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LSi'-' Avcffigt Dsily QlOllstiM Fbr Sm UmOt sf May. IMl 6,764

ManehBUer-^A f i t y o f VlDag* Charm (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, JUNE 28. 1941 AdvertMag da fage *•) VOL. LX„ NO. 225 ^ ^ ^

^ ^

ons Drive Ahead 'on Sehedule’;


^ ^

Army Moves Vast


^ Ho*tilitie* on Rn**o*German Front Jap Premier ‘Successful’ in First

Attack on Russia Aiid Emperor

Called Treachery Confer Today Action Against Reds;

Not Disclosed Whether

By tJnited States Current International Situation Is Among Battle to Standstill

Rallying o f Forces Op* Subjects Discussed. Soil Erosion Specific Detail* of posing Hitlerism Is Ten* o f Thou*and* Tokyo, June 28—fJO —^Premier Books Aiding man Progre** in ^ Seen Redounding to Peril Called 1 Prince Fumlmaro Konoye con­ More Called to Arm* to flict Omitted ferred today with Emperor Hlro- Fight Eratwhile Part* JJS: Benefit of Ajnerican hlto hut It ores not dlscloeed Im- Men in Jobs ^ ^ B ea ten N ow medistely whether the cussent In­ Communique; Ap Defense and Seenrity ner; Admit Naai Pene­ ternational situation was among ently in Keeping In Welles’ Suiement. the subjects discussed. tration* of Six to 10 On D efen se Indications were that Jiqianeae Cu*tomary Silence May *Be Future Duet government leaders and mlUtery Miles into Lithnania Washington, June 28.— (IP) Bowls in Nation, But heads were discussing the situa­ And Poland; Germans Workers *Besieging* Li Opening Pha*ea __ The United States con­ tion In small groups preparatory ^ Blitzkrieg; Ship* S demned Germany’s “treacher­ Menace o f Losing Vital to a regular cabinet session to­ ^Repulsed Elsewhere. braries for Volunies on morrow. ous attack” on Russia today Areas is Whipped* A apedsl Uslaon conference be­ TechmtNd Subjects; Bnlletlol Safe! Moscow, June 28.—(ff)— and declared that “any raUy- tween the cabinet and high com- Berlin, June 28 ing of the forces opposing numd had been ordered for today Rumanian troops, acUng^as aUlea of Germany, crossed the Prut The Red Army, giving way ResuUs in *Shortage\ Durtuun, N. H., June $8.—(JTi— river and occupied Bdgrad (1) In the former Rumania provtaw Russian anbnuurine Hitlerism” would redound to but was postponed and now may Bessarabia, In what appeared to be the first advance of land troops on I slowly to vv the first Nsxl on­ tm—Tua»nam The United States has caught up be deferred inde&nltely because of the Black Sea was ^ the benefit of American de­ the first day of the new Russo-German war. Nasi sir raids rented yush,rush, mmoved ov^ vast masses of Boston, June ^th its soil erosion. There may the regular cabinet meeting. hard hit fai an attadi by ^ fense and security. The state­ TIoltet Sales Sospsoded in 200 casualtlos at Sevastopol (2), Rumlsn BUck 8^ na^ bw, ^ the workers, parUculsriy in the sir- be future dust bowls, but the men- n bombers y ^ ment made by Sumner Welles, » of losing vital agricultural The RaUwsy Ministry announc­ DNB, official Gcnaaa Mnglng undersecretary of state, after areas Is whipped. * , ed suspension of the sale of pas­ mnva trt Ibrariss fot books OH technical sub- This was the message deUvered senger tickets for Russia or Eki- on East Prussia. thousands more to dtrec- agency, aaid today, he had confefred with Presi­ today to The American Aaaociation rope via Vladivostok and Man- ag*lo8t Soviet Ruaaia a erat- ^he Library Associatiott of that oil stores were act dent Roosevelt left open the for the Advancement of Science as chuU. while pact-partner. The Army the work P ro j^ AdnUnistration,

question of whether lease- Japan, outwardly calm, waa con­ high command declared In its' declared ^ today. (Continoed Oa Page Bight) sidering carefully the outbreak of He said that the demand had re- Berlin,'^ June 28 lend aid would be given to So­ war between Germany mid Italy British Fliers Destroy flrat communique since the Adolf Hitter’s mighty viet Russia. , and Soviet Ruaaia, with which riie Sunday dawn attack on a (Oeattaiiied Os Fage Ihree) have driven ahead WxUea xald no communicxUon had a pact of friendship, and it I front from the Baltic to the had been received from the Soviet seemed evident that no Immediate hie and succeaafolly” in government ae yet and ren a ^ ^ L Hope Parleys move was expected of Japan by Balkana that the Germans flrat lunges against M ore German Fighters ly the queatlon had not ben decldeo her Axis partners. were fought to a atandatlU up Finland Plans Russia along the 2/ by the American government. Prince Konoye first postponed a _------9 , ------— ------to Sunday noon, but by night­ ,Wffl Settle scheduled meeting of Japan’s cab­ ong battle, line of B«KMevett Bae Authority fall they had made some pene­ new eastern front, the He aaid. inet and military leadenMhhUs hf. [ Seven - Victim*. Today ItoomvhK TtWauOWmSni^r the talked for rix hours with Foreign Britain Back^ trations of six to 10 mile*— No War Move command declared lease-lend act to fuznirii aid to any Ship Strike Minister Msteuoka. Mst- 0riiig Total for Last principally-into Lithuania and S|pMiflc. detaila o f country reatetlng agrmrimi. • s suoka bad beien In confersnee the Section of Pohmd, now a with German Ambassador MaJ. Three Day* to CA; Pledge of Aid Against Reds ingress to the conflict pi The formal declaration of pA,by piart o f the U. S. S. R. Else- n a d by WeUea at a large Navy Officials Expect Gen. Eugsn Ott for an hour, ob­ Naval Ba*e Pounded. wo of the world’s largest conference declared the Immediate viously about the Russian-German tary machines to one of ^

laaue befon the American people Conferences WUl Pave conflict. the Nazis were repulsed. |wm Maintain Neutrality nret meantojgful sEfugiflSS^ To MalntelB OauUoue PoUcy London, June 28.—(ff)— For Russiansfe'S waa whether Hltler'a plan for uni­ Way to Peace in Ma* The Soviet press published a de- listory were omitted f imn “ versal conquest waa to be aucceae- Observers said the Japanese In­ Making an offensive sweep .taUed account of Prlnw Minister As Long as Possible fuUy halted and defeated. tention apparently was to main­ Churchill’s speech promising all communique, however. “ chi^sts Dispute. tain a cautious policy of watchful over northern France for the Reporl* of Resistance Tn Spite of ir Hitler "In the opinion of this govern­ poaslbls Sid against lha common apparently, was to k ment," WeUea said, "cohsequenUy waiting. — seventh successive day, the Qosely Watched for enemy to the R uaslu people de­ Tniliraring Finn Aid. with the high command’s any defense against Hltlerlra. w y By The Assorted Press The third article of the tripar­ R.A.F. reported the destruc­ fending their native w>lL rallying of the forcea opposing ret- Navy officials In the San Fran- tite pact specifically uses the word Hint of Strength or tomary ttght-lipped policy "attack^” in-providing that each tion of seven more German No comment has been laeuefi, Helriqkl, June —(dVr-OIBclal icrlnm. from 18 the opening phase* of a b” dsoo bay area hoped conferences signer Is* obUgaxed to aid any other fighter planes today, bringing Weakness of Army. hut the space allotted the speech forcea may spring, wUl hasten the reflects approval of it epokeemen declared today that krieg. eventual downfaU of the pre^t today wVuld pave the way for set- in the event one Is sttac)(^ by a the total for the last three Finland would malhtain neutrality power not then at war. Slhce Oer- Prinolpal aUes Oat The wap bulletin German leaders and wUl therefore Uement it an 11-ahlpyard strike of days to 64. London,. June 28.—(IF)—Britain aa long as possible in the war be­ German sea operations _ redound to the benedt of our own CIO and AFL machinists which has Moscow, Leningrad and other "Leas opposition wss encoun­ steadfastly cheered today her tween Germany and Ruaaia In Ruaslaas In toe gsteri of defers* and aecurlty. (OoBitlniied Oa Page Bight) principal cities of western Rusais ern and northern Europe. hampered production on $600,000,- tered from German fighters,’’ an prime minister's determination to splte-of Adolf Hitter’s dMdaratton “Hltler’a armlee are today the 000 o f defence wortc”* ' — authoritative statement salA were blacked hut laat night Four Soviet merchant afalpA help Soviet Ruaria fight Germany, Tba Ruielsns clainMd w 0#r« chief dangers of the A rorico. Expressing confidence that the Aooompaaled by Bonben IntiW'.xaiiy she would be an active laterest In Jape’ Foritlra but shied at placing too much re­ man planM downed during raids aUy of the Retch. (Ooartteaed aa Page r s a ) government would not have to use British fighters we^s accompan­ What position Japan would take force to break the deadlock. Ad­ Nazis Assert 1 liance on the Soviet as a potent on Kiev, espltel of the Ukraine; Already bombed by the Soviet In the sharply altei^ world situa­ miral J. W. Oreenslade said yester- ied across by Blenheim bombers. brother in arms. Sevastopol on the Crimean penln- air fleet, war-weekened Finland tion was one subteJt.of consider­ dsy JM hoped the meeting would It was acltoowledged that two Reports of Russia's resiatence manned her aheU-ecarred south­ able Interest, but 'rekyo was slow produce a decision on "what course 9 Ships Sunk R. A. F. fighters wars missing. along the lengthy eastern front (Oentinaed Oa Paga Two) eastern frontier today for a new and action Is Ip be followed. The raid'foUowed up the 12th wars watched closely for a hint of fight which Bbe declared only eetf- iDonttmwd Oa Fhg» »« b ) "AU parties concerned" ^------straight night assault on Ger­ the Red Am y’s strmgtb or weak-. defease. . Flashes I teke part In the discussion, the sd- 37,500 Ton* Victim* many proper. In which bombers JIMS by the press sad pubUc, Soviet bombers were reported by (Laid BaUettas af lbs Iff) m l^ ssld, "BO that each side may pounded the Mg Naval base of grown wary because of one contl- LSyriaii Forces , the______Finns to have struck at their In New Air and Snb* WUhelmahaven and othej targets •/ _ . _ ports and shlpptag yesterday a know preciaely where the other neniri debacle after another. . A after FlzMnd wss swept Hatley Ni Improper Acts 1 aide stands.” In the northwest. Prime Minister CburchlU’s ring­ Bartford. Jaa marine Opo’ation*. Successlvs waves of R. A. F. t^USmilfif /Uie&a into war shew when Adolf Hitter ■ Caned By Maehlalste ing dsolarstioB yesterday that Rebarl A. Barley .. The strike, now In Its seventh I planes crossed the diannel apd «ws shall give whatever help we ^ listedlisted her her as as s a German German sDy aUy sgsinst against E. Klaa, Brei^,iawyar Oaims Denied we^k, was called by the machinists Berlin, June 28—(ff)—^Nlne Brlt- from time to time tbs heavy rum­ the SovlsL can to Russia and the Russian p ^ Deny SovI' yonteatfea to support demands for $1.15 an ieh merchantmen, totalling 87,500 ble of bomba echoed back. pie" and "any man or state wBo British and Firee Frendi n e s s Jndge today. The hour and double overtime pay. tons; were siuik In new air and Finnish spole>Mn danisd em­ T ie British asemed to be at­ fights Naslsm will have our aid" phatically the Soviet contention five re2astod the Italians Informed of 'ntey rejected an offer of $L12 an submarine operations In the Atlan­ tacking targets Intend as well as ware seconded warmly by London Occupy Bmeri'q and Klsa for the same past __— .. hour and pay and a half for over* tic from England’s home waters to that Germany was uslnt Finnish on the coast, with bombing by iMwspapen. Kliiam Fort in Drive. bases for the attack on Russia. e-n1 days of the LegWatM^ American Rules for time, whirii compared with their the African coast, the German large forces carried out on a the House refaeed to j * previous contract of $1 and double high command declared today. WanM Buiy Dtffereaees They denied, too, that say Finnish Isctlvs basis over a wide area. They advocated a-burial of Ideo- forces crossed the new frontier Bomiaatienea the Saal Obtaining Money (tane. OThe submarine Binking of six Some quarters expressed tbs Bnbetto! day. Klaa prevleaaly had Strikers voted 1280 to 174 yes­ agmed merchant vessels totaling logloai diflereaces between Britain Into the Karelian Isthmua, where opinion that the filers wars atrik Mill Communist Rusais for the Vichy, rrsaes. Jobs 2 * ^ the Red Anny smashed Finnish proved by the Dei Rome, June 28.—(JTi—^United terday against accepting a com­ 26,600 tons*in the North and Mid­ pany pfopoaal for ending a strike dle Atlantic aras reported today by lag at Nasi communications in common purpose of crushing Ad­ UP) antlah motorised cel- i defenses to and the war of 1989-40. trolled Seuat4k**“ ’* States Ambassador WlUlaip FhU- northern France. o lf HlUsr. The frootttr. was reported quiet te the SSgSS-a-yesr Ups deUvered to the ItaUah gov- St The Amettesn Potash and Chem­ informed «3ermans. umns which pashed 16# mllM • s rooeee oae, expiring Two Others Oanaged Fighter-eecorted bombers sped "RussU read hAvs bo fSar that across the desert have reached at an eariy hour this morning, but enment today a note In which ical Company, Xrona, Calif. They to the north Finns were making Washington rejected the Italian walked out March 14, demanding Bombers were, credited with seroes the channel Ig mid-after­ we shall weaken In our rsoolve ' the eataUrts sf the bapevtaat ... noon and resounding exploslaas here in Britain because HlUer la charges that UiUted States con- that the wage scale of 67% cents to ri"ki«ig a seventh riilp and damag­ . Freaeh jrerisoa tswa ef Fsl- Bomtie m t Destroyer ing two others. One ship of 6,000 soon were beard by watreers on now spitlteg bis venom at the myra (fitoM r), la ttw heart (Ooatlaasd Oa Page Tw«) 'sular omctela — whom Italy has east,” The News Chronicle de­ CBlro, Egypt, dp® ‘ ! demanded be withdrawn—bad act­ (CoBttBBSi o a Paga Two) tons wss said to have bean sent to the British aouthssst coast Tbs ot the Syrian desert, the the bottom off tbs mouth of the bombers tangled In 'a spirited clared. “Fate has given ourselves Fraaeh reported teiay. Viehy » . X- r . MIddlB I M ed Improperly. Humber river. A ^ p of 4,000 tons force# were aaM te hero come portcl today that a In an attempt to obtainontam reusireUef i (Oeathwsd On Paga B4;kt) the 1 tonre-hsM hMt was reported damaged badly In the (OoaSteaed Oa Paga BIgfet) la ceatact with tlw arttieh Turkey Plans M ha, was hit directly by 1 Doctor Faces same waters sad ons of 6,oOO tons iinlBnaiB as they rroehed the F. buabs ycsterdai^Md sador also informed the Foreign bit off the coast of Scotland. desert eatpest. Freaeh alnaea . Tbs bomber attacks on shipping hn-n— “ the Brittsh aad Neutral Stand Ueved sank, la Ministry , of r^pdationa under which Italians may (Ataln money Court Today were said to have occurred last slowed thair progress Mrtbeni saole at Belrot night The time of the submarine School Boy Learns to Play^, erai^, the Freat" in the United States. sinkings was not spedfled. Some Quarters Have sSro, the . Tn Leave WHMn Week „ j . A .. The Luftwaffe also was said to London, June 28—(g)—British a-n»TH..^n ocoauisr offieiais aie|j[ogg S u m m on ed to An* have attacked northern Scottish WoAM Limit Setaue planning to leave Italy within a I — - — Accordion \ Upside Down and Fro# French columns have oc­ Visions of Greater Na* Wsahtagtea. Sorr ports and airfUlda in England i"' vmek in aeoordanoa with ItaUdn { swer Charge of Slay cupied Bmsri^ and Khlam fort In tion if Nazis Victor*. stltate Isglsl^tre. overnight shooting down one Brit­ preeldeefe anth s ^ te orders for their expulsiao. ing Physician Wife. ish bomber. Frank, who has been studying I the Msrqjayoun sector of Syria, An authorttettve source Chicago, June 28—(SV--. Frank ^ats ia the teW ^ M Balek’s npalde-down sducsttonsl muBlo fo r about a year, doM autauthorttattvM source# hero sn- Ankara, Turkey, June 88.—(FI IteUsn regulatlgos for the with- | wmM has grown to Include upside- bis writtag’^upslde-down, sxcept nounrod today, and British troops —Turkey, a land of peace sur- S o b Es ^ Ouaisrttti draws] of funds of Americans In BaDetint Destruction Omsed down muaie that oontM out right. nunded by war. was pledged to Ite^ had not yet been fixed, but whan ha baa lots of time, It tekesioperatlag around capttirod Da­ Babert P. Patterassh Alexandria R aid Tbs fraU, scholastically minded neutrality tn the German-Soviet fre^w y. T h ^ ^ ^ edd*d the queetion was no Dr. B. dees. Si, pals- |fn him about twice aa long to turn mascus have completed occupa­ longer on a radprocsl basis. Bsrilii, June 28.—(F)—^A strong 14-yesr-old grads school student tion of Messe. , - i Russian oonfllct------j today7 and sdme eotwariDy eataa. —who has such a sharp dsgrsa of out a theme writing right side up visions of a tteammtery or Naval ei Tbs has rsaehsd the la Saga da German bomber formation caused as It does upalds-down. He reads. truer dlapatebes said Ihe Al- quarters here had ■tegs of “sovsreigB decrees" inj I coDslderable destrucUou In a raid Inversion that be writes upside colunuif were' drlvtog steadily _____ * Turkey " If her new-found marhiae ....tre^ ___ down and - heck wards and fw as howsvsr, as easily, th tba narmal Asl friends'should bdcthtifsi, 7IS aaia safi' ts aol eharglag hut mght on the harbor area or ' on aU fronts in Syria, which WUL: ' witepawist, uafw fs ana Britain’s great Mediterranean Na­ bottom to top, has Issrned to ^ay way as be does iqiside down. He MiiUons of resldente of Turkish longer subject to elastic oompro- with the recelTed a mark o f 100 In hU has been given new Importance Ire ani—S- val base St AlexsndrlA. Egypt, the the aeoordloa—not in the conven- her poaitlan on the eouthern flank hloOd Uve In a wide strip acroaa to March t1 ttonsl —but 'tqNHde down. hriei spelling examination. Frank AaU from the Soviet Caucasus to Hie banks are sOU refusing to wife. Dr. : German high command snnouDoed ot the Soviet Ruaslan-Oennan I totey. Both his popular aad clsasioal wants to go to high school and the Chinese waU. It Is this terri­ MariBBte A t J allow ABMridans to make even tbs Uisgs and hopes to earn his Uv- battle front. .2 8 - ( * v ig nnaUsst withdrawals for personal German and Italian planes also tuDM w an described by his teadii* May Prove Tnralag FaM tory on which some Turks had New Y ork .' sr as "fine." Ingpy paying In a band smd attacked BriUab poatttcfis at bs- Frss French fmoes ware said to their ayes. sUgsd Tobruk, Skid thsidaSy war The bespsctaclsd Fnmk plays drawing SuiDPOsing the Germans are vlo- the with his lift hsmL.ths "If 1 eant play In a band rd ,„.,vhave oecutoed------the ancient; ^Sytiaa buUstts. n O oty and Itorloualt w Italians Report Three Rscodtthig raoultf of the fieree hsaa With his righL Ska to be an artist or a dasignar. capital of Damascus Satuimre that the GermAn occimattoa nugni Bath, Me., Jqne 28.-— "To do this he has to turn the aad as a third choiqp sing oa tbsjebssrvsrs hero s ^ ttis eltjrs faU ■too along the mountain range tra- Bombers Shot Down rfll Josp, 84-year-old ^ yaidan. may prove the Oa rate BMM) Instnunent upside down, aad tor radio," be said. Rome. June 28.—(*)—H w I*s»- was sunoBODsd into SotwIot « freidt dnws wril and once the yrngampelgB," Court todre to answer a charged a I m s praetteaQy stendlag baUan, about 50 awsa iMirth o f Isn high command reported RMsy on my bead to ass what waa fataW Art Institute ot Chicago offerre tfOe [aakn, Soviet port on tbs Csaptan three British Blenheim boajbers jnurdarlag Ids wife and pwfrorire- Tressary Bafauice htsi a chance to dtreley som» of Reporte hero ladleated ^ n ^ al partaar. Dr. Luverne Bsrrw on,” ssld Ua isstraetor. Lany major Brttieh push would be to- shot down In the central Orawnson. T o r tbs fii Ms werk to try for a sreatoiMi^. lOB HMhtorraneaa. preaumahly Josi^ 88—a Hsartwg allsgsdly to- WsiriHBfton, June 28—(*)— The The ef the e^ooL - he iward Beirat. ea ~ot ooastal IttioBoI the TreasoiT June 20: or six washs.X had to gi .This would ilkavo aa nro® *® ^ to attack XtalisB Ship-., L iT.Oiilretodsat’* ** poHL thought the: and {Muth, onrefaste MM®.^TurMre R ecasts, .ex.|an my kntti i for I troops wlthdraam from plag. natlbeekwardr to_. too TIWW** 1 Two o f the hoiofberp ware a eattro «t iS/ ' ------a Mib^CHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY, JUNE 23,1941

