The Denve-r Catholic Re te-r

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8. 1981 VOL. L VIII NO. 24 Colorado'• Largeat WHkly 32PAGES 215 CENTS PER COPY

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• - M . , ·~ . I • This Pass/on Sunday we ~.J: must ' remember not to divide the Paschal mystery Into a ' , season of ". dying-Lent -anda season of rising - Easter.

See why on Page 5. ,. ~ J · {~ ·-~

- .. The art on this page la from Salvador Dall's " The Last . . . Supper" (top) and bis " The Christ of St. John of the Cro11." (bottom).

PETER PAuLAND1. KMGH Channel 7 ... Sullday, April 1%,7-t p.m . Tuesday, April 14, 8-11 p.m .

Viewer's Guide Pa1ezs .... ······~············ ... ,.4········#·•···· ·· ...... ,. . \Rf "II RISIIOl'"S Ot"flf"t-: 200 ,l u,t•phlnP Slrt>~I Poles Say 'Thanks' to Pope U•·nHr. I 'll Mfl206 Offtdal Government Also Gives Thanks to WAHSAW. Pol and t N C:1 - Polish government lite episcopate in order to promote the peaceful resolution • r • ~ r l'presentc1tives thanked Pope .John Paul II and the Polish ol the social conflict. .. the communique said. ., _ SGllfo:L> On March 29. lhe Sunday before the scheduled strike. AIK'IIBISIIOI' ,JAM ES V. CASEY tor their efforts to " promote the peaceful the Pol ish-born Pope called for prayers that Poland would L • Sunday. April 12 10 :io a m and 12 Ncnv1•1 St Thr,rna~ ~t' niinar}' linals reached a LC!nlat1vc al(rcement over labor disputes Al the meeting both sides expressed · ·deep concern for • - - , lllspunie Mmt~lrv l•.v,,l11, ,1111n 1111111 <1 1, l lhe 111st minute the national life and for further correct development of the Friday. Apnl 10 1i ,,..,,,, IJ1•11ver, <";sth•1lu 1•,,, wral , ·,•nter 'Hep.rescntal1ves of the government expressed words renewal of social. political and economic life. and for .., - Prcsnn ('hupla,n, :,11 I ' ,m dv l 'rnio11 Minl'lrv, M•·t•tinl( and turther democratization" of Poland . the bishops· communi­ LunC"h 111 rcC'ogntlaon and gratitude tor the mitiatives ta ken by the . que said. . .. S:st11 rd1tv April 11 12 ,,111111 , (;ohJen Appl<·W ,n lk 11vi:r l 'rt•s1:n1;,ll!,n ot our Lady l'art~h ( ·0111'r·l"hr,11t·l'nv1:r, Aur.,na <.:nmpu, Aur;,na Good Shepherd ·· Ever yone must be aware that the responsibility for Advl~ory lluant M1••·t i t thl fate of the homeland rests both with •'1e political ,..,.. \-. T11e.~t11,y, April 14 11 ;, 111 lw11vo:r . BaslltC'a nl 1h1• Im powers and with society and with i ndividuc1. tizens... it , mat·ul;1tc Cnnt·cpll/111. liless lnl( o f /'frw Oils an(! 11 ..,n..,w11I of ~a id " In the sol'1al arena the good of the r~public is a • __ , l'rl1i~lly C11111rn1Lrn1•nl Principal Named supreme good and to safeguard it 1s a m oral duty of every Wt>dn('sdoy, Aprtl 15 l.:Jkt•wouc.l, AMC' <'ant'l'r Hl•~carr·h Centn and llosp,111 I, Hudl(cl <.:ommillec Meetings Urother Claver Morns or experienced w,th both l"'atm~ns · HISIIOP RICIIARL> C'. IIANIFl-:N lhc order of the Brothers of teaching and adrmn1strat1on Uurang the meetmg , the government officials and Monday. April 1:1, 7 30 pm , Denver, Sacred tlcart Churt h, the Poor of St Francis, will and 1s at present principal or b1sh 11,,,er For Deacons A11v C D Woo1111cr, Editor Morns r'i <'om,na ·"idani that he 111 " h11thly qu,1hhNf J•M•• r ,eate, AHOC•• ·· Editor \II ~rmaMnt deacoRs 1n the Denver archdiocese I ,nu• A,ot<1an Contributing Ed•lo, h•~ .1 lol of nd Jim P,.,.on 8 u11ne11 Manege, u~r,.,n, ,• .. tuw b.-.•n rc-qu"lfod b Ar<.'hblshop James V. Casey to at­ Ft•ni.. V&ccruarelh Adve,t111ng o,,.c:10, wilt h,· vtr c1p ublf' an tl'nd .,n .. nnu.11 retreat . thcs year on eJther July 17-19 or R1c ha,ct f uci..e, Juhe A1he, Eouo,1e l S1 ■ H carrv tn1ot nut tht' m('rl(t'f' S..•p1 • fl fkith will 1M' '"°Id at Sacred Heart Retreat House Je.m• Baca s cett Photoo•• P"•• him t o,oA KUtQttr C i,cuIa11on wc re• ""PP> to ha\-.. 1.n :wtl.t h.i Tht> nt"w lioud Ple.. 11 d irect •11 1nquirlH t eg■ rd lng Ct'lenge1 OI eddren tul>IC"P• Rrothcr Morris s~ \ r, bb1,twp Casey s;a1d h\' thmks '"It Important that 1,o n, ■I t IO th■ C u (: ul ■ t,on OIIIC■ C ■tt'lohc Reo•tt•• ;ioo school wall Ule CIUI °""""' uw 111 p,-rma~nt ducons plan to attend an annual retreat J0HP""'" St•Hl. Denver. 110206 Pnone 3111,u 1 t E•t 270 t-'ather John Anderson, pH· roo m fadl1t1u 111 the .\, in the case of our priests. the annual retreat E<11t o11e1 o t11cH toce1,<1 ■ t 200 Jou pn1ne , Oen•••. 1102oe tor or Good Shepherd Par­ bu1 h.tlnl( that 11 nnw St ~tfroi;:tJ1,mJ1 renews apostolic and af­ Subtc11ptcon1 S3 50 per r••• - ish , has announced. hfe zeal l'h1lomena'1 achoo! ton,, ,in opportunity for community buildir11." f'u•••on countroe■ 1netua1no Pt'llltpplne,, 1 7 00 per v••• Tht- Brother s of the Poor l tf:g1straUC)(I tor lh«' 1911• Rt ~• Mertt•- J Sm1lh , P h O . founding f01to• 111 St. Fran cis , htad­ 82 iil'hool )'Ur ll 5et. for Sun, l'\90,11•• ~r•••m ot C ethOIIC N--P•~• 1111 3· 1NO quartered in Burllqton, day, AJlrtl 2111. from II am to fc.•• o l DMI••· m11nity Brother MorTls ii from 6 to 8 p m .

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l'aul II has a1-ked all Catholic bishops' con- t~West. ,with.. ! whom,.~'! we areh s~~~till not united"'~b~~! by \'at1 t'an annouticed ,\lar~chhi.I~~~ :u thal l 'opt•,)nhn- ~!!11111~· Sp11·1t .~~~!''"'''"'"""'"" ·.·., t .- ~ '!.~'!,N~-'!:, 1 1.erences W send repi:_esentat1ves to Home tullecrles1alrommunion." l'aul had asked the Commillt'<' cir Ht•ct11rs Thc1\lugians ot othe r l ' hns I1 .ir1 I Qr Pentecost. June 1. to " entrust to the He said the . along w1tll ul El'l'les1ast1<·al l ' n1vl'r:-lties 111 lfonw to dPn,1111 111utwn~ will be mv1tt>d to nlkn50th anniver sary said. " summarizes in felic itous wordi- 0 th_e Coun cil_ ?f Ephesu s. which Mary·s unbreakable r el ationship With p~oc!atmed the divine motherhood of the t hrist and with the Church ... Virgin Mary, Pope John Paul said Church renewal • - - • The le~ter. dated March 25 but relea~ed .. must be both an updating and a consolida· at the Vatica n March 31. stressed the 1m- lion of what l s eternal and constitutive ot "' - portance of the ancient councils for such the Church's mission: · • • contemporary issues ~s ecun:ie_nis!TI, Church Such renewal "can be carried out only renewal and the vocations crisis. in the Holy Spirit. that is to say with the aid . I (If His light and His power. .. the Pope ad­ I- ~, "" ◄ Fresh Ute 1 "These great anniversaries cannot re­ ded. main for us merely a memory of the distant Work ot Renewal past." Pope John Paul said. " They must He said the effects of the Holy Spirit on take on fr esh life in the faith of the Churc h. the work of renewal initiated by the Second they must re-echo anew in her spirituality. Vatican Council is crucial for interna l indeed they must find an external Church unity. for the flourishing of voca­ manifestation of their ever living relevance tions to the priesthood and Religious life. tor the entire community of believers.·· for growth in the lay apostalate and tor " the The Pope said celebrations in Rome for ecumenical process within Christianity the feast ot' Pentecost - with ceremonies in and for U1e Church's path m the modern St. Peter ·s and St. Mary Major basilicas - world. which must extend in the direction ot r ..-----­ will allow the entire Church to r enew justice and peace ... toget.her " the inheritance that we have Pooe John Paul urged the bishops to received from the Pentecost upper room in preach· about the two anniversar ies on Holy ' the power of the Holy Spirit.·· Thursday, April 16, and on other occasions I He urged each 's conference and •• in order that in every local church and i ' each patriarchate a nd m etropolitan every community of the Church they may prov-Ince ol the Eastern-Rite Catholic similarly be recalled and lived as they I Church to send one or more representatives deserve.·· l o Kome for the services. An Opportunity " While the chief task of our generation. ··There is no doubt that at the present ' and perhaps also or futher generations in stage of the history of the Church and of the Church. will be to carry out and make humanity a special need is felt tn go rleeper part or life the teachings and guidance ot' I mto and give new life to the truth about the the great ,Second Vatican, Council. the an­ llol,v Sµiril." Pope John Paul said. niver sar ies this vear of the First Council or T he Pope expressed hope that the Constantinople ~nd the Council of t-.:phesus councils of Constantinople and Ephesus. give us an opportunity for perfor ming this ' ·whic h were expressions of the faith taught Rrprodu1•rd wllh pc•rmluion task 111 the living context or the truth that 0( l' r11nkll11 MrM1tho11 ·r, and professed by the undivided Churc h. will lasts throughout the ages to eternity," he -~·t make us grow in mutual understandiniz \\'ilh said. lt.Archbishop Casey Meets with Morticians

By James Fiedler Harry Stevenson said that the mortuary Mc·I '110k said tile archdi0<:ese had 1·cmsultcd with RegiaterStaff representatives were " all adamantly opposed to lh<' nauonal experts 1n the h eld r The decision to oper ate a mortuary at Mt. Olivet . the archdiocese entering into the private sector or the funer al Expert Information • Denver archdiocesan cemeter y, was made lo provide "a industry ·· An·hblshop Casey said that " this was a managerial I • )... greater ser vice to people,·· Archbishop James V , Casey The mor tuary representatives said they were opposed de<·1sion. ·• He said it was not the type ot decislnl( 111 this dct 1s11111 " . stud't" d th~ mor tuary busmesi- 101' 11lmo~l thr~ 11,, added that the archdiocese IS ··not trymg to rapture t d 1- . Pie Who Id b ed Wlwn a!'kml 11 tht• dc<·uoon to un I1 111,•1•s11n o~rs." The d"""' ·isi'o..n , he ad-'.... . " Was m ade on the hasls ol thf• market our entrance mto this r·1e · 1s nut as on upcra., e at rc (' V- '"'" ' '"'-' · I t l J mortuary th ttnn or cnutct IN! d1angcu . Afl'1 111 s 1to J) a sev ·whether this could be of servcn• to people . . competing with local mortuaries it s -O prov' e an h be d d l b<: I ,m ahcrnauvc l or those who wish to take advanlagc of tt11s replied lh11l " tht• dcc1s1of! as "" nm (• an s , OJ.! • ~ Help People >l(•rvwe ' pll•rncnll'C.I .. T he archbishop wen\ on to explain that when he opens a • • new office or department In the ar chdiocese he does so Long Range Intend to Dispute based on the cr iter ion " is it going lO be a servict- to Father Schmitt t-0ld t.he mortuary reprt1sentau vc11 th.It Al that f)Qtnt tile morlullry rrprell(lntatlvt'!t pre~ntC>d 11 people:· . .. ·m the short range you may see some hurt but ,n the prop;,n~J stat~mc-nt 'ltgnc:d by the e1gh1 expressing their m- He told the mor tuary representauves th_~• he IS very ton@ range no ooe will be hurt .. He urgf!d them not IO op- 11•n1w11:,, w " dtspute and1or IJl1gatc! thc con,;tnwti~n ~~rns -~.- S b h t ( nptl JI ~n, v •r·•I 111 the represent11ttvei1 s11 1d th/ill a need had not 11 I lb .mon Trevino of T revino's . John e1ten a<· tJ " ' '"' " ..- th hu1Cin1•J1!1 and private. within the hJC.a rn10111uni 1\ 1 tll'en den1un:; trawd tur the mortuary. u,at lhe Prtc'll.11 w ;;od Joseph Pipkln ° Ptpkln's (' coun<'•I ;ina r, "111 tloran, .,, d 1dluc:elilan a u orney iind 1-·ulher llarle~· !S<·hm1tt " uuld bl·"' v 1•J1 at, on o I c- 1)r1nc p e o scpara on o u • ,_,.11 t,a.~_,.-fflft""1 ,_.,, .. ,. .,. .,. . .\I~ Ull\'t!l chaplain. ;ind SI ,te Church 'Must' Look Hard at Arms Race ( By NC News Service I be justified in light of urgent needs of the poverty-stricken? A group or 17 U.S. bishops, all members of the Catholic • Can the nuclear arms race be continued without peace movement, Pax Chr isti. have made an urgent appeal greatly increased risks of nuclear war? for increased dialogue and debate within the Church on the • If the indiscriminate use of weapons of mass destruc• nuc lear arms race and military aid to repressive regimes. tion is morally wrong (as held by Catholic teaching). how They also warned that the U.S. government may be can the threat to use them (which is essential to U.S. ready to conduct its foreign policy "outside the pale or deterrent strategy) be morally j ustified? moral behavior." There is a need, they said. lo apply Pope • What moral limits should be set on " targeting John Paul IJ's warnings about the " common exter• policies" of U.S. weapons system s? mlnalion" or the human family to current U.S. defense • Is it morally responsible for policymakers to claim policies. that nuclear wars can be won? Teaching• • Can it be morally justified to supply non-nuclear The plea came in a mid-March letter to Archbishop weapons to poor nations or to countries where arms a re Joseph L. Bernardin or Cincinnati. chairman or a new ad likely to be used to maintain repressive regimes? hoc committee or U.S. bishops established to study and make recommendations on Church teachings on war and peace. SERVING THE DENVER COMMUNITY The bishops who signed the Pax Christi letter said they FOR OVER 30 YEARS have a " grave responsibility as pastors" to alert Catholics and the nation to the dangers of the government's apparent TNEIE'I TIME TO course or action regarding nuclear super1ority and the sup• mu - - ... .. port or governments that roster injustice in the name or OIIDEII FOIi EASTEIIII anti-communism.

Deadlock auun,uL uw■a The called for careful exploration or the QROWNINOUR possibility of advocating unilateral disarmament " as a OWN GRHNHOUIII means or breaking the deadlock caused by demands for ,nutual disarmament. ··Granted. unilateral mit1at1vcs involve serious risks:· the bishops said, " but m our view lhesc risks arc called for ,n light or the far greater risks or an arms rae(' which the Vatican has called 'a machine tione mad · The bishops also ur~ed an mcreasrd commitment to 11eac<- research," indudinl! a look at · non-v1olcnt •1t>01ods or c1vll defense .. The Church mull lnrrea!le dt'hal c on arm, rat·r • .JI/ Range In welcoming the £ormalion or the ad hoc romm1ttec . 1tw letter said. 11 wall Pax Christi"s aim to place before the Tu1'·,, t l1t· mmillec a " full range" of questions requiring a nswers. The Von Feldt Brothers of mrludml! U, •/1.. i .... r , •r . f,, r • Can continued or inc reased spending on armaments ( ~tltH/ 't' IC"'i J&9H Liquors


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.. the sin of the world." all the weight and burden of human transgression from Adam to Antichrist. And ' 1the wages of sin is death·· \ Rom 6:23). Not the soul leav1ng the body: not some abstract absence of God. The results or radical sin. of " mort11l " sin, are within me. It unmakes me, undoes me. unravels me, misshapes me. In sin, in radical sin. I am Let Go al Yesterday a different person; for Life has left me. .- To the death that is 'sin we have been dying since our .. Baptism. And the dying is never ended. For dying to sin ii. The Puzzle of Passion Sunday nol something negative ; dying to sin Is turning to Christ. and turning lo Christ is a constant conversion. If sin is re­ jection. dying to sin is openness: openness to God's presence poured out on us through evli'ry flower that opens its <'haliced petals to us, every breeze that caresses our skin. every man or woman whose eyes meet ours. the By Father Walter J. Burghardt, S.J. awesome presence of the Holy One Himself tabernacled into the desert. Remember. in Hosea, how the Lord speaks within us. In dying lo sin, we live lo God For anyone with a liturgical memory, the Sunday about Israel'! " I will allure her. and bring her into the Death comes to us in a second way: from lhe very • - • ~ i that opens Holy Week can be confusing. Not too long wilderness. and speak tenderly to her" ( Hos 2 · 14 1. shape of the journey - even part from sm. For the human 1 ago, the two Sundays that precede Easter were called The second Sunday: the Transfiguration ILk 9:29b•:16 ). journey to go forward. to move ahead. you have Lo let go of ~ - _,. respectively, Passion Sunday and Palm Sunday. The~ On the journey of death, Jesus is revealed as the person of where you've been. let go of the level of life where y<,u :ir<• they were titled. respectively, the First Sunday of the Pas­ li.fe. On the death march. the disciples see His glory But now. so as to live more fully. It's never far frnm you • -- • slon and the Second Sunday of the Passion. Now the sec­ they fail to grasp the death-life duality. In J ohn Gallen ·s Whether il's turning 21. 40. or 65: whether it's losing your • • .. ,. ond Sunday before Easter is simply the Fifth Sunday of vivid paraphrase, "Who needs to go up to Jerusalem and health or your hair, your looks or your lustiness. your Lent, and the last Sunday before Easter is Passion/ Palm die? It is good for us to be here. Where'! The Sinai Hilton. money or your memory, a person you love or a possession ~ Sunday. that's where! · · you prize : whether it's yestt'rday·s applause or tuday·s rap• We dare not divide the paschal mystery Into a The third Sunday: destruction ol' the temple 1Jn 2_13 - lure: whether it 's as rleeting as Fort Lauderdale or as •t~ ...son of dying (Lent) and a season of rising (Easter). 25 ). In the midst of destruction. resurrection. "Destroy this abiding as grace - you have to move on Essential to tlu• Indeed there was a chronological sequence to the events temple (my bodyl and in three days I will raise lt up:. (Jn human pilgrimage, to the Christian journey. ls a self• In Jesus' Ille. But to stress the history is to miss the 2: 19). The fourth Sunday: darkness and light 1Jn 3:14-21\. e mptying more or less like Christ's own t•mplymg tune ~ mystery. Jesus Christ Is risen - and even during Lent we In the midst of darkness. Jesus is presented as the person a nd again, from womb to tomb. you have tv lt:t go i\nl.l tu dare not pretend he has not. Lent, therefore, must be an of light. Not at the end of the darkness - in its very midst. let go is to die a little. l t's painful. 11 can he hloout she l>Ort!lf .no more a preparation for the resurrection or Jesus than ,,ught to touch our lives Is clear. Por liturgy, as sacrament him rnd " lives or quicl ,. . • Easter is the paschal mystery. and the paschal mystery Is is a truth I left oot of my first point, a truth essential to the desperation." a duality: the dying-and-rising of Jesus. And the fact is. He paschal mystery: Jesos Christ d~ and rose tor ua. Not No, my brothers and Sisters, s top calling for Lattlt .. ... has already died and risen; we dare not pretend U!at He has only did he himself journey to Jerusalem: be comnaanded Sheba. Passion Sunday 11 a different call · the past hal nol, Lent is not the dying or Jesus. Easter His rising. The us to follow him on that Journey. Jt is a Journey tha.:,:S to mystery, your involvement In the dylng,rlslng or Cbri11t. ts ... ·• whole of Lenl is a progressively more intense initiation into life through death; and death ,ivea life not only we now. Die • little, to live more richly. Lf!'t your ye1terd_.ys the puchal mystery. into the twin reality of Jesus dead and breathe our last. but all throu&h our Christian existence be yesterday•. the Joys and the sorrows. so that today you • • risen. Because the journey is structured that w;ay , we cannot may listen to tM Lord's voice (cf. Ps 95:71. receive His • _. o U JOU need proof. go back over each Su~y this ~t a void taJkln1 about de.a th. about our dytn,. our dally. flesh and blood for today's food and drink. go out to a little Each Sunday Gospel proclaimed nc>t only dying but rising ceaseless dying, :acre o( God's world where crucified men and women need :, - In death, lire. 1be first Sunday· Jesus in lhe desert ' Mt so badly a Cbrl1Uan wh(, ha.8 died to sin and 11etr. who fives ' : l2-1S), Journeying to Lite to God and for others ... today The biblic-al desert 1s not only the place of wandering Reptlnted from " Tell the Next Generation. Homllles confusion. of huncerfng and thirsHng. of temptation Ln our journeying to life, we die in two wtty1: for dcMh and NHr Homilies., by Walter J. Burghardt. SJ nd 'H!arching: it is the place of discovery and covenant, of come• to us fr-Orn two source, Death comes to us. rlr~t. Copyright 1980 by Wallet J. Burghardt, S,J. Used by per- · M>d lPYc Mld.,Jlew Jafc. It ts .the Lord who leajis .UVEO.-"O-=JCQ.1'0 the s!os of uur owoJuluoalna..and.trU1R ... -,..,1on.••P•wu.tA-Ne -· • • I.

