
MW EUROPEAN TRADER KOH BEmSTT, 110 GRRE1- PARK, VIEUX CREUIN BE BJNCHB, 7000 MONS, BELGIUM. Address for U.K, subscribers; R.M.Bennett,British School, SHAPE, BFPO 26. This is the October 1970 issue and, as we're continuing the numbering of the Skyrack Newsletter, io number 96. We're aiming at a bi-monthly pub­ lishing schedule but we're willing to go monthly if advertising warrants the incressed activity. We'd like to think that this Eu rop e an Fantasy Trader is filling a gap and is linking the various pockets of collecting fandom which are scattered around seversl different European countries. Io w is the time for you to advertise your sales and wants) even initially the Trader will reach almost JOO out-of-the-way collectors, readers and dealers, the majority of whom are not on the mailing lists of other similar publications issued in the U.S.A, and U.K. Subscriptions rates; 8/6d or $1.00 for six issues, surface mail to all parts of the world. £2 or $5-00 for six issues, sent airmail to all parts of the world. Advertising rates; £2 or $5 per full page of typewritten copy(6i" wide by 10" or 16cm x 25™), or $ J per half page of typ ewri tten copy (6^" x 5" or 16cm x 12?,an). All copy must he typewritten ready for printing — thick black on white produces the best results. Copy, such as photographs, requiring special preparation will be charged extra and free estimates will be given. All adverts must be prepaid. Currency; Cheoua, postal order, money order or currency notes. All NATO countries currency accepted, prices are here given in both sterling and U.S. dollars for your convenience. Bankers: Barclay's Bank Ltd., Harrogate, Yorkshire, England and So date Generals de Banque(a/c 466091), SIAPE-Mons, Belgium. Sterling sent bore will rot contravene currency regulations as it will be deposited in my U.K. account. Hext issue planned for December. Deadline for advertising copy is JO Nov. Please feel free to order from this listing at any time during the interim. THE SKYRACK NEWSLETTER. It is highly unlikely that this newszine, which ran for 95 issues, will reappear. Subscribers will have returned to them the unused portion of the subscriptions. SKYJACK BOOK SERVICE,110 Gree n Park, Vi eu x Chemin de Binche,7000 Vons__ this issue's lone advert!ser/qne has to start somewhere!). Cash with Order, pleaoe. All items are priced singly, unless a therwiao stated. 10^ discount on orders of £10($24)°r over. Surface postage is free. Air­ mail postage and/or insurance is extra. Abb re vi at io no employed throughout the listings: vg - very good;g - good; fg — fairly good; f — fair;fo — fair only and definitely worn; p — poor; st - spina taped; i -imported and aurenarged for U.K. distribution; d/w - with dust-wraoper; nc - no cover; nfc - no front cover; nbc - ro back rover; po - page or papos out; cfo - lacking centrefold. Gradings are, of necoseity, personal. One can only try to be accurate and rot to mis­ lead. All itone are backed by E full refund guarantee if dissatisfaction is given for any r«aaon. Cash and trade offers invited. Your ealee lists welcomed. FOR THE EpGAR RICE JZUR.ROUGHS COLLECTOR,

HARDBACK. JUNGLE GIRL. OdhsPB Green edition,1933. Very slight foxing, otherwise good...... •3.00 POCKETBOOKS. BACK TO THE STONE AGE. Ace R-245 ...... fg 3/5 .40 FIGHTING HAN OF MARS. Ace F-190...... f 2/6 • 2D TARZAN & THE CITY OF . British Goulden 11 . .f 3A • 35 TARZAN & THE FORBIDDEN CITY. British Goulden 8 . .f y- • 35 WARLORD OF MARS. British Pinnacle 26...... f 2/6 .30 MAGAZINES. QUARTERLY REISSUE 42» Spring. Yellow Men of Mars & Invisible Men of Mars . . fg 55A •6.60 ARGOSY 19th March 1932* Tarzan & The City of Gold, part 2...... fg S3.60 ARGOSY 8th Jan 1938. Carson of Venus,part 1. < 12.40 BLUR BOOK 32«9» Part of Tarzan & The Leopard Men. Cover worn...... ~...... fg 30A 13.60 39«7. The Scientists Revolt plus short ERB pen-picture...... fg 75A 19.00 ditto. . .f C60 A‘ 17.20 FANTASTIC 66til. Short illustrated feature on The Artists Behind ERB...... f 3A 35 SCIENCE FANTASY 41(19^0)13 page article on ERB by Sam Moskowitz...... g 4A 50 COMICS. SPARKLER 15(1942)5 Pg0 Hogarth's Tarzan, Abbie & Slats, Hap Hopper, Ella Cinders, The Spark Man. 68 pgs. Loose and hole-punched Tarzan pages...... £7 116.80 SPARKLER 70(1947)8 passes Tarzan, Capt & The Kids, Hap Hopper, Li'l Abner. 52 pgs. Loose covers, loose and hole-punched Tarzan pages. . fg: 52/6 16.33 71(1947)6 pages Tarzan. Other contents as no 70. 52 pgs. Loose and holepunched Tarzan pages, otherwise very good...... 55 A 1 6i6o SP ARKLER 78(1948)6 pages Tarzan. Other contents as nos 70,71. 52 pgs. Loose and hole punched Tarzan pages, ’.torn cover, otherwise.fairly good 50A |6.00 86(1949)9 pages Tarzan, Captain & The Kids, Abbie & Slats. Loose Tarzan pages...... st,g 45/- 15.40 90(1949) As above, plus Ella Cinders...... g 45A 15.40 92(1950)9 pages Tarzan, Ella Cinders, Captain 8t The Kids. Loose Tarzan pages. Very brittle . fg 40 A 14.80 TARZAN( Dell)88(1957)...... vg 10 A 11.20 95(1957)...... g 8/6 11.00 96(1957) ...... fg 7/- .85 104, 107(1958)worn cover...... fg 6A .70 106,108(1958)...... 50 123(1961)...... vg 5/- .60 TARZAN(Gold Key)l 36(1963)...... •g 3A .35 151(#5)...... fg 2A .25 188(1969)...... •g 2/- .25 JUNGLE TALES OF TARZAN(Chariton)l(1964) . . . . i,f 2A .25 TARZAN, THE grand ADVENTURE COMIC( British tab­ sized, 8 pages Tarzan, three of which are in colour) Volume 1, number 1(1951) Cardy,Lubbers, vg 40 A 14.80 Volume 1, number 2(1951) Cardy, Lubbers 33 A S3.60 Volume 1, number 3(1951)Lubbers. . vg 25A 13.00 (continued) TAR2 COMICS( Continued)

Volume 1, numbers 5,6,7(1951)Lubbers...... vg 20 A *2«4O TARZAN COMIC( British) vol 2 no.l(1951)Hogarth(b*w) . . h,fg 8/6 *1.00 TARZAN aDVENTURES(British black* white)vol5 n4(1955) Maxon. Repaired, worn cover. . ,f 4/. .50 vol 7 no 38(1957)Cardy. Short article by ERB...... g 12/6 *1.50 vol 7 no 5O(1958)Lubbers. Part of Moorcockserial . . . .g 8/6 *1.00 Vol 8 no 8(1958) Reinman...... g 8/6 *1.00 Vol 8 no 49(1959) Maxon. Moor co de story...... 8/5 *1.00 Vol 8 no 50(1959) Maxon...... g 1/6 .90 Vol 9 no 1(1959) Maxon...... g 7A .85 Vol 9 nos 6,11(1959)Van Buren* Celardo...... g 7A *8 5 SUNDAY SUPPLEMENT PACES fb. 894" 1948 l-tab. Hogarth, b/w . . . . . fg 15A *1.80 894. 1948 -g-tab. Hogarth. Advert on reverse ... fg 7/6 .90 895* 1948 full tab. Hogarth. Blondie on reverse. . fg 16/8 *2-00 897. 1948 full tab. Hogarth. Blondie on reverse. . fg 16/8 *2.00

SUNDAY SUPPLEMENTS CO JT AIM NG TARZAN SHEETS NEW YORK COLUMN. 24 tab pages. Comics include Steve Canyon, Flash Cordon, Prince Valiant and * 1 s Tarzan. No 380. 19 Oct 1969 R> 38‘ 3- 9 Nov 1969. . Na 388. 14 Dec 1969 381. 26 Oct 1969 384. 16 i'bv 1969 389. Dec 1969 382. 2 Nov 1969 385. 23 Nov 1969 390. 28 Dec 1965. Good ® 5A 60/. ______SINGAPORE ______SUNDAY TIMESBlack * white reprints. page Tarzan, Cisco Kid, Blondie, Li'l Abner, , Bringing Up Father. 31 Aug 1969, 23 Nov 1969, 18 Jan 70(no 2025), 1 March(2O31), 15 March (2034), 19 April(2039), 26 April, 3 May, 10 May, 17 May, 24 May(2044). All fg-g. Complete supplements 1/3(15/), Tarzan clips only, 1A(12/).

NOVELS IN PAPERBACK? THE MASTER MUST DIEby Volsted Gridban. Scion I953. . . . f0 3/. .35 COSMIC EJD1XJS by Conrad G.Holt. Titbit’s Library. . . . . fg 3/. .35 A TIME APPOINTED by Vargo Statten. Scion 1954 ...... vg 5/. .60 I SPY by Vargo Statten. Scion 1954. • ...... vg 5/. .60 ACROSS THE AGES by Vargo Statten...... 1952 Scion nc,fo 2/- .25 MAN IN IMPLICATE by Vargo Statten. 1953 Scion...... fo 2/6 .30 WORLDS TO CONQUER by Vargo Statten. 1952 Scion...... f 2/6 .30 STORIES IN MAGAZINES(prices for full magazine, not abstract) Intelligence Gigantic by JRF(Part 1) in AMAZING 33»6. . . g 30A 8 3.60 .'torid Beneath the Ice by Polton Cross in AMAZI1D 39,8 .st,fg 25/- *3.00 Pendulum by Thornton Ayre 4 A.R.Steber in AMAZING STORIES QUARTERLY REPRINT 42» Spring...... tg 55A *6.60 The Golden Amazon by Thornton Ayre and She Walked Alone by * JRP in FANTASTIC ADVENTURES 39»7« fg 75/- 89*00 or f 6©A 87.20 The Man From Hell by Polton Cross and Lunar Intrigue by Thornton Ayre in FANTASTIC ADVENTURES 39111...... fg 30/. 43.60 (continued on page8 ) IHardbacked Books BERRY, Bryan. THE VENOM SEVERS. Panther,London,1953. d/w»fff 85 BRADBURY,Ray. . Ballantine, New York, 1953. First edition. W>m dust wrapper...... g 40A 14.80 BURKETT, Wllliaa R. THE SLEEPING PLANET. Gollancz, London, 1965. Plastic wrapper. Ex Libris. . . d/w, fg 6A 75 BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice. JUNGLE GIRL. 0dhans Green Edition, London, 1933. Very slight foxing.g 25/- 83.00 CAMPBELL,H.J. THE RED PLANET. Panther,London, 1953.. .d/w,fg 7A .85 CLARKE,Arthur C. EXPLORATION OF SPACE. Harper, New York, 1951. Colour plates and line illustrations. First edition in dust-wrapper...... g 25/- 83.00 CRISPIN, Edmund. BEST SF4. Book Club, London, 1962 . . d/w,g 5A .60 1ERLETH, August. FAR BOUNDARIES, Pellegrini & Cudahy, New York, 1951. 20 story anthology featuring Wandrei, Bloch, Leinster, Long, Van Vogt, Beynon Harris, Bond, Loibor, Bradbury. First Edition in dust-wrapper...... vg 6o/- 87 • 20 DICK,R.A. THE GHOST & MRS MUIR, Harrap, London, 194?. Ex-Libris. First edition in d/w...... fg 5A 60 ■•-:::i!LEIN, Itobert A. THE GREEN HILLS OF EARTH, Shasta, USA, 1951. First edition in d/w. Review taped to title page, otherwise verygood. 30/-. , 83.60 REVOLT IN 2100. Shasta, 1954. . . • d/w,vg. . 30/- 8 3.60 A'ARD, Robert E. SCULL-FACE & OTHERS. Arkham House, 1946, with the Lovecraft Manorian. First Edition in Bok d/w. Slight foxing on page 5 and page edges very dusty, otherwise an extremely find copy...... £15 8 36.00 KNIGHT, Damon A CENTURY OF . Simon & Schuster, New York, 1962. Excellent anthology featuring Weinbaum,Pierce, Asimov, Al diss, Bester, Reynolds, Wells, Farmer, Hamilton, Heinlein, Clarke, Bradley, UacLean, Pangborn, Stapledon, Anderson, Herbert, Verne, Twain, Stanton. Book Club edition in dust wrapper...... vg 25/- 13.00 KORNBLUTH.C.M THE SYNDIC, toubeday, New York, 1953- First edition in dust-wrapper...... g 8 3.60 MACVICAR, Angus > SATELLITE 7 . Burke, London, 1961...... fg 4A .50 MOORS, Ward. BRI;R THE JUBILEE. Heinemann, London, 1955* A little foxing and in very worn dust-wr.fg 5/- 60 POHL, Frederik . STAR SCIENCE FICTION STORIES N> 2. Ballantine, New York, 1953. First edition. Plastic wrapper. Boards loose.. . . »d/w,fg 12/6 81.50 PEAKS, Mervyn. TITUS GROAN. Reynal & Hitchcock, New York, 1946. First American Edition. Very worn, fg $1.80 RTaN, Cornelius ACROSS TH? SPACE FRONTIER. Viking Press, New York, 1952* Von Braun, Ley, T&ipple. Chesley Bonestall illustrations. First Edition in d/w. . g 20/- 82.40 hardbacked_books^ 2) SHAK, Clifford D. RING AROUND THE SDN. Simon k Schuster, New Toric, 1953. First edition. R> d/w...... fg 17A $2.00 SMITH, George 0. PATTERN TOR CONQUEST. Gnome, New York, 1949. Review pasted to frontie. First Edition. Autographed and in dust-wrapper...... g 45/- $ 5.40 Van LHIN, Brik. BATTLE ON MERCURY, Winston, USA, 1953. First edition.End boards water-stained.. . d/w, f 10/5 $1.25 VAN VOGT, A.E. THE MIXED MEN. Gnome, New York, 1952. First edition, lacking duet-wrapper...... g 27/5 $3.30 WOLLHEDi,Donald A. SECRET OF SATURN'S RINGS. Winston,USA, 1954. First edition. End boards worn . • . d/w, fg l^A $1.80 SECRET OP THE MARTIAN MOONS. Winston, USA, 1957- End boards worn. Schomburg dust-wrapper. . . .fg 12/6 $1.50 WYNDHAf k PARKES. THE OUTWARD URGE.Book Club,London,1961. g H/_ .50 WHITMAN EDITIONS. 3’ILIN’ JACK & THE DAREDEVIL GIRL PILOT Whitman, Racine, USA. 1942. No dustwrapper, .fg 30/- $3.60 DICK TRACY v CROOKS IN DISGUISE, BLB, I94I . . g 60/■ $7.20

