Feb. 9, 2018 All Sales of Food and Drinks Include Washington State Sales Tax
Feb. 9, 2018 All sales of food and drinks include Washington state sales tax. Kafé Chef Malin SERVING AT NOON Smörgåsar (Open face sandwiches) Brie & äpple (Brie & apple) Räk (shrimp salad) Lax med sparris (smoked salmon with asparagus) Leverpastej, rödbetor och inlagd gurka (Braunschweiger, beets & pickled cucumber) $10.00–13.00 Köttbullar med potatis, sås, lingon och knäckebröd (Swedish meatballs with potatoes, gravy, lingonberries and knäckebröd) $13.00 Köttfärspaj med svamp, gjetost och söt chilisås serveras med en liten sallad (Savory meat pie with mushroom, goat cheese & sweet chili served with a small salad) $13.00 Dessert Chokladkaka med hemgjord sylt, Smulpaj med diverse bär Semla färska bär och vispad grädde serveras med vaniljsås (Cardamom roll with almond Chocolate cake with homemade jam, (Berry crumble pie served paste, whipped cream and fresh berries and whipped cream) with custard) powdered sugar) $6.00 Groups of 5 or more: Please call 206-283-1090 to let us know you’re coming. Happy Hour SERVING AT 6 P.M. Appetizer Smörgås (Open face sandwich) $10.00–13.00 Chef Christine Dinner Köttbullar, serveras med små röda potatis, sås, grönsaker, lingonsylt och pressgurka (Swedish meatballs served with new potatoes, gravy, vegetables, lingonberries and pickled cucumbers) $18.00 Ugnsbakade kycklingben & lår i parmesan & panko, potatismos, rödkålsallad och pressgurka (Chicken in parmesan & panko, mashed potatoes, red cabbage salad, pickled cucumber) $18.00 Nordisk soppskål: Norsk fisksoppa med en stor skiva rågbröd (Nordic bowl: Norwegian fish soup with a thick slice of seeded dark rye bread) $16.00 Sallad och bröd (Salad and bread [gluten free]) $8.00 Dessert Toscakak med hallon och vispgrädde (Swedish caramel almond vanilla cake with raspberries & cream) $6.00 .
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