I* > HaKlnin.-arid WHHarti T. PhilUp#! MAMCHE8TEB BVBJVtNG HERALE^ MANCHBSnSB. CONN. MONDAY, JUNE 28,1941 of New York, chairman of too iL^-S- '• Misa Luettgens Is Engaged to Marry Elks to Gather grand lodge truateea. Archie J. McCuUoufb of Derby, voice dectorcd^*Tn.the fall of IMP' apite tha fact that the treaty of 'Mass Production Now ■ecretory of tbs Stats Association, non-aggression had been signed Garden Expert In New London I sent my minister to Moscow.” Local Stocks Oass to Open announced today that all resolu­ Finland Plans Hope Parleys between the U. S.'S. R. and Ger­ tions to ba presented must be In many and that the Soviet govern­ his hands t-ofore the opening of ey in Move ment moat faithfully abided by all Fnmlated by Piitnam and Oe. Gives Lecture Is Near on Aircraft Lack olPiclMTBB British’Finnish W iU Settle • Oeatral Bow, Hartford State Convention to Be Ute convention. No War Move provtolona o f thto tmaty,” Molotov R ^ stra tion s at Yale President McCarthy, announced Relations Unchanged BSaerted, denying bitterly German Held Next Week-End; Strawberry M Bid Asked ■peed up Ito own training scheme. toe appointment of F. N. Norman- London, Jiiqe 28.—(jei—Relations charges the Soviet leadera had Auto Industry Cutting Friday and Saturday; din of WllUmantic Lodge, sergeant- H i Charity Costs , Ship Strike Aetna Casualty ... 119 124 Kiwanians Hear Inter* It used to be a saying around Expect 300 Delegates. Sunday^s BnsiiM Against Reds between Britain and Finland i;e- broken faith. Chicago that toe packing bouses 6 Weeks .Course. at-arms, Charles N. (JarroU, of i&i unchanged, authoritative ”The entire responsibility for Aetna F ir e ...... 53 55 esting Talk on Flowers Ready to Put to Rest Meriden, aa chaplain, and James Aetna UftA...... 25% 27% used every part of a pig but toe sources said today, becausa .the (Oontinnad From Page One) thto predatory attack upon the ■queaL They do about as weU In New Loudon, June 23— (Special) R. Burton, New Haven lodge, ~ Salas at tte Mandkaato#. (OoatiaiMd from Page Oae) Automobile ...... 34 36 And Layouts. Talk of Shortage in New Haven, June 21— (Special) i £ a t i » « . British government has no con- Soviet union,” he aald, ‘‘falls fully toe Detroit automotive factories —Upwards of 16,000 members of tiler. tlon Market totalsd $5,T22,M and completely upo>L,toe German Coim. G en era l...... 24% —Connecticut’s special, . Intensive It is expected that about three flrmstlon that the Finns actually $1.05 an hour be ratoed to $1 to Hartford Fire ....; 87 Air Equipment. with mechanical power. the Benevolent Protective Order terday when 2,381 1*3 c r a f t y hasty preparations for the fight Fascist rulem----- An interesting and informative Flying Cadet cqurae, to which hundred delegates will attend in am flgbting with the Germans $lJiO, with a closed shop and im­ Hartford Stm. Boll . 50 58 Given Four-Hour “Cold Bon” of Elks from twenty-five lodges In rtrawterrtes were sojd. T b »^ which seemed tnevltablo. proved housing conditions. The “Now that the attack on the One Instance: When an airplane young men will be prepared for addition to several thouaanda of against Soviet Ruaaia. NaUonal Fire ...... 59 61 talk on "Planni^ -and--LajKng By Devon Fraacto IV Relief muUted. itj« All men between the ages of They described Adolf Hitler’s company offer^ a naw acale rang­ Soviet union haa already been com­ Out Your Garden” waa given at engine is completed, it is given a toe educational examinations of Connecticut cities wUl be repre­ members throughout toe state. weather waa too much fo# Mil Zk n * ‘ It to probabto that IS and 5# were ordered Into uni­ Phoenix 85 87 Detroit, J\me 23—(ff)—Tte_.au-? toe Army,Air Ck>rpa, will open at broadcast report that this was so ing from 78 centa to $1.20 and mitted the Soviet government has the weekly noon-di^ meettag of four-hour "cold run’’ with an elec sented at toe TNvelfth Annual Con­ of toe local boys and glffs teW T oo Big* aeMon lh» ®* form or labor battalions. Air-raid Travelers ...... 385 405 Tale next Monday morning. Reg- vention of toe Connecticut State as ’’wishful thinking.” agreed to meet aome of the housing ordered our troops to mputoe this the Kiwmnto C3ub at the Country tomoblle induatry to getting rea<^ trie motor to take toe stlffnees to toe different farma to ptek ~ ______»1U ^ shelters, many of them relics of demsutda, but mjected the closed predatory assault and drive Ger­ Public UtUlUee to turn out bombing planea a ^ istratlona for toe course will be Elks Association, to be held in the recent fighUng in which Fin­ It was notsd that Britain haa Uonn. Lt. and Pow . 39% \ 42% Club today by Mrs. Holly Steven­ out a t It. Then gasoline la fed Into -Sweden Continues ries, which cut down tte mr~ that Mai.che«ter-a firo J e rtU o ? ■hop. man troops from the territory of son of Bloomfield, who la'an out­ aircraft enginea In such quantify It, and It goes through a "hot rurf ’ received Friday and Saturday. New London Lodge, No. 430, Sat- o t berries offered, there bel land loel one-third of her tillable withdrawn the rights of navicerts iSpnn. Pow...... 38 40 This course will be a part of Tha strike made, 1,200 workers our country.” standing authority and expert on aa to put to rest permanently any for an equal lengttt-of time. After \irday, June 28, and Sunday. June ta too totfO »n^ **•; department can be made, territory to the Soviet, were made to Finnish ships but authoritative Hkrtford El. Lt. .. 54% 66% toe sumnier school conducted at Uck of plckera. Idle. He predicted that war with Rus­ planning and landscaping gar­ t«iic of a shortage In air defehte toatiri# tom doiste examined, re­ 29. Neutrality Policy Sold by R. M. Reid A Son o( thoM today equitably y,, present time the annu^ ready again. Windows were board­ quarters aaid that ” to the best of Hartford Gas ...... 26 SO Yale under toe auspices of toe Andrew F. McCarthy, of New Detroit Strike Ended sia would bring Adolf Hitler to his assembled, and ,ppt through an­ 1,236 f-3 crates packed 24 to wcrfve relief to too ,^^rity ^udjpt hovers aw^^^ ed In cities still marked by bomb­ our knowledge,” the Finnish am­ S. N. E. Tel. Co. .. 149 154 dens. State Board of Education. London, president of toe associa­ A two-week strike at The Doug­ doom. Great Oare Needed. *^^«T the stuff atarto roUlng o « other four-hour “hot run." for a high of $4.15, a low of fSJR ings of little more than a year ago. bassador atlll to in Moacow and the “This, he said, ” to not the flrat U nit nium. Shs. .. 97 102 It will be directed by J. E. Neff, tion, announces that hla home Stockholm, June 23.—(JP)— t t e las A Lomaaon Company, which Mra. Stevenson said that a f . the assembly lines, Ito volume to In a batter of 30 test cells for and an average of $Z97. T ^ "No Aggressive lateations Soviet ambassador still ki Helsin­ time that our people have had to Western Mass...... 23 25 an associate professor In New lodge has selected Joseph J. SUvs, new outbreak of war close at hand makes automobile parts In Detroit, beautiful garden must be planned 'i going to aurprtoe the average clti- running in too Pratt A Whitney brought a total of $3,670.25. (HJalmar Procope, Finnish min­ ki. Industrial ■1- Haven State Teachers College. Jr;, as chairman and Everett J. in toe Baltic caused uneaslnesa in InfonnaUon to lay before • ______1______waa ended when a CIO union ac­ deal with an attack of an arrogant xeit, and I’ve an Idea It will sur- radial engines such as those to be ‘171^1,125 cratoe packed 18 ister to Washington, declared yes­ foe. At the time of - Napoleon’s .Acme Wire ...... 19 21 with extreme care and vision and The course will continue through Jenneas, secretary of the commit­ Sweden today but she stuck firmly of Selectmen for that cepted an offer imder which the ' prise official Washington some­ manufactured by Ford, toe process sold for a high of $3.10, A - _ terday 'his country "has absolute- invasion of Russia our people’s Am. ’Hardware .... 20 22 that improvements must be made August 8 and the candidates will tee In charge of toe program and to her long-practiced policy of late attention. attention There National Labor Relations Board constantly to gain perfecUon. She what, too. costs thousands of gallons of gaso­ $1.45 and an average of $lJi;ii Turkey Plans 1\ no aggressive or provocative will conduct a bargaining election reply was to war for the Father- Arrow H A H cm . 35 37 That 600 bombing planea a prepare for toe army educational reception on both days. neutrality. putlchlar claim that too said that flower beds should be line a day. bringing a total o f $2,052.25. intentions” and hopes only to live land and Napole<» auffered defeat Billings A Spencer . 3 4 monti) which the Rooaevelt examinatioiu August 12 and 13. The buslnesa of toe convention The newapaper Aftonbladet de­ msKlndlvidual to belny Wednesday to settle an AFL-CIO laid out by units for the best "Looks like a waste of energy, In New Haven last night in peace. "If we are attacked,” and met his doom. Bristol Brass ...... 43 44 Istrat^ has called for jpoK*, wlU be transacted on Saturday af­ clared that Finland, "providing a ^ ^ t o held by those Neutral Stand jurtodictional dtoputa. effect BO that aomethlng to In ruminated toe engineer* even be­ The Summer School 902 crates of atrawberrtes , he said, '-‘we will defend our- Membem ot CIO’s Steel Workem Colt’s Pat. Fire ... 74 77 a reidi^ by tho early part of 1042. The aummef''school will offer ternoon, when there will be elec­ northern springboard" for the leatlBr tha^altogether too bloom from early spring to lata fore construction of toe new plant sold, the average for a crate W * ; selves.” ) Organlilng Committee at the same Eagle Lock ...... 8 ^ lOH According to my count, Ibe es- instruction In English, Gertnetry, tion of office:* and reports of the Nazi attack on the Soviet, "la ful­ fall. She aaid that the care of began. lower than in Mwicheator. WlfR \ S iiy?^ are »«IP (OoBtinned From ra g s One) The Finnish high command said Bellchainber-Dickenson time turned down at Detroit^ pro­ Estimate Given Fafnir Bearinga . . . 125 135 I tobllahed aircraft companies plus When toey were through scratch­ Algebra, Trigonometry and there committees. filling a great and honorable mis­ lea," It to a garden brings out arttoUc abil­ the weather somewhat cooler to­ ai^ boom Soviet bombers yesterday attack-, Mias Eleanor Dickenson, daugh­ posed contract with The Great Hart and Cooley .. 125 135 the automoUve industry presenUy ing their heads, they hooked up will be some review work Ip Prlaa Wlnnaca sion for which she already haa bled ‘and we still to lay residents, as a peace confem nw ed __ooaaUl______defenses at AMcar fort. ter of Mr, and Mrs. Emil Dicken­ On Russian Forces ity and Insures much pleasure and will be producing not 500 a month and la now accepting fresh aacii- day a large volume is expected id LxKea Steel Corporation despite a Hendey Mach., cm. . 8H 'lOVi dynamos to each of toe test cells Arithmetic. Those are toe live On Saturday afternoon toe near M.OOO per “ *! nlum for Germany’s loyal friend, causing slight .damage, and drop- son, of 35 Bigelow, was married satisfaction. but more likely 700 to 800. fleea.” the market this afternoon. recommendation by m Federal con- London, June 23—(A)—A Reu­ Land’ra Fr A Clk . 20 22 so that, aa toe enginea went counea required by toe Air Corps. awards will be given to toe three . ^.wlSthough this territory does con-l---per bombs-— ^------oni.i. Finnish warahipa In thto morning to J. Carl Betlcham- cilliator and some 8WOC offlclato Plctniee BxhlMted Cqurt to World’a Largest ' Official aourcta aald Sweden waa ters (British news agency) dis­ New 'Brit. M com . 41 43 through their “hot runs" they In addition, the candidate must prize winners In toe State Associa­ There are abopt four times ad, Britain, it w a s Id, with , Nasis themselves covet. Turku harbor on tha southwesV ber, ■ (« of Mr. and Mra. James Mra. Stevenson showed StHl pic­ Moreover, one company alone running no risk of Involvement that It be accepted. patch from Zurich today emoted North and Judd . . . 84 36 would generate electricity. take examliiatlona In any two otlt. tion’s prize essay contest. many feathei* on the bead oan four time# Maacheati Meanwhile, the Ankara govem - am coaat. Bellchamber of 44 H Silver street, The company offered to match tures of lovely gardens In Wash­ here in the Detroit, area to ptocU- Process Seen Wasteful and that Germany had made no re­ the Berlin correapondent of the Peck, Stow A Wll . 6 8 of flve electives, those being: U. 8. Most of the subordinate lodgea neck of a swan than there ara aa spends only about it Oed to both Germany and Middletown. The ceremony wss the highest wage paid anywhere ington and Boston and In Hart­ caUy toole-- up to make enough air­ The automobile Induatry figures History, General History, Chem- quest for the right to move troops Swiss newapaper Neue - Zurieher RuaseU-Mfg. CO ... 16^ 18^ have already awarded caah prizes Ito body. M done Oils town for relief. by non-aggreaslon pacts, performed at 11:30 o'clock by the In the steel Industry, a five day ford County to Illustrate various plane engines to equip close t^lO,- that It’s wasteful to make air­ irtiy. Physics and a modem lan­ acroaa her territory. Zeitung in thto estimate of Soviet ScovUl M fg...... 26 28 to tho winners In local contests. Iter'a rate of expenditure lay proclaimed Its determi- Three Baltic States Rev. William J. Dunn In the rec­ week with pay and a half for over­ points In her talk. She was pre­ 000 fighter planea a year.. These planes aa toey are made now. An guage. The offerings In these sub­ Ruaalan forces on Rushla’s Euro­ Silex CD...... 10 12 The first prize winners In each to be above that of other tory o f St. James’s church. time, vacation bonuses, two to sented with an-orchid In apprecia­ engines will be of 2,000 h orse^ w - average of 30,000 man-houis goes jects will be determined by toe pean frontier: Stanley Works .... 44 46 local contest competed for toe *o( comparable else In many Expected to RecoU Misa Mae Dickenson attended three holidays per year and other er, currency equal to toe worid a ir.tO each plane. Each of toe big, i*questo of enrollees. 118 Infantry Divtoiona. do., pfd...... 28 .... tion of her visit to the club. largeat. Compare that with the en- state award. The three highest In Helalnkl, June 2S (V) — Ail her slater as maid o f honor, and conceaaiona. But workera at the 20 Cavalry divisions. Torrlngton ...... 25 27 The attendance prise, donated four-engine bombers contolrm The Air Corps admits to toe three Baltic atatea which Rusala Jack Bellchamber of Cromwell mass meeting Instructed their ginrt of 1,000 to 1,200 horsepw er 450,000 rivets, most of them Indl- the state competition will be VM K«w Beglatrallsa 40 Armor^ brigades. Veeder - Root ------51H 54>,4 by Charles Burr, was won by wMch are atondard equipment on Flying Cadet courses on physical guests of toe association on Satur­ With Germany was the absorbed last summer are expect­ was beat man Yor hts brother. negotiating committee to inaiat on idually inserted and tapped down. and mental examination. In cases tea bsan suggested that the Stationed In reserve In Euro- New Fork Banka Earle CTlfford. . It included sev­ moat American and European day, and will receive their cash by Foreign Mlhtoter Sukru Sara- ed hem to revolt against the So­ The bride was gowned In white a blanket wage raise, sole bargain­ Some work In substituting apot whei* a young man has had two ^ tefthe making of pean Russia, the dispatch aaid, are: Bank of N. Y. . ...330 350 eral plants. awards. new registration classl- that his ginremment would viet union with the sprosch of the embroidered organdie, fashioned ing righto, an 80 cento an hour 27 Infantry divisiona, flve cav­ 53 welding — which means fusing or more years of college work toe wage minimum compared with the Bankers Trust . . . . 51 It was announced that fifty lo­ ***f^tS tola aounda like an over­ metal together by shootjng electri­ Ladies accompanying the mem­ of all who are getting signBiKBt..w" a new commercial w*-.—------. treaty . with Nasi Armies and declsrstlons------of with fitted midriff, square neck­ alry divisions and one armored Central Hanover .. 96 98 latter examination la waived. A Germany as a follo#-up .to th^. ^ L i t h u a n i a and line. She wore a veil of finger tip present 73, and additional holiday cal boys and girls would be taken dose of laughing gaa, it to te w w city through It—for riveting al­ Miss Bartera Matte Loettgetu bers will be guests of the city of Sticb a re-survey, brigade. CAase . . . 30% 32% to the Klwanto Kiddles Camp on you -begin to feel good alxmt toe candidate to be accepted by toe New London, and will be enter­ non-aggmsslon asreemcnt agreement of June Latvia airBaiivalready have __ beenbeoubroad broad- length which was draped from a and vacation pay. ready haa been done in toe west Air Corps must be 20 years of age will itself Slash the Moscow’s Far Eastern Army Chemical ...... 43 45 Coventry lake on Thursday morn­ ■tatua rt American air defense toe coast plane plants. Detroit has Mr. and Mrs. William Luettgens, of 262 Oak, have announced tained at luncheon and dinner. IS. cast. wreath of orange blossoms, white Ratify Ford Contract was estimated at 28 infantry di­ and not yet 27, and unmarried. A tS per cent Also at Detroit, the rank and a t y ...... 26% 28% ing but it haa not aa yet been minute you arrive In Detroit. gone at that problem with a ven­ toe engagement of their daughter, Barbara Marie, to John CHlnton They will also be taken to the ST'S reUef costs have M eat Allow Flat PaM i^ Baltic political rafugeea aaid lace mltta and carried a bridal visions, eight cavalry dlvitoona and Nobody to worrying about war­ preliminary physical examination Richmond, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Richmond of 427 Main. campus of the Connecticut College Ankara authorlUea said |hat file of CIO’s United Automobile (^ntlnental . . . 12% 14% decided if the trip will be made by geance, and it would not be sur­ down each month until that Ruaaia heraelf had expected bouquet of whit# orchids and flve armored brigades. 43% planes and enginea here. may be taken at any army re­ for Women, and wUl be afforded Turkey, also a friend of Britton, Workers imlon ratified a contract Corn ^change . . . . 41% bus or private cars. The children prising to see a new manufactur­ am tmder $4,800. but the revolU in Uthuania, Latvia and stephanotto. ...1 4 4 ^ 1480 “We’ll be'turning these things cruiting station. an opportunity of seeing toe sub­ w o ^ not allow the Brlttob fleet to. ' The maid o f honor wore shell under which they will have a un­ First National . win be given a two-week vacation ing technique emerge from toe air as a maximum to held Estonia and pointed out that the . . . 272 282 out pretty fast In tha next few It is expected that toe course In the SsnU Monica library’s refer­ marine base. through the Derdanellea into pink embroidered organdie, with ion shop In The Ford Company. Guaranty Trust at the camp and the club will hold rearmament effort. daairabie. Some feel that main Russian defenses had been Irving Trust ...... 10% 12 memtha,” an automoUve engineer toe state’s summer school at Yale ence section "a dozen times a day Saturday evening wHl be devoted the Black Sea to haraaa German kept inside the original Soviet headdress of blue flowers, short In an effort to aetUe a week old one of ito meetings at the lake on will attract young men with some Few Untested than $M.000 per year maachlntoto atrlke at The Piper N. Y. Stocks Manhattan . . . 15 17 a Monday evening during the next told me matter-of-facOy. "All we for technical reports. » to the banquet after which there opemUona. They “ 5 frenUer. The Red Army was ex­ pink veil, blue mltta and Arm bou- needed was a green light. We got college credit, especially ’ thoae: will be a> dance and vaudeville en­ ___ It ba devoted to charity. belief that anyway the BriUah Aircraft Corporation plant. Lock Manufact. Tr...... 36% 38% two weeks. "The Santa Monica library budg* pected to retreat quickly accord­ Quet of pink margueritea and blue Gets Autographs whose ID draft classlftcatlon end­ tertainment. M of people have just told would refrain from any auch m- Heaven, Pa., a meeting of com­ Adams Exp .... N. Y. Trurt ..., ... 96 99 that.” et is not large enough, by, Itself, the public trough and ing to planned atrategy If the re­ delphiniums. 31 Technique Different ed with toe close of toe current By Lane Here to meet the need of Increased per­ Sunday wlH.be spent at Ocean The bride’s mother wore a green pany representatives. Federal and Air R e d u c ...... Public National . . . 29 flwfrrtt volts threatened its pototion. 3 Signs Reveal Perfect Hoet It’a not that toe machinery used college year. In many Instances sonnel and materials,” he added. Beach Park, where there will be ^ *e up thslr place now.” it Weighing the opposing Naval and white sheer and the mother of ■tots mediators waa called for to­ Alaska Jun .... Title Guarantee . . . 2 Of Famous Stars candidates from this group will (A Moacow radio broadcast 1385 to make automobllea by toe mil­ “Without toe assistance now being a social program. wm nNiNfw atrmgth m the Oermana and Rua- the bridegroom black and white morrow. , - Alleghany ... U S Trust ,...... 1345 picked up by NBC and CBS de­ Salt Lake aty—(8V-The per­ lions can be used to turn out air­ find tost toey have credits that Only 250 Out of 7,000 tendered by toe WPA library pro­ Speakers toons In the Black Sea, obaervera crepe. Both roothera wore cor- At the same time an official of Allied Chem ----- will exempt them from examina­ oC the rumors cencem- clared that hundreds of meetings the APL union which called the fect hoet, thafa Edward L. Vettor. planes. It can’t The technique Is gram toe situation would be ‘Im­ The speakers listed fpr toe ban­ Priced From $114.85 ■tod the Soviet fleet waa far atrong- in LIthusnia and Estonia yeater- aavea o f mixed aweet peaa. Am Cton ...... Expecting friends from Buffalo, N. different. But Detroit has the ex­ John Brennan,-of 21 Biasell, re­ tions In some subjects. While It Is Cars Did Not Gel OK quet Saturday evening Include U. Sum SHELVADOl etarlty invsatigstion. Town ar *ha«* tha combined Nasi and ■trike said the men had been of­ possible.’ ’’ day expresaed “deep hatr^ for The ceremony was followed by Am Home Prod Y., he covered hto lawn with signs perience In making things me­ turned last night from New York assumed that moot candidates will S, Senator FYank Maloney, New Buparvtoor George H. fered Jobs by The Wright Automa­ Engagements where ha spent toe last week. Mr. He said that the organization Rumanian unit#. Fascism” and pledged that “ for reception for 150 guests at the Am Rad St 8~ ~.. such as: "Please pick the flowers, chanical, whether It be cars, re- commute dally to toe course, On Leonard Street. London’s Mayor CJhappell, Gov. add this morning that a The Red Fleet waa aald to in­ home of the bride’s parents, which tic Machine Company of Durham, Brennan Skw four radio and flve domltory rooms at Yale will be also was of great assistance to Comrade Stalin we are marching N C. He had signed 50 for the Am S m e lt ...... “Walk on the grass,” "Leave the fligerators or tricycles, and It has Robert A. Hurley, (^ongressmair KEITH'S gut of his ebargss am in clude a battleship, one new cruiser wan tastefully decorate# with aea Am T A T ------stage shows aa well as a ball game. available for Flying Cadet as­ some 12,000 employes of a Balti­ on the enemy and will destroy firm, he said, and waa authorixed mud on your sho^s,” “ Food in the tens of thousands of workers to Local motorists who have failed more, Md„ factory (Martin Air­ Fitzgerald, of Norwich, and Past jlaKsnt homsa or undergoing and three or four old onea and 20 aonal flowers. Am Tob B .... He saw toe Kate Smith and Fred pirants as well as for other sum­ Where You Can Afford To Buy Good Fumlturel allaaHosi. He Said he would them.” ) \ to hire aa many as 1,000. Saimond-Pompei Ice box.” man toe plants. to report at the MVD Inspection craft Corporation) when orders Gra^ Exalted Rulers, James R. deatroyera. On the other hand, the A lAtvian "government in ex­ Mr. and Mrs. Bellchamber left Am Wat Wka . Mr. and Mra. Paul D. Saimond, Allen shows, Fred Waring and hla mer school students. The fee for lane during the past three weeks Nicholson, John F. Malley, Justice Main and School Streeta OppoaHe High School _ a m-mgtetmtion. How- Piper aircraft haa been vnaking To them, making airplanes and orchestra and Yvette. The Stage were Issued to them to learn blue Oermana are aaid to have only a ile” radioed lU declaration o f In­ later In the day via the American Anaconda o f 141 Oak, announce the engage­ this Flying Odet preparatory for Inspection of their cars will I Murray Hurlburt, Juatice James-T. H»t««ha that the resulU o t pocket submarines and the Ru­ 350 to 400 light cra ftA month, in­ engines to Just another Job. shows which he saw were “Pan­ print reading. dependence and resistance to the Alrilnes for Washlmrton, D. C. The Armour 111 .... ment of their daughter. Miss Mary The automobile industry pitched course will be $15. have to drive to Hartford or Wll- mot prove as beneflcial manians less than a dosen destroy­ cluding some for the govemment’a ama Hattie,”, "Araenlc and OW Advance Information “Russlan-British coalition” from bride wore a powder blue suit Atchison .. • • Ann Saimond, to John Francis In to make airplane engines back limantic for the necessary stick­ iBMd. ers, some torpedo end patrol boats civilian pilot training progra^ Lace,” “My Sister EiUeen,” "W atch Although registrations for toe Koenlgsberg. East Prussia. The with n a w accesaoriea. They will The imlon asks an increase from SO' Aviation Corp - Pomnel, son o f Mr. and Mra. An­ in 1917. Now, In addlUon to alf- ers, as July 30 is the deadUne for ___ the paat three months ef- and a number of armed auxiliary On toe Rhine,” and “Pal Joey." course will be taken Friday and sUUon at Riga, Latvian capital, make their home with the bride’s to 35 cento an hour for unskilled Baldwin Ct .... thony Pompei of WilllmanUc. No b ^ S T H T E planea. It to going (and In some securing the proper li«pectloi« of hgve bsen mads to eoltoet for cnitoera. parent# and receive their friends date haa been set for the wedding. Mr. Bt*nnan la an autograph Saturday, Professor Neff, said to­ announced the city was under ex­ workera and a 25 per cent ratoe In BAG ...... 1 ORRUW AND WED. Instances already has started) to collector and he has a large col­ their cars. ■DM of mousy sxpsndsd Rather than a teat batween the after Julv 15. Bendix ...... day that because toe course Is Nearly 7,000 Inspected on rsltof' who since have treme. martial law. : the 50 cento minimum for skilled make tanks, bllto buggies, shelU lection. While In toe city he col­ rival Naval forces, these Inform­ Proclamation of Lithuanian in­ The bride Attended local schools Beth S U ------new and much of toe work will be The local lane closed Saturday ants said action In the Black Sea employes. De Simone-Moriconi and guns. lected the autographs eft the stars of an Individual nature, candidate dependence and an announcement and to employed by the United Borden ...... Mr. and Mrs. Mori- >[)• Detroit doesn’t do things by night with about 250 of toe 7,000 would find the Soviet sea power Aircraft Cbrporatioif The bride­ of toe shows he saw. Some of those should If possible communicate of “uprising against the Red Rus- Can Pac ...... coni, of 56 Irving, announced the half-measures. he secuied were from Paul Muni, cars here uninspected. matched with the German Air groom 1# a graduate of Middle- with him In advance of reglstra- The officials talUed a record day ■ian occupant” was broadcast over Ouw (J. L) ... engagement of their daughter, .In iMarby Dearborn, homo of Boris Karloff, Fred Allen, Thomas Uon days. He can be addressed at Force. the Uthusnian radio at Kaunas town High school- and to also at Nazis Fought Saturday when about 500 cara SETBACK Cerro De P ... Rose M. to Joseph R. DeSimone, toe Ford enterprises, an eiigineer Dewey, the New York prosecuting 2 Howe street. New Haven. and published fully ta Berlin the Aircraft plant. Ches A Oh .... were passed through toe mschlnes m O H T ■on —Paul “Factories working on 24-hour Hudson Mot ... "Now here,” said my guide, "we \achy. Unoccupied France, June prevlouflly reported, killed by poli­ chiffon, and carried pink rosea reaching Bern said Ruaalan bomb­ ENDS' TODAY: Block, 63, newapaper publiaher 23.— i/p)—Soviet Amhassadbr A. E. defense production are constantly Int H a r v ...... *qan.LioN d o l l a r p a p y ” are going to make 800 engines of tical aaaasalna. Ulmanto graduated A reception followed the cere­ ing squadrons attacked Finland’s and preeident of Paul Block and Bogomolov conferred today with caUing for technical Journals,” Int N i c k ...... TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY PLUS..."THE PENALTY” 2,000 horsepower each a month. It t e« teMtiful Oaan-, from the University of Nebraska mony at the home of Mr. aqd Mrs. Aaland Islands and Turku harbor Aasociatea, national advertising Uhlted States Ambassador Admi­ Chapman told .The American li­ Ralph Skinner, 755 East Middle Int T A T ------will reqiUre 25,000 men. representatives, died yesterday in brary Association In a prepared In 1909. In Western Finland yesterday and aM,..-na3 ES TH E8 tH ES TH ral William D. Leahy in a general Ftetagrapte and Moties A aecond message during the Turnpike, thto town. the Germans aald a few Russian Johns Man ... his Waldorf-Astoria tower apart­ address. A. R. Willde Kennecott ... MORE MORE MORE ...... review of the situation resulting w eid la g wtea THE afternoon waa difficult to hear be­ Mr. and Mrs. Zerumba will be at bombers raided Eaat Prussia.) CIRCLE ment after an Ulnus of several from war between Germany and He said that one California plant Lockheed Alrc SUPER GIANT SHOW I » "They are In training now, months. VAUUOT a r t)W O * o a m e k a 1« Walker S t Tel. 8368 cause of Ruaalan jamming which home to their frienda after July 1 Attack from Finland Ruaaia. (Douglas Aircraft Company) calls at 50 Grand street, Hartford. Loew’a ...... GRAND OPENING ^ learning to handle these machine A one-time advertising solicitor, tte werit. 0«r a x il­ started suddenly when a Latvian It waa announced in Moacow tools. They draw 55 cento an hour that Ruaalan territory waa at­ Loft ...... te entered toe publishing field In la y ow teat fuarantM ta Lorillard .... TOMORROW NIGHT while they are In school for three 1916 with toe purchase of The tacked by land from Finland, months, and when they become Let m take picturea which Adolf HlOer’a war procU- Mont Ward .. ■Newark (N. J.) Star-Eagle and Pasteurize Milk regular workmen toey receive stibsequently acquired a nation­ mation listed aa a German ally; Nash Kelv ... Bollpn Playhouse THE THING I more, of course.” wide chain of papers. More re­ THE from East Pruaala, acrosa old Po­ Nat Btoc ..... with Play He led toe way to tte front of cently, however, te published only THE MANCKESIjpR lish territory, and along the Prut Nat Caah Reg With CHARLE8 CHAPLIN and Cream Nat Dairy ... JACK OAKIE “ HER EXPENSIVE toe building. Here was a surprise. three. The Pittsburgh Post-Ga- river front from Rumania, which To Oonflnne Schooling xette. The Toledo 'Hmes nnd The ! Hitler also named aa fighting on Nat Dlatin . HUSBAND” Prom Selected PnmiB PUBLIC MARKET N T Central 12H PLUS! *nEBE COMES “These men will continue their Toledo Blade. < hto aide. — Nor Am C o ...... 12% H APPPnesB” schooling,” he qrent on, ’’after toey He was a native o f Elmtim, N. 1 The high copimand’a comm^l- . Vaudeville go to work in toe factory. These Y., and was a student at Cornell Packard ...... 2% PLUS! "CRIME DOESN’T I que d'd not mention the F innic or I Bargain Prioea: 89e and 55c. classrooms”—he gestured toward University *ten he took his first ...... 11, PAT” AND SHORTS! , Prut river fronts, however. It de- ...... 28K Cnrtaln 8:45 P. M. an array of instructional facilities Job as an advertising solicitor for Tuesday Special Values dared that the Gerraana, atriklng' Phelpa Dodge . - ...... 50% NOW: ‘TIEVIL OOMMANBS” Reserve Your Seat Now! which would have done ctmllt to 'The Elmira Sunday Telegram. j from Btoat Pruaala apparenUy In Phil Pet ...... 44 "LONE STAR RAIDER” Phone 8241 toe fondest dreams of Horacltal today of a Shell Un ...... That’s important. So great k Special On Rib Corned B e e f...... Ib- 10c Poltoh territory taken over by the 0 ' dearth of engine mechanics haa heart ailment. He was one of toe Fancy Boneless Brisket...... Ib. 29c Soviet union. * , Socony Vao .... founders of tUe bank In 1914. H*s| Sou Pac ...... 11% occurred In toe air rearmament Chuck Pieces of Corned Beef ...... Ib. 29c Another drive penetrated Soviet • ■■•••eeaee -DOUGHERTY program that toe Army haa bad to widow and one son survive. territory in what waa aouthem Po­ South R y ...... SHOW GROUNDS Fresh Killed Chickens for frying or roasting,-a good land. alm ^ toward Krtotlnopol on Std Brands ... value at ...... •••...• each 98c the Bug river, and the Germana Std Gas A El . occupied the village of Stoyanuv. Std o n Oal . . . Std Oil N J ... AT OUR NEW BAKERY DEPARTMENT MebUlatag MUltaiy Mlgkt Oalled^^by Foreign C bm m to-k^^*^ ’ mmieftr mur 300 ytan Rye Bread, plain or seed s...... loaf 10c car VyachSIlav'^Molotov. a p ea k ln g | «^ ^ ^ I.Arge Crusty Poppyseed R olls...... doz. 21c yasteiV in th# name oY PwSer \ h a m s m o f t m h o m e -u k e Our Own Make Cookies...... doz. 15c; 2 doz. 25c Joseph Stalin, to "deal a crushing 1 Carbide blow" to the Reich, Russia waa Union Pac THE m oig or otown-BUiwiiM om uls contmns hew eae wore ehrir wai :> ■■■« the «< moblltoing her military might from Unit A l r c ...... Me! It niwT to ahre aera lUe te the hooM . . . nore FRUIT AND FRESH VEGETABLES Unit O o r p ...... jetcfttt te the roeawmeawMatl It eeete ee BtUe. her western frontier to Siberia. tee . . . when daete a fran eW larat etedu. Hard, Ripe Tomatoes ...... 2 lbs. 25c (Moecow radio broadcaato heard Unit Gaa I m p ...... tort night In New York aald heavy U S R u b b e r...... fHkirida Juice Oranges ...... doz. 25c U S S m e lt...... '.... 28% LESS NICOTINE Army units were atreaming Fancy New P otatoes...... peck 49c through tha capital, headed for the U 8 Steel ...... t e r m s • • • individual front, along with the tanka and West U n io n ...... West El A M f g ...... than the overage of the 4 other ^Budget paymeBU earrytog charge be- TUESDAY GifOCERY SPECIALS motorised artillery and anti-air­ craft batteries that have been Rua- W oolwmth ...... requlrementa . . • Elec Bond 8h (Curt*) bugest-fldliiig dgsKtteo tected ■la'a pride in m iUtoryparades.) yeod.W days. ■hmTT DOOR- 25c SALE! Martial law waa Impoaed in the —le«8 then any of them—oc- Spaghetti. Royal ScarleL Prepared, 1-Ib. can . .4 cans 25c wertemmort Soviet repubJea, rut cMii t i l t s ' Pork and Beans, Royal Scarlet, tail 23hdz. can. .3 cant 25c from the Karelton-Flnatoh state Curb Stocks cording to independent sden- created from gains frem Finland tific tertt of the •tmdte itodf. ) < SIX FLAVORS In 1940, south to tha Crimea. Aad Gaa and El A Mobilisation waa ordarad In all Can M a r c ...... western military dtotrtcto aa the Store Otoeto Red Army called to tha colors 14 Clto’ Svc ...... __ 3 cans 25c El Bond and Sh ... toeedays At N«oa claagea o f men—from the agea of ' -w# Bpije-Jall Powdered Pectin, 24 jelly fablen free with each Ford Ltd ...... ; 23 through 36— to bolster the hun­ — brilliant tone— cdorfal finish and light Open 2 packafe* f o r ...... 25c Hll^f Hud ...... I24S dreds of tbouaantt atraia^ at the responsive action trill Cudaate your yoongster AND UP ' Satazdajre Pure E n Noodicfi, Fine, Medium, ana Wide, 12-ounc« front and on tha march. Penunroad L ...... iN toeP .M . CUBa Atteek ‘TarAto” Uni G aa.. CA ccUephane packapqs...... 2 for 25e itmeato ap^iriwg for StaOn sax Apnetoti Grapefruit, Royal Scarlet, fancy. No. 2 can .. .2 can* 25c Gate Pataaaaf'kliay im Call KEMP'S, IKC. n y l W after tha atari of tha *mdf Any' loMx 3Toilet ScHip 4 caltqB 25c FimBay, Ohlo-GP)— n L 68S^ iM i CH.AR Moibtov. who rtgM jKrana, a’ rapoetar for Tte rin^ p. Jk€i.Soap ..Y bara2Sc Kttaaad . f o i u t iatecT on hla ragular call at tte ' ; Board. Tlw hoard had a naw I ■’4a U , A adUM.i ter one man abaut| DIAL f 13T — FREE ISLIYERT! ' N r m t MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. MONDAY, JUNE 28,1941 " 1 - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, UAMCUES'ljEK, 1,;6 n N. MONDAY, JUNE 23, lOTl Armored Unit Plant Experts to See No Successor itii Russia Near (50.000 mambers or more) 88,108.- that the "Blues'' were rushing New Devices at Work 984; Jewish. 4,841,184; Old Catho- Armies Given troops down from the Bsllnas re- traveling.Y Camp Is Ready Now F o r M c E ^ tt Death Comes Uc 35.909; Eastern Orthodox. 785,: k1w >. . 440, and "sU othsr bodies” 1,710,- Maj. Ken. Kenyon A. Jpyce. 'Sp of Nazi Am bition Ninth Army COTpS head and com- New Haven, June 3S—Lebora-tplanta which are then placed in 1 In Impressive Rites Daily Radio Programs 693. Battle Orders To Harrisoif mander-ln-chlef of the "Blues.” Ninth Season This Has Enoughv Equipment tery and greenhouse mschtotry„ humtumidity l tent where they are ex­ Appointment D ela y ed posed to disease spores. If under, ------^ was not sdvissd unUl 8 a. m. that WhM\ To Do ‘Good Job* vin and technique that cut the time these conditions when protected by In Replacing Officer Torah, or Holy Scroll the "Reda” theoretically phrt of Hartford, June 23—Camp Vaga-^More than 2,000 boys to tiMfl Invasion Stirs To Test Effectiveness an Invading Army that had land­ for developing- new funglcidee by the chemical, the plants do not de­ Kemp*s Winner MiflfliflflippLSenator, T i» bond, County Y.M.C.’A. traveling towns of Hartford County Wants; Each Real Battle. In State Gudrd. Completed on the First ed from the Paclflo. were concen­ taken part to the camp several years, are part of the velop disease, tha material Is taken Of. West Coast Defend* day camp, opens for Its ninth sea­ demonstration planned by the Ag­ to the field for trial. Authorityt HI for Al­ White Russians trated ta the Pleyto region at the previous eight seasons. to OdMr; 1939 Anniversary; T h o se No Sale Is in iVospect southeMtern edge of the Hunter son this week,^ with Bloomfield the The chairmen for the With tbs Army to Tennessee. ricultural Experiment Station at So far about 6 per cent of the Comiwiy H. local SUte Guard most Two Yean. ers on Invasion. Not Sincere One. June 38.——With new tanks ar­ New Haven for the American Phy- chemicals tested havs proved unit, under command of Capt Taking Part in Church. Liggett military reservaUon, larg­ first town In the 1941 schedule, It the various communlti^ est in the nation. la announced by Elmer T. Thlenes, Bloomfield, George R. riving during field maneuvers, the topathologlcal Society meeting worthwhile. Dr. Horsfall states. David McCollum, will mMt tonight For NBC-Blue Network Shanghai, Juno 33— UPi— A d o lf Camp Hunter Liggett, Calif., VJ.; The rest havs failed at one stage Wasbtogton, June 33. — OP) — PuMIe Barred During Games executive secretai^ of the County Rocky Hill, Pwcv. E. M. here on June 24-26. The Society, a at the local armory for its weekly Thirty-four members of the con* June 28.—(F)—The’Battle of Call- Ih t AsMdstsdl Ptmb Second Armored Division—even branch of the American Associa­ or another and have been discard­ Hitler’s assault upon their home­ y. The camp this year Is under Addison, Mrs. Clara gregstkiB of Temple Beth Sbolom Death Closed the hook Sunday on The public was barred from the «Bt Soviet R u h U and now—has enough equipment to do tion for the Advancement of Sci­ ed to short order. Tbe advantage of drill session. The Guards ars bs- Listening tonight: land itirred the blood of eome 26.- fomia. Involving 80,000 men and .the direction of William D. Hackett ThompsoiivUIe, John O. tog taken through a rigid train­ By O. E. Butterfield the long congressional career of reservation during the games. Granby. WlUard T. Carter: r h u boos clooa to tbe top a "good job” In real batUe, Maj. ence, is holding summer meetings the Isboratory-greenhouae method participated to the completion of '—8:15, NBC-Red; 7:65, CBS; 8 w , 000 White Ruaeiana exiled here 10,009 vehicles, started today as With 10,000 vehicles cruising of Burma and Roger P. Horton of ing program to an effort to prepare [ New York, June 38.—(FT— A Pat Harrison, skiUful legislator. ington, Charles M. Lsreomb. in the form of a New England tour is that the amount of work done to the Bcroll of the Temple to Impree- NBC-Blue; 9:00. MBS: ^ 6 , OTB- Pat HM^n. Bince the Bolshevist the two armies got fighting or­ around, and some roads and Short Beach, both of whom have M amMUoa almoat aincc Gen. George S. Patton, Jr., said one year la practically equivalent them for any emergency that may tax authority and well-liked cham^-l Russian youtha bom and will be guests of the Station sive aervlcee last night, culminat­ “For Sale” sign hasn’t yst been Baet; 10:30. MBS; 11:00, NBC. White Russian youtha bom ta ders and began to move Into bat­ bridges marked for dcmollUon as been students at the Hartford [ BKler oamc to power. tod a y. to that covering several years to arise. Major Herbert H. Blssell, pioD of his fellow senators. Forndng Secoq^ on thoae days. Dr. J. G. Horsfall, ing work which was begim by a [hung on the 'NBC^ue ne^ork. CBS; 11:80. MBS, ______C!hlna of parents who fled from Ue poelUona part of the maneuvers, the reser­ Seminary Foundation. Mr. Hackett VOe ample fact U that RuaaU t o new light tanka just off pro­ plant pathologist at the Station Is tlM field, by methods formerly to the Battalion Executive Officer, National Euchariatlc Congrea^ Harrison, ill for almoat two Russia 24 years ago marched The Idea was to test the effec­ recently graduated from fhe Ken­ scribe who, worictog by candlelight So far as can be sscertatool. noth- vation was not considered safe for M what Gennany wants, duction lines at Rock Island ar­ to charge of arrangements. use. will visit the imit tonight. MBS 10, NBC-Blue 10:80, O vicre- yaars, died in the dawn hours at through the streets of Shanghai tiveness of west coast defenders nedy School of Missions of the London, Jun^ 23— UP)— A - to a cloister to Jerusalem, during [ tog like that is to Imtaediate civiUans. ' squadron of American pilots Is la a to the other. senal, were thrown Into the Ten­ The Station has pioneered to The June 34 evening session of Identtfication Cards cepUon for Papal Emergency hospital here yester­ chanting Red Russian songa they Foundation, and w m a director of tbe course of five months, complet­ In fig h tin g an Invasion. The battle. In which everything Ing formsd to taka its place ”* ^ Owinany and Communist nessee war games today, their first testing new organic chemicals for plant pathologlatJ at the Experi­ The Adjutant General has order­ prospect. ' N B O B lu e 9 :30—Forum. Brig. Gen. day follovi^g a major abdominal Ijid learned over the Moscow radio Fourth Army officers, supervln- Camp Vagabond during the 1940 ed all but thirty-four letters which There have been rumors this or win be real except the bullets, cul­ side the R. A. F. Eagle sq ate IdeolOKfoal enemlea y time to service, and 28 more are use as funglciOM. Instead of try­ ment Station Includes an historic ed sU unit commanders to make up I* B. Henhoy on operation a week ago. ing the biggest combat problem season. a duplicate set of identification were added yesterday to the eoroll that group waa ready to plank minates almost 10 months of con­ of fliere from the United M are powerful, regimented awaiting the division at Fort Ban­ ing promising nmterisis year after display of Tbaxterisna, jnsteriala Future of SelocUve Service"; N ^ 'Toward the end, friends aald, the west has ever seen, said large schedule of Camp andid equlpnequipment used by Dr. Thax- cards for all men of their com­ under the dlrecUmi of Rev. L down the money, but W**‘ * _ “ Honored on Anniversary centrated training for the troops An American airman aaid "I n ey W Otanlc rlvaU ning, Os. A division bee about year on crops to the field, each is B aum steto. Blue 10 Rep. Joe. W. M arto, Jr., the tall, cheerful Miasiaalppian scale contact between the Invafl- The camp will operate this year ter when the Station vms pioneer­ mand. These cards are being fur­ : they are, rumors. Under the Fed­ involved. told these boys already are ^ 8B0 tanks to It. put through a aeries of revealing on "Preserving Uberty H oi^ Ing ’Tied” force of 22,000 men on a seven weeks' schedule, ss laboratory and greenhouse tests ing to plant pathology to 1888. nished the units, and they must OoBtatos 7,000 Woida eral Communlcatloijf Commission Salisbury, June 23. — UP) — trained and know plenty k ______What Other Needed "If It had to, the division la In the scroll are approximately NBORed, 7—James Melton Cm - from Fort Ord. Calif., and the When It Is over, probably Fri<^ foUows: June 23-28. Bloomfield; that determine whether it Is worth After a welcome by Station Di­ be back to the Adjutant Oeneral’a monopoly report and the new regu­ I Friends and former parishioners Spitfires and Hunicanea." Sat they maasccd temporarily reedy to tackle tbs' real thing and 7,000 words and 35,000 letters and c e rt; 7 30—M srg a ret northern "Blue” Army of 38,000 day. Ueut. Gen.'John L. Deiritt, July 7-12, Rocky Hill; July 14-19. field trial. Precision equipment to rector W. L. Slate, members of the Office by July 1. One card per lations affecting the network! and 1 of the Rev. Dr. John O lvto God- Addison: July 21-28, Thompson- > auhmetge their enmities In the do a good job,” the general said until last night tbe scroll was not songs; 8—I. Q. Qute; 8:80^ Fort Lewis. Wash., troops, w m Fourth Army commander, will the laboratory first shows whether Society will take part to a discus­ man will be kept on file to the Ad­ their station relations, NBC w m [dar5, 89, widely known Ctonnectl- vUle; July 28-August 2. Granby: Speed sod Ctessnmptton ar non-aggression treaty of as he prepenMl to lead hts men and used for services due to Its tocom- Drama "Strahge Mr. Pert wee , 9 not expected until sometime to­ have an Idea how close men are to the chemical kills spores, the or- sion led by Dr. H. H. Wbstsel, dean jutant Oeneral’a Office, and a com­ ordered to eell one of lU two ^ ^ n eut clergyman, honored him at August 4-18, Newington. As to It waa a matter of oonren- machines into ths first of two 48- pletlon. It was decided by tbe con­ —Contented Ckincort being ready for actual warfare. gsnisma causing plant (Useaas. of ‘American plant pathologists. plete record of the man’a service groups within 90 days or suitable I two special services to the Salis­ m orrow . previous years, the camp program A five-passenger French aiit<* had what tbe other hour exercises of the last week gregation that the completion of CBS, 6:80 (West 9 :80) — B l o n ^ ; Troops Start Advance Secondly, other equipment testa The following day the guests will be kept up by that office. All time, with the. Blue .as the most 30— Gay Nineties; 8— Don bury Congregational church on the The 50.000 airplanes requested win Include craft work, swimming mobUe la able to do 58 mOee ta of the Jtme defense test to mid- visit the work at the Station farm promotions or demotions will be the scroll, a traditional ceremony The troops started advancing the gallon of gasoline at 30 raflca ___ could give Germany et- the tenacity of the material, likely for disposal. Ameche, Claudette Colbert ta 80th anniversary of his ordtostlon for the United States national de­ Instruction, games, treMure hunts, T ennessee. whether it will stlclc to the leaves at Mount Carmel, lunch at Sleep­ recorded on the cards, sa well ka to the Jewish church, would be a Radio men who should know say as a minister. Dr. Goddard be- this”morning, when Maj. Gen. Jo­ per hour; 49 luilea at 60 miles paf r h i Om aast and. to r her war Marshal Semyon Ttmeahenko "Shop Around the Comer” ; fense, would be almost equal to hiking, and campfires, to follow as Bopertor to Other NatiOBS of a plant when applied. Its value ing Giant Park, and from there go the man’s nearest relative, date of First prise winner to the first fitting first anniversary celebration no acUon la expected to be t^en pastor*€in6rlt\ui of tho Sol* seph W. StUwell, commanding the nearly as possible the activities hour, and 27 miles at 90 mllsa psF laa, fuel ahe aorely needed. week of Kemp’s snnual camera of tbe Temple. Guy Lombardo Mualc. __ Seventh division and the southern the air forces of all the beUlger- lha head man of an the Rue- as an agent to protect seed from to UieTobacco Substation at Wind­ enlistment, occupation, etc. on the commlBslon’B regulations I isbury <^urch to 1921, retiring found In regular overnight camps. hour. __ the SoTlert vaat reeourcee 'It would mmke certainty more contest for best snapshots of the Tboee Who Particlpatod IfBC-Blue, 8:15—Nordic Choral “Reds” was Informed at 4 a, m. anta comblnsd. elan military forces. Marshal rot is next tried but to the sor, where Dr. P. J. Anderson of Officer Not Named pending the Senate Interstate after 87 years to Its pulpit „ iued. eoal. oU and iron, sure If vra had a regiment of me­ week submitted by Mrs. Leo La Thoae who participated to finish­ Ensemble; 7—1 Love a Senayon Ttmoshanko, has the full greenhouse. If successful, the the Station is to charge of ar- As this column goes to press, no Commerce committee hearings on 'nermany. praoecuplcd erlth war dium tanks with 76 nun. cannon," Vine,, of 84 Gardner street The ing the scroll assisted by the 7:80—True or Falao: 8—Basin faith of Boas Man Stalin. They chemical Is aprsysd on follsgs of rangementa. officer had yet been appointed to the White resolution asking a gen­ other aide of Europe, could General Patton added," ‘^ t the photo Is of her daughter, Lois, Kribe, Rev. I. Baumsteto, were Street Swing. _ met during the light against aucceed Lieut. Felix McBvitt. who eral radio Investigation. Thla r e ^ j Ruasta what ahe needed moet equipment we have is superior to aged 6. Rabbi Berthold Woythaler who in­ What to expect tter-revolutionary Whits that of any nation to tbe world. recently resigned as an officer of ' lutlon,-lf approved by the Senate, ‘^ le i iiiltj la the weet and time. Company G. Within a few days, scribed the first leter, and in order would automatically hold up the war—7 00, NBC. CBS; Whw that Is over. Ruiala appar- Ql^after tbe Revolution, when "Our light tank haa more fire­ Blue: 8:00. NBC-Red; 9:00rNB& this appointment will be made ao the foUowtog, Rev Baumsteto, A. new rules. Sy haa fhllod to give Germany both had minor roles In the eree- power than any other nation’s and H. Ftooburg, who with M n. Ftot- Blue MBS: 10:00, MBS; 12:45, Uonrtmder fire, of tbe Red Army. aa to b ^ g the outfit’s commiaslon- Maybe not then, even If the NBC; 1:00, MBS; 3:55, NBC-Blue: ^ leguUes — and Gennany perhaps as much as any other me­ Red Army Is Conceded ed personnel up to fun strength. A bou t Tow n burg donated the parchment, B. Stalin tbmed to politics; Tlmo- resolution is voted down, for both to take hy Mood what dium tank. It has a good deal Buraock, D. Bursack, S. A. Brown, NBC and CBS hive made it clear 4:00, MBS; 5:26. NBC-Red. ahenok stayed with the army. In Eucharistic /Congress — MBS Im s n m not get hy suasion. more speed end endurance.” W. Cooper, H. Dick, M. Grossman, that they Intended to go into tho 1M7 he was mUltaiy commander Mr. snd.Mra. Buell Gran’^ Sr., of 11:45 a. m. and NBC-Red 13:15 p. tfiSTfl, first ofo fa all. U te ths ‘ Ukraine. “ A 33-ton tank, mounting 75 mm. M. Fendell, H. Qi-eenburger, M. court!. In that case the whole at Kharkov, and the next year at Only Slimmest Chances 119 Washington, had ' as their m.—Pontifical Masa. NBC-Red—1 ___^ CM ef the world’s rich- cannon Is in production, but none Ask Mediator Plaiber, C. PUler, H. Forstot, 8. ter no doubt wbuHl bo centered Senator Harrison ; MglaaB and a gateway also to Kiev, when he led the Ruaeiana has been delivered to the division. guests over the week-end, Mrs. EUls, W. Horowlts, N. Marlow, J. Light of the World; 6—Lsitheran Grace Moulton Hoealer and Mrs. around tbe question of the commis­ I flthar treasoraa who marched In and took over It haa many medium tanks mount­ Freedman, D. Karlin, M. Levitt, Synod report; 6:80-^. B. Petten- suffered a great deal and waa able Bertha Humphrey of Pasadena, sion’s authority. . to recognlM only his wife, his son I U kraine their share of the loot of Poland. ing 87 mm. cannon and five ma- Considerahle Doubt Pre­ being, he said, a long campaign In Cheney Case a MUler, 8. Moaler, P. Lauter, L. With the monopoly situation to gUl on "Wght to Work’; CBS, TlmoBbenko's greatest reputajlton chins guns. That also la the arma­ Is not Improlmble, regardless of CaL L. Forter, J. E. Rubtoow, J. H. 8:45 a. m.—Hymns of All CSmrch- and Miss Catherine Blanton, his irj' has mtnoed words tho fore. NBC and CBS negotlap 2 p. m.—Mary Margaret Mc­ secretary. springs from>m hla successful end- ment of ths Ught.'tank. vails as to Immediate the amount o f territory Germany 8andals, N. 8andals, *8. M. Silver- Uona looking to ultimate setUe- . geveUng tha Ukraine. As may take. Soviet communications Mrs. Clarence Barlow of 95 IMea o f E xhaustion 1^ of ths Finnish war after Mar­ Only Two Break Down stein, W. Ostrinsky, R. Stone, J. ment of thp ASCAP mualc fee row Bride: 8 CBS—Concert Orchestra. ige as Sept U, 1SS6, he being what they are, the deeper Hamlin, received a letter from The 59-year-old senator, w7o shal Voroshilov had failed. Since To substantiate his contention Advantages Hitler Can Union Gives Confidence 8. G. Rottner, 8. Baum, J. Wet- are betog held ta abeyance. For the NBC-Blue, 10:80 a. m.—Alma ____ that German power some German penetration,.111 the more dif­ England Saturday, containing the first came to the House of Rep­ that ha has been the Top Soldier that American tanka have endur­ stone and A. Podrove. last two weeks tho network chief- Kitchell Journal; 11:30—Farm ww might be aimed there, telling Reap from Invasion. ficult the supply problem becomes. Vote to Committee; To news that her nephew. Petty Offi­ Home; 1 p. m.