=vAce /Doubles—— = G-5&& Barter THE OFF TORLDERS c/w Carter STAR MAGICIANS fo 3A •35 E-123 Brackett NEMESIS FROM TERRA c/w Sil verberg COLLISON . COURSE fg 4A 50A second copy...... p 2/- Brunner. ENDLESS SHADOW c/w Fbx ARSENAL OP MIRACLES(.P-299). .fg 5A .60 M-115 Brunner. ENIGMA PROM TANTALUS and R3PAIIMEN OP CYCLOPS f _3/r .35 M-129 ______Chandler. EMPRESS OP OUTER SPACE and ALTERNATE vg5/- .60 Chandler. SPACE MERCENARIES c/w Petaja CAVES OP MARS, .vg 5/. .60 ' ditto fg de­ .50 D-247 Creighton IDT SO EVIL AS EVE c/w Lewie LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU(1957 mystery)...... fg 2/5 .30 F-17 3 Del any JE.VELS OP APTOR c/w White SECOND ENDING...... f 3Z"‘ • 35 P-261 Del any TOWERS OP TORON c/w Wlllians LUNAR EYE...... f .35 E-I65 Parmer CELESTIAL BLUEPRINT and CACHE PROM OUTER S»ACE. .fo 3A .35 Mad METROPOLIS c/w Leinster S»ACE CAPTAIN...... fo 3A .35 Knight THE RITHIaN TERROR and OPF CENTER...... f 3A .45 B-70 1Koontz______STAR QUEST. c/wr ______Petaja DOOM OP THE GREEN______PLANET, .vg 5/2 .60 D»242 Long SPACE STATION NUMBER ONE c/w Van Vogt EMPIRE OF THE ATOM...... f 3/9 .45 P-147 Norton EYE OF THE MONSTER and SEA SIEGE...... f 4/- .50 D-3B1 Norton SECRET OP THE LOST RACE c/w So hl ONE AGAINST HERCULUM.. .1959 Ace..____f„g ,,5/- .60 Racfahan ’.YE THE VENUSlANS c/w Saberhagen WATER OF TH0UGHTfg4/- .50 fonald OUR MAN IN SPACE c/w Shark qy ULTIMATUM IN 2O5OADfg~5/- .60 ditto f 3/53/6 .42 14-103 Saberhagen GOLDEN PEOPLE c/w Wright EXILE FROM XANADU..fo 2/- .25 F-145 Silverberg SEED OF EARTH and NEXT STOP THE STARS...... f * .50 ditto.....ft .30 D-477 Wllliana WORLD OP THE MASTERMINDS and TO THE END OP TIME two pages torn...... p 2/- .25 .5 AMERICAN >S.r TfiPSRPACXSi