..... I - TM Den-CatlMltlc ...... ,, Wed., ,...,. I. 1N1

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Foreign Missions Day \lu.. 1r. lor lht \lu>i a l lht• Oa~ "1th tht> Foreign Mis­ ~1on, • in pr·o\ldt'd b koto ◄ JapaDei.t harp I players, seen ID lht' lop It'll pholo In lhf' lop photo lt l rlcht . •l apanese Slat..r S.d1lko Shlrlaabl did the second reading at the Mass. ID Jap,iaf'te . .ID the photo at left Karen Pierce In Japanese drc-n u pla iaa boaui miniature treeli to Eric Dalio. 8, lefl. 110d his brotllrr Ma rc , 5, of Most Precious Blood Parish. Mr

By James Fiedler 11neness with the Christians of Jara n - which would be a need lor Looo s help in the midst ol repression a nd in­ Rttllltr Slaff surprise and a pleasure to the J apanese - Is lo recall .. Justices throughout the world. such as apartheid in South Catholic Americans should become ··models ror the 1he truths about ourselves .. our mission to preach the Alnca and suppression ot peoples in South and Central Japanese ... of happy. produc tive and lov1n11 li ves . in a t;ospel to all nations ... to be a witness of as well as a America. ... - ...... secular society ... Jesuit Father James Guyer told hundreds bea re r of the Gos~I, · · the J esuit missionary said. Archbishop James V. casey. the principal celebrant or at the Mass at the second annual Day With the Fore i,in Mis­ 1-'ather Guyer recalled the development of re ligion In the Mass. thanked those who were responsible for the Mis• sions. which this year focused on J apan. Japan: sion Day and particularly the choir from the Ministry The lltur&Y - a Japanete Kolo Mass - included The le1endary creation of the na tion by the gods. which Training Services. which san1 the Japanese songs. numerous S()IIIS and prayen In J apanese. and kotos gave the Japanese an awareness or beauty as a gift from Receiving the Fulton J . Sheen Awards fro m •Japanese harps I. The event was he-Id April 5 at Christ the the gods. that their country Is a holy land and that they are Archbishop Casey for their support and work with the mis­ Kl111 Parish. Denver. a holy people: the arrival or Buddhism . which 1ave them sions were Marie Reilly, Sister Marie Asnes Fobes. Janet .. Cherrv blossoms are now In bloom In the middle area an appreciation of human valuei and a rellec:Uon on truths : Officer, Mar,uerite Conway, David Haberman, Frances ot J apan." said Father Guyer. wbo has been a missionary Zen Buddhism. which suaested a simpler way or life and Ha lloran and John Gabauer. there. The bloaoms, he said. are a " symbol of sprln1 . .. an inlipt Into an Individual's relaUonahip with reality: A apeclal award was presented to Kathryn Kawakami. of new life. .. Bat the J-,,.nne, he uid. al10 nolit'e that the Confucianism. which 1ave the Japanese a noblllty of wbo assisted In the planninc for the Miuion Day. Jo blouoma laat only a abort time. that any wind will blow character and a moral system ol vtrtu•; and then More than a thouaand penons attended elCblbitl and dlemaway. <.'hriatlanlty. which arrived. was suppreued and then demonstrations of Japanese cultu~ belcl in Christ tile Kina So die bloaonl...... -11 . the Jault aid. are al10 a symbol for arrived apia. brilll .. a peacefulnesa. brotberbood and Hall in the momlnc precedl• the Mass and the Inter• tlle Japaaa11 of tlle "truailorineu of human life . . . a the deatb and ResulffCtiall of a God-man. national resuval beld In tile hall after die Mau. •)'fflllol of ...... todQ and of bel• IOM tomorrow ... The Japanae. Fatller Guyer said. have "a curiosity The festival Included the Scottish Pipers. which led The MUI readl1119 for die day. thettfore. art' ap­ about God and His Christ." .they are a ··people of areet Mau participant, to the hall. the Sls. Peter and Paul propriate. be said, becaae they are a ttflection on the rell1ious 1ea1ltlvit,.v ."' but the massn of people have not School Choir. Su1uki Violin Performers. Japanese dutll and Reslarrertion of Christ. been touched by ChrisUanit,.v. Uanven. the Krakowiul Polish Dancers. Risen Christ Tile J.,...... t-'ather GU)'ff aid. "are waiti111 to be In spite of the NCVlartsm there. however. the Japanew ay W!th ~ Foreip Miuions wu sponsored by cnve,·· tblnk ··the Gospel meaap Is too IOOd to be true." the Archbishop s Guild and the archdiocesan Propa1ation "Olar purpaae here today . . In trylnc to e•preu our The pra.yen of the faithful at the Masa stres...S the of the •·alth Office. beaded by Father Edward Hoffmann. The Denwer Cethollc Aegleter, Wed., April I , 1111 - Pege 7

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. . Churches Preparing For Boom By Richard 'fucker 11,·,el~lt·r ~,au lklig1011~ learlt•r, 111 tour Wo•~l••rn ~1.,1,,, <1f!rN•d J\p1 II J to or 1::an11.c a nt'r v1· work · woup to 11wr•t 1111· 1•111•rgy t,1 ~1111 ,mpnct Ill l hf•,W!'s l /\Ill'!" a d;1v ltJO ,;t 111('fo(1nu Ill tltt• Catlir1f11• l 'a, t,,ral t 'l'llh•r. h•adt•r ~ ,,1 vi,r1ou~ !';1lhol1t l'111te1, l11nl ;ind ,lt•,11,,h dc n,1m111;1t1()m, :,~rt•cd 11w l'hu, d1 1•111111111111 11 v 11 111,1 tw prcp,trl'lf to deal wrth tht· intlux 111 :, 1111llu111 ,,, mun· 11Pw Jll'Ople in the next IO years. Faith Commun/ti•• The Hcv J ohn Sensenig. synod executive of the Unr tcd Bishop George R . Evans t right I listens ln&eatly at a con­ Bishoir William Frey t upper left) : the Rev. Shirley Greene. Presbyte rian Church. said the four states represented - (erence on energy impact as it a((ects the churc h com­ director of the Wyoming Church Coalition (bottom le(tl; and <.:olorado, Wyoming. Utah and Montana - should band munity. Others pictured are: the keynote speakers, Or. the Rev. Clyde Miller, executive of the Rocky Mountain together with each " community of faith or cluste rs of com­ Philip Burieu (at blackboard). director of tbe Western Conference of United Church o( Christ ( bottom right). munities or faith .. represenled on a steering committee. Governor's Polley Of(lce IWestpo): Colorado Episcopal To set up the structure of a steering committee. llev Sensinig agreed to ~ rve a long with other organizers of Lhe April 1 meeting - Bishop George n. Evans. auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Denver. the Hev. Clyde rnore with "keeping the doors open" than they are with percent of the population of the United States. Miller. exec utive of the Hocky Mounta m Conference of the ('ommunity efforts to meet increased de mand MXMIHl/e United Church of Christ ; and Dick Putney. director of the l!nless the church ls lo become an " irrelevancy ... Rev They also include vast amounts of oil. gas. coal and Colorado Comm ission of United Ministries m Highf'r Greene said . c hurc hes mu~t " go beyond surv1\•al othl'r energy resources. he said. the space and sunshine Education. denomina tional leadership must be upgraded. there must m•r.-~s;1ry (or development of the MX missile and a high Allhough most of those who all.ended the meeting in be an econom ical approach to solvmg problems a nd nt•v.· P''n•enlal!t' vi thf' country 's agricultural production. Denver arc denominational executives whose duties extend C'hurches must be buil t to handle popuh,111on 1nc rrases For cncr,ty d«•vt•lopment alone . Burgess said . .th ere over several states . there still are j urisdictiona l questions " We don' t need new churches corning 111 JUSt to 1w ('l)ffl v. 111 I)(> 207 000 new cmployes or 1 m illion people - m the - like can one Catholic me mber !such as U1shop Evansl mg 111 ... said the Rev. J ames tirunow. pa~tor ot \h 1n1t•rn1uunt.a1n W~ t by 1990 speak for a ll five <.:atholic dioceses in the region? Calvary Lutheran Church in Gunnison lie said thow numbt'rs of ne v.' residents will require Educ.tlon " What we need is more comrn1tim•nt of th<,,t• whu .u, .we, ll)(I nrw hom1n1t units. add1t1onal medic-al personnel. Education or both pastors and parishione rs would be a here , .. he said. ~rMl,t, ~•W,11(~ tr-eatrnc-nl fac-1ht1es a nd a " social in­ primary concern or the committee Several people, including Colorado !:;pis.cop.ii u ,~hop t r ,1 ,tru1·turc- to rn\."f'I an .-ddC'(I d«.> mand for human servke " Energy Impact is not a high priority for pastors... William F'rey, said the various de nommat,on, <1 houtd C'On lo1c1l1Utt said Father Jim King or Grand Junction He and others s ider sharing bu1ldin1s. clergy and o1 taff Thrr01 mu,t tw .i bootstrap approar h by local com- said pastors have too many other things to do, and need Sectarian 111un111.-, to m N'I lhollt' nN'd-5. he s,ud some start assistance to fret' them for 1·ommunity work on " Impactions are not sc-ctiman :H :ill," Hl&hop I- r \> energy plans . Can't W•lt said. w.. t wait ror Wuhm,rton 10 do Burgess said, Father King suggested that areas such as Grand Junc·­ ,t.•· Before decldln, what the religious community 5bould o r I c;oode or Wheatland. the Western states in the nc-xt 10 Yl'3n: · will Ix• the• •'f'-nh•1 " \ o ,.hn't'tor of th<' Pb, ttl" Cuunty Ofl ice of the Southeast 11n t'Cumenical " traveling ro:HI show" to c arry the cnt•rJ.ty p1ct'e" of the United State•~· c:m•r11y m ilitary .-nd 1'('0f1t,rn1<· mc-ssage lo parishes. " , 0 11ltn,t Mt'nl,al lf,•a llh C-tnwr a nd head of Wheatland's security llt'.-I.H1on T:a n 1-·on•e Keeping Doon Open Burgess said the 12 Western states u ncludmli( Alaska She t·:;lh'

WASHINGTON (Nl:I The US bishops have proved tor distribution by the Admm1stra t1ve Dourd of the has been sharply polarized and wonde rs how a more just published a maJor new statement. " Rellections on th(' lJ S Catholic Confer ence h was relt>ased April 2 SO<'H1 I order can result when advocates for one positron or Energy Crisis." calhng on poli<'y-makers and Catholic's to Senaltlvltr a nothe r reruse Lo even consider the arguments of those .iddress energy issues " with mor:il lmoghl a nd t' Om• Nollnti that one purpose of th(• sta te ment ,s to " a rouse they opJ>OSe m1tment .. • Special attention to the needs or the poor ~t•m.i11v1tv It) hum a n cons1derat1ons which are ofte n •R· The tah•mt'nt . more than a }'('Or m tht.' nrnkinfl :rnd nort>d .' the state me nt lasts a srries ot six moral prmcrples Steps must be taken tu ensure that the poor or those ~om.- 10.000 wortls Ion(!. 1s n d1scuss1011 ut the t•nltn· rnn~,· 1lrnt ought to g,wcrn the- development nt energy pohC'y s11bJect to d1scnmma t1on have an adequate supply of ot .-n,•ri:y 1ssul's. 1ndudmR the plussl's and rnmus,•s 01 • The rtghl to life While acknowledging tha t no energy energy. the stateme nt says. various oocriy sourc·t'i<. the just d1str1bution ol t-nerfly. and str:111•1:y will be' I n •f' from risk to human hie . tht' statement • Participation in decislon-makmg the moral d1mcns10ns of cnorRy policy The statement says fairness requires Lhat groups and ur~cs encriy plann4!rs to do all 111 the ir power to sarciuard In Denver human lire md1v1duals from a broad spectrum of opinion be given the , 1'ht• ~tatenwnt was clraflt'd alter ,1 stc•n es of regl(lnal " Thi'y must t'spen a ll _y avoltt exposing people to danger opportunity to la ke part in formulating energy policy me<•ungs. one ol whlt' h wai; ht.'ld in Oe11ver 1 without g1vmg ttrem the opportunity to accept or reJC('t that An 11nderl)•lnfl tht'me 111 11 call for II smooth ~rans1tlo11 dnngl'r. • the sta temt-nt $ayS. Source• , lro 111 past rt•ll:mcc• on oil and n111unil Jt:1s In thc• alh' rnat1\•(' • llt•sponsibli' s tew3rdlhip or thl' 1•nv1ronment Another major section ol the s ta te,m•nt discusses the 'spons .. should not be 111gh1 rrom relia nce on petroleum Thus. efforts to fmd remarks the statement. " Further. cnc-rgy 1s one of thosr 10 a llenatt- ourselves from nature. to s purn the gifts God new 011 and to force more crude trom old wells " have clear touc.'hstone 1s!lues hke arm s l'Ontrol or the' limits ol teder:il has given us .. • \•alue " power whose resolution will proloundly allect !liX'ICt~· 1n • Ac«-ptu11 the necessary sat•r1r1ees NonNheless. the certainty that the supply ol or l is finite the 21st century. The statement urges that 11 sac r11 1ce tor the <"Ommon m ean s produc tio n o f pet r oleum s hould not be " Unless some new perspectives art' brought to bear. ttood 1s necessary. it should be accepted cheerfully and in 11 overemphasized d«-e1s1on-maker11 will have little to rely on but the hard and <.:hr,suan sp1rll. " Why pursue a policy that gwarantees the early exhaus­ rather"lla rrow analytical tools that havt' guided energy • Strivin1 for a more just society . tion or domestic supplies. especially when oil hi.s certain development 1n the past ." The statt-ment notes that the t'MrlY debate ls not about uses

''I a1n the resurrecdon

and the life." '" '"' I I ' .!. I

Easter, our most important feast day, brings with it the world's greatest message - Hope, manifest through the death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Especially in this season of joy and promise, the Church seeks to bring Hope to those who have none in their lives. We reach out to those in spiritual and fi nancial need as part of our joyous celebration. Your gift can renew Hope in the lives of the poor and the desolate through the Office of Major Giving. And together we can perpetuaJe Christ's redemptive work

• • . through His church ------~------Dear Fat h er Anderson : Please -.end me mo re informatio n o n how I may participate in lht' M ajor Giving Program. I understand that this in quiry carries no obligation on my part. I am partil ularly intr-rt•'> tP

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Charitable Gift Lifetime Chtlritablc Gift., Through Life □4 Annuities □O Remainder Tru~t Gifts □G lnu,me Agreemt.'flt, Ven Reverend John V. Anderson Charitable The Charitable General lnformc1tion D irector, M ajor Givmg Bequest Testamentdry Trust of □8 Gifts □9 Archd iocese of Denver ·, .. Catholic Pastoral Center ame : ------200 Josephine Street Address : ------Denver, Colorado 80206 Phone•: ______.. .. Telephone: 388--4471 .. A lO P... 1t-TI!e0...C...... Aprtt.1N1 We Must Bend Over Backwards for Peace By Bishop Thomas Gumbleton Pre,lde111. Pu Chrlsll USA Auxiliary Bl1bop of Oe1roil

Is there a church or synagogue m the country that dves r f'-1,..," nnt. m Its weekly or even daily supplications, nffer prayer for peace'! Inconceivable. ls it possible then. that Almillhly ~• ~~ • L God turns a deaf ear to our supplications ? .-L ... ~ In spite of all our prayers. the tension in the world ap­ pears to be mounting. not fading. !'~very day we read stories that center upon hatred and slaughter and armed confllc·l. Perhaps a s1gnil1c-a nt question to ask ,,urs£- lvcs ,s th1!> When we pr.Jy for peace. fur what du we pr<1y '1 Evr•n if pPac-e rncanl unl_v lh(• ;1bsencc of war a nd h.itred 11 would he one of thl' most wonderful arcompllsh­ ments lvr wlur h Lo <11m 1-iu t peace means more th,.n th1 i. It means 1101 JIISL the abscn,·l' of someth1n~ but th t• prcscnr P - __ ,.. - of somcthinK ct--e How It Is Built It is built. a~ Pre no longer llvr-s of h;1rmonv bul of dis<"ord. We ·hcloni;c tu the same familv as lhe firsl human be• lllf(S. WC' ar<• creatures who have Sl"t'n our rclat1onsh1ps with one anuthc-r and with our Creator become broken. ;met sn we expcrienee l'strangerncnt. alienation. sin. • I ( 'Atonement' .. How will our fll'arts be healed'' Only by atonement "Surely the qut'1t for peace demand~ that ~opll' lhf' "'Orld ,n n ,,.e i.. 1d!'lltllkation and rc\:ondlia lion v. ith eaeh other... " That ii,. hy experiencing " at-onement" with God and with one another . thunderous must their C'lamor bccom t• befnr<' v.,. v. 111 <.LOP \I. hPn w•· pr,n for p.-<1C'C' 1t 1s important to know for Perhaps the most grnve sign of despair and alienation. and reflect on what we are doin.i' The1w ,;inw v1;1n·~ h,H ,, ~h.1i c,ln w,~ rl'allv P•-'Y l>o wl' ask God l-0 change " them"? of till' lack or " at-oncmcnt" in our world Is found in the been ru1sed against the 1njuSlll·cs ~u lri'tt'tl b, oth,•r, 111 If ,o " <' arr p1.i,·1n11 (01 \IC'lo~ and for our own way and th111k111g that justifies the nuclear arms race. their profession around the world 11\>I for ti U t · j:k-'jt t• Then? are many who say that our w1ll inl(ncss to fight Human Family I hi p, .i, e, f,,r 1-i..•.it'(' 1, ,1n(' of humility. one that shows wt• hold life dear and will do anything lo preser"c it rn111en11<·, 1h,,1 "(' h,1\l .i 101111 way Lo go ourselves. one Hut 1,erhaps it shows otherwise. For only in a world suffer • Surely the 4uest for pt>ac:c dt•111.i opl,• tllt· world over s<,-ek 1dcnt1lt<' 8ll1Jll ,ind rc~:orwlllutwn v. 11h lh,H ;i~k, l ,url , t>l t·,~1ni,t~ on nur f.,_.-eble a ttempts to open mg ullcnatwn in at s most severe form could there be ~pit' our h, ,1rh to 111' \\ Ill .,nd tu Ills Love and Guidance. The t•aeh other. thereby s trf'ngth 1111t tu•, pur, u1nR .in, ,.e, 111 actually workini{ out the calculations or how many millions pt.,H •1 f ur ix•,H· t" ~Cit•) nvl ,,,.,umt> that mcc we cannot of dead - between 60 and 100 million - would be " accep­ c·onm1on prnblems. transcend111g 1rn1111n.1l dlfh·n·n<"<>, tn order that the entire human fam,lv bt• wn·Ni \\ ;;-:.,~ tur lrU\I th, llUh.'I lulh lhl'fl' ·~ no US\.' In trustm~ the other at table " in a nuclear war Acceptable to whom; .ill l·bth1·r ,.,.,, NlfTI •• IO ri.'C'()$!111ZE' thal we ha\'C lO work pea<'e. But peace asks somethmg ,if u~ \\'hf) will rt'<'onc-1h• De1tructlon u.s to one another and to God rf not we ourwl\'\' "' ' " llh tlw 111.:,d " " c .m find in our u11pnnrnt a ncl that 111 fact . " " OIU'-1 r ,•;i-.• ,., think of 1h1• ulht•1 .is our ,,pponent any What lmve we become'; To what level of eslrangement II 1s not enough to initrnte nrm~ t•ontrot prog1.i111, JU-'>t 1unjl1>r hovt• we sunk t.hat we can now with <>OOI and objectivt• 11s 1t 1s not enough for opposing l'lr<•1•t g1111J1, to limn llW n1lculal1ons prepare the balance sheets of destruc tion a nd number of hatche ts. knives and handgun., th~•y will .11,rn tn St,.ngthen Bonda ~t ill c·uns1der as ( if rc11rctlable I the loss of a use during the ir sk1rm1 shes Tlw pr..cyer for pc.:ic(• st-eks reconc-1hation. oneness. an ,ll third. a half. or even murh more of our population. and a s To limit the means of aggression may be a tc:p to" d f•nd Lu our cstran11emcnt It needs to be creative. open, much or more or lhe population ol the enemy'! uo we e1t• reC'on<·11iat10n. but then again II well may not. if no truce n•fl <'C'tl\ •• of nur w1l11ngness to bend over backwards to r>t'l'I the survivors to crawl oul or their holes and carry on lies ln the hearts of the oppont>nts Arms control m:1y at•t a~ strcngth~ bonds with one another and with our God. productive lives ? Busmess as usual? a substitute rather than a step toward real du1rmamen1 It 1s no " ondcr that the Hebrew word for peace. An, we mad'! Who will speak out against this deranged because eac h side thinks the other has been subdued. v.•tu,n · ~uiom 1s translated ··completedness ... We need lo reasonin1n Scientists, doctors and artists. among others, in fact the underlying tension continues lo grow nd Hke a bt.-t·u11w c·c>mpltte once agam This is our prayer. have spoken out in protest. But who lis tens? How smoldering volcano. t.hreatens eruption Episcopal Priests and the Catholic Church

WASHINGTON (NC I - Bishop Bernard F . Law of ~ngland. the EplseopaJ Church and other churches which Law reported un his meetings with doctrinal congregation ~prmgfield-Caf)(' c:irardeau. Mo . newly appomtcd delegalt• Iran• their origms lo the break with the C:.tthvhc Church by ot11cials. for the admission of Episcopalians. including married King Henry \'Ill of E ngland in the 16th century ''It would seem." he said. " that we are al the point of I::p1sropal priesL'>. into the <..:alhohc Church . stressed that Provlalon processing the petitions of actual or former priests or the the procets focuses on individuals. Episcopal Church who are married and who wish to serve •'The church has a rcsponsibihty to respond to an• In its Marc h 31 state ment, the doctrmal congregation as priests m the Catholic Church ... dividuals without prejudice t.o the e<.·umeni<'al movrment, .. reaffirmed tht> approval given to the U.S. bishops last sum­ Bishop Law said in a telephone interview March 31. •' There mer for the development or a " pastoral provision" to Petitioners is a diHerence between our church responding to in• provide for the former Episcopalians who desire it " a com­ He said local bishops should prepare dossiers on in­ dlvidual1 who wiah to come lnto full communion now. and. mon identity reflecting certain elements or their own d1v1dual petitioners for submission to the congregation on the other hand. the restoration of unity betwet>n heritage." through him. churches and ecdesiasllcal communities.·· Bishop Law said that this pastoral provision would be The dossiers, he said. should contain: RNfflrm• more like a personal parish for the former Episcopalians _ • Basic biographical materials. with special atten­ than a diocese similar to Easlern•Rlte dioceses in the tion to the record of baptism. The ano.xancement of Bishop Law's appointment by the United States. Vatican doctrinal con,recallon on March 31 reaffirmed the • Information on the martial status of the petitioner Bishop Law explained that are two possible ways and wbethe~ or not the wife wishes to enter the Catholic con1regat1on·s statement last summer that. in allowing the for an Episcopalian priest to come into full communion Church at thts time. married Episcopal prie1ts to runctloo as prints in the with the Catholic Church. • The petitioner's motive. Catholic Churdl after ordlnatioo. the church was not drop­ • Academic record. P'III Its general requirement that priests ln the Latin Rite be Common ldentlt, celibate. Ont' is under the terms of the pastoral provision. yet lo . • The line or ~ishops leading through the years to the bishop who ordained the petitioner in the Episcopal Bishop Law said: " We need to resp,,md to the be developed, which would allow the retentioo of a common Churc-h lefllimate desire of Individuals lo enter into a relationship 1d~nlity with other Ep1s.:opalians entering the Catholic , . The kind of preparation necessary before ordauun, the with the churcla and at the !IArM timt' to l'lf' ~ nsltive to our Church. TIie other la to become a priest in a diocese of the l::pa~ palian prat>Sts, Bishop Lciw ~id. would vary with the relaUons wltll the ~nalican ~ommunloo and the EpilCOl)Al Catholic Olurch without reference to other Episcopalians. Church. It's so easy for a nuance to be loet. and In los1n, I.he Both options are open to married Episcopal priests. he tnd1v1dua!, He said he has begun preparin1 a national nW11nce . to have ml1underslandln1s arise. .. said. cert!flcation examination i.n consultation witll others in­ The Anglican Communion tncludl'S the Church of In a lellt'r sent to lhe ll.S. bishops March 27. Bishop clud~ng Father Carl Peter, dean of the School or Reli lous Studies at the Catholic University or America. 1 The Deni,e. Celhollc ...... ,, ...... April • • , .., - ..... , , J.=~ Pollen Tests !~ Say Shroud :1~:. Is 'Authentic' .-t. "

:r u RIN. Italy (NC) - More than two years of' pollen testing on samples taken from the Shroud of Turin proves that the cloth believed lo be Jesus· burial shroud 1s authentic . a Swiss scientist said In a report lo Ca rdinal Anastasio Ballestrero of Turin. 1:hC:' report. presented lo the cardinal April I by cnmmolog1!;t Max Frei. confirmed F rel's earlier findings - .. _.. that the shruud contains pollen from certain desert plants. - now extinct. which had grown in Palestine and Turkey during Jesus· day. For his tests Frei received permission to "dust" part ,·· r··- ol the shroud and study the poilen. During his 40 years with the crime squad of Zurich. Switzerland. he often used ...... - pollen samples collected from clothing as evidence in court cases . In his report to Cardinal Ballestrero F rei said he round 56 varie ties of pollen on the shroud, including several types found only in the area or the southeastern Mediterranean. The pollen was more than 500 years old and had therefore been imbedded in the shroud before it was brought to Europe by the Crusaders. the repor t said. Following earlier pollen tests Frei had concluded that the shroud was about 2,000 years old and came from the area of Palestine, The ivory:colored shroud, 14 feet. 3 inches long and 3 feet. 7 inches wide. is kept in a silver box in the Turin cathedral. In a photographic negative its markings appear as the image of a cl'uc ified man. ··1 have ruu confidence in the tests performed several years ago.·· Frei said after presenting the report. ,- --.... I ' The Swiss criminologist said he found no traces of paint nr coloring on the shroud and lherelore dismissed the cla ims of critics that the image could have been painted on the shroud in later centuries. Fre i a lso found traces of ointment made rrom a type or aloe pla nt which grows only on the island uf Socotra. off the C'Oast of S()Uth Yemen Biblical texts sa y that ointment from Socotran a loe .:-:.i ·. plants was applied to corpses before they were buried. . . ·i- -.... .11. r Radio r 'Direct Line' with Archbishop Casey Airs

Arc hbis h o p James V . C.: a s e y o l l>e nver 1s Ac-cording to Vallier Maum·•· Mcln&rney. l{ad10 anti T V .. moonlighting" as a radio talk show host. Uire<·tor lor the Archdiocese, " KLDH's live t1•h!phvnc His first show aired last Sunday a fternoon on KLDH lines Ill up as soon as the program was airborne , a n:.ivc (k hs, I " who worked closely with the Archbishop and a di.led .!K'vera I .- . Visit questions that helped zero in on loplC's. " Each weekend l visit one or our 160 parishes on a Archbishop C:lisey anviled listcner:s to write l11m ahoul . .. pastoral visit. and 1t has become evident there a re many topics ol community•wldc Interest ·-1 "',., people who we lcome the chance to visit with me, not Listeners should 11'1drcss their INtl'r:< to ·· i\rd 1h1sli0p ., ... because I'm so smart or sparkling. but because I happen to Mall Bag. · Box 1620. Denver 80201 _ ... _.. ) be the Archbishop." he explained. Va the r Mdncrne,Y explaanod the proicn.irn 1,, 111111.kd by ··Some friends asked, ' why are you dning tt11s? Maybe the annua l t:athohc Comrnunw:111110!1 Colled11111 We urc .t . they thought I was s lightly nuts. I do not come as a radio cx1•1ted about tins program, he smd · It 1s an exam ple ot personality, but ( have rn vested •1 years ul my Ille as a the: d 1urch using modern media 1ec-tin1qut•s LU hr 1ng the ....,- ,,, Ca tbollc priest and, I have done so becausl' I believe ( ;i,spel rness11gt and Lhe Church 'i COOf'Cl'OS 10 lite IIS!l'nani in values . and I would lake to ta lk about them . ,wdwnce. l.1slen11ri; can ta lk directly w11h our Ar,•hl11s h11p. The a rchbishop then gave kind or a sum mary ul his who hlltcns wltll an understa nding e ..t r to thear 111111re~ts 3nnc·crns ·t· THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS Invites the citizens of Denver to EXAMINE TEXTBOOKS being considered for classroom use APRIL 6, 1981, THROUGH MAY 8, 1981 at the following six locations: BEAR VALLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY 5 171 Wesl Da,tmouth Avenue Monday 1h,ough Th ursday, 10:30 a.m. to 9 :00 p .m. Saturday, 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p .m. Closed Friday and Sunday MAIN DENVER PUBLIC LIBRARY 1357 Broadway - I - Monday through Wednesday. 10:00 a .m. to 9 :00 p.m. ·•--1.J. Friday, Salurday, 10:00 a.m. lo 5:30 p.m. Closed Thur•day and Sunday ~ ·­ PARK HILL PUBLIC LIBRARY - - Monlview Boulevard and Dexter Street Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ·--L.. Friday and Saturday, 10:00 a.m. lo 5:30 p .m. Cto,cd Wednesday and Sunday .. l-~ ROSS-UNIVERSITY HILLS PUBLIC LIBRARY . I ~ 431 O Ea11 Amherlt Avenue , T ~ Mond• y, Toc,day, Thu, . day, 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. - ~ ,. - Friday and S..1urday, 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p .m. Clo, ed Wednt>>doy and Sunday WOODBURY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3265 Federal Boulevard Mondoy Tue,d oy, Thvr,day, 10 00 • m. to 9:00 p.m. f r,doy end S.1urd1y 10:00 a.m. lo 5:30 p.m. St. Catherine's Wildcats Are City Champs Clo1t>d Wednu d oy and Sunday . ' YORIC STREET CENTER, TEXTBOOK SECTION St Cii thenm•·s girls' hask1•thall team, the Wilrkats ( 'hr l!> lllu• Amlerson, t\my ll1 n·. l>,in1t•ll1• \\t•l~h Jt•n ntll•r 3 800 Y01k Street, 8ulld lng 1, Uni! 8 ..,r e the nty d11-1mp111ns m the Junaor parochial le ague I n K1lk1·r and rlora c;arl'l,1. Ua<"k rnw Sh:_1 wn., <: r,,,.,., Mond• t throug h h ld oy, 8 ,00 a.m. lo • :30 p .m. Marrh thcv dcfcalt>d Nat1v1ty School m Broomfield to rlaan1 Kar1•11 Sd1c-ck. Bernadette \\,1lm'llf'y Sh11ron ltrl'l(,,n Clo, ,.d ~turd ey end Sunday 111 .. d aam µions h,p Teiu n nicmbers an the lronl row ;1rf' .JulPnt• I lt•Lcon , I l1na Uurb;mu :,nrl l 'rnll'h Su,.mni• ~ ·h1~ I. Imm felt .l1H'llc Hunn<'r. Lianna Walmsley. Marlo Johnson.