—NBC Concert Or­ resentatives to 1911, was reported v | (ta | . party multitudes at Nurem- of the Soviet Union. His person­ ance to tbe field. General Patton During the ceremony of inscrip­ ‘ tains have been concentrating at­ al relattonahlp with Rosa Stalin The Russian Army of today, he cer Robert Hanna of the BatUe tion, organ music was played by chestra. MBS, 1 :15 —Words and by hlB personal physician, Dr. Ster­ said that only two of the hundreds Ask Labor Conciliator. Crulaer "Hood” who was 27 years tention on the committee hoartaga makaa It oartain he will have drat Washington, June 38— UP)— The said, is scarcely any more inferior Walter Dawley. Music: 3:45—Elinor Sherry, Blues. ling Ruffin, to have “died of ex­ fim UMkk with their Im- to tbe maneuvers bad broken down old, had gone down with the Hood Over the weekend tho FCC re­ shot at any military operations to Its foe than the Russian Army Considered Great Honer Some Short waves: GpC OSB GSL haustion.” Ruffin declared Harri­ treasnre of raw ma- and they were repaired Immediate­ Red Army waa conceded only the of 1812 was to Napoleon's match­ Miss Elisabeth Nord, member of atmk by a German cruiser, which ported that MBS had Informally tbe Ruastsna may get Into In con­ The ancient name of the cere­ submitted to It a contract form London 6:30—Grenadier Guard! son "had grown steadily weaker" iberia with tte rich for- ly. The tanka have traveled as high sUmmMt chances by military sx- less grand Army. Napoleon, he re­ to turn waa sunk. nection with the current dispute the NaUonal Executive Board of mony yesterday is Seeyoom Hah- between tho network and Ite affUl- band; JVZ. JLG4. Tokyo 8 ;2 ^ during ^Saturday night. EVER tba Ukraine, with Its as 150 miles a day over all ktoda parte today to its stand Sgatost called, won ai) the battles, but lost News; 08C. GSD. GSL I^ndon with Germany. the TWUA and directing union ne­ sayfer, which to itself means "the • ated station designed to come Sitting beside bis death bed grain fields, were to lie of terrain. the campaign—because of Russia’s Mias Elinor Young of Carden 10:15—Calling the World; T(W A, were his wife, nee Mary Edwins Tbe IS-ton and 38 ton tanks will the armed might of Nasi Ger­ completion of the Torah or scroU.” within tho new regulations, which iny, this country under vast distances and because the gotiations here to connecUon with street and Mias Gertrude Ritchie Guatemala 11—^Hawaiian Munc. Mclnnis of LoakesviUe, Mies., and be tbe mslitetsy of tbe armored di­ many, but considerable doubt pre­ The scroll contains the first five MBS has endorsed. S ocia list Issdsrship w ould tured Russia again as a state Russian Army^Tematoed to being. union demands upon Cbtaey of Summit street l*ft Saturday for books of Moses and during Its let­ his Bon, Pat, Jr. Harrison had vision, the striking power concen­ ta plenty; every single Ger- ”almed at tbs dissolution of civil- vailed as to tbe Immediate ad­ History may not repeat itaelf, he Virginia Beach, where they will be tering by the Psleatlnlan scribe, no smiled a greeting to "his son tbe trated to three regiments. They Brothers for a new contract effec­ would have more then tsatlon” and said she “ proceeded vantages Hitler could reap from aaid, but there la claaaic precedent guests at tbe Prtoceas Anne Hotel erasures or corrections are permit­ day before, but he waa to a coma are supported by armored scout tive on July 1, gave the following 1080 1860 to Bolahevlse and ruin” territories bis grandiose Riiaiten adventure. if It does. report today of the conference of the next two weeks. ted. It is regarded as one of the WDRC for some,time before he died. ripkialiie Is vast It covers cars and mobile artillery and in­ WTIC Kilocycles ahe ovsr-ran. Tbe totitlal reaction of well- union officers and members held greatest of honors to donate a Kilocycles^ The senator’s other survivors to- ana to southsast Europe equal ^"^rbiis the war of ideologlea haa fan try,. informed specialists waa that the yesterday afternoon to Tinker Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ingraham scroll to the Temple and also to Eastern Daylight Tlmo Bastarn Daylight Ttme dude Mrs. James W. Cummings of She’ AttonUe seaboard from invasion of Russia constituted the of Milford and children Cynthia mushroomed from a aklrmish in H a lt participate to its completion, as Bethesda. Md., and Mrs. Irrin Mil­ to Marytaad. Its 17O,0»S first c^ n acknowledgment of the and Vinton, have been vlaiUng Spain to a vast death struggle on a Manchester Tbe report follows: yesterd ay. Monday. Jane 22 ler of Nashville, Tenn., bis daugh­ Z t -milsa, to which more than bUtxkrieg’s faUure—Germany, de- relaUVea and friends to town. Monday, June 25 . hatUelleld from the Baltic to tbe "At a meeting of Local 83, Tbe service yesterday Was con­ P.M. ters; Burroughs Harrison of Kil- peopto live, are almoat apatri^ of the total "Ughtntog” P.M* Balkans. Using Meters Date Book TWUA which took place to Tinker ducted by Rsbbl Berthold Wey- 4 :0O^Backstage Wife 4:00—Ad Liner mlchael, Miss., a brother, and Mrs. era of an New Eng- victory ahe sought, waa striking M rs Fred Parker, president of tbaler, of Temple Beth Sholom lU IM E Tty to Writs Aaotksr Ohaptor Hall Sunday, June 22, a continued 4:30—Story of Beoe Johnson C. E. Saunders of Crystal Springs, New Torit. New Jersey, to aasurs the supply of food and the local British War Relief soci­ 4:15—Stdla Dales HUteris divisions were on • the Tonoorrow report waa made of current nego- who gave the anniversary address. 4:45—Ad Liner Miss., a sister. tad Maryland put raw materials she needs for a ety, haa received a check for five Following prayer and music by the 4:80—^Lorenso Jones marrii to the east In an effort to In Hartford June 24.—Pratt and Whitney tisUons with Chmey Brothers. 4:45—Young Widder Brown 4:65—The Royal CSowns—How­ Roosevelt Expraeees Sorrow lo n g w ar. dollars from the Sisterhood of Temple choir, the presentation of write Into history another chapter Night, Manchester Lodge of Ma- "Two actions were unanimously 5:00—Home of the Brave ard and Shelton President Roosevelt was one of Mla'B Biead Basket 'The audden thrust Into Russia Temple Beth Bholom of this town. the Torah was made hy kAbraham of what the one-time German cor- son a voted upon, 1: To give the negoU- 8:15—Portia Faces Ufa 5:00—Mary Marlin the first to express his sorrow over Ths Ukrates Is callsd Russia’s also was regarded as tantamount This represents a collecUon takta H. Fineburg of Hartford, to bel^ f fxnal vtrote Into hie own book dur­ Wm Not ‘Play^ for ThU W eek . aUona committee a vote of confi­ 5:80—We Tbe Abbots 5:15—The Goldbergs Harriaon's death, saying that "he .jstol twMrit Befors tbe war to an admission that Gennany at their outing to cIo m tho season, of himself and Mrs. Ftosburg, and ing a prison sentence 17 years June 26.—Globe Hollow pool dence for the progress made thus 5:45—Jack Armstrong 6:80—The CNelU’e win be sadly missed to this hour ^.^totomtonths o f tha grain exported still felt herself unequal to the su­ which was f30, and which later the acceptance w m b y S alul u l!M. Bli­ 5:45— Scsttergood Baines Keeps* Until Wednes­ opens. fa r, and, 6:00—News and Weather of grave emergency.” a g o. preme teat with her avowed No. I was made up to an even 525. The verstein, {resident of the Temple 6:00—News. Weather t«m Rusaia caam from there. June 37.—Dance, Junior Cham­ "2. To instruct the negoUaUons 6 :15—Baseball Scores and Strict­ Chairman George (D., Oa.) of But that Is only part o i the One after another, plana which day, However. enemy—the invasloa and conquest W. R. society acknowledges it Beth Sholom congregation. 0:06—Jack Zalman-World of hts book sketched for Germany's ber of Commerce, Country Club. committee to obtain the services ly S ports the Senate Foreign Relations of the British lalea with thanks. Placed ir tbe Ark S ports ' June 28.—20th anniversary , of of the Mediation and OoncUlaUon 8:35—Five Dollar Facte CX>mmittee sum m ed up the mrz/ 1^, SoiM ef the Ukraine’s Indus- riCe to the great military power of Following the completion of the 8:15—Bob Trout—News Europe, the winning by the Ger­ Hartford, June 33—>—Opera­ Dlfflcalt To Appraise Progross Highland Park (im m unity Club. Department of the U. S. Depart­ 8:30—Salon Orchestra sions of many others: ‘The are among tbe moto Import- Miss Janet Elliott of 8ummlt, Torah It was placed to the Ark 6:20—Edwin C. Hill man SNord of new lend for Ger­ tion of parittog meters on down­ The fog of war surrounding the Coming Events ment Labor for continued ne­ 6:45—Lowell ThomM of Senator Pat Harrison ----- „ ^pat to the whole Soviet Union. town Hartford streets officially who Is grand recorder • for Con­ pU 6:30—Paul SuUlvan Reviews the man plows, and pointing eventual­ opening phases of the Nasi drive July 1.—Outing, Daughters of gotiations with the company. 7:00-*Fred Waring’s Orchestra personal loss to every member’ ' It suppUea SO per cent of all went Into effect at 8 a. ih. today. necticut, is to Cleveland, Ohio, this the Temple, a poraon is read each N ew s ^ ly toward wld^read economic to the east made it difficult for Isabella, NOftb (Coventry Commu­ "It was indicated by State IM- Sabbath, the entire acroll being 7:16—News of the World tbe Senate." . toitoa’a eoal outlet 70 per emt But, the police department will experts to appraise the toitisi week attending: the 10th Interna- i :30—Inside of Sports 6:45—Baseball Scores — The Although a state funeral ... . nity House. rector Joseph Leeds aftef the read during the year. her pig iroa. half her ateel, 60 oonqueat, have been fuUUled by not be "playing for keeps” until Uonal seaalon of the Supreme As­ World Today German arms and high-pressure progress of the campsln, ,but July 10.—TsU Cedars of Leba­ meeting that Mlsa Anna Weto- At 7:30 p. m. an anniversary 7i45—PatU caispto Senate chamber was suggested sent of her iron ore. S3 per W ednesday. sembly of Rainbow Girls. She left 7:00—Amoo ’n’ Andy they saw at least three temporary non outing, Villa Louisa. atock of tbe U. S. Department of dinner w m helc to the Temple 8:00—The Telephone tioui many of his colleagues, membi of her sugar, two-thirds fi t diplomacy. - UnUl than anyone falling to cor­ Satur^y to company with other Sym - 7:15—Lanny Roas results in tbe general war plctiure: Aug. 28 to Sept. 1.—K. of C. OoncUlaUon would be brought to banquet hall with Attorney John 8:80—Alfred WsUensteln of Harrison’s family said that "he ef her agricultural equip- In only one malor aspect, aside rectly operate the machines will grand officers, and on the return 7:30—Blondle wouldn’t want It t»at way.” It 1— An easing of German pres­carn ival. Main and Delmont on tbe case. S. T Rottner as toastmaster. A phony Orchestra > aad 96 per cent of her man- from tbe broken-down alliance rscelve a courtesy tag advising tbe trip will stop over at Niagara 8:00— ^Thoae W e Love waa then^ore arranged for the, sure to the North African the­ streets. "The meeUng took on an air of forceful address w m given to com­ 9:00—Dr. I. Q. e r a with Russia, has this program ht recipient to obtain tostruettona sa F a lls, ____ liSO—Propanj from New York 8:80—Gay NtoeUes .Revue body to lie In state at the Senate laid down long In advance gone ater, for it appeared unlikely that Sept. 3.—Town’s schools open. enthuaiaam when an addiUonal re­ memoration o t the happy .occasion 8:65—Elmer Davis and The great Dnieper rlvw runs to ths proper operation from po- tha Reich would be sending addi­ by Rsbbl Samue S. Rudefmsn of 10:00—Oontented Hour from 2 until 8 p. m. (e.s.L) today. awry, and that time the move was port was made of the CIO victory N ew s h the Ukratoe, aupplylng Ucemen. Starting Wednesday tional armored retoforeemente to Fred E. Werner wlU present Temple Beth ICl, New London. A 10:80—Guy Hedlund and Oom- Methodist funeral services will be HERE’S THE MIRACLE OP for Russian Industry. Tbs taken out of Hitler’s hands by tickets will be Issued to all over­ to negotiations with tb;^ Ford Mo­ group of his beginners aa well aa 9:P0—Lux Radio Theater conducted to Harrison’s home-1 General Rommel to Libya; tor Company and as President bronse tablet, contaliUng the pany ef Odessa, on tbs Black Ssa, B ritain. ^ time parkers. It will than take a advanced pupils to a recital this 10:00—Guy Lombardo’a Orchratra town Gulfoort, Miss., on Wednes­ 2— A relaxation of the InvasionSaved from Death Frank Riley of Local 83 put it: Tf names of about 100 members of 11_____:00—N N ew s ^ - a .oA fT,,an A ''''' ef Russia’s grsat outlets for For Germany finds bersslf in 4 dollar to square yourself at head­ evening at the South Methodist ll:15_E ddle LeBaron’s Orchestra 10:30—tJuan Arvlsu^^--8ongs day. threat against the British laiss; It is good enough for Henry Ford the congregation who performed / ^ Id oommeros, is to the Ukraine. steadily-lengthening war jPith quarters. church chapel. Wilfred A. Kent of H;80—Harry James’ Orchestra 10:45—Music Patterned for Danc­ Arrange to Adjouni Senate 8—More time for Britain and and he went the whole way. it is exem pli^ service at the inception MODERN REFRIGERATION Oteat Otttss to East Britain—a condlUon vrhich to Mela 708 Meters Installed By Girl Friend TalcottvlUe, tenor soloist, wUl be 13:00—War News — NeU B ond- in g Leaden arranged to adjourn the for the productive facilities of ths good enough for Cheney Broth' and later construction of the house the Ukraine to tbe east Kampf Hitler profesaed to^bbor. Ths 700 meters now installed the aaetattog artist. Tomorrow of worahip, was dedicated. The ahu'a Orchestra |li:00—News, Weather Senate out of respect to Harrison ‘ United States. ors-___ t M great dtlee of Russia He wrote then that and will ^ ow 30-mtoutes parking fhr evsntog Mr. Werner’s pupils to tablet Is M by 28 Inches. 11:05—Sports Roundup. immediately after the chamber It was conceded that those re­ Miss Nord, a member of the P J i. [.11:10—News of the World met at noon. Authorised spokes­ ^BoOt whsrs such rivers as the Don Italy were the "only two etatee to one penny, or 40-mtoutes for two sults may be short-lived, because Mias Violet Cubles, of 315 Mtm- RockvlUe win give the program to It was snnouncsd at tbe dinner 12:80—Henry Busse’s O rchestra to wear. Before yon buy yonr next Europe an intimate ration with cants. Each penny must be de­ roe street, Hartford, waa reported TWUA and Mso a memiMr of tbe 11:25—Musical Interlude men said no business would be CENTURY AGO, It might have CBBd the Volga can be hameesed of odds the German war machine the srme place, and aU totereeted that the Sisterhood'of the Temple 12:55—News 11:80—Caesar Petrillo’a Orchestra which is worth puniutog.” - posited sspsrataly and ths handle to have saved the life of her boy NaUonal BxocuUve Board, pointed had donated an Everett Orgatron transacted until Thursday. fBor eleetrie ppwer. But If the is believed to havs to Its favor. out to the report that while cer­ will be welcome. 1:00—Silent 12:00—Linton Wells, News Pat,Harrison rooe from the , ref^erator,^look at^ Electrolux legions abovs the Riaslans He wrote thaV hs feared Eng­ turned. For each penny Inserted a However, it was said, every day la friend, Andrew J. Buckley, 26, of to the church. ^ieen called witchcraft. land could noi^M defeated. red diec may be turned over a 20- tain gains have been made thus A.M. humble' position of a small Missis- A 189 Aahley street, Hartford when Attorney Rottner, who is also ttet tor they may discover precious for Britain and the Unit­ far, the protective elements of an Tbe Ladiesi Aid aodety of the Tomorrow's Pfogram 12:06—Joey Kearns’ Orchestra sipid town nowaboy helping sup­ that Rusdaa Industry has packed But ha sent hla armies against mtoute cycle. Thle automatically ed States at this critical stags of she went to his aid to the vicinity Concordia Lutheran church will chairman of tbe United Jewtab-AP- • It ifi a modem miracle, at the lervw and see the ihagie of its simple Britain a ^ Francs, his back sup- "wtoda" the clock which proceeda sgrsslnsnt were not being granted peal drive, which Includes'refiurae . 1 112 :80—Dance Orchestra port a fatherless Ihousehold to on* 9 Its machtoss aad tools aad the conflict of Clark’s Grove, Coventry Lfke, hold an outtos this week Wednes­ ;:00-^RsvUle sad Agricultural i|;55— Newa [rf leadership to United States ow , operation. It*a on v l^ at yonr ^ iussto^wben they made hla Inva­ parking time. At the end of the Tbera w u no unanimity as to spell and sank below the surface, Otto Kohls, Oovsntry taks. Reasr- RsUof efforts, announced that the IBs Genaans, Uks tbe Japanese Important aa tbe gains which have 6 :25— Naws Tomorrow's Program standing figure to the Franklin la China face the Immense prob- sion M Poland Sspt. 1, 1989, a war paid time the meter ebowe all red, how long the Red Armv, for years Saturday afternoon. vatlons muirt I m made to advance local drive had gone over tho top making the ear eligible for an over­ bssn offsrsd by the management of the 51,350 god with 51.500 sub­ 6 :30—Sunriss Specicia l t 7:00—News Weather Delano Roosevelt administration. trolnx Gfla rafrigevafoTi a tlnY flaiM company, p"d in the thousends of Ism of Bubtoitog a huge popula- I s ^ s . a military teilgiBa. lU f ht bo ex- Mlba Cubles grabbed him and by thoae who plan to attend tbe 7 :00—Morning WalITateh 7 : 10—Shoppera Special — Music, Hla nomination by the Democra- X War Macklae Bsady time parking tag. 1 against the Ger­ managed to hold hla head abovs "The demands of tta# union oon- outing by calling Mrs. Ksrl Rlcb- scribed . . tta qtread throughout a tremen- ttous to be: 10 cents an hour to- 8:00— Nswa tlm o . tie majority to 1941, for the post Perhaps hs had not anttdpatsd mans. Some experts cited the per­ water until help arrived from the torVffisl 8182, or Mrs. Walter 8: 15—N ew s F rom H tro and 7:40__^Muslc o f f the R ecord — of president pro tempore of the dioea the entire Job of giving yon homes now enjoying carefree, they would fight—Just as they did formance of the Russian forces to shore nearby. ereaat In wages, on# week's vaca­ Kohls, 8283. AU cars will leavs ths NapotaoB faced that problem tion with 40-hour pay, and union A broad Ray Barrett B u iate, w as unanlm*iDus and his I aad the Ruselane foiled not fight when hs moved Into Festival Draws tbe war with Finland and spoke Artifieial respiration waa uasd church promptly at five o’clock. b u plans shop and check-off form of rseog Water Front Fire 8:80—Radio Baxaar 7:6»—News, Weather election was a mere formality. antomatie refrigeration. Hiere*8 no eompletdy dependable, antomatie by tbe simple expedient of rebest- Austria end Csecboslovakle—but to terms of a “walkover.” Others to restore Buckley to conscious­ 8:65—WnC?a Program Parads 8:00—News of Europe Ftoaaoe Committee Head uatU hie forces were swaUow- he had hla war machine rea«^. Local Residents said that If the Soviet could keep ness and he was also seen later nlUon. Mrs. 'hiora Stobr’s piano pupils With this honor, he continued “The union will continue negoU­ Bums Workman 9:00—Rhythms of the Day 8: 15—Shoppers Spedsl — Mualc, refirigeratiom ' ad up by Rusaisa spacexThat, too, Mein Kampf, to addition to Its Its Army “to being,” Germany by Dr. William L. Higgins of Cov­ wUl bs heard to recital'toi^ht and 9:15—Food News tim e ' his chalnnanship of the all-power­ motor, no noise, no m ovi^ parts has been CWna’s S trp t^ agiUnst proposal that Germany regain her might win largo sectlona of terrl- entry. His condlUon was reported aUons t ^ week.” tomorrow e\*entog Bmaninuel ful Senste Finance Committee | The lawn foetlvaj eponeond by 9:80—Mary Lee Taylor 8:80—News. Weather lost coloniea and shove bade her toiy without scoring a knockout fair later Saturday evening. Lutheran church. to 9 :4 ^ A s The Twig Is Beat 8:86—Shoppers Spedsl — Otm- which he took over with the ad­ / B Output fron tiers to m ake room fo r aU St Auguettoe's' church of Glae- One military specialist said that Mias Cubles, ths datmhter of Savannah, Oa., June 28—(F)— vent of the “New Deal” ta 1983. tonbury, which opened laet Friday War Affncte library 10:00 Bess Johnson ttousd only to tbs Germanic peoplea to one vast state, hs oxp^ted to see the Rusalana Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Cubles, la There will be a meeting of the A spectacular water front fin 10:15—BUen Randolph In this chairmanship Harrison I night and will cloee thle Friday 9:00—Press Nsw .I ta it o d I petroleum outout. suggested wresting living space stand longer than ths French, for an expert owlmmcr. Manchester Veterans AssoelatloD which critically burned one work­ 10:80—Bachelor’s ChUdren 9:16—Songs by Elvers had much to do with the drafting evening, la attracting many from Indianapolis— UP) —Add Mfscti ..^FUla she m a poor second, Ger- from Ruaela. he oonsidored ths morale of ths of war aa told to a Isttsr to the tonoorrow night at the Army and man and destroyed two large gaso­ 10:45—Road erf Life 9:30—Figures In M u^ of tax legislatloik necessary to un­ aad Stallan preduc- Throughout the book be pictured Manchester. Ths sntertatomsnt Red sollBer superior to that of ths Stook Market Booms Navy club on matters pertetotog line tmnfce a t th e riv er fr o n t ter­ 1 1 :00—Mary Marlin^ 9:45—Hymns of d l Churches derwrite the expenditure of bil- glvsa sach evtntog, with a dally Indianapolis public library: “Dear :-pim Is tolhiUsalinsI by comparison Russia as Germany’s natural ene­ pollu at tha time cf the fall of L^iea: The four mathematical to the Veterans Association Carni­ minal of The Pure OU Company 1 1 :16—Pepper Young^s Family 10:00—By Kathleen Norris lidiu for defense. , fiaA ths flow from Ruasis’s wells my—National Socialism as the change of program, la being held France. The Red Army, he point-' Shanghai, June 38.—(F)—Shan|^ val. AU dslsgatea anLaikedjtoJ^ waa brought under control early 11:80—The Goldbergs 10:16—Myrt and Marge He was ranking member of the to the rear of the American Home books that I have checked out will , Is alauMt three tlmee that of Ru­ natural foe of Communism. ed out king has been the vaunted hai's stock market boomed today not be checked to for a few years, tend. totey* 11:45—David Harum 10:80—Stepmother Senate Foreign Relations Com­ oa Rlfdey road. th s BM St productive of the He opposed any hobk-up of the ride of the Kremlin and now It to a move traders laid to a general due to the present war. I wfll try Fire Chief Walter S. Blanton 18:00 Noon—Gene and Glenn 10:45—^Woman of Courage mittee and an important member poureas so tsr avaUehle to Oer- two. He wrote then the passage: In addition to the entertatonMnt. I to a position where It must de­ feeling that Groat Brltato’a war to return all books and dues when Karin, Infant daughter of Mr. said the fire started near a pump p .lff. 11:00—Ad Liner of the group favoring all-out aid jaaagr. It li almoat twioe that of ’’....T he fact of the conclusion an opportunity ie given those who Slivered. chanOea were greatly Unproved and poi^ble—If." The letter came and Mrs. G. Albert Pearson of house and quickly spread to the 12 : 16—WrightvUle Sketchee 11:15—Martha Webster - to Great Britato, short of war. That group steered to passage the i #toa, whose petroleum Garmahy have not already done no, to in­ Army Control Seen la Stand the situation to thatho PadfliPacific dsflnite- from a Royal Canadian Air Force Bouldsr road, was bapUsad at ths two storage tanks. Streams of 12-80—The Weather Man 11:30—Big Sister 1 of s treaty with Russia smbodlsa famous bill HR 1776.for the lend­ ^asay be aiming at to tbe Middle the dsclaratlon of the next war. spect ths American Home, which Recent advices from Russia, hs ly eased by Ruaslan-Oermaa hos- recruit at Manning Field, Toronto, Emanuel Lutheran church yester­ water played on other nearby 13:85—Day Dreams 11:45—Aunt Jenny’s StoliM ------ing aniLleaatog of materials of war Its outcome would be the end of is to be awarded as a prise on said , have in dicated th a t the pow< day morning by Rev. Thoraten A. tanka kept the flames from qtread- 12:46—Siiigln’ Sam 12:00—Kate Smith Spei^ tUlUes. O ntario. to th» English. ^ Russia’s greatest oil wealtta Is G erm any.” Friday night Tonight wtUrOeorge sr (ff tbe political comltasra was on Gustafson. Spemnora were Mr. and tag. 1:00—News. Weather p jd «la ths OsucasuB, eoutbeest of tha Bowe eettog ea meater of ceremo­ a rapid wans, and that the mili­ M n . A . 8 . j J n o o f Hartford. Mr. A tanker which bad been unload­ 1 : 15—Little Show 1 2 :15 —When A Girl ^Carries V k ta ta o , w h a n oU flow s b y plpe- nies. radio tolsnt will be tested tary had assumed a commanding Pearson ta organist and cholrmM- ing petroleum products brought 1 :80—Marjorie MUls 12:80—^Romance Of Helen Trent “ from ' tha g rsa t' Baku ‘ flel< lids to Form er Local Boy and on Friday night the finals will influence to government policy. He ter of Emanuel and superviror a t from Port Arthur, Tex., was mov­ 8:00—Jerry Sears and His R hy- 12:45—Our Gal Sunday Uiurch Members tfes Black Ssa porta of Batum and hs held. Tbe winner to the contest saw the controlling hand of the 2S9 Millions Were Loaned music to ths pubUc schools. ed out of danger. ' thmic Strings 1:00—News, Weather F otL will bs given s regular audition Army to Moscow’s decision to Cause of the fire was unde- 3:15—Medley Time • 1:05—Mato Street—Hartford Tbs flortet-German accord, Honored by School later. fight Germany rather than make Edward Armstrong, young son tormtned and tbsre was no Imme- 2:80—Concert Matinee 1:48—Woman In White Show Increase! by Stniday** Naxl march further concessions In State^ in Sfx Months of Mr. and Mrs. WtlUam J. A m - diatt satimata dl damage... 8:00—Agatoot The Storm 1:30—The Right To Hapitoees tbs DASJl., was the one Ruasto, it was believed, was strong of 41 PurnoU {fiaeo, ta rn- 3:15—Ma Perkins 1:45—Life can Be Beautiful of Adolf H ltl^s many to- It was learned today that Harry Station Wagon ready to devastate ths grsat food- covering from facial tojurios suf­ 8:80—Ouldtog Light 2:00—Young Dr. Malone New Yortt, June 38— UP)— The jpmifl wortd mastery to which hs B. Blssell, Jr., formerly of Man­ producing regtor of the Ukratoe New York, June 23-^Flfty-ninefe > The survey showed that bustoees fered Thursday night whsn ha A. L. Auxiliary 8:45—Vic and Bade 2:15—Joyce Jordan—Girl Interne 1941 edition of the yeariiook of god far from tha doctrines of chester and now reaidtog to Bor- Response Good and to destroy mines and oil wells per cent of the banks to ConnocU- firms to tbs state used leas than was bitten by-a dog. A tetanus se­ (fl:80-:-Fletolier Wiley American churches reports there ffpra Uograpby, Mato Kampf. dentown. togotbor. th e . chil­ Calls on Maisky ' HHler'a bate. iariea are rated on tha foOowtog East Inffiso. berahip toeraased 7 M per cent be­ Trophy. Tbs high soon for the aatar. a aufficlsnt number of am-, such garr, on duty. they mads bstwean July 1 and was 1,129 and the avsrags dren enJtQrti themselvos most ft «ttk tha flovlst, m t. l^ ta : 40 ptt cent for r^pil^ty. ’Ths lAip to «fj»Ar»nWl to raP tween 1981 and 1 ^ . trophy waa 192, aad It has besa bulanoos wars not Immediate Insasedteto PrsblaBi December SL 1940: loan was 5L188. ths wadtofl pool. Mttsito tkat bo bad 80 per cent for amount cf for ManUa tomorrow, conttonlng UP) — U nited An analysla showed 344,319 leenisd that BlenU shot 191, only avaUablo. poUee oould draw on ste- Tha Rsd high oranmand’a imi t ^ j m u sw y tm » to ta l- H m avsngs nuabar of »SMi f a c t W itt s o n OBs point under first place. toc&ok'^SO perpar cent for quality and to Batnvlg. ■. John G . W ln - dmrcliM ta thS country, of which tioo wagena Hated ta that ana for madiate problsat, ana antbority bo- ta g ...... 8 99,968,009 ■wersd.psr bank was U O l and 199,792 ware efftHatad with Pro­ ^During Us tlBM at the insfitute. 10 per. cant for gsnaru appear- on Ivan Maisky, nohest^r D ivisi«ii Usved, was to kosp tho Sovtet 106,791 mif«Mta of tbs avsrags rwiswal was for 9L' r t o L ondoa. w b k testant doiinminatliwis haviag 50,- forces Intact aad checkmate tbs leana totaling . 154,7&SJ8T O ffice OOO members or mors; 1 8 ,7 3 8 R o- Nail strategy of slashing c^ipon' 3,906 BOW tooct^ge ^ Hartford Oafl Co. ents to pisesa bafqre crushing tho leana tot^W • U|18V4S8 ______i t a i f on*. f U H t o v a a i t s ' zr tha Ited Aoby bo ------I i ,> purl.------an agaaoy of Joaoa’ • departmaat, all th* tin, much at tha chromium, day, effactiv* data of ------wUl.bo toa only U. I. bumr allow­ maaganaae aad tungaUn and 80 Rubber la Put ed to toa Far East crude market par cant of to* rubber uaed In thla A Thought eurity fcjr pAoUUm; to lovo po»c* ^ e r eatablitotog 9 govfinuamt If You*re Oid Enough to Vote SERIAL StORY corporattoa aa to* sol* buyer at OaaeMars SItttItar Manopellaa country. too rtuch to tho eortAlh tavlUtton lEx-Goyemor Margo to Quit Dance Reilabl* repoita my Praaldtat crude rubber from the Far Bast, At to* same Um* Joaaa indicat­ Man aliall not llva by broad tb'wor. Tou OABBot buy ••curtty You Have a Job 'on July Under G>ntrol aad there were tadlcaUoas other ed that aimllar moaopoliaa over Rooaevelt may create an “ otflo* Littlfi Brenda v As Speaker matertola aooa would *o under otoer ritel defense mstertola, auch for economic defenae” to dovetail alone' but by every word that pro- - with bribery; that U wbmt cynical CALIBAN FROM CALEB B m l i i To Return to Screen rimllar control. aa riuwBdumt tuagatea and tin, import-export oontrola, freeatog of oeedeth out of tb* mouth at God. StAlln tried; he la now rMptns the If your daughter haa good By Alexander R. George convnioHT. is*i. war* uadar coaaideratloa. toraign funds and other economic July Registration BY NORMAN KAHL NBA SXnviCK. INC. Bffeomes for Ah Prac­ "na order, announced by Loan —Matthew 4:4. reward for the greeteet Appeoee- looks, a precocious talent for AP reature Seryiee Writer Other ottlrialB mid the, purpoee defenm actlvlUea. ' * * * |R. E. Baldwin to ' Make you may go out and commit sUl' Adtmiklitrator Jam* JeasA also J •Mm II StrMt n>ent ever eecMded Hitler. Washington — Some • 0 0,0 0 0 In a Nutshell tical Purpose* Federal directed that rivillin rubber con* to each cam would be to eliminate Non* but God can mtlify toc^ night dubs, and you have 190,000 Has Spent All But First ride, because there is nothing mors Pennaylvanta la aaumated to Now. more than eve#; America youths, newly 31 year* old, will Address of Meet of the Teetordayt After baylag • new sumption be alaehed 30 par cent ta compeUtlva buying by American longtoge of an Immortal aoul; that .„SSTrik^i« to spend, don’t spend it giving her WlMf eyelid, and be la glad he can b« to schlsvs." • Monopoly Today. tnteraste, improve toe defense have loat 94.000,000 In leaa than register for possible military ser­ suit, Aagos gess to the Purple Pel-’; helpful in preserving law and or­ Few of Her 24 Years the next tlx montha and Axed muBt be atronr. Now, more than a "glamoiir girl” debut ^^7“ vice July 1 with the prospect that All unregistered male citl- Suie G. O. P. Women. ionu, night chib where Adoreem However, Margo dug up two or June 19 prlcea aa toe coat celling prlorlttea ayatem end make toa two yaare, due to the killing of aa th* hmrt waa mad* for Kim, ao itSlummaTmt ever,' la‘ the' time for ua to make several thousand of them- will be xens and aliens In the United der—a thought at which Inspec­ In Hollywood and on three aforementioned worlds to beat ua*____ ofahipping spa loe. valuable hawka and owle, under H* only can fill lt.^Ripbisrd amwRIRaAf 9MIM9I •v«Blflt Jtw pt ’The publicity get* ’em. singe, SlM^sd fihoohsd by the brevtwhrsvtnr of tor Callahan would snort WaShtagtoB, iune 38— for tire*. -" > Trench. i«k*< Bngland atron(, In the hope that in aolmr auita before the year States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico Hartford, June 38—Former Gov- Adoieep'a eostaoi*, Angus tries eonqusr. The Rubber Reeerv* Company. The Far Beat auppueii*a nearly unwlae bounty lawn •s« njra. **<•!:**** W e’ shall probably never know and Aldska who have reached But after about three days ot Broadway* Not Mexico Play Bast Loved Rubber became for all praettw Enytand may be able to direct tell* ends. \ 1 ^ , lemor Raymond B. Baldwin and. to take her out of tike club, but she making his rounds, Angus knowi M^gJ^niToUM ttort Matur. whether Brenda Praxler has ever Two thmga Are expected to ex­ the age of 31 on or before July refuses. Frustrated and aagiy, IM She loved moet being to "The tnc Wow* at rrhat. for the next pedite induenon of the new regls- 1. Mrs. Chester Bollas of Bssex will he must get to touch with Ador- World W* Make** oa Broadway •OBKKIPmM AATBt had a thought In her carefully eafiirs aa all-aigfet huehroon and een whether she likes it or not By Vc®te KelUng few week* at leaat, m»iat be Hit- tranta; Wheat be the speakers at an outdoor Is aatiBg a bowl of ofeill vtoa* a last year, to which she played th* M M»U « ...... gm m ed lltU* head. Perhaps we Between the hours of 7 a. m. He gets her address from tot Vj New York. June 38—(F)—Mar­ :«ntk *t it«n .....•.•'..•I 1. The move tp Ipfuse younger! meeting of the Hartford County ttmld httle n aa oa the steel aext moving role at a girl who eaeaped ]er‘a rear. '« don’t care, either, although It blood Into the millUry service Hy | and e p. m. on Tuesday, July 1, Purine Pelican and arrives at hei * go’s Spanish mama wanted her to to him asks Aagua to paa sth* cat­ apartment to the West Seventies from aa aeylum to aiak* hef way TMr would be nice to know what ah* deferring induction of men over 37 Standard Time. sup. Instead, Aa|na Jeilti the Mttle Uv* in Mexico City and be a lady back to sanity. Whsret at 5:30 to toe afternoon. Gay Summer Draperies inarwcij or Military Aapeeta nUght have bMn If ah* had aver yean of age. maa etf his stoM aad kaoeks him Adoreen opens th* door, and she only. “In tola,” say* Margo, "all to* 9mm AnOCIATBD rUBM . 3. Voluntary enlistment by many A t local draft board offices behind the eeuator. New York oriUea war* for th* led her own Ilf*. youths vyho will be registerad July or piacea designated by those Goodrich, Manchester, County Is as pretty as a picture postcard Her equally Spanish grand­ To compare HlUer'a venture In­ president. of Niagara Falls to the moonlight mother liulated tofit she b* per­ first Urn* unaairfioua to th* opin­ of Floral Dustite Fabrics m UU«4 *• Hi* ••• All we do know la that the 300,- boards. Angus Meets Tbs Boas ion that X had handled my part • «t »ii Sf**j^!r to vaat and boundlea* Ruaala with ^------The meeUng, which will take Her hair is wrapped around net mitted to become a ballerina be- n rtlurwl** 000 firmly established her aa ao- ‘ Congress has moved to defer CHAPTER VII expertly. . . . Evea oa* who baa tf that raah and fatfful Invaalon of the calling into service of regis­ place regardless of weather, will head in a million little waves, and eldes. clety*a No. 1 Glamour Girl and I ^ held In- a tobacco |»*rn at Wood Angus isn’t mad anymore. He she is wearing a dark blue negli­ Both of them won. . . . Except always Beamed to reaent that I us* Napoleon'a la too comfortaW* and trants who have reached 39. Local is sorry he clouted the little guy (mly oneIP. nameiMlUIVk " I f , All «*liu ®» .i2! that the expensive investment pro­ draft boards, officials say, will Vilt nf th* SSUt* Of Mr*. JO- gee that drags on the floor. When that Margo ha* spent all but ths il litpatehti re-aaaurin( a thought to be true. Republican lying there behind the counter. she sees Angus, her cheeks start That bring* ua to Margo’a aolo Tailor Made duced a great deal of cheap publi­ tend to go quickly througfi older nimbers will be drawn In the lot Chairman and fitat* Central After all, th* poor littls fellow first few of her 34 year* in HoUy- Aa uaual. the Naat mUltary ma­ reristranU to reach those 31-year- to bum. wood and on Broadway, rather name. city and notoriety for the young can’t be blamed for Garvin Fitx- “Get out ot here,” ah* says dan­ "People think I am a show-off, f • In Oor Own Workrooms B«n aarrlM ellMit el M. chine la thoroughly prepared. It olu___ who have neither dependents % e first serial number water. than to Mexico, ar.d haa become irrte* IBA lady. Thi* kind of publicity la like nor essential employment and are gerously soft “Go away. How can not only a dancer but a etar of th* uitog only on* like a quota, but can be anaumed that It haa adjuat- will become ’’Order No. 1.” The •rhe proprietor Is yelling In they spare you from Jail?” what can 1 do at tola Mtoit?” ahe r«MlelMra Bep^AtAtlTeA a poison bug; once It gets Into at an ’’ideal age*^’ for army train- holder of that serial number will S ^ .i^ u b le " m m ' Greek that no scholar could un­ stage screen as well. *d Itaelf to the acope of operatlona become the first man eligible «®r M dwin, wlW of “Hello, Addle,” says Angus un­ toquiree, elevating a tooulder. your aystem and you begin to like Ihg. derstand. l l i j customers dive for abashed. “Z Just dropped to to be Reveals Mixed Inflnaaces "My real name la MarguartU H r * Tertu Clileefe. OetroTt •"« which invaalon of Ruaala entalla. Many of the 1941 college gradu­ service In his district It la plan- *>• » the door and disappear into the iPkate*. ______It you’ll do almost anything to ates among the July reglstranU, friends like you said.” The otoer day, while I waited Terem Ouadelup* Caatlllo Bola-: . 9 5 pr. And the tank, plane, and the mo- ned to sandwich the new regie- , . ______. night For a couple of minutes, An­ ’ to lunch with Margo, the livtog . A0DIT • 0 KBAO o r it is believed, will enlist for,their tranta with the original regia- Mrs. Fwnk J. Ayres of H ^ ‘ “ I said that befora I knew you do." torixed column* of infantry can keep It going. InaUnctlvely, you gus stands there alone, watching made a habit of sleeping to Jails room of her Manhattan apartment W* taka time out whila ahe ittBCtaATIONA. year of mllltanr training after ford, chairman of the hospitality th.i hysterical proprietor, and then o cut to* dlatance* of Ruaala far be­ shape your life from one publicity Although defense authorities are committee, ha* ap^intod to* fol evezy night” rBVBftlcd thft mlxftd influftftcu of apella It for me. T h e Beraia PrIaUaa O ew peey. they find It la difficult to obtoln his heart sinks as he sees five po­ stunt to another. Jobs when one is subject to call to committed to building an ’’army lowing anIstMte to make ar- ‘Now, Addle, that ain't true. her paet even before she herself "As a dancer 1 waa billed Ilka u m aaiee ■* ItaaDetal raapeaei. low what they were In Napoleon’a licemen com~ig through the door That waa Just bad luck. I’m sorry moved into It to a trailing red Itytor tjrpo«T*phle*l erier* We hope and trust there’s sin­ camp. of youngsters,” the drafting of rMgementm Mrx James R a ^ all rhumba and Spanish dancers. I day. If the unlu of the Ruaalan vrlth nightsticks gripped for ac­ the papers printed your name and rina IB aatertieementi I* tae Some who have become 21 since youths from 18 to 20 inclusive •■IJ****®*' ®J i? **if*S ^ * hostess gown, exquisitely scented . . . «dth on* nams," aha contin­ iMter Bveatoa HeraJC_____ army atand, or the Naala can catch cerity and affection In UtUe Bren­ tion. all that Caliban and Artel stuff. and pretty and charming as all those 19,500,000 from 31 to 35 not contemplated.. Congress is de- RuWn of BMt HarUord, ^ When Joe arrives for duty at ued. "Since then ptwiuoers have ) i them, Naal vlctorlea are to be ex­ da’s forthcoming marriage to were signed up last October 19 finitely o p p o ^ to the InducUon of V. 0*1 ^ ®* BoutWngtOT, Md Mrs. What does that mean, anyhow 7” . gat out tried to givs me another, but none Monday. June 33 the jailhouse the next morning, he Adoreen glances furtively down For sxample, there waa a slaapy pected. The Naal army la the beat ’•Shipwreck” Kelly, to* former already have registered *.nd volun­ "teen age'^boya ^ B. Cutler of Mancheatar. Mrs. has been a succem.” 11 1 greets <^®*^ cordially. ’’Exprot^ haUway. "Wiatever It means, teered for a year of training. Now Has fiOfiJtO Draftees Ayres haa announced that the Pekingese which kept tumbling For a short tlms, whlls Margo equiired, the beat trained army In professional football player. We’d to see you, he says. Saw It to not I t Qh, come on to. But .-f- Oar CMrae Expect Smooth Handling The army now hfs a force ofJ public Is InviM to attend, as well with a sigh onto soft cuahloiui; a waa Mrs. Frandia Lsdersr, wlf* of the world. If, on the other hand, like to believe this means she haa th* papers. Wanna «»ad It?’ only for a lltUe while. Mr. Flte- Harlem maid,* a New York girl Selective service officials anti­ about 1,600,000, moie^than 500,0001 a* members of the county aasocla- ^ g u a Isn t very, enthusiastic, water's coming any minute. We’re the screen star, ahe had two It the democraclea had It ^th - to* RuaalBn artnle* are mobile developed a yearning for the quiet belng draftees. The training pro­ tlon. secretary, a Spanish aunt, Mexi­ nsmsa, but no longer. * cipate smooth .handling of the reg- Naan* Vioe-Chalrmen but he takes toe Paper. Some wise- going out to a cocktail party.” can oil p^ttogs, white furniture H l their power to dictate the per* enough and wiae enough to begin life, fiivay from the cameras and IstraUon by the now axperienced gram- calls for an Induction of guy reporter hMVritten: Angus shuffles Inside smd sixes Just having completed*’^ en­ notutton for thla war between about 90,000 men a month in each Th* vice-chairmen of the local "In the wee hran of the mom- yp U v ^ room. "Nice place moderhe, a lovely old desk of to- gagement dancing at the Waldorf- playing a game of bide and aeek the night clubs. Whatever kind 9,600 draft boards. Re^atratlon laid woods, and an American, A will be from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. at month after July 1. town committees in Hartford Coun- tog’ A n g ^ Mac|^lllpa, 38, N w I you got here. Addle, I wish you Agtoria, Margo mya she la return,- i^Btlar and Stalin, It would be for Immediately, It may be a long time of marriage it’s going to be, w’e The new draftees will have one I ty have full Information regarding phonograph with a collection of tog to make two picturss. dhmatroua deadlock which would piacea designated by local boards. Yorks ^liban ^ m C^®b, who^oulm i’t go to those cocktail par- before Hitler la able to force a mil wish her happiness. But with all Persons may register later If they advantage over the earlier recruits I the meeting for those in their re last week nearly demoralised Man- -• Latin muric stacked around i t them both and leave the —camp life is more comfortable I apectlve towns who desire to at- Lunch featured southern chick itary deciaion. these noble and sentimental ges­ are" prevented from enrolling on hattM’a, police f®ree ^ Uckltog Adoreen is dlstanL ”We won’t at Burope ready to admit tho designated day by circum­ now. Completed barracks, recrea- tend. These vice-chairman are: 20 offlcOrs stogle-handsd, was u - discuss that I f you’ll patdon me, en, a Mexican diah, a green axlad The Ruaaian atrategy—-or what tures, we still cannot escape the tion facilities such as hostess Hartford, Mrs. L. C. Dewing; shining with olive oil end a Yan­ ^ failure at toe totalitorian idea, stances beyond their coptrol or be­ rested for the second rime, ^ s fv e got to dress. You’U find drink* Navy Honors the outaide world know* of it impression that Brenda la still go­ cause of absence from the coun­ houses, movie theaters and athle- R u t Hartford, Mrs. Robert Rubin; time for allegedly assaulting WU- on the table.” . kee layer cake with plenty of Had Ntum to toalr traditional love tic equipment, and smoother In- Glastonbury, Mrs. Peter Scaglia; frosting. been founded ..on the claaaic Rua- ing to live in the headlines. And we try. He Austerschmldt, a subway guard | Annu la genuinely shocked. ducUon handling will help them Manchester, Mrs. C. A. Goodrich; off duty. Manages to be Latin Li'gilt in Scale - Light in Color - - ’:«f Sharty. Bion concept of limitleaa dlatance. never heard of much happiness on The order in which the new men "Drinks! Addle, you don’t Sub Victims I are subject to call will be deter­ over the preliminary homesickness. Marlboro, Mrs. Agnes Roberts; "No, but Mr. Fltxwater does, UMfBrtimataly. to* democraclea Page On*. And the a«-my’s new cooks can Newington, Mrs. O. B. Parker; Margo, who has brown-gold hair While rrance and Germany were mined by lottery which probably all-night Greenwich Village lunch |o,d he’s a gentleman. I thought lustrous with vitality and topax auch aaay choice. Thla building the Maginot and to* Sieg­ will be held a few weeks after turn out better chicken dumpHnga Rocky Hill, Mrs. Ann Harding; place. Wltoeaaes said MacPhllllps maybe you were learning to be and banana cream pies than they Granby, Mrs. Tracy Crouse; South eyes, looks Nordic as anything, Effoj^ to Recover Bod­ O '® * ’' a Joy Forever - - even in Summer! it doaa not mean that fried Unaa, Russia waa buay In aa the registration. It will be aimllar apparently was angerbd by Aus- one.” ^ but to spite of her perfect Eng­ to last fall’s lottery. Bach man wlU could a few months ago. Windsor, Mrs. A. C. Johnson; terschmldt’s request to have the ies or to Salvage 0-91 Put gay flowers or plaids at your windows and sea •aa ait emnfortably m the orlglnAl tjrpc of devastation which Wethersfield, Mrs. David Wood lish, her bloodenesa, and one Irish catsup passed. ^ • Adoreen comes out to d long • grtuidmotoer, she manages to be your rooms "perk” up this Summer. We’ve whila to* two gTe*ti*#o-^ designed to be Ita own chief M an A bout house; Avon, Mrs. JoaepH W. Al­ en Auatorachmldt recover- that it looks stoful, Abandoned. billion pounds of milk to 1940, sop, Berlin, Mra Artour Benson Latin. grouped eleven of our most popular Summer ragfnses destroy them- border defense. Great strips of ed consciousness, four hours after jm t as the doorbell rings, On one finger she wears a gold • The new Hgkt brown "collector^’ maple finish and the graceful Rather, It means that they the largest production of milk In Bristql, Mm. C. H. the affray, he resigned his Job -oh, gosh.” says Adoreen, "that Portamouth, N. H., June 33—(JP) dustites at this dramatically low price. They’ra land -fifty miles wide along the any state In the history of the Mrs. Waldo Bverett, Wln<^r ring of clasped hands which opens lines of this group will create a bedroom for you you’ll prize more Manhattan and left New York for a chicken must be Mr. Fitzwater. Now look up into three circlets, revealing the heaviest cretonne on the market, resistant to redouble their efforts to Russian frontier were systemati Washington world; and tho amount of pound- farm upstate, saying he wants to here, Angus, you behave or—or—” —^The Navy honored today as dearly year by year. For this furniture is designed on time-tested thalr own security. It By Oeorg* ‘Tncker age for each dairy farm waa 323. O ^w to; Famto^on, Miu Maude that toe hands cover a golden "men atUl at their station ot duty” A® sun and washable. Draperies are tailor-made to cally laid waste, despoiled of trees return to the simple Ilf*. Garvin Fltxwater is a lily if heart Colonial motifs. It won’t go out of style. You’ll like the cool, airy your measurements (up to 2^4 yards long) with that they must aee that an increase of 95 pounds to toe ^ b “Police officials say MacPhll- there ever waa one. He la about the 88 tne|abera of toe aunkan and aad bunttogs. and, to a certain ex­ New York. — On paper, toe farm In one year. This Is nttrib- Sej^our, S ^ t ^ i ^ . B ^ V. Besidet being a gracious hostess, effect it lends your bedroom, too, on hot evenings. Nothing stuffy sateen lining, pinch-pleated tops and tie-backs. who la to* prime aggressor, D aybook I«rm 914 Ulic am »v»a*es- i •» ' RFe— A A llpBlips’ OIIWIBCoffense Wwill ill prODtoOiyprobably beWC re- I II19UU1V middle MljbVfsize, with WIUI%U4MVfW tolack 049494jfshiny 44MIhair Margo is a hlgWy totsUlgent wom­ premure-crutaed aubmaritM' 0-9 tent, mined against the oncoming American Concert Association uted to the fact that Wisconsin, 0x1^; w . h m u o m , a ...... ^ disorderly... conduct ■ ■ be- • ' that ‘ la ------greasy------and------packed ta1 lit' Ut- about such grand pieces 1 The light bracket baseB, oval brass hard­ Ck)ol Summer Colors! la Bmat readily equipped an with toe soul of an artist after abandoning efforts to rs- (sO-. tei foe. . ssema Just like any other musical By Jack Sttonstt outstanding among all toe states, Shute, N w Briteln, SM . u u w » the vlcUm’S refusal to Ue curls. He has the tender skitskin She talked of pictures.. .cinema cover their bodies or to salvage ware and architectural mirror; * .the sleigh type bed with its deeply eairy green grass,irraiu nlentvplenty ofoj rainram, Smith; BlOOmflCld, Mrs. Waiter F. Whit- il. prosecute.. I of . a fresh----• corpse,------and hia----- smile«- is Consequently, deep German ad­ organisation, except tor thla fact ■ sfreiSs mln^ Phelps; Canton. Mrs- O u ^ . WWt- and^oU...of music, of th* cam- tbs craft from murky depths, 440 turned posts.. .all add a flavor of classic 18tn Century. Made of tt he obtains hia objectives running "MacPhillips’ brush with large about as friendly as a hyena’s. He raderle of th* theater, of a rssi- feet below th* surface. vances are not only to be expected —back of It stands a thoughtful Washington—Here and there is cows.” ney; B, Granby, Mrs. Bimlce M. numbers of the laws last week has no mustache, but he looks solid birch, and regularly priced at $98.00. ;te this eanapaUgn. .does not obtain young man who has found how to Prevo; E. Windsor, Mrs. J. Ernest denes she ran acroaa and loved The derision to allow the men at the outset, but are part of the Capitol Town: restUted from hia chasb across as if he ought to have, on Long Island, converted from an objectives. make cultural entertainment pay. Vehring: Enfield, Mr*- Ire®® J®' to lay buried on the ocean floor Russian strategy. Since the newly FM (frequoKcy modulation, half the United States to pursuit He studies Angus like he If look- old windmill, of her collection of came only after two courageoua He Is Reed Lawton, baritone, graham; Hartland, Mrs. Raymond of his Ariel—to this case, Miss tog at something to the Aquarium. BIttsc's alamaatary objective la acquired territories were not with­ sometimes called “ statlcless Hitler Surprises Hall; Simsbury, Mrs. H. H. Skar- toy stuffed animals, of the strong Navy divers descended to tha aids who is turning to account his ex­ Adoreen Margate, featured singer "So you’re Caliban,” he says, Sense of the past she finds in New of the Russian armies, and in this safety belt. It U unlikely periences and observations In It­ radio) may get It* biggest boost rett; Suffield, Mrs. Geo. L. Grier. of the under-water vessel to work, at the Purple PeUcan.” "Well, well.” Fngiand but not so much to Holly­ tog dives unparalleled to history. MtrW of Russian resources, that they will be given much de­ aly, In France, In Germany, and In from non-commercial educational On Week-Ends Angus drops the paper. "What “I ain’t no such thing,” Angus wood... those otoer continental centers It was determined tost further through direct German rule fense. Ruasiaa Poland, the Baltic broadcasting and If It does, Edwin does this CaUbai and Ariel stuff counters. “I’m hard-working and "I first became an American,” efforts would Jeopardize divers’ where' so many AmerieaiM for mean, Joe?” I earn an honest livtog, which is h PHPpat roglnaa. The dernoe- H. Armstrong, the man who In­ she said, “when I read U tU * Wom­ lives. states, and Bessarabia can prob­ generatioru have gone to study By The Associsted Press HEALTH AND DIET I don’t know,” says the JaUer. more than I can say for some peo- play a aaajor role la vented It, may become the nation s en.’ " "Under present riroumatences,’! ably be quickly occupied. But then. opera. champlon»dollar-a-year man. Many of Adolf Hitler’s biggest “Somethto’ about love, 1 guess, pie.” Advocate of Dasetog Leeaoss •The study opera and travel ADVICE amid Admiral Harold R. Stark, Sound sleep is most H m m tiB g this; but It is praeUcal If Russia holds to its strategy. Hit­ According to the Federal Com- BurpriM, Including his latest, Don’t ask me.” ’ “Angus!” yells Adoreen. Margo believes that her dancing chief of Naval operations to Waah­ for Churchill to promise aid la expensive. It is prohibitlvs when munlncatlona Commission, Arm­ have burst on toe world during "I don’t like they should keep "Well, I am. I got a good Job, la responsible for most of her good ler win still have to* evasive main a world Is at war. It shuts doom Famished by the MoOey dragging Addle’s namp to like and maybe some day you’U be togton, “ tha derision must'be to ■la. aad It is likely that the strong ha* offered to accept 91-*' week-ends. fortune to the legitimate theater accept toe situation as lorn ot essential in Summer! battle to seek. even to thoa* who have th* means year royalty from all non^cbm- His declaration of war on Rus­ BsalUi Servto* that” glad to have me.” « and thinks that every child should States will follow suit No for leisurely study. Never mind that now. The In- Fltxwater. stlU wears toe plaster- Naval personnel at asa who can Without too muchArishful think­ mercial education agencies" who sia came at dawn on Sunday and take lessons—especially girls—for best be honored as men still at jwttar hoar distasteful aa ally Sta­ Lawton’s idea waa to open new he sent his legions Into Yugoslavia Address oommnnleatloaa to 11m specter wants to see you." smile, " I’m glad to hear you’re tb sake of their health, posture ing, there la a aught poaaiblUty wish to use his patients. Latest ap­ getting along weU to New York. their station ot duty. Not one ot in may b*,'h* wOl be a practical doors—not to ancient European plicants to Jump at th* chance, and Greece on another Sunday Health Mrvfc* and poise. ^ „ them would expect or wish an­ STEARNS ft FOSTER’S that the Russian army has been halls but to new yet eager Ameri­ Herald, Atteattea MoOoy "A dancer must be an actress,” - ally so kmg as he Is occupying toe says FCC, are - the San Diego morning. It was on a September Inspector Callahan Iq «l®u«*®d other Naval men to risk his life unfairly scorned because of the can audiences—aad it works like (Calif.) Unlfleff School District, week-end In 1939 that he sent his rer hia desk like a beaten tnarn M u ^ abs axplatos, "and whan toe dan­ to provide another final resting Mast aalhtary amchins. Flnnito campaign. With dlsutroua this; the City of Chicago board of edu­ forces into Poland and that Britain Suabdtos and Snabura Velcome back, MaePhUUps. Ex- f®” cer to first faced with straight act­ place.” ' . Mttler*a naaro snltaWe objective l l In forming the American and France declared war on Ger­ plainJhis one If you can.” ing ah* skips all to* early diffi­ overcoiUldsnee, the Russian high cation and U» T University of Illi­ to mitottoicto ** stovs Awtonfii I Tor Mr* OAfltAionti wno • ft May Never- Determine Oanse :|s to produce earaleas optlB^aa. Concert Association he gathered to nois. Already taking advantage many. It was on another week-end.. I Now that to* warm days are culties toe novice encounters, Naval officials said that al­ ANNIVERSARY command sent Inferior and I n * ^ - himself a wide range of notable )«^sming how to move on a stage, divisloa of aaind, ahd, finally. of the five high-frequency bands before the war that hia forces roR-^ every opportunity should be though it may never be deter­ clent troops to accomplish what talent—the Westminster choir, for set aside for purely educational ed Into the Rhineland, demilitarix- takra to let toe skin drink to toe to enter and to extot mined what caused the 2S-ysar- liidlnlBrTur'BSgtmated peace In Instance; the duo pianists Fray “Perfectly naturaL mistake,” 17^®®* crooks. It s aorta .like being a "The dancer already knows how proved to be a first rate military uses are the New York. Cleve­ ed under the VersalUes treaty. beneficial ultra-violet rays of toe cop.” old, recently recommissioned craft INNERSPRINC MATTRESSES democraclea. He aroMid like to and Braggiotti. . . . He got John land and San Francisco, boards of The purge by which he wiped Apart from toe vigorous, says the inspector sarcastically. * tc command her body.'