Anderao n,Poul. BRAIN WAVB. f 3/6 .40 Conklin, Gro f f (co sti nued) GUARDIANS OP TIME(196O). fg 4/- .50 WORLDS OP WEN. . ... f 3/6 .40. TIME It STARS.6 atorieo.. g 4/- .50 SEVEN TRIPS THROUGH ORBIT UNLIMITED(1961). . f 3/- .35 TIME & SPACE...... g 5A .60 Asimov, Isaac. NAKED SUN . f 2/6 .30 Cooper, Ednund. TRANSIT . f 2/6 .30 Ballard, J.G. CRYSTAL WORLDfg 3/6 .40 DEADLY IMAGE(1958). . .fg 3/6 .40 Bloch,Rbt.THE LIVING DEMONS Cummings,Ray. A BRAND NEW 12 stories. . f 3/- .35 WORLD ...... f 3A .35 PSYCHO...... fg 3/- .35 EXILE OF TIME...... g 3/6 .40 Boucher, Anthony. BEST FROM ditto, nbc, fl/3 .15 EfcSF SIXTH SERIES. . . .fg 3/6 .40 TAMA PRINCESS OP HERCURYg 4/- .50 Brackett, L eigh•'THE COM I NG David eon, Avran. OR ALL THE OF THE TERRANS...... fg 4/- .50 SEAS WITH OYSTERS . .i,fg 2/6 .30 THE LONG TOMORROW. . . .fg 3/6 .40 MUTINY IN SPACE . . . .fg 2/6 .30 Bradbury,Edward P.. '.WAT STRANGE STARS AND BLADES OF MARS...... fg 3/- . 35 SKIES...... f 2/6 .30 Brunner,John. TO CONQUER De Camp,L Sprague. CHAOS...... fg 3/6 .40 ROGUE QUEEN...... g 4/- -50 THE SUPER BARBARIANS . . fo 2/- .25 De Canp & Pratt,Fletcher. Budrys, Algis.ROGUE MOON .fg 2/6 .30 INCOMPLETE ENCHANTER. . f 3/- .35 the falling torch. . . . g 3/6 .40 De Fb rd,Mini an Allen . . UNEXPECTED DIMENSION . .fo.1/9 .20 SPACE,TIME It CRIME. . . g .60 Capek,Karel. WAR WITH THE Di de, Phil ip K. NEWS. 1955 Bantan ... g 4/- .50 DR. BLOOIMONEY...... f 2/6 .30 Cato enter, Elmer J. JDW WAIT TOR LAST’YEAR fg 4/- .50 MOONSPIN...... fg 3/- .35 Del any, Sanuel. BABEL-17 • g 4/~ »50 Carr,Rbt Sjpencer. BEYOND Del Rey,Lester. STEP TO INFINITY. 1959 anthologyfg 4/- .50 THE STARS...... fo 1/? .20 Carter,Lin. WIZARD OF Dikty.T.E. 6 FROM LEMURIA. 1965 Ace. ... g 4/- *50 WORLDS BEYOND(1958) . .fg 4/- -50 BEYOND THE GATES OF DREAMg 5/- .60 Disch, Thomas M. THONGOR IN THE CITY OF THE GENOCIDES...... f 2/6 .30 MAGICIANS...... i.g 3A .35 Einstein,Charles. THE DAY THONGOR AT THE END OF NEW YORK WENT DRY . . i,f 2/6 .30 TIME...... vg 5/- .60 Ellison, Harlan Chanbers, Rbt W. THE KI ID IN ELLISON WONDERLAND. . .fg 4/- .50 YELLOW. Ace ...... fg 3/- .35 Elwood, Roger. INVASION ' Clarke, Arthur C. OF THE ROBOTS...... fg 3/6 .40 TALES OF TEN WORLDS. . .fg 3/6 .40 Elwood & Moskowi t z, San A FALL OP MOONDUST.Dell. f 3/- .35 ALIEN EARTH & OTHERS, .fg 3/6 .40 CHILDHOOD’S END(196O). . g 4/- .50 Parmer,Philip Jose. TALES FROM THE '.7HITE HARTf 3/- .35 DAY OFTIMESrOP(A Woman Clement,Hal. MISSION OF a Day)...... fg 4 A .50 GRAVITY. Galany Novel.i,fg 3/- *35 Fox,Gardner.ESCAPE ACROSS Coll ins, Hunt( Evan Hunter) THE COSMOS...... f 3/- .35 TOMORROWS TOMORROW. .i,fg 3/6 .40 Fyfe.H.B. D-99...... f 3A .35 Conklin, Gio f f (ant holo gi es) Gantz, Kenneth F. BB-B-R-l f 3/- .35 K)T IN SOLITUDE . . . i,g 3/- .35 OPERATION FUTURE(1955) f 5/- .60 ditto i,f 1/9 .20 17 X INFINITY(1963) fg 4A .50 Gold,HL. 4TH GALAXY 13 GREAT STORIES OF SF fg 2/6 .30 READER...... g 5A .60 ditto f 2/- .25 5 GALAXY SHORT NOVELS . g 5/- .60 DIMENSION 4...... fo 2/- .25 WORLD THAT COULDN’T BE. g 5/- .60 6 SCIENCE FICTION PAP ERB ACK S( 2) AMERICAN PAPERBACKS Green,Jo seph P. Leinster,Murray. THIS WORLD IS LOAFERS OP REFUGE. . .fg 3A *35 TABOO...... g 3A .35 Hadley, Franklin GET OFF MY WORLD . . . . fo 2A .25 PLANET BIG ZERO. . . .fg 3/- .35 GREKS BRING GIFTS...... g 3/6 .40 Hamilton, Edmo nd Leonard,J.N. FLIGHT INTO THE HAUNTED STARS. . . f 3/6 .40 SPACE(Fact, 1954). . . . vg 4/- .50 QUEST BEYOND THE STARS g ^f- .60 Long, Frank Belknap ' Healy & MoCotaas SPACE STATION TO. 1. . . fo 2/6 .30 ’ MORE ADVENTURES IN TIME THE DARK BEASTS...... fg 3/- . 35 & SPACE.1955 Bantaa .fg 5 A .60 THIS STRANGE TOMORROW. . .f 3/- .35 Heath,Peter. THE MIND MacDonald, John D. - - BROTHERS...... vg 5 A «60 McLaughlin,Dean. THE FURY Heinlein, Robert. FROM EARTH ...... f ^A • 35 ORPHANS OF THE SCY . . fg 3/6 .40 MAN WHO . WANTED STARS . . fg 3/- • 35 METHUSELAH'S CHILDREN, fo 2/6 .30 Margulies, L eo. THE TOMORROW THE STARS " UNEXPECTED( anthology). . .f 3/6 .40 1953 Signet(anthology)g 7/- .85 ( anthology) . ,g 5A .60 Holly,J.Hunter. THE Matheson, Richard ■ PLYING EYES . . . . .fg 3/- <35 THIRD PROM THE SUN ... .f 3A ‘35 Howard,Ivan. IDVELETS Mead,Harold. THE BRIGHT OF SF(anthology). . i,g 3/6 .40 PHOENIX(1956)...... fg 4A *50 Hbward,Rbt E.(& De Canp,L.S.) Merril,Judith. OUT OP BOUNDS CONAN THE WARRIOR . . f 3/6..40 - f 2/6 .30 Hbyle,Fred & Eliot,John Merritt,A. METAL MONSTER fg 4A *5° A FOR ANDROMEDA . . . f 1/9 .20 Dwellers IN THE MIRAGE . fg 3A *35 Jakes, - John Millard, Jo sp eh BRAK V THE SORCERESS THE GODS HATE KANSAS. . . .f 2/6 .30 Frazetta cover. . . .vg 6/C .70 Miller, Walter M. ' Janifer,Laurence M. UNCONDITIONALLY HUMAN . . .g 4A »50 YOU SANE MEN...... fg 4/- *50 VIEW FROM THE STARS . . . fg 3A • 35 SLAVE PLANET...... fo 2/- .35 ditto . .f 2A .25 Jones, Nfeil R. PLANET Mills, Rbt P. BEST PROM OF THE DOUBLE SUN . . f 2/6 .35 F&SF 10TH SERIES . . . fg 4A *50 THE SUNLESS 'AORLD . . f 3/- .35 WORLDS OP SP. 280 pgs. . fg 3/- *35 Jones, Raymond F. ditto . .f 2A *25 THE ALIEN...... f 3/- .35 Moorcock, M i ch ael ION-STATISTICAL MAN. . f 3/- .35 THE SUNDERED WORLDS . . . .g 4A *50 Keene,Day & Pruyn, Leonard. Moore,C.L. JUDGMENT NIGHT fg 4A .50 WORLD WITHOUT ’.’OMEN, .fg 3/- .35 Moore, Ward. BRING THE Keyes, No el. CO NT ACT( an th) JUBILEE...... fo 2/6 .30 fg 4A 50/ and fo 2/- .25 Moo re, W & Davidson, Avran. JOYLEG. . -...... 6d .05 BEYOND TOMORRO W( anth) g 6/- .70 Mo sko witz, Sam & El wood, Ito ger < Kornbluth, C.M. THE HUMAN ZERO^'anthology) .f 2/6 . THE EXPLORERS...... fg 3/6 .40 Neville,Kris. THE UNEARTH . THE SYNDIC . . (1955) fg 4/- .50 PEOPLE...... i,fg 2/6 .30 THE SYNDIC . . (1965) fo 1/3 .15 Nolan, Wlllian. IMP ACT-20. fg 2/- .2$ Kuttner,Henry & Moore,C.L. Norton,Andre. STAR BORN . .f 3A .35 ND BOUNDARIES(1955). • g 7/- .85 BEAST MASTER(Ace)...... f 3A .35 Lafferty, R. A. ditto, fo 2A .25 REEFS OP EARTH ... . .fg 4A .50 DEFIANT AGENTS...... f 3A • 35 Laum er, Leith JUDGMENT ON JANUS...... f 2/6 .30 PLAGUE OP D3M0NS ... f 3/6 .40 ORDEAL IN OTHERWHERE. . . fg 4A .50 LeGuin,Ursula K. CITY OF ILLUSIONS. . . f 3/6 .40 (continued) 7 JMBBICAN PAPEHBACKS( 3) Tenn, Willi an. HUM AN ANGLE. . f 3/6 .40 Horton, Andre (oo nt limed) . TIME IN ADVANCB(1958). . . . f 4A *50 SIOUX S»AC8UN. . . . fg 3/6 *40 OUTSIDERS*CHILDREN OF WONDER WBB OF THE WITCH WORLDvg 5/- *60 (1954)- . .fg 8/5 |1 WITCH WO BLD...... f 2/6 .30 Thomae,Martin. BEYOND THE Petaja, Bail. STAB MILLvg 4/- .50 SPECTRUM...... f 2/6 .30 Pohl,Prederlk. Tiger,John. WIPEDUT(I SPY 4)fg 2k .25 STAB S.P. 4(1958) • 3A *35 Verne,Jules. THE PURCHASE OF Pohl & Ko rnbluth THE 1DRTH POLB(Aoe) . . . .fg 2/- .25 SEARCH THE SKY(1954). .f 3/6 .40 Van Vogt, A. B. THE HOUSE SP.ACE MERCHANTS ... fo 2/6 .30 THAT STOOD SPILL...... f 3/- . 35 Pohl & Willi an eon. J ack. Vo nnegut,Kurt* UTOPIA 14 • .fg8/5 11 RBBFS“OF SPACE. ... fg 4/- .50 White, Janes.STAR SURGEON, .'g 4A *50 Reynolds, Mack White,Ted. PHOENIX PRIME . . f 3/6 .40 THE EARTH WAR .... fg 3/- .35 JEWELS OF ELSEWHEN...... f 3/6 .40 AFTER SOME TOMORROW . .g 5 k '6o Wlbberley, Leonard R> beao n,K ennet h THE MOUSE THAT ROARED. . . . f 3/6 .40 MYSTIC MULLAH . . . i,fg 2/6 .30 Will eford, Charles. THE LAND OF ALWAYS NIGHT. .g 3/6 .40 MACHINE IN WARD ELEVEN . . f 2/- . 25 Russell, Brio Prank Willi sens, Robert Moore SOMEWHERE A VOICE . . .f 3/- .35 THE SECOND ATLANTIS...... f 2/6 . 30 Sellings, Arthur Willianson, Jack.SEETEE SHOCKf 3/- .35 THE <$JY EFFECT...... f 3/- .35 DRAGON’S ISLAND...... f 3k • 35 Schmitz, Janes H. • TRIAL OF TERRA , ...... f 3/- . 35 TALE OF TWO CLOCKS. . fg 4/- *50 ditto, .fo 2k ‘25 ditto. . fo 2/6 .30 '.foilhelm, Donald A. Shaw, Larry T. MORE MACABRE(1961 anthology)fg 4/- .50 TERRDR( anthology) . . .f 3/- .35 THE HIDDEN PLANET...... fo 2/5 . 30 Silverberg, Robert MORE ADVENTURES ON OTHER REGAN’S PLANET. . . . fo 2/- .25 PLANETS(1963 anthology) . .fo 3k *35 MASTER OF LIFE & DEATH g 4/- .50 SECRET OF THE 9TH PLANET . . f 3/« • 35 RECALLED TO LIFE. . . fg 3/6 .40 MIKE MARS ASTRONAUT...... fg 3k • 35 Simak, Clifford. CITY .f 3/6 .40 MIKE MARS IN ORBIT...... f 2/6 . 30 STRANGERS IN THE UNIVERSE 3/6 .40 Wylie, Phil ip & Balmer, Edwin TIME & AGAIN...... f 3/6 .40 WHEN WORLDS COLLIDE...... f 2/6 . 30 Snith,Co rdwai ner. AFTER WORLDS COLLIDE . . . . f 4A *9° PLANET BUYER...... fo 2/6 . 30 zelazny,Roger.DREAM MASTER .vg 4/- .50 So hl, Jerry NEBULA AWARD SERIES 3« • • «vg 5/- .60 .NIGHT SLAVES...... f 2/6 . 30 SIX FINGERS OF TIME( anthol). g 4/- *50 BEYOND THE BLACK ENIGMAfg2/6 .30 JDW& BEYOND(anthol) . . . . f 3/6 .40 Spinrad, No rm an A PAIR FROM SPACE(Hlish and THE SOLARI ANS .... fg 3/6 .40 Sil verberg)...... f 3/6 .40 Sterling,Brett BELMONT DOUBLE(Brunner,Carter)f3/6 .40 THE TENTH PLANET. . . vg 5 k BATMAN vs THE JOKER. . . • • f 2/6 .30 Sturgeo n,Theo do re MORE THAN HUMAN . . . .f 2/6 .30 JOHN RUSSELL FEARN( continued! SYNTHETIC MAN(1957) • *f 3/6 .40 3 stories in SCIENCE FICTION SYNTHETIC MAN(1967) . .f 3/6 .40 391 3, one in each of SCIENCE Sudak, Euice. X . .i,g 3/- .35 FICTION 3616,8. Button,Jeff. THE ATOM 1 story in SCIENCE FICTION OONSBIRACY...... fo 2/6 .30 (Canadian edition)Vbl 2 fb 1. Others in FUTURE and SCIENCE FANTASY.... See sf listings. Alan VARGO STATTEN MAGAZINE (British)54* 2. Second issue.vg 4/* .50 8 Science Fiction and Fantasy Pul RS.

AIR WONDER STORIESt Large size pulp, edited by Hugo Gernsbach) 29Second issue. Ed Earl Repp. Paul cover and art. Spine ragged,fg 25/- 8 3-00 29>10. Harl Vincent, Ed Earl Repp. Paul cover and art. $>ine ragged, fg 25/- 8 3.00 AMAZING STQRIES(Large size) . 27:10. H.G.Wells, Ray Cummings, Paul art...... fg 30/- 83.60 28:9. E.E.Snith's Scylaik of Space Pt 2,David H.Keller. fg 30/- 8 3.60 3D:4. The Metal Horde by J .W.Campbell.. . . ~Spine ‘ ragged,fg 25/' ­ 8 3.00 31:6. Leinster's Power Planet, Paul Ernst _ Keller . . . st,fg 20/- 82.40 31:7- E.E.Snith’s Spacehound of IPC Pt 1, Otis Kline, Schuyler Hiller, Paul art. Title page torn, spine ragged, nbc, f 12/6 81.50 31:8. Spacehound of IPC(Pt 2 of 3)...... cover tom,fg 17/- 82.00 32»1. Harl Vincent, Charles R. Tanner...... fg 20/- 82.40 32i 3 Lloyd Eshbach, Ralph Milne Farley. Wat erst ai nod, st, f 15/‘­ 81.80 32:4- The Lost Machine by J.B.Harris(Vtyndhan). spine a little ragged otherwise g 25/- 83.00 3217 Harl Vincent, Warren E. Sanders . g 25A 8 3.00 3218 ______The Last Evolution by J. W. Campbell g 25/­ 83.00 32:10. Ed Earl Repp, Viles J. Breuer. g 25/­ 8 3.00 32:12. Harl Vincent, David H. Keller. g_ 25/- 83.00 33:2. Leinster's Borneo Devil...... nbc,st,f 12/6 81.50 33:3. In The Scarlet Star by , Part 1 of . J.3.Campbell1 3 Beyond the End of Space. . . .st,f 15/- 81.80 Ditto,veiy limp,nbc,f 12/6 81.50 33:4. Beyond the End of Space( conclusion), Ed Earl Repp. . . g 25A 83.00 33:6LPt____ 1— Intelligence. „______Gigantic„______by J.R.Fearn-...... g 30 A 83.60 AMAZING STORIES( Regular Pulp Size) 39:8. World Beneath Ice by Pol ton Cross(Fearn), Harl Vincent, . . . . st,fg 25/- 83.00 47*7. Chester Geier's Hidden City(62,OOO words complete), Robert Moore Williams. Cover slightly ragged...... fg 12/6 81.50 50:6. Rbt.M. Williams, Derleth,Abernathy, Rog Phillips, Coppel. Cover town and extremely worn. Spine taped. Body of magazine glO/681.25 51:6. Rog .Phillips' Who Sowa the Wlnd( 30,000 words). Ogden Whitney illustrations. Taped repair on back cover . . .st,g 10/6 81.25 51:8. Raymond F.Jones, Lesser, Geier, Creighton...... g 10/6 81.25 AMAZING STORIES QUARTERLY (Large size) 20: Winter. First issue. H.G.Wells, Viles J. Breuer. Paul cover and art. Back cover and few pages loose from spine. Extremely rare in any condition...... f . ’40 /- 84.80 26:Summer. Staton A. Coblentz, David H.Keller. Paul art. Spine a little ragged.fg 20 /• 82.40 30:Winter. John Taine'a White Lily, complete...... st,g 25/­ 8 3.00 Ditto,fg :20/- 82.40 Ditto, nbc, fg 15/- 81.80 31:Winter. Birth of a New Republic by Miles J. Breuer and Jack Williamson. Cover a little worn and wrinkled, oth.fg 20 A 8 2.40 31: Sumer. Ed Earl Repp, Coblentz, David H. Keller...... fg 20^ 82.40 Ditto, nbc, f 12/6 81.50 S.F.PULPS(2)_