I { HOLY WEEK HOLY GHOST CHURCH / DOWNTOWN DENVER 19TH & CALIFORNIA 571-1556 HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE April 12 PALM SUNDAY (Passion Sunday). tne Blessed Palms will be distributed at all M asses. CONFESSIONS: Dur tng all Masses except 7 00 AM Mass. PENNANCE SERVICE: Palm Sunday, Aprtl 12, 1.00 PM NOTE: 3.00 PM. Rossini's "Stabat Mater" presented by the Holy Ghost Choir. \ Apnl 13. Mond ay. Tuesday and Wednesday of Holy Week. Daily Mass as usual - 7:00, I 11 :30 AM. 12.10, 5.10PM . Apnl 15. CONFESSIONS: During all Masses except 7.00 AM. ) PENNANCE SERVICE: Holy Wednesday, April 15. 7.00 PM. A pril 16: HOLY THURSDAY 7:00 AM - low M ass and Communion ' 12: 1O PM - Low Mass and Communion 5:10 PM · HIGH MASS. " Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper." Including Proces­ sion of Blessed Sacrament. and ad oration at Repository until mid­ night. I CONFESSIONS: at 12: 10 and 5:10 Mass. also from 3:00 to 5:00 PM. Aprll 17: GOOD FRIDAY I 11 :30 AM - Stations of the Cross and Sermon I 12:10 PM· SOLEMN LITURGICAL ACTION: "C.,ebratlon of the Lord's Passion" and Holy Communion distributed only at this Liturgical Action (formerly called "Mua of Pr... nctttled "). 5: 10 PM • Veneration of the Cross and Sermon CONFaSSIONS: During 11 :30 AM. 12:10 and 5:10 PM services also from 3·00 to I 5:00PM. ' · AprN 11: HOLY SATURDAY 5: 10 PM - "T~e Easter Vigil Liturgy:" this Maas doee satisfy the Easter Sunday { .. obltgatlon. NO CONFaSSIONS wilt be heard during this Liturgy. ' CONFESSIONS will be heard only from 3:00 to 5:10 PM \ April 19: EASTER SUNDAY . I Maaaea, the regular Sunday schedule: 7:00, 8:30 and 10:00 AM (Latin High . 4 • ""aM) 12:00 Noon and 5:10 PM. I \ CONFESSIONI will be heard d~ring all Masses except the 7:00 AM Mass. I NOTa: The ~oly Gttost Choir with Orchestra will sing " Missa Celensis" by Haydn at 10.00 AM on Easter Sunday. Mr. Kevin Kennedy Is organist and direc­ \ tor. .~..i>- .. ._: .... --.· ...... ,. '--..... The Oennr Cetholtc ....l at«, Wed., Aptll I , 1111 - ~... 13

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Calling as a person11hty U11n1t. but how would \ll!U dt',11 " 1th UH ~ I want to be a good. fauhlul r11r-bh ionc-r ..n d -.., I do Justice Editor: ►:d1 wr work with lurn quite r1 bit. but find lh" 10 b(· ,1 JHf', ,11t•rt1 The year here at St. Thomas· Seminary 1s now near­ I would like to .-nswN the quesuon. 'Can I support satua taon Please help nw tu und\•nt;1nd Ing the end; we are m1d•w11y into the final quarter As I Ult E H.A.. •h1ch wu pokd in a i:ecent article in the look back towards the first of the year. it seems very fur Nam .. Witbllt'ld lt.t1111(-r , SJM'<'La I women's issue w1 th a resounding YES ! L>e_aver away and yet It went by !W quickly. 1 am not con/~ about the ERA Women are not EDITORS NOTE: II seems tnere 8f6 IWO . ,,. , I came here ~omewhat apprehensive about lhe le,all prult'CU°d by tht Con-3tllullon of this country and natives: Change parishes, or stay in you, p1esen1 pa 11,r, seminary and the life that would become a part of me. I that I an outrag.- My only frustration stems from the and show him what love really ,:. ThtJ r'4 tho Go, p,oi 1m . m11-wiotorsu.ndm&5 wtlidl clou\i the essent'e of the ERA - le11ve the year with a longing for the next one lo begin. I perat1ve. will be in rirst theolou. and my studies will be more J\3llC't lor all c 111,ens u, Otis country directed toward the thlng:ii or the Church and my In ~ article. Mary Ann Surgls explains the reasons ministry. tor some- of th~sc masuoderst.tndlngs. I sincerely hope I came here not knowing anyone, and now know many Priests that Catholic women will lake the Ume, as Ms. Surgis men and women who are people with many of the same Editor. allgesta. to lnvestl1a1e this rationale. Some women feel concerns and feelings that I have. What is happeniq to our current attitude with our they have so much to lose if the ERA passes. Som e I was placed in ti l(l'OUP of eight men who are also prieats? Isn't it a little old fashioned to !lay, I am the> bo$S women fffl we do not need the ERA. Such feelings allow studying ror the priest.hood. Althoush our agf's vary a and you will do as I ask ... women to rt'maln in their "comfort.tble" (as Ms. Surgis great deal, they too have become a part of my llfe . We are I thought we were in an era where we all work suge3t$l pos1t1on. However. women showd realize that known as the " Preppies." rogether In the church. The parish really does belong to such " comfort' ' deprives them of their rights and power Two of the group have now left the seminary to go the people and the priest is then to serve their needs as dedsion-rhakers an this country. Into the world, perhaps lo find a dlrftrent way to answer People should, of course. assist the priest in every way We should also remember that there are a con• the call or the Lord. j)OsSible and work with ham wherever possible . He should sid@ra~le nu"!1ber of .w?men in this country who. because I came here after giving up my career as a child definitely involve the people in his own parish and nol br• of their particular living situation, are not allowed the therapist, which I enjoyed for approximately 12 years. I ang In the P«'Ol)le he worked with an his previous assign• " comfort " of dependency. Survival for these women de­ ...,.. now know that my career will continue as there is a gr.-a t ment This causes hard felHngs 3monjlst the parishioners mands independence and responsibility. I think we should need In the Church for J)('Ople to work with youth in his new parish and certamly Lloes 001 m.ike a good ask the~ women what they "'.ill " lose" if the ERA pas• ....Al I e11mr hrrt• w1U1 very htlle conhdenct• about my be· 1nmsh blend ses. I thmk we should ask the single woman with children Ing ablt' to kec1> up with the academic~ and now know tht1t Ali-o, some caution shoudl be take n about the changes the displared homemaker. the poor and the elderly if w~ although I a m not an outstanding studt'nt, I ean maint.iin .i a priest m:ikes an a parish and whethe r or not they wall need the ERA. good averajle. I felt upon m,y arrival that I might have continue to be beneficial to the people when he moves on Jeaa Peters trouble 11dJust1ng to hfc at a seminary and leave with a . or will the people In the parish be lefl to pick up the Lafayette happiness I have never known. I camt' not knowing If I pu~ces? Or pay off some enormous debt for something Questions had made the right decision or not afld truly now have the that the priest felt was a dire necessity while he was Editor: -..· feeling that t•ven after 37 years. I have a calling from God there? All due respect to our wonderful priests, they are I read the article, 'The Skating Nun' OCR Feb. 18. • <" to ,erve llim it~ a priest of His people and to serve Hu, always tl'mporary and do move on. 11181 with a questioning attitUde. ., people as a servant I j ust had to get this off my chest as there are many of Some of the questions were: Why was this selected as Roa Crowfoot us who diacuas parish matters I we are all from different the featured story? Was it to indicate the choice of a suc• Oeavu areas in the al't'hdiocese and from different walks of life! cessfw second career? Or perhaps to encourage a a nd we are concerned with lhe fact that someUmes the worthwhile bobby selection in preretlrement years? Or ,- ,;# pastors lire not sensitive to the Importance of •·getUng the was t~ art~c.le " anolher reflection of the ..good " Sister . .. Help people in their own par ishes involved. " This is not neces• easUy 1dentif1ed by her " veil" which indicates I.hat she is ... .. sarity a r rltlclsm but r ather a very serious point of con• a " real'' Sister? Editor: slderataon. I readily admit that the article revived some of the .. •• I have a problem I can.not really deal with and hope Hopefully. as people read this 1n the Register , they hurts that were experienced during the renewal of that you or some of your readers can help me. too will make a little more effort to communicate with religious life of religious women. I am a convert to lhe faith and love it dearly, but I am their pastors and be much more helpful, thus allowing Thank ~ou for tbe m~y fine articles that continue to ,. having a problem trying to deal with a pastor who cannot h am the security of knowing they are willing to serve the be written 1n our Archdiocesan paper. ... hf' loving, ltind. forgiving - mostly forgiving. He can g.h'e p.1r1sh along with him. Be assured of my continued rrayers and friendship the most beautiful !lt'rmons abOut forgiveness. but cannot 8 .J. 8rownln1 .. forgive someone tf tMy do not do things his was I know it Beaedictme Sister Mary Pius Siemann · Lakewood Colorado Srplngs , . .. One Whose Job Man'sVlew Is It Anyway?

By Father Leonard Urban way it should be. But as a matter of fact. that's the way It munity". everyhodv sharinl! ideas in common and doin~ There are some new words we are using in the Church sometimes is. someU1ing to put those ideas into practiet.•. There·s noise. lately. At least we use them in a new sense. One of them Parishioners. members of the community. might say "inginic . chantinic. cheers, laujZhter ;ind ~omuhmes )s the word "community". When we hear it we get some that it's good to have people participating. but "don·t ask copious tears. No one is ever bored. ideas about people being together and doing something in me". ask those other people. In many parishes it takt.>:­ Partlclpa tlon common. unbelievable energy just lo get people to read. or pass out Actually, the --community" comes from two words: the bullt>tin . or play a musical instrument. And hlO 0ltl.-'n trs a lmost impossible lo think that enthusiasm like that " common·· and ··unity". And it has to do with working it's the same handful who do everything. The handful could ever take place in Church. But something should. together with the persons who share your views and somt.'timt.>s gets discouraged and you' re back lo squar"' There should at least~ some participation and a sense ul ideas. Obviously. the deeper that sharing is. the better the one. rornmon interest. community will be. And that's only one example ol what community Not Confident means. In a pa rish there are so many others: how tu help Practice tht• poor. how to feel a part of the live~ of other" hnw t,1 Sometimes you hear people say: ··Oh I could never do share common problems, how to solve them, how to find that·· when you ask them lo read. or make the announce­ There is one other reality that has to be considered lo Uod together. how to help those who can ·i !'ind Gou. ., make a community complete. And that has to do with ments. or bake bread or just sing the songs at Mass. Why Maybe the reason we don't participate in our parish working together. making your ideas more than theory. is that? I don·t know for sure. There·s something there comes from our false notion that religion is automatic. putting them into practice. It"s .one thing to have an idea about not feeling confident. And something about being you get something from just being there. We are just and another to do what the idea implies. sure that others will criticize them. But mostly. il has to beginning to realize that being there isn·t much more than If we asked what was wrong in today's Church, at least do with saying that God didn·t give them any gifts to be being anywhere else. It's what we put Into it that counts. a part of the answer would have to do with not being able used for others. And yet Jesus talked about talents and us­ to put ideas into practice. ing what we have . A Shame Take this example. Everyone knows that good liturgy If yougo to a basketball game. no one has any trouble Sometimes. when we are not parliclpatlng. don·t want comes from many people participating, contributing, of­ participating. The actual players are only a small part ol to be active in sharing with others. the only other option fering to be involved. That's just common sense. If the what's going on. The game is bigger than any one person. we have is to criticize. find fault. That·s a shame and aw­ priest does everything at Mass, reads the lessons, sings The spectators make a lot of difference. so much so that l'ully undignified, We should expect more of ourselves. .._ the songs alone, gives the announc1tments, passes out the they can determine the spirit of the game. So you have (Father Urban Is pastor of St. Scholastlca Church In bulletins and even takes the collection, you couldn·t call che er leaders, pep clubs. pre game rallys. And everyone Erie. He lives in Frederick with his brother, Father Peter that a very effective liturgy. Nobody would say that's the gets into the spirit of things. You have a real " com- Urban). The John's Account Question Box of Crucifixion

By Msgr. Raymond Bosler agree that he died on the Uay of Preparation. the day Essenes who 1)bserved the f'assuvL•r 1111 Tu1•sday eve ning before the Sabbath t whicb. ol course. 1s Saturday 1. i\n-ontinµ to thi s theory. J esus ate the l.1;,-.1 Su1mcr 011 O. How was Friday selected as the day of the Mark. 15 :42, writes: -- As it grew grew dark 111 wa~ 'l'll('SdHy l'Vt•ntn~. Ill' wa~ arrested thc same night and th1• celabration of the death of Jesus? Alter reading the Preparation l)ay. that is the eve of the Sabbath I • •J11 sl•ph vanuus t nals took plat e the next h.•w days ;_mil he wa:-. put New Testament. I get the impression It was on lrom Anmathea arrived ... .-- t,1 dp;1th 1111 1-'nday. Tlus w1111ld a llow rnorl' lilOl' tor 1111' Wednesday. In .John's Gospel it is not clear whether the Last Suppc1' thl'l'l' 1•),,111l111Jll011S UI .ll•s us llt'IUI C lilt' ll'fltli-1':, 111 till' A. The account ol the Passion 111 the liospel of J ohn may t11nk place on the eve ol Passover ur nut Tt11s li.i;. l'l'l•,1l1 •1 I 1, •111plt•. ;111tl l'il:ill' Btll .John 11, l'il':tr- .1h1111I 1-"nday havl' rnnluscd you. Ac.:c·ordmg lo the Synoptic Gospels ol q1111t• a problem tor Scripture sd111lurs . .,~ 1h1· d,I\ 111 d1•a\ l1 ·Smt'(' 11 w,,s the· l'1,•p;11 a t11111 il,1\'. .\ l:illhrw. Mark aml Luke. J esus ate the Passover mc-a l 1\ rCt'l'nt tlwnry su~i.:c:sts that Jesus and !u!-( d1 snph•;. lit,• .lt•w -.. ~i,d nut w,1111 l1 1 have- lht• hmllt•~ il•IL un tl11• 1•111;.s t11,·ee w11h h,s l11 sc1ples the mght before he 1l1ecJ. antl alt 111c1y have beL•n l<1 1lo w111g the 1·ustom ol tlw q1111 1ran during th,· S;1hh;1th I I!/ :n , Talks With Lent VI: - - ti Parents Caring

lly Do.lores Curran elderly at home. What a pleasure it would be to have Just It's important to remind ourselves th;il our laniiuai,:e I sat In a small group listening to a police officer from a half-day a month to shop, to visit a friend or just du presumes two meanings in the phrase. " to c;are for ' · It our community tell about the rampant loneliness he finds nothing. But nobody orfers to babysit the old," writes a mean:. both love and physical care. Caring tsn·t a passive in suburbia. reader from a small town. verb but one that means doing as W<'ll as luvmg. That s " There's this older couple that calls us about once a ·· Do you know or anybody who wilt ofter a home to an why the ultimate put-down •s a snide, " Who <·an•s·• month at 10 or 11 o'clock al night because they hear a unwed pregnant 16year-old'!" asks a school counselor That's why the gospel tt.:lls us love without uction ,s not prowler. They don·t really hear one but they haven·t got '"The Meals-on-Wheeis people are out of drivers .·· love anybody else around to talk to a nd they just get lonely. We " We're in desperate need of foster homes.·· go through the motions of checking around with our " Who can care for my fint grader WI I can get horm: God's Presence ~. flashlights a nd then they ask us if we'd like a cup ol tea. from work? .. This week's assignment. I. Who are the people in our ··If we don't have any pressing calls, we sit and talk for 15 My son ls on drugs and it's ripping our marriage square block a.rea who a, are lonely and would like to ·• minutes. The only other people they see are those a_t the a pa rt.·· have us visit or would to come here? bl need to be ., grocery once a week. They don't have any real problems ··wm somebody drive me to church?" needed"! cl need after school child care? dJ have elderly but they need to know that somebody in the community at hornt.' and need occasional relief'! e.J need someone to cares about them.·· Chorus drive their children to activities after school? rt need lo On and on the verses go. A chorus of human need!! - be relieved occasionally as young parents'! g J are afraid Needs to go out after dark? h ) don't have a ride to church or , ~ This column the gospel value of caring about others right In our own neighborhoods. ll's so much easier to ad­ -~ on shops'1 2. II we can't answer, how can we go about finding • isn't going to take families to the Thlrd World or even to mire than to listen to the r.unhlings of the ... ,&._ pre-alcoholic housewife down the block or to lnvite an ob­ out'! :1. What person or family will we be God's presence the Catholic Worker House. Rather , it's going to force us to thts year '' to look at deep human needs in our own neighborhood, our noxious youngster over because has single mother 1s • .. NOT!!: I am getting many requests from parishes in­ own community. working and won·t be home for three more hours. Not •·Tell them not to send me flowers. Tell them to come nearly as romantic as selling everything a~d. serving the terested in setting up Catholic•based day care centers. lt I'll and talk with me." says the middJe-aged heart pa\.ieiil poor but a lot more realistic and just as vahd an the fabric any parish can share information with me, do a future whose sudden retirement from an active work.Ing lHe 1s oflife, columri on this subject. Wnte me in care of Alt Pub., P .0 . ... ~· Hox 400, Green Bay. WI 54305. (c. 1981 Alt Publl•hlno harder on him than his angina. The people in our communities m.-y not be physically .. , •· J appreciated your column on relieving trapped young ly starved They are our needy and we can be Gocfi; Corp. Dolore11 Curran la a syndicated column/at from Samaritan to them in an otherwise Impersona l society. Denver). , .. •• mothers occasaonally but what about those of us with I f. , ~ • ..

;l'J iii ) . .• , 4 ~~lt .ii ; -- -... : ! .:(:.:;:j-~:~~_J ...~~t .., __ -~:i?~- -:= -:. -.. - _··-.., - ..·•-~ --"'=,M ·-- -· -=- =:,:: - :-;-:::...~=~ - -) ..

- ~ V :._ -


., .-...11-n.o-.c..,...... ,...... 1N1 Franclacan CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD 2826 East Seventh Avenue Lay Group Denver, Colorado 80206 (?!); Memberahlp 322-7706 The f'ranclscan Order of HOL ¥ WEEK SCHEDULE lay members. star ted by St. CHURCH Fr.. ncls of Assisi In the 13th HOLY THURSDAY century , Is seeking new 7:00 a.m . Mass By Jamu Fiedler members. 5:15 p.m. Mass of the Lord·s Supper The Secular F ranciscan GOOD FRIDAY Order's principal require­ 12:00 Noon Celebration of the Lord·s Passion. Veneration of the A Little Bit ot Japan m ent Is that members be practicing Catholics. Cross and Holy Communion CHRI ST THE KING PARISH became a litUe bit or 3:00 p.m. Stations of the Cross Japan in Denver - at least In spirit - on Sunday, April 5, Members attend on e meeting a month. but con­ HOLY SATURDAY . . the second annual DAY WITH THE FOREJGN MISSIONS. 7:30 p.m . Easter Vigil Liturgy and Mass (This Mass sat1sf1es the Those who missed It, missed an exciting day and an op• tinue to belong to their own parishes. Membership does Easter Sunday Obligation) portunity lo learn more about and appreciate more the PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO 12:00 NOON or 5:1 5 p.m. Mass on Church"s missionary role - especially In Japan. not Interfere in any way with activities at their own Holy Saturday There were calligraphy church or at parish levels. EASTER SUNDAY: exhibits, bonsai tree ex• Inquiries are welcome, 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. and 12:00 Noon (Latin High Mass) h1bits. flower arranging with no strings attached. and CONFESSIONS: demonstrations. paper persons interested are urged_ WEDNESDAY, April 15. 7:30 p.m. Penitential Service , ..._ folding lessons, and a -· to attend a generat meeting FRIDAY, April 17, 4:00-5:30 p.m. I varie t y of other ex ­ or t wo, or attend an instruc­ . .. periences. tion class and observe for MSGR. HIGGINS MEMORIAL CHAPEL And the international themselves. The Secular festival rollowing the Mass 14th and Franciscan Order fraternity CHAPEL was a great success, That meets at St. Elizabeth's festival emphasized the un­ Church the fourth Sunday of HOLY THURSDAY iversality or the Church by each month at I ; 30 p.m . For 7:30 a.m. Mau Including Scottish Pipers m ore information call 424- 7:30 p.m. Mass of the Lord's Supper followed by All Night Adoration and dance r s , Polish 4904. to 6:00 a.m. Friday dancers, Japanese dancers GOOD FRIDAY and variety o( ethnic --- Afualc Student• 2:00 p.m. Liturgy of the Passion and Death of Our lord backgrounds In the other Jame• Fiedler 7:30 p.m . Stations and Veneration of the Cross musical groups. Are Honored HOLY SATURDAY , • i. What a great day ... one or those events that make one The 1981 edition of " Who's Easter Vigil at the Church - See Above. see the fervor and devotion and love pr the Church and Its Who in Music" will car ry the PLEASE NOTE: Thia will be the only Mass on Holy Saturday mission by so many people ... names of 16 students from EASTER BUNDAY And big round or applause should go to the women or Marycrest High School who 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. • 11 :00 a.m. I.he ARCHBISHOP•S GUILD and the archdiocesan have been selected as being CONFESIIONI: PROPAGATION OF THE. FAITH OFFICE. headed by among the country's most FRIDA V. Ap,11 17 , 3;00..-:30 p.m. FATHER EDWARD Hon~M ANN . ' . MARY GUIDA Is outstanding high school president or the Archbishop' s Guild and SHIRLEY music students. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD ~IORIARITY was l(eneral chairman for the Mission The students are Amy (Formerly St. John the Evangelist and St. Philomena Parishes) Day ... Befort. Linda Black . Bar­ The day truly was great actIv1ty lor the Guild and aided bara Borkovec . Karen tlw :uchdiocese immensely ... And a word or praise for Burke. Shella Dunn. Jullt• MSC,lt. G REGORY SMITH, founder and mOderator or the Finney. f'r anccs Gr of f. t;u,ld ... Keep up the good work' l heard from many Paula Hannon, Mary Jerstn. at t he cvtmt who praised it highly Ann Lawler, Hirovo Naka, Henve Hess, Sher.r i Rossi . Chrlatlan Courteay Ann' Simonson, Kathryn You meet an awful lot of discourteousness these days Tauer. and Hose Weber. :md onP of lhe areal! where I ' ve seen a lack of courl('sy :11·e parking lots, esperlally 11round supermarkets ~o­ '/',,,..,. ,,,, . plt• 1mrkinl( wrongfully tn areas designated for tht hon• HOLY 11t1·11ppNI . . 1,ushinl( shopping carts Into y our car U t · ~ i ., t , •r f or blt1ei kmg store cnt ranc·cs Much of that lack of courtesy Is simply un un-Clmsltan '·""" ,,.II'., WEEK attitude. a la<"k of charity at the I had t huul(hl parkin11 lots were where you could t· I m was driving her Volkswaf(en to work on F'rid.ay, and It stalled as she was crossing a railroad track .. She E. Colfax at Logan Street 831-7010 went to a ser vice station right across the stret>t and ask('d the attendant there for, help In pushing her car off the PALM SUNDAY: April 12lh: the regular schedule of Sunday Masses: (6, 7, 8. 9, 10 tracks ... (High Mass). 11 .30 a.m. & 12:30 & 6·30 p.m.) with the blessing of Palms at all the Mas­ But the man told her he didn't provide such service ses. .and that another service station was six blocks down the MONDAY, April 13th: regular schedule of daily M asses: (6:20. 7 and 7:45 a.m. & street , . . 12;10& 5:30p,m.) So Rose d~lded to phone her husband to come help TUESDAY, Aprll 14th: regular schedule of the three morning Masses; with the Mass . . . But all she had was a $20 bill .. She asked (or cha111e. of the Holy Chrism at 11 a.m. NO 12:10 p.m. Mass, but 5:30 p.m. Mass. but the man said No. he couldn't do It ... She asked him to WEDNESDAY, April 15th: regular schedule of daily Masses. lend her 20 cents for the phone, but he said that was against HOLY THUflSDAY, April 16th: 7:45 a.m. only morning Mass. Mass of the Last Sup­ his policy ... per with Procession to the Repository at 5:30 p.m . with Archbishop Casey and Just then a ln.lek driver pulled into the station, and Basilica clergy. The Basilica will be open untll 10 p .m . for v1s1ts to the Repository. Rose asked him for help In puabina h•r car olf the trac.-ks • Fl& FAIT IElMIY Basilica will open at 7 a.m. on Good Friday! -~ ... The drlffr cooperated, and then Rose aaked him if sh• •OfFICEF"""1UIIE GOOD FRIDAY, April 17th: the Liturgy of the Cross at 12 NOON with Bishop Evans could borrow IO cents for a phone call ... He 1ave It to her and Ba1illca clergy. Solemn reading of the Passion, Adoration of the Cross, distribu­ . · • INTERIOR tion ot Holy Communion, Stations of the Cross. Speclel cal acllGtl tor the support of and she called her husband from th• Jtation ... She wu DESIGN ANO ' waltint In the 1tal1on ror her bulband becaue lt waa windy the Sacred ShrinN In the Holy Land. At 7:30 p.m. the singing ot the " Seven Last . Word1" by mca choir together with Stations or the Cross. outside ... But then the the station lold her leave Planning- a.. man an to HOLY SATURDAY, Aprll 18th: No morning Masses or noon Mass. Easter Vigil at 7:30 was qalnst his to have waltinl In becAUH it policy women p.m . with Archbishop Casey and Buillca clergy. Administration ot th.- Sacrament or lbe station ... So Row left ...... • > Confirmation. ~ What's the moral of lht' story? • , . I'll let that up to EASTER SUNDAY: Aprll 19th: Maaaea with music: 6, 7, 8, 9. 10 (High Mass), 11 :30 ... you . . . ~ .. a.m . and 12:30 and 6:30 p.m. ... Mecltebeuf Qlrl c... ,. CONFE8810N8 IN PREPARATION FOR EASTER •• Thursday, April 16th: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. .. And a belated big hand to the girls' basketball team at Frtday, Aprll 17th: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and followlng evening Stations of the Cross. MACHEBEUF HIGH SCHOOL. which under the coaching Saturday. April 18th: 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. No evening confes- >• of JEANINE HYDE, captured the stat• championship for sions on Holy Saturday as Easter Vigil begins at 7. 30 p.m. Class AA In the state toumame-nt held March IP-21 . .. Set' ,. a special story in next week's Re1ist•r...... TheO...... C•IMlto ...... ,, Wed., Apttf t, 1N1 - ~... 1t

