Aum Gang Ganapataye Namaha Ganesh, may all obstacles be removed.

Aum Hreem Shreem Kleem Maha Lakshmi Namaha Lakshmi, may all the means be plentiful and met.

Aum Shreem Hreem Saraswataye Namaha Saraswati, may knowledge, arts and refinement guide us.

Cleaning of the pujari, the space of and the objects of the puja before and after practice is essential.

Two common ceremonies “pujas”

1.The aarti is an offering of devotion to one or more deities and or ​ ​ आरती through lighting a lamp and offering it to pictures or statues “.” This is done while chanting a or song of praise and ringing a bell and or drum. The murti is invoked, the pujari is inspired and the space is set for further practice. The lamp is then offered to the community and to the pujari “one practicing the puja.”

2. The Abhishekam is a offering of devotion performed by bathing statues and ​ ​ other sacred objects. The abhishekam is usually more involved than the aarti and takes more time to perform the whole ceremony. This includes chanting , ringing bells, offering , paste, flowers, , diya, and food “prasadam.” In the Rudra Abhishekam the pujari also offers sacred ash “.”

The pujari can perform both everyday and it is more likely that the aarti will be more realistic to perform daily. Offering flowers is rudimentary in most pujas and ceremonies.

By Jaromir Kynl an Amonkstus project for The SATTVA School of .

(Further information on the meaning of the practice can be acquired.)

The aartii आरती This can be done before eating in the morning, afternoon and evening. As with all sadhana cleanliness is of utmost importance. The practitioner must bathe oneself first and invoke one's intention through the cleansing. This insures a clear and enjoyable platform to work from. The aartii is usually sung in a specific melody and with focus to a particular deity of choice “Ishtadevata.” At The SATTVA School of yoga we pay immediate respect to the Adi and so our aarti is devoted to him. The aarti that has been primarily practiced at SATTVA is called Aum Shiva Omkara meaning Shiva is the sound of ॐ aum. The whole “song” is venerating the qualities of shiva. 1. Clean of all puja items & ghee diyas. 2. Clean the space of practice. 3. Clean the practitioner. 4. Lighting lamp in a safe manner. 5. Placing lamp on puja tray. 6. Placing lit incense on puja tray. 7. Place vessel of water on puja tray. 8. Place food offering on puja tray. 9. Hold bell in left hand and aarti puja tray in right hand. 10. Play aarti on stereo and chant aarti. 11. In a clockwise manner rotate the puja tray in front of statues and pictures. 12. Continuously ringing bell in left hand while offering puja tray. 13. When the aarti music and chant finishes offer the warmth and light of the lamp to the community. 14. Wave hand over the flame, cupping heat and spreading warmth over head. 15. Place the puja tray on the facing the practitioners.

By Jaromir Kynl an Amonkstus project for The SATTVA School of Yoga.

16. Traditionally sweets, along with sweet liquid and or some kind of sattvic food is then offered to community as well. This prasadam “food offering” would be initially included in the ceremony. 17. Clean the practice space and puja item. 18. Clean practitioner.

This practice is very common in India and is a very simple and effective.

By Jaromir Kynl an Amonkstus project for The SATTVA School of Yoga.