Communist Party of Sketch of organisational People’s Voice / New Zealand Communist Review developments in

New Zealand Socialist Unity Party 1966 Socialist Party Pro-Soviet supporters led by G. of Aotearoa Jackson and Alexander Drennan 1990

Marxist-Leninist Organisation 1970 Communist Party of Aotearoa Formed out of a group who split from the CPNZ in 1974. It stopped functioning later in the Formed when NZCP Wellington branch 1970s and is not related to the CPA founded in 1993. leadership were expelled.

Merged in 1980 with the Northern Preparatory Committee for the Formation of Communist organisation to form the the Communist Party of New Zealand (Marxist-Leninist) 1978 Workers’ Communist League

Those pro-Mao elements, including Wilcox , Alec Published: Unity Ostler and Don Ross. Absorbed those associated with the Struggle magazine formed around 1976 Dissolved 1991

Organisation for Marxist Unity 1988 new name for Preparatory Committee. Active in Campaign Against Foreign Control of NZ Red Flag Group 1980-mid-1990s Aotearoa - ACFCA. Red Flag Struggle

Communist Party of Aotearoa 1993 Marxist-Leninist Collective 1993 -1997 pro-Maoist opposition to the development of pro-Albanian elements. a state capitalist analysis under CP General Secretary Grant Morgan, and its adaptation to trotskyism. Online presence to about 2006

Red Flag

Workers’ Party of New Zealand 1991 The Spark Socialist Workers Organisation 1994

CPNZ merger with International Socialist International Socialist Organisation Organisation from the Trotskyists tradition. formed by former ISO elements in Anti-Capitalist Alliance 2002 1995 critical of practices within SWO. Electoral broad front with The Revolution Group. Merge with the Socialist Review WPNZ saw formation of the Revolutionary Workers League 2004


Fight Back 2013 Renamed: Socialist Workers / Aotearoa Socialist Aotearoa 2008

Fightback Dissolved 2012 -based