Scouts, Eaater Good• .. r - z V,\c~• World Families ..., I! ,,. To Gather 0 > G.° Candle• The Denver Area Catholic ~ ~· I&.• News Comnutlee on S<'ouling in­ s vites all Catholic Cub Scouts. Unity Not Answer Blueh1rds I Campti re) and ~·------Brownies (Girl Scout) and 50% ..One of the messages we've been trying to put forth in lherr tamihes lo participate lhe States is that there is no single . simple solution .. to the in lhe th1 rrt annual <.:athohc conl'licl in Northern Ireland, said a <.:hurch of Ireland Scout F.imily Pilgrimage. 1Anglica n l bis hop who led a four•member delegation ol' his II will he held at St . A ..-• ' "' ehur<:h on a n sit to the United States ... " Most lrish- Andr<'w-s ~eminan·. 1050 S Ana~ricam; have seen unification.. or Norl.hPrn lrPlanc.t .inti Birc h St.. l)env·er It wo !• • the Republic· of Ireland the answer." said Bishop blocks east of Colorado Stationery Roberl Eames or Down and Dromore ... " It's not .. The Blvd .. behind the Cooper 90% •3 ·~ • " • Protestant rnaJonty in Northern Ireland - right ac ross the Theater I on Saturday. May -....t f.. ~ spectrum - d() not see that their interests would be best 16. Registration will be from •:, V :served by being m embers of a united Ireland." Bis hop 12 :30 p .m . lo I p.m .. a nd 0 _ . cames sairt . 'The\' have no <:erlitude that the wav ol lile Mass and games from I p.m . 1•-. lher ve enJvyed a nc.t' their ethos would not s ulfer in· a state to3 p.m . • -. Lhiit is seen al. a one-demuminational s tate.. ... Catholit•s Cost is $2 per tam1ly, 1--~-'!.t'l.!!!j.!~9-:.F;.'(.l'l!P~-'=---• x ,•,institute 94 µen:e nt ol the Hcpublic of lref,rnd 's popula- which inc-luc.Jes one patch. ~ t11111 ot :J. I mrllmn ... Ther!' are 505.000 (.'atholi(·i- In Extra patches will be on - 1 ... :-.lorthern Ire la nd's population 01 :l.J million sale . I 'FREE' I I .- The theme rs Parvuli Der 1 Lillie Children ot God 1. The ...... , Prisoners Want Publicity program will satisly a re­ quirement ol the Pa rvuh Der I CALENDER I In hand-printed letters said to havP been smuggled out for Cuh Scuunts. which is lo Large Aaa't. Your Choice With Coupon of the Maze Prison near Belfast. Northern Ireland. two visit a seminary. I I - '9 - ~ men who claim to be Irish republican prisoners ol For 1nformation contact I At I N by • ->.,.. ~.-. have appealed for publicity for the hunger s trikl• begun Fr;;nk Neahn. :l41-titl82. , another prisone r. Hobby Sands. on March 1 ... The two let- , _ i.. l.ers. one signed by Eoghan MacCormac. the 01he r b~· I ''PAPETERIES'' I <.:iaran Mad.iillicuddy. on thin tissue paper. arrived in I rlsh Cardinal I Hour•: Aurora 10 A.M .• 8 P.M. Dally• CIONd Sunday I ... Washington March 27 in envelopes mailed in Dublin six Heads Team I Wfftmln•tar 11 ~.M. • 7 P.M. Dally I days earlier by Provisional Sinn Fein. the political I Colo. Spring Mon. thru Fri II A.M. - II P.M. I ..- -. party allied to the Provisional lrisb Republican Army VATICAN CITY I NC I - I Sat t A.M. - 8 P.M. I G ~ \!HA) .. , The IRA. a guerrilla organization outlawed in Pope J ohn Paul II named Sunday 12 noon. 8 P.M. both the H.epublic of Ireland and Northnn Ireland. has <.:ardinal Timothy Manning. I I been fighting to e nd British rule in Northern Ireland. the Iris h-horn a r~hbis hop of I AURORA WESTMINSTER 'COLORADO SPRINGS I I 'I. Los Angeles, as his personal I 8462 N f.....t I 6486 I . - . delegate to celebrations I 810 s. HIVIRI · ...,n N. Academy Blvd. I A Rock and a Hard Place markini,? the third centenary I ■etwnd Dllflllln Donut tummlt tque,. Woodm•" v.,.., I th rd ln reporting on a v1sll lo dioc·esan missionaries in of' e marty om of SI. I 344.9554 428-1865 598-3361 I s Oliver Plunkett. July 5 m I I Guatemala, Bishop Elden Curtiss of Helena. Mont., said moderates trying to a lleviate the conflict there are Dr11gheda. Ireland, ------caught between the radicals on both sides.. . " The church and the people are caught between the radical right a rmy. which represents a small minority of very wealthy people, and the radical left. which is being supplied by communist See's sympathizers, .. the bishop told the Helena diocesan weekly paper. WestMont Word ... " All efforts to moderate the Candy Shops •-·~" struggle result in death or banishment, .. he said ... Western in - J - Montana Catholics support two mission parishes in Solola department in G uatemala. Happy Colorado: :f, Easter! .. ~ - Catholics In Ukraine ,_ The Catholic Church is thriving in the Ukraine and other parts ol the Soviet Union despite continued persecu­ Aurora : tron bV the communist government. according lo Cardinal Aurora Mall Jottp ·supyi, the exiled 89-year-0_ld archbishop of L".'ov in the Ukraine. one ot the 16 republics in the Soviet Union . . In a lcngth.v report published in the c urrent edition ol lhe Denver: newsletter ol Aid to the Suffering Church. a privale Cherry Creek organ1zat1on whrd 1 sends lunds to Catholics in J•;ast.crn For 60 years Scl·· i E.t~tcr Spcci3ltics have helped 1mkc l!J,1c1 ~ h~pp1n Shopping Center t-:un•pe. the t·,mhna l said there a re at,out tour mllllon time for the young 111 hcarr of all agt'!. t"1:10111lws III lhe Sovi<•I l n1on whu rema in la1thtul io thr And th" ,•car, mnrc th~n ever. ~cc·, Canela·, art· ,., rijihl h11 E,l,1,·1 The Loehmann's V11t11·an ·our diurd1. al read:- t nndl•rnnt-d to dl•a 1h I h., gift-g1v111g . Nu 1>1 1,• cl,c,J1 c, tn match ~,'t'', ,11ul11v ~t c,e' , prl\r at Tiffany Plaza thl' f!OVt• rnnwnl I not nnl~· li ves bul j!ruws in 1h1• wt•s 11•rn Whcr, you wllk 111111 vnur tlt:~ rhy \ cc' , ( .nndy ~hop. vo11 ll 1·111,·r •• (7400 E . Hampden llkra1m•. as well ;;;; ,n t.lH' easlt!rn part and tllrou~hou1 lhr wo11dcr world fillrJ ,,,111 h ~II vnur fo vnnte l'.;1 ,te r ,pc1 1a l111·, Imm Ave nue> sov1~·1 I niun. whcrl' our deported ITll'mher,; hvl' l'Sflt•1 •1,illy bunmc,, ha\k1·1, .mt.I ,·lc1tnnt h n1 v p3d,1 \ft tlrmr c~•1 111111el\' dc<:,11 ueJ 1nS1ll1'na.·· lll':-,rnl. e~g1, c~ch J 011t"-Ol:l-k111d .:rcat1011 ~ .. All y<•ur favo111,• 1t:i,:u!Jr :t\\11r1mc 1)1 , , 1( 111 • 111 1:~•ICr W ••(''• Plu, * * * " No Unity Yet Gift Ccn1fi, atc1, "l c.Hv 10 ,•nd u,c wHh a c:11J "' lc111:r ., .. -· Boulder: Tho Catholic ami Aaglican chu,·ches have not reached Buffalo Village •· sut11t•ient agreement yet LO make unily possible. ac<·tmlm11 Shopping Center to l:$1shop Al a n Clark ol East An~lla. Bngland. L'.athollt· <·u­ (28th & Arapahoe cha1rm1rn of U1c Angh<'an-H.oman Catholu.: lnt<·rnattonul Comm1ss1on I AR<.: IC1 ... The bishop's comments we r (• across from ,~ •> Crossroads Mall ) made in the prepared text 01· a lecture on .. M,mstry and 4 _.,.' llnit · Toward the end ot this year. AHCI<..: will have ~ comple1ed 12 yea rs ot work and will pre,~enl its r,nal rc-port Colorado Springs: •• ... w aolhllrllh!" 01 1he two ('hurehcs . AHClC's work In• dlca1es progress toward reconciliatjon in faith in the three The Citadel .. 1m1Jor .ucas tt1al d1v1ded the churches al the RcJormatlon . 1h1• 1,;ul'harr,-1 1he mini ·tr." and authority Bishop t ' lark. . ... > -. htJWl'Vl'r, s;;1d that 1tus does. not mea n union 1s near and Pueblo: . d ted the problem of Anglican orders. which are not Pueblo Mall ... .. rl•<'<•Qn11,•d ••" valid 111· th<•\ a t1can Greeks Call Patmos Sacred Couple Renews ATHENS. Greece 1~C, - According to tradition, The lireek Parliament voted Patmvs 1s the island where ;\l<1rt·h :H to declare the St. John the Evangelist wrote 1he Book of Revela­ Wedding Vows 1sl:rnu u l Patmos in the ,\ e1:e.1n Sea .1s " Sar·rcd. uon. J oseph and H e lena After moving to Colorado. Zavislan of Denver. who they operated a dairy in were married 60 years ago in Florence until illness forced FRESH SEAFOOD from Illinois. renewed their wed­ them Lo move to Phoenix ding vows F'eb 8 at a Mass whe r e they o perated a DUFFYS WHARF celebr ated bv Fathe r n"•llhborho,xl grocery store 8743 SHERIDAN BLVD. 428-0999 Thomas Stone: a ssociate until retirement and then pastor of Sc ;\

... .. , ,. ' • •• .. . "TM Fln ..t In Quellty"

~ .. Norman's Memorials, Inc. 1I05 W. 44111 Awe., WhNt ---• 1111. 4124411 • . 145 Broadway, Oownaown Denver, 571-5777 ... .,, __. TIie Denve, Calflollc 11...... , Wed., Aprll I , 1111 - ~--11 FRIENDSHIPS MUST BE ~ The Champs of the Ice E'l'ERNALLY RENEWED spiritual side of her life is ..... important. Lou. and although she d1w~ri'1 have lht' lime to be ~•etiYeh· nwolved m thC' l 'hu r c-h b·cc:;.i use ut stww schedu les. she said s hl' knows ··t11al liod is always there when I nt'ed to talk ·1u llirn." HOW TO CUT OUT A WORLD OF PROBLEMS FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Send for your free booklet with everything you nectl to know about Wills

T t w-.1· -.1"1·1·11 p.11.:_1 ·-. pr111 ich- p,•.u 1• ,11 11111HI t11r \·,111 .111rl 1·1,1 11 t. 11111 11 ,\, 1,-.11 1·11i11rl 1illl ill11-.11.11nt '1111,kll't 1!;.11 It'll-. 1·1111 111111· , l \\' ill ( .\II -..1,c-1 11 -r 1·11111

1.11 ! \,I\ lllllll 1111', , 1111I-. -.1.111· 11·-.1111 - 1111 11-. . 11111 .1 !111-.: 111111lln p,111 ·1111,1I -- p11t.dl, Ir -..11.,,,..., 11111 11 '11 ""' 11< ..-d .1 t,l\\'\t'I . !11111 l tt -.1.1rl .11\111111.11 ;,. 1111 li1rk Ii'-. 1lw 11111· 1·,...,· 11111,ld,·1 l11r 1·1·1·n p,-r-.1111. 1t11:t1L! "' 11lcl ( ·111 tolll , llHI lll,1111111' 1111q11111 tor v1111r In·,·, 11p1 rod,1\' ., ------FREE BOOK.LET ON WILLS M,,rvk1wll l· , 11 l11·r-. Tai Babilot«a and Randy Gardner Photos b~• James Baca I U4tl Srn 11 h l<.11•1· ~;1 n~•1 I >.·11wr. (.'11lt11 Jtlo HO:lO\) DNL By Julie Asher dangerous. They were U.S. Marina Del R€Y. Calif. • While she w~s growing up. Register Staff national champions for five Dear Fatllt'r s: Tai Babilonia and Randy conse1.:o.1tive year s. rrom 1976 Tai attended Catholic Gardner captured the atten­ to 19110. and in 1979. became schools. When asked if she's l'h·ascsc11cl 11w1·rn1rtn·c·hunklc-11111111.1k111i.:.1\\'III I 1,11d1 , -.1. 1111 1 tion ot the world as world only the second U.S. skating ever felt like she missed llll'r<' is 110 nhlig;1ll<;11. champions. national cham­ pair to capture the world part or her c hildhood by pions and as Olympic con­ championship title. working so hard on a skating Nanw tenders even when a fall But w hat are Tai and career when she could have ruined their chances. and Randv like nff thP ice and been playing alongside Addn•ss now they have the attention on th~ir own? Both are single schoolmates. Tai replied ••'\ of capti~e audiences as the a nd natives of southern that she never has regretted .., new star s of the world­ California. Tai lives in Mis­ having a goal and seeing it -· sion H ills. <.:a l if., whil e through. Stall' Zip r enowned Ice Capades. Nineteen-year -old Tai. Randy makes his home in Tai added that the who is a Catholic, and Randy. 21 . began their skating careers at age eight. Precision Tai and Randy were in \ 1 JCOLORADO CATHOLIC ACADEMY Denver recently with the Ice .... Capades, which ran from March 31 to April fl. For the media. they put on a shor t COLLEGE PREP -•~1il ; demonstration of their skill l un the ice and the precision CATECHISM, FUNDAMENTAL READING Lhat has led them to become .. world champions. AND MATH GRADES 1-12 During a recent press con­ DEDICATED TO THE TRADITION AND l erence and short interview session at McNichols Sports TEACHING OF THE CATHOLIC FAITH Arena, Tai and Handy seemed very at ease with PRIEST CHAPLAIN - DAILY LATIN MASS -.. their ··rame. .. They are un­ ... pretentious. unaffected b.v attention from autogr aph­ ESTABLISHED 1974 ., ... , seekers . Both said they are having a good time w i th their For More Information ., recently established pr ofes­ .,. sional career and right now ~"lrite or Call • aren't looking past the day1 , .. when their contract with the PRINCIPAL ...... ice show comes to an end 111 COLORADO CATHOLIC ACADEMY two and a half year s. 11180 W. 44th AVENUE Matching WHEAT RIDGE, COLO. 80033 As amateur s. Tai and .. L 422-9549 Handy have been known for ... ~ .. matching each other ' s moves on the ice. moves that ... are di fficult and sometimes P... U - Tlleo.-«C_...... ,.____, WN.,A.,tll, 1N1 Business Ethics Meet .fames c. Pigott. preside nt or Stetson-Ross. Inc. of Cursillo What Is It? sc.ittle Wash .. w,11 g1H• the keynote a ddress al t~e SpnnJ! Bus ines s Ethics Confe re nce April !HO at Regis l ~llege on ,\ C.ise ror 1·:x1endrng the ObJectives 01 Corporate• De Colores I 'h1la nthropy" Apnl 9 al !1 : :10 a .m. Hy Fath1•r Jude c;elh:nk lrchi!n At prellent lhe contact persons are; J e ri ano Lloyd Th<' c,mlercnce Iheme ,~ ( 'orp,1r.it1• He,:1mns1b1ht~· ,_ 1"11• · :,.p,1111 ~11 \\11rd~ f 'u1 , dl1i ..• I flll'nl take a look at the env1r11nrn1·nls rn wl111'11 tlwy 11 1P ,, ., ~"•~I 11w.011, 111 t1nd .h·"" 1111 1,1 II \ 1111 w:1nl '" ~,arl Complete Electrical Service • ott I 11 ,,•,a~ ,n " ""' 111• ('ul11rn, ,~ lht• ;ind strive tu d)llni(f' thcmNelvPs and their e nv1ronrr1l'nls ,11,•.1 l, ·I 11 , k11,m lht•n w /NOUS TRIAL -COMMERCIAL-RESIDENTIAL I COi 111t1, rt1nstian on"'> · " '"I: 111 111,· 1·,u , 1ll00 llln \ l 111 1111 Tl11 ,.,,,,,, , 111 1111 · r.,111h11w ~ ··oe To become part of the movement rnvolves a t.hree-day Jll\l llnw1•1,- , ll'L' th•• ~11,:n, ool I ,nd " l11l'l' lur u,- ;\J;.i~ ~ou Phone 534- 1448 - 4 o have a IJ,, I '11Jores or ('11Jort ut c•,q,ericnc e of t;od s lnve Jor weekend, lhc C.:ursillo Leaders tramecl especially for the After Hour• 985-0844 •~.- I weekend offer an intensive cxl)t!n e nce in Chris tia n living us May you h;.ive a l>c t 'o l11rcs or colorlul cxrer1ence of 1178 Stout St. Denver, Colorado ..,. . _ •.• re· T;ilk, .irl' iziv,•n hi' J;f\ Jl!'Oph· 1,nd rir11•-it~ ll11wr•v1•r ltw ;11• <;od·s ll)Vl' rn your Ir le of 111111 1.1k1•., plan• 111 tit,· , rnull 11 11111111h~•·u ..~ 111n , 1111 t lw t11p11 , - -~ ""tt1o ~1,,•11 111 tlro · 111,1111 l;rlk, Tio " ~1v••~ all :J do,lfll'I' II, ,·x ., 111•111•111 ·1• .,nd J,v,· ., 11 11 · ot ('hr ,, 111,111·um11111111l \ l·:ad1 •l.01 - - -di! I lu-1 ,, " .1 1•1·li·b1 .1I 11111 ,,I J•:1wli11 I i'I 1111· " llill 111 ( ·111 1, (1.,11 I - pr 1·111111111111111 ---;4 T.; I 1111• "' 1Ji,, , 1' '"'II Jlllllll~ 111 ' '111 , 11111 ·~ ,1 , 1,,111,Y. "I' . .. T -~ R, 11111~ 1.1111 l'ht, Jtl"l'l,1111 1" ''·"'··,I 1h1 · J•1,111tlt l l,11 Ill Ill!' 11 •, 1 111 11111·, 11, ,. 1 ''"' fl·" c 111 lh•· 111111 Iii 11.11 ,, 1111 • w,•1•kl1 1, •11111,111, 111 1111 ,.,. 111 l1 v,• I"'"""' '1'111 · p,,:-.1 I 111 , 1ll11 l''"I"•"" lll'lp, 1111· I 111 , ill1~1.,, '" 111. 11111.11111 111•11 d1 •d11 . 1111111 111 ,•,wll oth,·1 .0111! 1'Ji11 , 1 l\ 11111h, ·1 ,l'JIC'l'l •11 1111' P•"' C' 111 , 11111 11111v1•11 11•11l ,, 1J11 • 1111111" 11p 111 111,:1; 1111 1111 l.,1 I,!•· j!l 11111, 11 ·1 11111111 , l' h,·, ,· ,11 l' ,·.,ll•·il Ill , p, 1111'<11 111111•1..... i\l lh1 •w t 1111 •1,,._ WI IIH'~:< l,1)1\ , .11 1• 1,!11• '11 Ill Y.hll Ii '"' ''""''' , , h.,1o • ll1• •11 ,•x1~•1Jl'll1, 111 11 11 •11 pr.011 °1 Ill•• , 111d1 S I( .111.t .1p11, 111l w ,wl 1011 J. Emmett Noonan Rudy Bettmann l · . 1·11, , ( '11l', 1ll1t ,11,.v,·11w111 111 11,,. I li•11v,·1 \1 l'lul1w •t•,1• h.i , Cl ·, at ,•,111 •111 ·11, ·,•,I ' "'"' ' tl1ll1nrl1I•·, .1111 1 1, 1111w ht•11 111111111,: In • W, , 1'1111111 ,11111 11 •1111111p \\ ,·,•kl1 I 111, ,•v;,, .11 ,. lu•lil :11 SI 1(11.., . b< 111' l.lma·s. I:14r, W Oakolo1 / .. Denver on Wednesday We'll work with you to de 1111:'11 , Tlw I •IIH · I,,._ 111 '1( 111 ,ti II I' 111 1'111 · 11 · 1, .oil 1tll◄ ' II • Ht lllC'Clln,c he ld IH•fort• 1•/lrh Ultrcya whlt'h bel(in~ lit 7 pm .Jo /1.nyuuc 1s wt•k o ll1C' to attend t.lw OJM'n m eetings help keep funeral costs down. World May Double Growth

