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118th Year of Pobrieailori 4 Seetfoni, 34 Pagjflsi 15 Cin*« Friendly afrndspfe Stimitiit By GAYLORD SHAW talks- reporters at the party, " . turnam certain that I'm that I Congressto looms as trade a potential stumbling block: ¦:- ;. WASHINGTON .AP). -; After- .agreeing V. 'there. going to leave here ( the United States) ^iri a. very, to increased U.S.-Soviet trade;: The 'Soviets . -''interest ' - .; ' - " Isf: no, alternative fto. a p«licy of peace,". President - •good mood."' . . -f "P": in overcoming legislative opposition wasf . evident in Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid I. Brezhnev turned He described the first round of talkf fas = "very Brezhnev's Invitation to members of the Stenate For- ' their . summit; talks today : to the • ..thorn;/¦ issues of friendly. I' was • -very.'ji appy ," . . 'A; eign Relations Corrirriittee to have itinch with him ai ?" "¦¦ "*" - " trade; and economics. . W . - P Presidential adviser Kenry Kissinger comment- ' y the Blair House tod ay. . yFirst, however, the .leaders, witnessed the.yiriidr fy «d on the first day's talks by saying, - . '-I think we're . V After they luncheon fat theP government-owned morning, Secretary of Stale.William ¦ doing. well. It was ' aligning by, 'P. ¦ a good atmosphere; I think the . residence where be Is staying, Breztinev . headed Rogers and Foreign -Minister Andrei Gromyko of talks are going in a very constructive way," aci~oss the street U> the '.White - House for the after- agreements on air transportation , cultural exchang- Onei iritjication of trie rapport' apparently es- : noon session with _Nixon and other members of the es,' agriculture and oceanographic research. tablished between the two leaders came at the con- ¦: twofdelegationisy y- V The accords were reached on a lower level in clusion ol the dinner party; They agreed to . delay "y A major y U.S.-Soviet trade agreement was the weeks before Nixon and Brezhnev , convened for one hour the start of Tuesday s meetings - to reached last ¦ V ' Octob-er, but its irripiementation hinges Monday for their second set of f summit .talks in -' get .some rest. Nixon pointed out . that it y/as 7 a-.rn.V oh congressional approval of Nixon's move to grant .13 rnpniths. . . . in . Moscow . when the party broke iip. .. most . favored ; nation (MFN) status to the Soviet ;.' - . At a . gliltenng-y-W_i'it__ -- . .Hd 'usey:.diiiiier- - ... In addition , Press Secretary Ronald if*. Ziegler: :. Uniohy Vf "\. . ' ¦ nighty the t\vo leaders 'lifted their . glasses to toasty sa|d fan agriculture accord -wriuld. .. be sighed in ¦ . 'Nixon - presented 'Brezhnev, a fancy car buff, the accomplishments;of their Moscow . summit: last . addition to three previously planned .agreemenfe. "¦ with fa 197.'i dark blue Lincoln CII. On his visit to May and 'tlneir. hopes of success in thair new talks. . Today 's talks focus- on the Soviet desire fon what , IWo'scow: last. year K Nixon gave the .SoViet leader 'ain -: Both leaders seemed relaxed and . buoyant at . a. Kremlin spokesman called ''the large scale and V American Cadilla*.: The ¦ . new; Continental will be the.dinner which lasted past midnight. Brezhnev told '. " long-range economic . relations, " delivered to. Brezhnev after he returns to Moscow-. AAariy n attend y^orri^d by iu nrihriit talks By WILLIAM L. RYAN V V If: it all seems to spell ' AP Special Correspondent waning' confidence in the The leaders of history' s ,: United States - abroad it mightiest . military : powers , can also add up to sorter thing of a f;0h:St heV :i:riside--: vyl I was a^ay," goes a R us- ry that' the public , is begin- , T e Winona City Council Monday moved. 1 ^ _P__t .t_l0'A ^ sian adage, and Europe ning to regard . the cold p " **T"r5 "v .. - '.'to : a final decision on how , to: handle | may now wonder how much war as ancient history.. Cre- Two men left in sub dead | city garbage and' refuse , disposal:- .: story, page 3a. y: ' . :;. " /1, of its; future is . being decid- ation of jiist such an im- ' ¦ ' '¦ ' - ¦¦¦ ¦&¦ - - - . . ' . ¦ ¦ . - - ' . ' ¦- ¦ ' ¦ - • ' . ' without its. pression :. .. . :. . . . . , . : . ed • presence as has .been a Soviet By CINDY ROSE submarine pilot , had .been un- the ymeji were, dead about 10:25 a.m. Monday- : and breathing ^ Duluth businessman Jim Hill has announced f. President Nixon . has - his goal for some time. Ironic- KEY: WEST, Flay (AP): ¦ conscious since 2:30 a.m. EDT EDT, some 15 hours after sounds in the chamber were I f^ntlirloto last heard about six hours -lat- i| llailll-Ualc his candidacy for Republican nomination"fdr-yjfj second summit with the So- ally, the Western lead- Rescuers decompressing two Monday and breathing isounds the submarine was freed frbrn only, one term . story. had not/been , the wreck of a destroyer that er, when it was feared carbon If governor, saying he-wants to serve —- $ viet chief , Leonid "Iff Brezh- ers had less to ; fret over men in a chamber of Va midget heard from .the : ' page 7a.; ,; .' ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦ ' chamber since 8 a.m. that day. trapped it in 351 feet of water. dioxide had reached toxic ley- pf .- - ;. • - . -$ nev; : .. .y; when Moscow under Stalin submarine that was trapped un- -."' The sub became ensnaired 15 els.." ' .W ¦ : Henry A . Kissinger who and Khrushchev.: seemed derwater for 31 hours f said to- A Navy spokesman said the '^; The WisconsinVLegislature 's budget committee | | designed the policy that more menacing. Stalin's day the men were dead. miles, southeast of/ Key West Clayton : Link is the son of Rlirlo'OTDUugCl . - 21-foot Johnson-Sea Link minis- Sunday.and was trapped forfit millionaire inventor Edwin A, | jjgg. put aside , key , debal,e issues to . discuss I produced- the . summits, threats and Khrushchev's ; .' Rear¦;.¦:Adm.V- ¦ 1 ! ' :pageySa. - John Maurer, ub was being brought to Key hours.. ' Link, 69, who is aboard Sea Di- | -.yhunting fees — story, : f some time ago expressed be- bluster, both before and -aft- commander of fthe "P" ' ' ' "' ' " ' ' ¦ ' ' " ¦ ' lief that Key West West by the Sea Diver and that ver. .fMenzies ,; of Vero Beach , A . y " . . - . . - ' . . ¦: - ¦ ¦ ¦: ' % much of the chance er his U.S. visit, provided Navy base, said "We have re- the hatch Two men in the forward . . , " for stable peace cement to keep NATO on the sub's rear " Fla., served as the minisub's \ wA\iWraYA rt may be small comfort to Americans but depended to- ceived word from the Sea Diver compartment had not yet been chamber of the sub . were pro- UlllaHUll f problems Could be worse. They ^ on confidence , around the gether.. nounced "10ft per cent fit" pilot commander. Slover is a their inflation P" (the minisub's mother ship) opened . The spokesman said he ' are in much of Western Europe — story, page 10a. ' . . .V' .world ; in the United States. Whatever the assurances submarine pilot and veteran di- ' shortly afterV -the craft : " ' ' ' ' ' ' •¦ ' ¦ was i - - ¦ ' ¦ - ¦ ¦ - - - - ¦ ¦ ¦ that the two men : ...... - . . Europeans now see a in the rear did not know how it was deter- ver from Juno Beach , Fla., and . to the contrary, many a compartment are in fact dead. mined that the men were dead. freed . They were Robert Meek, V United States preoccupied European leader worries " Meek is a marine biologist ! CDI Kansas City Police Chief Clarence M. Kelley faces 27, and Archibald "Jock" Men- I PDI questioning from the Scnale Judiciary Committee m with its own problems such that West Europe will be the two men,Clayton Link, "I assume the doctors had zics, ' 30. from Santa Barbara , Calif. 81, son of the submarine's in- declared them dead ," the 'Earlier , a Navy officer as il opens hearings! on the man nominated to be the x|. as the current political up- neutralized, made subject ventor, Edwin Link , and Albert spokesman added , Link and Stover did not re- (Continued on page 5a) I new FBI duet tor — stoiy, page 10a. rp. heaval , inflation and the to the will and influence of Stover, 51, a ve_eran : diver and Maurer received word that spond to radio calls after 2:30 Submarine plight of the dollars. its huge neighbor. 'There is absolutely no doubt' Watergate source: Dea n f6 link Nixon Bv'MICHAEL I'llTZEL studying whether a president Press , show lhal Nixon had calls Nixon and Haldeman were mittee about Dean's inter- lege ns a White House staff WASHINGTON (AP) - A may legally be subpoenaed or onl y one. substantive. ' meeting "all smiles" al. that meeting, ventions in the original Wafer- member, and by lawyer-client s But, gate"investi galion. The last was confidentiality as the Presi- source close to the Senate' indicted. he said he rou- with Dean last year , more than and that the President¦ gave Watergate investigation snys tinely studies all legal questions two ¦weeks - afler the President Dean congratulations ' ' which April 22, eight days before dent's official lawyer. "there is absolutely no doubt" in m atters of interest to him , told the public that nn invcsl- Dean interpreted as praise for Dean was fired. . Committee Chnirmnn Sam J. thnt ousted White House coun- Ervin Jr. , D-N.C, also in- and ' 'it would be wrong to draw gntion by Dean had cleared all a successful covcrup. ¦ sel John W. Dean III -will swear any inference." administration employes of in- The logs show Nixon met Deputy ' Wilt* ' House Press cheated Iho White House has that President Nixon knew Ihe In another development , Iho volvement, in the wiretapping. with or talked to Dean . 37 times Secretary Gerald LV Warren given up trying to prevent testi- scandal wns being covered up. While House began supplying to The meeting on Sept . 15 was this year when the Watergate nlso confirmed ' that Ihn While mony, on grounds of national se- Based on whnt Dean already the Senate committee and to attended by H it. Ilaldemnn , scandal was heating up. The House has dropped its claims of curity. Kevin said the com- hns told Semite investigators, Cox logs of meetings between then the presidential chief of first meeting wns Feb. 27, a a "double privilege " that would mittee would decide for itself Ihe ' source snid, . "he is going to tho President and Dean. staff. That same clny seven day before . acting FRI Director prevent Dean from testifying. whether any questions are out ' name tho President ,, I can Copies of these logs , made rnen were indicted in the ease. L. . Patrick Gray II[ began to Nixon once said Dean was cov- of bounds on that score. tell you that much," available to The Associated Published reports say Dean re- tell the Senate Judiciary Com- ered both by executive privi- In olher Watergate develop- ments Monday: Denn won 't get n chance lo • Haldemnn 'fi lawyer, .lohn J. air his testimony until next Wilson , sa id tho former While week, however, Tho Senate House aide has moved his fami- committee voted Monday to ly from Washington to a rented postpone ils I devised hearings home in Newport Bench , Cnlif . until after tli o visit of Soviet ' • Lawyers for .Army 1st Lt. lender l.eonid 1. ¦Brezhnev.'. Mrs. Dean: lie horrendous William Caliey Jr.. convicted of The delny was requested by ¦ Hy ANN IILACKMAN her husband fall from White House glory, her life luis chang- murdering 22 Viclxinmciie civil- the Sedate leadershi p, whieh inns nt My Lai In 1IWU , formally 't ed markedly nnd "It's become terribly busy,'' slid snid. said Ihe While House didn WASHINGTON »/. *'— The honeymoon was short for Man- asked the ' Military Court of Ap- nhnut the post- In a way, sho has been prisoner in her own homo. Net- contact I hern icon Knno Deiin. The past few monlhs of Walorgnir- crises door- peals to compel tho government . However at least work television crews hnve. camped nn h«r townlmusp ponement , fol lowing her October . marriivRe lo John W. Dean III have step In Alexandria , Va.. sometimes rnund-lho-clock , knock- to turn over any. nuitcr .nl from one member of Ihe committee bcc'ii horrendous she says, ing on door until midnight and ciilchinR her again n secret White llouso investiga- anil several stuff members nrn "Hut mnybe we'll ho able to relax n bit when this— when she Appeared to colled lh« morning newspaper. tion of tlio atroci ty. News re- the known to be concerned thai what H IHI II I call il.'~is over . Mrs . Iioan Shortly after her husband lost his jol > , she escaped to ports snid former presidential White House will use the added snid In a doorstop interview nt licr liomo. Florida f. ir n few days respite. Hut , since then , there havo adviser John 1), Khriiebmj in or- lime lo iill .u'k Demi 's helluva- "This" i.s Iho .scnndnl over Iho Water- been few outings (or tennis , swimming, visiting wit h friends , dered White House agents to bliny. Rate conspiracy and eovorup in which ' even shopping, sho said, "Nut tnny ho when it' s all over question - witnesses and partici- Tho postponement nunc ns hiusband i.s alleged lo hnvo played n mnjor . . ." The sentence lingered. pants in Ihe My Lai slayings in columnist Jnok Aiiflorson re- role. From the doorstep where Mrs. Denn spoke, her hus- liilc-1%! ) mul early 11(70, His re- ported thnt Dean admitted us- Mr.s. Denn said she will accompany Iho band was seen seated in the den , bent over a desk ' ported aim wns to determine ing $4 ,000 in Nixon campaign misled Whito House counsel when he lolls filled wllh papers , nulling Ihe finishing touches on a long the authenticity of new;, reports funds to flii-ince his honeymoon his version of the conspinvc y lo tho Semite document he Intends lo read before Ihe Watergate corn- HKAHINf iH IMWTPONKI) VViilei galo Committee nexl Mondav. nhout the massacre. . . . Son. Sum Ervln , D-N.C,, Inst yenr, Anderson indicated m »!tco , the "You enn bet I'll be .