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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Bowed Bass Iconography

Thomas Gainsborough - K.F. Thomas Nicolo dell'Abate - Concerto Thomas Gainsborough - K.F. Abel Abel

Anon. Italian - George Adam Arnold - Jan van Balen - 16th century Still Life Allegory of Music

Evaristo Baschenis Evaristo Baschenis Evaristo Baschenis - Musical Instruments - Musical Instruments - Musical Performance

Evaristo Baschenis - Cornelis Bega - Anon. Bergamo School - Anon. Bergamo School, Still Life The Duet Still Life

Bonaventura Bettera - Bonaventura Bettera - Bonaventura Bettera -

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Bonaventura Bettera - Bonaventura Bettera - Bonaventura Bettera - Still Life Still Life Still Life

Bonaventura Bettera - Abraham van Beyeren - - Still Life Still Life The Concert

Maximilian Blommaerdt - Maximilian Blommaerdt - Anon. English, Interior The Concert Bodleian Library

Robert Levrac - les ordinaires du roi Leonart Bramer - Jan Breugel Vanitas

Jan Breugel (Elder) - Interior with Michelangelo - Michelangelo Caravaggio - Michelangelo Caravaggio Lutenist Orpheus Concerto

Agostino Cerasi - Gamba Player, Chapel of the Ursulines in Lucon, Giaccomo Cipper - 1591 La Serenata

Hendrik de Clerck - Hendrik de Clerck - Minerva and Hendrik de Clerck - Apollo and Pieter Jacobsz Auf dem Parnass the Muses the Muses

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Pieter Jacobsz Codde - Seated Pieter Jacobsz Codde - The Edwaert Collier - Lady Concert Vanitas

Cornelis van Harlem - Anon. Court Dance Delaporte - Alexandre Still Life Still Life

Dirk Hals - Dirk Hals - Domenichino - Banquet Scene Musicians St. Cecilia

Gerrit Dou Jacob Duck - Jacob Duck - Merry Company Elegant Company Soldiers Playing Cards

Jacob Duck - Jacob Duck - Jacob Duck - Merry Company Lady at Her Toilette Making Music

El Greco - Anon. French, 16th c - Bonnart - Caesar van Everdingen Angelic Concert La Volta Euterpe

Carel Fabritius - Aniello Falcone - Anon. Flemish - View of the City of Delft The Concert Mercury and Erato

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Albert Freyse - Herzog August Antonio Domenico Gabbiani - Thomas Gainsborough - Ann and His Family Musicians Ford

Unknown - - - Gamba Schlepper Self Portrait Lute Player

Matthias Grunewald - Hendrick Gerritsz Pot - The Dirk Hals The Isenheim Altarpiece Painter in His Studio

Dirk Hals - Bartolomeus van Helst - Woman William Hogarth - An Election Gerrit van Honthorst Musicians with Lute Entertainment

Gerrit van Honthorst - Laughing Gerrit van Honthorst - Violin Gerrit van Honthorst - Young Violinist Player Woman

Pieter de Hooch - Company Jan Josef Horemans Pieter Jacob Horemans - The Pierre Nicolas Making Music Dance Lesson

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Hieronymus Janssens - Lady Hieronymus Janssens - Elegant Hieronymus Janssens - Elegant Jan van Kessel With Musicians Company Feasting Company

Ferdinand van Kessel - J.M. Rottmayr - Collegiate Johann Kupetzky - Portrait of a A Concert of Cats Church, Kremsier Woman

Gerard de Lairesse - Elegant Marcellus Laroon II - Concert at Peter Lely - The Concert "Lely Company Montagu House and His Family"

Judith Leyster - Judith Leyster - Lorenzo Lippi - Personification of Carle van Loo Young Flute Player Carousing Couple Music

Carle van Loo Christian Luykx - Nicolaes Maes - Still Life An Interior Portrait of Marin

Philip Mercier - Frederick, Prince Gabriel Metsu - The Letter-Writer Gabriel Metsu - Woman Seated of Wales Surprised at a Table

Gabriel Metsu - Nicolas Mignard - Molenaer - Young Man and Jan Miense Reverie St. Cecilia Woman Making Music

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Cristoforo Munari - Eustache Le Seuer - Jan Miense Molenaer - Allegory Still Life The Muses Michiel

Michiel Musscher - Woman With Jean-Marc Nattier - Caspar Netscher Gamba Mme. Henriette of France

Adriaen van Ostade - Village Jean-Baptiste Oudry - Basse de Antonie Palamedesz - Party Giovanni Paolo Musicians viole Scene with Music

Pauwels Francks - Allegory of Cosimo Piazza - Johann Georg Platzer - Musical John Playford Music Angel Gambist Company

John Playford Hendrick Gerritsz Pot - The Giulio Cesare Procaccini - Painter in His Studio Allegory of Music

H. van Rijn - The Guido Reni - Marco Ricci - Music Party St. Cecilia Concertino

Pieter de Ring - Still Life - Rubens

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Pieter de Ring - Still Life Peter Paul Rubens - Rubens of Musical Instruments Medici Fresco Peter Paul Rubens - Angels

Cornelis Saftleven - Santacker - - St. The Duet A Musical Company Cecilia with the Angel '

Vincent Sellaer - Christopher Simpson - Pieter van Singeland - Musical Apollo and the Muses The Division-Violist Party Personification of Music

Hendrik van Steenwyk - Figures Jan Steen - Bernardo Strozzi - in Church Interior Wedding Party Gamba Player

Bernardo Strozzi - Abraham Tempel - David Teniers I - St. Cecilia and the Angel David Leeuw and Family Self-Portrait with Family

Gerard Ter Borch - Hendrick Terbrugghen - Laughing Reinhold Timm - The Music Lesson Bravo, Bass Viol Musical Company Women Playing Music

Imitator of Titian - Vecellio Tiziano - - A Concert The Concert Concert a sept

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Cornelis Troost - Unknown artist - Sir Henry Nicolas Regnier The Music Lesson Unton's Funeral

Anthony van Dyck - Jan van Kessel Anon. Venetian, 16th c - Apollo Frans Xaver The Gamba Player and the Muses

Jan Verkolje I - Jan Verkolje I - Jan Vermeer - Lady Seated at a Elegant Couple Duo Virginal

Jan Vermeer - Vermeulen - Paolo Veronese - Paolo The Concert Still Life Dives and Lazarus

Paolo Veronese - Joseph Marie Vien I - Anon. Italian, 17th c - Vorhaut Marriage at Cana Personification of Music Viola Bastarda

Cornelis de Vos - Jean-Antoine Watteau - Les Domenico Zampieri - The Seven Liberal Arts Charmes de la Vie The Cumean Sybil

Domenico Zampieri - St. Cecilia Making Music

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