UNITl::D ~ AT IONS (Nt:t yt•u r 2000 and ,111 8 :1 b1llinn 'l'lw world popula tion, cs• population by 2025 tlmatl>d at 4.44 billion In Third World countries rn When someone very close to you die . it's natural to want to provide 1980. rould alm o st 2406 FEDERAL BOULEVARD DENVER. COLORADO 80211 ,.. . across from The Denver TELEPHONE 303 / 433-6575 .. !113-0124 I ...... z m~mt>er ol Senior Discount ...... , The Detlfff CattlOllc ...... ,, WM., Apfil I, 1N1 - ~... 2S ( ~Roman Collar Review ~·' ·set for April 26 ~~--'-~Music, Spoofs To Be Highlights · .. .. A comedy spoof. harps . clowns and poetic on Channel :.! . 1 readings will be amon~ the entertainment Father Donald Dunn. \'icar for Family • -•- ._.,featured during the second annual Roman Life and Youth for the Denver archdiocese . , • Collar Review sel tor April 26 at 3 p.m . at will be the master of ceremonies • · - ... the Denver ( ·ente r tor Performing Arts To become a patron. the donation is $100 I DCPA l. Other tickets are on sale for S:!:1 . A wme /< •' Proceeds from the benefit show featuring reception and opportunit~• to meet the star::­ • r.:·icst:; :·r~•11 . thl' Dl'nn•r arrfid;•wese ;ind of the Roman Collar Re\'iew will tollow the other priests wilt go to Catholic television show 1n U1e lobby of the DCPA. communicattun~. The upcoming show will Father Mark Matson, rec tor of St - I ·· .:>e featured on .. i\ioondav .. on KOA-Channel Andrew's Semina rv. is the director ot this - I -4 on April 24 · · second annual ~how Mrs . Bette G ,~, _.. Father Kenne th Roberts. U1e well-known Anderson is the producC'r ilnd Bishop ..- _ . _retreat master from St Louis. will be part George R. Eva ns serve~ a~ honorary or the Review cast. White In Denver. he will chairman of the event - ~ ~do some television appearances including To order tickets 10 the show send a check ·Town Hall Tonight .. on KWGN. Channel 2 to The Roman Collar Review. c o Catholic - - - -discussing separation of Church and state. a Pastoral Center. 200 Josephine St .. Denver . - ) ~ program which will air Sept. 25. ··Youth CO. 80206. or for more information call ,- Talks Back to the Church" featuring Father 388-4411. Ext. 5004 Tickets will be sent back Father Charles Butler. Most Precious Blood C'hurc·h, dons a l'lown costume {or tht• Roman Collar Rt•vicw to hl'ne(it C'atholic· television c·ommunin 1tion~. ... , .....~ ~"' Roberts and Denver teenagers wilt also be by mail. ----Runners to Aid Roots Crisis Show Slated .. Central i\mc rn:a Hoots n>ntnbut.l' to till' present - . ~ Aurora Church ol' Lht• ( 'n s i~ .. is the title ot a ( TIS IS , :-lideshow to bl' presented at Art \Varnc-r of the Lalin .. 1• ~ :cardiac Center the Issues Forum ot St. ,\menl'an lluman Bights - Francis Interfaith Center on ( '011111111tee of the American ... , ·- Hunners of a ll ages .ind The Coors Card1ac Clas- Is 'Health' Site i\uraria (•ampus at noon Service C'omm1ttec. abilities can compete in any !· 'sic. sponsored by Adolph April l:J. will lead discussion follow­ of three categories: 10.000 Coors Co.. is set for Apnl 11 St. Therese Church in Aurora. 1243 Kingston St.. will ht! ing the show .. ,- -. a t 9 a . m . in Denver· s meters. 5,000 meters and a one site on April 12 for the 1981 9 Health Fair. a project of one mile fun run. Registra­ The show will present an The Issues Forum 1s open • W.ishington Park and will KBTV-Channe l 9 Community Affairs Department. tion forms are available at overview of the situation in tu the pubI il' . and there 1s no benefit the continued The nine-day event, which began April 4. is designed t• any Phidippides store and Central America. focusing achmssion d1argc . development ol the Cardiac promote heallh awareness and to provide adults with a • Hehabilitatiun Cent':', at St. can be obtained from St. on t.he social and political For further information. means of screening for potential diseases that can be •.l oseph Hospital. Joseph Hospital by calling and economic realities that rail Tom Haud1 at 623-2340. 837-7043. prevented through early detection and treatment. St. Therese is one or 150 sites statewide. The 9 Health Fair is offering six free medical screenings. an optional DICK CUPP blood test and heallh information and counseling. However . the tests are not intended to replace physical examinations bv medical doctors. · After the screenings comes follow-up. If any of the McDONALD tests detect an abnormality, the participants is contarted by a registered nurse or certified health specialist All in­ FLORAL SHOP lormation tor the health fair is kept cont 1dentt;il On the last four days of the 9 Health Fair, April 9-12. screenings will be available at schools. churches. senior FTD Wire Service centers. recreation centers and eight major shopping mall sites. 832-1141 For more information on tile 9 Health F'air and site location. call 777-9640. or. toll free. 1-800-332-6245 or see TV 508 East Colfax Guide. one block east of Cath edral - Custom Design Draperies ,,, I Hanneck Cleaners is now pleased to offer an ~ added service for all fashion conscious home t ': .... owners. A Custom Design Drapery D epartment. Stop in at 6th and Pearl and let us show you the latest ideas in draperies and help you coordinate Gtldown' PM1t1i~~ everything else. ban order torm_., _~ ••:;.:~And get~ with Iha :; . .. ~ ·- And see the difference family pride makes in the ·~:;..., ~·~...... , , ...... , ··-.. _· .. cleaning of your fine clothes and draperies at any ,..... ,_ ' . location...... - ... . - - .... .,___ _,.,,__------1-~ • The Von Feldts • ORY CLERnlnG Rno SHIRT LRUHORY Sixth and Pearl Sheth and Downing 2320 So. Colorado Blvd. Hanneck Cleaners 733~ Custom Design Draperies 733~322 DISTRiBUTI...O COMPANY 1 SOS WEST THIRD AVENUE. DENVER. COLORADO 90223 (303) S73-11 SS .... OCR happenings

QltF.EN OF PEACF:­ 111ant·c 1:- I rec ;,ncJ the put,l1c rn~ a lund-raas rng spa i,:hc llr 1unher 1nlormallon c all c hurch: 10: 30 a .m . Teen I NC.- A non- de nc,manational organiza- " 'l'hl· Wttnt'SS. · a musical 11< IO VllCll. drnntcr ill Hlcssi,'(J Sacrarntcnl .\hlf',V ,Jt•an. !188-848i Eas ter Liturgy on the lawn: about the hie ot Chns l as Sdwol c·a lc tcraa . l!J7:l t•:lrn 12 : 15 p.m .• Easter Liturgy in 1100. will hold a persona l c hurch. a special living Sta­ g r u ,,. t h w e e k e n d f o r tuld t>,v l'e tcr. will be per· llE(i lS FIHENOS OF ';t . on April 25. Jn,,n 4 pm l~I MACUL,ATF. H F:ART of :-cpar ;, tcd . divorced ur to rn1l•cl b v the Queen ul 'OIE I.IBRAftV- wit: rnc4'l t11 K p 111 , t he dinner c•o~I~ 0 F ;\I A R V C' H l l R C H tions t he Cross will be "1duwed L\ lc1y 2-4 al Mt. St. l'C'a('(• l 'hotr at. St M;irv s 111 th,• l'rc•Mdt•nl i.. Luun~c ~:t !,:i J1Jr uduli_s ,mtl $:l 511 lur ~ORTHG.1. ENN- writ be presented by the teen group " Hright Ho rizons·· on Good I· rands. Co lo rado Springs . t'hurc h l.1llll'IUn. II p '111 Tu1•,tJ;1V. Ap,11 14 . ..,1 I :111 dlllllf't•O I:.! ;,nd under . Jollows . Hl I E xt. l!JJ in Denver. l'ft• , 1•n t,,11 1111 r' l,1111 h . 1nt111111,ll111n 1•,oll ,v1 ;11 v ht:l:l \1 "·tl l!i . 1•:astt'I' \'1~1 I. i PRF.VIOUSI.V MARRIED I >1•11 v , •1 11 p III Apr ii J,, 1<11w,·. 4:,f, ,1115:1 S T . WA I.Rl ' llf;A 'S p rn . April 19, Eas t e r <·o :--Jvt-::--rr- u SC'r••n11, p rn . April 19. Eas ter M O ST I' It I•: C'I Cl I l S I.O'VOI. A ( "fll lfl( 'II - ' I ri• r ,·tr 1: ;., 1 lur Alr·oltnl11.'~ Sunrise Ser vice. 5 -30 a rn nn HI.OHi> SENIOIIS- 1\pt 11 I Ir, · 1•11111 1111 ·111111 al Ill~ 11 1• •\ 11r1rlV llli1U,- ;, ml 1\l-,\ 11 11 11 the lawn. 7 am .. Easte r l(t• l·tU!ll'lhc t 1111 T11 1·sd ;,y , lhn•c• huur "' 111 ( '1111 , l , -. ul V.1/1111'II W Iii hL• CIIIIUUl'l l'C I h~ J.rturgy 1n c hurc h . 8 _30a.m .. ,\prit Iii . :-.tas~ ;, l 11 :w a Ill 11 •11111( 1111 lht• 1·r1,-.,. wrll IJ•· I• ;, I h t ' 1 I" fl• d l' t If' k ( j !::as t er Li turgy in the in d1urd1 lollowc•d hy a M 1·••ll·hr:,t,•tl .1t S1 lgn,,t,u~ J.;,wr1•111·c. S T M;,y :l:l· :l4 al c hurl'h, Ii 30a.m .. childre n 's c·alt• rt•d l1111CII hy lion /\pNtl l ,11yol11 f •;11·1!.h ron ( ;uocl I t t S t \', :,IIJUt g., ~ c ·1111 vc•nt !II 17 E a s ier Liturgy on the lawn . .iml ,·as h hrngu tn I ';,rash day. 1\pr rl 17 I, ,irn nnon 1,, :1 -.; l\1111ltlt•1 lid H1111Jde1 t11r JO . :m a m Ea~le r Liturgy in ( 'crtl1·r l'l'!ll'rValrolll, IIIUSI p m . 1•1111:sr(Jt-1·.,11011 111 1 ht• be madt• hy April JO Wll ll S1· v1·11 l..1 ~1 Wurd .~ wh1d1 E vl'lyn 1\\-krnnon. 7j:l, 4J,,1; , I ·111•,~1 ~pukt· Ir 11111 !Ill' 1't 1J~ ' Hospital to Host Conference or M;,rn• Kurlz. 756-:l4!11i WIii Ix· prl'l>f.'lllt·tl Ill 11 .. •,11,.,. I 1011~ ,llld Ill th• · 11111 , 11 " ' ,\n ;,re.i•w1de t'onlt•rcnt·e Lukt• ~ IIC1sp1tal. Andre w ST. l >OM lNl( "S ( 'III JR(' II T h1•1Klot c• l 111 1!111 ~ c It ;, l1111 0 1111 ;iphd Slrn1;1lcl Arnoltl, w,11 Llturgv ol t :rnMI I• nJ.,, wrll i\ p r rl JU /l l St ,Joseph Thurn;_,s 1-: t •n•M'Oll l'h l) 111•1l o rr11 V1va lcl1 J. ( ;tuna 1111 h,· 1•1•lc•hr,111•d .,t :1 :w p n1 ll 11s pt1al , 111:15 Franklin e uun.l inatn r 111 l'JIC'!' C- h S11mlay. 1\pr1 I :.!Ii . •, t 4 11 111 ,ii o1 tlt•r t h1• T1 t ' Or 1• !l1•1 ,111 ~ ,\ 1h11 in1, 1 rn 11011 l<11ll1·rt S111111111 •1i.. ;,ml i\11 J. HI, I•: s S 1-: II SA(' RA . pl11rC'rl a t lh1-. ;,nnu;i) (•Vtlll ;\h 'll11 ·.1I I ·1•1111•r S l111 It•\ \\ 11111• ,111' till' \1111·.•I :\11-: N'I' - p;,r(•nt ~upporl 1nl'lut1,, .1~,t•-.~ 111t-111 ,11111 l' la , ,11•1,co , , µ1 1•1 h , qlpt, i'<, Vl1k1· I '1' 1111 1111 1:-, th,• l'r!< 111 th1• l'alrrwr I lr' UI( prl'1_l11•t1 vc 1nd11·.1 1111, 111 p;llhc,1 11 111 , 1~ .,n,t 1, 11, , , 1111111 · , .,f,>h l I h,· p,•rl•H ..\JJU '-i t' I ' I Ul,!a ,ti I) d I l ' 1Ufl"H .1 ph;" 1a ;" w1 •II .,, 111111 p 1111t•,,wn,,1, I\ 1t h .,n in , ,.,h,il ('<11(11111,,· 11111( 1,oninl! t, , , •t 111 11 ,•u1•1l1•f l• ,,lh m :-.1w,1k• •1, 11w l11d1• \ t lhor 11,111 • \J ,1, .111,ll•'II II, ,ii Ill/' ,1 ffTi ,11!1 81 01100 on No1u,al WOO,.,c,111R, oe P11an GRAUL FLORIST GRAUL FLORIST GRAUL FLORIST C h1Ht!HIC1•1<11 • S ir 11.. b,! , 11es To Critical ~- . s91s ...._..._ Care Session . ....,__ ... ALL FOR ONLY acc1pl■d St .l11scph llosp1ttt l in,·rtf',; Try our Mon,, TUN., Wed. Lundi Sp9c:lala Ill t • I I' Cl p O I I I an a rt• •• Desert Garden . .... I .'" H·~•:-ten'II nurs<>s without A ttrac tive planting~ of h ardv Cacti c ntlC'al Ci.Ire e xpcru.'nf•t' but ,. (f-'"• 1ntcres t<'d in training wit hin and SuC'cuknts. E:1sv to <'

1.:::-:-:::-::. 111111 W. 44th Ave. .. 1~· V mE· . ~ (1 Block West of Wadsworth) I J FORT Ph.424-n45 .. ... iY".. ' --· , ...... 197-.4771 " . t ... i ·--...... "'...... "Yesterday 's Care . '"f I Todays F1mr,, .... ,1 ►• {r-;..9111 ~--~ . ; ' . ( J~il'-'•.a,~cH~~~-. ~~ • ' _,, . ,. • ' .• "' .... C .., .o, ..., , ... - VIU.-IIC-AMIX eccaplad ;,pen effftlnp 1:00 P.M. Sunday 1:00 P.M. ... . I ~ l ~ The Denver C•thollc ...... Wed., Atlrll I , 1111 - P ... H

.. T

. \ANDI ;-,. .. . :, ► ". . ,. , .._ . \ ,: .,' !: h • ' •' ··--• AU J - · -

A Viewer's Guide - I ·• '/ to the TV Movie to be seen in two parts on Channel 7: April 12, 7 - 9 p.m. April 14, 8 - 10 p.m.

, - '. "' The drama of the emergence and spread of Christianity recorded in The Acts of the Apostles is one of the most exciting a nd amazing sagas in a ll of human hil;lory. Peter. a dedicated disciple of Christ. and Paul. an ardent missionary of the ear• ly Church. were the two main figures in this vaned series 01 t-vt>nls . Almost everything they did was dramatic - from. their preaching and teaching of the Gospel throughout Aisa Minor and into Europe. to their courage in the face of Roman persecution. and even to their ability to surmount disagreements aboul lhe missiCln of the church. .. Peter and Paul. .. a made-for televis ion m ovie. is based upon the New Testa­ menl accounts ot the Christian church in the first century A.O. Heligi11us lt>aders of numerous faiths we re consulted to insure the historical accuracy of the produc­ l · tion. This television dramatization of the lives and ministries or Peter. Paul. and othe r members or the first century Chris tian community comes at a time when churches are involved in Bible study programs designed to help believers achieve a deeper appreciation of their faith and their heritage. "Peter and Paul" can he lp bring The Acts of the Apostles to life in a fresh way and send viewers back lo the New Testament with renewed interest. One or the benefits or any dramatization of the Bible is that it gives viewers an opportunity to step into the past and " personalize" the e xperience of lhe charac·ers. to ,;;ee in their lives parallels lo our own. This discussion guide aims lo stimulate that process. It can be u:-ed in homes a s well as in churches and religious education programs. ~ _(f-.,...... ~

J, j ◄....

- __ ,,,. .... subJect. Who were the first leaders? Where herself a t:hl'lsllan and goes to church small publicity of the pagan. It Is tlw g1gan• On Peter and Paul did lhey get their authority? regula rly." What would Pa ul say in tic secret of the I 'hristian." Is tlw JOY of - • - I. Before viewing. make a list of words to 2. In the scriptural portrait of Paul. he response'1 Christianity evident tn this dramat1z;1I wn of - J escri~ Pdt-r and Paul. Arter viewing. was legally a Roman. intellectually a the life of the earl, Church? Is it apparent ~ - review your list. Which words apply to lireek. a nd spiritually a J e w. This Personalizing in your lifC''' these men as they are depicted m this TV background helped him appeal to a wide 10. One of the 111r1st difficult prohlt•ms -"("' drama? What ne w words would you use lo variety of people in his mission work. What '' Peter and Paul'' lacing the t>a rly l'lt11rch was the 1'11,wts of • .t. • qualiliPs a re most useful for Christians sincere believers 1" produce stand:1rd11.e d describe Peter and Paul after seeing this 1 Have you ever experienced a ft>elmg 01 movie'/ witnessing to unbelievers today? Christians . rather ttmn lo allow fni ,;1r1ety i " something mlrac·ulous" in your life . 2. Which one scene in the drama reveals :t What does Paul's sermon on Mars Hill ~md indi viduality 11,,es your loc;tl d111rch --r .. similar to Pa ul's Damascus road ex­ have the same pr,,ht,·m? What a re 111 , huuld . . the most about Peter'! About Paul'! How are in Athens !Acts 17: 14-34 ) tell you about how perience or Peter 's dream'! be our eommon :;t.,ntlards '/ they alike'! How are they different'/ Chris tians s hould approach believers from :l. It you were with Paul dur111g his tirs l 3. ln 11 Corinthians 12:7, Paul ta lks a bout . other world religions? visit to Pr,ter. wha t questions would you ask II. l'aul W.tntt•d II, keep the CSSt•nt1,1J , ol ...... , his " thorn in the flesh." Does this movie -i- 4. Paul uses athletic terms to describe about Jesus·! faith and s1·rap IIt" inessentia ls Wh1i1 :,r,. - - give any indication of what it was '/ the strenuousness of the Christian life - a :1 Wi th whom do vou identil v Uw most·, the constants in v11ur c·ongrcgatiw1·.-; 111is· 4. How would you answer those who stale battle to be fought . a race to be run. Wha t l'eter the vacillating believer , Paul the :;ion·• What are th,· ,.,riables? that Paul ruined Christianity by inte llec­ te rms would you use lo describe your faith? radical. or Jam1:s tht: centrll'1st '! 12 Why• does 1'11111 visit the s, 11a!!ogu1• tua lizing it? 5 Studv Acts 15: 1·21 and Galatians 2 on 4. When you hear a 1•harisrna t1c preacher fi rst m ec1ch new t11w 11·1 Study Ho111an, !i-11 fJ 5. How is Pe ter 's authority over others the de bates within the Jerusalem Council how do you dist inguish between the good c1 nd then discuss th,• proposition s, t'aul in the early church reflected m this drama? The early Church was split on the ques tion news of th<' Gospel and lhc bad news ol l>Chevcd that lh" wriy to the salval 1011 of 6 . Can you unde r stand why P e ter ol the conversion of Gentiles. What can be pride'' Israel was throu1tl1 1111-.swn tu Lite < :1•1111h•s wavered under pressure from t he lea rned from the Council's handling of this 5 How do you oes that undcr, 1;,rnlmg com(• U1r1,ui:h In Judaizers? What kind of man does he ap· 1 s 1tuat1on·1 How did the decisions made ther e t,vpes' How did Peter and Paul handle th,s ltlm'' pear to be in this program? affect the future of the Church? lhf'm '' 1:1 IJo you tlHII y,,u havt• U11• pow,•1 111 7. What <10 you think would have hap• ti. Paul supported himself by making Ii Paul preached that humanity 1s saved af11•1•1 the direction nt your t:hur,·h 1- 1111s• pened to the Church if Paul had never li ved" tPnl.s a fact which has l(iven rise to thP bv grace alone What do you mean when you , lon'' llow'1 Peter had never lived? U term " Tent-making mlnislry " Do you say that God 1s gracious ? How have you ex• 14. Share your ,, .., p,msc to 1111s th1111~h1 by 1. 1111w dnyone who b engaged in a Lent· p.-ricnced thiil grace ., ., H Plull 11,s· " J>;111I knew 11nd lf'>rt• ,,,w 111a1 ma king ministry·• Share examples 7. In your optn1on. are <1II 1'hrist1an.~ Lhe bitterest enl'mu·.. ot those who knew . :. · On the Church Then 7 Are lhere incidents from the h1storv ol ealled to he evangelists? l>o you leel corn• (;,,d would be Lh•i~t• who onl\ llwught the lirst century Church not covered in ·this lortable m the rule of witnessing to Christ'! lhcyd10 .. ,...... and Now 1lrama whic h you would like to have seen in• 8. How do you a ct when you discover that 15. The him end, with Peter and I 'aul 1 This drama gives viewers ins ights into eluded'! Which ones? Why ? ,vuur values run counter lo the values ot· a dead, .Jeru~ lem in :,~hes. and <.'hris 1,an~ in the organiiation of lhe early Church. Do 8. H.espond to a person who boasts. " I'm l(roup you a re 1n·1 Home under lcrr11Jfc· J>ersecution \\ 11\ l!l some research to find out more about this Just a s ·moral' as so-and-so who calls 9. G.K. Chesterton once said . " J oy 1s the the last ~cone of th•· r1111v ie triumphant·• hie N- The Dem,e, Cillllollc ...... ,, Wed., April I , 1N1 Pade's Pen Memories of the Past By Tom Pade Time seems somehow to shadow the memories or the Peterson practically worked round the cl ock . past for a lot ol us. There are a few cxceplrons and tormer Breaks Denver area newsman Art Peter son is ont: of them. lie did the morning, noon . .:1nd late night news wrth. as Art 1s probably best remembered as Ch,tnnel 9's he says, .. a few breaks rn between. · He moved on to Lhe -- Man On the Go.. in the early 60's. lie lntcrvrewc<.i 1'11pe old KTLN which was then owned by Alfred Landon. Paul VJ at the Vatic>an . was one of the tcw reJ){)rtt•rs rn former Governor ot Kansas .:1nd an unsuccessful can­ the area that trave h..'<.l wrth fivt• l'rcs1de11ts - Trurn.m cl rdate for l'rcsident thr0Uj!lh Nixon. From there 1t was on lo Channel 2 and the early days of Art had Air Fort'C Une credcntr.ils. cr,vcrcd the ci vil television. Peterson and O.ive Scoll. who's now wrth disturb.ince m the Oomrnrc;;n Hcpublrt· rn 1965, went to KMGH . drd a m,irnrng show called .. Anything Goes.•· Vietnam with Governor Love in 11167, lie covered ston es From there to Channel 9 and the last few year s for KOEN m Alaska . llawa11 and the list goes on and on. radio. Cheyenne Arl worked the 5 and 10 p.m . news on Channel !I l or Peterson, who was in the news business lor 4:1 year s, about four years Bill Heed did sports and Jim Bannon the says his one big claim lo fame rn broadc:astrng h1Jflptmcd weather. Heed now dues advertrsing tor 9 and Hannon. Featuring ' .~-t .> while he wa s workin~ al KFBC rn Cheyenne m 1943 who was the star of the old Hed Hyder series. rs r etired. Lo uise Duncan at the Piano. 1._ ··J broke Curt Gowdy in on hrs first day on the 1J1r at Peterson says of Channel !I, a bit facetiously. " tr we Kf' BC. He had been a great basketball player al the ever had an alumni group from Channel !I we'd have l o -'"-.., University of Wyoming and after college decided to tr y hire the city audllorrnm. ·· From 10:00 to 4:00, broadcasting. We still get together every year at Cheyen­ Way Back Adults $14.00. Children under 12, $7.50. - I •• ne Frontier Days,·· he recalls. The list of names that touched Peterson·s hie goes on Reservations. please: 571-5821 Arter KF'UC. Peterson moved to KVOO radio. 630 on and on. A few are Bob Hahn. Ralph Paul, Ray Wilson. Joe the dial. It's now KHOW. He spent 17 year s there. Some ol 1-"in<.·h, Carl Akers. Joe Summers, Dave Scoll, John those were the war years and the slafl was so small Cr omwell. Lynn Sanner, Howard Brown. Dick Kruse. Bob Beagle. Al Helfer. J.:1ck Wilson. Arthur J Smith, George Salem and Hay Perkins. What about television today'>.. It ,sn ·1 fun anymore. Too much glamor and too many consultants ... savs Peterson And what about radio? --Number one. there's 100 many stations When I came l o Denver at lht• old K VUlJ tllcrt• were five radio statrons, .. says l'eterson New Career 0 On January 15th ol this year Art l'eter~on 112 ) e:an. l: young. :,.tarted a npw ,·arPer Ari w;1< n;im,-.J 111 ,in.•~••r ur l'ubhc Helalrons for St Anlhonys llwspr'411-y,;t••m~ Homemade Sausage Homemade Lasagna ·· I'm sorry 11 d1dn l haµpen IO e ,11 ~ Jjlu ' J )" rl l\n\J Homemade Spaghetti Sauce that's how he I J\nythrn,t Peterson d()('~ hi.' ll~ " ••II ,mt [ Largest Sandwiches 111 town. and I'm sure St J\nthonys m 11d1.: th,• rrl(ht l ho1n• Th.­ Potly-O Ricotta & Mozzarella. Hospital wrll become bt-llcr with thc lrkc'> of Ari I' lc•nt>n F Pastry Cannolis. Bread Dough around. ( Cannolls I 1• A S'l,tt 111◄:--s --··· 4371 f . .... (2 Blks East ot Coln Blvll I Hispanic Happy ~ast\..._,,: llispanrt· Apostolic ( 'oalrllon CHARLEY O'S 1s s~,onsorrng a o ne-day ?-:: 1-70 AND HARLAN workshop April 11 on the --.- .. Reality of Today's World Stea, Prine Rib, lobster 11111 Seafood and the Mrssron of t:hrrs­ J .... tians... Lunch from 11 :30 a.m.-3:00 p .m.; Din­ oJf4!r'!!~ The guest speaker will be 120th AVE. at 1-25 ner from 5:00-10:00 p.m. Monday­ Father Jesus Uarc tt• Gon­ Thursday and until 11 :00 p .m . Friday zales tru111 Mexico City. lie will be talking on the social and Saturday. Saturday happy hour and poht11.:al dlrnens1on of from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Closed Sundays. ta,th and the role or Hispanic Easter Sunday l 'lm st,ans rn the l l S. rn rela­ tion to their own lilc s1tua• CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH - J .... "' t10n. the s1tu11 tton rn Lalin Anwrt<•a and the Third On The Terrace under the Skylights. Wholesale and Retail World 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. Tht• workshop wtll be on Saturd:ry. Aprrl 11. trom 9 ADULTS CHILDREN UNDER SENIOR ECONOMY GREEK MARKET a .m . w11h 111c· cel(.'bratton ol (Includes champagne) 12 yrs. old CITIZENS 973 Broadway - 123-1112 1-; uchansl 111 p m It will be ht· ltl at All Saints Church. $ 9 95 Greek and Middle Eastern Foods :.!fla!I S. Fcdcr:il W vd. Ht•R1stra1ton l ee rs $2 and - Serving Denver over 75 years- C\tcryone 1s askt'd to brrnl( a•k lunt·h Your Choice of: F11llwr(:;1rna, a SOCIOiogy ROASTLEGOFLA~8 roh•ssor. WllS •• member ol CARVEO HAM ANO ROAS-r BEEF HASH BROWNS P QUICHE LORRAINNE SWEET ROLLS Enjoy the National St.."<'r(•tarrat l or 'HOT LUNCtiEON EN TREE FAE.SH FRUIT Easter Slw,.11 Ac•lton ol the ('hurt·h 1rth -•-Ot-'""9••mllat) WATERMELON BASKET . - { )-... SABA'S DELI 111 l\l(')(IC•u ll'0lll 1961-o!I COFFEE CAKE JUICES with~ II•• ,.lw" h •~s bt•t'll II BISCUITS WITH GRAVV BLUEBERAVMUFFINS Buckingham V11tage ~ .... v a CORN ED BEEF HASH MINTS ll NUTS •- r 1531 S. lllwau 751 -2318 lllt' mlJcr ,,, the 1•ont1lic-.1I 8 AC0N ANO SAUSAGE CREPE S 1MAOE FRESHI l\)1111111· s1on tor PC3l'\' and SCRAMBLED EGGS DESSERT T I\BLE • • "' l