AMAZING STORIES QUARTERLY REISSUE 42: S>ring( 41:8.9.10 issues bound togather) My steay of the Martian Pendulum by Tho mto n jjyre and A.R.Steber, Yellow Men of Mara and Invisible Men of Hare by . Coblentz, Rbt Moore Killians. Very rare wartime quarterly rebinding...... '.fg 55/- |6.6O ARGOSY ALL—STORY WEEKLY(General fiction, sf & fantasy as follows!) 20 Oct 20. A Brand New '.torid by Ray Cummings Pt 5.1nkstained, otherwise fairly g. 20/- 12.40 27 Oct 28. Brand New Ito rld( conclusion) Infest ained...... fg 20/- >2.40 30 Mar 29. The Sea Girl by Ray Cummings(Pt 5)lb spine . . . f 12/6 >1.50 8 Jan 38. Carson of VenusfPt l)by E.R.Burroughs ...... f 20/- >2.40 29 Oct 38. Ship of Ishtar by A.Merritt(Pt 1)...... fg 10/- >1.20 5 Nov 38. ditto, part 2...... g 20/- >2.40 12 lbw 38. ditto, part 3...... g 12/5 >1.50 19 Nov 38. ditto, part 4...... 12/5 >1.50 26 Nov 38. ditto, part 5...... g 12/6 >1.50 3 Dec 38. ditto, conclusion...... fg 10/6 >1.25 25 Feb 39« Nonstop to Mars by Jack Williamson,complete. . .fgl5/- >1.80 ASTOUNDING 3^:10. Gallun.Binder. Wandrei. Schachner . . . .st,f 25/- >3*00* 36:12 C.L.Moo re's Try st in Time,. Frank Belknap Long* s Plane Midget. Very slightly waterstained, otherwise...... g 30/- >3.60 37*8. Long's Temporary Warp, Ro ckly nne, very slightly wat er­ st ained,otherwise. • . g 30/^ >3.60 37«9« E.E.Snith's Galactic Patrol Pt 1, de Camp, Binder .st,f 25/- >3.00 37’12. Galactic Patrol Pt 4* Dark Eternity by John Russell Fearn, E.F.Russell, Binder. Spine slightly split,otherwise g JO/- >3.60 38*4. Schachner,Gallun, Arthur J.Burks. Contents and followii^ page missing but all stories intact. Tear on cover,-oth. g 12/5 >1.50 38«8. Who Goes There? by Don A Stuart, Arthur J. Buries, Kuttner. • Slightly torn cover...... st,fg JO/- >3.60 38»10. Simak, Schachner novelettes. Shorts by Gallun,Binder, de Camp. Ron Hubbard’s The Tranp Pt ...... st, fg JO/- >3.60 39*4- Two novelettes, 3 shorts.Letters by de Camp 4 BradbuiyJfgJD/C >3.60 40*11. Van Vogt *s Sian Pt 3, de Camp, simak, La Fayette. Rare wartime issue. Slight tear on cover. Waterstained...... fg 20/- >2.40 40:12. SI an( conclusion). Willey.Mill er. Bond. Badly torn cover, waterstained, but still a rare wartime issue. . . . f 15/- >1.8o 41:10. Two Heinlein novelettes. Sturgeon, Asimov...... nbo,fg 27/6 >3.30 43:6. Padgett, G.O.Snith novelettes. Del Rey, E.U .Hull and two shorts by Boucher. Rare wartime issue...... vg 40/- >4.80 BLUE BOOK 32:9• When Wbrlds Collide by Balmer 4 Vtylie(Pt 1). Cover worn,fg JO/- >J.6O DIME MYSTERY 34:10. Zagat, Edson, Knox, Cave...... fg 50/- >6.00 35’4» Arthur J. Burks, Ernst, Knox, Cummings...... fg 50/- >6.00 DOC SAVAGE 33:5- Quest of the Spider...... fg30/->3.60 39’1 Mad Mesa. Covers loose...... f 2Q>2.40 39«4» Wbrld*a Fair Goblin...... JO/- >3.60

/o S.F. PULPS( 3) nJSTT AIRS & HIS BATTLE BI RDS( Fixture War Stories) 34*12. The Red Destroyer by Rbt. Sidney Bowen...... fg 50 f- 16.00 35*4 Troposphere F-S by Robert Sidney Bowen...... , fg 50 A *6.00 DYNAMIC 5F 39*4« Second issue. Wellman, Repp, de Cstnp, Binder. Paul illustrations, good 15/- *1.8o. and ditto . < fgl2/6 11.50 EERIE MYSTERIES 38:11. Second issue. When It Rained Qoipses by Raplh Powers . . .fg 50/. *6.00 39*2. Third issue. Horror* s Handshake by Raplh Powers. . . . g 50/- *6.00 BXCITEMENTf Street & Snith) 30*11. Monster of Marong by J. Allan Hinn, March of the Iron Men by Philip Scruggs . . . .fg 50/- *6.00 FAjaOUS FANTASTIC MYSTERIES 39*9* First issue. Girl in the Golden Atom by Ray Cummings, Moon Pool by Merritt...... f 20/- 12.40 40*3 The Blind Spot by Hall & Flint(pt 1).Finlay cover. Slight wear on spine, otherwise g 20 A *2.40 40*4. Blind Sppt Pt 2. Coblentz. Paul, Finlay art. Slight wear on spine,otherwise g 20 A *2.40 41*8 The Metal Monster by A.Merritt, complete.Finlay art. cover fg 20 A 44*9 Tooker, Lord Dunsany, Arthur Machen. Ranald Clyne art. Ragged covers, oth. fg g)A *2.40 45»9. Phra the Phoenician by E.L.Arnold. 15A if.80 45«12< . Binsany. Haggard1 e The Ancient Allan. Clyne art . .f-fg 20A20A *2.40 50*2. Machen, Haggard's Morning Star. Austin article on Olaf Stapledon.\ 1. Finlay, Bok art...... g 12/6 *1.50 ditto st,f 8/6 *1.00 50:4 Beyon's Secret People, Clarke's Guardian Angel. Bok. . . g 12/6 *1.50 50»8 Siodmak's Donovan's Brain, Wells' Time Machine.Finlay . g _ 12/5 *1.50 ' ditto fg 10 76 *1.25 FANTASTIC ADVENTURES 39»5. First issue. Harl Vincent, Ross Rocklynne, Binder. Paul back cover...... , g 25 A *3.00 ditto, f 12/6 *1.50. ditto, nfc, fg 10/6 *1.25 39«7» Second issue. The Scientists Revolt by Edgar Rice Burroughs, • The Golden Amazon by Thornton Ay re, She Walked Alone by John Russell Fearn, Nelson Bond, Ed Earl Repp. Short write-up oh Burroughs. Paul back cover. Exceptionally rare...... fg!5/- *9.00 ditto, f 60A *7.20 39*11. Man From Hell by Polton Cross, Lunar Intrigue by Thornton Ayre, Coblentz, Bond, Paul back cover. Coupon clipped, all stories intact . . . .fg 30A *3.60 FANTASTIC IDVELS 51*11 Drink We De -p by Arthur Leo Zagat, The Cats of Plthar by H.P.Lovecraft. Finlay, Bok art...... Tfg I2/6 *1.50 7RDJ UUfIX)WN ACRLDS 1948 pulp anthology, de Camp, Boucher, Bloch, Sturgeon, Gold, Kuttner. Cartier cover and art . . . fg 20A *2.40 FUTURE 39*11 First issue. World Reborn by J.Harvey Haggard, Frigid Moon by Dennis Clive(Fearn). Paul illustrations, loose front coverfg. 25/- ! *3.00 Go & HIS BATTLE ACES 35* 3 The Death Monsters by Rbt.J.Hogan.fg_ 50A *6.00I 36:1 The Blood-Bat Staffel by Robert J. Hogan...... • *f- g —50A ■ ' *6.00 HORROR STORIES 35*8 Brides From The Dead by Hugh B.Cave, fouriour novelettes, 2 shorts. Orban illustrations. Waterst

// , S.F.PULPS(4)

