National Recovery Plan Asterolasia elegans © Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), 2011 This work is copyright. However, material presented in this plan may be copied for personal use or published for educational purposes, providing that any extracts are fully acknowledged. Apart from this and any other use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced without prior written permission from the Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW). Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW) 59-61 Goulburn Street (PO Box A290) Sydney South NSW 1232 Phone: (02) 9995 5000 (switchboard) Phone: 131 555 (information & publications requests) TTY: (02) 9211 4723 Fax: (02) 9995 5999 Email:
[email protected] Website: Requests for information or comments regarding the recovery program for Asterolasia elegans are best directed to: The Asterolasia elegans Recovery Plan Coordinator Biodiversity Conservation Section, Metro Branch Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW) PO Box 1967 Hurstville NSW 2220 Phone: 02 9585 6905 Cover illustrator: Reproduced from NSW Flora Online (2006) with permission, © Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, Sydney Australia. This plan should be cited as follows: Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW) (2011), Recovery Plan for Asterolasia elegans, Office of Environment and Heritage (NSW), Sydney. ISBN 978 1 74122 903 5 October 2008 DECC 2008/391 Printed on recycled paper Disclaimer This recovery plan sets out the actions necessary to stop the decline of, and support the recovery of, the listed threatened species or ecological community. The Australian Government is committed to acting in accordance with the plan and to implementing the plan as it applies to Commonwealth areas.