...... ,IA . Ronald Ansay Interiors Invites you o view the most sophisticated ltchens available today. -r-- Ronald Ansay Interiors offers you a professional .,....., Interior design staff with a complete Mne of Interior • •• furmhings. ~ aea-4074 t . f. And row we tntTOOJCe 833 Colorado Blvd. Ronald Ansay Interiors Opposite Medical 310 Steele Street 520 E. Durant ,_At,r:ay·r! ~ fiJf'>O' Aspen. 81611 f lOQOnl G


Ch•- and Ametlcan Food S•••ad in • beautiful lantarn Eating Out 1,ghtad d i n i ng room. A •••labla tor ~artiee end Banquet•. By Julie Asher a nd a ppe t,zers, you ' ll salmon fixed in various Recl1ter Staff probably change your mind ways, a selection of cheeses FRENCH The Moulin Rouge at the • I a bout the price. from hearty bleu c heese to SP(RH S lv"C.., Fairmont Hotel in downtown I we nt t o the Sunday brie to cheddar. M or r • • • 30 l 30 Denver hosts one of the most brunc h with a Carribean 0 t"lnf!, elegant Sunday brunche~ theme. For the centerpiece "'o~ S a· 6 00 •O 30 Cr•b RitS f'' .,~••O""''\ $ 1o1OQf S lt'0 ·L.IPPITE 61Q 66S7 There wer e mushrooms 14th at LARIMER , •ee V• 1e1 Pa, • '"'9 , r ,,.,,~ ::>t>o• a nd carrots . c elery and ..;...-----<. tomatoes. a fruit sa lad with CONTINENTAL coconut, cream cheese. can· taloupe topped with a slice DINE IN OUR WORLS r'AMOUS I of proscuitto ham. King crab l)~l)C?~ .-~t.aur-ant _. J._ legs, other fish dishes and a that I have ever been to, an<1 decorations there were mer­ 803!'> South Quebec LUNCHES • DINNERS - ..J.-. if you hurry, you might be maids and dolphins made out number of breads like crois­ Englewood, CO 80112 ' a ble to get reserva tions in of cream cheese and set in a sant and pastries. time for the Moulin·s Easler colorful array of flowe rs a nd For the main selections. - ~ Sunday brunch . greenery. there were Eggs Benedict. - I _, The Easter brunch will F or starters. my compan­ sausage, bacon and ham, a --t- be $14 and If that 11eems like ion and I tr ied the ap· garden quiche, breaded fish. a little much for a brunch. pelizers, a number or cold pancakes with whipped ~~11.. when you see the abundance dishes like brine shrimp, c ream and s tra wberry or different kindi1 of dishes sauce, vege tables, rice. c-hicken with ham One of the most unique selections was a --...1-.--L pastry formed like a fish and MAKE THISA stuffed with salmon Bu•o.-1, • o;,,.~• t Hour s M on - Tnurs 11 am - 11 Pm S rH,mp • LOt;t h'.1•' Restaurant Lounge ., 1.. MEMORABLE EASTER Fn & Sd l 11 am - 12 pm & Mtt"\ Fr,o, i 229 W . Littleton Blvd. $ynrJays l lam • 10P m D••••rt• \ And there were desserts • Hk e cheese cake . tortes, I TA L.IAN . AMERICAN r hocolate mousse. pastries, puddings and cakes I found the brunch a lit Ile overwhelming a nd of course '!=.DJ!'!·!'_ everything that I tried was 4H-17H d e l iciou s . Th e re Is 18 Ml... w. of Denver on 1-70 something for everyone' s on the El Rancho Interchange lastes and the service - we Exit 252 had our table cleared after each "course" - was very eKi 528-0881 good, of Cla~rry Creclc, Inc. Co,n,114131 IIIIIWIUlH S1 Pianist llfS(IIVATIOlfS 3"•9221 Another treat about cboos• AMERICAN ing the Moulin Rouge for . brunch Is the entertainment. • I Lunch: Mon.-Sat. 11 :30-2:00 I llocleratety Priced Louise Duncan plays piJlno Dinner: 5:00-9:30 while patrons are d ining and t-..:f.!t ...... FaciHtiH A FAMILY FEAST AT It makes for a very relaxing 2111 8 . HNthef Gwdene Way Brunch: Sun. 10:30-2:00 .__ I ...... atmosphere. She plays selec• EASTER TIME tions like .. As Time Goes By," " Edelwe iss" and other ITAL/AN Stouffer's tradltloMI EMter familiar tunes. Brunch features a daullnc buffet The Moulin Rouge decor of more than forty Items is very ~ egant and lhe walls are graced by huge prints of lncludlnc roast steamships of Toulouse-Lautrec paintings beef carved to order, seafood colorful scenes from the newber1. panc•kes "Oscar," and Moulin RolJit' in the France MEXICAN a temptlnc display of pastries of h1s day that he painted. and desserts, all enhanced by Dr unch Is ser ved from Open Monday thru Saturday 10·30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call macnlflcent Ice carvlnp, t 11 :00 A.M. For Lunch and Dinner 571 -5821 for r eser vations N2 . pleasant entertainment and champaane Included. Stapleton Larae parties a~ comfortAbly accommodated. Why not plan on Gets Award a festive EMter celebration wtth Stapleton Plau Hotel and your family and friends at Athletic Center has again received Mobil Trave l Stouffer's? Guidf''s Four-Star Award, Selltlnp at 10. 12. 2. one of tk most presti(,ious ResetYatlons Recommended. honors in lhe food and lodt• In& Industry. Thia la the Ith 321-3l33 or 177•4174 con.secutive year Stapleton Plata Hotel a nd Athletic Emerson 19.75 Adults Cf'ftter has beea a winner. $6,,oChllcbn under twelve Street East Correction INIColluallmenon S'IIJfers Denver Inn Papetlo'• P•ppermW ls • 32nd Street and Quebec tH S. Moauo. ... tH ...... ,...... ,,...... lerwill ha II :DD l .M..... 111. I lllf M... eo. H "aa ttate4 la Ille 111. ha 5:IO P.M. 111N11111N- 11•1d1• dlalq colum• la lall wMlll't m -1Mt. Fr11 am11•111 hnllt, R ...... r ltHe, April I. The Deftnr CalMllo 11...... ,, Wed., Aprtl I , 1H1 _ ..._. 11 Ar~reach Aids Elderly Running tor Hospitals The third annual Hospital greatest number ol miles 'spe t' ial T -s hirt com­ For the past five years Artreach has been View Towers. Maryhaven Personal Care bringing the joy of concerts, dance perfor­ Challenge,Open Fun Run. will be awarded a traveling nwmoralmg this year·s Fun Home. Francis Heights-Clare Gardens are Hun wall be available for $4 mances, plays, films, sports events to sppnsored by Mercy Medical Hospital Cha llenge trophy. actively ser ved by Artreach programs prior to the event . members of the Catholic community who Center. is scheduled tor Individual runners will throughout the year. Saturday, May !I. in Ci1 y also compete for prizes to be For e ntry forms or further would otherwise have no opportunity to par• Especially meaningful for those people mt'onnation. contact Dan ticipate in these events. Park. Uenver. presented to the first three who have difficulty getting out into the com­ The Fun Hun, which kicks Schirmer at Mercy, 388-62811. Seniors and youths served by the Catholic ma le and female tinishers in munity. Artreach brings memorable hours off National Hospital Week. live age c ategories. A. 1!:xt. 2299. Community Centers. adolescents at Mercy of entertainment right into the institution. May 10-lti. will include two Medical Center. young residents of Ex• Dancers, singers, musicians. puppeteers, events, a 10,000-meter run celsior Youth Center, elderly men a nd mimes all bring their art directly to where (ti.2 miles) and a two-mile women served by the Little Sisters of the the people a re. run. The event will begin at 9 Poor have something in common - they a.m. with the two-mile run. Talk with have experienced the Denver Symphony. One of the ways Artreach will try to fund The official entrv fee is $3. the excitement of a Nuggets game, the fun its continued operations is through the Both events are open to and diversion of a play at the Denver Center Artreach '81 Tribute Dinner honoring Mr. the public· . but hospilal Archbishop Theater. and Mrs. John Fuller for their support of cha llenge teams will be St. Joseph's House. Mullen Home. Artreach. The dinner will be held Monday. lim i t e d to employes. Mulroy Community Center. Alcott Senior April 13. in the Imperial Ballroom of the medical start a nd auxiliary CASEY Center. Excels ior Youth Center. St. Fairmont Hotel. m e n1be r s 0 1 Co lorado Joseph's Hospital. SL Anthony's Hospital. For furthe r infor mation about the hospitals . The hospital team Artreach ·a1 Tribute Dinner, call 777-2209. Cathedral Plaza. Loretto Center , Mountain thal. under a handicap svstem based on the an­ - ~ slitutwn's total number ol - I "' employes. accumulate.s the Captain Os~ An Evening :--:1",~ ollersthe 01 Music - . ' The Denver Parks - - J Recreation Department will --k-...- seafood present the Denver Civic ~ ·~ Chamber Orchestra in ··An , atthe Evening of Music" on F ri­ d a y, April 24 . at the Berkeley Recreation Center , best value! 5031 W. 46 Ave. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Although there is no Sunday April 12 charge , admission is by ticket only, which may be 5:30-6:30 P.M. 1090 AM obtained at local music stores, the Berkeley Recrea­ tion Cen ter. the Denver Public Main Library and the Smiley Bra nch Library, 4501 W. 46th Ave. For informa­ tion call 575-3233 or 575-3234...... Listeners will have the opportunity to speak with the AT ITS BEST ... Ballet Concert Archbishop, ask questions. respond to the concerns . ... Treat yourself to great of the Catholic Church on vital topics. Mafood at reasonable Colorado Ballet presents prices. Our meals are " Direct Line" with Archbishop James V. Casey Sun­ freshly prepared to please " Ballet at Boettcher.·• Boet­ day. April 12. The second of 13 weekly talk radio any taste wtth pof1iont to tcher Concert Hall, April Hi . programs. satisfy hearty appetftea. C~refully prepared , l!J Tickets arc trom $4 to Our famous boneleaS white SI:!. G roup rates available. fish fillets, golden fried graciously served , For tickets call 825-t2!18. Call 832-1090 Shrimp, tender clams, fried oysters, Jui~ hamburger-a, our selection of brNst o chicken fillets wtth our special sweet ·n· sour f reshl.v prepared sauce. seafoods for Easter NOW SERVING MEXICAN Our hostess wlfl even treat will deliflhl. _you and you to free coffee and Iced and American tea refitls in our relaxed _your part)' , dini=oom. Come find out ~ taln D's i. The Cuisine! Great Seafood Piece. ,----• COUPON -----· EASTER BLESSINGS l10W40 SPECIAL I May the Peace of the Risen Christ be with you this 1 10% Discount I Easter and remain in your hearts in the days to come. I with thl1 ad I Celebrate the new life and hope that is Easter at your church. 1---E~-==~~~--..I

I05 80. Havana Aurora PAPEDO'S .1l1 3'4-1127 q,ep~if~l\ 1214 E. FIiimore Colorado Springe 471-1211 IEITAUIANT AND LDUNIE IU lo. Monaco In laf•••r Center P ... JO - The Oenv• Catflollc ,..._.., Wed., April I , 1H1 !~R!-;ter Cantata Set April 17 jPilgrim Virgin Statuesj Tilt' l-"11111 lh ( ro-,,-. JO •11,• 1·,,nlalll It is being ~pon­ l'ilj!f'llll \ Ir~,n , 1lJ1IJ1.':, Ill \ SSl '\ll'TIO'\ I Wt•lh,\c ra ver. 1ll e nvi•rt- Mr ;;ml Mrs In Residence /\MEN U 1 i\bus1vc .\1 en I 11 I 1~1r1;in C hurc h . 1400 MT. CARMF:L I Denvl'rl­ Tt•d <; rt•rnminl!CL 211:16 S . St. Dominic's Priory Explurang New 1Jirct·l111ns, l.;il;ivelle St. . Oenver . Lauu .1. 4160 Knox Ct . .fa\' SL • Ucnvt' r .Jnla11 as srxmsorang Geol Morgan. Tackcts ;;r e $5 ;:ind can be I )l'll\' lff. ST. MICHAEi. 1Aurora1 - Jesus· entry into Jerusalem is presented in the liospels ;,i smiter ;ic11 ve m the men's ohtatncd trom the AME.NO ST. LOlll S I Lotll1vllle ~ ,\ lr ..; Fl'lasa l ';;c aon. :J770 S. as the introduction to the Passion narratives. The scenes movement. an ;; bcncl al Cun• u ll1Cl'. K oom :.107 . 1445 ,\fr and .\Ir,; Johll ln. In other words. He does not come as the conqueror envisioned in popul;ir thought To contradict the popular thought, Mal· tht! w shows the fulfillment of Zr.chariab's prophecy i s TQUOT OU r calt1.ed in a Messiah who c·omes " humble and mounted on an J SS .. I n the S(>t'Ond part 1\ ' 11-111 the crowds acclaim Jesus <1 S :-on of l>av1d · The Son of David was not only someone phy"r,1 lly 111,.s<'t•nded from the royal hne, as Matthew .... r t,,:irlv points out m the infancy narrative. but he was also om- whO would rule as God's anointed one. 1XP£QI£NC1 nw expecl.llt1on of a gJon ous and triumphant r ule was ""' t<.igty the c rowd J esus· rule bf-gins 1n the throne of We have faithfully served Denver's Catholic families lh<' rr"O"-t Thf' r rn,.s would never have been thought of by since 1919, and will continue to do so at the locations of J , , u, rontnnrur;.rit-s as a throne. CruciJution w»s a death our two mortuaries: n - rv1-d for th'" 1o1i Or"St ol cn m 1n.ils and whereas we wear c-fV''4'' h.linJ1n1t I rom our nt<'lts as a sign of triumph. the -.ti<"" 1,11 ·U<'h .. ~, 11 n wnm an honor would be seen if today ... (' "'or.· .1n i'lf'<'trtl' r h.ur ~•m blem around our necks. It 1o ,wlJ f•llrnd l "-"< ►ph• !I )4'n~rb1ltt1t'S, and rightly SO! Ttw l '.1hn ,untta} t'nll") anto Jerusall'm 1s the beginning ,,1 o,ntt,1 ~t, in th,• l ' J,.,;1011 narr.111vcs. for the pur pose ot tho' ,Hlouoh 1, 111 h1r(h l11,1 h1 lhl' hol ant>ss and innocence ol J, , u, 1n •"'"" •"' " 1th 1tw twtrnrat ol l't>Lc r and Judas. llo t ll t •,~•••r .,ml J llll,1~ .. , Cun trial al~o The ar I 1delity IS .... pul 1, th\ lt"l ltlt' \ bolh l a,t On<' repents and as lar as we .., ,,.., ... u~ 11\11\'r ~ not\ McConat~ J t•-.u, ,md ll,1r .ibb.1i- :11,• "" lraal Jesus the innocent 1s , u ndt•mnN I tu ch•,Hh U.1r-abba!> lht• murder Pr - nhv1ously l(uth) I ll >t'I ltt-t> 1'1o1. o rnurClerers are r rucified with J,..,u.., 0 1w t'Ut ,el!o 1111 n and the other says. · Lord. wme11,t>er nw ...,,1'!n you comt' mlo your kingdom. II thew N ntr~11l s htghhghl the cunlltct ot good and t•v1 I II 1i1 nnt an equal conlc-sl . for t-v1l cannot prevail even l ht>ugh II lllllY Sft•lll to do so al limes ·fhv lessun ,s profound. uur fidelity to Jesus and the Church IS the only ll>'ay to insure our security so thal evil dot~ rkll ov,•rwlll'hn us

Aow1 0o,. JOlln S1uO~•

MASS SLATTERY at MT. OLIVET & COMPANY A Mass will be celebrated in the llechanical Contractors Interment Chapel of Mt . Olivet Cemetery. PLUMBING IIATING !\1112r. Thoma-. R:-trn' 1N1 to. COLOIIADO IM.VD. et ...... ~ Rt'lirt-rl . AIR COIIITIONING OrelnendSewer This Mass of. t1 nd to maintain the finest tac1t1ttes. to abreast ol will be CINnlng 11\C !lCt!dS ol Our c hurch. and her people.. fered on First Friday ·--· 7P.M. 24-HOUR SERVICE May lat, lNl Robert F Connor, Sr IC1ra.llti..•n.l•1 P'Niaent ...... MT. OLIVET Robert F. Connor. Jr. CEMETERY V IC• PtH ldetH ...... _...... 744-6311 .... , ....: ....1111 ,t11 ,.l Hlv-. d •~H , t t l t, •, 181 Vallejo ,,.., ,, •. 1,v ♦ • •, ••••••.-•• •• iP,,t .,1 "'''"'' 'Pl'• I 1, 1 • ." IK ,._,,"''Wt tlh ,,fu f • •~Ht ..-i ,,., .. , ' ' t l 1l ----­ The Denn, C•lhollc ...... ,, Wed., Aprtl I, 1N1 - ...... , COUNTER lmmedia!e openings in &Ive yHr IIWII .J~~:D~~l: foHT Gutters. Spouts ALE FOR SALE REMODELING branch stores throughout I ~'11111 of .~.::.w:£i.=·· We ttMCialin 1n Outten Banquet size Dining Bacon & Schra• a lhe Denver melro area. Ex­ fmll air lty alld Spout Rec,lacement Room Table 2-drawer Ille REPAIRING cellent benefits an<1 op­ llavlnt II . LAKEWOOD ElllS CLUI Gutters Cleaned • Compealtlott portun,ties tor a<1vance­ W ColfaK & Newlan d Rep · eel d H h IO Ill TOO • • TOO SIMUJ poww rated 1.30 ,o 10:30 p M a" . an utc Roon11 s9911 REASONABLE RA TES. BASE­ me n I Musi be neat. cw. 232-7829 Thoroughly E~perlenced 3 leaves, 4 chairs. TIit Rooftng MENTS FINISHED. GARAGES mature & dependable No powF.,.orVICIFREIIIIINE. ALl'NUINGLES & Deoe,•cfdble Table Pads. ◄ •d rawer Ille INSULATED. DRYWALLING. experience necess~ry. we DANCE FRIDAY NIGHT AMERICAN ROOFING Roof WINDOWS REC AULKEO. will tra,n Apply m person 5 HOME PAINTING. INTERIOR & 8-1 2 only 11tlm1t11 pl1111 ~-::':'~ff SHEET METAL Cf' Jrli~~ffY Repairing s115• ex TERIOR, CLEANING & Clll 898-8014 APPLEWOOD INN 744-2114 $2 000 4020 Brtgllton Blvd. HAULING, CUSTOM WORK SII.V£R STATE ClEUOS or 1v111lng1 14001 W 32nd Ave . 144 s. BROADWAY ' ' l:NGLEWOOD FIE£ U'TIIUTU, IIWAa(I II SOS l Colla, 922-7281 or CALLZ32· 7829 Aftpr8P,M . 798-09113 LIKE NEW call CATHOLIC SINGLES M C 11 M 4 PRESS EOE 922-1694 F~"'CIAllYWELCOME em ber or All Souls a ary at IUlrt\ 1732 629-0368 MIKl!ORJIM r------t--;;.;;;.~~..;_--+_:..;_.::::.:,:.:..:;=::,:;,,--4--.!P~A~R!JllS~H-----lk' , 10 Ol)\l • • 3085 SO . BROAOWAY ~2113 •sES ~ ADMINISTRATOR sol'l'ce" ~

LOOK llN. I.Pll AIDES fl... _,.__r-. PAINIERS NEEDED Mortuary-Greeley ,~Day or Nlgllr Wor, COMPLETE Fine custom COWIQS ;il ·• · Denver Archdiocese N. Ross Adamson lllSellNL•~ E & AFEED & Remodeling Instru mental Music Reed P. Adamson .,~ 'Want to hetp an Ill or Elderly Program . Dynami c .,.. FERTILIZER WATERPROOFING •RESIDENTIAL person and earn money TOOi •TUtac •S'IUlal. •COMMERCIAL Your choice ot areas arid Person, Must be sell• •SPIAY GI alSII • l'lASTU Quality fertilizers or motivated. Know­ IWOUll(,-US Leaking Llc en•ed & Bonded hours. Good Pay ADAMSON'S peat. Honest yardage. ledge of Music , Good fill lSlllAIU basement Clll lor 1rN esll111ate C ALLUS NOii,' Delivered or you pick offi ce skills . Some MORTUARY 777.9375 upat Repair G.T.S. Conslrucllon "MEYER CARE knowledge of Book­ ANtr ""'1 CIII 279-4813 HEALTH keeping Desirable. 353-1212 trUl -1044 5680 Harrllo■ St. 355-3071 Cati John al Ali P1rouI1I Y"111 IIINI 91~ Ave. at 5th St. 1311 W, •UMEOA AVE, FAST SERVICE MOl,•frt. 9 Ul. lt5:30r.M. SERVICES 733-5787 llettyTlmmlne Sal. 9 A.M, ID no, M Grttlty. Ctlontlo MOUNTAIN EMPIRE 825-0069 Call 744-0391 399-5030 (f.,_,r J&J hllllltl 377-8727 DECORATORS INC. WYATTS FREE TV SHACK Caring is our business. AUTOMOTIVE Be lnspiredll WANTED ESTIMATES AUTMORIZEO Kplly He■ llh Ca r ■ •Peci■Uze■ in taking SYLVANIA. PHILCO. care of people In their own hom.. . We Buy Good, By the inspirational SOCIAL CONCERNS SPECIALIST LINOLEUM & •Reg,slered Nurses CERAMIC ZENITH ~ad & Ugly writing of Chir on Full- time with Catholic •licensed Practical Nurses FREE . -.,. Christi- Proudly TILE WORK SERVICE CENTER •Ho me Health Aides Nurelng c a re Cars & Trucks Parishes in the Southeast • L111e-ln Compamons Evaluation released in a set of IIBIIDUTING. TV REPAIRS · ALL •Homemakers Call three scrolls suitable Area. For details contact: IIEPAIIIIN& MAKES • We bill insurance directly for framing. Send $5.00 .... 781-5988 Jeanne Orrben/ Dolores Mar­ FLOORS & WALLS gay._ ... Call us 101 lu rtller lntorm111,on to: House of Scrolls • tinez 388-4411, 200 Josephine ASPECIALTY! 832-3055 Dr 250 Pearl 11201 Dept. C 20 YU. E.lrtllEIIC( Ill 111! MNlllal ---­ TTS Denver. Co. 80203 St., Denver, Co. 80206. Apply pllon.s 458-5813 <, Kelh 778-0415 t-y April 13, 1981. 798-2814 ;, Health_Care ANYTIME 2524 F