(here , 1 ' snid .o stali-mcnl , M rs. • Hep. I' mil N. McCloskey tells newsmen in Wa^hingUm Monday about oiM-tyeek hl.s Informal ion 'vuno fro m I' A.sked if she helped him prep.ire the postponed for a hanrlsomo blonde , who Is Demi 's second wile. , "I' ve helped him type il , but the ideas nre his, Jr., K-Ciilif., postpoiiemcnl of the .Semite Watergate Committee hearing, " ono ol tin- Preside ill 's men ." Dunn said scheduled O.II Ho is divorced from his first wife. of course, from bis hend , " week Monday a Krvin , who chniiK the commit too, said tho action warn tflken He said Demi left nn I. . on possible im- President Nixon fired Denn April SO. IMrB, Dram Mrs . Denn, who nppenrs In be slightly younger limn tier House si-Oceli to prevent John W. Denn from testifying ubotit pomdblo K I II I linked accounts of. Iho peachment of President Nixon , At Ihr mini* llmr. |M'( IH-yem -old lawyer's story, told so husband , was calm and soflspnl. cn on what wa.s to hnve links between Presidei)t Nixon und tlio Watergate covcrup Wiiler galo prosecutor Archibald far behind closed doors, Indicate lh;_t ho Is likely lo Im- 's televised Senate Wiitorgr . o. Commit- saying it would bo in- been Ihe eve of Dean diirii.j i the state visit of Soviet LctuUir liCOnld Brezhnev. Cox said , In to « phciile Nixon in Iho Walergiiln «'iiveniH. . debut . The hearings Infer were imslponed for a week «l>{>i ..[.fi. «l« during the summit le* (Al* l'liotolax ) n8W»nian '» (iiiosllon , Hint ho In Since those chilly Miring days when Mrs. Dean wuldied because of Hie stnto visit of Soviet leader Leonid I. Dreshnev. talks. ^ ¦¦¦¦ __ _MaM-M«l_^^ On Skylab walk ^ I Conrad to retrieve film cans SPACE CENTER , Houston , secrets of the sun. ' i telescope mount to remove film. Kerwin will monitor from in- j m (AP) — Commander Charles] During tbe three-hour space cans and replace them with a side the station. AU tluee will I outside the or- new supply. wear space suits. I Conrad Jr. steps walk, Conrad will exit from an; pfJ (JliJ Paid J. Weitz will assist in ll space station to- 1 fcfflJMD Ki bitisg Skylab The space walk today is the ; inj nMHj J3S) day to retrieve six canisters of airlock hatch and climb a sev- the film transfer by standing in, fourth of the mission and the : * film which may reveal many en-rung ladder to the top of a the open hatch. Dr. Joseph P. only one that was planned be- jjj TED MAIER DRUG f|KLUUIIIU^LM^ fore the launch. The thiee ear- : lier walks were added to at- '.S DOWNTOWN ... • _ tempt to correct problems, f Savingsc most of which resulted when a : i ¦ i Aisles of protective heat shield ripped IBU Europeans fear wheat 1 away from the side of the sla On Your Favorite Brands tion when it was launched un- ¦1 ^*meEkWM9 manned May 14. The trio was nearing the end : of its record 28-day mission, 'i RUBBERMAID RUBBERMAID | exports to be tight with splashdown scheduled at , By DON KENDALL ported by growers in Colorado, ried about recent erratic up- 8:48 a.m. CDT Friday in (I M ! WASHINGTON (AP) — Eu- Kansas, Nebraska , North Da- ward price movements" in the Pacific Ocean 828 miles south- ] CUP SET ropean market experts report- kota , Ohio, Oklahoma , South U.S. grain markets. The team west of San Diego, Calif. TUMBLER SETS MEASURING edly are concerned that export Dakota ard Texas. representatives said they also The astronauts completed J | supplies of wheat will be tight According to Agriculture De- found Europeans concerned their expulsive telescope exam- - $ 43 in 1973 despite American pro- partment estimates, world about the possibility of controls ination of the sun on J_fonday AasBry4* 7 V LUC jections to the contrary. wheat production this year will on U.S. farm exports. and scientists here eagerly Jj5- "" A 99£ VALUE 77c£ # *'-.VSK** * — 1I I* A. trade team comprised of set a record of about 331 mil- In his economic message last await the return of tfhe film, : '^ representatives from eight lion tons, 5 to 10 per cent above week, ' President Nixon asked which included the first pic- ————— ^ ,, tures of a solar flare cbserved ^ Plains and Midwest states last year. Congress for broad authority to «< PYREX— 1-QT. V brought the European concerns The department projects that restrict exports if that is re- from above earth's obscuring to Agriculture Department offi- total wheat trade in exports is quired to conserve U.S. food atmosphere, cials when they returned from expected to drop to about 63 supplies. 7 * They described tli<> flare : a tour of six European coun- million tons this year from the which erupted Friday as a me- aa j tries. record of 69 million tons in "Most Europeans were con- j & Plast ic Cover T vinced that some measures dium one, but one which pro- SERVING PITCHER The team's visit tn late May 1972. duced more energy than is used! • v and early June was sponsored But the Great Plains rc|5w jvould be taken to isolate and i consequently stabilize . the U.S, on earth by man in sev eral dec-' 4-P1ECE J) by Great Plains Wheat, Inc., a sentatives said they found ades. A major goal of the Sky-I market development group sup- many European traders wor- grain markets," the Great Plains office said in a state- lab solar experiments is to help ' 9 ment released in Washington. unlock the secret of controlled] "Any further sizable grain thermonuclear fusion, the i CANISTER SET as T sales, according to thern, would source of the sun's energy. i DECORATOR j Leech Lake fishing result in higher U.S. grain This would aid in tbe search prices," the statement said. for an unlimited and ypollution- free power source on earth. lj ALPHA "Jrd HAND" CUTTER Team members pointed out HOLIDAY | to the Europeans that USDA More extensive solar astrono- provisions clarified has forecast a record U.S. my experiments will be con- ducted by the Skylab 2 and 3 ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP ) - On the combination license, wheat crop of nearly 1.8 billion PLASTIC BAG bushels. crews who are to inhabit this The Minnesota Department of the DNR said , only a single $1 same station for 56 days eacb I TRASH BAGS SNAKE BITE Natural Resources has clarified stamp is required for a hus- "This factor, along with fa- starting in July and October. f vorable growing weather in Eu- WrfclNlfcK FIFTY 20-GAL. CAPACITY BAGS 1/ I TC I provisions of the Leech Lake band and wife. The stamp There is a solar physicist on rope, a substantial increase in each of these crews. FOR 3-, 5- OR 7-BUSHEL BAGS IVI I «J | Indian Reservation fishing should be affixed across the li- Canadian wheat acreage and $2.98 VALUE to Ao vaiiio I stamp program dealing with cense's perforation so that if expectations for a normal har- Dr. Robert A. Parker, chief f > 99. VALUE $2 49 VALUE j senior citizen and combination the husband and wife go sepa- vest in Australia should provide scientist for the mission, sum- husband-and wife licenses. med up experiment results rate ways to fish, the license some relief for the current tight for The program, which begins supply situation," Great Plains newsmen Monday night, say-| Friday, requires that nonreser- can be torn in half and part of said. ing, "The astronauts have done ! $149 vation residents pay a $1 sur- the stamp will accompany each exceedingly well. Considering *119 The wheat 49c charge to fish reservation group said that j portion. the mission we've had , we're j lakes. A DNR spokesman said Included within the reserva- while the Soviet Union is ex- exceedingly happy." up to 300,000 stamps will be tion are such walleye waters as pected to produce more grain Despite the problems early in sold this year. Leech Lake, Winnibogoshish, this year, the Soviets still are the flight, including a power likely to require further im- _5 Cass and Cutfood Sioux. Any- shortage and two days lost to The DNR said persons and one who is not an enrolled ports. China also has ex- older need not buy the repair jobs, Parker said Con- $1 member of the Leech Lake perienced crop difficulties a_id rad, Kerwin and Weitz com- EXCEDRIN fi] stamp, since they BOW may fish I Chippewa Band must have the may require further foreign pleted 81 per cent of solar as- M LE without a license of any kind. $1 stamp to fish these waters. grain, Children 15 and under also do tronomy experiments, 88 per ^ The surcharge will go to the Countries visited by the not need a license. cent of the earth resources f. Y N- Sofety Cop 4,800-jnember Chippewa band Great Plains team were The studies, 90 per cent of the mech r eSSSI aJtmrn V TAMINS \f]J | as a result of a . court decision Netherlands, Belgium, West cal tests and between 80 and I and the ensuing agreement Germany, Switzerland, Italy 100 per cent of secondary ex- with the state. and Britain. periments. , Excednn!c SIOQ _ h \ **^^^^^^^ J^as T*aiis 4 I I OO'I $ 199I jS HsKJQ \ ,\i \. — - | ^5H____3^' __, r^_y— mttL — COTY OPENS YOUR i i H»lr/i i 9^JP ___^JM mim I JL ^f t^^—r L ^S H OPEN | 1 COTY P RESENTS... | E-Ki. ^_____m ^mm ~*^a tm^*ml_^^^am A ^mm* ^J ^ ¦'^ ¦L ,,• L__A BIG BEAUTIFUL EYES (\ Hf ^^^^^mmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ^Ammm ^^m^^^^^^9^^^a^mi^^m Wm K0^^^mmm^^KBHff ^^3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ S ^^^^^^^^ffi ^^^M iH ^ I YOUR FACE" m?™ ' £ye shadow, Concealer £ & Automatic Mascara "HONEY POT" . SMS. | I _ >AU. IN 1 KIT C ^^^ DUt^ ^\ ¥ REC. $5.50 ^> J I $^7CM / aj SEPARATELY fc? ;.'< NOW BUY BOTH FOR — ^ k f ^_tW

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I * ' ^" ™^V __^ ' ^% - A \r ^HBBiiHSiHBHSSSB"™ ~-~~y~~~y ^H@!—- . nk\ 1/11 AAifl1 /r ^ t \ [ Mivtiqu'wSk ¦ ^**i*^V *^^^ fir fil ty .A t-v il yy? -x. ^^^Alkkli ^miMl ^sB ^^^ «*4_lt ¦ f^ ^^B *» H ' / I rXY\£J// ^^BMMSMEMM^mM' /ff 7\ 1 S Ted Malar Drug Coupon els ' /1\' • ^^" \J m-I . 1 ff Jj^ f \ | \ . ^^ // | f | | 11 i- _¦_____ ' ^a (NEAKCR SO X BIKINIS WalU Gowm No-lron Bra \ ,u l * 'v, L _B"L- i. 5M ^A BHH ' Wmaar MmmL LmmmP 4poo9" tov^* ' Irtj« *" '" W^__ ,, | S mmmmmmmmMMmkmWL\i ll CHARCOA L BRIQUETS M ' - 0.< BWHBHHHSBHWM ¦! m tmw ¦ Afi m I A I NlTnTr^^Hi K ^i lo'Lb- RQ umit 2 HKiij iArJATfiBJ I il M il IK t cmi i V iM 0«s J7C^ Wilh Coupon ^_=St mmmmmmmmmmM99MMMM9MMH9B9HMMI II Expires Mond/iy, Jun» 25, 1973 S! MHlHill raTaiH I U ¦yWiWlB [ \m"P W* H ~ K i M " l * J k 1 !______h i^HOTi iHig _____WL__ W-WsKffk ¦ ^EHHB9 ||H | I wmMmmsmiE&mwBkM.«l«r Drug *« ^^BB___ H1H||HHHBD___HJ______B______I COLORING CHUORIN'S 20" VINYL LAWN ^ ' CHAW V COnON KSNTUCKT RtWtRilBLI WiU N MAIER ii __ 110 ' * il TOr P/j \i i' I . vISBl lll™ "^! V' _ . H ' W^*»w I i l!Wllr_«_ ___ _»w 'iun.Kin - '^l !___ ~r _LIJ W^/ r^)l«i -^ 1 ] Expire, Monday, Jun» 25, 1973 H 0jf ctA\ iM U)|250 xi " yi sgri g ™ ff% £r.:u C'"^^^ J Q^Y ^ DRUG STORE ' \ ' » i M ImP-^M AT^JI WSR'*>^?'^^M >^l\. I ? -J 51 vM Ww^iii\iy9^^' I¦ ^™^^^_ Open Sunday 8:30-6 00 'E99MMmM WamB n^nmarnnaa^ - A 1 S \ ™ M„i.r D~, C..P__ ij KnCHIN IttljOKW HANDYMAN'S UTILITY 19" MITAL SSO PAPIR IB" WIDTH Aqua Net aoa cuTtx i 1 IN IHE CITY «f\ OADOITS COATID PA N 5 V," FLirui TOOL BOX PATIO TAOLf NAPKINS KWIK KOVIR* Hrtlr Spray RIMOVIR | % 3,?I as ux . aaa n ¦ mmo-ver ¦ ' tC ¦"•¦"<-.¦.,., „ ' S ' . . U Ol, | Fami, y si, 88c wiih cup- ^ ^ I | | 452 - 7000 /^TprA Complete Turkey Dinner with all the Trimmings, Jell-o' or Pudding.,„$l j Explrii IMondny, jum M, 1971 - < ,, ¦- , ^ r ^^^^^ ,^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MMMM ^^ MMM _J,__ „„___ ^_ ,M_J._ ^__ ^__ ^ J*f _ ___ *.!V. . » •"im ut»M-f % mE ' *"* ' g C jf I ^ j ¥0U R V\*rv { mmM^MBsmmmmi ' " CONVENIKNT CHARGE ACCOUNT w¦ J . ^/ I ^M^^Jaraassass^ ». .. ,., ..p}: - A '•''"'¦••«»*«.~^«<«AW4..r_*_ _4j,v*tv_ iA,s«*_, i 1,^vJu^^^.,i;'^ ./: . . *' '7v '¦"" '.»„ !»"lYWrc.„. '-arit!% Wa basha C oil nf y firval decisiori po Bo^r§ favors refljs <& dispo^¦ ¦ By .STEVEN P, .JOHNSON ures. , . . .:. - -.. •¦ . -. ., - care of; his area, first and fore - decision , could . bis made with- Dally News Staff Writer Councilnieh Dan ,tra ihor Jr. most.," before contracting with out firm, . cost information ar^d Region IQ fstirr y TheVwinona City Council Mori- and Gaylord Fox voted against individuals in another ione.f f a fairly . solid ribtlon yof , how WABASHA, Minn. (Speclal)- population of the region in favor day moved closer to a decision tho proposal,f"argiiing that city Under the plan, which Schriev- much this;wouldfincrease taxesl The Wabasha County Board of for Region 10 to become active. on how to handle city garbage commercial and industrial. firms er said was . instituted ; in other for industries, but. Councilman Coimrniasioners Monday even- During the discussion , Fitzger- and refuse disposal , hut failed would pay : through increased cities where he has woirkeel, a Barry Nelson and Mayor Nor- ald said ; "1 don't like it , but real estate . taxes, .for a service minimum sta ndard would be set man Indall urged a decision ing, after polling township of- to make tho final choice: council- truthfully I think the only way men f had agreed , to miike fr y they wouldn 't Use. ; fy y for ; airyresidences, industries Without further delays.; fici ls, indicated that It will pass ¦ They argiied a is to join tlieiii; It does bring Monday. ¦ V ' ¦¦¦ '?' "¦ the Hoveland plan and commercial establishments "You've got to stop playing," a resolution to join planning .- would increase the city and those wanting 1 greater ;ser- federal money back to tihs little :The . -.