- HARD CLIMB ment of middle American females THE LONG concerning their own position in (continued from preceding page) society. The Grammy award did no harm of the to California in 1968 did not, at first, either and Helen made one in accepting help. Bookings promised fell through most quoted remarks vocal and a position offered Wald in an en- hers for the best female tertainment company went the same performance for "I Am Woman.” way (the company declared bank- Including God among those she want- ruptcy soon as Wald's departure). ed to thank, she said "She makes everything possible.” So for Helen Reddy it was a long over. round of appearances at state fairs in The first long hard climb was the California hinterlands. Now it was a period of consolidation The good songs and the hits — still By now it was 1970 when the words — heavy and metal were in current kept coming. She was one of 1974's artists, with vogue and rock was in full flourish. best selling record along John Denver and Elton John. She ap- Not, as it happened, the best time ’75.” to be a female singer. Wald's selling peared in her first film, "Airport job to Capitol Records in that year A great compliment was paid to her was an impressive one, and his pre- when she appeared at a major Los benefit concert — for dictions to them all came true quickly. Angeles But again not easily. Wald had Cedars-Sinai Medical Center — with Capitol release a single and then Frank Sinatra and Gene Kelly.
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