Page 2 of 3 From: Gruber, Nancy Sentr Friday, November 02,2007 2:44 PM To: Moran, Janet Subject: FW: HSMF Spreadsheet Janet, just a heads up. 2 more checks for the Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund. See note below from Pafti in Legal Counsel. lt looks like either Patti or Kathy will pick them up on Monday morning. Thanks, Nancy Gruber Manager of Accounting Services VT Controller's Office 201 Southgate Center Blacksburg, Ya 24060 (540)-231-8554 nancv. qruber@vt. e! u ---Original Message---- From: Smith, Patricia Sent: Friday, November 02,2007 2:39 PM Tor Gruber, Nancy Subject: RE: HSMF Spreadsheet Kathy or me. I will call to make sure they are ready and bring identification. Thanks. Pofricio A. Smith (Potti) Office of Univensity Legol Counsel 327 Burruss Holl (0121) Blocksburg, VA ?406t 540-23r-5128 54o-23t-6474 (fax)
[email protected] From: Gruber, Nancy Sent: Friday, November 02,2007 2:38 PM To: Smith, Patricia Subject: RE: HSMF Spreadsheet Thanks! Who will pick up the checks on Monday? Kathy? Nancy Gruber Manager of Accounting Services VT Controller's Otfice 201 Southgate Center Blacksburg, Va 24060 (540)-231-8554 nanqy.gtlrber@vt edu ---Original Message----- From: Smith, Patricia Sent: Friday, November 02,2007 2:33 PM To: Gruber, Nanry 11t5t2007 Page 3 of3 Subject: HSMF Spreadsheet Sorry, Nancy. Potricio A. Smith (Patti) Office of Universify Legal Counsel 327 Burruss Holl (0121) Blocksburg, VA 24061 540-23t-5128 54a-4r6474 (fox)
[email protected] tr r1t5t2007 Page 1of3 From3 Flinchum, Wendell fo: Mccoy, t€nwmd Gc: Subrcct: RE: Info for Col Massengill Attachments: Idon,tknowhowtheSRoknewbutIdidnotsendanoticetothecountyschoo|System.