MARVEL SCIENCE STORIES 39*8 DeWitt Miller, Harl Vincent, Lloyd Hohbach, R.R.Winterbothtfn. Paul art...... &/- 12.40 MARVEL TALES 39’12* 3 novelettes, 3 shorts...... i,g 20/- 12.40 OUT OP THIS WORLD 50>7 First issue. Cummings, Van Vogt, Del Hey, Tenn, Chandler, Reynolds, Neville. Special full colour comic section with Fox story, Giunta and Hubert art. Very rare, very worn cover...... fg 50/- >6.00 SCIENCE FICTION 39: 3 First issue. Under the White Star by Edmond Hamilton, three s to ties by J.R.Fearn.Paul art. . . .g 40 /- 84.80 ditto,repaired cover . fg 35/- 14*20 39s6. Second issue. Wellman, Binder, Fearn. Paul art . . . fg 30A 43*60 39t8. Third issue. Repp, Eshbach, Gallun, Hamilton, Fearn. .f 25/* 43.00 43(7* Kuttner, Simak, Knight, Cumings, Bloch, Long. Bok, Finlay art. Rare wartime issue...... f 15/- 81.80 SCIENCE FICTIOK(Canadian)Vol 2 N) 1. Leiber, Pelton Cross, fo 25/- $3*00 STIRRING SCIENCE STORIES( Wbllheim-edited tfiin pulp) 42(3. The Perfect Invasion by S.D.Gottesman. Bok co ver, art. f 17 A 82.00 STRANGE STORIES 39»4. Second issue. Bloch, Kuttner, Derleth, Keller, Long, C.L.J'oore, Farley, Keith Hammond(Kuttner). Paul, Finlay, Schomburg art...... g 60A 87.33 ditto,nbc,fg 30A 8 3.60 STRANGE T ALE S( Cl ay to n) 32: 3 Duel of the Sorcerers novelette by Paul Ernst. Creased. Spine taped...... fg 65A 87.80 TERROR TALES 36:3 The Mummy Maker by Paul Ernst. Loose front cover, worn back cover...... fg40A 84«8o 3617. Ernst, Huge B. Cave...... n£c,fg 20A 82.40 THRILLING W0NDER(TWS)49:8 Leinster novelette, Fury From Lilliput, others by A.C.Clarke, John D.MacDonald, Van Vogt. Shorts by Cartmill, Temple, St Clair, Bradbury. Finlay illustration. Slightly worn cover and spine, otherwise good 15A 81.80 49:12 Blish novel Let the Finder Beware. Novelettes by Clarke, Raymond F.Jones, Leinster. Cartmill, de Camp, Bradbury shorts. Final illustration. Repaired cover. Spine taped, fg 15A 81.80 53»4* Katherine MacLean,Kniiiit, Fanner,Evan Hunter. Coggins cover, Etashwiller, Finlay, Schomburg illustrations. . . . fg 10/6 81.25 53*6. Chad Oliver1 s The Life Game, Leinster, Neville, Christopher. Finlay, Enshwiller, Schomburg illustrations, .g 12/6 81.50 UNCAN NT TALES 39:4 four novelettes, 4 shorts, Schomburg illustrations. 7forn front cover...... fg 35A 84*20 UNCANNY TALFS( Can a di an) 41:7 * Wbllheim, Lowndes...... f 15A SI.80 WEIRD TALES 41:7 Lovecraft’s Charles Dexter Ward (conclusion), Cummings, Quinn, C. A. Snith, Wellman,Farley. Very brittle. st,f 15A 81.80 49*7* Fredric Brown, Bloch, Quinn, Coblentz, Wakefield. Napoli, Giunta art...... fg 20A 82.40 dit to, wo rn spine, BRE, fg 10A 81 * 20 49’11* Derleth, Petaja, Quinn, Wakefield, Burks .... BRE,fg 8/6 81.00 50:1. Burks, Derleth, Coblentz,Quinn,Wellman, Brown . BRE, g 10A 81.20 50i3« Price, Wellman, Long, St Clair, Petaja...... BRE fg 8/6 81.00 ~ (continued) 12 S.F.PULPS(5) WEIRD TALES( Co nt inued) 50*5. Quinn, Temple, Bloch, Coblentz,St Clair...... BRE, g 10/- 11.20 Unnumbered issue(195O) Arthur J.Buiks* Shall ad ai, Bloch, E.F.Rusoell, Quinn, Wakefield, Derleth,St Clair . . . .BRE,f 7/6 .90 Vol 43 Jb l(195O)Leiber’ a Dead Man, Watefleld' a Third Shadow, Quinn, St Clair, Coblentz verse. Napoli art...... BRE,g 8/6 $1.00 BRE 10(1951 )Long1 s Mississippi Saucer, Piper,Wakefield .BRE,g 8/6 81.00 11 (1951) Bio ch, Derleth, Wellman, Hanilton, Gans T Field. BRE,g 8/6 $1.00 12(1951)Flane Birds of Angela by E.Everett Evans, DeriethBRE,g 8/6 $1.00 13(1951)0.A.Snith, Arthur J.Burks,Quinn. Napoli art. . .BRE,fg7A *®5 16(1951 jLovecraft1 s Horror at Red Hook, Derleth,Quinn. BRE,fg Q/6 $1.00 17(1952)Arthur J. Burks, Derleth. Finlay, Napoli art . BRE,fg 7A »®5 18(1952)Paul Ernst, Petaja, Lovecraft verse. Finlay artBRE,fg 7A »®5 21 (1952)Derleth, Matheson. Finlay, Napoli, Freas art . BRE,fg 7A »®5 WITCH* S TALSS( Rare thin pulp) 35*11 First issue...... fg 80/- 89*60 36112. Second issue. Weird and supernatural...... fg 75A 89«OO ditto f 65/- $7.80 WONDER/SCIENCE W)NDER(Large size) 29«10. Fifth issue. Ed Earl Repp. Paul oover.Veiy worn spinef 25A 83.00 29*11. Repp, Gellun. Paul art. Very worn spine ....'.. .f 25A 8 3«0O 29*12. Carpenter, Gleason, Kirkhan. Paul art. flbrn spine . fg 30/- $3.60 30*2. Juve, Flagg, Kateley. Paul art. Hbrn spine...... fg 30 A 83.60 30»3« Harl Vincent, Tanner, Brueckel. Paul art. Very worn spine and loose back cover . . fg 27/6 8 3* 30 30*4. Vincent, Flagg, Keller's Evening Star(Pt 1) . . .nbc,f 15A 81.80 30*5. Repp, Manning & Pratt, Evening Star Pt 2, Paul art very worn spine . .f 20/- 8 2.40 30,6. Time Ray of Jandra by R.A.Palmer. Paul art...... fg 30A 8 3*60 32*1. Derelicts of Ganymede by J. W.Campbell. Slight wear, .g 30 A 8 3.60 32*4* Electronic Siege by John W.Campbell. Veiy limp. .nbc,f 15A 81»8o 32*6. Invisible City by C.A.Snith. Paul art...... st,fg 25A 83*00 32*8. C.A.Snith, Richard Tooker. Paul art...... st,fg 25A 83.00 33*8. Laurence ’.'inning, Festus Fragnell. Paul cover . . . fg 20A 82.40 QUARTERLY(Large size) 301 Summer. Fourth issue. Schachner & Zagat, Keller, Juve. . Paul cover and art. '.torn spine . . . . fg 30A 83.60 31»Summer. C.A.Snith, J.N.Walsh, Schuyler Miller. Paul .st,fg 30/- 83-60 10 SHORT NOVELS MAGAZINE ^lO. One eerie novelette, Black Knight's Bo nd age (Lennox) fg 20A 82.40

Better Lnte Than Never Deptt Please note that the abbreviation "BRE" signifies the British Reprint Edition of an American title. The Weird Tales listed above appear in the main to reprint American editions in entirety. This is not always the case. The western pulps listed from page 17 are particular cases of British "editing." (yes, the BRE R&SF — none in stock — was about the worst offender). BRE(AP) is used to denote a British edition reprinted from American plates. ANALOG 61:8 Reynolds, Pohl&Kornbluth novelettes...... , .fg ^f- *50 62:1 Piper, Tubb novelettes...... ,fg 4/. .50 65:11 H.Bean piper's last etoxy, Down Styphon, Brunner . .i,fg 4/- .50 6319 Raphael* s Thirst Quencher, Large sized slide...... f 4yL .50 65:1 Saltz, Anvil, Philifent. Large sized slide...... f 3/5 .42 65: 2 Reynolds, Schmitz, Brunner, Raphael. Large sized slick g8/5 11.00 ditto f3/8 .42 65* 3 McIntosh, Schmitz, Teazle. Large sized slide. . . . . g 8/5 >1.00 ditto f 3/5 .42 6612 Schmitz, Harness, Reynolds...... • • g 5/- .60 66:11 Leinster's Quarantine Wbrld. Slightly clipped cover. . f 2/8 .30 66:12 Bova, Neville novelettes. Amazon Planet(Pt 1)Reynolds fg 3/8 .42 67tl Anderson's Supernova, Harrison, Laumer,A.P(Pt 2) • • *fg 3A .35 67«2 Amazon Planet (conclusion). Poyer, Sanders...... f 2/6 .30 67:3 The Time Machined Saga by (Pt 1) . . ’. ,fg 3/C .35 67*4 Blish, Capp, Reynolds. Time Machined Saga(pt 2) . . . .fg 3/» .35 67 >9 Anvil, Reynolds, Wbdhams, Ro ray...... f 2/5 .30 67111 McCord, Loran, Anthory, Wb dhans, Poyer...... fg 3/- .X5 6917 ■ Schmidt, Harrison, Foray, Anvil, Laumer, WOdhans . . . f 2/6 .30 AMAZING 60:1 Leiber's Night of the Long Knives. Finlay art .fg 4/. .50 ASTOUNDING 47:1 Leinster, Fyfe, Chandler. Torn back cover, fg 15/L SI. 80 ditto. . .f 12/5 tl.50 47’10 Rene Lafayette's Old Doc Methuselah, F.B.Long. . . . .f 10/5 |1.25 47:11 Lafayette, Padgett, Sturgeon...... fgl2/5 SI.50 47«12 Novelettes by Simak- and Van Vogt...... T . . fg 12/6 11.50 48:4 Padgett, Piper novelettes, Chandler, Tenn shorts . . fo 6/- .75 48:5 Hubbard, Van Vogt novelettes, MacDonald, Leinster. • fgl2A 11.45 48:11 Wilmar H. Shiras' classic novelette, In Hiding • «st,fg 12A Sl”*5 50:9 Leiber, O'Donnell novelettes. Very worn spine . , . ,f 7/5 .90 51:1 Garrett, Robinson, Berryman...... g 8/5 11.00 51:5 Stine, Miller novelettes, Fyfe, Meyer...... 8/8 S1.00 51:6 B.F.R's And Then There Were Norns, Adlmov, Meyer. . . .g 8/5 SI*00 51:7 Schmitz, Williamson novelettes, Di de son, McLaughlin . fg 7/5 «90 51:8 Simak, Dickson, Pease, Miller, Glasser, Chain. . . . vg 8/5 SI ,00 ditto . f 5A ,60 51:9 Piper, Robinson, Nourse novelettes ...... vg 8/5 Sl,00 ditto . fg 7/6 .90 51:11 Frank Robinson's Hunting Season’,' Fyfe, Lathan. . . . vg 8/6 Sl«00 ditto . fg 7/6 .90 52:1 Kornbluth, Vance, Knight, Del Rey...... nfc,fg 3/5 .42 52:2 Tenn novelette, Firewater, Blish, Dickson, Fyfe. . . .g 7/5 .90 52:3 Williamson novelette, Man Down, Fyfe, Merwin . . . . fg 6/6 .80 52:8 Del Rey, Clifton, Miller, Pease...... fg 6/6 .80 52:12 Raymond F.Jones, Shockley, Reynolds & Brown. . . . . fg 6/5 .80 53:11 Blish novelette, Barthman Come Home...... fg 6A ’70 54:3 Simak novelette, Immigrax/tion, Miller...... fg 6A »70 54:4 Lynch, Oliver, Abernathy, Whitehill, Cole...... f 4A .50 58:4 Anvil, Brie Frank Russell novelettes...... fg 5A .60 58:11 MacLean, Anvil, Dickson, Salmond...... fg 5 A .60 59:3 0.0. Snith, Silverberg, Budiys...... fg 5A .60 BEYOND FANTASY FICTION 53:7 First issue. Sturgeon,Matheson, g 12/8 SI.50 O' SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINES(Continued)

