T Polynomial Time Knot Polynomials, A

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T Polynomial Time Knot Polynomials, A Abstrant. The value of things is inversely correlated with their Dror Bar-Natan: Talks: Iowa-1603: ωεβ≔http://drorbn.net/Iowa-1603/ computational complexity. “Real time” machines, such as our Work in Progress on Polynomial Time Knot Polynomials, A brains, mostly run linear time algorithms, and there’s stillalot we don’t know. Anything we learn about things doable in linear time Meta-Associativity Runs. is truly valuable. Polynomial time we can in-practice run, even if we have to wait; these things are still valuable. Exponential time we can play with, but just a little, and exponential things must be beautiful or philosophically compelling to deserve attention. Values further diminish and the aesthetic-or-philosophical bar further rises as we go further slower, or un-computable, or ZFC-style intrin- R3 ... divide and conquer! sically infinite, or large-cardinalish, or beyond. 2 I will explain some things I know about polynomial time knot polynomials and 6 explain where there’s more, within reach. 5 4 1 3 (v-)Tangles. ⊔ T1 T2 T1 T2 2 , 1 4 6 5 T a b c 3 ab (meta-associativity: mc 1 4 T T mab mxc = mbc max) 2 3 x y x y +6 ++10 + 13 14 15 16 Why Tangles? 9 5 TτT κ T 12 8 • 7 11 Finitely presented. 1 32 4 • Divide and conquer computations. − − − − U ∈ Tn 1 ∈ An τ τ 8 • “Alg. Knot Theory”: If K is ribbon, z 17 z(K) ∈{κ(ζ): τ(ζ) = 1}. T2n A2n Closed Components. The Halacheva meta-trace trc satisfies κ κ mab tr = mba tr and computes the MVA for all links in the (Genus and crossing number ∈ T ∈ A c c c c ribbon K 1 z(K) 1 atlas, but its domain is not understood: are also definable properties). Faster is better, leaner is meaner! ω c S 1T 2 trc µω S Theorem 1. ∃! an invariant z0 : {pure framed S -component c α θ −−−−−−−−−−→ ≔ Z S Ξ + ψθ/µ tangles} → Γ0(S ) R × MS ×S (R), where R = RS = ((Ta)a∈S ) is S ψ Ξ µ ≔ 1 − α the ring of rational functions in S variables, intertwining Halacheva ω ω S S ω S ω S ⊔ 1 2 1 2 1 1 , 2 2 −−−−−→ S A 0 , S A S A 1 1 1 1 2 2 ! S A 2 0 2 τ: trivial example ω a b S κ: ribbon mab µω c S a α β θ c Weaknesses. • mab and tr are non-linear. • The product ωA is −−−−−−−−−−−−→ c γ + αδ/µ ǫ + δθ/µ , c c b γ δ ǫ T , T → T always Laurent, but my current proof takes induction with expo- a b c S φ + αψ/µ Ξ + ψθ/µ S φ ψ Ξ µ ≔ 1 − β nentially many conditions. • I still don’t understand tr , “unita- c 1 a b rity”, the algebra for ribbon knots. Where does it come from? z0 1 a ±1 " and satisfying | ; ! , −→ ; a 1 1 − T . a a b b a a 1 a v-Tangles. R2 R3 M b 0 T ±1 = = = a vT ≔PA In Addition • The matrix part is just a stitching VR1 = VR2 VR3 formula for Burau/Gassner [LD, KLW, CT]. = = • K 7→ ω is Alexander, mod units. ′ ′ R2 R3 • L 7→ (ω, A) 7→ ω det (A − I)/(1 − T ) is the flying =MM =CA = = MVA, mod units. pogs v n n+1 ⊗S G • The fastest Alexander algorithm I know. Let I ≔ h» − i. Then A ≔ I /I =“universal U(Dg) ”= • There are also formulas for strand deletion, M. Polyak & T. Ohtsuki − Q = + (Also IHX) reversal, and doubling. @ Heian Shrine, Kyoto • Every step along the computation is the invariant of something. − = − = • Extends to and more naturally defined on v/w-tangles. Fine print: No sources no sinks, AS vertices, internally acyclic, deg = (#vertices)/2. • Fits in one column, including propaganda & implementation. Likely Theorem. [EK, En] There exists a homomorphic expan- Implementation key idea: ωεβ/Demo sion (universal