* b. Perhaps- It la a very slim The smile doesn’t leave Fltx- In her very first Broadway play, to plunge to the ocean bed during •Tyers, the baritone; he secured education and the University of out dissident element* In the Nasi and cosmeUc effect of a “Could happen to anybody. Ex­ a teat dlvfi, a Naval board of In­ have' Bngli^ , aM the , United perhaps— Russia will do better cuse ua for detaining_ YOUyou." ■■ I water’s face, but his voice is lower "Wlnterset.’’ Margo was starred the services of the EMwln Straw- Kentucky station (under con­ ®" goldenbrown tan. there la much quiry would hold an Investigation Btatas think toat~^^" Nfisl perU now. bridge ballet, and Henrietta Schu­ struction). day In 1984. Even before he cam* *hyrtcal benefit derived from toe bh7 that’s all righ* In f^ to r ,” *ltJd-3”^A*!reen? ^We’rt Ute with Burgess Meredith, either to New Londem, Conn., or Angus-says. “Mistake all aroimd.|y^ .f**'*^’ ‘Were Ute k Bom to Mexico City of Spanlsh- S' II Charm— ■» . has turned from them. And, back However successful Hitler may mann, pianist . . . He secureB to power one of the first events ^ ray*. The ultra- now.” Portsmouth at an unatmouncsd many others. ' Well, so long.' hom parents, Margo made her ta his old role of crusader against be In the Russian campaign. It will I ’m going to start a “ who-has- whlch brought him to power oc- . . « ^^t upon what U date. ^ 4 .8 5 1 " T Ul New Comfort Cool, easy-to-clean floprs o| 2. Next, he went Into the towns "Come back here!” Callahan first professional there .Oommuniam, he would like to have the-most-honorary-degrees?” con­ curved on Saturday—the Munich | a* tooleatenSto toe skin. Angus U sUU gloomy whan he acer at th* age of six, Deep in their steel tomb, tha take him some time, and during of the Eteat, the iSouth, and the test and to start It, I'll enter Sen. beer hall putsch. yells, hU face red. "Where do you aa a dam 2 0 » » ^■i^T n a forKitchena with the resultant formaUon of think you’re going?.” meets Spike and th# boya ta toe men were given toe blessings ot the democratic world drift into a this time he will be engaged in a midwest. He set up organisations Carter Glass of Virginia. Picking And he was bom on ff'Saturday tavern toe next afternoon. Spike Kngnged for CiMriis an appreclatlvs and aympatostlc vitamin D which is so naceasary T thought you iuid—” While performing at th* Hill ■tat* of practical peace with him, war on at least three fronts. Now, In each of those towns, sponsored up one proffered him by I^pichburg to April, 1899. ^ for building the bodily resistance ---- , 1 doesn’t look too happy himself. Naval secretary, Frank Knox, dur­ CHROMALIN by civic authorities and the lead­ college, Lynchburg, V*., the other "Sit down! The etrset Mexican thmter In Lo* to be followed, when blood bad ImoMdlately, la to* moment for the against disease. This vitamin to ^ Th® *»®y® ®tend ta kind of cloee end gales ahe was seen by Ramon No- ing a iolemn service on toe gently ing citisena, the bankers and the day, the veteran of more than two cleared out of New ___*‘®«P t***^*^______hands to their P<^®te rolling deck of toe submarto* | cooled, by formal British and democracies to strike as heavily as stored to the body so that toe theuto w.ujonly smart thing ...~ng to do aaas longIrag | ‘Hailo. Atigus,"juigu*,” sayssays' Spike. , 'varro and engaged for the chorus 5 P c Solid Maple Dinettes Chromxlto Floors ax* j ministers. \ decades of Senate batUes tucked it Vlunitiong Plants beneficial effect of the sun tan la Triton yMterday. American recognition of his posi­ they can against western Germany 8. ’These organisations each ar­ away and discovered that It waa as you’re to town, i® we can t a good guy. It waa nice of toe motion picture, “Under A your houaawota tola, S Tfc . , * -n*ii|B>uch more than skin deep, and Draeeeute.^But were holding you Texas Moon.” Scarcely more t ^ With A 'trace at tsars to hia [ tion In Burope. Such posalblUtlea, ranged a series of three concerts. his fourteenth. prosecute.'But we’« h o l^ g y®« U„owto’ you. .yes, Ufa Naval chief grimly I claan. crisp pattonw and smqpto wax by air, and against Libya by every F u t i n A r m y O l H may help to fight off tafecUons for d ls ^ erly conduct You ^ “What’s toe matter?” Angus a t-wM at toe time, she fibbed You’re going to be surprised to learn how much flnlta win took coal.'too! Ca^maaUn. Prime Minister Churchill promptly Th* concerts were |1 each. The stepped to tha port rail—aa ap- possible means. While Hitler Is ' I next winter, long after that beau­ get out IfK you put *■ up 9 » ball._ ..xm’t 1 been doin’ all about her age and wae A chorine lyer, cooler and comfortable your kitchen, or aa you know, is a' plastloiltoor mata- tickets were sold In blocks of The FCC haa another feather tiful tan haa disappeared. into * 1 ta three murical jrteture#; 'proxlmately 1,000 gold-hralded ad­ and forcefully repudiated yester- preoccupied, England haa an open­ three. In lU hat A t HaydenviUe, Maaa. Angtu reachet Into his P®®lt«i Liaht?” Snetts, will be when you change to maple! The rial applied to a felt beta baric and' Washington, June 28.—(ffV- In For those affUcted with ^ m a and fishesshea out a 950 binbill. "Have Trouble is I don’t Margo expreaaea wide-eyed won­ mirals, sailors to dress blue and day. ing. Upon the us* Bngland makes 4. Lawton's next move was a the FCXr* ether spies—searching I then printed..torough to to* back., order to keep the purse strings In ] and other skin eruptions, the eun- you gotot snyany change?change?” read toe papera much and so I der over her talent for getting dto- divers to denim work elothaa stooiii effeirt of freshness is heighteHed by the smooth U soally 89c with attractlv* pattorns and cotora. ••We are vowed to destroy Hit­ of It, with United States help, the careful search for talent of a high for an aUeged Ulegal short-wave St attention—and iitterad to the I lacquer finish of the extension table and four side radio broadcaster, who announced the hands of Congress, a S^ate bath is especially helpful to clear- covered. ‘ , * . Wears Ilka real linoleum. ler.” said C h u ^ ll. ”We wUl not order but which waa unknown. to^pecto? a ^ ^ ^ Id c lo u s l^ to lT y S S ^ d ^ W m ^ ^ ^ West and eaat coaete seem to men far below a forid "Good bye— ' ■ Same Low Coet real outcome of the war may .de- . . . He ferreted out those people hlmsdlf as “ Frits” and Uunted Appropriatlona Subcommittee'was I tog up toe ugly eruptions, Md chairs. This group is a particularly sound invest­ (%pic* of aeven diaconttoued pattanra parley, w* wiU not negotiate.” He reported today to have decided when combined with a five-day alternate on It. we thank you—God bless you.” Aa Fait Baaa! . pend. who would have been spending the government with urging* to When tae was dancing at A g w ImpnssMiln to Work ment because the chairs have boxed-in seats; the ’ reduced to toe uaual coat of ordtoary psomised aa increasing aerial as­ come and get mer” was tracked that 9500,000,000 for 1’ new muni- fnHt Juice fast, the effect ta oftw z"A£,.rightj **^‘A'^e?^Angu*“*5i^surer^ felt-baa* floor covertog! Don’t miaa their time and their money in tlona plants should be provided In surprising. However, Just a word show you where to pay. But get j„,ow Mr. Castaloni. Callente, once a border resort, tae A few hours earlier Rear Ad­ strongest chair constmetion known. Regular sault on toe western front Demo- European opera classes If war down' by airplane. Th* plane, notlcta an imknown man looking miral Richard 8. Edwards bad thla value. Merit Changes Vetoed equipped with special direction a pending 910,000.000,000 military of warning to ,th® cntoualasUc sun this—If them’s any mote ^ ^ l e hangto’ around with « tur- $29.76. cratle. effort, he said, would be hadn’t kept them at home. supply-bill. ■ wortolpper — remember that be- with you* I'm ftOimft Cftll out tho I*”,* Mme«em a# VltCWAtAr ** on at one of her rehearmle. signalled th* end of operations by These unknown artists, whose finding equipment, and working I ”f0rtlfied and strengthened.” Such fair and relevant criticism The War Department had-pro-1 cause a little does a little good, Nfttionftl OuftTd ftnd^put thU whole sighs. 'I t is sftd to reUte," r^inw up to her afterward* announcing It eras Impnaaihla for I successes seem assured once they In conjunction with similarly " and mid, ‘1 am Rene* Stock of to* dlvars to wbrk with any kind of ’That from ,the acknowledged at the state merit system as>> the equipped automobiles, made the posed that the plants be built by do not think that a lot will do a Ul«d he K ‘SJt Mr Fltew.fr wd have found their way to the pub­ the Defense Plant Corporation, an I lot ot good. Sunlight, like any get you locked up for keep*. „ o,ris?o"i are one and toe Waldorf-AitorU. Would you like efficiency In the black, _ sUt-bot- front line leader of the democratic legislative investigating commit­ lic, will receive the benefits of trace-down In short order. Ama­ "Yes, sit," say. Angus meekly. to dance ta New York?" tomad depths where tbs men were | teur operator* to the vicinity got RFC subsidiary, «rlth funds ob-1 other form at treatment, muat be cause, la Ugh assurance of what tee did develop can be met through Lawton’s association. talned from toe RFC and th* lease-1 taken in regulated doses in order ^ . Angus frowns. He- studies the There, ta 1984, she wa* "dtocov- entombed. Pay on Easy Watkins Brothers Budget Terms For Instance: one of the con the thrill of being In on the ered” by Writer* Ben Hecht and “In my opinion,” said Admiral must take place if the democracies administrative tactfulneas without sleuthing.. They kept “Frit*” on lend appropriation. to do the greatest amount of good. For a couple of days, Angus is tabbies to hia ginger ale a long certS'in each city will feature the too buay to think much about ..wny ehould Mr. Castaloni Charles MacArthur and signed for Edwards, '"the men of the 0-9 died are not to be beguiled Into surren­ any sweeping changes In the merit the air in two-way conversations Subcommttee msmbers objected I qii* beat plan Is to start out with famous Westminster choir. An on the ground that this would re- I five minutes exposure lying on toe Adoreen. He Ukm it b®tter t ^ t b*ve twd luunes?" „ „ one of their flret movlee rnade at Instantly." He based hia con­ dering to* security they have so law itself, and it la this sound al­ other will feature oh* or more of for long periods while the FCC Astoria, Long Island, “Crime With agents made their calculations llnquish' appropriating power to and then turn over ra the way. Rtoenever he lets his mind I **niat’a a lonb stray. W ell tall clusion on the fact that wreckage far defended. But tt U not likely ternative which Governor Hurley these young, unknown artists. And the executive branch and that the' stomach and expose for. another go back to her, h* get* a Jumpy y„u about-toXt later.*' out Passion.” from the toterlor lining of the bun Two grand defk values to help Lawton himself wi^ take over In and sUHced “ Frits” through hi* feeling in his chest “WeU, I guess' Pm fired then. Is When tae was working to Holly that the battle over policy—parttc- proposed when he vetoed the law footprints on the ether waves. It defense corporation would not be five minutes. ThU may be in­ had been found on the surface. I the third. Spike Mudge gives him a list of I that what you want, tell me? wood to 1935 she was “discovered As guns roared out toe N avy* changes'the Legislature left on his • • • is the secoi.d time in recent iubject to the Army limitation of creased a few minutes each day I plsriy In America—haa ended with a 9 per cent fee on coat plus fixed addresses along the waterfront - The boya edge to closer to An- by Producer Guthrie McCUntic and final tribute and bugles sounded I you with your Suminer correspondencel months—but the first by airplane until the skin la able to tolerate Playwright Baxwell Anderson for that pronouncement The isola- desk. * ' lAwton’a remuneration is deter­ :!ee^ contracts. They also> u said id the I tnereari^y large doses. Thoe* where he a«ms‘'to niakb his col- gu*. Spike pulls hU hat d o ^ over taps, wreaths were tossed upon ' In Summer, when hot days tire you more than any —that TCC officials have picked lecUrma from to* broccoli mer- his eyes and turn* his head away, "WtoteraeL” tfamlsts. as soon as they recover The legislative committee. In the mined in thla nuumer. Suppose 700 up alleged Illegal..„»b®rtrWave coloration would have to dupli- ] ^he beaches and ta toe open the calm' sea—for the nation, tha other time of the year, you n c^ extra sound, re­ blocks of tickets, amounting to chante. Anjpis U surprised howXHope. Not exactly.” He gulps. She haa appeared to five other N avy and toe families of to* vle- from the desertioB ^of their Com- mid1 anmist cells, will have new argu- mous report, the hills of Oonneett- off as “Frits.” The other was to‘ they do is take one look at him I us to take you for a ride, Ktaga,” ’’Fault," "Savanth essential to good health. During the night your . The Westminster choir, in nunota. th* use of good quality simgtoa^. Tho excluslv* Naval service— j •Mtits along the lines Hitler In- cut fairly resounded, to the whoops great deihimd, will have to be paid and dive for the safe to get the I Angus sighs and ahakes bu Heaveo,” "The World W * Make iu>t even members of the famlUea body builds up.. .re-news, so to speak...the Gov. Winlhrop 39*^° It is unfortunate that with the full amount ta cash. {head a Uttle. “Well, thaPs nlc*-of and’Tanyard Street" and a num­ tanda There will be those who of Joy with Which dilr Idealistic something Ilk* 91.500 for its sto­ No better example of the state coming of toe summer months, of toe heroic crew members were rnusdes you have worn down during the day. In gie appearance. That leaves 9900. Week-End Deaths He flguree these broccril dealers {him anyway. I •f)!**J* ber of movim. including toe screen Hava you alwaya wanted a fine Governor Wtothrop dataf WiUiag to forgive Hitler cvery- legislators responded to the news of mind recent gigantic approprla there are virtually tnllUona of version of "Wlnterset” and "Ixst present—was held ta the center of ] order that your body can perform these functions Lawton then sends on* of hia ac­ must ntod an awful lot of pro- see what It looked Ilk* around In to* face of rlatag prlcaa her*’* a tower on ® " tlona have gotten some congress­ MUM of severe sunburn, all of Hortoon." a circle of shout a dozen veaaela | properly you must sleep properly.. .must be able vben hs attacks the Soviet, that the merit. a)'stem wasn’t all complished youitg proteges, giving men into may be found than the Fla. — Gapt Richard which could have been avoided by tecUon to be willing to hand over {here." Including the salvage craft from 844JiO quality. It’a made of genuto* m ahogi^ m to four them entry to the public whidb auch payments without hatting aa (1* Be CosMased) Oaeo Raft’s Partaer to turn without uphiH e ffo r t .. . m ' often as your drawtrr? fitted with tocka. Correct 4-drawar v m t h io p ^ ^ ^ will be a human but danger- the pur* theorists had cracked It case of Sen. Hiram Johnson of Carney, 79, Florida pioneer who | some plain comoaon sense. I Once she was Ctoorge Raft’s which deapersts effort* had been tendency to assume that the up to be. Th* same spirit of Joy­ they otherwise could not obtain. California. Discussing a proposed once owned all toe land where I y^ry serious cases of *im- made stoce Friday to reach th# 1 unconscious mind demands! rlor; four beU-and-claw feet; flata lid hinges aad automatta Instead of taktog noo^^for lum back at th* hshast of / 3.4091,000 MANCHISTB* e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESim WWW. JauWDAI,JUWE'.CT, 1941 - • - \ ■t ■v, ..it'r MANCHS8TBB BVENINO'^HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAX^ JUNE 23, 1941 Five Violent Restrictions Seen PoBsUile y Cool Air MasB - V missing and a fourth was report­ Thumps'Heat ed missing from a coastal com- Deaths ToU On Dairy Foods Consuming Britain Backs saand attack off the west coest of Movie Lot Schools France where, the Air Mtototry T o A v o id D epression^ Spreads Over Great f^ s From Manchester’s >rs said, a supply ship was damaged. liree Due to Traffic Waahtagton, June 28—(irv-Rtgtak that efforts be made to reduce Pledge of Aid The Brtttoh eald they lost only measures to rrtuce domestic con­ ooasumpiion ta this country by Lakes Area to Move two pUines to the heavy flat>ttog Closed for Summer when peace returns, proposals AccidcutS iu State sumption at some foods—particu­ fixing of prices of butter and over the German invasion bases. Economists Believe Pan­ larly butter, cheese, cream, avapor- cheese at levels higher than now East to Coast. For Russians D. Hutchtaaon of Pennsyl- OvCT ^^CClt-End. ated and whole milk, end possibly prevail, or by vigorous nationwide Oenaan air activity over Brit­ ic After War Can Be campaigns urging the use of sub­ Som«n. Mr. Bond U » gr»du*|^ of ain again waa light and aimed Studio Qassrooms Dif­ ------Stote college: “Develop. canned tometoee — may become KEEPING ABREiter the Woet Sprlnffleld High echool, (OoBttoaefl From Page One) ment ofsnatlafua end International necessary, farm officials aeld to­ stitutes by those who could do so By The Associated Press Japanese Beetle to Bpt mainly at east and southeast EnK- Engagement Told Lessened If Industry By The AsaoHated Press A moderatMy cool air mass, RockTille Bay P«th Inelltute. and la en»- tand. ferent Than Ordinary planning hs soon os feasible; If In- Five violent deaths, three of day, if the United SUtea to to aup- without lowering the nutritive ploWl at the office of the Town And Labor Cooperate. dustrlaltotsim unwUling to moke idy Great Britain with lU mini­ ralue at thill diet...... down-bound from Canada, dealt a and the Ruaslans a common aim— Ones Even If Subjects them ta traffic eccidbnts, were sound thumping to summer’s flrst aertc and Treaaurer. In Weal In Its Appearance Soon to smash the Nasto.'* ■aertflcee In tt wUl probably reported ta Connectievt during mum requests J[or theae products. ' losaSlotent Indaceenent Springfield. . War Agtdn C arried be done by leas dempetent hands. A recent Agriculture Depart­ Some dairy leaders have com- heat wave today. that a t yMteryeas lolna The Daily Mall declared “there Of Both Are Same. By Ohories B. Haraer the week-end. The others were ment appeal to formers to produce idoined that on Agriculture De­ The welcome cool air spread must be no sitting back. If we do New York, June 28— (E^ — A William W. Cumberland of New drowning end a freak mishap greater coot. New Haven, Conn., June 28—(B^oat the rate of elx pounds of lead Across Channel York: “ReesUhllah a rW^ctahle more milk has had some results, partment promise to support, over the Great Lakes area and the not use the luU to the full In p r ^ A Southeast Coast Town in By Slary Hale large croee-secUon of the neUon’s involving a falling boulder. but not enougb, officials said, to prtoes of dairy products at what upper Mlmisslppl valley and, the —Almost any day after June 28 arsenate to four pounds of flour in aration we may perish. . . . By monetary ajrstem; haila^ce tlm Arthur Thomas, of New London, Workers 100 gallpne of water. A sroaU Ekigland.''June 23—(iP)—The Royal Hollywood, June 28—(/P)— The economists bellevee that a “P9^‘ budget; get* govenunent'^t of furnish Britain with the 280,000,- tt described “remunerative’’ levels Weather Bureau said, it would Its a s e t poblle bsMSto Sa Stafford Springs the gardener may expect to ^ helping Russia we are helping our­ Air Force this afternoon agkln movie schoola, where future stars an Electric Boat Company work­ 000 pounds ot cheese, 18,000,000 was an Insufficient Inducement to move steadUy into the Ohio valley. quantity inay be made Mrlth two' selves.'' carried the war acroaa the channel annoment deproeolaa” can 1)6 buataess; see to tt that rmle^ to er, waa killed early today when la ths odmhilstrattaa of the handsome, green-bronse Jap­ rounded tablespoonfula of lead ar- learn their P's and Q's in make-up not profitable nor pleaeant." n oases ot evaporated milk, and 28,- Influence farmers to expand pro­ Middle AUantlc and southern New John a Notts In his YO-minute radio message to German-occupied France. and costumes, are out this month, avoided, or at least lessened, by an antomobile In which he end 000 pounds of dfy skim milk tt England stotee. Mortoory Setooea onS the At Red Cross anese beetle enjoying the sunshine aenate and one and one-half table- to the world Churchill urged that M. O. Roes of BuUer Univer­ three co-workers were en route to duction to the point needed. The Stafford qwonfuto of flour to one gallon of Observers on cliffs saw a bomb­ too. But how different these studio proper planning now by the gov needs during the next 12 months. department’s minimum prices are Many Report New HIgha an, and foliege of hla garden. Tbe bee­ “all our friends and alUes” take er force escorted by fighters winff ernment, with the collaboration of sity: “Revise tax structure; gov­ u e Ne'vy's Submarine Base, col 1. Sltuotloa OompUoated preasat Say water. classrooms are! ernmental old to private industry based on a quotation of 31 cents The flrat lengthy excessively tle grubs have taken their fill of the same course as Britain In over the channel In brilliant sun­ Movie children study the same industry and labor. Uded with - a traUer truck The dairy product supply situa­ warm weather of the year—five fsoiStlra aail PajamBs Are Mlaa Carol Valentine, daughter • The spray of h)rdrated llme-ca- helping the Soviet union fight—an ta financing shift bock to peace­ a pound tor buttorfat at Chicago. grass roots: they have passed shine. aubjecta as children of their a#e This suggestion is On outstond- Groton. tion has been complicated by a These leaders recommend that days In some sections—was re­ eqafpment wa­ of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Val­ iumtoum sulfate to made up of 20 ur^ng taken without question by The flight was followed by loud uig answer to a survey of economic time operation and modernisation Leo Arsenault, 26^ of North steadily rtolag demand ta this through the pupal, or resUiu' pounds of the former to five elsewhere, but tbe similarity ends of plant and equlpmmt.” the department announce a sched­ sponsible for nearly two score jtoT Distribu**®" entine, of Stafford Springe and stage, and warm June and . July British as directed, among others, explosions across tbe channel and there. opinion M>oworad by The National Orosvenordaie, waa killed Sunday country as a result of re-employ­ ule hf guaranteed minimum re­ deaths, prostrations and drown- der wMeh tt Hiigh E. Kabler, aon of Judge and pounds of tbe latter to 100 gallons at the United States. fighting German opposition waa I dropped In at the twentieth Aseoctation of Manufacturers To Preveat Depceeelne when the milk truck he was driv­ ment .under the defense program, Rockville Now. weather will bring! the mature of water, or three and one-half Suggestions for preventiBg turns to producers of whole milk Ings, ta the middle west and east­ is coadoctoS. Mra. John O. Price, of Alexandria, beetle from the soli. Then comes "Russia's danger to our danger,” Indicated by the sound of aerial Century studio school Just a t re­ which asked hundreds of members ing left the highway and over­ by the drought oonditldas that cur­ for six months ta advance, and ern states. The Weather Bureau Va., were married yesterday ounces of lime to three-fourths ha declared, “and the danger of cannon fire. cess. Five children were playins, of The American Economic Asso­ depreaaloo included: turned near Grosvenordole vil­ tailed production in the east dur­ _e. June (Spedal.) the attack on foliage of trees, ounce of aluminum sulfate In one E. L. Cady of Kansas Oty: “The that tt make a standing offer of reported several readings of 68 afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Val­ vines and. garden plente, and. In the United Stotes.” The main group of bombers and mildly, In the little yard. ciation: lage. ing Me) , and by a growing 'abort- 28 cents a pound far American yesterday with many cities report­ ^ J. BSverett North and Mra. entine's summer home In Kaddam gaUon of water. Offers **Any Aaatotaaoe” fighters then beaded homeward ‘"Be careful!” warned their “Will there be a poat-armament collapse can be prevented if tbe of farm labor, due to the draft aoihe IbcallUes on fruit. If planU manufacturers will prepare a ptoa Oiwbed to Death by Reek cheese delivered at any time dur­ ing new highs far the data. Yngtor are In charge of the Neck. Rev. Dr. Kendrich^robel. are to be protected, and most of May Be Applied to Fnitta He offered “any technical and and witneaaea said their formation teacher “You know you mustn’t depTMslon In the United States?” end Industrial stphanlng of agri­ ing the same time. 'The govern- ^ e highest temperature ta the pastor of the Stafford Sprlnga economic asstotance” within Brit- waa perfect , [Iget hurt” WM» Bang* rt-BaUrte of action; get the Anti-Trust Divi­ Michael Boruckl, 16, of Strat­ cultural workers. ion of Red Croaa work for them can be protected by applica­ Theae same sprays may be ap­ sion of the Department of Justloe ford, waa crushed to death Bun- mMt has been paying about 21 heat belt, the bureau reported, waa Oongregatlonal churclj performed tions of sprs3rs or dusts, It to time plied to cherry, grape, raspberry aln’a power and added: "t' ■ X She waa thinlclng of the bruises Replies were received from 480 Farm officials > are confident am ar raontha. Hoapltal pa- to approve It; tell tt to Congreee; day by a 1,000 jmund rock at on 1 that In time sufficient quantities ofcents for cheese tt baa brought for 100 above at KlrksvlUe, Mo., yes­ the ceremony. The ‘bride was to get the material and equipment and blackberry after the fruit has "We shall bomb Germany by day and scratches that might hold up of the experts. They cover a wide the British. terday before the torrid speU waa jB » be secured at the attended by her sister, Mrs. Wil­ as well as by night in ever-ln- British intercept a movie/ Even a black eye could range of beliofs. and tbrt go ahead and fill arma­ old dam alts which plunged him dairy products can be provided by ■ OB Tueaday momlnga, ready for use. been picked, or if the plants are ment ordera. Then store the raw and a companion, John Stewart, These leaden contend that suf- broken. Both Blythe, CaUf., and liam Sorennon of Stafford Amdng projects to control tbe not bearing. Late varieties of ap­ pressing measure, casting upon coat 81^,000 in Hollywood! ‘Tt should be clear,” pointed out this country- to fill its own as well flolent cheese for Britain and dd- Phoenix. Alls., reported marks of to U;90 or oo Thiujday aft- timni mrwith by month a haavler German Supply Ship on official of tbe manufacturers' matertols not needed In a ware­ 18, Into a rocky ravine when tt as the Brittoh needs. They say, Sprihis as matron of" honor and Japanese I^Ue, carried on at the ples may alto be protected with London, June 28—(P>—Brittoh Mnst Forego Bough Floy house plan and let the Treasury become dtolodged. Stewart so- mestlc needs wlU not be made un­ 108, but were not considered un­ 1 t to a o'clockj^The «>o"“ the bridesipaida were Mias Mar­ A^cultural Experiment Station the above sprays and earlyrvarie- dtochwge of bombs and making MOsa SopUa Bteada body, “that the NAM accepts no however, that until ample produc­ inilN B BURKE at thia tline for the patrols have Intercepted the They must forego' the pleasures leeponsibUity for the views ex­ I Issue 'commodity certlflcatee* eaped with faguiseo. tion can be achieved—a goal which til the government offers a suffi­ usual by the Weather Bureau. gery ValenUne, Mias Margery at Now Haven, are tests of chemi­ tles may ,ba treated with tlieetle. Mr. John­ Union a brother-at-arma. she haa no discipltae problems. Un­ V. TMsmora, Orient lodge. East Moa.«iid aU who have any son suggests heavy dusting or And Emperor . Pass Through vinced that the armament program ing the week-end of injuries suf­ Pratt-Whitney Employ­ er prevailing today only “tempo­ rVE GIVEN MY , asked to laav^^^^ After an unaiuiounced * wedding given after heavy rains. Any ordi­ “No one baa been a more con­ like their contemporaries outside is likely to be a factor in the gen^ fered ta automobile accidents Hartford; CTiartes Tulbblehotn, rarily.” He did not, however, ex­ trip the couple will reside In Balti­ nary hand or ' power duster or spraying from above with tbe hy­ sistent opponent of Communism tbe slfudio, these children don’t ees to Confer Master Orient Lodge, East Hartford: looms as soon as possible. drated llme-lumtaum .aulfate eolu- eral economic picture for 18 to*" G n t n e c l v some time ago. pect a return ot 60-above weather WIFE SOME SEN­ •sBeHor Osait more, Md. Tbe bride attended sprayer to suitable for use. AH th u I have for the last 28 years,” Confer Today] shoot paper wads, write notes or SO years and etace eo many other VjUIUCWJf George Johnston, 46, of Bridge­ Charles B. Kenney, Orient lodge. for at least a few days.". Northfleld Seminary, and the Lon­ fruits from treated plants should Uon or hydrated lime In wa­ he asserted bluntly. “I will unsay Five Hundred of Them place tacks on their teacher’s Mason Degree. East Hartford. , Vfll be a short ealandar ter, two pounds to ten gallons. If factors will enter, I do not accept n -ie 1 # Cm. a port, died ta a Middletown hospl- or tbs Toilabd County Su- don School of Economics and la a be thoroughly washed to avoid no words that I have spoken about On Way from Devens chair. They hardly ever whisper. the implicaUone of a ‘Yes' or 740' Klliftn fOT 9 1 8 1 6 i;ol Sunday of Injuries received ta All Master Masons ore Invtted to SIBLE ADVICE. graduate of Rtdiina College, Win­ possible —P««l* and Liberty magaitaM ana The f Oaa V. Landraitis vs. W. A meeting of tbe committee ap­ by which he has so long thrived west. child haa three hq.urs of school Into a deprewlon worae then the mtotlc of Russia's chances with lows: BeU Syndicate. i day. " sulfate. The flrat named to mixed realdenta on request and prosper^’’ and aaid his course Dlspatchea from Tokyo thus far Manchester enroute to East Hart­ work between scenes. A teapber rily along, telling the story of a Other Oflloen pointed to promote the sale of ford. one from which we have recently playboy foreign correspondent Germany, Alexander Kerensky, Senior Warden, Arthur A. Cur­ United States Defense Bonds and led toward a "final act without Indicate eixtreme caution on the must be with him on the set. Chil­ once head of the Invaded nation, n n o rt of KoBnath M. White, which all his conquests would be part of the tripartite pact partner Included among the vehicles are dren from six to 18 may spend emerged. I om equally conviheed, who comes home to stop bis di­ tis, Hartford lodge; Junior War­ U. S. stamps wUl be held to Ell­ staff cars, armored cars, cars with however, that our economic nyu- vorced wife, whom he stlU loves, urges Russians of aB political den, Everett E. Esty, Guabog of the aamol Bavtaga Db* ington Town Hall, Monday eve­ in vain; namely, tbe subjugation who also has a neutrality agree­ eight hours at the studio, of which tern cannot stand another depres­ creeds to unite to save tho coun- of the Bavtoga Bank of of the western hemisphere to hto ment with Soviet Russia . gun mounts, ambulances, machine they are allowed to work four. from menylng another man. lodge, Warren. Maas.; Treasurer, At tgmmttd toeiw em ning, June SO, at 8 o'clock (d. a. t j Willington Wapping shops, scout cars and transport sion ■■ bod as the la st It will col­ Close a t hto heels ta hot pursuit C. Morris Gardner, Wyllys lodge. your owaMgnature, without in­ ibowB that a total of toataad of Monday evening, June wlU and to hto syotooi." Ertnkly Admitted Ambition Group Work DIffIcalt lapse first and some sort of dic­ letenaky, who 24 years ^ volving emiMyer or friends. To waa saved during the Churchill pledged hto govern­ Conquest of eastern Siberia is trucks. to his ertswhUe girl friend, e West Hartford: Secretory. Edward 28. as previousiy announced. Phil­ Mlsa Jeaaia B. A arch Mrs. W. W. Orast Group work, which teaches chil­ tatorial socialism will follow i t resouroeful young career girl de- helped overthrow the ezortot Brewer, Manchester lodge; Senior get a wan of $3S to $300, Just AND BELIEVE ME by tbe children of the ment and the force of Britain's pointed to as for long a frankly- The movement is one of tbe give us a few facts. Charges are lip H u^ee of Hartford, deputy ad­ 7SM, Maseheater empire agaiii to hto often-repeat­ largest ever to go through this dren to cooperate, is difficult to If tbe government, by vigorous ternilned to hsep him from get­ regime and briefly headed the pro­ Deacon. WUUam H. FsJtasr, past of VemcB, CBtogton, Bom* ministrator of the Treasury De­ admitted ambition of the powerful end aggressive ectiona—^whicb in ting hto wife back. Add to this visional government until the Bol­ 8% en unpeid monthly betoncee ■aat Windsor and Bouth Hall Memorial achool has pre­ ed purpose: Japanese Kwantung army which town. No large numbers of troops plan for pupils ta different grades, master of Hartford lodge; Junior PM GLAD TO DO partment of the Defense Bonds were visible. Mias Klampt says. Her pupils themselves ore Soctoltotic—can the machinations of hto editor, shevik revolution forced him to Deacon, Thomas J. Reese, King Lup to 6100, 3% monthly on •me aaaount deposited is sented the following gifts: Mtos Francis Burnham of Pleasant “We have but one aim, and one garrisons Manchoukuo. Russian prevent or mitigate this deprea- flee, says hto country to weak and r balances above. Come in or staff will be present and will ex­ Rosa O. HaU, a beautiful bouquet Valley to In the Hartford hospital single Irrevocable purpose. We are study English composition togeth­ who wonts to keep his best foreign Hiram lodge, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; over the previous year plain the work and .toatruct tbe air bases In tbe east constituth a er and co-operated ta planning a ■ioB, we can weather the storm correMwndent unencumbered by Joseph Btalln bankrupt. Senior Steward, Clayton A. Adams. phone today. TT. to tbs adding of aevcral committee in tbe details of their of rosea; Supervtoor Levi T. Gmrl- where he underwent an operation resolved to destroy Hitler and threatuircfit againat aiapauJapan propcriproper, auuand i ^ gii • without economic eollepse. In family ties, the irate confusion of “Russia stands fact to face with LleeaM N*. SSt T son, a clock; Mtos Caroline Mlrtl, for appendicitis last week. every vestige, of hto Nazi regime; eastern Siberia has natural riches. ] o O ll li< r0 8 1 0 ]l puppet show (“All Baba and tbe 40 Hartford lodge; Junior Steward TSS Main StrMt .— -r.-j.i. - duties Thieves.” ) other words, we can eacepe dleU- the wife’s suitor, and the well- Hitler’s Panser divisions," ho said Buel L. Haabrouck, Seneca lodge Km town of Vcmoolbe aav- superintendent of HaU Memorial The marriage of Miss Ernestine from this nothing wlU turn us— Against such impulses are pitted torlel Soelrtsm and economic col­ yesterday. ^‘Bhe cannot expect di­ State Thaatar aiSa* Mtos Dorothy B. Hale, has been and teacher of the grammar grade, Hack, of Ellington road In Pleas­ nothing. Since Shirley Temple left the meaning interference by the Turk Torrington; Chaplain, Edwin A RaaaM t aaO S divided as fol- the guest of Mtos Margaret An­ the recent Japanese trend south­ lapse and revolution only by the iah news photographer who ploys rect asstotance from anyone. Swanson, Manchester lodge; Mar­ TaL seas Of 7B0 pitpUa to tbe grades a sterling silver pin set with green ant Valley, to Theodore Kean, of “We will never parley, we wUl ward in the Pacific, plua the aet- Peril Called lot, Jane Withers is tbe only early appllcatton of remedial ac­ Nevertheless, we Russian patrioU H. ■. lUteaU, M«*. derson, of Stontogton. stones; Miss Elsee Layton, re- Manchester, will take place in the never negotiate with Hitler or any youngster who has a private tutor. b rt3^ a r t to the correepondent. shal, Leonard O. Collins, Columbia „ ware flW who took part to fcacka her military adventurea on tions which ere In themselves So­ Dennis Morgan, whose grand are grateful to Prime Minister lodge. South Glastonbury; S. G., ■mtoga account: Maple street Word baa been received here of Ugloua director, a ateritng silver pin Community church here on July of hto men. We shall fight him by the Asiatic continent have suffer­ JSOW Jn. Jan6 aays cialistic, especially Income and In­ Churchill for hto promise of giving H'--- 't - the Mrth of a daughter to Mr. and with a red and blue bird design; Rev. Douglas V. Maclean will land, we shall fight him fly sea, we Beaten Now she “Just lovea rtieiice'’ and proud­ work ta 'Tatty Foyle” won him John K. Blake, Indian Orchard , j o o l , 804 puplto, depoelts. ed in past years,' such as the stale­ heritance tai^tlon. government highest criUcol praise, os well os the Russlsn people whatever help [fllSJB; Bast aebool, 8U puplto. M rs Edward 8. Courtney, of Som­ Miss Fleta Cummings, sewing perform the ceremony. shall fight him In the air, untU, mated Chinese war. ly displays her notebook drawings regulatMn of prices end govern­ may be within tho power of BSng“ ers, at tbe Johnson Memorial hos­ teacher, a plain aUver pin and Mra. Ensign Phillip Pierce to 111 at the with GM’s help, we have rW the ta botany and biology. armies of femtatae fans, to cast aa New Model Laim< l i i 81,80».fl6; Northeast Againat a Japanese move In the (Oenttnoed From Page One) ment Influence on savings and the correspondent. Lovely Merle land.” 68 pupUs, 88T2.0*: Talcott- pital, Stafford Springs. Tbe baby Lo^dla Allen, music teacher, a bou­ home of his mother, Mrs. Marlon earth of hto shadow and liberated north, observers recalled that Rus- On the Univeraal lot Gloria ■pending pmtterna of Individuals.” He said Russians were deprived to a granddaughter of Louis Yar- quet of roses. F. Pierce, of Foster street, with his peoples from the yoke.” Jean, 13, to the oldest of five Oberon to the wife whom he so un P hone 8 0 7 2 I p i u ^ 888.17: VeraoB De- aia'a Far Etoatern defenae forces V. P. Norris of the UnI'vefetty derstandably pursues, and Rita of the fruits of victory ta tho last 85 pupUs. 1106.40. den of Ellington. The young people's meetings, scarlet fever. reputedly are aelf-aufficlent and It opened a five-day meeting at the pupils. She'll finish the eighth of Oregon: "There will not necas- Worid War by the "so-called revo- Mra. Nellie Rice who has been which have been held Sunday eve­ Walden Collins ha:, returned University of New Hampshire. grrte this year. Hayworth, who wUl long he re­ The pupils to the BlUngton Moscow Broadcasts virtually autonomous. Borily be a depresston. It to not membered as the ‘Stoawberry luttonary alms” of Lenta, but that | visiting at the home of herdaugt- nings at the Willington Hill church from the Hartford hoapltaL v * W. C. Lowdermllk, assistant Get Out School Paper da deposited |1,180J19 with inevitable if the right moves on Blonde,” is mighty peiouesive os the country’s position today w« of tbe 816 pupils ngtotered ter, Mrs. E. A. Finance, of Main will be adjourned until autumn. Mtos Helen Ktoiel of Rye street, chief of soil conservation of the Univeraal moppets are bursting made. . . . If we have tatsUigenca "even more tn^c.” Btreet, has gone to New London as Hie closing meeting waa held aa was bridesmaid at the wedding of Summary of Speech Believe Japan Given United States Department of Agri­ with school apirlL Every two the pursuingr ffrl. Tliat------master of depoelU; Somers puplto New York, June 23—(JPi— The enough and good will enough to frus&atlon, Ralph Bellamy, plays 81,606.46 with 226 of the the guest of her cousin. a picnic at Lake Attiaton, Hebron, her cousin, Lieut Edwin Ktoiel to culture, told what he had seen In weeks they get out a newspaper. organise a peaceful world, eco­ BIsealft OoBBpoay Ofliotal Dtaa Sunday afternoon. ' Mtos AdeU Janlk.Sunday morning Brittoh radio said today that Advance Information returning from a trip that covered Helen Parrtoh (who waa graduated nomic 1 ^ may move ahead with­ the wife's suitor, James Gleason Is 4YIARS Tuesday and Wednesday Specials ai SomarsvUle echool, in Chicopee, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. summary of Prime Minister Churc- tbe editor and the many Ungual and the KIbbe Fuller The themes of the sermon Sun­ Batavia, N®®'®*'tands Etoat In­ not only American erosion but all from high achool last February) out the horrors of yean of de­ Kansas Qty, June — day were “Chrlatlan Aim and Ac­ John Ktoiel of Rye street South hUl’s speech was broadcast today dies, June 23—Uf)—Japai.’s abrupt the world's agricultural areas of used to type it, but now their George Tobias to cast as tbe Turk­ AddnioBol Pritoctioiil pupUa 8860.11. The East from Moscow, roentiofllng hto pression.” _ ish candid camera fiend. Other John H. WUos, 80, vlc*-pr*sl(^ tion" . at South Willington and at Windsor also attended the wed­ abandonment of efforts to obtain the past 7,000 years. teacher, Mrs. Gladys Hoene, cuts a Favors Public Works Ptoa and treasure of The Looee-WUes Service fy e m e r pupils deposited 82,222.18 ding. Mtos Ktoiel also a tte n d ^ her 'pledge of Brittoh aid for the Soviet huge aurpluaes of war-essential Tha American people, he said, prominent mettbera of the cast in­ le Union district of South Gilead the Hill church, “China, a Map atencil and has it mimeographed. At. T. Lauterbach of the Insti­ Btoeult Company, died yesterday. Study.” cousina graduation from West union against! Germany but omll raw materiato from the East In­ with power machinery, have been Children sell papers to their tute far Advanced Study at clude Hattie McDanieL Butterfly • Find howyo^ ^ s M te d - h iiiict w kta Everybody’i 8662.82. Point eariier this month. ting hto referencas to personal dies was attributed by Informed McQueen, Jerome Oowan and many Hebron Grange, P. of H., No. I ll State Supervtoor of rural educa­ able to rip up the earth more thor- parents and use the money to buy Frineeton suggastod; "1. Survey MaaiBy We66tog tion aimounced Friday that tha The annua: outing of the Ladles lack of sympathy for Oommun.'sm. quarters toteyy to advimeeadvai tafor-1 oughly than ever before in human >honognu>h records for tbe school. o n d ^ h o r ^ plans far Immedi­ lothars. original 5-Yesr proteetton until 19451 , j ^ e a l y MARKET marriage of Miss Cecelia held Its aecond June meeting In Aid Society scheduled for tomor­ CBS heart tbe Brittoh broad mation in Tokyo on Germany's histore, and to start erosion of an ate work on public lorgaacole, la Trapp, daughter of Mr. the Gilead Community Hall recent­ following school children of WIU- cast. ■ - M t winter Uiey sold 188. penis at e*inalsarpfcaaalerBi«de#a*r, ly and p’‘*>i>entfd the fnllnwlng pro. togton had been awarded the Alice row has been postponed until fall. plan to attack Soviet Russia. entirely new order. 10 cents each and bought a patrid- useful poet-war projecto to b# I m 6 Ihen • MenHiI F ree DeliTery! R ichard M aniqr, M gr. D ial S109*jMl . Charles Trapp of.U East These quarters, basing their con­ Shewn Hew To Control Threat started at the moment of ormto* to Victor OcMtoetti son of gram;..A pin contest, flv» brothers Holman HaU sewing prises for the Uc emblem for the pine-paneled DOUBLE STAMPS GIVEN WITH ALL CASH and Btotera w n by Olive Warner; past year; Class A f.by the erosion. hours, M n. Hoene said. the tennlnatlon of the defense NO MINIMUM UUUICE has selected the date of and Dance Festival for Farm and France In which the Brittoh re­ LesSes Not Neeeeeory Undoubtedly studio eUsorooms Only CHAIRS $7.50 y, July 8th, for her marri- kill himself by allegedly slashing ported SO German planes were These loasaa were not neceesory, **oTm !*W. Sprague of Harvard Home We-k to be held at the Uni­ an arm'vein while confined to Au­ fall to provide pupils with all the EVERiEOMKIl 9 » OU Snappy to Nataltoo C<^mbari of Tol- versity of Connecticut on July 31, downed against only two R. A. F. Claims Denied he held, because even today In on- advantages they would have ta Untveralty: "The only means that 3-Pisco $< The wedding will take place Syrian Forces gusta Jail. losses, bringing .the Nest toll In olent Phoenicia, after 8,000 years, • ir t M timpU yon can evta Collsrs Glaxed. Coat Do- DIVANS $17.00 1641, please contact the chairman No Evidence Offered moot schoola. They don't have aa I know of to oscapa a deprssalon opcoponr occouatBY MAIL Cheese St. Joseph's church to this city. of the song committee, Miss Flor­ two days of aerial/elaahes to 87 (Osatinasd Froos Page Oae) some of the old terroees ore still much opportunity to make friends to a p^cy on the port of Industry, mothed. Moth Fras. Wa Oorry Oar Own Cheese Onttag After pleading Innocent In muni­ planaa. Another German ptw r fertile end produedng. and In after defense, directed toward p ^ and continne mailing Suites ence Jones or the dance commit­ Pushing Ahead cipal court, Joes offered no evi­ their own age. Ladies of Maple Grove wUb tee, Mtos Olive Warner before June V*a declared' deetroyed by one of North Africa, after. more then On the other hand, children get fiuetag more goods at lower costs deposiu if coeyenlonL their annual outing on July 28 dence, but a state wlti^M testi­ last night’s raidthg bombers. to have been ehot down by anti- 2,000 years, — the - , „French . ore w. re- • end lower prices." ' _ L a d k sr MscDimald'e 7-Pofait Feature 39c lb. 29c lb. (OoettBoed Prom Page One) fied that the physiclaa said he sus­ more individual IhatrucUon than a 'a # msgtrm w i ufio-dslul at West Springfield. The An Invitation from Vernon The series of erippUng blows aircraft fire from torpedo boato I storing to cultivation areas wbicB would he possible ta a larger group. Fotore lodnatrial FeBriae It’s basinc«t-lika and con- L strip yoor fafotton to the will leave Rockville at 10:30 Grange to attend their Grange pected an unkempt stranger of dealt by the R. A. F. to Nazi mUi- and the third by Italian flgbten. 1 the Carthaginians flrst mode fer- - Their bustaeee-llke . atUtude As far future industrial poUctoa, fraine. Weemm Oil, had been moved Into the Unes be­ the slaying. Tbe stranger, be waa ▼enianc to pay by ch # ^, Grape-Nat Flikae. 0 and fallowing a dinner will Sunday at the Vernon Congrega­ tary targeto and the Luftwaffe A fourth Brittoh plsne was sold j tile. . » v might make you ashamed of the Buggesttoos ineludad tbaaa: 3. BalMOt With aow spriofa u U f a a r t t i a ...... tbe afternoon at Riverside tional cbiirch on June 26, at 7:30 fore that old city. quoted aa saying, had threatened has won Britain “absolute supre­ to have been shot down in a dog I As on examwe m w h ^ c M he H. H. P”****”" of tba Unlveirity and it givsi yon ptMtigt 2 ^Ege. IWv The French claimed recapture of him for refusing to sell narcotics carefree way you wasted time in aOkyr aiisd. Mrs. Florence North to p. m. was read. Rev. E. Biicklln, macy" in the air over northern fight over the Brttoh mid-Medlter- expected he potated to E n g lu ^ sdiool. . of wiaconain: “AdoptioD of tba 0 0 tad staadiag. 8. Ro-dovor with HooMmaa. Saariee BartlstI to charge of the reaerva- Abou Kernel, a desert outpost near an hour before Joss found hto wife roneen stronghold of Malta. I wheat fields where after 1,000 chaplain of the Rhode Island state IBurope, en American Army Air But maybe you had more fun. operative technique ta buatasas be- 4. IsSalak the weedweek. Poet Toesties, 1 # ^ No. 2Vi eiae Grange will be the guest speaker. the Iraq border. They placed the fatally beaten at tbe foot of their Corps officer said today. Sitoift On Boteiaa Moves | years the yield p y a p e h u moro couM tt changes emphasis from • CkttU aakt frm 6. Bagleea Ffoaf Oonatraetton. T i M case Officers and members of Hebron number of priaonere taken since cellar stairs. According to this observer, who The communique was silent. I then doubled. Md where he s i ^ the profit seeking mottve to r e ^ CalwWM^IartesMM 6;, Ftm Mlvary hi Ooaaootloat. large p k g ...... IW W tia ...... tbirdd 'iioxotdtVmotd cltoic will be Orange are urged to attend. the campaign began at more than Tbs atato maintalna, however, however, oa any hostillUaa be- {the lend to good for another 1,000 T. Cosh or BiMgat TOraM. 1,800. has spent the last five vredu with Nazis Assert Amrinr ssTvlcee a t cott In direct the rooms of the RockviBe Hebron JuvenUe Orange met at that Joas and the tea room owner the R. A. F., the British srised tween Italian air, sea or lend | years proportion to tbe contribution The Manchester Weetoa’s Round the Worid White Loaf Hsialth Mootag Aasoslatton tha.GHea4.,C96mu^ Hall thia had frequently paaaed “love-notee,” to good advantage the opportunity forces and those of Soviet Ruasto by each' Individual.” Ezespt White, H6«r, 5-Ib. bag. June 24th, at three week. It was lns|WiGlur *iW one of them only a few hours be- presented by the German diversion ypalMtwbom Italy deelorrt ^»r 9 Ships Sunk 8. BeU of BrooMngs Institutiao: CooUee, | lfas» tbs:^:slaffto^-• and...... that-both Stock Btorfcot theiettiad Trust Co. ^ H a t s a M s n . fk. D r E. EL Metcalf wUl be S ute Juvenile Grange Deputy Mrs. against-Rnastof anft- ItoW ; bainr “■Tho backgroand of posrtbla asw S-Piece SoiU Re-Covkred targ e . u se. Gerald Hayes of Granby waa prea- To Heart of Syria bad talked of divorces from their mered home an offensiva the like cnt. Mrs. Hayes Inspected the respective spouses. — ■roliyo. jiiitW"^out­ (UBfaBhart TM ii D aet" in Topeatry Ben6 Meter Vichy, Unoccupied France, June of which the R. A. F. has not un- arrangements had been made so break of war between Germany S S ^ th e backgtwnd for f<^' Better Cavera a SMcriage of Mtos Gladys books and the degree work. Light 28—^ph-T wo Brittoh armored col­ Lovw^laklag Motive for to send troops to fight tha Tsdsrsl Deposit las. . Soarise Pure Rsfijihei'ty ^ refreshments were served. Their love-malSig, Attorney dertekea before in this war. and Soviet Rusala unMttlad the toifit batU* of the Elgyptlan-Ub- * aign trade co^enaion ^ should be T his Fropssttoantely Preaerree. ' p lh ea te - Klotor, daughter of Mr. umns have pushed acroaa tbe des­ WMttlae DffliMivi BteeagOi RuaeUns. the ItaHoas walUog to Tokyo stock market today and ooosldend. CoqL Aaron A. Kloter of this Mrs. J. Banks Jones to ill a t her ert t r m Tssa-*te*«wa *n the heart Oktoeral Frank L Oowan -said. see bow war on that front ,dt- yon border of June 18-17, the com­ DOUGAN W c ^ O a ly l.Ib . J a r ...... - 8 89-ee. home and Mra. Fred Jodee of W M Iad a motive—that Dr. Joai In addition, he declared the war many tosoaa declined from one to munique aeld 287 Britiah tanks M. C. Ffibeher of tho Unlverfity fUymoiid Ives Bond, son of attrition against the . Luft­ vetopo- of Dllnote: "Dopeeeeloos end booms ■agolotly 876.881 A, Bond of West Hampton is cartog for her. iBAiea today. wanted to "get rid of” hto Ala- three yen. N. T. K. Line ahlpplng grera ^otroyed tefalle 12 tanlm, 10 Students frmn Gilead who ima-bom wtfe. waffe’s flatter units had whittled stock dn^ped about two yon and took plaee Saturday Tb4 mechanised units, which ad­ Gennan defense strength “to the guns and 74 trucks were captured. a t the untoB Oengrega- graduated from Windbun Higli vanced aeparatoly were reported to The J oases came to Richmond, British Bombers Raid other ritipping toauea also were The Germans claimed that several DYEWORKS acboed in Wllllmanttc this year are a anaall town, ehoctly after toeir point where Brittoh fighter eacorts hard hit. - . Rav. Dr. O e o ^ 8. have been bombed near Palmyra In daylight outnumber German Port of Bengasi hundred Brittoh sotOers were Dettmy Free pastor of the riiurch par- tbe Misses Adrisnna Freddo. Bes­ (Tadmor). site of aa Important marriage Bve yeeip ago—a mar­ mode ptlaonera in this hattle. sie Hardy, Beatrice Porteo, French air baae, about 180 milea riage mat was the culmination of planes which attempt ot intercept Rome, June 23—On—^British t i h « 8 | Mrx Hector Bcagllottl, and Jean Warner and t h ^ ” bembera were reported today to MacDonald Upholstering Co. ttia city, sister of due east ot tbe port of Tripoli, and aalntem ahlp in a Valhalla, N. Y.. French Ooaveys: Xvrh LoiMlon« tobereuloato bospttaL Both had TWs ohaerver reported' have raided the Libyoa port t i 136 mUea Aartbeast of DaauuKua, 18— Atgedras. Spain. Juae 38.