FAMOUS SP 2-67* Spring Hamilton,Chandler,Keller. i,vg 2/5 .3) FANTASTIC 6O1I Bloch, Launer novelettes, Bunch. •{8 4A .50 6115. Sharkey, Leiber, Porges, Robert E. Howard • tg 4/- .50 62* 2 Leiber’s _A Bit of the Dark 7brid, Galouye »te 4A .50 66*5 Simak, Davidson no vol bttee. Paul cover. . 2/5 .30 66:11 Soortia, Leiber, Budrys, Dick. Short feature on the artists "behind" E.R.Burroughs ...... 3A .35 FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION 59*6 Blish Farmer rovelettes. 8 •70 59*7 -Davidson, Young, -Fast, ’ -Raymond ‘ -Banks______fg 5A .60 64*11 Harrison, Purdom, Sharkey, Davidson...... nfc,fg 24’ .25 67*2 Howard & De Camp novelette Hall of the Dead...... fg .35 6812 Harrison, White, Nolan, Wilhelm...... g 3A .35 68*7 Asimov’s Key Item, Anthony novel Sos The Rope(pt 1) .fg 2/6 .33 68*8 Cleeve, O'Donnell, Sos The Rope pt 2...... fg 2/5 .30 68*9 Barr, Bunch, Sos The ft>pe conclusion...... fg 2/6 .30 68*10 Asimov, Sil verberg, Ellison, Goul art...... fg 2/6 .33 68:11 Laumer novelette______Once There_____ Was a_ Giant_____ ...... 18 2/6 .30 GALAXY 50*10 First issue. Sturgeon, Asimov,Leiber, Brown *8 20 A 82.40 5O«ll" Brown, Boucher, Asimov, Letter, Knight...... 8 12/5 81.50 ditto. . f 5A .60 50*12 Schmitz, Rocklynne, Matheson, MPrwin, Jones...... vg 12/5 81.50 51 »1 Sturgeon, John D. MacDonald, Gault...... fg 8/6 81.00 51* 3 Del Rey, Leinster, Christopher, Simak...... vg 10/5 81.25 51*4 Anderson, Leiber, Kombluth, Tenn...... vg 10/5 81.25 51*6 Neville, Knight, Pangborn...... g 81.00 51«7 Tenn, Leiber, Lesser, tye, MacDonald...... fg 7 .90 51*8 Guin's Beyond Bedlam, Del Rey, Bradbury ...... g I 81.00 51*9 Leinster, Knight, Lesser g 8/6 $1.00. Second copy, .fg 7/5* .90 51*10 Asimov, Bade, Colvin, Ludwig, Robin...... f 1 •70 51*11 Nourse,, Wolfe,, Griffith, ______Quatttoochi...... ______fg *7/5 •90 (51*9*10,11 contain Heinlein's Puppet Masters in 3 parts) 51*12 Knight, Kombluth, Leiber, Vance, Wyndhgn...... vg 10/6 81.25 55* 2 Gunn, McIntosh, Pohl, Evelyn E Snith...... • . . . .fg 5A .60 55*3 Simak, Knight, Sturgeon, Pohl . . . ;...... fg 5A .60 59*4 Galouye, McIntosh, Dickson, Davidson, Cordwainer Snith f 2/6 .30 59*6' Pohl, Davidson, McIntosh, Galouye...... fg 4/­ • 50 63*6 Dickson, Laumer, Jakes, Fetler...... ‘ 2/- .25 68*7 Brunner, Al di ss, Niven, Chandler, Lafferty. 3A .35 GALAXY NOVELS 14* Asimov, Isaac. PEBBLE IN THE 3CY e/7 .70 15. Mitchell, J.Leslie. THREE GO BACK. . */- .50 22. Merwin, San KILLER TO COME...... • fe .60 GAMMA 3» Banks, Goul art De 5b rd, Malamud i»vg z/£ .30 GREAT SF Nj.1 Asimov,Blish, Sharkey, Young 3/K .40 4. Leiter. Bloch, Garrett, Reynolds. . . . .fo !/? .20 6, Leiber, Sharkey, Goul art. Wilcox. . . . • 8 3/6 .40 7 Al dies, Anderson,. Ballard,. Chandler ______• 8 3/5 .40 IF WIBDS OF SF 63*11 Laumer, Brunner, Knight...... 25 66*12. Budiys, Shaw novelettes, Larry Niven...... *8 l/- .50 67*3 Hugo Awards Issue. Ellison, Niven, Zelazny, Asimov _ .50 (continued* S.P. magazines(3) IP (continued) 67:7 MacApp,. Panner, Lattner...... f 2/. .25 3T:1 Zelaziy, Gotleib, Rankine, Saberhagen...... fg 3/6 .40 68t2 Shockley, Niven, Akita. Title page and bacover torn . . fo 1/3 .15 6816 Chandler, Hollis, Del any, Tiptree...... g 4/- .50 68tlO Van Vogt, Harrison, Delator...... fg 3/6 .40 68 til Zelazny, Schmitz, Eli ah, Harness, Reynolds...... fg 3/6 .40 68(12 Chandler, Asimov, Ballard, Ellison...... fg 3/6 .40 SECOND WORLD OF IP 1958 anthology. Blish, Dick, Beaumont. . .f 2/6 .30 MAGABOOK 1. Del Rqy THE SCI IS FALLING and BADGE OF INFAMY. fg 4/- .50 MOST THRILLIH3 SP 1. Laumer, Anderson, Bloch, Young, Bone • fg 3/. .35 9. Harrison, Goulart, Dick, Wilhelm, Copp el...... fg 2/6 .30 SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURES YEARBOOK 1970. Reprints . . . . fg 3A .35 SPACE SF 52(5 First issue. Asimov, Kuttner, Del Rey...... f 5 A .60 VENTURE SP 57:1 First issue. Anderson, Asimov, Jakes. . . . fg 8/6 $1.00 WEIRD TALES( digest) 53:9C. A. Snith. Derieth, Wellman. Finlay • fg 6 A .70 53:11 Robert E Howard, Gibbons, Derleth...... fg 6 A .70 WORLDS OF TOMORROW 64:4 Al diss' Dark Light Years, complete, .f 2A .25 ______0000 oopop o0op______BRITISH SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINES “ AUTHENTIC 29(1953) Wn. F.Temple. ...... fg 4A ‘5° 34(1953)?hill ips, Neville, Burke, Merak...... f 2/6 .30 36(1953) Martin Jordan, Beriy, Christopher, Burke...... fg 4A »50 44(1954)Quattrocchi, Bulmer, Len Shaw, Barclay...... fg 4A *50 47(1954) Shaw, Wingfield, ...... fg 4A >50 48(1954) Warner, Haram, Carson ...... fg 4A *50 49(1954) E.E.Evans, Burke, Dan Morgan, Cooper, E.C.Tubb . . fg 4A .50 50(1954) Bulmernovelette, Tubb, Duncan, K.E.Snith...... fg 4/- *50 51(1954) Burke, Bounds, Reed, Hazell...... fg 4/- *50 52(1954) Tubb novelette, Morgan, Brooks, Bounds...... • fg 4A *50 53(1955) Rigby, Jordan, Christopher...... fg 4A *50 55(1955) Bulmer novelette, Len Shaw, Tubb...... fg 4A *50 57(1955) McIntosh novelette, Morgan, Aldies, Ashcroft . . . ,.f 2/6 .30 68(1956) McIntosh, Bulmer, Bounds, Innes...... fg 4A *50 72(1956) Morgan, Clifton, Presslie, Cary, Stones...... f 2/6 .30' FUTURISTIC SCIENCE STORIES 5. John fencer publication. . . fg 2/6 .30 IMPULSE 1(1966) Aldiss, Anderson,Harrieon,Ballard,Blish. . . .f 2/- .25 NEW WORLDS 3. Aiken, Hugi, Rayer, Brody...... f 8A *95 4(1949) Brody, Aiken, James, Chandler, Lazenby...... fg 8/6 $1.00 131(196.3) Ballard, Presslie, Rome, Green...... ' fg }/- .35 141(1964) Last Nova issue. Hall, Spencer, Malcolm...... vg 4/- .50 172(1967) Merril, Sellings, Delany, Disch, Aldiss...... fg 2A *25 SCIENCE FANTASY 1(1950)Waish.Youd, James, Clarke...... fg 12/6 81.50 2(1950) The Ark by P.O.Rayer, J.R.Fearn, A.C.Clarke . . . . vg 15A 81.80 ditto . . . fg 10/6 81.25 » Ballard, McIntosh novelettes, Webb, Reed...... vg 4A *50 Brunner, Silverberg novelettes, Aldiss short . . . .g 4/- *50 51(1962) Moorcock, Webb novelettes, Brunner, Wbods...... g 4A • *50 55(1962) Moorcock, Aldiss novelettes, Swann, Hall, Cook . . .g 4/- *50 60(1963) Swann, Rackham novelettes, Peake, Hall...... g 4/- *50 61(1963) Moorcock, Hall novelettes, Peake, Macklin...... g 4/- »50 77(1965) Price, Tubb, Byrne, Ifordley, Adame...... fg 2/6 .30 (continued on page /6 V/E3TER.N IPuLP IMftGfiZINES

ACB HIGH 1(1950)4 noveletts, 2 aborts...... BRE g 2/6 .36 WESTERN l(undated)Brltish paper nag. 4 stories g 2/- .25 «>0 2,5...... e .25 non 3,6...... fg 1/6 .18 ARIZJNA WESTERN unnumbered(1949)2 novelettes, paper BRE. .fg 1/6 .18 BIG BOOK WESTERN(1950)Hands Off the Boo thill Herd by Thomas Thornpson. 5 stories. 100 pgs...... BRE fg 2/6 .30 (195O)Bring Tour Own Bullets by Max Kesler 3 novelettes, 5 shorts. 100 pages...... BRE fg 2/6 .30 COMPLETE WESTERN BOOK MAGAZINE 3815. Grass Means Fight by . Harry Sinclair Drago. 5 stories. Cover creased...... fg 17A 82.00 49:12 two novelettes. 100 pages...... BRE(AP) fg 2/6 .30 50»4- two novelettes. 100 pages...... BRE(AP) f 2/- .25 DIMB WESTERN unnumbered. 1941 stories. He Brought the Law by Thomas Thompson. 100 pages...... BRE("aP) fg 4A .50 unnumbered(195O)Under the Mesa Guns by Dee Linford.BRE(AP)g 3A .35 unnumbered(1950)Roll 1 Bn to Hell * s Ho ri zo n( Appell). BRE( AP)g 3A .35 unnumbered (1950)Gun Rider by Norman A. Fbx.lOOpgs. BRE( AP) g 3A .35 EXCITI NG WESTERN 48:11. W.C. Tuttle, Jackson Cole...... fg 10/­ $1.20 50:12. 51:4,6,8,10. Tuttle, Jackson Cole in each. . .BRE g 4A .50 51:12. W.C.Tuttle, Ed Earl Repp...... BRE g 4A .50 52:2,4...... BRE g 3/- •35 FIFTEEN WESTERN TALES 49:8 Robert J. Hogan...... st,fg 12/5 $1.50 FIGHTING 'WESTERN unnumbered(195O)E. Hofftaan Price, 5 others, plus short comic section...... BRE(AP) g 3A .35 FIVE NOVELS KO?iTHLY(General fiction. One western per month, as follows:) 35:9 The Range Trap by Rbt McBlair...... g 15A $1.80 35:11 Triggers of Hate by William Bruner...... g 15A 81.80 36:7 Mark of the Blue Bull by E.U.Noy...... g 15A $1.8o 37:6 Range Branded BY John A. Salon...... g20A 82.40 37:10 Cattle Taboo by Bennett Ibster...... nc,fg 8/6 $1.00 36:1 Bushwhackers' Valley by L.P. Holmes...... fg 12/6 81.50 38:2 Get That Herd Through by John Dudley Phelps...... fg 12/6 81.50 38:10 Branded Outlaw by Bariy Randolph...... fgl5A $1.80 GIANT. WESTERN 2(1947 stories) W.C.Tuttle...... BRE. fg 2/6 .30 4(1947 stories)two novelettes inc. Walt Coburn ... .BRE g 3A .35 5(1951)Walt Coburn novelette, 5 shorts...... BRE g 3/- .35 MASKED RIDER 1(1946 storiesjnovelette, 2 shorts. . . .BRE g 3A .35 2(1946 stories) no velette by Gunnison Steele, 3others.BRE g 3A • 35 4(1946 stories)Cruickshank, Stelle novelettes...... BRE g 3A MAX BRAND'S WESTERN 1 (1Q49)Valley Beyond Boothill. . .BREfg 5A 2( 1949)Tinhorn Terro r by Max Brand, Shave That Hawg by Itobert E. Howard. 5 others...... BRE g 10A 81.20 3(1950), 5(1951)two novelettes, two shorts in each . .BRE g 4A .50 NEW WESTERN unnumbered(1950)Bring * Bn Back Dead by Walt Cobum. 4 novelettes, 2 shorts. 100 pages . . . .BRE(AP) fg 4A .50 unnumbered( 1950)Beware The Bloody Strip by Kesler. BRE( AP) g 4/- • 50 unnumbered(195O)Beware Those Pistol Pilgrims. Fb rem anBREt AP)fg 3/- .35 WESTERN PULPS(2)