finite type invariant) Z : vT → Av. (issues suppressed) (ω, A = (αab)) ↔ Too hard! Let’s look for “meta-monoid” quotients. (ω, λ = αabtahb) The w Quotient P = 0 Aw U(FL(S )S ⋉ CW(S )) Dror Bar-Natan: Talks: Iowa-1603: Work in Progress on ωεβ≔http://drorbn.net/Iowa-1603/ Polynomial Time Knot Polynomials, B Theorem 2 [BND]. ∃! a homomorphic expansion, aka a ho- Definition. (Compare [BNS, BN]) A The Abstract Context momorphic universal finite type invariant Zw of pure w-tangles. meta-monoid is a functor M : (finite sets, zw ≔ log Zw takes values in FL(S )S × CW(S ). injections)→(sets) (think “M(S ) is quantum GS ”, for G a group) z is computable. z of the Borromean tangle, to degree 5 [BN]: along with natural operations ∗: M(S 1) × M(S 2) → M(S 1 ⊔ S 2) ab + cyclic colour whenever S 1 ∩ S 2 = ∅ and mc : M(S ) → M((S \{a, b}) ⊔{c}) permutations, , ∈ < \{ } for trees whenever a b S and c S a, b , such that ab xc bc ax meta-associativity: mx my = mx my ab de de ab meta-locality: mc m f = m f mc ,({and, with ǫb = M(S ֒→ S ⊔{b ab ba meta-unit: ǫb ma = Id = ǫb ma . Claim. Pure virtual tangles PvT form a meta-monoid. Theorem. S 7→ Γ0(S ) is a meta-monoid and z0 : PvT → Γ0 is a morphism of meta-monoids. Theorem. There exists an extension of Γ0 to a bigger meta- monoid Γ01(S ) = Γ0(S ) × Γ1(S ), along with an extension of z0 to z : PvT → Γ , with (I have a fancy free-Lie calculator!) (ωεβ/FLD) Nice, but too hard! 01 01 Γ (S ) = R ⊕ V ⊕ V⊗2 ⊕ V⊗3 ⊕ S2(V)⊗2 (with V ≔ R hS i). Proposition [BN]. Modulo all re- 1 S S Furthermore, upon reducing to a single variable everything is lations that universally hold for b b the 2D non-Abelian Lie alge- = − polynomial size and polynomial time. ab bra and after some changes-of- Furthermore, Γ01 is given using a “meta-2-cocycle ρc over Γ0”: ab ab ab w In addition to m → m , there are R -linear m : Γ (S ⊔ variable, z reduces to z . [u, v] = buv− bvu c 0c S 1c 1 0 ab Back to v – the 2D “Jones Quotient”. {a, b}) → Γ1(S ⊔{c}), a meta-right-action α : Γ1(S ) × Γ0(S ) → c Λ Γ1(S ) RS -linear in the first variable, and a first order differential ab Λ Λ Λ Λ operator (over RS ) ρc : Γ0(S ⊔{a, b}) → Γ1(S ⊔{c}) such that b b = = = (ζ , ζ ) mab = ζ mab, (ζ , ζ ) αab mab + ζ ρab b c Λ c 0 1 c 0 0c 1 0 1c 0 c V. Jones Λ What’s done? The braid part, with still-ugly formulas. Contains the Jones and “swinging” ...yet What’s missing? A lot of concept- and detail-sensitive work tow- Alexander polynomials, still too hard! ab ab ab ards m1c, α , and ρc . The “ribbon element”. The OneCo Quotient. Likely related to [ADO] example = 0, only one co-bracket is allowed. Everything should work, and everything is being worked! References. a ribbon singularity a clasp singularity (Eppstein) [ADO] Y. Akutsu, T. Deguchi, and T. Ohtsuki, Invariants of Colored Links, J. A bit about ribbon knots. A “ribbon knot” is a knot that can be of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 1-2 (1992) 161–184. [BN] D. Bar-Natan, Balloons and Hoops and their Universal Finite Type I- presented as the boundary of a disk that has “ribbon singulari- nvariant, BF Theory, and an Ultimate Alexander Invariant, ωεβ/KBH, ties”, but no “clasp singularities”. A “slice knot” is a knot in arXiv:1308.1721. S 3 = ∂B4 which is the boundary of a non-singular disk in B4. [BND] D. Bar-Natan and Z. Dancso, Finite Type Invariants of W-Knotted Ob- Every ribbon knots is clearly slice, yet, jects I-II, ωεβ/WKO1, ωεβ/WKO2, arXiv:1405.1956, arXiv:1405.1955. Conjecture. Some slice knots are not