-.council ordered the . city 's current Nelson Vsaid. "You've got to Region fi O.V V towns. We are parti of Hegioh 10: one . mill - garhage. pickup levy vicfe would have to pay more, f f f ; administration to give it firrn ' make a decision . .:fy . and it's the board is not a member whether we warit it or not,'V . • ' y W'.' i—_ to six mills ,-' creating too mtich Fox f objected , arguing) com- got to be done pretty darn cost figures on. ; ¦ of the Southeastern Minnesota ;• All bf iho commissioners voted an administra- ' —;¦¦ hardship for I rtrlustriesythat cre- mercial, and; industrial , proper- .quick:."' ¦ ' '' • . ¦:¦' ' /Vrea-wide Planning Organiza- to join Region 10 with the ex- ate specialized : waste In such ties would already he. .paying tion (SEMAPO) lion - backed G if Y • Vy Councilmen also acted to ex- , a smaller plan- ception of Mike Klennert. plan to- com- ¦"¦¦¦ volume the service wouldn 't do a greater share of the tax . load ning unit,, which is headquart- -.:; ¦ tend the city's existing contract . Wabasha Ctiunty's population bine garbage therri any - good. for a service that would scarce- for garbage pickup with Refuso ered iny Wabasha-; WW: V Council ly dent their waste volume. . . is 17,224; but the Wabasha and y refuse f ' . Hoveland ackhowledged a so- . Disposal ' .: Service, La Crosse, Explanations ; about. Region 10 lution 'lisn 't Trainor argued the tax hike !; board's planned resolution will pickup and critf '— ' . V "ff [ going to be simple, -Wis. ' ;''' y y ' : ' yWy, f - y' P? '. Ayf activities and pro and con posi- speak only for that part of Uie hauler; zones, buit hilt there must be some •way goes against the grairi .of recent tions petitioning - Gov the city .into That contract expires July."1, . Wendell population outside a municipal- bafcked away from , an effort by toy work this out. "V . city efforts toy keep taxes down , Anderson's office for activating ity, riotingVmany .' residents want to but councilmen accepted tha or 7,019 persons.. V Councilman : Howard VHovcland HIS PLA N * Region 10 were heard. This will bring the population calls for culling haul their own reffuse ; ''and firm ? proposal to continue ser- to adopt, that plan. .. ¦: the city into zones — probably vice oh a:montb;to-nnojlth basis of governments supporting tho . /Councilmen aided , rneanvyhile , ' you're sticking them for it six A SIMPLE majority is re. fou r of• thern - — and;contracting 'times; ¦ \vithout; a cha;nge .in price until quired before Gov, Anderson can resolution toV 49.1 percent. Ap- to retain the city 's existing gar- " ; "¦ proval of the state planning re- with haulers for combined ref- a new system is approved and formally declare the region op- bage pickupf : sdrvica on a use and 'garbage pickup. : LAtil-'ENBERGER argued no operating; erable. Governments represent- gion by governments represent- moritb-lo-monlh basis until a new ing an additional 3,235 persons This would be;tax-supported; ing ,47.3 percent of the popular syste m , becomes operative. but Hoveland said residents tion of Uie li counties in the re- would activate the region's de- velopment commission; irOyKLANli'JS Vi't'ANf ;- - would would istill be-free to contract gion have indicated their pre- . individually — af theirVown' ex- ference tb. the governor' office. have activated the hauler zone s NINE townships ; voted yes. plan and paid for. it .with real Ppensef Af ar hauling iiy some- VVabasha boarcl •Jack; Fitzgerald,; board chair- two were opposed and one ab- estate lakes , bill. '/Couhcllnian one , other than the hauler - con- man, saidVtHat it would, be neces^ stained . WIND I>AMAGE . , . Strong winds, caused co'i.sfderabje Earl Laufenbcrgcr succeeded in tracted in that . zone . sary tb have af majority of tile Townships voting in fayor in- This . out-zone contracting ; damage Morday forenoon alt the, Arcadia ..United Methodist amendingfHoyeland' s de- cluded Mount Pleasant, f Pepin lay activation until City Manager : could be allowed , Hoveland said , OK s #ctuipirnent Lake, Plainview , Greenfield, Wa- Church, .Arcadia ,. Wis. In the above pdiotb a p.wei pole in | ''providing he (hauler) takes front of the. church is bent by pressure on lines from a tree Paul Schriever cah return to the , V VVABASHA, Minn. (Special)- vcrsity ofMinhesota, $952.40. topa , Chester, Zumbro and West : . council with negotiated cost fig- Albany. Opposed were Highland (lower phpto) lying;across the wires.; (Nancy Sobolta photos ) Th.e Board of Education of Wa- Hooker had been hired by the Strob lights and Hyde Park, Oakwood ab- baiiha School District;811 Mon- board to subihit, the names of stained. Goodview OK 5 day evening awarded three con- , persons as possiblei replace- tracts for , equiprrient for. the ments for Superintendent Dr. to be installed ne w. high school.and approved Basil Sheli> whose contract was Wiriprian enters the payment of a bill that had terminated . at the endf o'f the beeh ftabled. ¦;;.'• PfP 1972-73 school yean summer youth ¦ guilty plea on ; Jlauenstein and Burmeister, Chairm ah John Doffing. . an- for ETV tower Minneapolis , was awarded the nounced . that expenditures for : ¦ drunken driyihg contract for;, bleachers, with its LA. CROSSE the new school building total $1,- , .Wis. - . The bid :of $22,713, and St. Paul Book 959,020. A- This includes Wisconsin Educational Commu- D. Thiele, 29,. 521% W. jofrprograrn . :$i;073,- Sarnia &. Stationery) miscellaneous 169 in contracts and $125,521, : or nications Board (ECB. f fbai. St., pleaded guilty before At. the regular meeting of the cabinet work ,276, and also Judge tlennis A. Challeen in , $25 iseven percent of the total, fot agreed to install high intensity Wi- Goodview Village Council .' Mon- Jibrary; equipment , -$12,715, the architect' ';-" -¦' strob lights on the educational nona County Court this moriiirig. . s fee, „ day ; Doffing said there"-M $2 mil- TV (ETV) tower to be con- to charges of drunken driving . night .Village , Clerk Rex ON A MOTION by Dr: Mar- ' and violation; of the open bottle Johnson reported that five new lion yin the building fund, which structed southwest of La Cres- ¦ vin Timm , the boardV; voted would leave about 00© for cent- i aw;.: ' • " • ;• - " . " •; job s $60, . , Minn, . . - have been allotted to the unanimous ly to pay Dr. Clifford loose equipment, He estimated V Thiele was referred to county village under a Minnesota state Hooker, consultant - at the Unir Wheri V the f Houston (Minn:.) that cost of the ; loose f^qiiip* County Board of . Commission- court services for pri-sentence program for summer yoiith em- inyestigation.y - ¦¦ ' ment could run between $50,000 ers approved a conditional-use - ployment; y .PrPy . :¦' P and $100,000. ; permit"- '.for, the toWer they did He was arrested on the char- . . The job positions,;which are Extension of liauling so f with the provision that the ges at 12:10 a.m. April 6 at Gll- restricted under the prograrh; to permit is granted Eicl e BOARD MEMBERS discussed Itiore.: Avenue ; and Cummings those, over 16 years' of ;age and hiring Mrs.y Wallace strob lights ' be installed. . ' : Walter as Anton Moe, the ECB's execu- Street; Under 22, have been filled by ST: PAUL,; Minn .-The Minne- a bookkeeper from how until tive Vdireetor, -said: ' -Aviation Thiele was. represented by Wi- Bill Berg, IBob BestuI, Cia-iidctle sota Public Service' Commission June 30, at $2.25 an hour. Her safety and consideration for La nona attorriey James Soder- Boland , . Harley Walters and has granted an extension of the husband , a board member; ab- Crosse area: pilots, are most iin- berg! Frank Wohletz, assistant Merry Werden. Three Vof the existing contract; carrier permit stained: city attorriey, . represented- the young people;f will- be involved held by Elmer; Eide of Winona Also in alteridance were Matt portan t to the EQB . V ¦ ¦ . "Our compliance with the; state. ' ::¦ , - ' -' P : - A with the summer recreation pro- . The extension authorizes Eide Metz, : Mrs. Marie Theisman, proposed rules of the Federal gram and .two will be employed to.serve; A & , L' Grain Co.,, Inc., and John Schouweiler,; newly Aviation Agency will pre vide with the village maintenance de- Claremont,. in the transportai- el ected board members and f : ¦¦ ¦ ¦ , three Intensity flashing white Of storm tracks partments y: ;. tion of; corn and soybeains from William Hawkins: •• ' . ' ¦: lights both day and night lot • .Tihe .work quota will be for 3d Dodge and Steele counties to '. .': Clifford .Wilson, Mrs. -Merlyii maxirniiin aviation '••; visibility." hours for each of the f nesxt ten terminals in Savage and Wino- Williams and fWilh'am Bruegger Construction . has begun on weeks;, - . W" ; na.f- . were absent. , ' ' the:: 869-fo6t tower, 500 feet MirierObitz , a ispokesihan for . ¦¦- . ' - . the - maintenance department, south of WXOW's Channel 29 reported, that .; V blacktoppiiig DELEGATE SELECTED '.tower. Board members hope to Sunshin^s^ . . ARCADIA, Wis.V (Special)\ - Norpi Winneshiek jn time for. The immediate . Winona area munities was . Arcadia, wis., en , trees on the Arc adiay Golf pealeau , Wis.,., area until 3 p.m. yews are nearing completion of : have it completed ¦ resurfacing efforts on three vil- Stanley J. Sonsalla ,. Arcadia , h ires hevy teachers educational; TV programming escaped with comparatively mi- Where winds swept V into the Course and; although there was .' •High winds and ; rains also hit was one o£ the- 8 delegates se- nor damage , from a massive lage streets. . : ; MABEL, Minn. (Special) — this fall. area, about 10 a.m.i uprooting a no .damage, to greens, debris the. Lewistonj Miitf.., area and lected at the state Knights, of y ' ' storm system that continued power f was . out there from Due to a number of complaints Superintendent Gorden Christ- On . 'Thursday, evening., La number of trees aiid ciausing was strewn over the fairways . regarding open burning of; Columbus . convention , held at Us . slow movement : across the shortly - before IL , a.m. until re- ianson of North Winneshiek Crosse Municipal Airport Man- some property darnage. and greenskeepers Mr. . and fuse in the village, the Minne- Wausau, to attend the Knights Cote and two Upper Midwest ; today, about 3 p.m. 'Columbus Community School has an- ager James ¦ Mrs. Henry, Thomas worked for sol a Pollution Control ; Agency's of Suprein^V .conveirt- members of V . the aviation What promises' to be only Va TREES WERE reported to . /A- • 'number of felled trees also ' tioh at Seattle,; Wash., in Au- nounced the hiring of three new - more than . an hour to clear one air pollution y control regulation y board , Robert Johns arid Har- brief clearing brought sunshine be down throughou t . the city, green littered twigs; and were ; reported laV the Utica, gust. Dr. Eugene ..' Sonnleitner, teachers. ; with was . adopted by : ordinance , ' John Lowe, .Gays Mills ry Wiggert , resigned in protest toy the city this morning after some of them blocking streets branches.' - '- - '' .- . ' Minn., area. state K.O.C. deputy, Wisconsin , , Wis., and drive-ways , - which now prohibits any form of has been f hired as a coach ; of the tower, rain and gusty winds buffeted , falling on Fallen trees and power fail- From Monday af tern oon's open burning in the village. appointed Sonsalla to act as .' They said they had been un- the area most of Monday, houses and garages and down- humid high of 78, the mercury district deputy of District No. Mrs, Karen Jacobson , Radcliffe, lires also were reported at Johnson also stated he has re- "¦ '" ;¦_ able during the past several ing power lines. dropped: to a low of 58 this ceived new permanent bicycle 16. '- • Iowa, home economics, and TOTAL precipitation here waS Whitehall , Wis. At Independ- Miss Barbara Donlon , Decorah months to convince either Hous- It was repoTted that two ma- once, Wis.; a tree fell across morning. V V '-y; licenses and, registration forms, , .43 of an inch but the storm chine sheds y on ¦ Iowa , first grade. .¦' . " " .. ton ' County or City of La the Gerald power lines and caught fire, . It was 68 at n oon- ; today , • a and reminded all bicycle owners *ad Johnson. Informing the Coun . authorities to oppose the Was more severe in other Thomas farm in rural Arcadia Crosse ' low in the 60s was forecast for in the village that their current cil that he was working on speci tower. Southeastern Minnesota and were leveled. TORNADO WARNINGS were tonight and a high in the 80s , " licenses will expire June . 30 :. fications for a tractor and load Western Wisconsin communities There were a number of fall- in effect throughout the Trem- for Wednesday. The final item on the agenda er for the street department. frorh which reports of power failures, felled trees and some property damage were common Central garage this morning. A child '. The storm developed early Monday, reached ils peak about late morning and was fol- to be built al lowed by partial clearing by late afternoon. Big Top Gdirres fo Wino This orning s weather fore- m ' ¦ 2nd and Stone cast indicated that skies, - . .".. By KICK GRAF ONE OF the highlights of . long line- ofy family circus Bawls who learned the art which were mostly fair this Dally News Staff Writer the show will ' be " Miss Ln perform ers. from Eddie Henrlcks , ona Wi nona 's planned central ga- morning, will become increas- ¦ The King Bros. Circus Tom, an aerial trapeze .ar- "Notional G ed'g rnjihic" of Ihe world's most f amous rage facility will be built on va- ingly cloudy later in tho day ' cant land hear West 2nd and with the clouds holding pro- people who arrived in a late tist. featured the 'Knslwoods in a . tightrope artists, Stone streets , the city council spects of- .intermittent showers night ' caravan 'hogan the The ' - -29-year-old nerial ar- March 11)72 story in the 1 lox- The King Bros. Circus ¦agreed Monday nighl . or thiindcrshowers into Wednes- three-hour project of setting tist wai; born in Mexico. , ie ' Bros. Gigantic n-Ring Cir- employs about 60 full-time day. Councilmen authorized Cily Her real name is Chonn cus. They hnvo been -with seasonal people, For many Manager. Paul Schriever to ne- One of tho harder hit com- up the JJig Top near Good- view School enriy this morn- Eastwood. Bodi she and her King Bros. Circus since they of (hem the circus has been l——— 1 gotialc with . Dunn Blacktop ing. ¦ husbaiid , Howard, are long- loft Hnxie Bros, abou t n a lifelong occupation , and ' time circus pcformers, CltV Co,, Goodview , Soybea n chemica l There aro eighteen nets yenr' ago, some, the roustabouts , only a . for purchase Mrs. Eastwood , one (if tlio ¦ scheduler! for performances former -Padillns " ANOrilKH MAIN ..