conditions in these samples matches that seen in the general population, but can also surpass that observed in laboratory studies, making crowdsourcing a viable way to conduct research on clinical populations (Gillan & Daw, 2016; D. N. Shapiro et al., 2013; K. L. Shapiro et al., 1997; van Stolk-Cooke et al., 2018). Another investigation in the context of political science shows that users of MTurk are more representative of the US population than in-person convenience samples (Berinsky et al., 2012). Nonetheless, researchers must be wary of undesired effects. These include a lack of seriousness that can occur when a specific type of user (i.e., younger men) is dominant on a platform (Downs et al., 2010). Participants may also be nonnaïve resulting in a form of dependency of data points, as some participants are more likely to take part in similar tasks (Chandler et al., 2014; Meyers et al., 2020; for an empirical evaluation, see Woike, 2019). To circumvent issues arising from certain task types (e.g., economic game paradigms) being frequently offered on a given platform, researchers might opt for less traditional paradigms. Lastly, avoiding a predominantly western sample may still be difficult, as about ⅔ of the recently active users on Prolific Academic were born in the UK, US, Germany or Canada (accessed 28/07/2021) but efforts in this direction should be made regardless. To reach difficult populations, other recruitment attempts could include the use of mailing lists, listservs, online forums or Facebook (sponsored) posts, as has been done for recruiting infant participants (Brouillard & Byers-Heinlein, 2019). Having one’s study featured in relevant newspaper or pop-science articles on the topic presents another opportunity. However, as with different platforms, there may be expected differences between samples solely based on the recruitment source and technique. In using these methods, it is important to attempt to recruit outside of the researchers’ own social media networks, since such recruitment may not

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increase the diversity of the sample—leading instead to homophily (Aiello et al., 2012; Sheskin et al., 2020). Most importantly, the characteristics, intentions, and motivations of these samples must align with the study’s objectives. An ever-existing risk in an online environment is the potential for participant fraud—particularly when recruiting rare populations (Chandler & Paolacci, 2017). While fraudulent behaviour cannot be entirely excluded, it is important to verify as much as possible that participants really are who they say they are and are prevented from participating repeatedly (Rodd, 2019). Here, recruiting through an official platform is likely to mitigate potential fraud somewhat due to in-built screening and monitoring tools. Besides demographics, system information, and ID numbers, one may also include checks throughout the study by asking about similar information several times using different wording. Another aspect that can help to avoid participant fraud and ethical concerns, which is under the researcher’s control, is a study’s reward structure. It must be in line with payment amounts offered in laboratory settings to be ethical, while not being too large to avoid participants providing false information and/or providing random data simply to gain access to the monetary reward. Arbitrarily increasing monetary incentives is unlikely to have a positive effect, as it has been shown to affect only the speed at which a sample and data is being collected as well as reducing dropout rates, but importantly, it did not affect experimental results/manipulations (Crump et al., 2013). Woods and colleagues (2015) suggest a rate of 15 cents per minute. Lastly, variable bonus incentives could also be introduced for completing certain aspects or the entire task successfully (Chandler et al., 2014). Besides participant recruitment and sample characteristics, technological capabilities are another main aspect underlying successful online studies. These become much more important in the online realm, as their variability increases with every participant bringing their own set-up to the study. To minimize unwanted and negative effects, researchers are well-advised to include hardware requirements in their experiment description. Checking whether these have been fulfilled when starting the experiment and enforcing their compliance is a must, as it allows for better standardization of procedures and results. In this respect, the necessity of extensive piloting of an experiment cannot be emphasised enough. Piloting the workflow should be carried out using multiple machines, browsers, and participants. This should include an evaluation of the instructions and accuracy of technical and

