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Nucleus ...Nucleus A PHYLOGENETIC STUDY OF THE VISCERAL AF- FERENT AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FACIAL, GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL, AND VAGUS NERVES, AND THEIR FIBER CONNECTIONS. THE EFFERENT FACIAL NUCLEUS JOHN WALTER BARNARD Laboratory of Comparative Neurology, Department of Anatomy, University of Niciichigan1 TWENTY-FOUR FIGURES (Accepted for publication September 21, 1935) CONTENTB Introduction ................ Description of the material .... The nuclear groups ........ 504 514 523 556 570 577 583 1. The visceral afferent gray 504 514 523 556 570 577 583 2. The inferior commissure 508 516 525 558 571 578 585 3. The secondary gustatory nucleus ............. 517 526 560 571 4. The efferentfacialnucleus 508 518 527 560 572 578 585 The root fibers ............ 509 518 528 538 561 572 579 586 1. The visceral afferent roots 509 518 528 538 561 572 579 586 2. The efferent facial root 510 519 529 541 563 573 580 587 The fiber connections of .... 511 520 530 542 564 573 581 587 1. The visceral afferent gray 511 520 530 542 564 573 581 587 2. The inferior commissure 513 521 535 550 567 575 582 590 3. The secondary gustatory nucleus ............. 522 536 551 568 575 4. The efferentfacialnucleus 513 523 538 555 568 577 583 590 Summary of description ...... 591 Discussion .................. 595 ’ A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of doctor of philosophy. 503 504 JOHN WALTER BARNARD INTRODUCTION The following account deals with the phylogenetic develop- ment of the visceral afferent systems of the brain stem. The visceral afferent centers and their connections are considered in a series of vertebrates from cyclostomes through mam- mals. The efferent facial nucleus has been considered because of its changes in position, which illustrate so well the rise and fall of the visceral afferent systems throughout the vertebrate series. The material used in the preparation of this paper is part of the Huber Neurological Collection of the Laboratory of Comparative Neurology, Department of Anatomy, Univer- sity of Michigan, and consists of brains cut serially in trans- verse, frontal, and sagittal planes and stained by the Huber ( '27) modification of the toluidin blue method or prepared by pyridine silver methods (Huber and Guild, '13). Several Weigert series were available for comparison. I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to work under the late Dean Huber and I also wish to thank Prof. Elizabeth Crosby for her kindness and for her untiring efforts on my behalf in the preparation of this paper. DESCRIPTION OF THE MATERIAL STUDIED I. Petromyxowts (Ewtosphenas appendix and Ichthyomyxon C0,nncOl or) A. The nuclear groups 1. The visceral ajjlerewt gray associated with the facial, glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (figs. 1,3). These centers are very generalized in petromyzonts. The vagal lobe (fig. 3) extends through the regions of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves. Cephalic to the lobe there exists only the very primi- tive visceral afferent periventricular gray (fig. l), a narrow band of small, closely packed cells which are from round to spindle-shaped in outline. It extends from the sulcus limitans, along the medial aspect of the nucleus medialis (fig. 1) of the PHYLOGENY OF VISCERAL AFFERENT AREAS 505 acustico-lateral area, to a point about halfway between the snlcus limitans and the dorsal tip of the acustico-lateral area. Medially it is bounded by the ependyme of the fourth ventricle and laterally by the caudally running visceral afferent facial root and the ventrally running fibers (fig. 1) from the acustico- lateral area and the cerebellum. In the midregion of the ef- ferent trigeminal nucleus, the visceral afferent gray begins to pass insensibly into cerebellar gray. Just cephalic to the plane ABBREVIATIONS FOR ALL FIGURES, area acustica f .sol., f ascieulus solitarius, area acustico-lateralis f.sol. + n., fasciculus solitarius et nu-, area funicularis cleus ar.vest., area vestibularis gr.perivent., griseum periventriculare c, nucleus cerebelli lateralis of Edinger grxet., griseum reticulare c.c., canalis centralis hyp., hypothalamus cer., cerebellum j., ventrally arising arcuates c.mam., corpus mamillare k., dorsally arising arcuates c.mot.teg., motor tegmental cells Lam., lobus auricularis c.Mull., Miiller cell, lemniscus acustico-lateralis col.inf., colliculus inferior lem.bulb., lemniscus bulbaris com.ans., commissura ansulata, lemniscus medialis com.cer., commissura cerebelli l.fac., lobus facialis commes., commissura mesencephali l.glos., lobus glossopharyngei com.s., commissura somatica l.vag., lobus vagi eom.v., commissura visceralis, nucleus eerebellaris lateralis crxer., erista eerebellaris (Edinger) dec.teg., decussatio tegmenti, nucleus