June 2, 2009 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 13629 I extend my deepest congratulations once Named to the staff at Salinas Valley Memo- EATHAN HOLTZ again to Yaritza Huerta for winning the Arvada rial Healthcare System in 1966 and Board Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth Certified in 1973, Dr. Oehler’s practice was HON. ED PERLMUTTER award. I have no doubt she will exhibit the dedicated to the entire patient. In his four dec- OF COLORADO same dedication she has shown in her aca- ades at Salinas Valley Memorial, his surgical IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES demic career in her future accomplishments. and family practice touched the lives of thou- Tuesday, June 2, 2009 f sands in the Salinas Valley and Monterey Pe- ninsula. Dr. Oehler’s specialty was the patient, Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise HONORING MR. AND MRS. WALLY his practice in the operating room, at bedside today to recognize and applaud Eathan Holtz AND MARY GROTZ ON THEIR or in his medical office. Regardless of the lo- who has received the Arvada Wheat Ridge 60TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY cation, his knowledge and experience touched Service Ambassadors for Youth award. and saved lives. Eathan Holtz is a senior at Compass Montes- HON. MICHELE BACHMANN While witness to many changes in medical sori High School and received this award be- OF MINNESOTA techniques and styles, Dr. Oehler showed a cause his determination and hard work have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES remarkable ability to adapt, and to keep his allowed him to overcome adversities. Tuesday, June 2, 2009 focus on patient-based medicine. His legacy The dedication demonstrated by Eathan will long remain a testament to that focus. Holtz is exemplary of the type of achievement Mrs. BACHMANN. Madam Speaker, I rise Dr. Gerald Oehler became Physician Emer- that can be attained with hard work and perse- today to honor Mr. and Mrs. Wally and Mary itus at Salinas Valley Memorial Healthcare verance. It is essential that students at all lev- Grotz of Delano, Minnesota, on the occasion System on June 1, 2007. His dedication and els strive to make the most of their education of their sixtieth wedding anniversary. For the professionalism will remain as an inspiration to and develop a work ethic that will guide them last sixty years, they have raised four children all who follow. for the rest of their lives. and lived in the homestead Wally built while I extend my deepest congratulations once the town of Delano grew into a city. But this f again to Eathan Holtz for winning the Arvada is no ordinary couple; they are some of Amer- Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth ica’s ‘‘Greatest Generation’’ and both have tre- HONORING SUPERVISORY SPECIAL award. I have no doubt he will exhibit the mendous wisdom to share from their personal AGENT RICHARD J. MCCUE FOR same dedication he has shown in his aca- histories. HIS 25 YEARS OF SERVICE WITH demic career to his future accomplishments. Wally was a B–24 bomber pilot during THE NAVAL CRIMINAL INVES- f World War II and at one point served under TIGATIVE SERVICE (NCIS) American film legend, Jimmy Stewart. But A TRIBUTE TO SI FRUMKIN Wally’s story goes much deeper. He was shot HON. ERIC CANTOR down over Germany in 1944 and taken as a HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN OF VIRGINIA Prisoner of War until May of 1945. When he OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES returned home he found a job at the local post IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES office where he worked for 34 years, serving Tuesday, June 2, 2009 Tuesday, June 2, 2009 as Postmaster for 16 years. Mary spent her time working for Minnesota- Mr. CANTOR. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mr. WAXMAN. Madam Speaker, it is a privi- based food producer, General Mills. Her job to honor one of my constituents, Supervisory lege to join my colleague HOWARD BERMAN in was as unique as she is; she answered cook- Special Agent Richard J. McCue. After 25 paying tribute to Si Frumkin, who passed ing and baking questions as Betty Crocker, years of distinguished and honorable service, away in , California on May 15, the General Mills kitchen icon. She still re- he retires this month from the Naval Criminal 2009. For more than 40 years, Si was a sin- mains active in her church and the Delano Investigative Service (NCIS). gularly focused and steadfast voice fighting for community today. In addition to his service with the NCIS, Mr. equality, freedom and dignity. As a Holocaust Madam Speaker, I rise today to congratulate McCue has also served his country as an offi- survivor, he heard a call of duty and answered and honor Wally and Mary Grotz. Their ac- cer in the Marine Corps. Since it with a passionate resolve to not rest until the complishments as individuals and dedicated September 11th, Mr. McCue has volunteered injustices he identified had been addressed. citizens would be enough to warrant recogni- for several dangerous overseas assignments, He was a role model, a mentor, and a friend tion, but the love and devotion they have including being part of the first NCIS team in we will miss. shown to one another sweetens their story as the nation to provide Protective Services sup- Born in 1930 in the town of , Lith- American heroes. I wish them a happiest anni- port to Coalition Provisional Authority leader- uania, Simas Frumkinas came from an affluent versary and another sixty years together! ship in southern Iraq. During this tour, Mr. family that was not particularly religious or po- f McCue