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other screening checks upon which the experiment should get aborted, if a mismatch is detected. Generally, timing accuracy in online studies is affected by the variety of set- ups and varies slightly more than in the lab across all measurements (for more details, see Bridges et al., 2020). For example, the accuracy of reaction times may be adversely affected if certain operating system / browser pairings are used (for details, see Anwyl-Irvine, Dalmaijer, et al., 2020; Bridges et al., 2020). Laptops offer more recording precision and are preferable over touch screen devices. In contrast, research questions less reliant on speeded answers or interested in using push notifications may alternatively opt to use smart phones and tablets devices. We suggest recording all possible timings regardless of the allowed testing devices to check whether participants stayed attentive and on task. Timing accuracy of the stimulus presentation duration is particularly important in many psychophysics experiments using short presentation durations in the order of less than 50 ms. Such short presentation durations are difficult to realise online and known to be imprecise, since they are bound by the screen refresh rate. This refresh rate is commonly 60 Hz, which only allows for presentation durations of multiples of 16.6 ms. As well, if a frame glitches and is omitted such short presentation durations are substantially shortened. However, timing concerns for longer stimulus presentation durations on modern browsers, and with the optimal operating system / browser pairing, have been alleviated in recent years (Anwyl- Irvine, Dalmaijer, et al., 2020; Bridges et al., 2020; Gallant & Libben, 2019; Mathôt & March, 2021; Pronk et al., 2020). Timing accuracy of visual displays and reaction times tend to be best when chromium-based browsers are being used, independent of the operating system (e.g., Google Chrome; Anwyl-Irvine, Dalmaijer, et al., 2020). But substantial differences between the browser / presentation software / OS combinations exist and need to be considered in the study design (Bridges et al., 2020). Some additional data screening considerations include defining exclusion criteria a priori (Chandler et al., 2014; Munafò et al., 2017; Nosek et al., 2018), checking the amount of time participants spent on reading instructions, using instructional manipulation checks (Oppenheimer et al., 2009), integrating timed attention/catch trials to weed out inattentive participants, and analysing data that was flagged for exclusion separately or including this fact as a moderator variable in the

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analysis (Chandler et al., 2014). These suggestions can be implemented for experimental research and questionnaires alike. Ideally, a study would perform participant screening and exclusion before collecting actual experimental data by using one of the many tools built into platforms. Catch trials would then represent a complementary check of the data. In fact, probing participants’ attention using catch trials is generally a useful strategy since results revealed that inattention may be larger in the lab. One study found that 61% of participants failed attention checks compared to only 5% of MTurk participants (Hauser & Schwarz, 2016). Very recently, technological innovations have given rise to the possibility of webcam-based eye-tracking. This follows on from the introduction of more and more portable eye-trackers to the market since 2015. The possibility of collecting eye-tracking data in online studies using a laptop’s in-built or a USB webcam is a promising prospect and could benefit cognitive research majorly, as eye movements provide a mechanism to examine cognitive and physiological processes simultaneously. Current sampling rates are often restricted to 30 Hz (one data point every ~33 ms), which is still low compared to high-end lab-based eye-tracking systems often achieving 1000 Hz (one data point per millisecond). This maximum rate depends on the specifications of the webcam, processing power of the computer, current computational load (e.g., number of open browser tabs), and the eye-tracking algorithm itself. It is important to keep in mind that the maximum rate may not always be achieved by all systems and at all times, as the algorithm is often run on the participant’s local machine. Therefore, it is likely sufficient for experiments expecting longer and more steady fixations of at least 150 ms, as some samples may be skipped or not accurately collected. This type of research is often conducted in consumer psychology or sustained attention paradigms. Hence, the sampling rate remains a caveat that requires careful consideration of its usefulness for a given study. Accuracy of some solutions is estimated to be around 1 degree of visual angle by the developers (GazeRecorder, 2021), comparable to lab-based systems. Occasional recalibration throughout an experiment can be useful, since accuracy may decrease over time (Pronk, 2021). Factors in the participants' environment, such as the general lighting conditions can further affect tracking performance as well. Since accuracy often decreases towards the edges of a display, focusing stimulus presentation around the centre of the display would be good practice. At the time of writing, webcam-based eye-tracking is available on platforms including