commissurae cerebelli deep, deep visceral afferent, nucleus commissurae infimae root of the vagus nerve n.dor., nucleus dorsalis em.subcer.teg., eminentia subcerebellaris n.f .sol., nucleus fasciculi solitarii tegmenti, nucleus funicularis lateralis fib.arc., fibrae arcuatae, nucleus funicularis medialis fib.eer.mot., fibrae cerebello-motoriae n.gust.sec., nucleus gustatorius secundus, fibrae commissurae cerebelli n.interc., nucleus intercalatus, fibrae lemnisci acustico- niiiterm., nucleus intermedius lateralis n.isth., nucleus isthmi fibs., fibrae somaticae n.isth.p.magnocell., nucleus isthmi pars, fibrae tractus gusta- magnocellularis torii secundi ascendentis lobi facialis n.isth.p.parvocell., nucleus isthmi pars, fibrae tractus gusta- parvocellularis torii secundi ascendentis lobi vagi, nucleus lemuisci lateralis fib.v., fibrae viseerales, nucleus medialis fib.visc.see., fibrae viscerales secundae, median nucleus of Cajal f .l.m., f asciculus longitudinalis medialis n.N.111, nucleus nervi oculomotorii n.N.IV, nucleus nervi trochlearis 506 JOHN WALTER BARNARD n.N.XI1, nucleus nervi hypoglossi tr.gust.see.a.VI1-X, tractus gustatorius aparasol., nucleus parasolitarius secundus ascendens lobi facialis et, nucleus reticularis pars vagi lateralis tr.gust.sec.a.X, tractus gustatorius, nucleus reticularis pars secundus ascendens lobi vagi medialis tr.gust.sec.d.VI1, tractus gustatorius n.vent., nucleus ventralis secundus descendens lobi facialis n.visc.sec., nucleus visceralis secundus tr.gust.sec.d.VI1-X, tractus gustatorius N.IV, nervus trochlearis secundus descendens lobi facialis ct N.VII1, nervus acusticus vagi ol.inf., oliva inferior tr.gust.sec.d.X, tractus gustatorius p, fibers of passage secundus descendens lobi vagi pyr., pyramis tr.gust.valv., tractus gustato-valvulus q, combined descending cervical bundles tr.lob.bulb., tractus lobo-bulbaris of Cajal tr.sp.cer., tractus spino-cerebellaris rad.d.N.V, radix descendens nervi tri. tr.visc.aur., tractus viseero-auricularis gemini tr.visc.sec.a., tractus visceralis secundus rad.d.N.V + n., radix descendens nervi ascendens trigemini et nucleus .r.N.VII, visceral afferent root of rad.d.N.VII1, radix descendens nervi the facial nerve acustici, visceral afferent root of the, radix nervi lineae glossopbaryngeal nerve lateralis anterioris .r.N.X, visceral afferent root of the rad.N.V, radix nervi trigemini vagus nerve rad.N.XI1, radix nervi hypoglossi valvxer., valvula cerebelli, somatic afferent root of v.ef .n.N.V, visceral efferent nucleus of the facial nerve the trigeminal nerve, somatic afferent root of the v.ef .n.N.VII, visceral efferent nucleus of glossopharyngeal nerve the facial nerve str.gran., stratum granulosum v.ef .n.N.IX, visceral efferent nucleus of superf .r.N.X, superficial visceral the glossopharyngeal nerve afferent root of the vagus nerve v.ef.n.N.X, visceral efferent nucleus of t, vestibular portion of the faseiculus the vagus nerve solitarius v.ef.r.N.V, visceral efferent root of the tect., tectum trigeminal nerve tr.bulb.cer., tractus bulbo-cerebellaris v.ef .r.N.VII, visceral efferent root of tr.bulb.tect., tractus bulbo-tectalis the facial nerve, tractus bulbo-tectalis v.ef .r.N.IX, visceral efferent root of the lateralis glossopharyngeal nerve tr.cer.hyp., tractus cerebello-hypo- v.ef.r.N.X, visceral efferent root of the thalamicus vagus nerve tr.gust.cer., tractus gustato-cerebellaris v.op., ventriculus opticus tr.gust.hyp., tractus gustato-hypo- v.111, ventriculus tertius thalamicus v.IV, ventriculus quartus tr.gust.mam., tractus gustato-mamillaris w, cellular layers of the vagal lobe tr.gust.sec.a., tractus gustatorius x, small motor tegmentsl cells secundus ascendens y, dorsal descending cervical bundle tr.gust.sec.a.VI1, tractus gustatorius z, ventral descending cervical bundle secundus ascendens lobi facialis PHYLOGENY OF VISCERAL AFFERENT AREAS 507 of entrance of the root of the vagus nerve there is an increase in the number of the cells scattered throughout the body of the lobe. The cephalic end of the combined vagal and glossopha- ryngeal lobe consists of the thickened periventricular gray, which is from two to three cells deep, and of the few scattered cells within the lobe. The periventricular gray extends from the sulcus limitans to almost the upper tip of the medulla ob- longata, the lobe occupying the medial half of the entire dorsal region (fig, 3) on each side of the medulla oblongata. The periventricular gray runs only from the sulcus limitans to a v. d. r. N. 61 v:: Fig.1 A transverse section through the level of entrance of the facial nerve. The visceral afferent component of this nerve is shown on the left side. Ichthyomy- zon concolor. Chrome silver. X 28. point scarcely halfway to the dorsal tip of the lobe. In among its small cells are several very large cells.
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