The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus »j>H^«»«-:..^-.^g .j^^^j.^u-^1^-^—^i-..,..--».^ I1> (5 ^^^ Notre Dame < ALUMNUS L_U o o CO LU > Father Cavanaugh Memorial Edition I MAY, 1935 *1 r-fViV^^-:;VJ>'->fi;-^^TWri;yiv;wi^.H'fVi?K-\^'-.«'.y^'.',':r>:-iV'--^^'.;•/.:.•!'.>A'.':'4'..._--^-.:^*^a«j*u ^••.y.'^'-. ^ and comfort and Beauty, comfort and pc: be vours m performance full measure when you combine to Luxe Chevrolet for \'^^'? beautiful give fine car detail of its Fisher bod;c )miortab.e, too. quality for it has every modern •.: It to make vour ride smooth—safe—o'.ca; be a reveiatior All these tages combine to give c.-.r quality - the highest quality Chevrolet has ever nffrrec . yet Chevrolet prices are low and Che\Tolet operatin1g2 economyv is greater than ever before. Ma>- we su prove these facts by your own tests, and choose Chevrolet for quality at low cost. CHEVROLET MOTOR )N!P.-\N">' DE /CHEVROLET/ ^^^^^>r:.:^^M^—^- Ift-J'^ ^^•-v •Ei^Pn^i^^l ^ x^BK.^ H|^^^^^^^_j^^^^ iS ^^^S H IS^^j^T^^ r,!-'^^^ '>/j^K^^ IL ••'VVN^J^ ^^^^^P v^B L-'^V's'-tji The Master De Luxe Sport Coupe ms CHEVRnLET TURRET-TOP BODY BY FISHER WITH FISHER VENTILATION SYSTEM ...IM PROVED KNEE-ACTION RIDE . BLUE-FLAME VALVEIN-HEAO ENGINE . WEATHERPROOF CABLE-CONTROLLED BRAKES ... SHOCK-PROOF STEERING May, 1935 The '^otre 'Dame cAlumnus 213 PROGRAM OF THE 91st ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT University of Notre Dame May 31, June 1, 2, 1935 (Central Standard Time) FRIDAY, MAY 31 Alumni Registration: Alumni Hall, Classes before 1920.