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PsychoPy/Pavlovia, Labavanced, Gorilla. Most use the WebGazer.js library (Papoutsaki et al., 2016) and require a mouse/cursor to perform the calibration. Taken together, if used purposefully, webcam-based eye-tracking and automated video analysis have great potential for adult and developmental research (Chouinard et al., 2019) as one of the first physiological measures to be reliably collected online. In terms of procedural design recommendations for online research, behaviours leading to irreproducible research (Button et al., 2013; Ioannidis, 2005, 2008; Ioannidis et al., 2014; Munafò et al., 2017; Simmons et al., 2011) can be partly avoided by pre-registering an unmodifiable analysis plan consisting of research questions, hypotheses, exclusion criteria, a priori power calculations, and target sample size on the Open Science Framework for instance (OSF;; Foster & Deardorff, 2017; Nosek, 2015; Nosek et al., 2018). Pre-registration templates exist (van den Akker et al., 2021). This does not mean the door for exploratory or unplanned analyses is closed. One could simply add a section named “unplanned protocol deviations” in the final report (Camerer et al., 2018). Data, analyses, and materials can be made easily accessible and reproducible by sharing these in hybrid formats, such as markdown (Artner et al., 2020), which merge code, results, and text. These can then be stored via cloud-based solutions including the OSF, GitHub or Databrary (Gilmore et al., 2018; for a guide on transparent research steps, see Klein et al., 2018). Asking participants to find a quiet environment, exit all non- essential programs, close all other browser tabs and applications, and empty their browser’s cache can all help the study to run smoothly and provide the best possible timing accuracy. Instructions may rather be extensive, and their visual form complemented by an auditory read out. Participants could be guided through a sample trial step-by-step. We also suggest complementing experimental testing with questionnaire items (after the experiment) to collect self-report data on noise and distractions in the participant’s environment, on what may have gone wrong, and give participants a chance to provide feedback.


Since the transition to online research is difficult to achieve based on a simple blueprint/template, we presented suggestions that are intended to guide one’s thinking about experimental design considerations without claiming to be all-

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encompassing. Importantly, they aim to provide a starting point instead of replacing study-dependent critical thinking and decision-making. Crucial questions to ask yourself as you begin to design any online study are: What is the goal of my study and are all the measures needed to answer my research question collectable online. It is also important to consider worst-case scenarios with regards to the experimental design, participants, and technology, and to think of ways to mitigate these issues beforehand. Our study illustrates these suggestions and the fact that it is difficult to design the perfect study, as it still leaves room for improvement. The future of research is heading towards technological innovation and more online research, and the COVID-19 pandemic offered many a first opportunity at trying out to leverage the benefits of remote experimental testing. As increased environmental changes and biological hazards may result in an uncertain future with regards to global pandemics (Beyer et al., 2021), making the transition to remote experimentation sooner rather than later, could prove to be more advantageous for research teams in many different settings and research fields in the long run. Thus, whether more researchers adopt this method should simply be a matter of time.


We would like to thank Malte Wöstmann and Jonas Obleser for their feedback on earlier drafts of this manuscript. Further, we wish to acknowledge all the suggestions and feedback that were collected in response to a tweet by LF on the topic. We also thank Aaron P. Johnson, Bianca Grohmann, Onur Bodur, Pascale Doherty-Haigh, and Sloan Mogadaszadeh for their contribution to the dyslexia study reported herein.

Funding information

This research was supported by a Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture team grant (196369), and a Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship awarded to LF by Concordia University. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

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Competing interests

The authors have no competing interests to declare.

Authors’ contributions

Both authors contributed equally to most stages of the reported study and this manuscript. Specifically, authors contributed in the following way: Conceptualization: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Data curation: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Formal analysis: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Funding acquisition: Léon Franzen. Investigation: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Methodology: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Project administration: Léon Franzen. Resources: Léon Franzen. Software: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Supervision: Léon Franzen. Validation: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Visualization: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Writing - original draft: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen. Writing - review & editing: Nathan Gagné and Léon Franzen.

Transparency statement

We reported how we determined the sample size and the stopping criterion. We reported all experimental conditions and variables. We report all data exclusion and outlier criteria and whether these were determined before or during the data analysis.

Data accessibility

Data is accessible from the project’s Open Science Framework repository: (doi: 10.17605/OSF.IO/9UBME)

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