conducted over one hundred missions litically active. When the Germans invaded in active combat zones, directly encountering Kaunas in 1941, and the Communists took IN HONOR OF GERALD OEHLER, both active fire and several Improvised Explo- over his father’s business, the Frumkin family M.D. sive Devices. was herded into a Jewish ghetto. The ghetto Among numerous honors and achieve- was liquidated in 1944, and Si and his father HON. SAM FARR ments, Mr. McCue was requested by name to were sent to the Dachau concentration camp OF CALIFORNIA formalize the Surveillance Detection Mission where he and his father were forced laborers IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for U.S. Forces within Kuwait, as well as in a Nazi aircraft hangar. Si was just 13 years forces transitioning to the Theater of Oper- old. Tuesday, June 2, 2009 ations in support of Operation Enduring Free- Si’s father passed away just 20 days before Mr. FARR. Madam Speaker, for more than dom. In addition, Mr. McCue volunteered to Dauchau was liberated in 1945. When the 50 years, Dr. Gerald Oehler has dedicated his serve as a forensic expert on the investigative/ camp was liberated by the U.S. Army, he went life and his work to the care and well being of recovery team at the Pentagon after the Sep- on to study in , England, and Ven- his patients. Born January 29, 1933 in Harvey, tember 11th attacks, providing both his exper- ezuela, where he was reunited with his mother North Dakota, Dr. Oehler’s well rounded med- tise and compassionate care for the victims of before graduating from in ical education came from Kansas University that attack. In honor of this selfless service, 1953. Soon after, he arrived in Los Angeles, Medical Center, where he was trained in sev- Mr. McCue received the Department of the where he took over a textile company—Uni- eral specialties and gained the broad-based Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Medal as versal Drapery Fabrics—and earned a mas- knowledge that would become his hallmark. well as the Expeditionary Service Medal. ter’s degree in History at night at the California Graduating from medical school in 1958, Dr. Please join me in recognizing Richard State University campus in Northridge. Oehler put his skills to work for his country, McCue for his distinguished service to the As he became aware of the repression of enjoying a distinguished career in the United people of the United States. We wish him well Soviet in the early 1960s, Si leapt into States Navy. on his retirement. action, beginning a relentless journey as a

VerDate Mar 15 2010 15:25 Sep 29, 2011 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR09\E02JN9.000 E02JN9 erowe on DSK5CLS3C1PROD with BOUND RECORD 13630 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 155, Pt. 10 June 2, 2009 founding father of the Soviet Jewry movement Like so many, Pam was shocked by the as- because her determination and hard work and becoming a mentor and ally on behalf of sault on our country that took place on Sep- have allowed her to overcome adversities. Soviet Jews. He brought up a young student tember 11, 2001. She took positive action in a The dedication demonstrated by Kateryna to UCLA and that student went on to become way that would help those sent to defend our Kondratyshyna is exemplary of the type of Los Angeles City Councilman (now County lives, liberty and honor. Pam learned about achievement that can be attained with hard Supervisor) . In 1968, he Adoptaplatoon, whose mission it is to ‘‘Support work and perseverance. It is essential that stu- formed the Council for So- America’s men and women deployed abroad, dents at all levels strive to make the most of viet Jews and excelled in using unconven- while they protect our country.’’ Believing in their education and develop a work ethic that tional methods to bring attention to the issue. this mission, Pam joined Adoptaplatoon to will guide them for the rest of their lives. When the Bolshoi ballet performed in Los An- support those who sacrifice so much on our I extend my deepest congratulations once geles, Si wrote up fake programs encouraging behalf. again to Kateryna Kondratyshyna for winning patrons to enjoy the ballet but adding a mes- Pam first adopted a platoon of soldiers who the Arvada Wheat Ridge Service Ambas- sage about the oppression. When President were deployed to Kosovo and Bosnia. As part sadors for Youth award. I have no doubt she Nixon was visited by Soviet President Leonid of her service to these men and women, Pam will exhibit the same dedication she has Brezhnev, Si released 5,000 balloons with the communicated with them regularly, through shown in her academic career to her future message, ‘‘Let My People Go.’’ With candle- letters and emails, bringing a glimpse of accomplishments. light rallies attended by tens of thousands, let- ‘‘home’’ to many of them. Even as Pam’s f ter-writing campaigns and other grass roots ef- adoptees returned from duty, she continued HONORING THE MEMORY OF forts, he enlisted a generation into action. her efforts by caring for newly deployed serv- PATRICK O’CONNOR Once the Iron Curtain fell and thousands of ice members. Jews were permitted to leave, Si turned his When Marines from Engineer Company B focus to assist in resettling those who arrived deployed for Iraq for the first time in 2003, HON. MIKE QUIGLEY in Los Angeles and Southern California. He Pam stepped forward and adopted the entire OF ILLINOIS became the liaison for the e´migre´s on every- company. She coordinated the efforts of other IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES thing from re´sume´ workshops to clothing volunteers to ensure that each Marine was as- Tuesday, June 2, 2009 drives. signed a supporter to communicate with them Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today In 1992, Si began publishing ‘‘Graffiti for In- throughout their deployment. In addition, Pam tellectuals,’’ a bi-weekly newsletter with infor- to pay tribute to a great Chicagoan and a true wrote them herself, and sent care packages. friend, Patrick O’Connor, who passed away mation and commentary on politics, social Pam provided so much love, support and ap- issues, and challenges in the community. With this past Tuesday. preciation to these troops, that she is now An athlete and a sports fan, Patrick was the candor, conviction and often a touch of humor, called ‘‘Mom.’’ In addition, many of these sol- his columns expounded on the needs of Holo- past President of the Chicago Gaelic Athletic diers and their families include her in their per- Association, and the St. Pat’s Football Club. caust survivors seeking restitution and repara- sonal celebrations. To Pam, this is the great- tions, the plight of Israel, the fight against anti- An active member of our community, Patrick est honor of all. was a committed member of the DeSoto Semitism, and other Jewish causes. Pam continued to support Engineer Com- In the face of fierce resistance, Si never re- Council Knights of Columbus. A dedicated pany B when they were redeployed in 2005. In family man, Patrick leaves behind his beloved lented or grew too tired to persevere. His cre- addition, she helps them with the annual Toys ativity and sincerity inspired people to action. wife Barbara, his five children: Michael, Rob- for Tots drive. She continues to encourage ert, Catherine, Daniel, and Alderman Pat While we mourn his absence, we pay tribute others to join Adoptaplatoon and support our with an enduring debt of gratitude for his re- O’Connor, as well as dozens of grandchildren, service men and women. Pam believes our nieces and nephews. markable courage and vision. His tremendous military is the best in the world, and they legacy will be felt for generations to come. On behalf of my family, and those lives in should receive the best we can give. She my district that Patrick touched over the years, Si is survived by his wife, Ella, his son, Mi- takes it upon herself to give them her best. chael, and two grandchildren. Ella, who al- I send my deepest condolences to his family Because of her outstanding commitment to and friends. He will be missed. ways stood solidly beside him and encouraged Adoptaplatoon and our troops, Pam has been f him to carry on the cause, deserves recogni- awarded the President’s Volunteer Service tion as an equal partner in his lifelong Award from the President’s Council on Service RECOGNIZING THE RECIPIENTS OF achievements. Those who knew Si well can and Civic Participation. This award is given to THE 2009 BEAT THE ODDS AWARDS attest to his enduring love for his family and volunteers in recognition of their service to his avid collection of chess sets. their community and their country. We ask that our colleagues join us as we HON. GERALD E. CONNOLLY So, today, on behalf of the citizens of Indi- celebrate the remarkable life and tremendous OF VIRGINIA ana’s Second District, I thank Pam Brunette contributions of Si Frumkin. Si was living proof IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for her years of selfless dedication to our men that one person can change the course of his- and women in uniform. As she continues to Tuesday, June 2, 2009 tory. work to bring a sense of appreciation and con- Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Madam Speak- f cern to our military personnel and their fami- er, I rise today to recognize the recipients of CONGRATULATING PAM BRUNETTE lies, let us pay special tribute to this woman the 2009 Beat the Odds Awards presented by ON HER EXEMPLARY VOLUN- who truly expresses support for our troops the Prince William County Bar Foundation. TEER SERVICE TO OUR MEN AND through her action, dedication and commit- The awards recognize extraordinary youth in WOMEN IN UNIFORM ment. our community for their determination to over- f come adversity and lead a full, productive life. HON. JOE DONNELLY Beat the Odds Awards focus on young peo- KATERYNA KONDRATYSHYNA ple who have come into contact with the juve- OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nile justice system and, despite such an ob- HON. ED PERLMUTTER stacle, have overcome abuse, neglect or juve- Tuesday, June 2, 2009 OF COLORADO nile delinquency with an earnest effort to real- Mr. DONNELLY of Indiana. Madam Speak- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ize a successful future. er, today I pay tribute to an outstanding citizen It is my honor to commend the following in- of South Bend, Pamela Brunette, a woman Tuesday, June 2, 2009 dividuals who have risen above substantial who has selflessly devoted her time, talent Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I rise negative influences and are now being recog- and energy to our Marines. Her impact on the today to recognize and applaud Kateryna nized as community success stories. lives of our troops and their families is im- Kondratyshyna who has received the Arvada Recipients of the 2009 Beat the Odds Phoe- measurable, the result of her unflagging efforts Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth nix Award: Jessi Danner, Angela Garcia, Cyn- to boost their morale during some of the most award. Kateryna Kondratyshyna is a junior at thia Hubler, Sha-Kina Jackson, and Maria Ann trying periods of their lives. Arvada High School and received this award Sisson.

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