- -Globe-trotting ing more, not less, coloured immigratio~.. BRITAIN A non-racist view might also suggest that British culture, bogged down in its tradi- tional, introverted insularity, can be A New Tory Offensive enlivened by the ethnic diversity of its minorities. Finally, an analysis which sees A bleak,future for harassed immig~rants the underdevelopment of the Third World as a function of British and world capitalism S the British welfare state reels under might recognise immigration control as yet Mrs Thatcher's ruthless cuts in public another form of imperialism: a system A spending, there is grim suspense about whereby Western capitalism can exploit where the 'Iron Maiden's' axe will fall next. an international labour market, importing The Asian community, in particular, has cheap 'guest-workers' from the Third World, never felt more threatened since coloured without bearing the social costs involved immigration first became a political issue by the acquisition of citizenship rights. in 1960. Last year, Margaret Thatcher Legislation: None of these arguments, publicly stated that British culture was however, will figure in the coming parlia- being 'swamped' by immigration; and the mentary debate on immigration and Tories swept to power with an election nationality; for the new Tory proposals manifesto that included specific promises alm, not at liberalising or rationalising the to curb this 'threat'. existing law, but at strengthening its worst The Tories, of course, are not alone features, while Labour opposition is mainly in their belief that coloured immigration concerned with maintaining the status quo. is a problem. The Labour Party long ago The present Tory offensive against coloured . abandoned its commitment to a multi- immigrants falls into two broad categories: racial Britain when the Wilson Government legislative and administrative. both enforced and tightened up the Tory The government is committed to Immigration Act of 1962, which first in- introducing a new Nationality Bill in the stitutionalised racial discrimination in autumn session of Parliament. Based, immigration policy. Since then, racialist ironically, on a Green Paper published by immigration control has been a bipartisan the previous Labour government, the Bill policy, operated by Labour and Tory is expected to introduce a two-tier system of governments alike. British Citizens and British Overseas It was a Labour government that was Citizens. The former, mainly patrials, will responsible for the Immigration Act of be full citizens with rights of entry, residence 1968 which rendered British passport-hold- and employment. The latters, mainly non- ing Asians in Africa virtually stateless by patrial, coloured UK passport-holders withdrawing their right of entry to Britain. abroad, will have no such rights. The group In 1971, a Tory government further in- most directly affected will be UK passport- stitutionalised racialism in yet another holding Asians from Africa, 25,000 of whom Immigration Act, reserving the right of are still in India awaiting admission to entry for patrial (i.e. white) British subjects Britain. and banning all future immigration from Also threatened is the status of non- the coloured 'New Commonwealth', exceet patrial, coloured immigrants, permanently for dependents of those already settled in settled here, who would normally have Britain. Though the Labour Party in op- qualified for full citizenship. A further position condemned the act and voted complication has been introduced by Enoch against it, the next Labour government Powell's demand that the new Bill must saw no inconsistency in retaining and also abolish dual nationality, a measure which would force many immigrants to enforcing it. Tl~atcher:goodbye to immigrants Features: Apart from its built-in racial choose between citizenship of their country discrimination, the two most objectionable liberties and the rule of law. But the two of origin and a second-class British citizen- features of the 1971 Act are, first, that it major political parties have continued to ship. places bona fide immigrants and their debate the issue within an implicitly racist Also on the cards is legislation to dependents at the mercy of arbitrary im- framework. While both Labour and Tory amend the existing immigration rules in migration officials with wide discretionary officially dissociate themselves from the a more restrictive direction. The right of powers and, secondly, that it gives the 'extremism' of Enoch Powell and the neo- entry of husbands and fiancks of female police force carte blanche to harass and fascist National Front, both accept the British citizens is to be revoked, an obvious victimise the immigrant community here. racist assumption that coloured immigration blow at the arranged marriage system Police powers for dealing with illegal im- is harmful per se and that the solution lies, currently operated by British Asians. As migration include the right to imprison not in fighting white prejudice and ignorance, Mrs Thatcher bluntly put it, Asian women people.indefinitely on mere suspicion. Every but in curbing the numbers of immigrants. in Britain must either find husbands already year, hundreds of bona fide immigrants An economic appraisal of the contri- here or else go to their husbands' homes in are subjected to such arrests, against which bution of immigrants to British industry the subcontinent. there is no recourse to the courts. and social services, based on an objective Controls: The present rule granting Anti-racist groups in Britain have long cost-output ratio, would conclude that free entry and residence after four years urged the repeal of the 1971 Act as being Britain, a country with annual net emigra- in approved employment on a work-permit racist, arbitrary and subversive of civil tion, stands to gain materially by encourag- is also to be abolished. In future, work-