PROPS KID unnumbered(195O)Raiders of the Stage Trails.by Dan Cushman. 2 novelettes, 1 short. 100 pages. . . BRE(AP) g 3/. .35 unnumbered(1951)T8Pers of the Deadfall Towns. 100 pgs.BREf AP)fg 2/6 .30 POPULAR WESTERN(undatedTl,2.4. five shorts in each. . . BRE g 2/8 .30- RAN3E RIDERS 1,2(1945 stories) Cruickshank in each . . . BRE fg3/- .35 3(1946 stories) Cruickshank, oole...... BRE fg 2/6 .30 5(1950) novelette plus Cruickshank short...... BRE fg 2/- *25 7(1951) novelette-plus Cruickshank short...... BRE g 2/6 .30 SIX GUN WESTERN unnumbered(195O)Short Cut to Hell novel by E.Hofflnan Price. 4 others.Short comic section . .BRE(AP)fg 2/5 .30 STAR WESTERN unnumbered(1941 stories)Traitora Die for Texas by Bob Odets. 6 stories. 100 thin pages...... ’.BRE( AP)fg 4/- .50 unnumbered(1950)Her Private Sheriff by Odets...... BRE(AP)fg 2/6 .30 unnumbered(1950)Two Queens for Skidway Bnpire . . . .BRE(AP)fg 2/6 .30 TEXAS RANGERS(Jackson Cole novelette in each)49*10... . BRE g 4/- .50 49«H. 50:2,6. 51*4,5,7.8,9,10,11. 52*1...... BRE fg^g 3/- .35 50*10,12. 51*12...... BRE fg 2/6 .30 THRILLING ADVENTURES(General Fiction. One western per issue, as follows*) 35*5 Riders of the Wild Mesas, Nicholson .... fg!5/- |1.8o 35*9 Wire Trouble by Charles D. Richardson. ..i ...... fg 15/L 81.80 36*5 Blizzard Bound by C.D.Richardson...... fg ijyL |1.80 36*12 Ridin* Through novelette by J.Allan Dunn...... fg 40/- 84.80 37*11 Killer Cure novelette by Larry A Harris...... fg 12/6 81.50 37*12 Colt Payment by Joe Archibald...... 15/L fl.80 38*1 Heritage of Hate novelette by Victor Kauftaan. . . . . g IT/- 12.00 38*9 Say It With Six Guns novelette by Syl Mac Do wall . . .fgl5/- 81.80 38*10 Gun Lords of Lincoln Novelette by Larry A. Harris . .fg 15/- 81.80 39*4 Killer Marshall by William Corcoran...... g 20/- 82.40 39*6 Renegade Payoff novelette by Ed Earl Repp...... st,g 20Z- 82.40 THRILLING RANCH STORIES 36*3. Three novelettes,5 shorts . . fgl5/- |1.8o 49*10 Harold Cruickshank novellette, 5 others ..... BRE g 3/. .35 50*1 two novelettes, Jackson Cole short, 3 others. . . BRE g 3/- .35 50*2 Cruickshank novelette, Cole short, 4 others . . . BRE fg 2/- .25 50*10 Cruickshank short, 5 others...... BRE fg 2/- .25 51*4 four novelettes, 1 short...... BRE fg 2A .25 51*6 ft)ee ftocklynne, Jackson Cole...... BRE g 2/6 .30 51*8,10,12. 52*2,4* Two novelettes, shorts in each. . .BRE g 2/6 .30 THRILLING WESTERN 49* Autumn. L.Ron Hubbard, Rbt J. Hogan BRE g 8/6 81.00 49* Winter. Jackson Oole short, 6 others...... BRE g 3/- .35 50*9 three novelettes, Tuttle short ...... BRE g 3/- .35 50*11. L.Ran Hubbard novelette, fbur others...... BRE g 8/6 $1.00 51*1 three novelettes, two shorts...... BRE g 2/6 .30 51*3 Tuttle novelette, three others...... BRE fg 2/- .25 51*5 Cruickshank novelette, three others...... BRE g 2/6 .30 51*9 Rabert J. Hogan short, five others...... BRE f 1/6 .18 52*1. Jackson Cole short, four others...... BRE fg 2/— .25 52»3« two novelettes, four shorts...... BRE'fg 2/- .25 TOP WESTERN 1(1950)Complete Long Navel,Wild Horse Range BRE g 3 A .35 TRIPLE WESTERN 2(1949) Three novelettes ...... BRE fg 2/5 .30 3 STAR WESTERN undated.unnumbered. Seven stories.British. f 2/8 .30 18 WESTERN PVL'-ZfpV

WBST -"-<4 W.C.Tuttle, two other a...... BRB f g 4/- .50 49’9. A-j?.t Coburn, two others...... BRB fg b/- *50 49:lt Five stories...... BRB g $/- *50 49J11 Tuttle, Phelps, two others...... BRB fg 3/- »35 50t 3 Three stories...... BRB g 3A .35 5014 Frank Gruber, four others...... BRB g 3A *35 50:$ Tuttle, three others...... BRB fg i/- .35 50:6 Wlllian Colt MacDonald, Walt Coburn...... BRB fg .35 WESTERN ACTIOS 49»5 Return to Powder Vail ey( Field) . . . .fg 10/- $1.20 WESTERN TDVEL & SHORT STORIES 39» 3. Ed Earl Repp...... fg 15/L |1.80 WESTERN ROMANCES 37:4. Three novelettes, 4 shorts. . . ,. .fg 10A $1.20 WEgfERN STORY( Street & gnith)16 July 30. Novel, four shorts and Pt 4 of L.Ron Hubbard’s Hot Lead Payoff...... fg 17/- 12.00 23 July 30. The Sidewinder Strikes novel by Walt Ooburn. .fg 17/- $2.00 49’5,6,9* Walt Coburn novelettes in each...... BRB g j>A .60 49’11 four novelettes, 1 short...... BRE fg 3A *35 50:1,2. Walt Coburn novelettes in each...... BRE g 5A 50:9,11. 51’3* Coburn novelette in each...... BRE fg 4/* .50 51:7,9* Coburn novelette in each...... BRB g 4/- *50 51’11. four novellettes, 2 shorts...... BRE g ?>/- .35 52x1. Coburn novelette, four others...... BRE fg 3/- >35 WESTERN TALES 2(1950 ) 3 novelettes, 3 shorts ...... BRE g 2/6 *30 374,^(1950? two novelettes, 3 shorts in each...... BRE fg 2A *25 ZED MONTANA1 S WESTERN l(undated)! novel, 3 shorts. . .BRE fg 2/6 .30 2(undat ed)Mul fo rd Hop along Cassidy novel, 2 shorts . .BRE fg 4/- *50 144 WESTERN unnumbered(1941 stories)Red Hoods Ride The Law by Harry Olmstead. Robert Moore Willigns short. .BRE g 4/- .50 unnumbered(195O)Bullets Buy A Boom Tonn(Trimnell).BRB( AP) fg 2/6 .30 10 SHORT NOVELS MAGAZINE 38:10. General fiction. One Western story, Cliff Howe's Mystery Range...... fg 20 A $2.40 10 STORY WESTERN 3(1950)4 novelettes, 7 shorts...... fg 2/- .25 ARGO SY (the famous American general fiction pulp. Some western stories, as follows:) 3 Dec 1927 Mysterious Captivity by George M. Johnson . . .fg 20A $2.40 10 Dec 1927 And Not a Shot Was Fired by Eric Howard worn cover, otherwise fg 20A $2.40 31 March 1920 War of Nester1 3 Draw by Eric Howard cover slightly inkstained,g 20A $2.40 14 April 1928 Notched Guns by Janes Perley Hughes. . . . . f I2/6 $1.50 13 Oct 1928 Waives of the Range by C.C. Waddell (Part 1) irikstained - fg 20 A $2.40 20 Oct 1926 Wolves of the Range(pt 2)inkstained, otherwise g 20A $2.40 27 Oct 1928 Wolves o f the Range(pt 3) ink st ained fg 20 A $ 2.40 17 Nov 1928 The Raider by Charles Alden Seltaer(Pt 1) ink st ained fg 20A $2.40 24 N»v 1926 The Raider(pt 2)...... inkstained f 12/5 $1.50 30 March 1929 Saga o_f Sil ver Bend(Pt 3)by J.B.Grinstead No spine f 12/6 $1.50 WESTERN(BRITISH)PAPERBACKS: THE SUNT OF BLUE CANYON by Thorton Hill fair only 1/- or 12/ COUGAR RIVER RANGE by Wade Hamilton fg 2/- or 25/ Detective and Crime pulp magazines

BLACK MAS. 40*3. Frank Gruber, Roger Torrey,4 more. . .BRB,f 8/6 11.00 DETECTIVE FICTION WEEKLY 13 Aug 38. Gruber, Richard Sale, Anthony Aimstrong...... f 12/5 *1.50 DETECTIVE STOHY( Street & Snith) 8 R>v 30. novelette, 5 shorts. Tear on title page.. . .st,fgl5/- SI.80 40*3 Death Listens In by Arthur Leo Zagat...... BRB,fg 8/6 SI.00 DOUBLE DETECTIVE 38:3 Wbol rich,Torrey,Sale, Ernst...... fg 15/- SI .80 FIVE NOVELS MONTHLY (Gen er al fiction. One crime stoiy per issue, as foliovst)■ ” 35*9 Murder on the Shot hy Fbrbes Parkhill. . . .g 15/- SI.80 35»H Death Comes to Dinner by Beulah Poynter...... •g 15/- SI .80 3617 Murder at Wblfjaw House by Reg Dinsnore...... • g 15/- 51.80 37*6 Bnbezzler Meets Death by Paul Ernst...... •g 20/- 82.40 37*10 Death Takes, the Th eel by Gabriel Galt...... nc, fg 8/6 SI .00 38:1 Murder on Parade by J.Murray Reynolds...... fg 12/6 SI.50 38:2 Ferryboat Murder by. ttzMngkatkkzfiiKktGabriel Galt . fg 12/5 SI.50 313:10 Bo at house Murders by Reg Dinsmore...... fg 15A 51.80 PRIVATE DETECTIVE 38: 2 League of Bald Men by Rbt A Catron. fg 12/5 SI.50 39: 3 Vacation With Murder by Roger Torrey...... fg 12/6 SI.50 ROMANTIC DETECTIVE 38:10 Fanily Affair by Roger Torrey. . . Slightly chewed cover . . . fg 10/6 81.25 SHADOW 1 April 1934* The Cobra. Slightly torn cover ... fg_ 30A *3.60' 15 March 1939* Title page stuck down to inside slightly ragged front coverst,f. 17/- 8 2.00 THRILLING DETECTIVE 34:11 The Hooded Killer by Paul Ernst, fg 20/­ 8 2.40 10 SHORT NOVELS HA1AZIKE 38:10 General fiction. Includes Hell Tracks o f the Dragon by J ack Archer...... fg 20/- 8 2.40 PAMOUS DETECTIVE STORIES 49:12. True Detective. Australian fg 4/- .50


Edgar Lee T/asters: THE SPOON RIVER ANTHOLOGY, complete in any edition. Wilson Tucker: THE CHINESE DOLLL, THE DOVE, in any edition. F.Werthan: SEDUCTION OP THE INNOCENT. J. Peiffer: THE GREAT COMIC BOOK HEROES. Rider H=rpai*d: SHE in .American Aimed Ebrces edition only. Any comic took version of SHE. AMAZI'C August 1928, February 1934. GOLDEN BOOK MAGAZINE July, August, September 19 35. Any hb editions of book3 cy Charles Addams, A.J.Allan. Any Ibstalgia Bock Club editions. Shining Trumpets by Rudi Blesh. Any Buddy Bolden records... .especially cylindrical LP's! American and British sf pulps, comic books, Sunday suppl anents, Fearn and f.urroughs material, American Astounding^, older pb'3,hardbacks,etc.

20 Gensrrl Puup Magazines.

ARGO ST ALL-STORY WEEKLY lo Sept 1927. Lake of Fire by Kenneth Perkins, Desert Justice by Eric Howard...... fg 20/- $2.40 15 Oct ZJ. For $50,000 by Brio Howard, Return of George Washingto n(Pt l)by Geo.F.Wbrta. Cover slightly inkstained, otherwise . . . g &/- $2.40 29 Oct 27 Conrad the Saxon by Joseph Ivers Lawrence(pt 1), Return of Gaorge Washington(Pt 3).Slightly worn • g $2.40 5 Nov 27. Conrad Pt 2, George 'Yashi ngton Pt 4...... •fg 20/­ $2.40 12 Nov 27. ______Co nr-a 1 Pt 3, Geo. Washingto n Pt5...... •fg 20/­ $2.40 3 Dec 27. Mysterious______Captivitywestern novelette. . . . • fg 20/- $2.40 10 Dec 2?.- Drums- 0f* the Leopardmen by Stuart Campbell. worn cover. . . .fg 20/- $2.40 31 Mar 20. Eric Howard western novelette. Cover slightly inkstained, otherwise 8 2.40 14 28. Man From the Rio Grande by Arthur Evan Man iron tne roio Grande by Arthur Evan Jraes. . . f 12/6 81.50 13 Oct 26. Brand New ‘Morid by Ray Cummings(Pt 4).Inkst ained, fg 20/- $2.40 Oct 48. Rain Marie by Erle Rain Marie by Erie Stanley Gardner.Inkstained,oth g 82.40 Oct -3. r___ ~ - ~ ______When Trails Were New by Talbot Mundy Pt 1. Inkst.fg $2.40 10 28. .2122When 1222Trail— s *Were •■ew(pt Li 3). Bare Hands by Erie Stanley Gardner...... $2.40 17 Nov 28, When Trail s Were L'ew(pt 4). Inkstained...... fg 8 2.40 24 Nov 28, When Trails Were L'ew(Pt 5). Inkstained...... f 12/6 $1.50 30 Mar 29 The Sea 71 rl by Ray Cu:amings(pt 5). No spine. . . f 12/6 81.50 19 Mar 32. Tarzan * The City of Gold(pt 2)by E.R.B...... fg 8 3.60 8 J an 33. ______Carson o f Menu s( Ft 1) by E.R.B...... 20 $2.40 29 Oct 38. Ship o f I sht r * :y A.Herritt(Pt 1)...... fg 10/- $1.20 5 N» v 38. Hurray Leir.ste s King of Hal stead Street, complete, ~ -P of Ishtar (pt 2)..g 20 /­ $2.40 12 38. Ship 0 f lshtar(Pt 3)...... 1 2/6 $1.50 19 Nov 1B, 26 Nov 38, 3 Dec 33 Ship of Ishtarfp art in each), g 12/6 $1.50 3 Dec 33. Flying Colours by C.S.Fbresti’rfpt 1)...... fg'10/6 $1.25 pE Feb 39* jo n >top to M ars by Jack Willi an son, complete. • . fg 15/. $1.80 BLUE BOOK 32;Q parts of Tarzan k The Leopard Men by ERB and Col lide by Balmer & '.tylie. Cbver wornfg 30/- $3.60 37»1 R.G.Kirk' s Beel r?bub, Ships k Men by H.Bedford Jones, illustrated by Alex Raymond...... An /„ $4.80 BREEZY STORIES 30«1 2 Erl c Ho ward* s Holiday ...... fc 05 / COMPLETE AD\T.’T1!RE NCV"LETTES( Clayton). Sea.,iungl e, etc* ' *" _ “ , 7 f 3.00 fg 25/- (32x81) .COMPLETE ST0RIE3( Street k Snith) 30:10( 2) . The Baron Flies by Arthur J. Purks. ~ ~ ------Rbt Carse, Bernard Breslauer . . •fg 25/- $3.00 DIME SPORTS 35:11. ; How Good Is Joe Louis? plus 6 stories .fg 10/6 FIVE JOVELS KOfTHLY $1.25 35*9- Lost Wire by J. Murray Reynolds...... $1.80 35«H • Hodges, Bruner, Poynter, Reynolds, Carhart. . * g 15£ g $1.80 36t7. Njy, Dinsnore, Scruggs, Grady, Reynolds ..... U/- g $1.80 37«6. Scruggs, Saxon, Ross, Ernst, L. Ron Hubbard . . g $2.40 37x10. Galt, Scruggs, rb star, Brown, Reyralds...... v/u nctfg 8/5 $1.00 38x1. ■s.1Prd Pl.^y a* .Dawn by Victor Rousseau, Reynolds . . . fg 12/6 $1.50 (continued)