—UPi 98S Mala St. (AauHesa IndMirlal Bldg.) Hartford Cdl 4-419S ,.Mtos Helen Jenkins, from tbe ttaa ancieat caistal which tba been divorced a year piaviously, “s ta rtlii^ fisatenee in the num­ Bsogosl. aad tha Italian high New Ye —I^hoSoged by Brittoh patrol University of Alabama, was a ps- Frendi yielded Saturday. They had maintained Jm t offlees ber of OrrmsB hgavy bombers in oomanad sold Axis hoaahera break cf m t caUer a t Uw boms of Mrs. Lo- Only m tba deaert. however, waa la aa oM ealonlal >hpqjHl- aiace westom Europe, but warned “this etruMi oaew at British troop aad tho-Ja vtoa Hutchinson. aetton reported in tba 18-day old ooenlag to Riehmoad. W '■ does not msen tkay can not hBtn daw ht North Africa. rt*S*rrtlilt j JoaF pag«Bt% Dr. aad Mra. ___ Africa .torts ■aid there, waa no wart c7j«ai topodtod tw , ^ 1 9 - b v b m i h o b b b a l d ; MANCHEgTli^eqwi. M OM py, JUigs 88, m i MAMGHEBTBB EVikNWC HERALD, BtANUHESTBB, CONW. MOKDAY, JUNE gB, i » 4 l of Albert D. and Mary Ann Wells ed that troop* war* deployed In Griswold, in addlUoH to Mrs. Ter Fly BAnlper New Doctors ♦ ‘Success’ Seen three main aecUona: ' Breckway with whom ah*^ lived 1. Th* northern aegment and Mrs. Vlbketta who U 'Uving the ArcUc Ocean to with her daughter In Kaplawood, Over to Britain For Hospital I f e n t . In F irst A ction bight, covering more thM 7(» N. J., ah* laavas anothar atatar,. s r s « » s . » . * milea airiST^share ^ ICrs. Sarah L. Bast, o f Itodnr Hm F an^s Sbek H om ers in 18 nataa Piod*naa« NaaSad diert war* repotted fighting *#- D f » i t l u and a brother, Everett C. Orlawold I Two House Physicians tom fa g * Oab) Bid* the German*. in Broad Brook, mere are also 2. The middle sector from Merael L several nephews and nieces. Named by Dr. Smith; BSO ton* in alk were to Qe^ to the Carpathian* on the Rua- Funeral service# win be held Doty and Read to Collide dee Reported man apeedboat thruaU Into Rua- slan^Rumanlan border, covering John Porter Wednesday afternoon at S;80 at Other Appointm ents. DiMi •len coaatal water* in the eaatera about the same distance, manned Mrs. Brockway’s home In Rocky Moriartys Again Drub Hartford in Tri-County iipieat Appears BalUc, It aald, and a Ruaalan coart* only by German*. HUl. Raw. E. M. Bussey, pastor ^ tMittery hurled an unaucceaafpl 8. Th* southerp secUon, cover­ Dies, Aged 70 ot the Rocky HUl CongregaUonal Dr. H. Cooper Smith, Memorial In Feature Bout Thursday Idy'g Q oerles. for the Naala would |(tv* H jw r barrage at allied ing about 300 mile* of th* Ruarian- church will offiefate and burial wiU I Hospital Administrator, announced j Fpf* 35th Game lan light Naval force* to the Black Rumanlan border from toe ^ r - be in toe Center cemetery, Rocky I toe appointment tola noon of Dr. “ SlDemaret and "~Vl,53d*»!S •” pathlans to toe mouth of Dm * George "Red ” Doty of Hartford.aln recent week# but last betch o f fluo^'ooJ****** Only Rnaatan OffOariv# Surted in Business in HilU I James I,. Menges of Boston, Maas., day’s bouta went off as scbtdulad ^ to restotruita in the ube, where Rumanian* are fight­ I and Dr. William U. Barnes of Lex- McEvitt Hurls Local Box Scores a great favorite with local follow, The only Ruaalan offenrive ac* ing alongside toe German*. and draw th* largest crowd that gporl, ffoondop ,tr a ^ U t e Bernice <«► Town; Became’' Head I tagton, Maas., aa house jfiiyaiclans Hogan Win era of to* leather pushers, has been has jammad toa Arena olnc* it waa t f a r,Twic« to .Jl tlon menUoned to the commimlque Supply Problem Difficult for toe hospital for toe year. Moriarty^taev# Hamilton Propeller ^denoon. Amon* thooe waa an aerial bombardment of Restaurant l.Chain. Ffe^^lunkett Four-Hit Ball AB R H PO A signed to meet Jackie Read of built two ytara ago. The general beUef 0£ Dr. Menges and Dr. Barnes suc­ m A B .R .H . PO. A .K For toe aeml-flnal. Perron* By Hags 8. FnDarloi^ St. WHhin Game of at today** querJe* IM atiait from ^'“ •“4 * Bert Pruaala which, the communi* ceed Dr. Gerald Miller of Boston, Thurner, I f ...... 8 C L * ,, I New Haven in toe ste-round tea- y school educaUon aa a foundatlM he two year*. In 1904, died thW appointments are effective July 1. rounds against as many pairs rt ta be toe best yet. Old Jupe Plu- besn seen in th# » The Naal declaration of ^ some day it will be the turn of the flyer, soon takes oS from Can­ tarday afternoon and exploded a Freg HoDowa Zapatka, lb ...8 eed shortly. I tew days...even if toa docs okay Minuter Paul foUowed thU with a courm rt to* mornUia rectory of St. ada with bomber for British Other appointments announced J, May, p ...... 4 the nation’s top-flight profes- viu* hasn’t been very- cooperative since toe Indians sold Ms waa termed by aoine last one." Mary's church, Derby, where he by Dr. Smith, were E ffie G. Jordan, 83-bit bkrrag* that dsubbed Hart- AB.R.H. his crockery molars this time, Mor­ O. Clarke, 1S5 the latent example of ^ ^ t o h * (Nasi air might wa* stressed in charged toe Ruaalan Morse Buslnea* College ta Hart­ Royal Air Force in first such Murdock. 3b, If .3 oionala, finished tors* points ahead ris doesn’t expect to be called up for 34 bucks worth of fh start vlolaUon*" of to* frontlet'. ford. What he Ueked In tlm 1 ^ - waa toe pastor. R. N.. as night aupervlaor of Me­ ford’s Frog Hollow# by a l7-8 Robinson, c — 4 rt their nearest rivals, and pocket­ and went to work on it. dlategard for It* pledged #ord to the report of the Berlin corres- flight made by a woman. She morial hospital. Mias Jordan sue- for aeveral weeks...Mike Jae^ L. Gardner, 887 dent of the Swiss newspaper He mentioned speclfK^ly 1^™]* er grades he made up in huataem Father Plunkett wa# late Ih #n- score and gave toe Ga# Houaere 2b ', Smaebettl.,rt ..8 ed $1,000 each in cash—a matter iis toe Worl3 Talemm’s "Star rt From toe ahorea rt tha non-aggreaalon treatle*. which allegedly c r o ^ wiU stay abroad to study wom­ ceeds 4» that position. Miss Mary High State Department offlclal* lie Hatfonal Zeltung who com* law that waa taught In tWa atoooL tering hla rtudlea for the priest­ their sixth conaecuUve Wumph in Harrla, lb Belfiore, rf ....8 rt $380 a day plus expenses which toe Week”—on toe ground that all toe way to to# bantort ond W. JoUe, •» on to* nlghU of June 17 and 18 en’s air activities in war. Engel who plans to attend toe Uni­ •tudled the reporU * P r ^ pared the epenii.g assault on Rus- On leaving the school he entered hood and among toe first places toe Tri-County League. The hltUng Maloiky, 8b, Gustafson, 3b ..0 included board and room. Rogers bins Cop he’s to* world champion promoter. gorgeous Oowanu# In Bnr^ m l]^ be driven back by prolong* toe employ of B. *• D rt^r M a be wa* assigned to wa* St, James’s versity of Pennsylvania to com­ Blow, 3b ..'...,1 In second place were P.O.A. toa folks who go hi for the a* they trickled In •ia with the Polish blitakrieg. plete work for a science degree. attack Included double# by Keeney gi^apilck, If -Robert B. Dougan, J r, dav and Preridenl Rooaevelt kept (He said, quoting German clerk In toe HlgWand Park store when Rev. WUllaifi J. McGurk waa Burk* and Gordon, triple# by Dulka, rf Martin, m .....4 champion B y m Nelson, toe host I Orders la OrMn of hit-and-run were giving ***TPhU?‘ the proclamatlwi aald, Other AppoIntinentB 0 piro, and his partner, long-hitting with hoopla and hurrah over clMely informed sources, that the Luftwaffe had At that time there was putor. He had bpen preceded Keeney and Leo Katkavpek w d a Rarube, e Hedlund, if ....3 Harry Craft, toe Reds’ outfielder, trie* E. Cole, 48 Olcott town devastation "to an endli "has brought ua to toe hour when clerk, Oliver B, Toop, emiOoyed Misq Jqrdan Is a graduate of — JlImmy Thomaon, who divided rack Laurels job* their heroes did Sunday. Vlacount Halifax, the Britla^am- u a curate In St James’s church About Town Brockville College and toe A. Bar­ horns nm by Stan Katkavyi m C a^. p Stat I never had any Idea rt becoming a chain" of attack* on Russian air* It U neceaaary for tu by Rev. Ignatius Koat, who waa Jo* McEvitt held toe Invader# to peVine. 2b Totals .<<.86 7 10 M » $1,800. Uoyd Mangnim, sporting ] major leaguer until h|a football Yanka Bmaak Baeerd Walrath. 192 baaaaltor. made an unuau^Sun^ againrt toU plot devlaed by toe there. Bailat ton Hepburn hospital, Ogdensbtvg, toe only moustache in the tourney, The fans were singing day vlMt to the SUU drtmiea and that Naal Pahaer transferred to South Coventry, check wlto a nifty four-hit pitch­ Score by innings: 1-4 Inchaa to gain toa final berth I coach at Misalaalppt college made •iorui would follow up. But thorOi •me two young men ^ N. T.. and has been night obstetri­ Hanfilton Propeller , and Harold (Jug) McBpaden, were nrslaaa of Joe DlMaggio aa■ad to confer for two hourb with Un- and equally toe Jewish ™Ie" ^ He came to "Mancheater at a time Inability to secure aulficlent cal supervisor of toe Glens Falls ing performance. Totals ...... 88 8 4 34 10 8 Form er Repdns Title in for ConnecUcut eompetltore at to# him take up baseball.. .Harry, i~^aadrcw Hloblk, 9 he said, the parallel ends because enter toe grocery when Campbell Council, K. of C Hartford got away to a. two-run 2010400000 1—8 third, garnering $600 each. I itar back, never had playad toe pany of Yankee Stadlulum deraecrctary of Btat* Sumner the BpUhevlk center In Moe- - .men and trucks to move toys in hospital, Glens Falls, N. jf. • Score by iimlngs: _ ^ ^ , Others, ih order rt the finish: national meet. Welle*. He dkl not comment oii "the bitterness of this war can* Manchester. They rented the r t ^ had______been- organised_ but , a . order to open toy center* in dUfer- lead In toe firat inning and main­ Hartford ...... 200 010 000— 8 Pagani’s Weat Sides Broad |dmp as Latter game but toe coach told him It ■mashing a major loaguo K. Rivera, 994 not be compared with former in toe Park building, now k n ^ Miss Helen Ackman, B.S. of New “ ^ ^ 8 300002000 0 - 7 Henry Picard and Johnny Revolts, run record; they were eveni the conference, hut Indicated tha^ therefore decided today agalu year# and he took an acuve inter- i ^ n*rt* of the town tola morning. tained it* margin until toe third. Moriarty Bros. .-.OOl 280 34*—17 I would be good spring and summer rtrugglea.") - the RuWnow building, Md York city, has been appointed sen­ Then Moriarty# began to tea off on Two Base Hlta: .Thurner 3, J. $700; Horton Smith and Lawson W ins Jlhe Two-M ile in exercla* to keep him in condition ing of naming a atreet aftar A. Benaon, 100 he regarded the Ruaao-t^rman to lay toe fate and lutur^f the •2 G?^'iy> ^ in it He worked arwng the ^nly toe one in toe Union School ior laboratory technician at the Runs batted in: Harris, 2, Shop- Little, $600; Sam Byrd and John­ cmbrMlraent a* an event ^ tre- •'Luftwaffe Strikes Hard German Reich and ort peopl* to .* hard to younger boya of toe parito and aa operation tola morning. Chiaey and produced one run in toe May. Hita off May 7. Tarka 10. MeeF at New Haven. | J je ffra X h b ice for footbaU. ao-swret WUUam Tarry frt 1 hospital to: succeed Mrs. Ralph J. third, two more in toe fourth and Uck 1, Burk* 4, M. Katkaveck. L. SMriflc* hit#; O. May, Drake. ny Bulla, $ ^ ; Dick Meta and ______way hi# Glanta knockad off itaH A. latoger, 87 mendoua Importance, perhap* Reichamarshal Gearing’s Luft­ the hand* of our soldier*. aupervisor, hopes Thrall, formerly Miss Beatrice Katkaveck 3, McEvitt 2; two Clayton Haefner, $400. and Ralph BUT turning point to the war. waffe, carrying out, the tested O ii SUier centere opened by Coughlin, who'was married several a rouidng eight-run spree in toe Btolrn besea: Murdock 1, Zwlck 8, / w . . u lk I 'T' Th I Louis Cardinal* in both en^ o^ Complete About-Face fifth that aent Caaey to toe show­ base hita, Keeney, Burke. GordOT. Drake 1, Crowley 1, Pongrats. Quldahl and B. J. (Dutch) Harri­ former Mancherter High | q U C I C S t I V V Georg* M. Welaa, to# Tank*##’ ] doubleheadar. and, u for H ^ t.WUUam Ortmaaon, 11 btrategy of blitakrieg, struck with weeks ago. ■ Wlerzbickl. Keeney. Griswold; son. $800. To Defeat all the power of ft* command aa The declaraUon of war waa Miss Ackman is a registered ers in favor of Maloney. The latter Base on balls off May 8. Tarka 6. itl^etic ata,a—Lockhart. Roger* J jfaI farm rm ^ boaa, s a , iais 46 today.. toda; .Dan Dea- lyn, well Larry MacPtiaU Two Consular Sections complete about-face for G en^y, finally put the fire out, escaped un- tores hlta, Keeney, Katkaveck 2; Hit by pitcher: Tourney. Struck Hogan, last season’s leading tod Charlie Robbins—captured In- — — ntond. sport# adltor of toe Sioux elected mayor by a landalM* C Canqtben, 108 soon as the Fuehrer gave the word inMa atore after hour# to check on It waa at toU Ume tort Rev. WU- extlngulahed by technician and is a member of tbe home runa. M. Katkaveck; hlta off, to a sUdden. bittef declaraUon at since she signed • j scatoed in toe sixth and then waa out by May 18. Tarka 9, ’nme._ money winner, hoisted hla 1941 hava Leo the Lip Duroeber i Will Still Function treaty with RusaU on Aug. 23, books This partnerahlp waa dia- luam J. McGurk, **•"0**“ ***' **■«“ *“ American Society of Clinical McEvitt 8 In 9. Caaey 18 In 8, Ma­ earnings to 810,061 to retain th6 ch -^ p S‘?hJrsSr''^.,s:'5SiSs; poUce chief aa a reward fwr^~ dawn yesterday. 1 Patoologlata. She wUl begin her toe victim of a pair of tallies in loney 7 In 3; stoleiL baaaa, Gor­ 2:80. Umplrea, Brennan, MeCtann. Mr. Itortrt aelllng out to ivy poisoning “ nttMt^ to ternoon, No. 8 of toe ^uto E ^ No. 1 apot within $800 of toe fig y-Ldoaeph A. MonaegUo, 90 Berlin, June 28.—(P>—By ar­ Flcrt meager dispatches from 1989, just before the war ^»an. the seventh and four more in toe double job to# daffinaaa bdjffi "Moscow not only broke, but Mr Tooo and ahortly after, or to btg the new vault to St J ^ ^ * went to Benton street, when papers duties here tomorrow. don: left on baaea, Moriarty Brm. ure with which he paced the proa o™”'"'”' Meet. H.rt£ord.B.tlI*r rangement with the German gov* tha'front told of an^aabtog air as* Record Librarian eighth. 18, Hartford 8; baae on ball* off, Lecturer Dean on Cincinnati. -WilUam J. HePuiland. miserably betrayed, toe aUpuU.- 1986 he openei^ grocery store to cemetery, had to rellnquUh ^ being burned in a furnace started McEvitt w as: wild in to* first a yaar ago. Tom orrow Night. ^ jbrokan l*g. . ,Hor^ stonehami There were to* Tanka and 1 cniment, announced . today, the saulU on tha Russtop Black Sea n^eiTiabuUdlng. duUes and Father Pli^ett ' fire In a chimney. ------There was —no Another appointment made to­ McEvitt 5. Casay 7 in 8, Maloney The 16 atari in their R>ur-day 0 “ tar* ^ consular aectlona of the United base of SevesUpol—near the acene tlons of our friendly agreement. the newly bul»4Ferria buUdlng. but got better as he went along Chicago—Dlaay Dean apeak* at I haa been looking qyer to* Otanta’ era breatoing down to* naOf~: t X<. Maher, 20 Chert* Mr. Po'.ter started■ a new Idea■‘■“ came the- acUve head of damage. At 8 o’clock Saturday day was that of Miss Lucinda 1 in 3; struck out by, McEvitt 9, jaunt around toe Invem^da layout, States embassy to Berlin and the of the light brigade's famous Hitler decUred. Finkbeta of 111 Walnut, aa senior and he didn’t allow a aafe knock Chicago luncheon# for the Cuba. In toe southwest.. to* paca-astters in thair Specifically, he charged Ruasla in toe sTocery buslnea* In Man­ church. ^ evening toe Mancheater fire de­ after toe fifth stanss. He issued Casey 2 in 5, Maloney 1 in 8. attracted about 28,000/galleryitea Hartford, June 2$A-(8pectal)— belTer you heard Saturday And there were your OiaatA HUdlng, 99 United SUte* legaUon in Athens charge—aito of destruction of at Did iUaalM Work partment waa called becaus* an record librarian to succeed Mrs. . -Albert U with fomenUng toe Iron Guard chester whM*^ opened this # t^ five passes and struck out nine at better, than $1 each, and toe Afraid that Bobby Ivy waa gattlng night waa Billy Conn whan he tar known tola year aatha r wtU continue to function after least 40 Soviet, bombera trying to taavlng Mancbtotor hfiJWVA electric refrigerator started to Amanda Gardner who will resign cuatomera watched the stellar Hartford. reneral aa such artll h# closed aa counter-raid German positions. hellion in Rumania and orgamalng __cash and carry. People thought ------, i. , « oatters besides contributing two down too fin* for hla Tuesday learned Ifu Nora had b#*i. eipied tyduraptlea of Harlem, ta F- Borat. S2 .earn* he wa* going back to the old idea | Mgned to mission smoke when it wa* working over on July 19. Miss Finkbeta began .h its to the local cause. Burke led shotmakera connect for 814 bird­ ttee* by a twin win over 12m'! July 18, but the Berlin conaulate Supported by vengeful Finland toe coup d’eUt in Yugostavia by toe work at toe hospital from toe night bout at Bulkeley ji^iii*)VAn8y ”Farka# la getting which the government which sign­ of toe country grocery. He waa c^ecU cut shore* which at that time to try to keep up with 'to# local sUcImra with four blow* ies. six eagles ahd a bole In one. outfit In to* National lAaT“ -WilUam B. Dowd, 140 will alt American consulates to ■nil Rumania, the German Army considered far behind toe times, ^as being developed and | warm weather, National Youth Administration and Keeney and W ^sbickl. ..goLj Even toe laat place twosome of with Harry Jeffra. handler Lenny I » big football eeawm other parts of Germany and the smashed at the Reich's errtwblle ed up with toe AxU wa* over­ and was later appointed appren­ Moriartys or Chiefs The Yanks were two Oak. even for toe small village of South hU success that he was tore* apiece. Harriaon m d Guldahl was 87 un­ M anllo chaaw) hla boy outdoora to wlto to# RsdakiM away from to* Cleveland K. Unehan, 19 occuid^ tmritoriea. pact-partner along a front reach' thrown. __ Manchester In tooae days. He lator I assigned a* aaalstant InvitaUons have been received tice record librarian, whldi course der par for toe route, while Man- In other words, consular o(p* tog from the Whit* Sea to the ••The victory of toe Axla power* she completed last March. She is on* of toa public prtka Friday aft-1 »"S ■P«rt« *®f .* W *toOigtOT^o in th* American loop aa a sold toe business to Henry Wil-1 Windsor Locks to a prleat whom gnduaUon of a class grum-MoBpaden, in third place, ■taUon.. .movl* actor Jimmy Cag­ of tha 8-4 beating they handasl J. McCann. 69 cers remaining will have no con­ north to the Black Sea to, tbe In toe Balkans . . • thwarted toe now a registered record librarian Zwick’s Hit Top* Due for 1st Twi Win had toe best sub-par count by ernoon, to get away from' to# ex­ ney, who grew up OB toe well- uns. ■ ha had served under aa curate in pgi poUc* Academy in treme heat in to* shade of to* trott’a Tiger*. But to* tact in S' consular capacity with aouth—a front which Hitler him­ plan to involve Germany toU aum- HM FIrat Bestaniart Southington. Thl* prleat, Rw. Waahington, June 28. Policeman and will take over the duties of The West Sides Itn^cking 44 atrokea rtf even fig- I known oldewalka rt New York, the German government, but will self liwid compared to extent “arlth In montoa-long battl« tree#. ^ was that Jos DiMaggio and D. Franch, Bart On toe advise of toe late P. J. ^ Craedon. bad been pariah Joseph -PrenUce of toe Manches­ Mrs. Gardner on July 18. A ooupl* rt local boya brought urcAe has becems a barneas-racing fan Rolfs homered. and this restrict themsHvea to working the greatest th* arorld hitherto southeastern Europe while No appointment has yet been about toe downfall of Pagani’s •the profeealonala split up $7,000 But Saturday, Bobby was back I and will drlv* hla own horses thla .'H at O’Lury he entered toe reaUurant | gt, Bridget’# before go- ter Department is a student, com­ Leagued Tail-Ender* to in toe gym. for a short tuning up 1$ straight tUta ta whM -David Morriaon, 11 Ridge. for the embassy on strictly Amsri* has seen." Ume s ^ U y completing toe align­ business. Hi# firat one w m In ^ ^ Soutolngton. made a# apprentice record li­ Weat Side# at the Weat Side Oval Parker Victor in prlae money, plus all expenaea {summer over Naw England half- pleting toe three months’ course brarian at the hospital. session for what promlaea to b* mile tracka...toat handsome pan Bronx Bombera have eapwd r—Nicholaa j . awtaU, 110 can matters, such aa attending to In accord arlth tbe policy o f tbe ment r t Soviet Ruaalan armlea and Hartford in toe old Waverly buUd- Father Plunkett wa# with a fine record. yesterday afternoon as the Ham­ Qash Tonight at West Mangrum and MeSpaden gettit^ or more rt their sutm 1 Atnerlcanv paaqports and ansarer* high oommasd. however, there increasing toslr readiness f o r ^ tag. Two Manchester boya, David Windsor Lock# there waa ilton Pr(^;>eller nine of East Hart­ $100 extra for the beat l$-hol*. hla toughest fight in many a day. {'looking at you from toa cigarette Side Oval; Olbert am i - In Net Event One* again, however, th# Ivy {ads tn toe mid-waat ta none other thcre\>y wiping out tha ran p . Thomas, 91! jb* inquiries by American citlxena. waa no official indication aa to the in order finally, togetoer wlto Mason and Howard Tryon, to* Irt-1 j,^nk failure. It waa a big loaa to Memorial Lodge, Pythian Sis­ ford eked out an S-7 victory in an round of 63. and another $200 for 117 la a row which th# t Tbs immigmtioQ visa aectlon 11-inning slxsler. Wlto toe score toe most birdies. 49. Nslaon and handlara refused to let their boy {than jarrln’ John Kimbrough. trend of the campaign or whether England and supported by Ame^ ter on* of a small store on North people of toe town. Among the ters, -will meet tomorrow night ' Hospital Notes Hilinski Slab Choices- d ^ ed up as an an-tlme Sdiallcr, 221 ytrtuany ceaaea'to exist, as this all fronts were to full action, tbe can supplies anticipated, to enun Mata street,Mfra-aal- nowrt/Mlf conduc^rAtTl1lM*tAa ^ DV UepStor#1 _ . were_____ many T»re1l«MaItalian# aniland tied at 7-alI after the seventh, toe Thomaon tied for toe low score rt go at it too much and after only a „ D-I-fc Tt.1v" Hlt- half hour or so of work, h* waa only a yaar ago. What’a in^vas contact with German au purpose of th* silence being the German Reich and Italy, Robertnovcri. v.,»r,Gray, went with------him. when a ciuxenxcitlxena’ commivv™committee wa# Members of St. Margaret’s Cir­ rivals weat scorelem for to* next Gains. Five-Set V iclo^ 62 to gain am additional flOO. _ thoritles. camouflage the plan of attack. opened under toe imme of ^ I tjie mUl employee# aought Admitted Saturday: Mia* U l- three frames until Mike Zwick The Texaco Fire Chiefs from to# Ralph Ouldahl, who paired with ■gain laid off for the afternodn. **j IS MiteheU, New Torit Port: | I Icr cle, D. of I„ will meet tonight at Confident that Ivy will be at 126 (The firrt communique iaaued by Cterge* Sabotago Capitol Lunch. It had been hi* in-1 *a man to renresentrepresent them.them Father toe home of their regent on Buck- lian Metaachmldt 96 Well*; Mrs. smashed a long single to left to North End and Moriarty Brotoera Over Bob Riggs m Sam Snead a year ago to win toe •Th. mort rtartlln* ^ | ■core Johnny Thurner wlto the tourney, finish laat as Snead drop­ or a pound heavier, hla handler# I ia to* announcement wmh i — n^.a^eiaiaf"a < R u s s i a Yo Halt Departures tbe Soviet last night acknowledg­ German Foreign Mlnlrter tention______to use the name Capital, Plunkett waa named m « land street Teresa Ansaldi, 140 Maple. wUl play this evening at toe W®"* ed German peactratlona of from Joachim Von Rlhbentrop charged but making an error in th* apell- Discharged Saturday: Mrs. Rose wiimlng marker in the top half of Q ay Court* Play- ped out because rt a back Injury feel toe Hartford boy, in an at- Washington Senatora —are ------abMt— to i - awt; v ! toe committee. T'own Clerk mter- Side Oval at 8:18 o’clock and to* LooUiart Bogera tempt to gat In too good a oondi- t>uy to* Milwaukee club rt to# m ^ r l#Hn»*jreo^ six to 10 milea, prlndpaUy in to* Soviet wlto a widespread cam­ tag when he gave hU copy to the a—FTankle lost-mlnuts substitute. . tlon, may leave hla fight In to* American Asaoeiatlon. Bltoar ft# Do8gw twk taro Lithuania and Soviet-annexed east paign of aabotage and esplon^ these two men tbe returns made to Twi League cellar. championship# at Yale Field tn ■ - ^before to price ia $1.49 or It’a to# weather margin victoria# in w- , e d- . i Washington. June SS-J^ — Poland. The Russians Claimed de­ against toe Reich, making that name ta hia other venture*. the depoaltors waa, up to tlmt Dumping Rubbish ough Road; Carl Anderson, 68 Town am) T ^ champs and pitched Parker rt Spring Lake, N. J., who | New Haven Saturday afternoon. gym. It haa happem » There are a lot ot angles to tola fighters and they don’t want it to we’re having." ond. sinea th* Cards a ® V U n ited S tates Federal goveram«t struction of 68 Nasi planes during menUoa of 16 alleged attempts to Not one rt his many restaurants time, greater than ever l^d by Garden; Joseph Fogarty, HllUard. good ban all the way but bis first won toe crown eight year* Rogers, a member of toe M. H. it left Brooklyn only " to ^t the departure of Italian attacks on Russian cities in arhich which extended from New York 0. savings bank that failed. For his Admitted Sunday: Georg* Pal- mates were responsible for six er contest tonight. The North End- happen to Robert. This ia to* au- I nationals from the United States. damage German ships. On Broad Street era are going Into the game with ago, held the national clay courts S. clsM of 1938A and Uter a sports prema'taat and'toe boya don’t care {A ^ d and A ^ t __ _ {away from th# eenlor toapPs 200 persons were killed or injured Although one o f Germany*# ma­ city to Portland, Me., wa* opened work Father Plunkett refused to leta, 224 Oak; Mr*. Dora Tuttle, rors afield that played an impor­ Perfect Score brilliant at Wealeyan, successfully I Paga Qua) | The action duplicated steps Itoout firrt being approved by RockviUe; Janice Nlxofi, 866 Hen­ tant part in toe scoring. Four of the backing of toe fan# for to# tennis qincles champlonehlp for to have Ivy mis* on it. Frankl* Parkdr c r ^ t a hla show. gpoL to the firrt hours. jor partnere b) the Axia—Itrty-- take any pay. simple reason that the## youn^ dtfended hts diadedem in to* run- Jeffra arrived in town lata Sat- Ung in to* natlonrt clay court# ten- { With w i------a record Clnctanatl ; taken agatort the Oermans to this (A Berlin diaaptch to the Finn­ promptly announced heraeif « P. J. O’Leary. It waa while he waa a curate ta ry; B dw ^ inetchner. New Brit- toe irtsplays came in the fifth a third time today. nlng broad jump when h*- negotiat­ ■ iH"g its plans ofllcially.. country June IS. He had one rule mta aeiecwgaeleettag *a i cheater tort VUl* Nova Col- TTie contract between Moriarty when toe visitors tallied four runs. sters have captutred th# fancy of In Skeet Test m iS rtS ^ for radio ‘"tar- ish'newspaper Uust Suomi today war with Ruaal*. there praa ho rtn. _ . „ toe bleacherltes, Moriarty Broth­ Parker, who won this net title ed 28 feet, 10 8-4 inches. He com' ghma agatart tbs , soma diplomatic sources be*! JuaUee Department an- decUred that the German sue* ploce for hi# reatauranta and that I from which he wa# gradual- Brothers and the town rt Man­ Discharged______Sunday: Frank Gu- May allowed Mven hlta, fanned IS views and boxed a few round* Sun- j Seem# to ua he a 1 ^ * word toll# fgr from Japan. chester for the use rt toe dump ers are sponsoring both teams, a In 1983 and again in 1989, became pO'ted__ _ under toe colors of the New want 18 timings before , finds herself to the unhappy j jounced it bad la'Med instructions ceases on tbe firrt day of the war A German spokesman ^Itaed was to find a place where many 1 ^ inferred on him toe degree rt 1 j®® ^ MidSf* turo* 1 »“*. Middle Turnpike East; Paul djatters and walked three. Turks a three-time winner ;^aterday at Haven Harrier#, who easily annex­ deciding who is the * g g ^ i to immigraUon and border patrol neonle i.t« aerv- at Broad street and Middle turn- wniim.n«^; Mias Patrlda fact that add# to toe Interest rt bSt^^ shown up at ^wwrt ^bbed tt2 ^ on Dbde We "can be compared to the biggest to disctias the question of whether oommoL went to* distance for toe Airmen toe Rivet' Foreat tennis club by George Deyoe of Wash' ed the team title with 14 firat which time Ivy HlUa yet.. .toe golf proa out at In- ■queese bunt Paul . ika the latest spread of the .apfjcera to take all necessary step* and gave up ten hlta aa he fu n ed toe game. Neither team has won rlctorlM to the course of this Germany felt Japan murt entor a game as yet In toe Twi league downirig toe favored Bobby Riggs, places In toe 17 event#. Roger#, training.alnlng. _ „ .. { verneaa aay Sammy Snead Blight pitched ths whole way. b oj Uo prevent any Italian naUonal arar,") 1 nine and walked six. Clinton, 8. C., 6-8, 7-8, 6-8, 4-9, 6-8. ingtoiif C.,_Gains who won the national Indoor crown Thl araart money haa '*•*« j Jy^ya avoiM moat rt to# trounla usual, th* Reds couldn’t I a member of the Axis, Ja from leavtog the country, pending j -toa fight againrt Russia under to* " Stu Roblnaon and Tom Martin but, and tola la toe significant part favorite at 7 to 8 as he attampta to j, ^a had begun to^giv* military sup Oonfiaei To Air Aeffvtty tripartite pact (whlrti obligate# Ita Recognizing of to# altuatlon, toe North E^era Riggs, himself a three-time win­ The All-Bore H onors. in hla apeclalty in Febniaiy. will etae r t ^ r t r dtaner ctaecke fe ri further instruction*. The first official news relayed r: FTSWIf collected two blowg each while ner of tola crown, came from far seek outdoor honors in toe AAU at beat back Ivy and clinch a {treatmenta sooner ... Marquette Kirby Hlgbe found hotoe t o : or Otrermany to the event *nie departnwnt said it under­ signers to help any other In toe Bernice Thurner led toe Hamiltons with a have outtolt their older rtvala by B." againrt , them, it to the German public by DNB. of­ event on# la attacked by a power xtaurxnt *?**,.•*“ 1 i»i8*ur8t,**Jo^i’t chm^ 1 rubbUh be duinped there 1 ™ j2 Brataard;: 2m % a wide margin in both games t^ t behind to equare toe match at two Philadelphia this weekend. with champion of toe feather-having changed coach#* and lUda bats ta th# nightcap. ^ stood the Treasury issued similar ficial German news agency, waa when Mr. Pond hull. hptela » I ghdton. He bail become inter-1 town failed to give' any legal no- - ^ p-.f^ Center. pair of dbublta and Zwick also seta and lead 8-2 on service in toe Lordship, Conn., June 28.—(F>— Robblna, who graduated from M. weight kingdom to whom Harry ,ghool colon, la looking for a new up a thrae-Wttar and waltaod ii pointed out. and Germany not at war.) Asylum street. He Mtor _add^ toj^^ work rt th* Knight# tlce and aa a result peopls rt^l «Vth today: a daughter to Mr. they have lost. Moriarty*. on toe Th'e great Eastern akeet cham- her invasion of Rassl* was Instructions to customs Officers. confined to air activity. I garnered two hita. other hand, have played tore# final aet. But Parker, • using his H. a. in to* class of 1988A and lost hla Utt*. nickname tor ita teams.. .Gibson Other Axla affUlate# also d ^ his holrtnn ^ ta««ha*ing other ^ crt„njtai* and about 1980 waa stUl dumping rubblah ta the a ^ ^ ^ jjre. Dewitt WUaon, 46 pionabtpa were hlatory, but" , gun haa been a dlatance ace at Uni­ White’# iatea*. future-book price# d tf*"— On the other hand, These repotta told of destruc­ Glared thcmaelvaa. Rumonta^ of nmeA And hAva only gotten aw or new forehand attack to advantage, MaanwbUa, King Carl Ruaao-Japaneae "neutrality" tion'of numerous Russian airports, hotels ta elected state chaplain. While p***| A continuation will ^reult to ^ had toa stauina to eweep toe last entouaiaata were atlll talking to­ versity of Connecticut for toe past make BIU GaUon 2-1 to win the oltod up hla le ft or buataeaa. Transfers Stopped courat, waa actlvrty in ^ Wed klanrlMtrtisr 0 1 r t _ I ^ r ta totiton he buUt a new 1 complaint# to toe poUc* ^ to toe p(.charge today: Kenneth Wai- Be^’en hita in all to r^ day about toe thrilling battle for three yean, raced to victory In Hambletonian next Augurt...to* ; « f April. 194L stlpuUtea that hangars and bSrracks all along your oppreMed orouieri He married MOaa Caroline Weto- Week End Sports The Fire Chief# can hit. They -----four--- games.------Riggs „ won only on# and knocked off the Cards Hta'! M l^tory 'becomes the ob* On Credits to Finland ithe destruction of uncounted schooL yhi 1933 he wa# named as 1 expectation that arreata will fol- ten , 106 Spruce; — Carl • Johnsim,------might make mlatakea afield and gome after .Parker regamed toe the all-bore Individual title, cap­ The Slandinge Otanta. 4-8. in the firrt from the red yoke of BolsbevUm, erell, of Mancheater. There were rt S t Mary’s church, Derby. I low. tured with perfect ahooUng by of attack,” the other will June 83—(jp)— j numbers of Russian planes on the Premier Gen. lojh A n t o n y rt Ru- no children bom to tola mantage. Bolton; Mre Anthony Dougela that ia to be expected but they | lead at 4-3. ta St. Louta. on the a tr e n ^ Iwtahi neutrality—and Russia he remained until he died and Infant son. 84 Florence; Mre. Gaorg* Deyoe of Waahlngton. D. w2^'PlerioX p ^ d e n l mania d « l * ^ to an J o ^ to hla As he accumulatejl wealth he w m By The Associated Press make up for any and to Ffed Schroeder of Glendale, Tasterday'a Baaidta I cc^rttotim , Cliff Guatavaon. torae-nm ninth-lnatag rany, ds that the Box-iet is the raOroads and morning. He was stats ehap-aP- —— I John Doherty and infant son, 82 when they aock toe apple. C roung Johnny Wtttlg thtn^ toe Expert-Import BanlL saki to-j “ ® o t a ^ aoldlen. ^ .’•Bring olfi Beaaarabla still Jolm Porter to his friends. rt toe K. rt C. at the time TOlado—Ben Hogan and Jimmy <3aaf., and Jack Kramer of Loa T h e compeUUon, feature event Eastara They drew 8,000 foUia on on# of _ of an unjustified invasioo. When It wa# propoaad to build Walnut moet a safe bet that I ^ s W and Angeles, won toe men’s doubles WUllamaport 12-8. Hartford 8-0. five-hitter to take th* ni"* .. See dose Cooperattoa ' _ day tranafera already had \ renorta rrarblnr and the wood# rt Boeovl^ jrw ■ death. ^1 South Coventry | Damaret win $2,000 first money in of toe two-day ihoot which closed tta recent hot nlghta.. .Mike Ja­ fle^ and meadow# back into th* Mancheater Memorial iKMpital Census: 70 patient*. Inverneaa invitation golf tourney Olbert will hook up aa rival pitch- UUe by dowrdng Chartca 01#wln#.,w. -r r . „ . - .nni saie of Wilkss-Barra 8-3. Binghamton cob! won’t taka any more firtta 8-2. It marked to* second liMThil* atick*talring of the inter* was Mr. Porter who gave the moo- He was ordained to the priert------J ere. Olbert ha# not yet m P“ » 8 Santa Monica, liuf.. and Joe Hunt yest^ay with a r^ rd field rt 4-8. two week* that Tarrya* scene proceeded, the be* Fatherland.” Clinic Schednls with point score of plus eleven, to Waahlngton until they find a (Reutera. Brttlah new* ey to porchaae the nwereery highest in tournament history. In uniform wlto Moriarty Brotoera of Annapolia. Md.. 6-4. 7-8, 6-L 294 «rtng a ^ at the clay ^ Scranton 8-1, Albany 1-4. loophole in the local l*w ao that he club—toe myrtery ta wbrt expressed in Informed quar* S r ' T v - .2 5 S ,'r.is£ f Tuesday, 10 a. m,, tonsU and ade- and HlMnakl lost hla first atari 8-7 Pauline Beta, to* RolUni College eona. S Springflald 4-8, Elmira 1-4. them up—errept a tartn MB I that one outcome of the said General Antonescu bad de­ amount of land on wWc^th* firet AKbbUbop Jolm a. M itoy. ^8t. Louis—Frank Stranahto, {can gat a promotar’a Ucenae. voted hlroiielf exclusive^ to #u- unit was buUt He rttan took oc­ Doi^ to toe league leading Sllbw. student from Winter Park. - peadlockrt with perf^ « Natioaal tbs Cards. _____ thrust into Russia would XSu. i^JUv.r.TjmorW 'r. •»«, WrtMburv now h—»< of to* StlNertt Pant, xweive Wednesday. 9 a. m.. c l^ clto^ IS-year-oId Toledo golfer, whips who ia conaidarad a likely auccea- tbe end of the regulaUon lOO lar ptem* oonanand ot th* Rumartan casion to visit hia rtd friends la accompanied by mf*"**" John Barnum, CUUcago, 6 and 8 in There ta toe other ^ e that Boston------8-8,------Chicago.... 5-3. It took toe umplrea at tha le- PMIer Wta# N*. 18 i irtshUahment of close economic don’t have to look for reaso^ j Belgrade. Other Russian dtlea re- 2 p. m„ Wen Baby Conference « the Moriarty Brotoera will b* out sor to AUce Marble, now a pro- gets. than Plttahur^ 4-4, Pblladalpl^ 1'7. Californla-Westarn Michigan Th* aeveland BaU chib, aeration among the United Flnland haant b ^ abM to bombed Included Kiev, Army, turning hla prem ler^P Manchester, who will mlaa him. ^ ftSilarSSn; held Wed- Scout ««nmi^. ^ final rt Trans Miasisalppi tourney. over to IdlhaU Antonrecu. uwter- he has been a Birmingham, Ala.—Sam Perry, at full strength tola avtnlng af feaslonal. who^toe women’# single# Th# W ^lngton New York 4-8, St Louta 8-2. j jam* (both former league playetp) wise known aa Bobby FaUar, Ire. Great Britain and Russia. shipping apace Mtaly if U d l^ u y ^ Ukraine. Kaunaa, AeiSSJ'^a’lSm whrtSatalp^ 1 nei^neSTywuSng at 10 o’clocko'clock at tain **»«»*^* ^ Mn the question of lease*lend aid anything here, and besides Zhitomir.) |secretary rt ataU for educatl^) St M ^a church..perby. A ^ U - W W. at Birmingham, takes southern am­ ■tiMka Bclatts** With 8*vlet ference at a in lc buUdtag now If they Intend to be in -at to* Mary Arnold of Loa Angeles. straight In four extra round# to bad called one wrong tn letting a in whipping tbe Washtagten l ttm Soviet, Senator Pepper (D* dent Roosevelt’s order ; Russian jaid* on toe' Reich end- ! . .i.i- Kmke on rciauooa w.w Haynes street. ateur golf title with 8 tod 4 vic­ playotfa. They have toe rtuff ato the champlonahlp, noatng«cut SSJrtriataokTrtf reUtiona wlto tory over Johnny Cummings, Jr., Chicago 144), PhUadelphia 0-8. CaUfornta Idayer ecore toe win­ tore. 8-0, with a eevan-WA I) was all for it. continental European funds pre- m^,rou*ly. DNB said. 88 : ^“ S ^ ^ ^ '^ J S d ^ k o u ta at 2 o’clock at hla t o that remalna ia for toam to d Mataukl, Waban, Mass., Boston 7-8, S t Louta 5-13. fonnanca. thereby reachtag^ advocate of “afflrmaUve" vented any »««*<«." bomber* In one flight being shot the Soviet *nd.i»rtitmea_o«^.__ made in Mra. M* Heetoer'a bi^ Memphis. ; ning run from first on a wild peg and other air-raid pre«*«W«^ A Rev. RuaseU J. CItachy. pas- tary. Derby. 2Ira. T-i«wia Stanley returned on get out rt the Twi League rut ^ brofcdr, who missed one bird In to# New York 5, Detroit 4. that rolled Into toe dugout al­ halfway mark ta bta camf against th . •xl*. Pepper Pierson #rtd h ^ i ^ e d MarUn Chicago—Frankie Parker de­ playnlav thetoe ban they are_ capable of. aeveland 8. Waahlngton 0, to a rtateihent: "Who win Croatia said ah* . ^ tbe Center Oongregsttcoal Wednesday from spending a few Public R ecords feats Bobby Riggs. 8-8. 7-8, 6-8, Major League tart abort off. . „ . » though th* rule# aay the runner hit toe S0-game-wtan*r *■ of toe. latest $8.000.000 credit^ t o . bombers ta another. The axency ___ Hartford, will officiate. | Ty Holland, on to# other hana 1# H. Luteber Brown of San Anto­ only gate tworbaaea. short-sighted or prejudiced Finland—a food 1 ^ -^ d be^j^^j^ Russian plane losses ■land by Axis treaty oMlgatkma. days with hen brother and family 4-6, 8^ to win national clay this year. Bulgaria ha# not dlacloaed ber^ Burial win be ta Cedar HUl ceme* In Jewett City, and left the same going to gamble nio, Tax., who wraatpd th# AlO . The Standing* Tbs White SoK and f ua that they would rather used. Most rt $80,000,000 rt cred-1 growing hour by hour. Funerals AppHcaUe* courts tonnta title; Paulin* Beta ind he might make fhtf** hw ' would strike us than to help •land thua far but there wei a ^ tery. ______day for New Orieans. La., aceoip- , AppUcaUon for a roarm ge Leaders guaga champlonahlp from rack Eartem Hatf-Bftattta laton iew Athletic* tsaded abutouts.' ita prer-louMy given were used up, Join Battle With Rossiaas beats Mary Arnold, 9-8, 6-1, for ana there but when he dore grt Sbaughnesay Saturday, took * W. U Pet. OBL ’ Jockey' Eddie Arcaro; Thoa# won the firat 14-0rb*htad Tad ____ stop him? hos'ever, since parts of them were confirmed reports ^ ______Eg** {parted by Mre. i1 Ucenae -has______been flirt s^_ ^ « . . . mone’a championship. 1 "Americana know now that ouri A communique issued by the 1 break off retatkm* arlto R u * ^ MefeMfi W . Ortaeli tMs combination w o t l ^ It ta go­ toa high-overall gun title, defeat- WUkea-Barr* ....84 28 0176 other colts bettor stop chaeing ona. and tbe Quakar O ty art f granted ta toe fall o f 1989. Mias Katherine Egan, a former j hoot and Mlaa of the town clerk by P«tev New Brunswick. N. J.—Frank ing to b* a bard one to defret. By Tht Afisocistod PrcM lag the Dedham,. Maas., acs again, WtlUamsport...... 88 28 0H9 % this Whlrlaway. He’ll break them aim. our one way to keep war German-Rumanlan headquarters In 1 The German mtaiater ta Bucha- Richard W. Griach. aoo rt th* resident of Now Britain, who died and Mlaa Marion B ojw rt VS^Ull- ^ Britain airt Edith Desmond, VUIanova, rstaina Intar- turad to# aecond. 8-0, back rt 1 qnestkms About Vessels i reft conferred with Hungarian gov. late Mr. and Mis. Richard Griad ...... mantle. ’They wUl ^ t W ^ ^ ^ < The other game# acheduled for AflMrtaaa Laagna IM to 148. Elmira ...... 81 27 A84 3% down.” MarchUdon. America is to keep Hitler the south stated that toe Allle* Saturday ■ morning, waa held thta coUeglatci outboard cbamplonsbip, Batting-Winiaiaa, Boston. .407; up in Europe. Our policy The new* Russo-German war ernment leaders but no rt Hartford, diad taat night at ^ ton and-other potato of Interest ------tola week are: _ ,. The ivomen'a tltl* am# kapt by Binghamton ...... 81 38 0135 8 T jimniy Foxx’a llth jhwi there hSd joined battle Trith the morning at 8:80 at tos'T. P. Hol- scoring 2,828 points in two-dqy Wadneaday Ero«|tag Heath, Clavaland, A$0. Hartford ...... 24 27 .471 8 'Aire, is to defend America front raiaed quastiaoa about toe Russians, apparently In Bucovina ment of policy w#a ma468 8% st Hitler, and to help all oth* diapoaiUon of IS merchant. ships and Bessarabia, lost provinces out and air-raid precautlooa wore Griach rt Windsor, after a long foUowed Iqr a solemn requiem mam ta New Orleans Itor some Ume with ------school, win* intarscbolaatic UUe. Yesterday's Stars in th* Boston epenw. whita, Itain, Chins, Greece, Rus- belonging to BalUc nations moor­ tastituted in Hungary, however. UtacsB. Born ta Hartford he had her son-ta-law and daughter, | Cornwall, June Prifiay Evaatag i 60; D. DiMaggio. and WUliama, to dafaat Dtana Bolling of Orean- to* two-mU* nm aa he coverod the Sprini^eld ...... 3 8 82 .489 I S t Louta Browne banged « r t which Rumsnls hopes to win back at SL Jataas’s church at 9 o’clock. Italo Alto. Ctallf.—Southern Bortem, 87.. Albany ...... 28 88 .411 9% ir any other people who will ed m United States harbors. from tbe U. S. S. R. lived ta that*3ty practic^y ^ fUt Barrett was cele­ and Mre. Waldron 8sn®ott Mim Harriet J. Pratt 86, a iwm North End# va. arich. North American w om to# otatance in tan mlnutaa, ona and Wta for 12-8 edge In to* (Altfornia track team win# sov- There ta_ _—r- going to be * tat ot , Rune batted in—KaUer,----- . New champioB, by on# bird, ^trteta cighto-tantoa of a eecond. RobblM Natlenal By Tlte AModBUd Prew piece. Chet Laabs Wt two 1 Hitler off." Treasury offlcirta, who exercla# (Military circles ta Vichy said].., -ni J* _ hla life- Hs was a member rt brant, Rst. Vincent J. Hines, dea­ rest of th* party wiU return alxnit rt one of America’s old^ ento straight N. C. A. A. team In the opposite camp. Senator Christ Church Cathedral. the first of July. , families, died yesterday at her baaeban p l a ^ in tola !**«JJ* York and York, Datrolt, 89 Laurstp of Akron, national wo“ - rapnaant^ to* Bolton Notch A. C. W. L. Pet. GBL Jolmny Rucker, Otanta—Drove ■ad___ drove ta nine runs during'' a strict control over the depefti^ they had^t infortnaUon Indicating t ^ m p D ta n < lin & con and ftsv. WUltam J. Dunn, UUe. acorlng 81% points; .Lea from here under toe ^ r # w j m to—Heath,- Otavaland, $9: J. S t L ou ta ...... 48 21 .672 ' i Wheeler (D.. MonU d#> of foreign ships said It waa stand­ that tha main thruot would he I . r - . , ^ BMldss Ms brother bs laavss sub deacon. Mra. John Barrjr pre- Mrs. Lorraine Jeffri^ home here in the same room m en’a champion, placed third with in winning run in firrt gam* and that to e ' main thrust would be I Steers, Oregon, betters listed there 1# every tadlcanw I DiMaggio, New York, $7. i A t ta National* Brooklyn ...... 4 1 21 .681 1 tripled to aend taro more aCToaa to I Boston’# Brava# whipped last mght at -Hlghlasd ard procedure not to ^ rm lt auch made ta this front toward the tores stators. Mrs. Ebnar K Il^ W at to* otgan and Arthur E. Dorothy Aker, Mr#. Elisabeto ,)ie wa# born. She was_ Beaton, 97x100. m., that If tbe country now Boys in 'town Rivera^ Mim Flora G ^ ’S” cended from Ueut WllU^^ t t world high jump record for there will be a red hot fiMo- Bii-1 Double*—D. DiMaggio. The NaUonal Capital# of Wash­ New Haven Conn.. June 28--(81 New York . ..8 2 U JOS 9 nightcap, ta 4-8 and 8-2 douwa- Chicago Cuba, 8-8 on a wiipg to depart without asking toe heart of toe Ukraine, while anoth- { Hartford. Mrs. CUude Mead rt yoatiny sang. fourth time wlto 6 feet, 10 7-g b^ T re leading th* 33: ^udreau, CSevsland, 21. —Bight Connecticut men wiU go ClnclnnaU , ..8 1 81 ,800 11 . become involved to the con* MkriUme Commission whether it er drive arould be—or had he«i— Windsor, and Mrs. WUUam S. Me* Asths body was being bn^bt entertslned st ^ dinnor At the Ho-1 cAme to AmertcA In X6S2 from ington defeated to# Mlnut* Men win over Oarda. { uinto-liming rally, and 8-2 ; abroad, "w4 will be fighttnfi tel Hooker in WUUmanUc | Hertfordahire, England. inches. _ nary a loae and ia one rt to# ta™* Triplaa^Kaltner. aevsiand. 9; rt Lmtington, itaaa.. for top five- to Philadelphia thta week to com- Chicago .. > ,.29<88 .488 IS Tad Lyons. Whit* Son andPtUj jg.^gry’a sbe-Wt hnrttag. tafendod to take them over under started ta toe Baltic region as part Caim rt 88 Ridge, thla town. Ho I ^ church Mrs. Barry played Lordship. Conn.—George Deyoe, ert hitting club* in toe Travia, Waahlngton, g. Mto in tha National Amateur Ath- . .24 32 .468 18% «ar for world domination 1^ also !**▼•• Use ne^Mara and * I Mr. Keating sang "Lead Kind- evening ta hoimr rt thi^blrthtoyA nSAII ^^tofwpiomhtp in A BBOOL pel Pittsburgh . MarchUdon. Athletic# — T raiW I pittaburgh downed ths a new law. of a ptacer movement on Moscow). Several members rt Oompany K. Washington, wins all bore UUe in But It la a long Home ninar-J, DlManlo, Naw letietic------Union track------and field choro- .. - Boston ...... 23 84 ASS 17 Maunism." There rtao were reports of fight­ rtees. ^ .. tiv Ltabt" At ths offertory Mr, by k te Kay Bierce and Mre. Max- off, 492—124x128 to 492—120x128. abutouts, Lyons pitching sevei^t j opener behind a legialatocs thought it and AnU-Tank O o, 169th Infan­ Great BAatern skaet shoot, and aa we have York, and York, Detroit. 18. pionahlpa Saturday as a result rt PhUadelphia ..1 8 43 .396 38% opener and Marrtilldon toaatag ing at sea, DNB reporting destruo- try. U. S. N. G„ arrived ta town piinsral servlem artll be j sang. "O 'Salutarla?* and toe Clark. . . . their first-place ahowlnga In toe i Sewrtl’s steady toering. be difficult to list Jtuaaia Mr. ai»d Ml*. Jacob Adams a ^ braaklng 200 straight targeta to times, anything can and “ SP* Stolen baaea—Case. Waahlng­ Anaarican fiv*-Wt nightcap. I Phils took the nightcap. 7-4. Uon rt a 4,000,-ton Russian frelgh over to* week-end on furlough. b6m* rt his hrotbsr. Lm> I STth# elevation. ”D* Prefund^ fiva-way ahoot-off; National pen in baseball. Th* usual priaea ton. and Kuhrt, Chicago. $. ■tats A. A. U. meat at Tala Add. W. U Pet GBL I of the "embattled democ* Robin Hood Qub tar and a fishing boat by Naxl WediMsday at two ©'dock 1 ^ „ the body wa# belngtak« family have removed tola week to SILENT GLOW T,^m to# -— lanky . golf-1 - Batting—Ratasr. Biw klyn, J81; PhlladSlphla . . . . . 2 8 M .489 10 Bob FaUer, Indiana—Btan)ted Maataur motcrcyota JtatoT^ otudaota from ths fourth to th* Scant early reports from the Sunday nwrntag. Th* latter greup Mim StMff Eltaahejh j lUm Egan. Edward by a length for $8,078 purae, Ing monopolirt from Avw wno Slau^tsr, S t Louis, A49.: veitch with 80-18-88. C , Johnaoo 2501 in toe 220-yard l o w . _____ S t, ,tnHta.-.T.r tranrterring any mat*- land forces Included colorful ac­ 78-1048s aod-Rebert-H. Sraito ■ Vettum-Nataon and iJo# -ConajW' BeaaCorentfl. with^ trtal n»-b«r* yeitoeito r*- raceived from the United eighth grade started at ths Mary travellrt from norid* by boat I for nearly 20 paw* BtaSSek. Crtebratnd Painter Dtee j/w Angel#*~Slr Jeffrey, holds both toe atate -Runs—------.HartA'""’^Cht6*80inr-"<- - Washington ...... 3 8 89 .861 Ifi Fiviki* Pytlak. Bed Sdx. and oovacad tha half-nptto dBt J Cheney Ubrary Saturday. Th* counts from Army reporters at un­ Amrtg 'the boys who are home fourth gra^ ta .®*®. Brannick and Ralph Trebb. with 82-14-82. Earl Ballatoper New Havehera who both cleared 8 to another aatton without $1TJ0axf.ev for•«. ^a - outaldw,------aet------HoUjr^ open cliamploaahip*. *®®*” {Moore, St Louis, 82. feet two Inclie# in toe high j ^ p Ctaat Laab*. Browna — Pytlak’a 80.79 aaeonda T h e , cenaast rt tUs gov- theme rt tbe club is "Join Robin identified fronts who told ta excit­ on leave are Lieut. Lester Woleott school rt too Mghto d W ri^ < ^ ''" 88—OF—Jsihm wdod Park taBCk' w iot'd rt 1:42 jdofenae’ rt hta amateur tlUe. Runa batted In—Nlchotaon, Chl- turned In low groaa with a 76. T a d ^ s Onaata ed tones—to toe accompaniment 1.0* aioM at to*to# hooM_-_ rt . bar„ ata- ^ _ tan. JOB* will make to# trip, aa wiU Dan iDKAtAm triple with hesee leaded led to 7-8 o f -s i eeccpde awa ert chancel for Hood and hi* Mcrty Men.” Sgt. Clarence E. McCoIhias, Pfe. Lynwood Palmer. 76,. ceMnratad ^'foF'm lis and 18to lil win ''“ a field rt ibou t 100, taclurtng | 5g. gigufi^tar. S t Laula, and opeaar wta; Laahe bit two boaaera Maaaa rt rtontroailrj tattHpA ______. ___ f^»gaiifcfa»,..'Pva,-.FJTnesiek.AMW; ntfiv honMp rtrtualty afl Oonnectlcufa golfing {p g. New York. 47. Herb ^Arrier’a 88^20-88 and C, Chu6buck rt Mlddlatown. who won Hartford at WUllamaport night' itatas. rt DaekF nlng $10,000 Inglewood handicap. Hart’a 81-19-68 tied for top honoip the 16-pound shot put and placed and drove ta ata* mna ta deubl* tboogh Wf cloasd target is being dlai^yM toad rt mrtlUay flr»---of^ ta^ l LMtsv StoremrfiBdPBfi' »» IMTyooterdayat iM f t m -Stanton. Del.—ArnoW Hanger”* aces, competatd ta the qualifying Hlta—Slaughter, St Loutar 87} Albany at Scranton. try advance acrom toe border into Devorio Fr*d*y,( in cu re B. wbU* BIU Kennedy bad second In the hammer and diecua. Springflald at Elmira. hUL made ta Sm. tt a»a poiatad ou t,. children’s roonc A# each eluh B at tbe Wat" DIt beats Greentre* Stabla’a Cory- round rt toe ConnecUcut Oolf gt, Louta, 80 _ Fletcher Burton of Taft school Truett PIrataa. and Nidt {aald R woald bwf spunber reads three books bs )vUl a Ruaalan village, the capture rt 1 ' J ______g a r- _L— Aaaoctatton’s 43nd annual tourna-1 Doubles—PaDeaandro, Chicago, low gross wlto aa 88. A 68 ta the Binghamton at Wilkas-Barre. iBiscle could he etreumvest* to# Ruaalan barracks and th* | ^ . ____ Mtov. Thoraten by two length# In $10,000 lowcrt net acora allowed. who heaved toe 12-pound bam iw Ettea, PhlUlaa ia waU toaaad a I'a relesM to .RuMla be given an arrow colored to rep­ Sussex handicap at Delaware ment at to* Brooklawn Country go: gtaughtar. S t Louta, and F. National Lngna selsure of prisoners. | Faveea Higb8^ *Pasm vesUgator for ■ootbr rt the Eman- 188 feet, 8 1-8 inchea to break the New York at Chicago. *n-hltter for 4-1 Opansr -mfinulactured aimplles resent th* ischool which h* *t- ■ rt which he aub. Match play begtea tomor-[iioOormlck. Ctndnnatt. 18. old state record: A l^ u ori rt T be arrow wUl be put on Army late Acttea I ------' list ___ Juno 28.—IP) — PArita row - with prettmlnary 18-hota 'rriplea— M o o n ., Boston, and Roaulta rt yeaterdsy’a match Brooklyn at PUtaburgh. ten Wt double, three etaglaa ( ; to toe amount rt lease- the ser- Boston—Lady Light carries Ar- againrt par with thras-quar New Haven, winner rt toe dtaciu drove ta two runa ta 7-4 ntahke from the United the target with th* aaaas rt ths After Hitler called Russia an| Washington, June 38—Vta—Hi* CoroMr Moari* H. Wru y f a ed roondE Tbe finaUata will battle {gjonghtar, St ^oui^^ (Only gamea acbadulad). gigrnatffr and an intriguer against | Houss Ways and Means Conunit- Mr*, noatas A- Vtahoits. w j^ of n^d Hanger’s color* to e*VJdfe h f ^wiU also Joe DiMaggio. Yankaan^t r l 4 iTiIlM If " i M A depended eu •tudeata from aU r t the __ oB rt ManrtMrter. band J t o lit t .. 80. takw UBOota h«nd)esp,T The gl^noftoaa taa^ 2; Raaae, Brooklyn, and Hopp. S t at phUadelphta. ipr. SoBM ba- m u schoelB a n tavttad to Join. tton along a front which comparm 700^000 additional ravsnue. Chair­ I —wia 7. ■ hemer tad dmble. latter qparictag ntag tn*ta,.ta *8 ^ of ^ roughly, in air-Une dlatance, with man Doughtrti (D-NC) aanounead to - town's OatmSund rt H aittedi T i l ^ ____ 8*8yr ■ ipitatai ggta. KaJVtoaater dblaated Ajm Jaa legare o f Mancherter. JaswT ’ Army There is still Usos to^hand ta an ««• wwMU) Ctaetanati. Kata Haven Bai^ wtaiUng ninth-taadB|A(nDy, ta 8-4 a Ito* from Brownsville, Texas, to that to* present exemption rt $40.- to to* ------—* ow Tigim. \ ifiUppHaa mttr. At th* and rt the season all 000 for iMto mtata afif gift tax