ORDER NOW FOR EASTER AH Makes 3827 Clay F. T. GONZALES BASEMENT EASTER Storm Doors SPIIINICLO CO. FRESH TURKEYS Month lo Month must Landscape designing, A lime of Christ's greatest show while on Market sacrifice and triumph, HAMS . Bone-In and Boneless AWindowa complete landscaping, WALLS LEAK? Now beautifully expressed LAMB LEGS ScrNnal or tJuy low down & fully automat i c by Chiron Christi• in PRIME RIBS Patio doors; o wn e1 ca , r y 2 sprinkler systems. We Complete Waterproofing Service. Credit Card on Life- a con­ BetJ,-00111. Basernenl. Install Of' do It yourself All types waterproofing. Fast a temporary poem of Insight WHEAT RIDGE POULTRY Sain • Service G,u ,19~ & oil Street packages available Guaranteed workmanship. and understanding. 8' 1x• lllllf'IIICI Cllfaa. P;11k111q located at 4550 S. Kip­ 11 suitable for framing. ,... _..,. ling with Jeffco Ren• 25 YNII Experience Send $2.00 To : House ot & MEATS Call Betty 232-52S2 .., Scrolls, 250 Pearl #201 51541 W. Z9III A"·· PIIIN 233-0757 benmgs 424-694S tals. 973-9574 Dept. C. Denver , Co. We Sell Only First Grade HDIIY SAWICKI 80203. USOA cnoice Meals APfllJIICE U TOI or 420-0976 z 429-2906 979-4284 MUST SEU CARPET STEAM Elt3TEH. REMODEL CRUCIFIX DUE TO ILLNESS cleaning. llvlng room Or from the ground up Ceramic S!IOP Busfness HALEY and hall $26, living SOI.ID BRASS AppFox1ma 1ely 3,000 •lMEDICAL • EQUl,-ol QI CAR£Y room and hell and din­ fL0WE1\~ molds. 3 large ~•Ins, pour• Hospital type equipment Ing room $32. Free es­ •llhes •Corsage~ CONSTRUCTION 1119 tabl e, rec lai m for Ille""""' timates, free deodoriz­ f ...,...... ,.. Mac hine , shelves. u.,.., ..... ing. • r1ora1A ir-nngemems Greenware 11nd so forth . • ()1 ee11 & rlowefllt!) Pian!~ ,... ~ , Truck mounlecl, • G•ccnMuSventory. Area Service High 772-lSJt (l...-it) Enelewood, Co. l0110 &eked by 13 v•s 211-51'4 Anseor. 427-5242(.....,, 711-HIO experience Ooeu Dally 10 ~ m ~ 30 p m BOHOEO·LICENSEO·INS UR£0 or 451-5323("'-) 343-0351 232-3131 SALUTE 119-1114 • 421-311S THIS SOLIO BRASS YOUR MOTHER ------+- DID YOUR WATC ►l CRUCIFIX IS AN EVER· OH HOLY ST. JUDE. APOSTLE ANO MA.. TYR . In The LASTING REMEMBR· OREAT 1H VIRTUE ANO RICH tH MIRACLES, NEAR -CATIIIUC.. lll REMODELING ANCE OF THE OEATH KINSMAN OF JESUS ¢HAIST, P:AITHFUL 2 Cookina positions INTERCESSOR OF ALL WHO INVOKE '!'OUR MOTHER'S DAY CONTRACTOR. ANO RESURRECTION OF SPECIAL PATRONAGE tN TIME OF NE'E.D, TO YOU I o,en in rectory of EDITION JESUS CHRIST. MAKES HAVE RECOURSE FROM THE 0£PTH OF MY M•yf, 1911 ALL TYPES OF RESIDENTIAL & COM· A BEAUTIFUL GIFT FOR Holy Ghost Church HEART ANO HUMalY BEG TO WHOM GOO HAS ,._. JU.4411 la. 271 MERCtAL REMODELING DONE BY LOVEO ONES, CHURCH. GIVEN SUCH GREAT l"OW£R TO COME TO MY AS· HOME. OFFICE. ORDER downtown Denver. SMALL GENERAL CONTRACTOR WITH DIE? SISTANCE HELP ME IN MY PRESENT AND Phone or write us YOURSNOWI AN EXCELLENT REPUTATION FOR DURING THE URGENT PETITION. IN RETURN, I PIIIOMISE TO today! Just give us MAKE YOUR NAME KNOWN, AND CAUSE YOU TO CIJI QUALITY WORK BATTERY CHANG£ BE INVOKED. SAY THREE OUR FATH~S. THRH £1iZJNth at your Mother's name $19.91 -EY-IACK HAIL MARYS AND GLORIA$. PV9LICA TION MUST and a check tor $10.00 SECARY CONS'T CO. .L· IUAIIAfflE 11£ PROMISED ST. JUDE PRAY FOR US ANO All 571-1556 and we will publlsh her 271-1421 -QIIS? WNO INVOKE YOUR AID. In our " Tribute to MAIL TODAY! AMEN name Mothers" Page. Ir•• ••tlm•t•• • lie. & lnsureo. n11•atco. 1MBTIIWATOl1 357SS.P..t-Sllillll7 ll-• ut tall. Nllt aD IT YO TII fACTOIY? •cau.:•111•11 .. Ill Sell Pl U Pl .. - ...... 1141, ___ ...... , SE1 US WH!N YOU ------, ,.~.,, ...... NUDASATT!H ' .... Na,.,. ____ I r - fUI WMIAlffl • -­ OR REPA IR' I Add•• · I ...... I P1>one ____ I •• HERB & S ANDY ·s Ml. WATCH® ( C1ty___s1a1&-I ••• ' ~ •• • t • I •• ,• ' "••••• I ZIP-----, t , "'4 I J r1, HA 1 : l •~------· PH. 321·1507 .....-TMO-..C...... , ...... l.1te1

kMGH wishes you and your family a wonderful Easter. Give yourself a reason for the season with this exciting new motion picture for television. PETER and . PAUL

...... -

• j See non Channel 7 =don the Aprl 12-7:ao-t:OO p.m. of Acts) Aprl 14 8:00-10:00 p.m. • •• .Stimulate family dlacuaalon with the help ot the ... -..' ~'· i . lnalghttul article and queatlona on page 25. .. ~ ' ''7' • ..• DEEP FAITH EXPERIENCE FOR R.C.I.A. SPONSORS •

...._ y , ... ' ,. BUI Zlnkas Linda Terry - ~: :~:A Christian Rite of Belonging The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults. ( RCIA). will During this period. they reflect, go to c,-.sses. and meet people who allend the ):;aster Vigil ceremony when the in­ be reaching a peak at the Holy Saturday Easter Vigil in a regula rly with their sponsors. The meetings and classes itiation is celebrated begin to realize the importance of the few weeks. and more than 100 people will be baptised. con- • continue until Easter. and sometimes even beyond. sponsor in the emotional sharing and hugging U1at takes firmed. and receive their first Eucharist in a number of The second stage is called rite or election. which is held place. local parishes. usually at the beginning of Lent. signifies the individua l be­ "These sponsors put In as much time. if not more. than The rite, Initiated in the church in the ea_rly 197o·s. is ing "elected" by the community. giving them a technical the person being Initiated," said Sister Kathy. "Some of basically for people interested in becomi111 members or the status in the church. our sponsors say the weekly meetings and sessions have Church. The flavor of the experience Is to initiate the Intend• to Join been the deepest experience of their e.ntire faith lives.·· members into the life of the church In a specific parish Religious educators are constantly reminding people community. At this sta1e. a person no longer is reflecting or con­ that RCIA Is not a " program." It is an experience. sidering joinln1 the church, but now fully intends to do so. Involvement Communn, The third stage is called the period of enlightenment, which culminates in the celebration or the Easter "This community approach replace, the traditiona l six · 'The initiation is an entirely individual journey into com• week Inquiry class approach," said Sister Kathy. " It's not munity," explained Franciscan Sister Kathy Warren. mysteries and the rites of initiation. This period Is usually the entire period or Lent, as it is just a study or doctrine in becomin1 a Catholic, but Involve­ director of rell1ious education at Holy Trinity Parish. ment and commitment to a community, a live expression Each parish bas tbe fiealbillty to do the rite In its own at Holy Trinity. The three sacraments or lnitiallon, Bap­ tism. Confirmation, and the Eucharist, are usually of a people." · I ,. way. The basic experience Is always tbe same. UJoucb. celebrated on Holy Saturday. dating back to the original A result of RCIA is a built-In parish renewal. Offering a u. Generally. a parish 1oes throu,ti four sta1es with the community to new Catholics must be a sincere offer. If a penon interested in the Catholic faith. The sta1es are not tradition of the early Church. " The last period Is called Mystagogia, or taklfll a parilllt is Inactive. RCIA tends to awaken them to be a true •• mandatory. however. and persons can take u lone u they believing community, •• want to complete them. deeper look at the mysteries or Christ,·· explained Sister Kathy. "This helps us to continue our relationship with the " When people 10 through this experience. then there new Catholic once they have made their commitment to had better be an active pari!lh life for them to be II part of. · ' ,,,.I Advent C,'hrist and his Church." explained sister. At St. Mary's, tbe fint sta1e. or rite of catecbamlnate. ··we must be a Uvin1 commuruty or the new member is held toward the be,lnnlnc of Advent. Ion, before the Sponaor asJts us what the Church is all about, and challenges us to • Easter Vl&il finale. The key to the enUre proaram is the sponsor. Many be,...... ft... 18-Tlle.._.,C...... ~l. 1N1

~Pikes ~ Peak Edition .... -~-.. Volame! Number8 John and Joanne Pearrlng ...... Correspondents . . Aita M. Seeley ...... Advertising .--i:- -~~»- Editorial Offices at 109 Pawnee Avenue. Manitou ·- \ .J Springe, CO 80829. Telephone: 885-5202. :.. - . Advertising Office at Holy Trinity Parish. 3101 • ~ I ... ~ Polnsetta Drive. Colorado Springs, CO 80903. . . Telephone: 635-8749. ·•

,, ~ ... .. J ·. ~ . I COLORADO SPRINGS ··1:'· . COUNCIL #582 -~- ( KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS

We invite all catholic men of the Colorado Springs area to join us in our fraternal activities. We meet in our council chambers the second and fourth Wednesdays of the Chef and ••yoatll mlal■ter" Ge■e Tourville wllb b i ■ dau1hter■ Fraaclne (leftl aad Jeauene month, 1045 Ford Street, at 8:00 pm. PINH Call: Giving Tl•e and Talent Eul•lio I . Lob•to Anthony A. Leia SN-7152 511-9584 By Mary Jo Stoaffer plus teenagers. Pastries for work - Chef Tourville Is lon.11 hours and my n~lect of Certified Executive Chef breakfast. Elegant three thorough professional in my family " :iene Tourville of the layer finger sandwiches of food preparation and ser­ For Chef Tourville. cook· '1\tlers Hotel, one of the turkey. salami, green olives vice. The hours are long. ing on the has bttn utlon·• top chefs. 1lve1 his and pimento for lunch. In­ Chef brings along his own a two-way st~t CUSTOM CHRISTIAN CRAFTS - ·" J .. lime and talent• at leaat one dividual salads with e11 cot and may even sleep in " I think 1t matters u, ~ ' ' I • weekend each year. The wed1e and orange slices. the kitchen if the hour I~ kid• that I am on the retreat ~ .., lucky beneficiary 11 Holy Saturday evening's diMer. late! I want tu .IJ\ow lhc-· ) ouna CUSTOM ~ , Apo1tle1 senior hip youth presided over by Chef Tour­ But the e xecutive chef people that b.lrd worll a . retreat prolJ"•m. ville In his large chef•s hat. believes In time out too - good Thi• 15 m.)' 11ft, my WOOD . . "We feel ao prlvlle1ed to la served by candlelight and with special touches. He lovt• We get to pf-Opie ~ have Chef Tourville." uid features rounds of beef packa cheese and a pples and through the •tom• ch • PRODUCTS Holy Apo1tlea youth director seasoned with his sec ret t.akes his crew on a bike to lie prai•t"fi the adulu w ho _J; __ Slater Geor1eanne Quinlan. aplcea. enjoy the Colorado outdoors. gi ve so mu c h 10 lhe " He's dellptlul, adaptable. And the chef's added ·•daz­ And at the end of the 16 hour ..... , .i ~ tee.na1er11 And ht' " ••· • I' .. I i • llreleu. fun - and dellpt­ &I•" Include gold wrapping Saturday. he whip• out his pec~ll)• delteblC'!d with b11 fully eccentric!" ever preaent cribbage board •Trophies •Ribbons for the baked potatoes, fresh kitc hen help " wbo 10 ~ -111• .., ... Needle11 to uy. the whipped c ream from a for • quick 1ame or two to throuch pum•hmt"nl with me • Desk & Pen Sets •Signs cuisine 11 ■uperb ! Chef Tour­ decoralln1 tube. 1herbet relax. for the t'nt1r(' Wc:'elt,nd •Medallions •Plaques "The spirit moved me to ville plans. purcbasea 1laues, atemmed cherries Why" hC' •~s In tnu• ama• JfJO' J_ N ',lloww11r A ,.,. and aec:utea the weekend·• and frilly toothplckl. volunteer to cook for the mffll l olo rodo SfJftl'IJlJ. ( U 80909 menus - and cleans up Holy Apoatlea aupplles youth retre_ata." Tourville One of h11 ~lpe:n awn, It afterwanla. three youn1 adults to u1l1t said. ''I lelt I bad to do up: " What a super penon'" ()OJ) f'JJJ J ~O Menua on Chef Tourvme·s Chef Tourville for the somelblq for the Chureh. retreat• bear lltlle weekend - that's all the for mankind, but I didn't 1'9ffllblance to the uaual help he wanta. And these want lo be involved. I mua-pNduced fare for 7' three learn a lot. 1t·1 bard justified it becauae of my Have You Grown Lately? J/Ct})de, NOT FATl"BR But CloserTo Your Spouse

~I~:~lj w CloserTo Your Children


Several hundred people responded to Bishop Richard C. back many Catholics alienated from the church because of Hanifen·s invitation to "come to Christ and lay down your an incident that happened between them and the clergy or ..,..... {.. : burdens" at the first of two city-wide reconciliation ser• even other Catholics. " ]' -» vices . ,...... Allow yourself to be yoked with Christ, as you carry Help your burden and responsibilities," Bishop Hanifen said. " God heals all sorrow and we should not forget to ask - -' ., . " Christ will refresh you." his help." said Bishop Hanifen. The service lasted only an Fifteen area priests then opened their arms to all the hour. concentrating on giving enough time for everyone to people requesting a blessing or sacramental absolution. come to a priest. Friday The presence and power of God was evidenl in the peo­ ple and priests as young and old came forward seeking the The second Region-wide Lenten Reconciliation Service Lord's strength and forgiveness. As Father Dennis • will be held this Friday, April 10, at 7: 30 p. m. at Divine Grabrian wrote of his experience. "Being aware of my own Redeemer Church. 1520 East Yampa. This evening will limitations and sinfulness. yet seeing people come to me feature the combined choirs of St. Mary·s and Divine for the Lord's forgiveness was humblinJt." Redeemer. .. I encourage you to join with a priest for a blessing or " We need to appreciate the power God's given us to confession,·· said Bishop Hanifen. foirgive. to accept and to welcome each other." said Virtually every person in St. Mary's came forward. Father Brabrian. " It is terrible to withhold lhe power of The theme of the healing power of absolution welcomed God·s love from one another."

,;. I ._ ,('r ~ ·ry• ~·" Father Dennis Grabrian. pastor of St. Mary's, extends the Lord's forgiveness and strength through a hug and blessing with one of the many people attending the City-wide Recon­ ciliation Service. Parish Has Mass Baptis01

The new move in the Church to make Baptism a com­ munity event took on monumental proportions at St. Mary's parish last month. Twenty babies and children were baptised at one special liturgy on March 14. 10 days after Lent began. The Church was fu ll of families and babies that evening and the joy of welcoming new members to the faith was in all the parent's faces. ··1 love that night." said Father Bernie Schmitz. celebrator of the Baptismal liturgy. He went up and down the aisles blessing the children in I oil and a later in a circle at the altar pouring water over the children's foreheads. " I admit that with all those babies and children it is noisy and not as solemn as we are used to, but it still ex- presses what the Church is like from a children's perspec- Brett Leslie, 4 1/! moatlls, resists bis boly water dousing at the recent St. Mary's Parish community baptism. Brelt's live,·· he said. (See picture at right). motlier, Rosie, aad (allier Mlcllael look quite pleased anyway, while godparents, the Lenahan'•· look 011.

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•. •• 3845 N. Academy 591-1000 -. .. • -4 ~ I 'Family Tree' of Parishioners' Roots ~ Pueblo, · •stitching to keep ~· Roots a re important to rilling in the picture with photographs of the children, so embroidering "I felt I was meeting a . •- every family and the parish solid stitching. parishioners to acquaint was shelved temporarily. need in the parish," she said. her hands busy." She did ad­ ' of Holy Family in Security "The tree was finished in church members with each " It was my 18-year-<>ld son " It makes me feel good to mit. however, that every recot11ized their extended parishioner photos created other was Mrs. Escalante's. who got me started again in see it hanging in church. like year she must get her •• family in Christ recently by Mrs. Carmel Peters, She is proud or her role in 1970. He wanted a rose each stitch was a prayer.·· prescription changed on her • with a " Family Tree." marking the culmination of bringing together the spon­ embroidered on his shirt," In addition to the Holy glasses because of the strain. fo' ather Arthur Dresen a photography project ror a sorship of the Catholic Mrs. Peters said. Family picture, Mrs. Peters "I feel the tree was a ··; •• blessed the multi-colored church album begun last Daughters and the talent or Since then. she has filled has created five "Last Sup­ worthwhile project. The pic­ ... embroidered picture or the June. Mrs. Peters. requests for Christm as pers," and a picture of Pope tures of 250 parish families .. Holy Family surrounded by stockings. tee shirts, jacket John Paul II. hanging in the hang in alphabetical order - measuring 30 by 48 inches Is 111 Hours Towel patches and cooltie monsters Holy Family Religious for easy identification," she said. "Besides. we all need •.:- r~ now on permanent display in The Fami l y Tree .. from her children and her Education Center. . Mrs . Peters f i rst f' • the vestibule or the church. Ume for Togetherness Sun­ embroidered at six years of grandchildren. to know we belong. I've The e mbroidered Holy day , " said Mrs. Edna The Holy Family center­ Ribbons taught every one of my age when her mother handed .- ~~ Family centerpiece took Escalante, coordinator of her a tea towel, hoop. needle p I ece. however. has a Mrs. Peters has won Blue children how to embroider, Mrs. Peters 191 hours to the project. " The unveiling and thread. As a young special meaning for Mrs. Ribbons for her embroidery even the boys, so they would comple te. She used 58 was quite emotional.•· woman, however. her hands Peters. at the Colorado State Fair in feel a part of my work." skeins, 1,100 yards or color. The idea or displaying were busy raislni six


>I ..

,...... Gertrude Kane •nd Ardelh Kina• fill chlldrea·, ba1kel1 w Ith ea n d y m • d " a nd purchHed by Holy Trlally'1 l.adles Guild. ~~Hutton .. , Guild Dvorak Donates REQUIEM ·-r- Baskets ~ .... Holy Trinity L.adtes t:uild Friday has devoted their lime renmlly to prepare and dis­ ...A.WU lDSIIIIITIJII May 1, 1981 tribute l::a ter basket.s for cu. SNS. ... menm SlffllM ;±~ c•htldren of mothers al tht' ca.. ...__, Palmer Htgh School Audttortum 8: IS p.m. " Safe House" for battered If llfflll I Cl■M, & women. and p()()r familit'S of .....Ya SllCI oarm 1lllPlal (Jll, IJMMI Tickets: their own parish. ,.t '.... ~ The group m~ts ~gularly Ptkc8 Peak ArtR Coundl Box Offlcc lo raise funds for special , - parish projects. They will be ..- i-'9 - 321 ~- Te:Jon, A090:t 636-1228 providing a new dishwasher for their parish for their ,J. MAl 'RICE fl~~"S CRE.\ TES ·RRllNCIIEON DELIGHTS' I next financial donation. J. Maurice Finn's .- -, Sl'Nl)AY BRUNCH 0 1x•n every Sunday 11 :00 am • 2:00 pm ) -=t~: fe11turtn,c u l'holct- of fourtt."cn entree s tndudinR: •~ m Balc::IJn•' TIIE \ 'ENl>ICT: A F11111 ·:- Furnrltc1 A lh k k ,lice of Prime R ·1 .,.. r. . NEW LOCATION: 121 til Aced1mr BM,. 1 \ l>(.'r\'cfl upcn fu,·c "" Pumpernickt.•I ' . _.,. Formerly Owned Organs EGGS fLON EXTl~E: Tw,1 1x.1uchc-.t c ~gi- 1111 a t.crl of creumerl at Low-Low Prices ,p111uch ,·o,·crc,1 " 1th d ie,•,...• :,.i.111cc CIIICKE1'i OSC.\N: ,\ chicken hren~• s outce<1 and toppcJ 1 -+ EXPERIENCE THE NEW w llh \'ruh. u,-puru1o1ui. spcurs u11d S111tl'c llolla mlui · , Ql'l<'II F. MAt'IUC'E: A \'ur,cty of seafoods 1,akcd:, u •· 1~ •• light quiche Baldwtnijmc§111~.. ,1 .··t·· .\II ,•1111"\.·.,•, 111..-lu,k 1111romcoau1.,, throuath our ort: •rinl( f . "' ; t ,. SOUND . " llrum·h.,•,~n l>dlt(h1,..": 11 rol111inl( " ' ICl'Cion or col:1 \'Cl(:•. - . l1thl,· 111141 lntil ._.1tul, 11ml fr,. .,h p1ti.lrk.. . l'rk •c l f Mli.!)~--M 1. "t.'\. , rum UNLIMITED FREE LESSONS Ne.r O.y Deliw,ry ,: f.. On All Purchaau . QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE • BEAUTIFUl PIANOS ANO ORGANS .Q WITH IEAUTIRJL. SOUNDS 'O' AT IEAUTlFUl PRICES! 117-0271 Dispanie Coalition • • .PETER AND PAUL Seeks Volunteers ,_ . Volunteers are being sought in the Pikes French. and German cultures in Catholic Peak area for a local satellite group of the American Churches." Archdiocesan Hispanic Apostolic Coalition. Decla(ona According to Margarita Robinson. the Pikes Peak representative to the According to Mrs. Robinson, the Hispanic Archdiocesan Coalition. the local satellite movement in the Church is to incorporate group is necessary because each parish In Hispanic ministries into the decision­ the diocese is a potential center for making segment of the parish. Hispanic ministry. "As Hispanics, we have a lot to offer the Church.·· she said. " If we could incorporate Family Hispanic ministries along with other ac­ ''The Hispanic culture starts and ends cepted ministries, there would be an in­ with the Church." said Mrs . Robinson. "The creased participation in the Church ... .., Church is our special Hispanic family and The numbers or Hispanic surnames in CJJase<1 on ~~cts ofthe ~tles community. from our birth to our death. local Catholic Churches is very high. ac­ Yet. Hispanics feel they are in someone cording to Mrs. Robinson. but the turnout One of t_he most exciting and amazing else·s house in most Colorado parishes." and involvement in the Church is often sagas tn all of human history ______The aim of the coalition is to form a scrip· small...... ; tural study and apostolic center for .. I feel the absence of the great numbers evangelization of the Hispanics in Denver. of His panic ra milies in the Catholic Robert AND One of the major goals in forming vital Churches is a lack or feeling of ownership. Foxworth and Anthony Hopkins star as PETER PAUL Hispanic communities. however. is on the Because the Hispanic is so closely tied to parish level. Church with its culture, we need desperate­ Called "Communidad de Bace, .. or Base ly to belong to the Church to retain our Sunday, Aprll 12 7:00-9:00 pm Communities. each parish will be eyed for a cultural identity. .... ,. Tuesday, Aprll 14 a:00-10:00pm ®KKTV spiritual support community within the " Much of the problem is a visual pre­ total parish. judice against His panics that reels threatened when we talk about Hispanic Culture ministry. We are not talking about taking " We are not trying to form our own something away. though. The coalition's Hispanic parishes anymore... said Mrs. goal is lo offer parishes the rich culture of Robinson. " We Hispanics are in every Hispanics from Hispanics, .. she said. parish. We just want our culture and The initial help to the Hispanic. according If You Knew More About heritage to be a part of the churches we at­ lo Mrs. Robinson. would ~ simple things. tend. just like the Anglo cultures which like Spanish missalelles. and Spanish predominate in most parishes.·· liturgies offered in parishes where enoui:h "The Hispanic realizes he doesn't want to parishioners want them. • be a part of the ·melting pot.' " explained Then. each parish t·ould consider offering CREDIT UNIONS Mrs. Robinson. "Our culture is our faith. I scriptural study in Spanish. w1U1 Spanish bi­ think the reason we want this Hispanic iden• bles. and religious education discussions lily is because of what happened to the Irish. that i:o into depth offered in Spanish. ~ [• , _ __· :f