2/ GENERAL PULPS(2) FIVE IDVELS M0NTHLY( co nt imied) 3812 Rousseau, Phelps, Boes, Scruggs, Galt...... fg 12/5 >1-50 jBilO. Lieutenant Takes the Air by L Ron Hubbard...... fg 15/- >1*80 JUNGLE STORIES( Fiction Hou bo)47:Fall. Novel, 3 novelettes, 1 short. Piece missing from worn cover...... st,fg 20 A >2.40 KNOCKOUT 37t9« Novel and four shorts...... fg 10/6 >1.25 LOVE ROM ANCES( Fiet ion House) 38* Sumer. 4 novelettes, short s.fg 12/6 >1.50 MYSTERY ADVENTURES 35 i 3. First issue. Bedford Rohmer's . ’ W> Fan...... g 30A >3.60 35«9. Bedford Rohmer's Wt> Fan...... 25/- 83.00 35ilO. Murder Islands, novel by Will Hefner...... fg 20A >2.40 36t2. Island of Fear by Richard RaceWallace ...... fg 20A >2.40 3617. Bedford Rohmer's Wo Fan...... fg 25/- 83.00 36x11. Anderson’s Domino Lady...... fg 25 A 8 3»OO 37:1. 2 novelettes, plus shorts...... fg.20A 82.40 SAUCY ROMANTIC ADVENTURES. 3616. Cloak and sword novelette, ' western, general adventure, Anderson's Domino Lady. . .fg 25/- 8 3.00 SKY RAIDERS 43:10. Novel and five shorts...... st,fg 25/- 8 3.00 THRILLING ADVENTURES 32:3 Third issue. Arthur J. Burke. . .fg 20A 8 2.40 35:5 Scourge of India by Janes Duncan, Arthur J. Bulks, three page Bob McKay sf , Ace Jordan. • . .fg 15A 81.00 35:9 Blaze of dory by N.A.Daniels, plus Ace Jordan . . . .fgl5A 81.80 36:5 Breslauer, Burks, Carl Jacobi, Ace Jordan...... fg 15A 81.80 36:12. Son of the Bhite Wolf by Robert E. Howard, J. All an Dunn, , Ace Jordan...... fg 40A 84.80 37:11. Devil' a Kinsmen by Harold P. Cruickshank, Jungle Feud by Bernard Breslauer, Ace Jordan. Slight tear on two . pages. Stories intact and complete...... fg 12/6 81.50 37:12. Burke, Cruickshank, Ace Jordan. Slight.tears on covergl5A 81.80

38:7. Jackson Cole, Cruickshank,Ace Jordan, Schomburg. . .fg 15A 81.80 38:9. Cruickshank* s Fangs of 01 de, Ace Jordan. . . .. • . .fg 15A 81.80 38:10. Harris, Cole,’ Cummings, Reynolds, Ace Jordan . . . .fgl?A >2.00 39:4 Hugh B Cave, Otis A Kline,Cruickshank, Ace Jordan. . g 20A 82.40 39:6 Ed Earl Repp, Jackson Cole, Ace Jordan ...... st,g 20/- 82.40 TOP NDTCH( Street & Soith) 3D:10( 2) General adventure . . . . g 25/- 8 3.00 MJ FANG 35:12. Third issue. Case of the Suicide Tomb. . . . g 80A 89»60 "5?: 3. Case of the Hidden Scourge by Rbt. J. Hogan...... fg 70A 88.40 YOUNG'S - SNAPPY STORIES 33:^ ...... f-fg 20/- 8 2.40 10 SHORT NOVELS MACAZINE( Ace) 38:10 Adventure, detective, western, mystery, eerie, eport, etc...... fg 20A >2.40

22 BRITISH PAPERBACKS A . s. , . , . . . \ 7

Apis,Kingsley & Conquest, Robert. SPECTRUM 3...... fg 2/6 .33. SPECTRUM IV...... fg 3A •35 Asimov, Isaac. FOUNDATION & fflPIRE...... fg 2/6 • 30 Asquith,Lady Cynthia. THE THIRD GHOST BOOK(Great Pan). . . g 2Z- .25 Ballard, J.G. THE DROWNED '.©RLD( Penguin)...... fg 2/­ .25 Bloch, Robert. THE HOUSE OF THE HATCHET( Tandem) shorts, .fg 2/6 • 30 Budrys, Algis. WHO?(Penguin)...... fg 2/5 .30 Cameron, Berl. DESTINATION ALPHA( Curtis ,1952) • f 2/6 .30 Car nell, John. NEW WRITINGS IN S.F. 14(anthology)...... fg .25 Clarke, Arthur C. THE SANDS OP MARS(1964 Pan,1951 story).fg 2/5 .30 Clement,Hal. CYCLE OF FI RE( Corgi)...... fg 2/6 .30 Coop er, Susan. M A.NDRAKE(Penguin)...... fg 2/6 .30 Crispin,Edmund. BEST S.F. STORIES 3(Paber anthology,1962)fg 4A •50 De Camp, L.Sprague. ROGUE QUEEN(Pinnacl e)...... fg • 25 A PLANE? CALLED K RISE NA( Comp act)...... f ?/- .25 Derleth, August. WHO K1DCKS?( anthology, 1965 Panther) . . g 2/6 • 30 Dick, Philip K. A HANDFUL OF DARKNESS( anthology) . . . .. f 2/­ .25 Grey,Charies(Tubb). I FIGHT FOR MARS( 1953 Milestone) . . .fo 2/6 .30 Harrison,Harry. MAKE ROOM, MAKE ROOM(Penguin)...... f 2/6 • 30 Harrison & Al diss, Brian. YEAR'S BEST SF 2( anthology). . .fg 3/- •35 Heinlein, Robert A. DOUBLE STAR(Panther)...... fg 2/7 •25 THE MAN WHO SOLD THE MOON(Pan, 1955) . . . . f .25 REVOLT IN 2100(Pan)...... g •35 FARMER IN THE SXY(Pan) ...... f 2/- .25 Hu nt, Gill. VEGA( Curtis Warren space opera, c. 1950) • . . f .25 Mac Donald, John D. PLANET OF THE DREAM ERS( Viking)...... fg .35 Maine, Charles Eric. B.E. a.S.T...... f 2/6 .30 COUNT DO WN( Corgi)...... vg 3/­ .35 Margulies, Leo. 3 FROM OUT THERR( Asimov,Knight,Hamilton) .fg 2/6 • 30 Merril,Judith. BEST OP SCI-FI 2(anthology, 390 pages). . .fo 2/5 .30 Mills, Robert P. BEST FROM FANTASY & SCIENCE FICTION . . .fg 2/6 .30 BEST FROM F&SF Ml/. BER 11...... fg 2/5 • 30 Moorcock, Michael. THE FI RECLO WN( Compact)...... fo 2,7 .30 THE TWILIGHT MAN(Compact)...... f 2/7 .30 Mull er, John E. ORBIT ONE( Badger sf 69)...... fg 1/6 .18 Pohl, Frederik. THE SEVENTH GALAXY READER( antho logy) . . .fg .35 STAR FOUNTEEN(anthology)...... fg .35 Sarban. THE DOLL MAKER(1962 Consul)...... fg 2/- .25 Schulz,Charles M. FUN WITH PEANUTS...... fg 2A •25 Sheckley, Robert. SHARDS OF SPACE(Corgi)...... f 2/­ •25 Shel do n, Roy(Tubb). TH5* MENACING SLEEP. . .1952 Panther . f 2/6 .30 Simak, Clifford. ALL FLESH IS GRASS(Pan)...... fg 3A •35 Stapledon, Olaf. LAST & FIRST MEN...... 25 Sutton, Jeff. APOLLO AT QO(Mayflower)...... g .25 Thom eon, Christine Campbell. STILL NOT AT NIGHT(196 2) • . .fg • 25 Tubb, E.C. TEN FROM TOMORROW(A Sphere anthology) Autographed 4A • 50 Van Vogt, A.E. THE MIND CAGE(I960 Panther)...... fg 2/- •25 WAR AGAINST THE RULL(1962 Panther). . . .fg 2/7 .25 Wright,Lan. WHO SPEAKS OF CONQUEST( Digit)...... */- .25 THE CREEPING SHROUD( Compact)...... 2/6 .30 Baxter,John. PACIFIC BOOK OF AUSTRALIAN SF(1968 anthology) f M- •50 BATMAN. Best of the original Batman. 4 Square lb.1688. . . f 2/‘ .25 23 SETBACK* S EUROPEAN FANT AST TRADER number 96, October 1970. Bon Bennett, 110 Green Paric, Vieux Chemin de Binche, 7000 Hone,Belgium.

SKYRACK NEWS SIIPPETSi Foriy Ackennan recently in Belgium, stopping over after the successful Heidelberg WbrldCon to look up members of the nowly-fomed Antwerp SF Club. Grand Old Man of Belgian fandom(Good grief*. What a title'.), Jan Jansen, editor of Europe's first non-English EngLish-language fanzine Alpha and of Scyrack* a forerunner, Contact, was there to renew the long-standing friendship::xPalais des Beau«-Arts in Brussels is devoting October to a three-films-a-day sf festival with a wealth of titles from several different countries. Many^thanks, Georges Coune, for the programme and the very kind invitation.


SCIENCE FICTION ADVENTURES( Nova) No 12(1959) Whiteford, Bulmer novelettes, Sil verb erg, wri git g 4/- .50 13(1960) Reed, James White novelettes...... g 5/- »60 fc 26(1962) Sherwood, Brunner novelettes, P.F.Wbods .... g 4/- *50 ?b 27(1962). Brunner novelette, Wbods, Harrison, Hall, Rome, g 4/- .50 No 26(1962) Sherwood, Webb, Bounds...... 4/« »50 lb 30(1962) Rackham novelette, Burns, Green, Denbigh. ... g 4/- .50

SKYRACK* S EUROPEAN fantasy trader R.M.Bennett, British School, SHAPE, B.F.P.O.26