(li .ir- fleeting fancy. Council of u smnll par- weed control "Flying cel of 1 and nt 4 p.m. nnd ll o'clock. of Mexico, comes from n tion will bo llglilropist - Bob . : . Tlie key word for many ' —-—' there, and ap- tour scheduled circus people is versatility, proved — ponding successfu l because Ihey must perform . negotiations with Dunn — pur- CALEDONIA , Minn. - A field ninny different jobs. For chase of a larger parcel from inspection tou r of n llirec-ncrc each job they perform , they the Chicago and North Western soybean cliemlcnl weed ' control take n different show namo. Jlnll mm]. demonstration plot will bn held The King Bros. Circus, Thn rnllroad properly, about Thursday beginning nt p.m. Immebi-scd in Delnnd , Flori- nevon acres, will cost, the city willi an CNplnnnlion nf the plot da , travels more than 10,000 $no,TOO, which'Schriever said is work, miles doing one-night, stands well within the city 's estimate Tho plot, is lncalcd nn the Je- in 20 different states (lining fnr land acquisition costs. rome Frank fnrm on Highway ils performing season March The garn go will ho built with 70, 114 miles north of Caledonia. thro ugh November. 000 in ' federal revenue-shar- Russ Krech , Houston Cnuni y $420, lll I'OB.C incorporating ing funds , nii.l is intondml to extension agent , explains Hint . handle mosl oily vohiclo stor- thr» demonstration plot will illus- wilh two other circuses Sells age nnrl maintenance. Irnle the effectiveness of seven and Gray, and Clyde Bently Cole Bros, tlie King Bros. Plans cull fur a twn-.ict .Min , different chemicals nnd in dif- fer ent Imil menls using combl- Circus was one of the biggest ZZ .KKJ-fiqiiii rc - font , garage nnd parking for luinvy eijulp- nnt Ions of chemicals nl. different U.S. lent circuses until tho oulrloor , ment . Tlio build ing may im com- rul es Each Irenlmonl consists depression of tlio 30s crip- of six field lenglh rows pled ils fiiiniicial resources. hinrili on OOIMTC 'I O block with fl . mldiliiiii. Those who USS 1st nil wilh the Some believe that In tho filot' l |)lol 20 years lout circuses Schiinvcr 's plan \r. lo run Hie lire: Jr. nin e Frank , Leo iii'xt. Da ley, l.iwly .'.lev/ifor Inc., Cal- will iio longer exist. They g)ir;iH'! on i«|iil|)ini'nl. I O «H <'K In , liy Hie hour edonia ; WU'ltke Produce , Kit- will he* forced to go to in- clly depiirliTiciila Hollum cnvci'lng cnsls , do- •/.on; nnil Allen , Stewart" door arena performances. fur chii i'gcN vl|lf , flolgy Co. district rrprc prpclnlloii nnd innlnlcnnnc o . Tim lent performers say ' ••o.sls would iionUillvo thoy don 't think Ihis will hap- C.i p.lnl c(|iii|iiiicnl ¦out- |x> Itiilll inlo ilcp/irlni cnl hud- pen hecmiNo a I raveling g(-l?i Jiliicler vml nccnuiK- and would ho plaumvl tn olim- dour circus now can cover nnil territory ll Ing would ho iiwitlo

WAPISQN, Wis. (AP) yf The : "But by ho means does . that '"We are just making the.non* legislature^ budget conference say we are hot willing to nego- resident pay what we thinlc it is tiate " Earl added. . worth," Hollander said,: V . comrnittee is asking for a_ i ex- , The comrnittee took up three Deferred was a proposal by tension of its Wednesday dead- ' ¦ smaller portions . of the budget Sen. Raymond Johnson,VR-iEau lihe . for ironing but Senate-As^ Claire, that would have ap- Bembly differences over a bien^ JTonday, but were forced to de- ¦ ¦ lay action on two of them when propriated : air . additional $4 |H: '; ¦%JA A iilal state budget. . :. . • ?- M? \^_ _^_\\\\\^ - : billion no agreement could be reached million for lake reclamation ^ . . With approximately . $2 programs. .' In general •> purpose revenue on adjustments to recommen- . . .. .by Items waiting committee ac- dations; . Vfthe^ ^ ^^ te^ He said the programs could tion, the six-man panel report- Joint Finance Committee. be funded by retaining a tax on ed Monday it needed more- time. oleomargarine: Approved biy the six-member The committee also deferred to. debate welfare, tax relief panel wasya $46.8,millioh ..appro- and school assistance issues in priation fto ¦ {beV Department of ac tion on the budget for the the y Democrats' $2.7 billion, Veteran's! Affairs Department. Natural Resourcies. ¦Committelehien - " disagreed ori 1973-75 ypackage which is; sup- ¦¦: . posed to be .enacted by June 30. It includes a lesser increase whether $17 million for a , veter- than called for 'in tucey-s pro- an's housing program should be The committee chairman, Re- posals for resident hunting and included. publican¦¦..:Sen. Walter; Hollander fishing license, but doubles fees of Rosehdale, said the panel's for f non-residents...... The legislature's Joint Fi- three . Republican members ':- . Earl, who offered the amend: nance Committee had recom- were still ¦ . undecided .. ' on what ment to increase out-of-state li- mended the money b« set positions they would V take on cense¦ Vfeesy said increased reve- aside, pending a report from a the issues,. nue '¦would- pay. salaries of part- special committee assigned to RepW Anthony . Earl; D- time .' game wardens . during study alternatives. Wausiu, said the views . of the hunting seasons. The conferees also reached three Democrat conferees ' are Sen. Robert Kasten, a Thiens- an impasse on how technical "pretty well outlined'.' in '.• the ville- Republican , said non-resi- college districts should bo run. Assembly-approved ; version of dents would balk at the. higher "Under Lucey's proposal, the Gov. .-Patrick- J.".-. Lucey's yf pro- fees, resulting in a loss. of reve- state would reimburse a dis- posed -Budget. '': ' nue.- P A trict if it accepts a student H^v______B from another district. Currently, a district must pay __P^^ mum ¦¦ the tuition of a student who en- \ HB'^^ __1 *^m% __P"^ /C__V_ S_C3IK .^______^ ' ' A ^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^9^A^A^A^Aa' ' A ^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^A^Aa Am ' A ^A^A^9' rolls in another district. ¦¦ x m^^ fl .___tr fl /XWS\1H^HP ^______W- - _^^^^^^^^^ - . ______T ; - Wimi • ; : rgpotindl io Bale Cattanach . director of s ____ _¦¦.¦____n____f ______¦ vw-eftkir¦______* VJ______r ______B^__l______r ____Hr " fai the Legislative Fiscal Bureau , told the committee that some districts make money in the ex- change. p^li^h image \He said the Milwaukee dis- trict takes ih about $345,000 a MILWAUKEE: (AP) >- full cost of remodeling the fair- year for students coming from Sh'unned by professional basket grounds may: bef $4 million or $5 olher districts, but pays out ball promoters, the state fair^ million, f only about $35,000. grounds turned again Monday Earl told newsmen all com- ^tQlthe__taskffoffyputting^a_yp_olish __ JteraodcUngjnustybejin 'anc'ed mittee members agree the |& qny its . traditional agricultural froni gate . profits, a statutory state should assume some re- Illi ffff ^ \^S^^SP0\PAS image. V sponsibility for equal dis- provision Which . requires the tribution ol school aid reve- Am The State f Building Con-mis- sion approved a $1.77 million board to.progress item-by item nues, but differ on how much. renodeling program . represent- oh an. annual, basis, he said. . The plan can be considered in ing a second phase of a master Because the fair no longer the same light as Lucey's pro- needs a.- . sports arena to house posed power equalization form- ¦WgrnjMliwHOT Da plan for: overhauling the : aged . . there is less need to . .' ' and c6rigested exposition, site in the Bucks, ula for aid to public schools. A ¦ . use the $18 . million in . lending The theory of power equal- %M : v A' A ^_g_ ^Arf suburban West Allis. . , iair H W P wnnnvs v ?P :P\A -f y. : 1 Ar The State Fatf Board had authority provided to the ization provides that the state HSS MMW *WM legislature the assume the entire responsibility PA hoped to invest its legislative board by the , lj F / A bonding: authority in a sports building commission was told. for distributing school funds, P WSLJM ;{l I M 3 il HiWnnGS ?^H "The coliseum would have requiring wealthier districts to arena to assure the fairgrounds ^ B | ^^^^ B REGUIARPRICE/SWANSON yFFOZENBREASTS, DRUMSTnCKS ANp THIGHS of year-round revenue. been a -handsome addition : to raise extra tax dollars for dis- \52£S^ IMB the .- - fair grounds," Ferguson bursement to poorer districts. § | $2ffl ; The plan Was geared to the • '¦ : W ¦ ' 1 ' said. y -fW' . . - -W - ' - . On a 3-3 deadlock, Republi- W ___ WiJ^;^y^^Vy^w^|^wy^ prospect of winning the Bucks' He purged the . commission not can members were unable to ^_ t i r-S National Basketball Association to f & to allow remodeling plans delete two positions on the state ^\ ^TfmB^^^^^^^yyy franchise away from the city's falter in the absence of the are- m FILLED technical college teacher certi- : Milwaukee Arena.: :WW na scheme. V: fication board. MM AA : V Amid the city's protests over Nor could they eliminate the I I » ¦ ¦¦ ¦ what it calls the state's attempt post of driver education pro- WITH IL^NlHcblbltK _ _ :A:AA - YY- >y . 'A0&MM^AYA -;: ¦ ¦t&y- : . to use taxpayer mohey.yto tor- I \ n El_l! II : :. M 'V <-A ¦¦ gram coordinator. y pedo the Arena's .'. prof itable Earl's plan for amending the BLEND II...... ,. .^Al J . franchise, the .Bucks reached' Proposal seeks TAVQ I CORMKING .SKINLES S Democratic budget's hunting l\»V 1 I ^k_^S // fff ANY \\ agreement with the . city to stay; fee schedule was approved 5-1 \J downtown at least five years. FRIENDLY pyp ' b the conference committee. ^ / smLm?ppY?APAA ?pp; The .city had questioned Department of Natural Re- PK ; ^f ' whether the fair board's sports state highway sources officials said they were REDOWL - arena plan was in accord with caught off guard by the com- ;r / FRANKS Da' the legislature's intention of re- mittee action and could not cal- Tp?r » STORE! storing the annual exposition's culate immediately what the \ / ^^^^aZanw ^mmmJmmSm ^. farming outlook. aid for cities fiscal effects would be of non- The building commission's residents' refusals to pay #X ' MILWAUKEE (AP) — -The . . '. approval' ,; Monday involves committee, ought to consider us- Earl's doubled assessments. , $540,000 for three new livestock ing general revenae as well as The resulting decrease in ¦^^^ . " buildings, $110,000 for building highway funds to dislodge a fis- nonresident license sales "will K - ing and linking three exhibit cal deadlock over road con- be pretty severe. It is pretty i CMEER10S y.»28* " buildings, $110,000 for. building struction and mass transit small already," John Beale, de- m. , a Bring to your nearest Red Owl Kid's Week P01wro CHIPS V . an amphitheater and $27,000 legislator Monday. partment executive secretary, j J B1G ^ . WITH COUPON said "Win a Giant Rocket I _tf%i ______F^__P%4^ ' . M#%_K for improvements to the grand- Rep. Michael Elcbnin , D-Mil- said. | (offer open to children under 12) J " stand and race track. waukee, said a proposal he is .' •. " Earl insisted the doubled non- | U|Pr|% 120Z. fljl" ¦ The work is to begirt after submitting to the committee is resident fees would offset the ' ;¦ ' . this year's exposition ends, Ah loss of tax revenue contained in NAME , . 1 . . " - designed to cancel a proposed , BETTY CROCKER LAYER, WITH COUPON . $866,000 . first phase is under budget curtailment of state the committee's plan for reduc- AnnRFqq 1** way. highway aid ; to municipal gov- ing license fees paid by Wiscon- The fair board sin residents; chairman, ernments. ' i .r pead __fmlaV ¦ WOaPkgji Ull Francis E. Ferguson , said the \ I 1 understand I not make a purchase or bo present to win. I riiKF^#^Bmk i\AiyF

y : A V§W ^ A¦ * x'B,Mk,ut p I I $179 DID 1 IsKUUW y lydp^=r/...,^ ^-s?WHEOT,ES^ 1 ? ^^ ^ I-

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customer. cOU ^ fc onft cusWmw '. ¦. ^^ ' - ¦ • ^ -*<—«i*^ ^aBH |^^^^^^ i.imir oris coupon per Valid. n on er » £>o ¦ ¦ ¦ T^r i ^ fck ^f ^^ ^JuH ^Ts ^ N^ ^ i^S^HEHHSHMi P° * P P r] Tl ii 1 If ff l^t^ y^^^ M^y^^^ . ¦; :w -; - ^BUij ^ ^ 1^ f I 1 'II' iVI ^ fy ; Dm, . _ . ,., J ltaM » 5V " . : VHARVEST C»VV_TH CO^ « S3Cf{fu|! |«Wj ^ ' , ¦ "' J ' ¦ • T ' '' ' FOR "THE KIDS! Wco_ponen^<«e(_ itomi. t» , • . 'f ' ¦ • ' '' BB fiLbEmi , ¦ ¦ 9in "* 1 «*- IT JM_ ! hnr ¦ i n ^^ ^ W H ___BW_ §^ W« ' • " ¦ ¦ « 'l*Hf^ _r _r _ ' :-_. ¦ ¦W. '¦ __ ¦ . _ ^?J ¦ iv:. m. Il» t l_^r_A_ll_^__i___f5£l_3t i^PUnr ini »¦_ - _ » M «•__ ._. ^¦ § ' flllr tiurehBsooMProHtlr.CholMof sSs? /S|S : /SU TMj»iHX*.«mHa»customwtoi ' . 5

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W HERE'S OUR WEEKLYFAIWILY I HOT\att DOG & ^^^^ ffl fSffl S || ^ 1(V Portniiunlhralo(o lmooltil(«s»|iou!rl avoidporfumoir ^ r\ \aS l\ im SP|PI^W l^lp . I m^^ff ^^^^^^^^V^^^ ffW ^^9 ^ ff ^ fft ^

' DUNLOP . N—r.^— niiillllinniumoiitltla*orvod. v\ny' r)DrBon \vlti» ' ^^ !| ^ ^j |^ B^^ F v L L < iTknowm I |^^ H J 9 | ^ ^ ^ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ^^^^~^7 ______IV w ^s*w ^¦t_^ L B IB^Bw^^WW^^^Bfc^^*j»^t_ « - i