INDIA TODAY, OCTOBER 1-1 5, 1979 - - Globe-trotting- permits- will have to be annually renewed. the fact that discriminatory immigration regardless of length of employment, and laws are themselves the most glaring fonn migrant workers will thus be permanently of institutionalised racism, affecting the barred from claiming social security bene- most basic rights of virtually every coloured fits, despite their tax contributions to the household in Britain. The results achieved British State. Coupled with a recent amend- by the race relations 'industry' have there- ment raising from six months to one year fore been marginal at best, curbing the the period after which employers are liable more overt kinds of discrimination and for unfair dismissal of workers, this change providing some financial assistance to min- would place migrant workers entirely at the ority organisations. The Thatcher Govern- mercy of employers, whose goodwill is ment, however, seems to regard even such essential for renewal of work-permits. token assistance to the anti-racist cause Since the 1971 Immigration Act leaves as being unnecessary. The Commission wide discretionary powers with the Home for Racial Equality, set up by the previous Office, changes in administrative policy will government, has just had its budget cut be as crucial as the above legislation. by over El million (Rs 18 million) and has Already, since the change of government, been asked to effect the necessary economies immigration officers have been exercising by withdrawing assistance to Asian and West their power to refuse entry in a noticeably Indian self-help projects. harsher fashion, The Government is also Perhaps the only positive aspect of committed to increased 'internal control' Tharcherite policy on immigration and race of illegal immigration, an euphemism for is that it makes explicit what was previously stepping up the already notorious police glossed over with humanitarian rhetoric: harassment and surveillance of coloured ment runs, arlses from a 'natural' British namely, that racially discriminatory people. To cap it all, Timothy Raison, the fear of being 'swamped' by growing numbers immigration control guarantees British minister responsible for immigration, has of aliens. Therefore, stop all fresh immigra- capitalism access to cheap labour, while publicly proposed changing the appeals tion, concentrate on the 'assimilation' of denying the latter the rights and benefits of procedure to eliminate direct appeals to the those already here, and racial conflict will citizenship. Such institutionalised racism minister by MPs acting on behalf of their disappear. As part of this approach, the panders not only to the irrational racial fears immigrant constituents. imposition of tighter immigration controls whipped up by Powell and the National One of the most spurious arguments has gone hand in hand with the anti- Front, but also to the material interests of traditionally advanced in favour of immigra- discrimination Race Relations Acts of 1968 British employers who seek an unorganised, tion control by both Labour and Tory and 1976 and the setting up of a large race captive work-force that can be underpaid, spokesmen has been its allegedly beneficial relations 'industry' to implement them. fired and deported at will. effect on race relations. Racism, the argu- Legalised: Such a strategy overlooks -ZAREER MASANI in London CANADA was the police department. there." Police Brutality: In the past year alone Said Abdul Karim of Pakistan: "We Rae s Pol e ul e ,he have killed eight people, most of are never safe alone. Instead of going to work OME key cities in Canada have been them under very questionable circumstances. and back all by myself, there are four of us S slipping off their thin veil of sophist~ca- But unlike the past seven deaths, the eighth who travel in a pack. There are some who are tlon and tolerance towards coloured corn- one (of Johnson) has not been allowed to be taking to guns to protect their families munities and are teetering on the verge of a washed away because of the massive public and property. You have to see things major racial conflict. Perhaps in no other outcry. to belleve them. The non-aligned meet passes place has the situation deteriorated so alarm- Says Wilson Head, a soft-spoken uni- a resolution sponsored by the Pakistan dele- ingly as in metropolitan Toronto-the city versity professor: "There is a horrifying gap gation criticising Canada on the question of that once boasted of being the most humane, between the police and the people of the city. shifang its embassy from Tel Aviv, but we civiljsed and liveable place in the Americas. Police seem to assume that if a black man is feel the brunt here." Although from time to time there have driving a big car, he's a pimp. I never thought "Leaders of all groups should keep been many sporadic and violent incidents I would see the day when Toronto would cool," counsels Metro Chairman Paul God- involving coloureds and whites, peace has start getting like New York." frey. "We are living in a city that is talked won so far. But more recently the city has If the blacks are unanimous in denounc- about, and written about as one of the most become the tinder-box of racial tension ing police brutality and racism, most of the liveable cities in the world. We should all following the death of Albert Johnson-a East Indians-Indians, Pakistanis, and others strive so that the very precious thing we black immigrant fmm Jamaica-who was of Indian origin who have immigrated from have-that we have lived side by side for a gunned down by the police in front of his countries like Africa and England-are long-time-isn't lost." seven-year-old daughter, unequivocal in expressing their concern The laudable statement may be comfort- In recent years, the performance of the about the mounting terror tactics employed ing to many, but not so for the fatherless trigger-happy Toronto police has been the by white hoodlums. Johnson family, which feels that they have subject of mounting discontent among Unsafe: Said Sohan .Singh, a long-time already lost something very precious. coloured immigrants. A special task force resident of the city: '*I was brutally assaulted Thousands of East Indians whose lives and study into racism-the pitman report, which in the subway by three youths but not one belongings are threatened by white racists uncovered a great deal of it-has largely soul came to bail me out. My children have feel similarly. For them the period for this been ignored. According to the study, about been abused, beaten and insulted by the~r kind of patronising nonsense is over-and it is 15.9 per cent of the people in Toronto-that classmates. You can take so much and no time to prove by actions that Toronto's is, one in every seven-could be considered more. I have sent my people back to India ugly, racist face will be wiped clean. racist. Most heavily indicted in the report and will shortly go back to start a new 11fe -SURESH JAIN in Toronto