~ 3?

■J- '% -A Virtues—Don’t make fun of the Be Didst Want Praias Bishop Ryan waa about tp ad- mlnater the rite of Confirmation old-faahioned virtuea of the Among the Green Hills of Ver­ In a certata pariah, and In order called "horse-and-buggy days.” mont in the farmhouse, where, by to teat the children, the questioned Many have tried to eliminate RflS the light of an oU lamp, Calvin them. Turning to one nervous them, but with scant success. No ^ ^ Coolldge took the oath of office little girt, he asked: good substitute hsa yet been found which made him the 80th presi­ Bikhop—What is matrimony 7 by any one for sinesrity, sobriety, 4S HouselioM Goods 51 Summer Homes for Rent 67 P oH cC C oU T t dent of the United States, there Articles for Sale ChUd (solenmiy)—It U a state indua^, thrift integrity and God­ Florlato—Numorios 15 FOR REmy-AT MIDDLE Beach, Subs Will Take Long hange a framed letter. The let­ of terrible torment U which the liness 2 CANDY SHOW CASKS. gM ter bears ted signature of Calvin A sELJxmbN of FOR SALK- -COOLBRATOR. Call Westbrook, shorefront 6 room wicked are condemned to stay for anroNS wiabM to stove, SO Watt Public Addr^ cottfige. Alt electric. Month or (TooUdge, Jr., eon of the president certain time to fit them for a He was so full of love for her Sowers and 4758. season. Tsl. 8277 Manchester. who died whUe Us father waa in that it made him poetic. oMntaa o< lita new ceranlums 30c each, begontas. System. 4 hole brighter and a better world. ___Jbw milte located at cream cabinet. Brunner^a 80 Oak More Drivers Route to Reach Sea tto nmte House. Here li an in­ raahop—No, no! That isn’t He—darling, my love tar you ia Street for the pracUce ageratum. petunias, ®®**'*^J|^* land street. " , Mkchincry and TooUi 62 <#>- spiring letter written by a boy matrimony. You’ve got your an­ I boundless as the ocean; and Dr. Samuel Stone asters, slnnlas. marifoM. Hoases for Sale 72 Journey the subs will have to be stiU in his teens which should be like the ocean, it cannot be denied. calendulas, pansies, tomatoes, let- f o r S A IX —MEN’S Rebuilt and Get Hearings Craft Being Built on swers mixed child. located at IT Mar- EYE, TRY AND BUY CTetrsc for taken imder low bridges, so they read by all boys eveiywhere: Visitor—Let her alone. Per­ She (cooly)—I’U say it can’t. wee, peppers, cabbage, and evei^ relssted shoes. Better than new Someone had written to Calvin, t. RoclrrtUe, Conn. Office your farm. Feel lU great power, FOR SALE—MODERN 5 room Great I^es Offer will bs moved out of Manitowoc haps she’s right What do you Tvs kept every letter you’ve writ­ OUT OUR WAY ^R. WILLIAMS ■ I ten trees all at low price and ^•ap shoes. See them. Sam single. Payments about 880.00 a Jr., calling him "the first boy of t f V hjr i^poInUnent^_____ open. 570 Burnside Ave. smooth riding. See us today. Dqb: minua their upper works. Then in and I know about ItT ten to me. Yulyes. 701 Main.'______lin Tractor Company, Wllllman- month. Just completing a mod. Again M ajority of Cafes Com ply Towing job tte upper MUsisslppl, especially in tto land.” In hla answer, the son GreShouSr Bast Hartford. Conn. em 6 room single. Buy now— of the president in substance said: OH. THIS IN MVVeST NOW f o r s a l e - 8 WHOTD c w v tlc. the vicinity of St. Louis, they will You and I don’t matter, It’s The kind of folks' we’d Uka to fo r Sale 4 Phone $-5001. ______choose your own color scheme. In Town Court Are for For Navy Men. 'T have earned i» right to , be POCklTV WHV, THB1R DON’T HAVff trailer, in good condition. Call have to be transported across the good of all that counts. help never have to ask for it MA WON’T" LBT > A DIPLOMA, ONE DEEP WELL PUMP (elec­ WUUam Kanebl. Tel. 7773. shallows. caUed ‘the first boy of the land. __ _1*S1 MODEL. A fford, 8208. ______tric motor type). Orlgtasl^cost Road Violations. My father deserves all tee credit THEM VAN WALTZ. HERE'! MoTin*— Trucktef— By John Hightower . To meet this problem Naval en- Bride—I do hope iron keep your "The difference between a poor , trunk, $45.00. Inquire 85 $400.00. Will sell for $76.00. If Washington, Juno 23—{/Pi—Be­ l^sers are planning to employ the I deserve ahd want no recognition man and a mUIionalre ia that one KIPS P tA V W ITH ME. GENUINEr’^IDWEL, S t o r a c c 20 Interested contact Allen A HUfh- Lots for Sale \78 In town court this morning two until I have earned it by my own cows in a pasture. ii^ S O r M JIS LEAVIN’ SOAP I'atreet Fuel snd Peed 49- cause submarines can be built on same method which' they use in Milkman—Yes, madam, of worries over his next meal, and rnok Inc.. Manebester, 112 Pltkta men involved In sn accident Isst the Great Lakes but will servs no raising sunken subs from the actions.” the other worries over hie last HER THINK I GOT CO» AUSTIN CHAMBBR8-1^ s^ "street. Phone 5501; Wllllmantlc FOR SALE— CORNER LOT One takes off his to t to any boy course we keep them in a pasture. r o R 8ALB-STANt«Na IF* 50x150 on Autumn street. Reason­ night at (Chestnut and Linden conceivable use there once com­ ocesn bottom. ‘ Bride—I’m so glad. I’ve been A DIPLOMA PROM Long Distance Movers. Tel. 6280. Inquire Mrs. JoeephlngMetherell, 798 Main street. Phone 1986. pleted, the Navy as planning one who refuses to bask In tho re­ SUMPIN -If. C. Dump, 1$S$ Pontiac able for quick sale. Call 8583. stmts were arraigned on motor When the craft reach shallow told that^,4>ssteurlzed milk la Sweet potatoes ere a member \K» WUly* eedan, 1M« 88 Hollister street ______144 Demlng street, Town. of the most complex towing Jobs water, huge tanks will be floated flected glory of, a father’s richneaa of the morning glory family. , eedan. Plymouth vehicle law violation counts. Ac­ or greatness—who Jumps Into the much thtrtost. Plumbing and Electrical in its history. alcmgslde and submerged by Ail­ 1$$S Chevrolet coupe. Cwe 23 Legal Notices 78 cording to the testimony given in The problem arises from the ing teem with water. Each set of area of life and says, “I’U stand R e p a ir in g f o r s a l e — s t a n d in g hay. Fistorea 62-A 1184. court Russell Graham, 14 Edger- same set of natural laws that- tanks, port and starboard, will be , on my own feet' I’U fight my CaU 8811. makes it impossible to get a No. 9 Joined with chains running under own fight I want nq-mvdtk for HOLD EVERYTHING m o w e r s 8HAKENEPD. re ^ - e n j o y HOT SHOWERS with this AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD ton, traveling at "a fair rate of the diieds of other men«p^Judge me ^ shear grinding, key 6ttlng. at Manchester within and for the foot into a No. 5 shoe. a sub. Then compressed air will be 5Srr :ontractinK porUble ring shower and cvrtM"; District of Manchester, on the list speed” ran Into the car of Harry In the case of the Navy, the No. by my own.’I_ Amenca needs dupIlcaUng. vacuum Garden— Farm— Dairy forced into the tanks, forcing the only $2.95, and you can install It day of June A. D.. _ D. Hultlne, 20 Russell, which had 9 foot is a fleet of standard slxe water out. As the tanks come to more'boys like that! " ' HreBSTBR carpenter and overhauled. Braithwaite, 52 Pearl P r o d u c t s SO yourself easUy without plumbing, Present WILLIAM S. HYDE. Esq., entered the intersection. Graham submarines noiii; under construc­ ‘ t. BrtiSBates furnished on over any bathtub. Supply Outlet, Judffe. . the surface, the submarine will be street ______Ustat« of Antonia M. LaUtaf lata was held for violation of rules of tion st Manitowoc, Wis., and the raised in the water. When tanks Boss-^So you’re a salesman I work. Telephone 8424. f o r s a l e — strawberries , 1160 Main street, comer Trum­ of Manchaatar, In aald DIatrlot da the road and both drivers were al­ No. 5 shoe Is the locks of the now, eh. Sambo! You stand be­ l a w n MOWERS SHARPKNTO. and sub alike are brought to the six cants a basket. Bring your bull, Hartford 7-9468. Free park­ caaaed. „ . so booked for driving with defec­ Welland canal, connecting Lake evel, the whole extraordi- hind the products you seU? clasned, oiled, sdjMt^, ing rear of store.______On motion of Sophia Kramar of own containers. W. F. McClelland, said Manchaatar Executrix. tive brakes. Erie and Lake Ontario. embly will be floated over Sambo—No, sab, ah sbo don’t Prompt rellsble work, phone 5857 Hultlne, pleading guHty to «»c Heretofore submarines have any Ume for pick-up Md de­ 81 Lake street. _____ ORDERED:— That six months shallows. BossWhy, Sambo, I’m surprised from tha 2lat day of Juno A. D., 1941 brakes count, was fined $1 and been hfiUt at three ocean-side vessels are part of an order at you. What are you selling? M ancliester livery service. K. A. Ksrlsen. f o r s a l e — strawberries Rooms Without Board 59 be and the same are limited and al­ costs. He said his car had been in­ yards—the Navy Yard at Ports­ lowed for the creditors within which of 78 submarines, construction of Sambo—Well, sab, you see, ah 5c quart. Pick them yourself, and spected only four days ago. mouth, N. H.; ’The Electric Boat sells mules. & ^Evening Herald r EPAIRINO— Auto tops, cur­ bring your own containers. Clml- ' f o r r e n t —FURNISHED room to brinff In tholr claims against said which waa authorized when (Con­ tains, new and used team hto- estate, and the said Exaootrlx Is di­ Fined on -Road Charge Company plant at Groton, Conn.; gress ordered creation of the two- gno, HllUtown Road.______comer Main and Pearl streeU. rected to fflve public notice to the AdTartbesMSts nesses, all kinds of Isather work. Gentleman preferred. Apply Graham pleaded guUty to viola­ and The Mare Island (Calif.) ocean Navy last year. Ooorage ersditora to brlnff------In their ----- claims - , tion of rules of the road, but not Navy Yard. When plans were be­ MB BVBrBS# WOfAS IB • UM. Tel. 4740. Chss. Laklng. 90 Csm- f o r s a l e — STRAWBERRIES, Apartment 1, Selwlto Block. within said tima allowed by posting ------. . » u Press on! Though mists obscure .bbreviatlese bridga street. ______■ix cenU a basket. Bring your a copy of this order on the public guilty to the bad brakes count. He ing made for construction of the the steep and rugged way, .vest as a wer* anS oemeosM own containers. A. Rossetto, 82 f o r r e n t — ATTRACTIVELY sign post nearest to the where represented by Attorney Jay two-ocean Navy now building, And dark'ning doubt besets, soon I as two worse. ItiBiioolo eesl WANTED T O TUNE, repalrrj-snd furnished rooms, continuous hot however, It was decided to open dawns the brighter day. » er tbroe H«*ea regulate your piano or^ pjayer Lake street______low n"and By'puinTiliTng up an inland construction base . retee ser See ror ireeeieev water. Meals If desired. Tel. 3105. In sortie, newspsper having a clrcu- M enus Keep on! Though hours be long piano. “Tri. * Manchester 5062. PICK YOUR OWN berries, 7c latlbrt'ln said probate district, with- client did not prove that they were and The Manitowoc Shipbuilding and days deep-fraught with Nereb IT, IHC quart and bring containers. 438 in ten day* from tha data of this bad, but showed they might have (Company, on Lake Michigan-, was A Week’s Supply l a w n m o w e r s shsrpensd, sd- order, snd return make to this court woe, Cash CharM Keeney street Country Board—Reaorto 60 come out of adjustment ternporari- given a $1,290,000 contract for in­ eUea l>ara..,l » e « f • histed snd oflsd $1.00. Powsr of the notice given. ____»- stalling submarine construction F or Crijud Health Let patience do her perfect work, 4TRiNU.\.lAM3 WILLIAM 8. HYDE*. ly. Graham was found not guilty and vanquish every foe j • mowers up to 21” W ®®- *{???' SUMMER GUESTS wanted, week Judge. facilities. Recommended HEBOSS ARC MAOS -NOT HORN sSi Brothers, 888 Summit. Tel. 4506- of the brakes charge, but was fined Hope on. Though all seems lost, ____ I far irrBfvUr iiiMirtiBM ends,or steady. Very attractive H-4-2a-41. $10 and costa for the road rules Orders Place For 10 Sube By MoOoy Health Service 4681. ______At the same time orders were and threat’nlng storms heat I MMUVB# Bt tllB OBB UWB fBtB* cottage on waterfront. Rates rea­ AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD charge. high, B Y E D G A R tow u rw BBW A FAMILY LIVING IN YOUR sonable. Lakewood,- -Andover at MancheaUr within and for th. placed with the company for 10 BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Happy I^eams rtM w fftvBB vpoii l a w n m o w e r s sharpened, fac- Picked up in a helpless condition Dally Menus Have faith! Be still and know, community recently purehssed 8 Lake. District of Manche.ter, on the list of the undersea craft for long- ofSwM before ika third or tory msthod. adjusted W-W bars. day o f Juno A. D., 1941-,,_ yesterday In Center Park, Thomas that God is ever nigh. wlU ba ebaraad aalr far compldtd room* of fumlturo range operations. These big ves­ TtMedsy s MAUO VM SVAO V WtOOSkt CAN CAlled for wuJ dcHvorod , Present WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq., Hadden, 101 Laurel, and Joseph sels are 300 feet long and of 1,500- Fight on! Though fear assails, and YWlh VLNteVVtMCV V VxMM. WA M.V I -• % aa'T il asaibar at tliMS Uo ad us. A better position has made It JudffB. . Loney. 239 h^lddle Turnpike East, Breakfast — Wholewheat muf- , Vuib_ I V0N8 I L" X s T S _ aharatag at the rata aara* years tdUsble ssrvlcs. ChPjfo' Business Loestlons for K»late of Edna A. Hlckcox late of ton displacement. . ; panic grips the heart, sooototesl KUJWftlXSWT \T 6U04A.O W , _ I . «a aUewaaea ar vafeada oaa necessary ftfr this famUy to move were- presented on Intoxication Ana; peanut butter; stewed The battle you will surely win, If •OHS TOHOOROM- token OOtVto TO '«- by Daniel G. Horton of Hebron. It nounced—they------J ...... will,111 K.be tnuriui towed down 1 piSria^*B ro»ed steak; cooked g ebleetionable. care of this paper. • ______Orii^nal price. $489. You save $179. ■**E8tita o f Ethal FUh i f tlon In said probate district, within was said Clapp failed to halt for a inSilOU«»--e- ter, wac knocked from his bicycle with milk or cream. ' . gearea. tan $1.00 boxes. 60 besutiftfi as­ 5 o’clock at 80 ainton alrset. The Army nosed out the Navy Lunch—(Torn on tee cob; but-^ of Friedrich Engels, German So­ near Huntington street and East cialist and associate of Karl sorted name Imprinted ChrtatmM ___JiillT r near If they see cause at Bald time in the annual outing softball game 1 center Saturday afternoon when tered beets; lettuce. cxrda sell $1.00—your profit 50c. FOR SALE—6 CUBIC foot 1 and place and be heard rtlatKe Dinner—Broiled filet of sole, iMarx. Engels edited several of dalre. all portircelain, in perfect therato. and mix* return to this heW yesterday at the annual Army he swerved into the path of a car the volumes of Marx’s most re­ Also 60 imprinted cards sell w . operated by (Tlarence Carlson, 62 cooked cucumbers; string beans; Free temples. Thomss Doran Co., running order. A real buy.. Kemp’sKe court. W itLIAM 8. HYDE and Navy club outing at the Villa nowned work, “Das Kapltal.” Woodland. ’The boy received rate salad of lettuce and celery; stew­ ••4 $8M White Plstna, N. Y. Inc. J udx«. Louisa, Bolton. The toal score was Immediately after World War H-4-32-41. and bruises on his left arm, side ed. figs. SALE—USED ELECrnUC Saturday: _ . I, Hungary set up the People’s WANTED EXPERIENCED book- FOR 12-11. fJolng Into the final Inning and leg. Republic with Count Karolyl as good condition.ndlllor AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD the Navy was behind, 12-4, but the A car driven by Edward J. Mo­ Breakfast—8-ounce glass of or­ keeper to Uke charige of Ssetory range. In very at Maneheatar within and for the ange Juice 30 minutes before provisional president. This form office, knowledge of stenography Kemp’s Inc. District of Manch«»ler. on the -ad gobs put on a late drive but Just rin, Wllllmantlc, struck » stop of government lasted until . March did not have power enough to sign at Main and Bigelow yester­ breakfast. Poached eggs on re­ necekaaty. Apply Tober BssebaU FOR SALE—SOLID quartered oak ‘'*^r“«irWILLfAMV.’ HYDB. E.q., toasted cereal biscuit; stewed of the following year when the Manufacturing Company. crash In the winning run. day. Thete waa no arrest. Soviet Republic was set up under dining room table, liable * Sons ; Judxe, A good job of umpiring waa done This morning a car operated by raisins. , . ? t T ? BY V. T. HAMLI piano. Used very little. Reason­ "Eetate of K. D- Hedwix Miller late Lunch—Cantaloupe as desired. Bela Kun. This attempt to em­ A L L E Y OO P ■L of Mancheater. In eald Dldistrict, de- by Joe Muldoon, (Thick Hennequln Miss Dorothy M. Turklri^m 54 Dinner—^Roach beef; steamed ulate the Russian Communbt form 36 able. 181 E. Center. and John Hildebrand, who smoth­ Chestnut, and a light truck driven WHILB ALLBV tXJW AMU MWI----- VD U ' ----- (,aKM/rJU«rIMISSUf OH^HOW DID X 1 *^oootod to tea FRECKLES AND HIS PRIBNDB In A Bad Way McKinney Bros/; estate to this Court for allowance, Square Motif for Luncheon Set of Nasi weataisss. to tha opj^on degree moot retobed by the Indl- of Sir Ronald Cross, “ 1 i F irst ** ORDERED:—That tho »r8 day at S w ly appointed high commlsslon- lljArcAaft K U ^N b t l'R«rTtlW J»«w j Ca n T ^ MAvav L OH.GOSH.TUe Monas , L THINK rrk July A. D.. 1141. at » o’cleck ' Z ie , IT ZU5S ID O / 04H C B / dyr-oisnwcff COUtOMT SOMaagpys B5TATC OF © 800^ what that waakneaa ta» ?*^^**^ I may be broiled imder “ THSMT y. 'o u r - attsktion; THeieaB lowance o f aald account with said Sir Ronald. ”but we j N oaoov catate. and this Court dirsots ths it is properly ham m ^ to^e A OiSIANC* ISfotice Conssrvatrtx to gW# public notico Uin the attack wouldn^_ tow hand, so that the connective tisrae C ASOUNOf to- all persons Interestsd thersin to Its well broken down. •ouiat appear and to heard thereon by S K jS i/ publishing a copy of this ordsr In diSSrAtely needa to carry on the | Zoning Board of Appeals soms newspaper having a circula­ Queetions And Answers Cfc| H-i tion In aald Dlatrlct. flv# days bs- Question: Mrs. Z. N. SOS fore said day of hearing and return ^^ir*Ronltid, for tee 1 .A In conformity aith the require- make to this Court, and by mailing xnlnister o f •WPP“ »g *®r j ••What do you think ®* m eP //? a copy af sold account and of thla : mente of the Zoning Regulations, such aa mussels and oysters h* tee ordsr To ths Veterans AHinlnlstrs- Minister Churchill, the Zoning Board of AppMls of the tlon. Rswlngton. Conn. ____ early to determine ^ t tee new diet I was told that -teey carry Toa-n of Manchester adll hold a WII.LIAM 8. HTDE situstion mesns for England. typhoid fever.” 1 . ; public hearing on Thursday, June Judge. H -4.II-4L ______, Answer: * oSn 28th, at 7:00 P. M.. In the Munl- Trim shoulder yokes, a wide msy he conveyed by dpia Building on the foUowing ap­ plications: Api^lcation of Alexander Mad­ neckline, a useful ^l™ter*^act*when tafratod shell- den for permission to convsrt a D . & M. NASH CO. Caught Shortl B Y JOH N C . one-story building formerly used 8CORCHT SMITH It HeaSsrees BoaS TeL 78M Ths m eetlj^“ _a5»i® ®>^« | SSi m ^ ^l|?t»rte.5^sw aa a grocery store Into a single I a* 7-10 Friday evening with the I ♦Qna on tee liouldor whteh mto 1-tenement ‘-reqideitce -located- at-AI. NABtt 8AI4S4 A W „«IJ»y WE W iiafietfoa " within -bwo- weeks. M feut Oato Tei W Mussels have been known to cause LDM FQUOMN6 fEHtAMEP.v- n 1 Bigelow Street In a Residence B OCNEBAL SBFAlRtNO Q l^ Bwiitmaster Bdgeriy tbra .esli^hlch tie t o ^ o f other kinds howmrer. ®NHBvtocir Bone. ■4CK10MAC‘$ ’ R jrr/ Application of Rose I. Popoff for Qaaraatosi OssS Uats » «.,u d sometimes there is aevsre K f ^ j Bias 14 requires vomiting and a ^ m ln M P ^ s naPKOKCHY perhfiMion to erect a small dwell­ 1 S u tee troop was recalled to at- ] to 20; 40 and 42. Wlte tee I aion diarrhoea. Mussels may to M C9G M A ing in the rear of her present 5 1 23 ^ P ir a n d Smple marching w m i^ /4 * 7 I OSARy W house located at 428 Lydall Street I iMttffra C01I136 _ - - - ^___ rat to .to fresh. »d evra w k- in a rural none. dosed, at 9 {Siowtag you WfctlY ^ ^ «*•. PSLANC6N ina them at home is not a safe m coCKptr..^ ^ Abdication of Walter N. Leclerc H. A. STEPHENS b v MiSb Oatok tif aa inserte in the corisers of TesesMBU M Ifor permission to use property for It looto though it’s linen tea doth, aa HS4HOOI9 rc er Bent . . HI bustnees purposes located at 28 AT JOE’S GARAGE v itw tT a ^ e t. Tto ucyldresssrorbuffetandwad^ta- w A i - g * PUTTHEMUJ^ Main Street in a Residenoe B sons. motlfff ftM Centered In e tlon for fine linen gueat ^®^*J** w o B m e m Application of lira. Mary Scran- HUDSON DEALER UC,«ErflN6 tea for permission to build sddi- *ncnANCAME,. tionsl tourist cabin 18’ x Iff oa-ber GET A BETTER, premiacs located at 180 ToUaad LONGER • LASTING CAR property handled beta Tumpika'ln a Residonce A AND SAVE MONEY nta* a reaUy unusual luncheon sat you will isquirs to crochet set! zchedul^ for tto regular mseung Book whito offers AU persoBS tnterssted la This soakea a tontQssas P «^ ^ appUcaUeas nsajr appear at this (Pattern No. 5128) send 10 cental aight. Friday. ^ R b b -D s w b C a r s tor a brida If you want another iT o o to ; yrar name, and addreea| WUUam Barclay. Scribe, [toTS little actual food value.et haaring. «..«»ans,ai deUy to uas on an end ’ ■— 4 ^ f»t9N .byl ITss) - ___ Zoaing Beard of Appeals, R « U p and tea pattern number to Anaq and on t S T uia s q ^ m ow to • Cabot ’The M andiedsr Bvw ^ig Betsnen the yeazs Pas Plil^)|ra and P attfm p o to . A JSIM’ to etfy_88 days By R. W. Ooslss. ll$ast^iK«Bfy. ^ ti! caulnnaa- ■ Bdsrsst W. ' ...... -I I IKONDAT, JUNE tS, IW I