P . VlEfNTTANIsfb^., Laos (AP) y- But there are differences.: Ki- USAID's executive officer. place for children sufe ^ One of the most important l i) "Let's face it. • I'm ' logics and vaccines, and over- . I .think: (OtC) bills fhe co-authored was. one jave to up a new. review the-counter or nonpres- '- procedure;", said a jubilant Pe- cription drugs, he saidV -''•:' ."• creating a coinmittee 'to study Quality Sheet Metal Works, Inc, ter B. Hutt, _FDA general coun- /Prescription drugs will problems y in ff ythie yminirig in- ¦ . feel 1151 East Broadway . fPhpn» 454-4614 ori tise of Writapping sel- : .:. y . - ." ¦ fy-y ,; the most immediate impact. . dustry in 1951, The Phar3naceutlca3 . Manu- The FDA contracted with the Thef:study culminated ih the MADISON, Wis. , CAP) - \iA Defense attorneys for. , the McKinley Standridge. : :: ' Standridge . and tie ; com- facturers : Association, f repre- National Academy pf Sciences- ______B______IB______B____HHD______^^ [ Circuit Court jiidge has told Madison-based firm[ have said sentirig lis firiins. producing 90 National Eeisearch Council in Wisconsin Atty- Gen. Robert W. Warren's Depiartment of Jus- pany's waste .disposal operation , accused per cent of. U.S.. . prescription the early 1960s to study 16,357 " , Warren to reveal the status oi tice has a tape recordihgyof a are under indictment "' r WE'RE YOURW^I WWy'f ya V. of conspiracy -to restrain cpm^ drugsi declined comnieht. . efficacy claims for 3,89r9 drugs ^V>iaaa^lV Si^J& ^: [ alleged wiretapping¦ ¦ of « busi- conversation: concerning the Hutt claimed a landmark vic^ including 331 OTCs. V f '¦'.¦ ness office. ¦ firm ' s general manager, petition by, rigging bids. Judge W.L. Jackmah's office tory for the FDA iff the high : The -academy reported that it court' ' )( 0\'^9OwJ^Xt9^!^%v*W said Monday a statement rer s decision Monday in five could find evidence supporting ^^^^^ m ^wm ^um vealihg whether electronic sur- cases brought by drug . : com- 19.1 per cent of the claims for veillance was employed against panies fighting f federal regu- prescription drugs, and 25 per latory efforts, . '" IGA TABLERITE , U.S.D.A. CHOICE *' by the firm .must[be in tie judge's cent of the OTCs.-V 4&jlZ ^&rV* '*^ Israel frdub/ed : Hands by June 24. "I can't think of any decision, , The FDA : said about. 525 of [ Jackman said the statement that has had more significance the drugs havef been removed information as to in food and drug law," he said. froth the market and others must include f whether the attorney general . or At the center of the legal is- relabeled or reformulated..,: CHUCK £ an ent sue was the 1962 Kefauver-Har- For eyery one of those drugs ast Germ his agents had knowledge of ris amendment 7Qc r^ , passed y after reviewed, Hutt said. there are | ilfi i i any electronic surveillance and ' UNITED 1NATI0NS,[ N.Y. ers the Germanys in Septem- material has the thalidomide disaster in Eu- fiveV to; 13 "me too" drugs STEAK IB. M m (AP> ber. The council is expected to whether wiretap ^ts ^^^^' — Israel is unhappy over been "lost or destroyed :" ; . ropey requiring proof of effec- v/hich are identical, similar or the imminent, entry of East recommend to the assembly ¦ tiyeness . . '[The ''.attorney, general was told for new drugs as well related, IGA TABLERITE, U.S.D.A. CHOICE IGA TABLERITE, U.S.D.A. CHOICE Germany into the United [N a- that both be admitted , raising the grand as older ones cleared for safety Those.- 30.000 to 40,OOfl drugs tiohs aiid seems U.N. membership to 134 na- to reveal whether 5 certain to vote which [ brought the in- iinder a 1938 law. also will fall , under review , in lb against its membership bid, tions. Aside froni Israel , no op- jury Char Grill Steak 1.09 dictments had been informed of The court unanimously ruled , light of; the court's decision, he W Chuck Roast S 89c - "East Germany has not rec- position is expected. in effect, th at "me too" drugs said. ' P AA - [ wiretapping, and whether infor- WHOLE IGA TABLERITE , BONELESS ognized the necessity for repa- The admission of the Germa- to the jury rations to the Jews for Nazi nys has been carefully orches- mation presented was based on wiretap material. BEEF lb crim es," , Israeli ; Ambassad or trated by' the two German gov- FRYERS y - lb- 49c Chuck Roast 1,19 ernments and the Big Four ; The judge denied several mo- ; . Yosef Tekoah told an inter- tions by [defense attorneysi in- y viewer Monday. "It has identi- powers of World War II — the FBI nominee f aces A^^VWVWWWV^ NECK cluding one asking dismissal fied itself with the most ex- United States , the Soviet Union , lb treme Arab attitude Britain and France based on alleged pretrial pub- and: sup- . licity related to the wiretapping < toy™« ported actively the Arab terror- . Tekoah said that unlike the X SOUP MEAT 59c ist organizations. " ' West Germans, who have paid topic. quiz on ap p roach The Security Com_ciI Is ex- reparations to the Jews for the Jackman'g office said Warren { H EAD pected to take up the member- Nazi outrages, the East Ger- was told June , 14 to produce a WASHINGTON (AP>- Clar- basis , has commented that the M - C1 ship application s of both East mans have rejected all sugges- status report in 10 days. ence M, Kelley, the man who FBI is undergoing a morale 7UP——— 8 PAK and West, Germany on Thurs- tions to act in a similar way. , Warren had told Jackman says he ho pes to restore the crisis because of the . taint of { 598 FBI to its LETTUCE 49 I day, Israel is not a member of The Israeli ambassador , in- June 7 that two Milwaukee law- former glory, faces Watergate scandal but pre- X •? • 1 CARTON WITH EACH" $5^ ORDER • the 15-nation Security Council , terviewed at. his closely-guard- yers had told the Justice De- questioning today frorn the Sen- dicted it would all clear up y#\^^A^AAAA^^A^ V —— EXCLUDING CIGARETTES—— but will be able to vote when ed offices near U,N. headquar- partment that wiretaps had ate. Judiciary Committee about "once a good strong man is in ^ the General Assembly consid- ters, said he expected no been ' '' placed- ' oh ' their clients' his philosophy and tactics. place" as permanent director, IGA TABLERITE, GRADE "AA" IGA Mideast breakthroughs from The Kansas City police chief Kelley a 21-year-vcteran telephones, either by "this de- ^ FBI the rneeting of President Nixon partment or informants furnish- is the major ; witnes s as the special agent before retiring *¦ with Soviet Communist party ing information to this depart- committee opens hearings on and going to Kansas City as po- BUTTER - - 69c BREAD - JEZ 89c lender Leonid I. Brezhnev. ment ." his nomination as permanent lice chief in 1961, has cited the BANQUET, FROZEN KRAFT MONTEREY JACK He said the Security Council' mmm^mmtammammamamaaK, s Warren said his office had director ol the Federal Bureau same problem but says he full-dress review had strength- not authorized any wiretapping, of Investigation . wants to do something about it, ened Ihe Israeli view lhal the but that he would have the de- There is "a feeling among PIES £?¦£& 3 "$1 Cheese SI ices 2C49c AIII IOIIR II Krllpy K Dehumidifiers only way out of the Mideast partment's Division of /Criminal I expected FBI agents they have been KRAFT lo receive swift confirmat ion buf- ARCTIC deadlock is by direct negotia- Investigation look into the mat- , feted about and don 't stand tions. his hearings were scon as a ' $84.95 ter. likely where they used lo , " Kelley 180z 2o c» V The council has suspended An administrative aide , Dan- forum for a broader dis- said, Bar-B-Q Sauce 49c Freezer cussion of law and has Pops 69c the debate until mid-July to see iel P. Hanley, «a|d 'here was order issues , "I've heard some things DODD BROTHERS if anything emerges from the including thc handling of Wa- RUDD STORE , Inc. no need lo assume the depart- tergate about the FBI being in an infe- STARKIST IGA Nixon-Brezhnev talks and to ment Itself would be In- , nnd the future of the FBI iLself, rior position " to what it was give -delegations time to consid- vestigated , under Hoover Scnale sources sa id , he has said, "If «» ¦ (%itya£u£) er their next moves. The re- Warren had assured Jackman Kelley I can contribute to a restora- TUNA - 49c Pancake Flour ' 69c X HfcHCIWim S would be .£ ^ view questioned ahnnl such ""¦~~~ ""~~"~ ^- ^ annaOTB - ^ ImMmmmmMMamMm ma ^mMmm^Mm ^ was requested hy Egypt of the department' s innocence tion >_«M-aaM _i-_aiM>_-« things as ol that position , I will do FREE DELIVERY over Israeli objections that in the matter , and "Ihere is no how he thinks the it. " Sit B. 4111 il, Pfconi Ht-im nolhing .constructive would reason to investigate the de- agency should be run and how GILLETTE come of It . pa rlnlenl ," Hanley said, much independence he expects to have from the Whi te House. Butz says fa rmers RIGHT Kelley is Ihe second man tn; GUARD DEODORANT ^oZZ:99c be nominated for the post , foi- j can expect to Wait 9 Better Car? See the "BIG M" lowing L. Patrick Gray 111, who for served as nclin R direclor (nr nl- , make more money mast a year before resigning - WASHINGTON fAP> - AgriV There's more to love at IGA! culture Secretary Karl h. over Waler fiatc revel ations . Buts I I CLOSED SUNDAY The job has been open since says farmers can expect to pockcl at least $22 billion in NEW & USED AUTO the death 13 months ago ol ,1, net ¦ OPEN: MON. THRU FRI. 8-9 — SATURDAY 8-7 LOANS income this year about Kdgar Hoover, who hart been ; , $1 bil- lion more thnn was predicted . Find tha cor you wont . . , thnn se» the agency¦ 's only director , Gray, a retired Navy officer ,. six weeks ago. M _____ ' ' m^fWff^' Donny, Frank, Max or Jim In our Installment Loan Dept. became acting director and The higher figure was includ- was nominated as permanent ed in a speech But/, is sched- direclor earlier this yi ar: uled lo make today in Winter CJray resigned aUcr admit- Haven , Fin., nt n meeting of ting he h.«d bti rnod M.m». pa- Florida Citrus Mutual. pers recovered from the White ' On May 7, the Agriculture MERCHANTS House safe nf convicted Water- Department projected net fnrin gate conspirator K. Howard income at "around $21 billion " NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA Hunt .Ir, lor all of 1073; However , the an- nual rale during the 102 on tba Plaza East Member F.D.I.C, Phone 454-5160 first quar- IVilli .i .1. I), HuekeNi juis, who ter of the your was more thnn PHONE 452-3045 724 E. BROADWAY stepped in on a tt-mporary $22 billion , the department said . __im^\M______M______^ Port Authority eyes takeover of city harbor The Winona Port .Authority may .negotiate to take «ver op- City council roundup erations , at the city's rnuniclpal rmrbor, the city council agreed Monday .night. Dick'a Marine operator Rich- prop ard Kanz wishes to negotiate De\(i |bpm^rit n<>+ic# osed but of hisy lease there, City City residents would get more double - sided six - stall f "T"' i The council had already ap- federal delays make it appear it • W• • ;; - i ; ' . . Manager Paul notice, of land developments ia hangar, andf hope to receive a proved the contract, but the will be at least another four their neighborhoods under aa ' Schriever told $3,120 state grant for taxiway county board sent it back,; ask- years before the project Is un- ^ council- ordinance introduced by the city ' ¦ ' ' dertaken.:; : f Clfy council Monday; night. .';.,.;"¦' construction. : . • .;¦, ;' Vy .; ing two minor Changes. W, .« men, arid port The resolution . Monday form- WThe. changes . will require The easement was renewed Tlie ordinance; drafted at the , for another five years,; Counci¦ ¦ ¦ l a u t h o r- request of the city planning ally assured the State Depart- county board approval of a Wi- • "• - • ;' ': . ." . y .. ' W -i"-t.-y commis- ¦ :¦ mentf of . Aeronautics thatv ' the riona iriayor's decision to fire a - ' ¦,.'¦'¦' V. ' ¦ ' ¦ ' commission, y would . require V. . . . V - ' sioners . voted mailed , notice to property own- city has an airport zoning ordi- civil defense director, and would last week to express interest nance protecting that property include all of Winona County in Trempealeau Co. ers within .'WO . feet that : the .;¦' ¦ in an authority takeover of the from improper development. . the area covered V by the new .. iy-——«»»»»»»i»»«» ^»»—i»_n»»im«iiiiujnifuB —II mamamaatmaaaamamaamsM t tmu.m n immmmammitt n mam a m im i harbor operation commission plains action on a " zoning board ' ¦ . preliminary or final plat. -. ' ' - .- program, not just those areas WTOP ENTRIES .. . Elirier &mori, Altura, is with Jergens Black Magic, designated as Kanzf lease expires in 1990. Councilman - at - large Barry Carsieribrock is named that do . riot have their own pro- left, ¦; denies request shows Altura Dutch LeOria Loretta which the junior and grand cHarnpion bull at the The authority would buy out Nelson objected to the two mail- agent for LEAA funds grams. •- f was declared the junior ydhampion female 27th annual 1st District Black jand White Show Kanz' lease; it agreed last ings, indicating a single mailing WmTOHAI_L, \ris: (Special) ; ¦ ¦ while AJ Mueller, M««ller Farms;. Lewiston, at Rodhester Monday V week, and operate slip rentals on the preliminary plat would ;• ' Councilmen . M o n cl a y nigM — The Trempealeau County and gasoline- sales .-itself while be sufficient; . named Police 'Chief Robert CJar- sement fpr Zoning Board of Appeal denied leasing, out ;ersonnel in an elec- I f^f^ JTHMTTI 1 tronic paging system. A revised city charter is to I be sent to the Minnesota League x^cXrlr^ I of Municipalities for considera- tion and suggestions within the next few weeks. Mnjor changes in the charter would extend the terms of mayor and aldermen AHomes Division o? (§2) evnns PRODUCTS company and would make the office of city clerk an nppointivo posi- tion. McCready voiced hope that the clinrtcr would be avail- able for voter approval hy Uc- tobor or "November. The idea of renovating the railroad depot or making It Into a museum met with opposition at. the meeting. McCrondy snid lhal most of Got mora for your homo dollor with a bonuiifnj Cnpp Hom» the topics discussed woilld ho built tho wnyyou want III $jumu^ Siiwumh,pLaywudsidu acted on agnin In Hie nonr fu- Moro Bpnca. Moro quality. Mora cholca of stylos nnd pinni. ; turef And you onit sava 20 to A0 % I Cnpp dollvare nil matorinls to ^^^ Identifies the Fdl picnics, for playing, for all the rugged . your lot froe. Cnpp o«rpentore eract nnd onoloso your lioin*, O^Q^O ^ wonr and tear of summer activities. We'r* Sava20%by flc.liians yourowncoi.trflCtorandsuboontrao!lnQ thinking of thc children for comfort, nnd Mom, Chatfield woman thnf InlshliiQ .. .upto A0 % bydoino tlio onsy finish! na youruolf. to much for your monoy l No fabrics. in denim Nowltero also can you net too . . . Easy care Short* •— hurt in accident oloslnn ccattc, points, cr hidden clmraet. Fliid out about Cnpp •nd In knits. Sizes 4-14. Homofl-~and «t«rt your b«iutlf«l naw Cnpp Homa now— at The Arches Juitwltera you want lt l ^^ $3.50 and $4.25 Professionals! J- A Chii.Held , Minn., woman was Contact your Capp Hotnsa ropraaoritatlv* 4____H______^_____. ^mmmmm^F ' Knit tope — In polyoKler - cotton blonds. Sleeve- trontod for hend litcuviilloiiH und HARVEY RATZLOFF ^ ^ Mem- 306 Ellon HIIU Dr. N.W, Apt. Jl sleeves, and tank tops, SIzs 4-14. roloiiHed from Community 55901 less, short, orial Hospital Mowlny nflernoon Rocl»o»lor, Minn. flfhir n I wo-volilcln nccidcnl on Ph: 507/288 8319 $3.00 and $4.50 MAH BOUPON TODAY ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ » ¦¦¦ Highway H nt the Arches. lOlCArfHOMII D«l . "">> ¦ *~\ Ul According to the Highway Pat- _^-^^^ \ m 33.8Mlnvollm Avinuo ¦ __ ^*^ _. \ Z Mlnnt«p«H»i Mlnn»ioia M .»' u rol, Mrs. Mui'giu'i'l. OliwwH; i\2, r ^ ^^Ak ¦ r #«»

