Absence: Additional Information:

If your child is unwell or unable to attend school If you have any questions or concerns about your for any reason, please telephone the school office child’s education, your first point of contact is the as soon as possible to notify us. Any requests for class teacher. If, after this, your problem hasn’t absence during school time, must be submitted been resolved then you can speak to our Lead using the form available from the school office. Teacher, Mr Martin. Alternatively you can ring the office to make an appointment with Mrs Sherlock, the head teacher.

You will find additional information on our school

website: http: //www. manaccancornwall. sch. uk/ Uniform: Keskowethyans Partnership information can be School uniform can be found at the following web address: ordered and paid for from http://www.keskowethyans.cornwall.sch.uk/ the school office, or via Forget-me-not,

Street, , or via the Tesco website. Just follow the link for embroidered school uniform.

Children will also need a school book bag and these can be purchased from the school office.

Please ensure that all uniform and belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Finally, the school contact de- tails are as followed:

Wet Weather: Manaccan School Manaccan We access the outdoor space as much as possible Helston TR12 6HR during school time and in order to do this children need to have a waterproof coat in school at all times. Telephone: 01326 231431

Welcome to Manaccan School, we are really looking School Day: Homework: forward to getting to know you and your child. This Children can arrive at school between 8.40 and Children in the Busy Bee class are not set formal leaflet is designed to give you some important 8.55am. School starts promptly at 8.55am. homework; however, we do ask that they can read information about your child starting school and to The school day ends at 3.15pm If you have made at home as often as possible. Children who read at make the transition as simple as possible. If you arrangements for someone else to collect your home make significantly more progress. Your child require additional information please ask, or have a child, the office must be notified of this in advance. will be sent home with a book and a reading record look at our website where you should find the in their book bag. answers to your questions. Healthy School:


Your child will be taught by Mrs Alice Ashe and Mrs

Lorraine Brown. They are your first point of con- tact for any questions or concerns regarding your child’s education. The class is supported by Mrs Rachel Wallington. There will be other staff mem- bers that your child has contact with, a full staff list is available on the website. Corre- spondence:

A school newsletter We are a healthy school and encourage children to is emailed every Fri- live healthy lifestyles. We provide children with Partnership: day. Please ensure you fresh fruit at snack time and they have access to We work in partnership with 3 other schools: complete your admission forms as soon as possible water throughout the day. We are lucky to have a and return them to the office. It is important for Coverack, Grade Ruan and . Our head school cook on site and if your child would like a us to have up to date contact information for teacher, Wendy Sherlock, works across all 4 school lunch then this can be ordered on a day by you, in case of an emergency and for sending gen- schools. She is at Manaccan on a Thursday but is day basis. If your child is having a packed lunch, we eral information. Similarly, we will call you if your always available via phone or email. please ask that you do not send them with fizzy child is ill at school and needs picking up, so drinks. please keep us informed if you change your tele- phone number.