The Wither Family
MATERIALS FOR A HISTORY OF THE WITHER FAMILY, BY THE 1 RE\ • REGINALD F. BIGG-WITHER, M.A., Rector of Ul'onston, Hanis. 'Wlf ncbester : WARREN & SON, 85, HIGH STREET. WINCHESTER : PRl!i19T£D BY WARREN AN,, SON, THF. WYKEHAM PRF.SS. Otdicattd to tbt tntmorp of tbt .Rutbor's ;atbcr, and of bis Son Jlrtbur Sergius. PREFACE. } N the early sixties a young Oxford undergraduate, preparing for the history schools,- as he leant Sunday after Sunday during the long vacation over· the edge of the high family pew in the unrestored parish Church of Wootton St. Lawrence, near Basingstoke-gazed w_ith ·increasing interest at the following monumental inscription on the opposite wall :- " WILLIAM \VITHER ESQUIRE died Oct: 31 17 89 aged 86• • • • • • • On his death, all the male issue Of an ancient and well respected family, Who had resided at Manydown During the space of four centuries Became extinct." "Four centuries" in 1789, that takes one back (he said to himself) to the reign of Richard I I. I wonder what the suc cession of the \Vithers of Manydo,vn ,vas, and ,vhat sort -of life a country squire lived in those days. Visions of the manorial system ; of the estate divided into two portions, that in demesne and that held by the villagers in villenage ; of the manorial courts and of the lord dispensing justice-rose before him. " Some day I will ,vrite a history of the family and of the manor." Time passed. After Oxford came residence abroad. Then Holy Orders ,vith exacting ministerial ,vork. At length, through an enforced ,vinter's rest, came the opportunity of putting into shape materials that had for years been collected for a.
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