FOR THE LAPiES—- Choose from over 2,000 pairs, stylet ^^^™ ^^^ ______^_B«^^" "^ ^li^^iii^illi^S^ aiid ciilors for all seasons. Ove r 750 pair displayed on racks according to size and all marked distinctly for size, former ¦ ¦ Shop now! Annual '.' '. price antl 5A-LE price. Ay iA-AA-/;/:-;. :-/ A, :y / '- . . -:; ¦ -, . . - , - ¦ The Hiawatha Valley Chapter : City, sent greetings to the group last October after; several years of the . American . Guild of Or- on a cassette tape recording, V of searching ..tlie Broms for Lady Pepperell ganists . met Monday evening at .The feature , of the evening the 'fright" , orgaa and not be- the home of Mr,, and:Mrs. I_eo was an explanation - and dem- ing able to find it. V 'V:REDV;GROSS;'Syv- :;v onstration of the electronic or- Regular $1700 to $23.00 Brom, 3655 6th St., Goodview. THE KIT contatned all of the ; Bed and Bath James Di'. Ramsey, customer gan built fromy* kit by Leo , necessary parts, complet>eiy.un- . relations director of the Soho- Broni aiid his 14-year-old son , ;Organ Corp; of New York Erik. The project was: started assembled. It was decided that ber Erik . would,; work fon ; th« elec- ^^tSS^-^^id^ I y tronics and his father -oh the Mc Regular $20.00 to $23.00 ' Layaway Event! cabinetry. . Thigf ¦ '. meant , th at ^ pwm^^¦ ¦ ; ¦ M^^^^^^^^^^m?¦ ¦ - ; ¦ ¦ ¦:. ¦:¦ :¦ : " Erik had to assenrtbie 7,332 com- ¦.SP ¦ -V .. " • - . V: WWy. -:- : ,ff . %?M , ¦¦' ' ¦¦ '" ' ¦" : ponents, 3,674 feat of wire, for ' ; :: #|5' • . ¦ ¦ 9\% Winona Dally New« . .: ' '• '^%-- : - y $$&:¦' .: ¦ ' :, - ¦ ' All . f •which he used three pounds, of - ^CbBBIES" ; - ;- -fV' y- . ¦ ¦ winona,¦ Minnesota W ^- ^ ^ '- K" : '¦ '¦ • ¦' ¦- ' ' ' ¦'" ¦ ' • ' ' ¦ - ': spider to make the 14,182 sold- W -' - 'Regular - $17.00 to $20.00 ." .. -' - • " - • . _» • ¦ - • • ¦ nSSS ' . . fe« • .• . . , - AS- ' '«>¦ • ' "¦ - • ¦ c?'«i ' ered joints. For the "cabinet work, BTOHI hai to assemble 3,113 pieces of wood and hard- :> ware aid stain and finish • JOYCE ^- _____ ¦¦ r&Arj#'W**&#ittAW Regular $18.00 to $23. 00 *3K I*___ JUJUII^_3B •I sAftk ^¦y yE: :CTi::o -N: - " pm the. walnut pieces,. Many times M:t^s- ¦ ¦ the • results were: aty first hot II I V .Wv¦ . • .• ¦TUESDAY,. JUN K 19, WS ¦ • %1 ,] • ftfii'-a ¦ t&iK successful and circuits had to : : : be traced and retraced to find ;'V - ? ; i?&%&xm7*$k.^»?>aS5^re»S_»-TOaSraMfflGBRMK_2 ?m.^WSiM&^^^^^ Wiwl^^y^rasiwP ^Es__S!_'CS_5'!?5Wif»* sS- 'W' ' - -? ' -A ' ' - -A?APr " - ""PPPPA-f A-yfAA m U:S EISBY^f-fV;^fy : - wto »*iY^*%iF Y «?lftt^m^ii^^ P FS W . ¦ the'":.- "bugs,'' according to the ^legular $24,00 $27.00 .' XW ^ ^ * : - Broms. - , -W WW' \ ^l#il ^R¥#» ^si m^^^m^^m^^^^^^m^. The .organ has three- stand- ] imiw ^^t^^^^^&^ ard keyboards, a standard AGO ^^^ Rosaaen open house 32-note pedal cLavier, and 56 FIFTH ^^m^mmmhwR^Mim^Strawberry regular organ registrations for M^^- y W Regular $22.00 to $26.00 y '. W^^^ ^^^m9 ^^^:M ¦ SPRING GROVE, Minn. - classical music. In addition, ', it fifSS^- festival is Mr. and Mrs. William Rosaaen, has vibrato Units, a group of 16 f¦*?*%¦ *.if >_? %SA^a^^^^SS^,f\ *»__»_V?^fc^#2%*«>50fe v'^i^Syiti. Spring Grove, will be honored percussion , sounds, a group of AWAtM^ ™ » 'o scheduled on f their 25th wedding anniver- rhythmic beat sounds and a. SPECTRUM* - * '18 sary Sunday with an open house reverberation unit. All of the Regular $24.00 to $27.00 PETERSON, VMinn. - The from 2 to: 5 p.m at 'Faith of ALCW of Highland Prairie Lu- . sounds, are controlled by 133 , Black Hammer Lutheran stop tablets located on either ; #«yita Vigir -W i,^<_t * J>*,'J_rJT ___:VI itt mVMW^mmKrfMfffltmWymkm ¦ ¦ &A^* W^^^^^^^^^ mmm val at the church Sunday at - - ¦' Regular $14.00 to $20.00 ^^^ ¦«' . , . ; THE SOUND OF tfw. organ p.m. . W Is heard through a high fidel- The Rev. Raymond Peterson , Houston OES ity stereo y system. Speaker w l^P New Richland , Minn., will be , Minn. (Special)- units capable of handiling the : Wi HOUSTON the guest speaker. A native of A family picnic for all mem- full range of organ sounds, in- HUSH PUPPIES - ™ *« *7*-W ^^^IP^^S"T Z^^^'^^^^J^SS^PP < *-t **mPffl$mmM South Dakota Rev. Peterson bers of Eastern Star, Masons cluding the difficult low pitches ; Regular $12.99 to $19.00 i^p!^=^s^SiJ^^0^^J^^^^x t * * * ^"^^Mg^H has presented lyrical sermons and Past Matrons will be held were built by the Bro ms. One throughout the Upper Midwest, June 28 at 6:31) p.m. at the vil- bf these.units Twas biult using The Elstad Ladies (Chorus, lage park here. The announce- 51 speakers from discarded tele^ ' : Laneboro, aiid Kent Larson, BASS FOOTW EA R ^^nV f ^UT;. ¦.Ymnr,i.l __ T..TfiYnn _ . < . /. ..../•. _.....^ ment was made Thursday when vision sets. &B **t < -H:r(]^ ^A\ Miw*te 7 f f f U U LJ _ ±- B Mabel, Winn., will also parties Mystic Circle Chapter 158, Or- Members and guests also Regular $18.00 to $23.00 Colorful! Refreshing! Awaken a tired: bedroom; I pate 'in the program . der of Eastern Star, met at the viewed the Chickering square choose for bridal and shower gifts; select for I Masonic Temple. The group grand piano, buailt in 1869, and UPR ,CEO w the dorm! And don't pay now... use Spurgeon's I Caledonia picnic voted to assist the Ma- owned by the Broms stnce 1951, CLINICS - - «A 7'» «9« Layaway Plan! We'll store til you need them! I sons with the purchase of an Regular $12.95 te $14.9$ CALEDONIA, Minn. (Special) air conditioner for the chapter — Caledonia Lodge 20 and the rooms. The OES will not hold a Art Center Sheets—full fitted and 81x104 fiat sheets and Order of Eastern Star will hold regular meeting in July and two standard cases of Dacron polyester/cotton a potluck picnic Thursday at August. to sponsor —-machine wash and dryable, never need Iron- 7:80 p.m , at the Spring Grove FOR THE MEN and BIG BOYS — In the sale lot over 500 ing. 72x90 Vellux blankets are made by bonding Park. class in clay ¦ Coachman club 100% nylon fibers to a foam core; won't shrink, ' pairs with as many as the racks will hold on display pill or lose their shape. Towels of Dac ron poly- The Hiawatha Valley Coach- The Winonn Art Center will —- others ester/cotton, color-coordinated. Fillmore auxiliary men Camping Club met at offer a second session in work- Goose Island Saturday and Sun- ing with clay Beginning Wednes- shown on request. LANESBORO , Minn . - The day. Th« next campout has day at 7:30 p».m. at the Art Fillmore County Legion and been scheduled for July 13, 14 Center. auxiliary will meet Thursday at and 15 at Vets Memorial Park , The class will again bo taught «u «w «i4» . »| Kittery 7 p.m. at the clubrooms for a West Salem , Wis. Participants by Frank Tripp and 3s design- FREEMAN - - - : 9" potluck p Regular $25.00 to $35.00 -JH44 icnic. A meeting will are asked to bring meat and sal- ed for beginners as well as 4-pC. BBt II follow with election of officers. those who have done previous " . • ¦ ae for tho Saturday evening meal. Music for last weekend's work ¦with clay . ¦¦ ¦ $ 2 sheets, 2 cases In blue, pink or gold. Kittery Firing and grazing will be in- ' ««¦> 5-pc. sat, Includes Vellux blanket in blue, pink, Flower show/ craft campout was provided by Don MANIY ' '. . . ««« . Jetton and Elsi« and Frank cluded in tho work , a kiln is - - - - l(r*14" green, gold or tangerine .22.44 fair set at Houston Krause. available at the center, Clay Regular $16.95 to $22,00 Matching.towels available. will be furnlshed f HOUSTON, Minn. - A flower KE1/I.0G0 REUNION Tho seven-wnok class Is op«n , show along with an arts nnd KELLOGG, Minn . (Speclal)- to the publl c with a tec JARMAN - . «••¦"<» $16") crafts fair will be held Satur- More than 40 peraons attended charged . Registration mny he. - - 7" "' day from 1:30 to 6 p.m. in the the Zabel-Pavelka family reun- made nt tho Art Center or by Regular $14.95 lo $25,00 Flower Lane AC99 •Community Building, Houston. ion Sunday at Kruger Park calling Mrs, Pred Wo $ HUSH PUPPIES - •*'« ™c» 8" »i2'° Regular $14.99 to $19.00 .. Quadrille OA44 mmmmmmmmmmmHOME aaaaaammmmm IMPROVEMENT mmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ' amaawammmmmaaLOAN mm , 5-pc. set BASS Mt "¦» mmMt folk to Donny, Frank, Wax or Jim In our Installment loan Dep*. about -your FOOTWEAR 12'° - '16'° Regular $20.00 to 2 sheets, 2 cases, and Vellux Innis. ree blanket In $25.00 pink, blue or yellow. plant .0 Improv* your homa. Up to 7 yean to repay. Matching towela available. < CLOSEOUTS of canvas footwear — mainly Goodrich PFs — See other colorful bod and bath set& For Women, Men, Boys , Misses rand Children at Spurgeon's to dayl — some vinyls ^^^^_^^ MERCHANTS reduced '/a or more —a good saving if you find needed size — TrSffi Laylt awaylfiavunow, Iff lSM ^»; '-« IJ pay later! Or charge It! I^WWI NATIONAL BANK OF WINONA Look them over, 102 on thn Plaza East Mnmber F.D.I.C. Phono 45 4-5160 I I I """ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ^^ . t^lfe^^l^9 :: o|y ' Welddm-Glubka ybws exchahged sQiip aid salads at G^fhedral By im IIOGE ly in cities, and . towns around ¦¦ AP Newsfeatureii Writer the Zuyder Zee. . The Cathedral of the Sacred Three warthips of the Royal lie art was the setting ; for the Thirdly, Holland Is a nation Netherlands . Navy called at of soup .eaters and the heavy June 2 marriage of Misu Kar- New York «»veraty weeks ago ¦ en Glubka and Philip : VVeldonl Dutch pea soup is of ten served and the commissary staff gave as the main dish , enriched with f^e Rey.; Eugene Bohtt offic).- a memorabU. luncheon for a ated at the nuptials uniting the chuhks of bacon, pigs' feet, group of Americans, It yftxi my frankfurters and diced celery. daughter of Mrs. Harriet Glub- first real lonfrbntatibn with ka , 667fGraiid St.,; and the late Veal -kidney soup, another Butch food and V If was im- Dutch favorite, is hardly less Addisbp Glubka, with the son pressed. ' : : .;; filling, I'm told, with its liberal off Miv ari(J;Mrs. Fay Weldon, Rear Adir. P.J.F. van der addition of cream, mushrooms Austin, IVTlrin. V Wfeer Mohr-fjliay-edt host aboard and Madeira wine. ' ' . . • ' ' The coruple were attended liis sleek Airship,.the 610-foot When it corned to vegetables, by fMiss Sylyia Erpelding and guided misslefcruiser "De ! Ze- the Dutch regard themselves as gourmets, going in for tender Michael Weldon. Larry Glubka veri Provihijen.V What the , arid John Weldon ushered. Dutch caisially. .called lunch white asparagus, slim young WW green beans and delicate en- EXPAI^DEpWFOOi) PROGRAM > f ing ; Mrs. Holland and Mrs; . John lubinskij The bride, a graduate of Wi- turned out tt be a feast of regal '¦¦'¦ proportions. dive. But the lowly potato, noy . ¦fBelter nutrition for area: families Is the ob- Plainview. The trailer, is ff located near Lan- nona State College, will teach hosts told me, is a great favor- ject of the classroom on . wheel, fsponsored ning's! Red Owl Store, Plainview, iand la at St. Joseph's School, Cresco, The meal featured fa wide as- ite too , whether eaten boiled by the University of Minnesota' s yAgrlcul-y open fxbmV'lp a.nj. to 4 through Fri- Iowa. .Her husband attended f . sqrtmfcnt1 of Dutch delights,• ¦in- with ; parsley and butter for : turai' y Service. fMrs. VernonyfDahlilig, Good-' day.; The public is invited to visit tha trailer Austin High School, was grad- cluding , cokf spiced meats, ai served French fried at street ¦ : .', hue,, -iand Mrs. Vict6r 'V. Holland, Kellogg, '.;' for . information on . food and nirtritibn and : uated from Delta Junior Col- uniquely flivored eel, fresh stands.- . y .-y- .W -V- ": ' ' . (Cannors Arli Stuaio) lege, Stockton, Calif., and Wi- program y asslstantSi staff the Food for Bet-y program ideas for club . meetings. :• A sptepla* Mr. anil Mrs. Philip Weldon ': herring : anc > those wonderful Here. is the Dutch navy's rec- nona State £oliege. : He is an Dutch cheeks. ' ipe for.VHussar . salad; f ter Hcaltii :Trailer, From left : Mrs. Pattyyf feature is the emphasis on: outdoor cooking elementary teacher at the How- The princpal salad , a meal HUSSAR SALAD ;: Wolf j Kellogg, volunteer ' worker; ; Mrs.- Dahl- and camp crafts. f(Evelyn Schumacher photo. ard-Winneshiek School, Cresco, in itself, wis the Hussar; , an 12 ounces - cold beefy :W The couple are attending grad- amalgam o! beef , ; eggs, sour ; f roasted or pot roasted . . potatoes , apple " and beets, after She n uate school at the University onions, swee: pickles and half a 2 ounces pickled onions periling the beets and the apple. v^a of California during the sum- dozen vegetables. 2 ounces pickled gherkins y , ^ ¦'¦'¦ ¦ ¦ Mix the' lot with mayonnaises SHOP LYLE'S mer months. Holland Wth its lush mead- 12 ounces cold, . '• and season with pepper '• '¦¦'. ' V ' ,. salt . ows is famid , for dairy prod- boiled potatoes and lemon. juice. Place washed mother ucts, includng; cheeses like 1; mediutn-sized; apple and drained lettuce leaves on a BEFORE YOU '^ Denzer reunion Edam, Goida, Leyden with 2 small boiled beets " ' BUY DEAR ABBV": I am nearly . 17, and have two kids. They " "¦ dish and spoon salad mixture f . LEWISTON, Minn. — The cummin V setds yand the; soft 4 teaspoons mayonnaise . ph top. Decorate.with slices pf CARPETING—DRAPERIES— CERAMIC are both by Willie, who is ^19. He's In the Army now, We're not 2 hard-boiled eggs If 50th annual Denzer family re. Kernhem. . . egg, tomatq. and chopped; pars- V njarried becabsie my¦ mom wouldn't sign for¦ me. ¦^yhen got¦ , Aiid Hollaid, with its network Pepper arid salt: to taste V^ pregnant the. ¦ V ' ; ; ' V;; . ' . y . ¦ . y ; • .. ' p ^. __ union will be held Sunday at ley,. Serves 4 persons. Good . . '"". Farmers' Comrhunity y Park. of canals aid the sea fin its ... Lemon . juice to taste f . . . with a cold Sancerre. ' • " CARPET STEAM CLEANING fc ¦ near Lewiston, A; potluck din- backyard is also known: for its 2 medium tomatoes ¦W. mk 3> ;¦ Pear ABby: } ' • 1 bunch parsley W Highway 61 West, Minneisbfa City 'fA ¦' ¦ ¦ ' ner will be served at noon fol- fish: dishes, Irom haddock and Add finely chopped dill pickle I VI IT^C_ : " ed fco marry . VV , . ' :- .V- v,:". ' ' „: Vw MmT ii-C" V. , ". Phone 454-3105 -. i. .' V By Abigail Van tsij rerv y lowed by a program ahdy busi- cod to pike and herring:. Eel, 1 small headvlettiiceV; to a mixture of mayonnaise and ^ me, but -: • -. ¦ ' ness meeting.: incidentally, Is consumed main- . Dice : meat, onions, gherkins, sour cream. Serve with fish. , was only -'isi. W* W ' , ' /fy V V ' ' : ' . " ; ' ' ' ' - y ,;; ': ., :' . . andfMom y -.; said I was too ydung.f&he said thei same . thing when I got pregnantfthe second time. :A.. .