The Impact of Social Workers in Schools: a Preliminary Investigation Using Linked Administrative Data
The impact of Social Workers in Schools: A preliminary investigation using linked administrative data Working paper February 2017 Authors Nan Jiang, Department of Economics, Auckland University of Technology Tim Maloney, Department of Economics, Auckland University of Technology Anita Staneva, Department of Economics, Auckland University of Technology Moira Wilson, Ministry of Social Development Rhema Vaithianathan, Department of Economics, Auckland University of Technology and Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Research on the Economics of Ageing, Singapore Management University Please send correspondence to: Acknowledgements The research was supported by funding from the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and in-kind contributions from Auckland University of Technology (AUT) and MSD. The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance and advice provided by the many people who helped at different stages of the project. Officials from the Ministries of Education, Health and Social Development, the Departments of Corrections and Internal Affairs, and Statistics New Zealand provided assistance with data supply and interpretation, secure data housing and access and programme expertise, and together with Te Puni Kōkiri and the Community Investment NGO Advisory Group, participated in discussions on interpretation of results. Particular thanks are due to Associate Professor Tue Gørgens, Research School of Economics, ANU College of Business and Economics and Dr Dean Hyslop, Senior Fellow, Motu Economic & Public Policy Research for statistical advice. Support provided by Rissa Ota (MSD) and Sarah Tumen (Treasury) is gratefully acknowledged. Disclaimer Access to the data used in this study was provided by Statistics New Zealand under conditions designed to give effect to the security and confidentiality provisions of the Statistics Act 1975.
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