- INDIA TODAY. OCTOBER 1-1 5, 1979 81 - L Globe-trotting - Last Name A weird ambition Some people have the weirdest of ambi- tions, like American Zachary Zzzzra, who has been listed in the Gulness Book of Records for "the most determined efforts to be the last personal name in a local telephone directory". For years, Zzzzra has faced no competition at all in his peculiar quest, and his name has featured last in numerous issues of the San Francisco telephone direc- tory. Last year, however, Zzzzra almost had a heart attack when he opened the telephone book to find that he had been ousted by a Vladimir Zzzzzzabakov. "It really upset me," said Zzzzra. "1 phoned this guy Vladi- mir and asked him how come he put so many zs in his name? He replied: 'That's none of your damn business,' and slammed the phone down." Zzzzra suffered acute mental agony for the entire year, even contemplating getting his name changed legally so he could out-z Zzzzzzabakov. Idi Arnk's ce/luloid loo/i alike: Jost~pl~Olitu wit11 real-life Denis Hills Last fortnight, however, Zzzzra threw a positive, and the ban was made official. book he published. Hills will portray himself celebration party. The event? Zzzzzzabakov The ban, however, concedes that war toys In the film including the dramatic sequence had cancelled his phone and the latest edition modelled on pre-1914 weapons will still be where he was rescued at the last minute by of the San Francisco directory had Zzzzra allowed to be sold. Britain's then foreign secretary James once again listed as the last name in the The Swedish exercise has aroused Callaghan. book. Zzzzra, quite literally, had the last interest in Norway, where the Consumer Among the key sequences will be the word. Bureau has already started to work out a emotional of 's Asians, in similar agreement with toy manufacturers. which thousands of local Indian businessmen Danger In Play Pen One Norwegian, anticipating that Norway and their families will take part as extras. For will follow in Sweden's footsteps, wrote to a leading player Joseph Olita, however, it is War toys banned newspaper: "Why stop here? Now let us get proving to be a dubious privilege. He has Ths Christmas, Swedish children will the generals to dispense with their war toys." been mistaken for Amin so often on his find their favourite toys missing from under location shots that he is beginning to get their Christmas trees. Under a unique ban understandably nervous. imposed by the Swedish Government, the TheAmin Story- country is to stop the sale of modem war Brutal reminder toys for children. The ban. which comes into Bureaucratic Shuffle effect on December 1, will stop the sale of Uganda was going through an un- realistic plastic machine guns, laser beam pis- comfortable feeling of diju vu last fortnight. A new sport tols, rubber hand grenades, miniature tanks The grossly familiar figure of the world's and other modern warfare toy weapons that most hated man, , stalked through Indian bureaucrats can derive some have become so popular. The idea behind the the streets, while his private army brutalised consolation from a competition currently ban is to stop war from being considered the locals. At the railway station in , underway in Ottawa, Canada. The competi- an acceptable game by children. hundreds of Ugandan Asians were being tion, called the premier Canadian Public The campaign against war toys has been herded onto trains and expelled from the Service Games, has attracted entries from launched by The Council for Children's country. Thankfully, it was not the return of civil servants from 24 government depart- - Play, a body formed to protect the child's Idi Amin, but the Rise and FUN of Zdi Amin, ments who will compete for such events as rights and to develop games for them. The a Rs 18-million film on the Ugandan dictator stalling, buck-passing and throwing paper council's efforts have been supported by the currently being shot in Africa. aeroplanes. The games, which are meant for Swedish Consumer Bureau's fight against A Kenyan Indian, Sharad Patel, will be charity, will also include such events as the toys that can cause injuries. co-producing the film with leading British bureaucratic shuffle, the five-kilometre lateral The campaign was first launched in film company, Intermedia. Patel will also transfer and the red tape cut. Sweden's Riksdag (Parliament) in April . direct the film, scheduled to be released early The bureaucratic shuffle calls for 1978 by the Social Democrats, who next year. But the star of the film will be entrants to take one step forward and two felt that giving Swedish children war toys Joseph Olita, 35, a Kenyan actor who bears steps back over 50 metres. The Games' rules was instilling in them the idea that "to an uncanny resemblance to Arnin. Local describe the manoeuvres "a standard kill for the sake of power is desirable". actors and actresses of Indian origin will team management practice in the public service, Sweden's imports of all toys amount to up with 14 European stars for the film. when the appearance of action is deemed around Rs 48.6 crore annually, with annual The most realistic role, however, will be more important than the actual action". . -71es touching Rs 135 croke. Initially, the toy played by Denis Hills, the British lecturer However, if the Canadians ever decide to ade lobby attacked the proposals to stop who was threatened with execution by Amin internationalise the Games, lndian competi- rles, but the Swedish public's attitude proved for referring to him as a "village tyrant" in a tors will definitely start off as clear favourites. a INDIATODAY. OCTOBER 1-1 5.1979