- P. I work as a waitress and I live - with Menu She's prac- tically raising my kids. Once^ in a while I'go out with a guy just to get away from the house so my momymade me.go.^n the pillTl guess she doesn't frost me. SheVstands right there and says she wants to SEE me take it every morning,. She says as Tm living, with her she doesn't -want any more JP Bootery Vf AA kids to raiseVThis really bugs me. l How can I get my mom toVsign for me when Wilhe A I —1 home in two months? WILLIE'S GIRL I 1 A.AY MA . %& i\ pjaa g^i _ - -"_ ?- tf - i ', A - . Ac i i , » - DEAR GIRL; You can't. Wait until you are of age. CIPFM ^ ~ - - Then if you and Willie stiU want to marry, you won't meed " anybody's permission. .: DEAR ABi&Y: I have been a lonesome widower for a year. _ Miree months ago I ran into ia nice Widow I had kndwn in WEDN ESDA Y, JUNE U J!;;'^" V; T' - i^3 A . . r^" . J 2d i.V.:v/ f ii !<-- . \ ' h ' " A^ v i- .*/v • ; JS ^i,^^'i ^ school 40 years ago. We are very much inf ataated with each U^M______W_M______H_^»«______—B^MM^ «MIW»J «M^IW_M. ^..l ^J ^ other.; :¦. ". ". - .W - ' • 'WV. W ,-V ]- ..: K^^iMWH^I_..M^^i^^____M__HHIi^__ll^l^li^_^^__a ¦¦ ¦ ' '. ¦ .'. •'.'The complications are: She has ah ideal home in a large town. My home has fewer conveniences and is In a smaller ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ town. '¦ " ' " A P.PP '- ; A -P- . .. " . /V> f-: : W ' .- - . .. " . Each wishes the otlier to come to their H o m e to live. STARTS PROMPTLY AT 7 A.M. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, What is the custom or general practice? PERPLEXED DEAR EERPLE_0_.D: There is; no ''rule'' concerning : which house you; should live in, Talk it over between you . " ON MEN'S & and decide where yob will BQTH be happiest. If she re- J.^r IIP TO • - A-- A fuses to fmove. then it's up to you to decide whether you UP T0 " [ P Would be happier without her in your own home, or WITH , ^t 0*% JJ AP /' •-: '- . - ' ? WOMEN'S SHOES • - ..her in-hers.- - : , DEAR ABBY: My husband recently died of a heart attack. Hei was in his 5()s. ancj was in good health until his death. His brothers and sisters are all furious with me because I didn't notify . them of his death, until after he :was buried, ,, i (They all live out bf the state.) GIGANTIC When 1 phoned each one, they said: "Why didn't ybu . CALL tne? I would have come in for the funeral!' - TBiey feel —___—:—_— that I cheated them out of paying their last respects to their MErs & brother.:. ' ¦ -. .¦¦ FLORSHEIM ROBLEE PEDWIN Abby, this biihch are all very well-Jheeled financially; muuMmnm they are constantly traveling all over the world. In the. last WOMEN S five years ALi. of them have ilown right over our town on Regular lo $43.00 Regula r to $30.00 Regular to $25.00 their way to some exotic vacation spots, and they have never CTADr UlinC stopped to see us. We wrote, phoned , and begged them to visit us, but none of them had the time. WJien my husband died I decided' that since Ms family didrit think chough of him to visit liim once while he was alive, NOW 16"J28f NOW 10" s 19" NOW 9" 5 16" I didn 't feci like entertaining them at. his funeral. Bitterness I J I 1 I 1 CS CE on my part? "You bet ! I know how my husband's heart ached i ^i when they didn 't stop. ¦ ¦ ( Print this . It may give other thoughtless, selfish relatives "•• - , > " {,„ a jolt. It's inter than Uiey think. PASSED UP -** ""— ' ' ALL SHOES CONFIDENTIAL TO "BEEN THERE WITH CONTACT Values to $2«.00 ARE ON RACKS LENSES'"; Brother removed his contact lens ¦ at. the dinner table in order to bug Sister, who was extremely squeamish » AND TABLES about such things. Had he removed it at the table . because he Air Step-Town & Country had an eyelash, air bubble, or foreign matter under the lens, F0R I'd have said : "Take it out," and nuts to Sisler. Risque — Sandler of Boston NOW .... - w ;! '

. . ,_. ._.i. . , ii ...... , i i ... . >~^—mmm ^m *mm *^—m^— m—^^^^ m^^^^ *^^^^ m r , EASY SELECTION TempoT — Fanra re ¦ :V AND. > - ' : ; WsiMiAn^ BdLiu... 50 Pair ODDS & ENDS: «9»"h' ' te $.^ . N0W 199 FAST SERVICE '*' ' ' " '¦ ': ' ' ¦' ¦ ¦ " ¦ ¦ . , - ; ': t 'Y ' 1 [ww , . . .. : .. • ...... 'Y. «> . A: . " ' ¦ - .•¦ "*•« > , .tj v, • . , * .-' •: - i. M i -i ' •. "* '!;' } ' ' ' ¦'¦ ' ' ¦ '' '' ¦ ' ' AND A MEMORABLE IflllWWU lW'lt. ' V)' "- i- "f . ' i. r -*. /-. - .'. . . ' • , ',V (f • . , >' ' , t * V . " «,' \ '• ' ' ^^^ ' ALL SHOES FROM * E || $ 1I ^ ^ RECEPTIOM . . i REGULAR STOCK. I AT UHAHAM'S— Regular to $32.00 yi ;(/f\S&o NO SPECIAL I Stretc h Booh & NOW.... PURCHASES. I Fashion Boots , 1 THISTUIP 15c AA 1 ''Ny ~7 On thnt dny of dnys. lot ^j ^ -r-r — — -* —: — ~~~~] HOUSE CLEANING provide you and your p us J vW ^/% guests willi n truly enjoy- B ' F * /<* OF SHOES nlilft recop tion. Wn 'ra I ^ffl/ f tjjr ALL SANDALS ..... w ] jjroup * AND CLOGS equipped to linndle il/^a^!r' of IM), peivlii K tlio fluent ^7 (^t^ ' $ timtl nml hoverngc. to tfiv» / ' Summerettes & Grasshoppers Reg. . , Now FOR NEW ^^T.^ 9 00 ROOM you Hie kind of receplioii C-^* 1 ——¦ ¦ you Imped you'd hnvel — — — ' FALL SHOES. mamamm ^mmmimmiammmmammammmmmmmimaaammmmmmmmmmmmmAmm mwmmmmmmm ^mmmmmm ^m^

MAIN DINING ROOM OPEN FOR FOOD AND WW BEVERAGE SERVICB FROM 5 P.M. ON SUNDAYS .BANKAMERICARD . M tt ALL SALES J^ gmgvitf tmPm\*V MASTER CHARGE ^ *T ** ¦* " ^ -* J FINAL SHOPPERS' CH/RGE 57 West Levee Plaia REGULAR ACCOUNTS NO PHONE Dowvntown, Winona RESTAURANT & LOUNGE CALLS PLEASE PIIONB M4390 *a^t0 ^^mm ^A»m0m0ma0mmmmmwmmaa0mmmmam0a ^mmm ^»mmAimmimi ^m0mmmmma0m0amam B INTERSECTION HWYS. 6M . & STATE .3 i - ¦ -- ' ______J__^_^^____J______t iiindercla| gets hand uppercut ends Scott finally objeufity fole NEVV VORKV(AP) — Earhls Shave, s unloaded one thunder- clap lipperctit and vaulted frorn obscurity: Into the legion yb( ' neavywelght contenders. 'Milwaukee miracle Shavers , a former auto as- in Canton, Qhio, Sox 8-3 for their 15th. victory in creased tneir lead over runner- and (John) Briggs earlier and sembler - from - By MIKE O'BRIEN how MILWAUKEE (AP) - Whal 16 games.f- up Baltimore to 1% 'games in we wer^ saying Briggs and ivlio lias run the gamut of small baseball people are starting to the American League East. I haven't found : our good fight clubs in his four-year pro . out Jimmy call the second 'Milwaukee mir- Scott's twfrrun shot off; loser Scott, who had been overdue strokes ? yet ,, but We've been career, knocked acle had been emerging' despite Ray Culp (0-2). in-the third in- to take his turn in the Brewers' winning V anyvay," hef .said. Ellis with a right , uppercut to ning capped a burst of four head at 2:39 of the first only sparing help;from George hero-a-day formula J; said he no "When we get jjoing like we tho. Scott. •• ; -v unearned mils that erased , a 2-0 longer: felt special pleasure at can,:ythat: .may be :aU we'll round of a 12-round bout Mon- Madison Square . Until Monday night, that is, . deficit. Threie bases loaded beating his former Red Sox heed.*W. . 'V. -'W day night at Scott, thie Milwaukee Brew- walks,, which Manager ; Del teammates. W V "I'm just hajipy I got myself Garden. star last year Crandall credited in part to the end' ': came after • EII13 ers' only genuine . : ''I've .been Vhere two ;years rolling . again," Scott said; The when he drove iri 88 runs for a howling:-crowd of 22,796, made ' 'What was wbrrying me more stunned Shavers with ia short, ,7-2 in the seventh as Mil- now, and you can't keep the last: place y club,- broke a long it inside, than anything -was that I wasn't choppy light to the jaw. Sha- waukee ran the longest winning past you forever - *' said ropes slumpy with two homers good Scott, who has seven , homers hitting with po-wer like I cah.f I vers wobbled into the for, three./ runs batted in. The streak in the majors this year had fll doubles; but no triples wjth Ellis in pursuit antf was in to 10 games. ' y this season but had none since ' astonishing Brewers took /.it June r.yy. y and not many home riins;" . ./. obvious trouble after absorbing in last y place ¦ left hooks to the jaw. from there behind - Jim Colborn Tlie Brewers, ¦ "Those balls tonight /gave me two sharp (.9-2) v - routing tlie: Boston Red when they began their tear, in- A*'1 was talking io (Dave ) May extra pleasure because I know Shavers, who weighed 2DBV< how the power is. still . there," and entered the bout with a 44-2 he said. "I was . doing some- record with 43 knockouts, thing mechanically wrong, I reeled back to the center of the won't ' say what it was, but last ring and: tlien sent Ellis flat on night. I studied films of games his back wilhf the f uppercut. last year against .New York and Referee Harold V.aiitn counted P^^S^lAA ^^^Bill^Cleveland when I was hitting Ellis out as he floundered on goody" . W: the canvas / likey a beached whale, desper ately trying to About half . the crowd greeted ¦ the Brewers with standing ova- rise. "¦ , ' .' Ellis, who weighed f m% and for " tions . . during. pregame .. in- • ¦WASHINGTON: (AP)W_ Ath- said; • : ; ; WT^sts drug abuse in , the troductions. Crandall, a star is ranked fourth among the letes participating in National past f have been limited to world's .heavyweights regained f The tests would not lead to '/ during the Braves' heyday here * Collegiate AthleticV Association , screening winning athletes. iri.' '. the 1950s,, called . the en- his feet after the count and puiilshment, Pritchard told the , his competition .'.. will be subject' to "If f the . athletes know they're thusiasm "just, beautiful." staggered into/ the ropes, , Senate . Juvenile Delinquency ¦ and his glassy random tests for drug use be- all going to .be tested, that 'It wouldn't surprise'." me if knees rubbery ginning next fall, an .NCAA offi- subcommittee Monday, f " but would be';-', a ' deterrent," Prit- eyes staring into space. / / /¦" W the crbwd didn't help its get ia ¦y cial says. / would be lised "only to gather chard sai-d. 'f couple of runs," he said, "I'm "That was f the , only . real Robert W, Pritchard , chair- facts which we hope *iU pro^- WHe did not . elaborate on the punch I landed," said Shavers. ' ' sure everybody in the park roan: of the NCAA's drug , educa- vide us with ;future direction" method that. • would be used or it; V' "He caught me a couple of ' .;' heard " tion committee, said the athlet- iriVfighting drug abuse. at what : point in a day's com- y He referreid -to the three goods shots but they didn't ic organization would carry out The subcommittee chaired petition ' . ' the tests would be fTO TIE SCfoRE¦ ". ' . . Brewers'"f - Pedro ty Stadium: Petrocelli did not: get the ball ' , ¦ bases . loaded .walks, wheri the really hurt, Ini tn good shape urinalysis- and /other teste on by Sen. Birch Bayh, fD-Ind., is made.;;'. -' -"¦' ¦ ' . Garciaf dashes fast Boston Red Sox' . Rico in timie for a tag . after Brewers' . Dave May in condition . crowd screanted at every pitch ¦ ' ' and when you're . athletes .following a decision studying the abuse: of legitimate .The, NCAA oversees colle- Petrocelli and icores Monday nighl during -. . ' . hit a sacrifice fly t» right. The . -'Brewers ; you can get hit:and come , right at a recent . and visibly unnerved Don New- y VW- -: reached . NCAA con- drugs by amateur athletes at- giate athletics. It is drawing up the yoiing Boston:pitch- American League action at: Milwaukee Coufr- /won fi-3. (AP: PhotofEU-) ; back." - - vention, V v ' " - tempting to improve their per- a ; list of drugs/ that ; hauser, ¦ will be er who issued themV "The situation Is critical," he formance. - - . W.: hanned from its athletes. V '"The enthusiasm is definitely thTTS^'H've seeirfor the Brew- Jtengerfp ^ ers ". Crahdall" said. . ''The en- thusiasm has been really good ^^j ^^ almost all season,: but we had more people tonight arid they were, really Mgh. "V V; i^^W^^. Colborn, who has won seven ' of eight¦ decisions since becom- Twins problems unsolved ing ya starter May .9, allowed only three hits after thes Sox BLOOMINGTON Minn. (AP ) hits today and scored four runs, Broberg,. 4-5,. in : the second in- gles by Johnson and Rico Carty scored twice , in the second , in-. — The Texas . I angers didn't I really can't put my finger on ning, bunching four of their in the seventh. w&Mb^M^Cochrane-Fountain City mart- ¦¦' - . McClintock ' ¦ " ' : - stretched his string to 26. 1-3 terfieldeir's legs. ning. ; •.. . ¦-" help answer two problems that It." . -> . -: y. ' - , hits. Jerry Terrell's ..sacrifice texii/i rj . - (4) ¦' . . /. ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ aged toy end Clayton Dahl's inmngs before C-FC pushed scored . •'.what proved to be the Boston (3) Milwaukee (8) ...... ' Minnesota Twiis Manager f Qullici,/ whose club has lost fly and Larry Hisle's single ¦' ••brfi"W'• • ' ' -f rtrftbl • ihrh My ibrhbi : ¦ DN«ll0h,_b . 5 3 3 0 Ci . 4 0 1 0 scoreless inning streak Monday across ari earned run in the deciding run on an infield f out. Quilici is -wrestling five -.straight- at Metropolitan brought in the runs. /¦ ' ' RMIIIer.rf * 0 4 0 3 1 .0 1 Frank • . Harif»h,3»' 5.1 3 1 Misled 3 1 j 1 night, but thef: Pirates still bottom of the seventh on -sin- Arcadia retalliated with a ruii; RSml.h.ef 4 0 » 0 Money,3_r 4 0 0 1 with—his club's home, record Stadium, doesn't think remov- Texas tied it in the third on AJohnsn,dh 5 0 2 2 Oliv»,t)h SOO 0 tame out on the: short end of gles by Lee Farner arid Terry in the . bottom ' of the severith Fisk.c : 411 1 : : 30 01 5-7 singles by Ken Suarez, Dave Carl/,11 . 