ribbon. [BNS] D. Bar-Natan and S. Selmani, Meta-Monoids, Meta-Bicrossed Products, and the Alexander Polynomial, J. of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 22-10 Fox-Milnor. The Alexander polynomial of a ribbon knot is alw- (2013), arXiv:1302.5689. ays of the form A(t) = f (t) f (1/t). (also for slice) [CT] D. Cimasoni and V. Turaev, A Lagrangian Representation of Tangles, To- pology 44 (2005) 747–767, arXiv:math.GT/0406269. [En] B. Enriquez, A Cohomological Construction of Quantization Functors of Lie Bialgebras, Adv. in Math. 197-2 (2005) 430-479, arXiv:math/0212325. [EK] P. Etingof and D. Kazhdan, Quantization of Lie Bialgebras, I, Selecta Mathematica 2 (1996) 1–41, arXiv:q-alg/9506005. [GST] R. E. Gompf, M. Scharlemann, and A. Thompson, Fibered Knots and Potential Counterexamples to the Property 2R and Slice-Ribbon Conjectures, Geom. and Top. 14 (2010) 2305–2347, arXiv:1103.1601. [KLW] P. Kirk, C. Livingston, and Z. Wang, The Gassner Representation for ]: a slice knot that might not String Links, Comm. Cont. Math. 3 (2001) 87–136, arXiv:math/9806035. be ribbon (48 crossings). [LD] J. Y. Le Dimet, Enlacements d’Intervalles et Repr´esentation de Gassner, GST Comment. Math. Helv. 67 (1992) 306–315. [ “God created the knots, all else in topology is the work of mortals.” Help Needed!I’m slow and feeble-minded. Leopold Kronecker (modified) www.katlas.org Dror Bar-Natan: Talks: Iowa-1603: Work in Progress on ωεβ≔http://drorbn.net/Iowa-1603/ Polynomial Time Knot Polynomials, C http://drorbn.net/AcademicPensieve/2012-01/one/The_Most_Important_Missing_Infrastructure_Project_in_Knot_Theory.pdf Dror Bar-Natan: Academic Pensieve: 2012-01: The Most Important Missing Infrastructure Project in Knot Theory January-23-12 10:12 AM An "infrastructure project" is hard (and sometimes non-glorious) work that's done now and pays off later.
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    \3-Wu" | 2019/10/30 | 23:55 | page 1087 | #1 Communications in Analysis and Geometry Volume 27, Number 5, 1087{1104, 2019 A note on Jones polynomial and cosmetic surgery Kazuhiro Ichihara and Zhongtao Wu We show that two Dehn surgeries on a knot K never yield mani- 00 folds that are homeomorphic as oriented manifolds if VK (1) = 0 or 000 6 VK (1) = 0. As an application, we verify the cosmetic surgery con- jecture6 for all knots with no more than 11 crossings except for three 10-crossing knots and five 11-crossing knots. We also compute the finite type invariant of order 3 for two-bridge knots and Whitehead doubles, from which we prove several nonexistence results of purely cosmetic surgery. 1. Introduction Dehn surgery is an operation to modify a three-manifold by drilling and then regluing a solid torus. Denote by Yr(K) the resulting three-manifold via Dehn surgery on a knot K in a closed orientable three-manifold Y along a slope r. Two Dehn surgeries along K with distinct slopes r and r0 are called equivalent if there exists an orientation-preserving homeomorphism of the complement of K taking one slope to the other, while they are called purely cosmetic if Yr(K) ∼= Yr0 (K) as oriented manifolds. In Gordon's 1990 ICM talk [6, Conjecture 6.1] and Kirby's Problem List [11, Problem 1.81 A], it is conjectured that two surgeries on inequivalent slopes are never purely cosmetic. We shall refer to this as the cosmetic surgery conjecture. In the present paper we study purely cosmetic surgeries along knots in 3 3 3 3 the three-sphere S .
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