Explaining Patterns of Suicide
Explaining Patterns of Suicide A selective review of studies examining social, economic, cultural and other population-level influences Report 1: Social Explanations for Suicide in New Zealand Authors: Caroline Maskill and Dr Ian Hodges, HealthSearch, Auckland, New Zealand Velma McClellan, Research and Evaluation Services Ltd, New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand Dr Sunny Collings, Department of Psychological Medicine, Wellington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, New Zealand Published in December 2005 by the Ministry of Health PO Box 5013, Wellington, New Zealand ISBN 0-478-29656-8 (Book) ISBN 0-478-29604-5 (Website) HP 4167 This document is available on the Ministry of Health’s website: http://www.moh.govt.nz Preface Social explanations for suicide in New Zealand: utilising trend data to 1999 This paper is one of a suite of six reports that the Ministry of Health commissioned from the Wellington School of Medicine and Health Services between 2001 and 2004. The suite of reports explore a range of possible social explanations, analyses and evidence about New Zealand’s suicide trends. Due to a three-year time lag in coroner statistics being available, most of the reports address suicide trends up to 1999. National suicide prevention strategy The suite of reports aims to inform discussion on New Zealand’s proposed national suicide prevention strategy: A Life Worth Living: All Ages Suicide Prevention Strategy (2005). Report Topic Author/s Title no. 1 Literature review Caroline Maskill Explaining Patterns of Suicide: A selective (2002) Ian Hodges review of studies examining social, Velma McClellan economic, cultural and other population- Dr Sunny Collings level influences 2 Review of routine Stuart Ferguson Suicide Rates in New Zealand: exploring data (2002) Assc Prof Tony Blakely associations with social and economic Bridget Allan factors Dr Sunny Collings 3 Māori (2004) Dr Paul Hirini Whakamomori: He whakaaro, he korero Dr Sunny Collings noa.
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