On the Construction and Cryptanalysis of Multi-Ciphers Arush Chhatrapati Henry M. Gunn High School (joining UC Berkeley, Fall 2021) Palo Alto, CA, USA
[email protected] July 28, 2021 Abstract In this compilational work, we combine various techniques from classical cryptography and steganog- raphy to construct ciphers that conceal multiple plaintexts in a single ciphertext. We name these \multi- ciphers". Most notably, we construct and analyze a Four-In-One-Cipher: the first cipher which conceals four separate plaintexts in a single ciphertext. Following a brief overview of classical cryptography and steganography, we consider strategies that can be used to creatively combine these two fields to construct multi-ciphers. Finally, we analyze three multi-ciphers which were constructed using the techniques described in this paper. This cryptanalysis relies on both traditional algorithms that are used to decode classical ciphers and new algorithms which we use to extract the additional plaintexts concealed by the multi-ciphers. We implement these algorithms in Python, and provide code snippets. The primary goal of this work is to inform others who might be otherwise unfamiliar with the fields of classical cryptography and steganography from a new perspective which lies at the intersection of these two fields. The ideas presented in this paper could prove useful in teaching cryptography, statistics, mathematics, and computer science to future generations in a unique, interdisciplinary fashion. This work might also serve as a source of creative inspiration for other cipher-making, code-breaking enthusiasts. 1 Background and Related Work We briefly summarize relevant background information. Related work on the concept of a \multi-cipher" is referenced in 1.4.