fliattfbpater THo American Legion auxiUary Wetfara Oenter No. 41.1 llancheater Aaaembl]^^ J,?,’ There were f®tm local wtnnera i f meet -tomorrow evening aV] Xii* fliaworica cominttta* for Ju^ priaea at the annual plenle of the wlU bold Ita bualnaaa meeting to­ Order of Rainbow for Olrla. wUl night at the Legion home, poat< jht o’clock at the Baat Side S p ecia l I . . ■ t inourth wUl hold * hold Ita meeting thia evening at Order of Vaaa of OonnecUcut at Recreation Center. Delegatee to Towa In the tioglon home on I^n aro oimbury yeaterday, BertU W og- ed from laat week. Delega 7:30 in the Maaonlo Temple. Tm the department convention the national convention are to be Sreet TWilh « wUl be the cloalng meeting of the xnan of 300 Oak, Grace Hatch of elected and it ia Important that all lag and all on the com^ttw aa SB Maple, Brio Nelaon of 1ST SCa- rWaterbury In July wlU be I S «nd 4 of th« aeaaon and plana will be made.for tonight - membera attend. This 8 Cop well M »U membert of a*^^**?* the picnic to be held the coming ple, ai^ Scandla Lodge, Na 28. f1r» Dtpwt- Bach woii ISO. Several ScandU I a «riU at th« tow«r ^ Legion " « *k‘ ” ’ '** ” Saturday at the cottage of Mr, Md Glass ia called for eight o clock.___ _ Mra. John Trotter of Columbia lAembeni attended the affair. Lake. ____ SAFE, CLEAN, Coffee Maker CentMT C uU o f v joeeph OriltelU, prbprletor of AUOB OOntAN DEPENDABLE Folly Guaranteed Heat ^ i£ S T L e s the Mancheeter Taad and a mem­ (Known Aa Qnaen AMce) PORK CHOPS ber of the Marine Gorpe Rwrve. SPIRITUAL aaroruM The pre^at day methoda of R eaistantI ilBM I'SW IlT left laat^ght for Brooklyn, N. Y., ith Danghtar o f a Seventh Son m oU rednUg make it more do- where he la acheduled to reportito Bom With a VeiL alraUo than ever aa a (aeL It F or O nly C H O C O L A T l the Brooklyn Navy Yard today for a DaUy • A. M. to • P. M. generates hitenae heat qnlck. Bcadlnga $1.19 35c lb. active duty. Or By ApiAppotatment. In the Servloe br, gives aa even and muform ••em' of the People for 80 Tearo. __ beat, la aale'aad idmvo gll Plus — A Free 1-Lb. Can a p p l e s a u c e Mra. MatUda MiUer o f the VU *78 Waahington S t, ___ the cleanest of all faeU. Oar of Beech-Nut Coffee d r i f t llage Bonnet ahop la apendlng a Hartford, Conn. Phone 8-X887 aervlee tank wagoaa win l* - 2 5 « i» v « n 10c can 3 c®*** 27c few daya In New York. nerve you regularly, whether This is an exceptional value; and one you can’t afford caicwn year requlrementa are great t o n ^ i Ii _ 4 Vi to 5-Pound Native or ■malL ROASTING 1 4 -Q u a r t _SSgj?«U lib CHICKENS iWiaiAM P. 39c Ib. FU EL Ck RANGE OIL Glass -■,r TO USt In Any Quantity — Any Time! Ib. 25c Double Boiler DUCKS Wholesale and Retail ( O B C i ' l l itUllUu COOKIES Fully guaranteed agalnat breakage duo j t o heat — easily tender. First Plcklnf of Native kers Line...... 2 quarts 25c |SMAMSI,MANCHimR. BANTLT on. COMPAMT kept clean and will not change W AX OR GREEN BEANS..... flavor of foods or dlacolor vego> Good source of V itw ^n A . CENTER STREET PHONE 5298 tablas or fruits. ^ [ E M ily Picked (From NeiflirStates) v For Service Exactly A$ Serving the Public fo r 2.1 Yearn. [ c r i s p ! l o n g CUCUMBERS...... •»«** ®c You Wish It " $1.69 hattered; bbckS‘ r a d is h e s ...... Swwt p "o U to S ...for costs which you can meet without Basement Dept. financial burden, we suggest prearranged IISrOMIfSJSS White Potatoes .!.. .7-^ lbs. 39c S o b w SJiTT CTAPEFRUrr ...... 3 for 29c service. The proprietor will discuss pre­ HALE'S SELF SERVE You’re Lucky If You Wear A Sixe 14! Prisoners (Excellent source of Vitamin C.) arranged service with you. Call him, no ob­ aniL iS JUICE ORANGES...... doxen 31c Hie Origins! In New England!* ligation. Famo^ Make Dresses i , Salesman's Samples — All Size 14. The New AND HEALTH MARKET ligL I la ir ijw l Oran ala ted No Two Alike! Soap