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1702 N. Circle Drive FAVORITE Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909 STORE PHONE: (303) 633-3861 ·FOOD HOURS: Monday through Friday 9 :00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Kleenex and kisses were prayer " from the heart" and The power of affirming souls which challenged us to " To respond in a way that • • abundant this past week at meditative prayer with a was exercised that morning grow··. for " the dynamic is helpful to others," added I e, lhJ! I Ith • meeting of St. centering preparation have with the women writing trust in God's love and heal­ Sister Loretto, " Is the mark '"/' . cc Paul ' s Parish Married all been learned by the positive traits about each ing touch" and for "just be­ of a great soul... Mrs. Pat • 1 • ec Women's At Home Retreat. women, developing a dis­ other, the n s haring the ing you." Kruse voiced agreement as 1·· ' Cl Nine women committed c i p I i n e necessary ror notes. " The response to the the women nodded, that was 4.1 SC their lives to living with God growth. " I look at each or these retreat speaks of a need for the challenge to live up lo. •1 ' ..,_ s1 forever. startlq with the 13 " We have learned by doing women as very special." Christians to help one s aid Rita Bissonnette. • week series modeled on the and have discovered deeper another," said Sisler Loretto di spiritual exercises of St . levels of commuri1cation " They have taught me that Bo nfield , director of Ignatius Loyola. with God ," said Mrs. everyone is spec ial. I think . religious education at St. " We are opening up to that is the message o f Sampson. Paul's. The retreat sign-up SI God," said Nancy Samp!IOn, In addition, the retrea t is <,;hrist " sheet quickly filled with a pa rticipant. Besides the designed not to focus on an She admitted that dis­ married women willing to two hour Monday mornln1 Individual's faults, but on agreements arise, but she give of their lime to know sessions which generally God's love which opens the has developed an apprecia­ God better. begin early and end late, the gates for o ur loving tion for each person's in­ The At-Home-Retreat is women spend 15 minutes a response. dividual experience. designed for seven to 12 par­ day with the Lord in praver. " I have learned to be open, " Everyone is a girt from ticipants and two leaders, a Alternative methods for realizing that many women God," she said. religious and a lay person or praying was one topic dis­ share the same problems." couple of the same life style cussed by the group. Scrip­ said Deanna Speer " I now As the notes were read. as the retreatants. For this ture prayer . !!pontaneous can say yes to life ." the women thanked God ror married women's retreat, " a disciple hurrying to pass Jerrilyn Ciletti of Holy Apos­ on the Good News." for " the tles Parish volunteered to honesty and ins ight into our co-l~ad the group with Sister ~~~ t>avid~ Seouts Applaudt.•d The first annual dinner for IIO the Catholic Committee on Eleven & y Scouts were ~~pw.,!.~~!llry Scouting was h e ld las t recognized by the B1! hop for month. Bis hop R ichard completing their require~ CUSTOM JEWELRY DESIGN Hanifen was on hand to ments ror the Ad Alla re De1 Goldsmith - SIiversmith speak to the committee and rell11tou11 medal a ward Tbt-v Diamond Setting and Repair to recognize recent Catholic wrrc ()avid Pyn.- , ' t~Mn Complete Jewelry Service awards for both Cub and Boy Telatn1k. Paul Murphy. Srounts. llt•rbert W11l1o n, and Kurt Expert Craftsmanship Six Cub Scouts were ap­ l'IIO<'k. 1111 from Troop Ont' M ini 8 Un<1.1 . WoYen Woods ~ plauded for completln~ re­ 10 DAY DILIYIAY Monday-Friday 9:00•5 PM ol St Paul"' Available Saturday and evening appointments quirements for the J>arvull St r ve Kuhn S t eve (tn 1toek Inventory) for your convenience Del religious medal. Tbev \ldrnmin. M lkt Nt-u~rt IAYl~to5"1 were Christopher Schoolt r ,md William Huu,>r from IIR ~hK.(jorl . .))i 11111 30ll • Colorado -1,pringa.CO 8090.'5 Pack 21 , Joe Ruder, P.ack TnlQfl 21 o l I 'o l"J)u__l. lliri U ■UY FACTORY DUIICT -~03-M.'5·4006 146, Matthew McGllvrny, ,,ml John Fuhr nf Troop r. Fo , 11\41 Ul11mete ,n Cullom window Pack 504. Patrick O'Rourke . Wl' t t• ,11'-tl .. ,non lh<- d llw.,gna and treatm ents Pack 68, Tod Su!l!ler, Paci\ ,\ ll,ltl' 1'1•1 r, 11>1.. nh CALL NOW P'Ofl "'II SHOP AT ( .'ozettP's 173. and Kevin Gr()l;s P1ll'k HOii■ APPOINTIIINT E,nplo.v,nent St>rui,•f> Thi' C'olnrado Spring)' l.11<• poi t I nr11:ullt f"\l to 11,u,t ...., ~. 1515 North Chestnut Sup11or1 Bota rd r<'centlv .in pr 1•1o1n,,nt 1'c,;mcn 1n llrwnc-1•1 Colorado Sprin11, Colorado 80904 llOUOl'£'d llt'wly l'IC<'tt•ll ol• ,mil t-muu,~nQ I ntt..S Thc­ l1ccrs hutl 1n1• numbl•r t., ~ • For 12 year:-; , Colorado SprinRs' most resperted Mt1ry W1ll 1s the new prt•"l1• \ lMtina frllt'd b} IJebora h l>.i c hara is YOUR sitters. ~ p.1rashes and \nd1v1 dual secretary Jonauons, but more btlp 1 • Responsible personnel, dependable, • Sherry Zimmermon und mature, insured. always n~ l)cborah Dachara are the co­ Checks can ht> mailed or NEST? , . • full and part lime. Reasonable rates chairpersons now for the c-lolhlna and (umJlure drop• Life Support Hotline Other ped orr at tht Colorado Spr­ boarcl members are Will ing~ Lift Support location NOW is the Time to think E!nnrc· - Urlc k e ll and S i s t er _,. ..______471-1474 4' • now at Will Brlcti:ell 's home tor cleaning and care of your Katherine Ann a t 2345 Condor. Colorado I <"-Ol(lrado Springs Life Sup• Springs. 80808. rugs, carpets and upholstery. . • "STEAM" CLEANING , -, I * •~11.. ) • DRY CLEANING WNATtVH YOUR NUN. WNm1E1 TIIEY II ITANIMD ;- •n-r WNEELI. IIMI. OIi HUICAPI AID Wl&LCCMII ... WE 10 • SHAMPOOS and WASIING • ...... i.• IUIINEII WITII Oftl 40 WIIHl MUUfACTUIUI All NAVE ffll ··-CGVal II mat •-r WAffl TIME AID Ill SEIVIINI COUNIAIOANS FOi THE ,AST 10 YWS. ir- ... TIY UI FIIIT1 CALL. Wlffl. ■ IT8P IYI MASTER TECHNICIANS -IN HOME WAll·TO-WALL CLEANING WITH -4 DAY PICK UP ANO DELIVERY •••••• MODERN SKILLS ~INOING, FRINGING ANO OTHER REPAIR TUNEX Specializes in a Broad Range •••••••• of Tune-Up Services for American and ••, W, CDLDIHIDD IIV■ . CNal ...... Foreign Cars and Trucks. ·-·····-- Fut1I • Ignition • Brak• • Cooling ---/4d~ Starting • St-,ing • Electrical 574-7214 17111 & Weal Uintall 6 _ 535 NORTH MURRAY BLVD. 01 N11it11 Blvd. 34 Jim Galbreath Owner/Manager 5591 ,\\., ..:catholies Buy Books Too , The selling of Christian 20 short years old on any guidance that was missing in readlng books from popular • books is not a phenomenon large scale. With the advent the Churches, both Protest­ people was a way to grasp at I exclusive to Protestants. ac- of testimonial writings of ant and Catholic. meaning in their lives... •.,. · cording John Bass. ex- to Christians in the 60's, people " In the late 60's the per­ Catholics were among • l • ecutive vice-president of the became avid Christian book sonal testimonies of popular these Christian book-reading r ' Christian Bookseller's As­ readers. Catholics slowly people like Dale Evans are youth. but not in the same . 1 . •• sociation located in Colorado have joined that readership. what gave people an under• numbers as Protestants un­ Springs. ti I recent year s. Highly 1 where today they are as in­ standing of faith in a simple • - • '• .. Recent surveys have in- terested as any other reader. language.·· said Bass. poetic and quality literature dicated a very strong in- came from Catholic writers ,, The quality of literature The testimonv books dealt • crease of Cathol.ic buvers in that came out of Vatican II more with crisis in people's in the earlv 70's and Bass ~ non-denominational - book­ was outstanding, Bass said. lives. who were looking for believes really began s to r es.·· said Bass . The majority of Christian practical a ns wers to Catholic interest in Chris• .-, ~ · 'They are buying in-depth books. however. are not problems in their everyday lian reading. personal Christian growth coming from the Catholic life. ••material. and are asking for publisher. he said . Conse­ ''The young especially are Neutral many stores lo begin stock• quently. the bookstores and res p on s·i b 1e for thi s ·•T he book is actually ing more of their Catholic Protestant publishers are readership." ' he said. ··In the • publishers. neutral ground for a person ..... marketing to reach the so·s. the vouth of this to do some soul-searching.'· 20 Years Catholic's needs. country were not relating said Bass, Rass believes the boom in very well to their Churches. Except for a few public - • -'.. Bass outlines the Christian Christian book read ing came _ book publishing era as only The Church was considered speakers like the late Bishop from a need for moral part of the establishment. so Fulton Sheen. few people in the established Church were J ohn Bass drawing people lo find prac­ _. - - - - - (COUPON) - - - - - 'I tical solutions in their faith before the early 60's. -," ·■ 6 FR EE I With the Vatican II (When you parchaae a dozen donate.) c hanges in the Catholic :-_~.. I I Ch urch coinc iding with Bring this coupon into any participating Dunkin' Donuts cha nges in the P rotestant es­ shop and purchase one dozen delicious donuts at the regular tablishment in Ame r ica, .. I I many Catholics a lso found price. We'll give you six more donuts free. themselves needing to study •temporary shelter ·1 Offer good thru April 30, 1981 I more about their fa ith. • support education rather than simply going to • community education ~ ~. ,I Limit: 2offerspercou..pon •=,I I Church every Sunday. said • emergency hot-Hne Bass. ~ CaMot be 806 W. Colorado Ave. " But Catholics a re more 633-3819 Combined with readers of their magazines another offer. a nd Catholic newspapers than Protestants," said Bass. "So, even though openinR closed doors Catholics a re buying more Christian books. I think they TIii Al.,.._, 1Y lWY'I U1II FGI T1IE CATIIOUC C11U1C11E1 want to stay with Catholic ·-r writers for the mos t part.·· Upswing Consequently. Bass sees ·-~ IIRSH'S a n upswing of Catholic CATHOLIC GIF·T publishing in magazines and books. with Catholics becoming more inter ested In their own faith as Catholics. & BOOK SHOP Meanwhile. P rotestants will tend to read n o n· denomina tional Christian accessories for COLORADO SPRINGS' MOST material, out of a habit dur• COMPLETE CHILDREN'S ing the last 20 years that First Communion DEPARTMENT STORE brought Protestants into a me lting pot in Christian COLORADO SPRINGS"FINEST SELECTION writing. OF RELIGIOUS GOODS " I think we'll never see a s wing bac k to .. denominational e mphasis in Open Mo nday-Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 book publishing. except from 415 S. Tejon - - A COMPLETE LINE OF Catholic writers ," s aid 834-5840 '· Bass. I BOYS' AND GIRLS' ~- I - A CHRISTENING GARMENTS

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ir- A beautiful selection of First Communion Dresses

and EASTER CLOTHING GALOREI • •. Noun: ... ■me a1.1 11111 1:IO■m _. Weekd1,1 ,.. ., t:aoI;...... _. ",..,..._ Colorado Springs /Pueblo ..,. ,......

... • t • , • • • • • ♦ ••••••• i ...... • ._,.._Tlle .....a...... ~ .. ,.., Single Adult HUGE Aetivitles INYENl'ORY Of OYOTA CAIS & YIUCIS BIBLE STUDY Every and brunch al Marian Center Sunday mornln1 at the 10:30 a .m . bring your kids : Marian Center. 14 West Bi­ no Bible study this Sunday. REBATES UP TO jou, Bible study for children. Everyone bring an item of lllS""" 4 throu1h 12-11 a.m .. during food to cook at the brunch. o. ,.,•• •-,_;31111'119 adult Bible study, conducted eggs, bacon. sausage, Juice ,.,._ Will etc. Call E lmer if you have by Carol Hendry and Ed -ltWIUp,,;, Rowland. 10:30 social, 10:50 any questions. 635-7854. ---fXfaA CASH $1500 APRIL !3 Dance at the announcements, 11 Bible _...... "'...... _ It ON TOYOTA PICKUPS study with Don Wallace• In­ Ralnlree. 8 : 30 no cover '-•I• • ■• . ■ ... , •• structor. charge. Rlc.k Anderson hosts _,.....,._..._._..._ a... APRIL 11 Potluck and record dances with music --·­ ~ Appointed sing-a -long. games, cards at from the 40's a nd 50's - I 25 ..---~-..., ...... ,...... Betty Henry ' s, 1405 and Bijou Exit. .... Sister Myra James. ad• Sanderson , 596-8928 • A APRIL ZS Colored Kingpin sous '"CIIAUNI 15,­ lli ministrator of the Penrose through I : main dish, J bowling at Kingpin Lanes TODAY! WI DOWr 1'1111 AIITIODY - ~ sl Hospitals. announced the ap­ through P ; salads or hot 3410 N. Academy, $4.50 per DOB ff 111181 poi ntmc n t o( Ronald P . vegetable dish. R through Z : person. Reservations needed Gor1ty as the new director or dessert; Men bring drinks. by April 12th, Call Edith 599- community relations , effoc · 50t at the door . 0781 or 63f>-3961 or Jeanette live Ma rc-h 23 Gorily comes APR IL 18 Ca ndlelight 473-8981 . Lot of fun trying to t o Penrose fro m Mass at D.R . 7 p.m. this will win money at bowling. Youngstown. Ohio, where he be followed by Easter egg MAY 2 May dance at Ger­ worked as din.-ctor of publ11• coloring at Mary Dzenls mania Club. 710 E . Harrison rel;11 ions for St. l::lizahcth house 1010 Logan Place 634· 8•00 p.m . to eat and 8:30 for SelectiN of Toyota II, •1lai Medical Center 3016 please bring four hard lhe dancing. Buy tickets at Can Newer letter! For t1tl' riast elicht years , he bolled eggs and dye. the doo r Ca 11 Bob for A- .. has been resµons1blf: for the APRIL 19 East Eii hunt further Information 574-5646 . planning, coordinating and ., .. 1m1 lcme ntat1on ol a flllc REBATES UP TO puhlw rt'lations program for Passover Supper ;r, ...,c A•oa,.,. f\OI Included on that proicn.'ss,ve 8 10· bl:'d S s:Htelal Prices and . ....' A . facility 1\ 34-year -old native· Passover supper within clchv<'r.ince of Israel fro111 S••• von1c1e.s • ol l'~•n11~v lv,inrn, he rcl'CtVt'd by l --..fri. dauAltlNs huvc signed up to rt.'<'nacl the parish t he Jewish Feas t o f Kay and Bob Jackson and Unleavened Bread and lhe Ellen and Bob Burton are 1:elebrallon of Yahweh's coord1nat1ng plans TIRE WORLD "NOMI Of DOWN TO IAllTH PlllCU" =" i ■ I ■ • ■1111 • - • ••111111111 I Oil A~O lUBl I I 1555 N. Academy CA.. Dd ■ 593-n11 2C • EB I ·~~ I #OW I 179••1 MICN■LIN I . 8711 I - f ,, Alf- I laCIIILIN JCZX1'11. IILACKWAU = ...... _3/.... 111c ____ I llnlll _ I Ulr , ...,. Ml.I a- 'Ml-,0...... r -,.-. .. . .J 141-1& . •. • 11• 1a.. . . t~-~~,J ii ■.....=------1 1•1& .•. . -- 1.a ... . G. 161&. . • • • KIi 1& . .. . --41.11· , .,...... • c I ...------C 1•11...... 1.41. . .. . CJ.II I Ill ...... 'Ma!'~----. 191-11. . . . . -- 1A . . . . IIC I ::-...... _I 1.,..14. •••• .,.. 1.JI ...... It.II I it ._...... ,. I 111-14.. • . • . ... I.IL ...... ,)C I .,_ ...... Ugflt 1•11. • .. • an 1.Aa. ..•. ..II.II ~ ...... 1a-11.. ... ,,.. 1.ff.. ... (I)z . ,...... Av...... ~----- 0 .. ~ ~- w.,., ..... Credll G. ----- ...... :t I I ...... 0 ... CJ 1CC:-:TER ✓-~~ t

- I.Ill ....u I s411 ~A , I D \fl ,.._ P.I.T. ,.._ I ... I I II .• 1.• ...... _...... , ...... Al.II r..:.______.,I -at■■ .....11 .11 ,.n ...... -. _ ...N.,. •••••19.11 , .• ..... •- '-•cin,u • n bk .., - ...... • 01 2.0I ...... - ,._... N.,. .... &11 2.11 ...... IOllf'Owedc,wa, .. • ~ __ .,.. 2 ...... "90 --..,. - CalflA ~ v,e .... ,.,. , ...... ■--

STATE D■PEC 11 ,ON STATION #5117 .:~,:Four PIBn ..For Future • \ ◄ ~-ii' • June graduates of St. Mary's High School in Colorado _ ·• ,.. Springs are already making plans for their futures. Four 1 ' 1 students interviewed recently detailed their tomorrows in­ ~ - · '•,volving additional schooling, establishment of a career. then marriage and family, in that order. • ,.. - , Security was the reason given by Lydia Quintana for ~ • her decision to major In English at Pikes Peak Community 't I, • College. Marriage, she said, is no longer a girl's primary goal. ,r# ~ Responsibility .. ¥ " It is important to have a career first and to ex­ perience living by yourself to develop responsibility," she -'( said. _ "' Ms. Quintana added that getting something out of life is more important than being financially secure. However, _. , ... she said education could satisfy both needs. - ➔- •~ "I also don't feel any pressure or discrimination as a ' t· minority, .. said Ms. Quintana, a Mexican-American. " Be- ~ ,.. ing a minority doesn't make as much a difference as " , _ whether or not you have the necessary education.·· ... • Her ultimate goal is not set yet. However, job satisfac- • , tion will be a governing factor, she said. Richard Adam. Lydia Quintana. Stephanie West and Tim Raskob discuss career plans. The four seniors al St. Mary's ~ High School will graduate this June. ·- E:M-[RAlD VAllCV A- . • R~NC.l-t, CNC . Richard Adam. a senior, agreed whole-heartedly , ... with Ms. Quintana. He feels an ability to succeed at anything because of encouragement from his parents. i'1 ~ " My parents have always stressed education. getting . In L'te best possible," he said. "Today you need a minimum of ' Pike National a college degree to get anywhere." Adam is drawn to the ,. classical languages and economics. but will sample sub• -I Forest jects and areas bef,>re choosing a career, he said. • Mountain Getaway tor Famlll• ''I feel there is a great deal of life to be lived before you • · settle down with a family," Adam added. ·•1 plan to be 30. ., J\ .... Summer Vacatlona • Reunlona established and not having to struggle to support my family Pariah Council Retreata when I get married." ., ~ ., ' Youth & Singles Weekends c.,.. , (Special Rates for Groups) WOMEN. INVITIIII WOMEN. Another one putting off marriage is Tim Raskob, sel­ CONTACT: Vern McDonnell Write or call for free brochure ling goals of education and career first. He plans on at­ YOCATION8 DIIIICTOII 2515MIII..U.llrtwWllt tending Colorado State University or Colorado University. ■IN■T HILL llltllOIIY UIT•-·• ·•- 1111141 21H N. CHILTON IIOAD CtltrMo Sprllp. CO IOIII COLORADO 8NING8, CO IOto1 majoring in mechanical engineering. COLOIIADO 8111t11NG8, CO N101 (Ml)UI-UM His degree, however, Is only a back-up with a double 598-1383 major in business providing the foundation for running his 634-3378 own operation. What Raskob will undertake as an enterprise. he doesn't know, but is open to just about ======'------.J anything that comes along. o/Je1ri;'s :~ 1. C.l..;;Ji- JJ-1.-1 ef1,L " Pay isn't 'the' factor," he said. " When you make a time commitment to something. It has to be worth more J 's Motor Hotel than just money. You've got to like what your doing." Cuslom and Restaurant Medicine 9ailoring ;f'- ...~ - ~:;;;:-- Stephanie West, on the other hand, knows what she @)~3-5513 likes to do... help others. In the job market that translates Ladle•· & Gentlemen's - - · ~~Complete Floral and Gift Shop into a medical career for her. Encouraged by relatives in alterations. medicine. Ms. West will attend Regis College, entering a FOR RESE/IVA T10N IHFORMA 1 ION Wrl••· J"• Motor Hol.t ~- • • Featuring Distinctive Designs pre-med major. TONY PETAV 1120N. -....Aw. - 1L. In Wedding Flowers "I think it is tougher for girls to get into medical 127111 L 8Qou Colonolo S.,...., Colo. - sc.hool, but my aunt, a lab technician, hu been giving me 131-7NI .., A different specie/ every weekend. books to read already." she said. Ms. West sees her road ahead full of difficult times and ~':.':.':.':.':.':.':.':.":.":.":.":.":.":.":.":.":.':..':..~ ------· hard work, going to school, earning a living and lots of PIKES PEAK PARK study. Take the '' I think inflation has made things a lot harder now with LIQUORS. INC. costs so high. I plan on raising my children a lot tougher FINE BEERS. LIQUORS than my parents raised me." she said. Pikes Peak ANO WIIS AT RUSONA8U PRICES for 1,1\ ltl!Y I lll\VIS OWNf. H I XEROX + OFFSET PRINTING KING SOOPEA SHOPPING CENTER Good News SOU TH CIRCL E AT Copy ~ c:/?cptod.ueti.oru. FOUNTAIN BLVD 6"' .IV~ r::Jc1- .&.at PMR umRUCK Copy Cat will be cloNd Good Friday SIRVICI CO. Ap,ll 17th and Saturday, April 11th. IUY' • IINT • LIAII HAPPY EASTER/ UR IEIT Elfflll • HIW • USIO IIIAUTT ..BIIII GM LP - ~ DIESEL ...... 111, ANO ELECTRIC FORKLIFTS I ITOPINTO I COMPl.ETf MOIIU ANO -ffPIIIBIII- PINDTNAT SHOP SERVICI PARTS ~~ t7N117 OLD PAVOIIIT■ OpenAIIY I ~ .fl&.AtL.. 1111...... all'I c.e..---.oo..., 115-5854 NO, Gloall P, ZIIIICI ~ ...... ' ...... _.,._.,,..,_._c...... _...... _...... ,...... wec1.• Ap,111, 1N1

A Notable Advance In .Services To People

Dance r s prac ti c e (or "Cele brate Lile" Youth Lenten Play r> .◄ \ \ Youth or Divine Redeemer lion .. a gift to shar e the produc ti o n ,· · said Ms . a re joining toge the r to talent or the youth with the Hewatt. In fact , rather ... - celebrate this Lenten Season community·· will be this Owen McHugh. pastor. and ., ~ by produc ing " Gelebrate Saturday and Sunday, April Father Karl Useldmger, as­ FUNERAL HOME MAUSOLEUM CREMATORY .. Life'", a creative interpreta• 11 and 12, at 7·30 p.m . in the sociate, will participa te in ·· ... Wllerl wtslllllN Ny II' 11;11""'11111C1 II IIIN. Cllllll't, c.111oul1m. wlty. 111111 luplmlN." 0 "- lion or the public lire or church the play's ending. reading an For information. anlstance or at time of nNCI, call 134-1517 ~ J esus Chr ist. <.:o-


Contutton• HOLY THURSDAY 4 Park Ave., Broadmoor Apr,I 11 3-4 30 & 8- 8 30 pm April 16, 7 .30 pm Mass of Colorado Springs. Colorado 80906 (or un1,1 au a, noord) lhe Last Supper. Apr1I 13 7 pm ( 1 Bloc k west of Broad moor Hotel) April \4 7 Pm GOOD FfUQAY SERVICES Pm,oa April 17 3 & 7·30 pm 1101., · sc·1n:1n 1.•: l«Ytct ...,, ConflNIPOt 11•:.:a, April 15, 7 30 pm HOLY SATURDAY Tuesday: 7:30 PM • Parish Reconciliation Service Apr il 15, 8 .)(,). 5 pm Ado rollon Apr,I t 8. v,911. Easte r o f the Eucner, 51 Mass • 7 30 pm Holy Thursday: 7:30 PM • Mass of the Lord's Supper. Adoration unltl 11 PM NOT&: NO CON'ES _& f Ol.lOW'tNO AP Atl •~ Good Friday: Ceremonies of the Passion • 2 and 7:30 PM M"'SSU, EASTER SUNDAY MASSES Holy Saturday: Easter Vigil Service • 8 PM Apr,I 19, 7. 9 & 10.30 am PALM IUNQAY WIIKINQ MAIIII (Church & Gym) & 12 noon. A pr,t II, 12 \O& !> pm t: ,s·n :H Sl'!\lti\ , . A pr II 12, 7. 9 & 10 30 am NOT&; HO 1 pm ¥"'SS ON EASTER. 8 and 10 AM- 12 Noon and 5:30 PM Procession w11n P a1m1 ~ , Confessions: Tuesday - 7:30 PM - Saturday: 4 and 5 PM 12 noon • Proc:uvon w11n Pel ms ~, & 7 pm Man , 22 W. IUowe, COkWedo Sprtnge, CO l0903 ·- 4 .. OUR LADY OF THE PINES SAINT PETER'S . ~r Black Forest. Colon~o Mo11■11t. Colorado LENTEN & EASTER SCHEDULES Holy Thursday M ass at 8:30 am and 7 pm Good Friday; Celebration of the Lord's Passion EASTER VIGIL 7:30 pm at 3 and 7 pm EASTER VIGIL 7:30 pm Holy Saturday 7 p m

Communal Penance Service every Friday during Lent at 7 pm. EASTER SUNDAY EASTER SUNDAY Confessions on Saturdays from 3.30 pm-4:30 pm. Masses Masses NO CONFESSIONS DURING HOLY WEEK. 8:00am 8:00am 10:00 am 9:45am 10:45 am EASTER SUN PAY MASSES: 7:30, 8 :45. 10:30 am and 12: 15 pm. There will also be a special Mass at 9:30 am on Easter at Benet Hill Auditorium. Celebrant- Father Paul, music by "Company". •• •1ec11 Foreet Rd. I llcFerran 1et1Jefferaon 4650 N. Carefree Circle 697-4249

HOLY WEEK SERVICES APRILH SACRED Hl!ART HOLY ROSARY 5: 30 pm Seder Meal. -.,.1,causass.a_, CHAPl!L ....CIISIH 111 5.. TIESIIY HOLY THURSDAy I APRIL H Mau of the Lord's Supper 5: 30 and 7: 30 pm Allrllf!IClla.19-- .. 15 ••• 11-,. ttl ,._ 1,...... , W..hllils~ .... 11■ ._11111 Vislta to Repository until Midni1ht. .,n.lllY: - Ullru ...... -alll4-tm - ,-. GOOD FRISAY. a:RIL 11 -.rt H 1,...... ,_, .,11a111, ... ,.. of of lltlatS.., N 3 pm - Ceebraon Our Lord's Passion, Liturgy the _,_,J:11,... 1 11 ._ ·' CfhtC I ) ·- .... Word, VeneraUoa of the Crou 6 Holy Communion. _,_, wta•t•,... 7 pm - StaUons of the Croes. . a.,t 17 1-J,.. ,,.. In us111 ..,11:•,...... 7:30 pm - VeneraUon of the Cross. ,,...... •U1Y• ~ •• HOLYS~RD~1 AP~ll 1,...... , • PEIPlllll IBP ..,...... 1,.. 7 pm - ema ster Service of Li1ht, Liturgies of the USTII -Y: t:15 aa ( --- .._, Word, Baptism and Eucharist. lllllr ...... _,_. EASTER SUNDAY. APN1, 11 .u,.. lfauea · 7. I, 9 6 10: 30 am and 12 noon...... 1 \