1 1 ^ OCYDOl LARGE 'A M B U U U K E y $1.98 to $5.98 TUESDAY SPECIALS 2 for 41c Originally $2.98 to $10.98 2 for 41c DAY-NIGHT 43d O

m . Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales A eelection of colorful dres^ representing the Inteot etylings end meteriala—eeeniui—eenucKOrs, piquee^voi^ r-.— >------cro|N»A—- Ai! Day Tuesday. betUtee, eyelets, ahentunga end ehlrtlngs. Don’t miee ■,eyel t Pnicha n l uroeem Vuc epecinl aue! ' 302 MAIN ; TREtT Cotton Sh6p. I • V: RLOCK.^KOM STAJLAP-MORy.

Hale's Bread L o a f

Irregulars of $1.98 Pastel Colored Large *S-Os. Can Armoai'e

Summer Pork & Beans 10c 2 t.r19c W ar R e lie f Blankets HeWe

Red Bag Coffee $1.69 ea.

A beautiful, fine quality, summer weight blanket In pastel ReWa ahades of light tan, rooe, green, and blue with deeper borders. Bound with blanket aUtch edge. SUght oU epota or miaweavea.

Buy pleifty at thia low price. Formosa’Oolong Tea Best for Iced Tea! Domestic Dept. t Given With Cash Soles .in Both on, lonight at 8 O Xloek

These Stores A|l Day Tuesday. Plicose Pillow Covers

Large *8-0*. Bottle With Zipper. For Hay Fever and Asthma SaBereca. ORANGE HALL ■ • Bacon Ginger Ale and

...... 25 cents. (Contents Only). $ 1 .0 0 ea.

Case Waterproof, washable, pUcoae covera, approved by doctors and Flavors 89c hnepUvl* Prevents pillow stains, assy to claan and ellmtnates The J W . H A L C CORK discomfort caused by excessive pefsplratlon. MANCHBSTIIt COHH* Large Caa Linen Dept.— ^Main Floor.

Red Devil Cleanser 2 c*. 7c *8 Go To Bolton! 28” X 58” C!ok>rfa|

MJIMW^SOH. ^ Striped Beach Towels jUABElSSrCDro?^^^ ENraRTAI^ENT! Skat Soap 3 c«u23c Benefit Pilgrlai Fellowahip Summer Conferences

MUSIC BY JIM RHODES’ 6-PlECE ORCHESTRA 5 9 c ea. Quick Arrow BOLTON HALL AND GREEN You wlU want one for each member of the family. Sma^ The Valuable Premiums You Get for Your iW f Green colorful striped towela that vrtll wear well. Uae t h e m ^ the TUESDAY, JUNE 24 AT 7:30 P. M. Stamps Make Shopping At These Stores Extra Profit­ Extra Lge. Box'' beMh or at home. • ' To Be Hold laaldo If It Bobu. Soap able. • i j i d i l t s — Wc. Children—25c. Domestic PepL

m -Ho Box

QM ^rs 18c 2 , 35c Pliofilm Shower Curtains fo r With Weighted Bottom


OUR SPECIALTY Asparagus $ 1 .0 0 ea. A. A. DION, INC Wouldn’t YOU Like A beautiful ehower curtain, transparaat as sunlight—^fMtb^

Autumn SL Tel 4880 Ugbt—of maximum darabUlty. Made of Pliofilm, a now fabric that la absolutely odorless and water repellant It wUl To Be Abl^ To Say not crack or etick together. Dries quickly. Bcautlflea Native Carrots bathroom. Oay, practical, and economical. Colora; ciaar, Oicen, Blua, Wine, Red, and YeUw.

Freeh Second Floor.

HEALTH REST B ch. Beets Save 19e! Regular 79c

MATTRESS % I . Oaaraatoed for 8 Years: Lion Brand' Hosiery, and ^

HEALTH MARKET and service weight hosiery Ifi oil new Summer Aades. $15.95 g i-^ g ^ to lOM. ’Tueaday only— to_ "pLee Down end $LO0 Per -I Week.

Easier Ways tor Hatter Days 2 pr. $1.39

( KEMP'S, INC. ^

PfaM Bedding! BIRDS EYE DINNER Seamless Rubber Bathinsr Hats fitting diver or aviator styles In white and colon. (Growing In Popularity!) ^

'^Gmittic Paris 25c and 35c ea.

1 Lb. Sea Food Fillet

1 Package Green Peas Bathing Suit Bags

Colorful atripea or all-over designs with alpper tops. i Package ^ ^ Golden Ripe Peaches

6&C to $1.00 Complete Easy Dinner!

Men’s Fine Quality Always Pepotor! You can mean it, too. Now’s the time to start doing some­ »ELY RIGHT! I i. Cotton Handkerchiefs thing about it by starting your new house. We will assist you 'Lamb Breaded nrast function to a | White or Colored Borders , agpItMnotant — or elaei | with plans aijd financing arrangements.

) exnmta work to ateo- iK 19c We have all the material your contractor will need with which to n Jrgnd ’hothingim | . a motor to perform at | 3 for 2 9 c

'c! Oenaine Parts used j d o the woriK. " AaeOwrFave^! _ ^ _ or replaeements. | i oa more. Blit they save i DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS GIVEN TUESDAY!

Ham Loaf Mix Lb. 29c For ■ikiBi a tokly bmo* Icaif for the fkmlly aaeol o o i muM-

The W . G . G L E N N E Y GO* ^ N i Coal, Lupber, Mastm^ Supplies, Paiat

M ancheate^ COM! 888 No. Main Street T eL 4 1 4 8 Cold Cuts .. . Freshly Slicfd. 'a-.: ^ 't (• ST"' h . ‘ ■■ T • V,.: tl