4 6 2 1 Klllobrew,lb i O 1 0 : ' YstrmskMb 4 1 I O ScolMb 4 2 3 3 and the pitching if Bill Hands. ing Hands, ,. from the start- Maddox.ll 0 0 O _ Ad_mi,pr OOOO an li-6 .score against league- KrieseLy.' on a single , by Johnf Kliiik and a Ceueda,dh 40 £0 Briggi.ll 1110 The' Rangersy who had won ing rotation is the answer. Nelson and; Toby Harrah arid Spencer, .b 4060 Darwln.rf f 5 O ] 1 leading Gale - Ettrick: - Trem- double by losing pitcher Jon PclrocelUb 3 1 l 0 Lalwi'dirf 2 0 OO Bvrrughs.rt s I 2 t BrauhAb ) O tt The . winriers regained the H.rperilf J 0 » 1 GThomai.r. J 1 O.O only one of i. road gEirnes ''I'd like to see . him come Alex Johnson's groundout. . ¦ HarJrta.cC . - 40 10 Monjon,lf 10 0 0 pealeau in a Coulee Conference Kostna .. Klink was nailed at 3 0 a 0 Porter,dlt 4 0 0 0 against West aroiind said Quilici. ''I know The TwiiB went ahead 3:2 in Siiafei,e . 4110- HolMI 4 1 it lead .with n four-run outburst in _ ./.Division oppo- ,;V tQt played her«i y the plate -trying to iscore on a IGuerrero,2b¦ 3.0 6 .1 ERodrgez. c 2 10 MB5on,$» ¦ . 4 1 1 I. Mlllerwld.e 3 2 11 the top of the fourth, three of Ctilp.p :¦ -:: ¦ 0. 0 O. -O A' Gar. efa.ila 3 7 21 nents f in the Am irican League, in spring training, he had good the fourth on - George Mitter-: Brobers.p 0 0 O 0 Terrcll.ts T OO] passed ball, but Kostner man- Morel .j> ' OOOO Colborn.p . OOOO wald' Paul.p 0 0 O 0 Hands.p 0 O 0 0 In aqthei- Coulee contest.Mon- them coming on a . home : riin pounded out a seispn high of 15 stuff. He's beeii sort of a mys- s homer that struck the ¦ ¦¦ day, West , Salem shaded : Ar- by Fran Peterson. V aged/to score oh a similar play Nowhasr.p 0 0 O 0 . : hits in^sticking :Hands and the tery.'W.. - foul pole in left. .; poiu,p .0 0 0 0: moments." later.; ;. y Gsrm ai»,p 0 0 O b cadik ,2-1 scoring both of its JDave Hutton went 2-for-4 for ¦ Twins : with a 7r setback Mon- Hands, obtained in an off-sea- But Jim Mason s first major tolal 40 715 I Total 34 4 19 4 - • ' : runs ih thei top of the seventh the! Pirates, 14 in Coulee play, The Raiders, 1-2: in the loop, . . Total 313«3. ¦ . Total 308.7 7 day/;-/ son trade : with the Chicago league homer in 93 games gave TEXAS - . ,....•, ',. 002 031 J00-7 B0ST43N ...... >.;. OM 000 001-3 MINNESOTA ,. . ; .. 020 100:. 100-4 Inriiiig. in-cludlrig a triple/ wliile Krie- will play *V inake-up game at MILWAUKEE . .:,...:.,004 003 10x-^_ WTheV defeat,f .jcostly to the Cubs, has lost three , straight Texas a tie and Nelson, who - DP—Boston - 1, Milwaukee 1 E-Terrell, DP—TexeJ 1, Minnesota .2. f finished Onalaska tonight at :6. E—Culp. Twins games, last winningyMay ' had three hits and LOB—Texat 8, Minnesota 10 SB—Darwin, G-E-T, now 7^2 overall, jump^ sel and . Farner both . ./ Tho Raid ers, i-2 in the loop, villi' make LOB—Boston 3, Milwaukee i. HR—Scott since titty .opened the 30./.He scored three " 2 ni, Fisk C!l). SF—D: ' Holl./ HR—Mltterwatd U), Mason (1). SB ed off to a 5-Q lead after two with two hits. . .. up a game at Onalaska tonight at 6. three-game serifs only a half has posted a 4.65 earnedv run runs, came iin with they go- —Cardw, o. Nelson. S—Terrell, Maddox. G-E-f : , '. .f..140 .00 2-11, S 3 May. . inilnigs, but the host Pirates Mike : Manske led off West -: ¦ game out of. fist in - the West, average in f 59 innings, com- ahead run in the fifth with a SF-Terrell. ¦ COCHRANE-FC ... 005 000 1- . f 4 PITCHING SUMMARY . '¦ ' IP H R ER BB SO pared single / PITCHIN8 SUMMARY " . . - erupted for five runs off stkrt- Salem's half; of the seventh Bill Stephan, Clayton Dahl (3), and left Minnesota with a 13-15 with .a 6-2 record and 2,33 , stolen base and an er- IP H R ER BB SO John Christiansen . Ed Miller and Rich COlp (L. C-2) ...... IV) 1 4 ; 0 12 ror. ; er Bill Stephan in the bottom with af single and came all .the ¦ :¦ Moret . .,.....;.. :.:. 3 3 , 3 3 1 :3 record at home) compared with ERA at this time last year for Brobers (W. ¦4!)¦ .. M. «- 4 4 4 4 Baurcs. '. - . . Paul . . .¦..: . .-:¦_. JH 7 a t 1 -l of the third and Pahl was call- way arourid to score ona single WEST SALEM' ...... 000 000 . 1-2 6 0 Newliauser . ....; ... 0 0 0 0 3 0 19-12 on the roafl. the Cubs. A fifth I Barman ¦ 2\i I 1 I 1 0 Texas run scored on a Handl ¦

¦ • ¦ ¦ : ¦¦ ¦ ' — . ., j|f ,- -w • Bonus babies get eyeful Cheer' s Retains BLOOMINGTOI., Minn. the Texas dugout as the tion ' from my teamMates. In Texas against the Twins. Bane, (AP)—Eddie Bane and . David Rangers got a season high of 15 one day, I feel I know them who warmed up in the bullpen unheat&i status Clyde, two of the new breed of hits in a 7-4 victory over the all." during the- game, could get the WOMEN? SOFTBALL ' , who signed Saturday Mond.y Leagua baseball's bonus babies, ner- Twins,/ Bane call anytime. y watched Lheir first game Bane, 21.year-old pitching for more than $50,000, also said W . W L TO vousl WANT Cheer 'i so wincrall i 3 ' : Arizona State, remember his re- "I'd just as soon try him first Oreon Terr»c« 4 1 as major leaguers. :- . . standout from lie will always, Lnnd'* 13 The two left-h anded pitchers, took a spot in the Minnesota ception , especially the first as a reliever," said Manager Coty Corner II ASCO 14 Frank Quilici "If the right sit- Rolilngstont • a 1 Hauior Art 05 drafted early/ this month and bullpen. greeting from Twins' slugger . 't believe I'm here," uation comes up, I'll stick him Cheer's Liqiors overwhelmed just signed to major league "I can Harmon . Killebrew as the team last - place Hiuser , got an eyeful of ma- said Clyde, who signed with the suited up for Monday's game. in there." Art Glass contracts ¦ to remain unbeiteri in the Mon- jor league power Monday as Rangers for a bonus of more by how Texas Manager Whitney Her- . "I was impressed Clyde "does well day League of Women's Soft- the Minnesota Twins and Texas than $100,000 and joined . the nice all the guys were to me," zog said if next Wednesday, I'll start him ball Monday neht, Rangers combined to tee off for club - Sunday night. "I'll prob- said Bane. START Green Terrace remained just 25 hits. ably remember the entire again. If he doesn't come ISryear-old high school game the rest of my life. I Clydfr will malte his first ma- around after awhile, we'll send one game baa. by dumping Clyde, Wincraft lO-i a; sensation from Houston, sat in couldn't ask for a better recep- jor leagueV start June 27 at him down." Karine Pruka laced a double md a triple and Linda Przytarsi 1 collected three hits, and Lanfs Bar nudged ASCO 14-13 as Gail Henderson belted two honera and Karla Bothwell one. SOMETHING? Smith ; Court top Wimbledon seeds The Cozy Cirner Bar will play at Rolling! tone in a make- LONDON (AP ) - Stan Smith "Yugoslav star, will be allowed sixth; Marty Ricssen of Evans- The Pilic case has given the up contest toni 'ht at 6:30. to compete. ton , III., seventh; Roy Emerson Queen's Club tournament—the and Margaret Court were warm-up event before eighth ; Tom Gor- last named Tuesday as top seeds in Pillc is under suspension by of Australia , Wimbledon—even more of an next week's Wimbledon Tennis tho International Lawn Tennis man of Seattle, ninth, and Cliff Fla,, 10th. air of unreality than usual. Protect Tournament—although nobody Federation and the 71 all-men RIchey of Sarasota , Queen's Club has a reputation \f^jk ' knew for certain whether Smith players of the Association of The only other seeded Ameri- Startup for not being taken seriously, Your a new would play. Tennis Professionals have said can was Bob Lutz of Los Ange- Tlie players have their minds i^f ft' The U.S. Davis Cup star from they, will not play unless Pilic les, 14th. oh Ihe big tournament ahead. Earn- Sea Pines, S.C., was one of 71 is allowed on court. In the women's scedings, Bil- "When the CJuccn 's ClubWeek : '^Mt' players who have threatened to Ilie Nastase of Romania wns lie Jean Klnfi of Long Beach , opened Monday, the Pillc case Boycott the tournament . seeded second among the men; Calif,, was seeded second; proved an even bigger dis- ings As tho seedlngs were an- MSM ¦ ¦ John Newcombo of Australia , Evonne (Joolagong of Australia , traction. Few cared who hnd With a G laranfeid \ car!^ ¦ • nounced , those players were third ; Arthur A«ho of Rich- third; Chris Everi. of Fort Lau- won the first found mutches: I from* \ still waiting to hear the ruling mond , Va., fourth; Ken Rose- derdale, Fla., fourth , and Rose- they all wanted to know what FOR THE BEST of a Bri tish high court judge on wall of Australia, fifth; Tom mary Casals of San Francisco , was happening in the Queen's In QUALITY .nd SERVICE whether Nikki Pillc, banned Okker of the Netherlands , fifth. bench divsion of , the high In DISABLItr «nd See us for your Auto Loan. court. LIFE INIURA1.CE. Though the main focus of at- SEE OR ALL MEi tention was on the judicial Marv F iglos-tad courl, Erik vnn Dlllen from Snn 454 1608 Co Mfltcro, Calif qualified twice MONAR iH LIFE for the tournament while Jim- INS, GO. HHM3 ^3 places my Connors of I> hilndelpl,.a fiwJ last. 63'/a W 4th St. also Jidvun c*V Be a NavyMail. ^^ i M STATE BANK _^LMS. ^^j_mmmmmmmmm _WSbmmt ^^i'if ^ ^¦ ' m rArP I The New Navy lots you (70 placos in many ______999- *^A ¦ ¦ F0R ______ZA^^ ! ' ' '"• :' :-. ' .... Toways. In lhe afr, ontho 8eaorln «ubmarlnos. ^ ¦ | Pp BMli » far-away places liko Iho , IS THAT. .. [ M8| ¦ ¦ Modltorranoan W^lL.:A! - ' ' " " A . '• ' the Carrlboiin. HBWBII or Japan, And you can ' " or»» drink too many " becoming a habit with you er M "NEIGHBORHOOD BANKING . ' • _»• ' ''^Fkaa ¦' 90 placoB In looming,, «oo. Moro than 300 ^^*^ |W Mlj|\ >*d__Dtf_ay . ' • Important, akllled |obs, Earn $M0/mo. attor jorneone In your family? Th« Winona ch ptnr ot Alco- Ey ERYONE" ¦/ '1jimSg_BH____-_-_ -- only four monthB. Got all tho details row. i [M W. y" ! holics Anonymous standi randy lo lalk I ill ovar wllh Cl ^ l^ |y yoi> . Call 454-4410 — tha number It In you - phom. boot.. : w Bro,,,iwAy junc,| _ ' ' < IDS Exclmngo Bldg, Phon* 452-7952 \\XE3£sL n s»««» -^y ¦ - s«'^S|^^^Vj. H|^Efe& All calls arm confidential. If you nved Al D w/inl help ? ^*ari^^Sp^_*^______\^^ _t%_^^^r, * ° VS^^^ wllh a drinking problem, call Alcoholic CALL "WEATHERPHONE" 454-1230 ANY Anonymous HOUR FOR WEATHER INFORMATION 12 to NOV/ 1 ' fil. iiiflWtPii ^ Radio - Saturdays /.Idnlght I A.m. I mt ^vmrnmy ^ Youth leagues w ' y 1 p.m. NeiW York Club 4-Mjle wins wstocic prices ______W9Qrf tiUwil IU !_l^_fn_nR_MI_l^____H__Rffl yin - '¦ extra-inning AllieclCh . 31%': Hoheywl 67%; AllisCh . S'A InlStl . 29 yrGrainvf' y' /' y ' yy/f COUNTY BOFTBAM.¦ . . ' ¦¦: ¦ Amerada 35% IBM ' . 314 ' ¦ 'Wt- :" . : w i Class B Iff te in '" " ' MINnjlEAPOLIS. Mlmii (AP)-V w^S^^Sww^^S^S^S^S- _ »»• KrtlsM 7 ? Cly-HUir:-. - - - .. - 4 < AmBrnd.. ..9 IntlHrV . ,."21.% Wiheat receipts Monday 280, Rolllngs'iont '. . r 1 Rld9«w»y ;J J yea* HBIBiiiiH ^^^^S •¦• • ¦ ¦¦ AmCan "A 33'/i InlPap - 34% WIlAi • • .' . ' . «" 1 Minn.dl/ . I ago 313;: Spring wheat cash P. ; ¦ 01: ' . ' - J Hlbs. . V 1 AniMtr • 6?/ ' St. Charles I , ..¦ ¦ . . B Jns&L. V¦ J8'/i t c a d 1 n g basis unchanged j S taiktaii . - . • . »; J tang's -/ . t- I Arcadia tourney :¦ '¦ ' ¦ •AT&T . fS0% Jqstens / .. WA prices 5 higher. ..". ^^^^ ; ARCADIA , Wis. ((Special) - Ancohda V''17y8 Kencott 23% ¦P The White Knight had to go Morti ^^ Nol northern 1147 pro- ¦¦ . . 1 dark Banf ani ¦//,¦ ' y- ' Bantam The Body Shop from Menorni>- ArcbDn ' :' . ' 26 Kraft. V "46%' an extra inning to preserve ita ;./. ,. . /. //. Girls ¦ , . tein 2.65-3.01/ f V ¦fw . if- . " .:• . . • . w i nie , Wis., and Club 4-Mile frorn ArmcSl 8 Kresge 35% Wln oW I 0. MA rljn lira A I I nviti y 10 Shumikl'i : o I 20'/ Test weight prehiiums. on* unbeaten status Monday, pulling . ' ; Bluff Siding won team title.? in , Quality Chev 1 0 B|ki Club 0 1 Loal' » 1.0 Laahn'j o l AvcoCp . . 9V2: Loew's . 23% cent each: pound 58 to 60 lbs; out a 3-2 victory/ ovetV the Cly- Fire Depl. 1 t/Touiley: Ford 0 1 upt "- id Bauer Elee. v i the/seventh annual Arcadia In- BethStl .: 27% Marcor / 18% Eaglis club - 1 o : Blwia's . |:l A.«•!». ," 10 sandy'i • I ¦¦ one cent discount each % lb un- Mar Bowl in .Wlnbnk County ' • ¦' vitational Softball Tornarrient Boeing MMM ' 82% . ASCO : 1 0 Ctnlnl M«lh. * . MONDAY'S RESULTS . "/. . 16'A ' :der . 58 lbs. , /,' Softball League action. V MONDi . Y'1 RESULT* - Rulh't as, 'Shumlkl'r ' - .IS. i held here at Cashen Park over BoiseCs fl% MinnPl 196/8 ' L«a. » ia, Bauer'i t. the weekend, f ' •• Protein prices:W ' Mirt'ln Tlr« 5, Ctrl, Mt.h. 0, UBCTi, Laefin . ir . Brunswk 15 -. MobOil 65% ; :Jim Kelly tied it at 2-al! in the ¦ ' The Body f Shopy coasted to a 11 per cent 2.65;¦¦ • Mike Costello and Mike Po-f At W 15, Sandy 's 14. . BrINbr -35% MnjChm 49% 12,"'2.70; . W-; ' . W bottom of th* SQventih with a •1.0-1 triumph 'Voyer the Water CarnpSp 29% MontDk 32 ; zahc; both of Martin Tire; went ¦ 12, 2.79-2.81 ;f ' ' - St. Croix: 765 miles of spender home run and Ryan Kesseler 2-for-2, both '¦' - cracking home Street Merchants of Eau Claire Catplr . 55% NNGas f.36% '. ' ' . . iny ' H '2.TO; - FROM ITS BEGINNING In a »prlng-fed take It grows to knocked in the deciding run with runs. The rest ¦: of Monday's the championship ganie of 'Cliryslr ' ¦: :. . 23% NoStPv? . 29% , . Class 15, 2.79-2 81;: meandering strearii, then a powerful river and through ieach a single in live last of the eighth: games will be layed Friday at . A after blanking; both the CitSrv 45% NwAir / •: 21% 16, 2.85-2.91;: '" * p IIMjnnesptans Oasis Bar and Sunshine Bar of y and evwy stage it is a beautiful sight, y; BUYZ Erdmann blasted a grand theiry regular times. CornEd 31% NwBaric ¦ ¦ f56% 17, 2.90-3.01; '. • . " • ""¦ '. The St. Croix River; is indeed 16& miles bf .scenic Splendor. slam, bonier to lead Stockton to Winona . in its .first two gaines. GoinSat 42% Penney ' ¦ ' 79% ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : NoWl . hard Montana /winter One of tlie It a 16-3 conquest of. Lang's Bar, Girls' Midge.¦ American The Water StreetV Merch-ahis CoriEd • ' ' . . 23% Pepsi " - 79% ' : best parts of the SU Croix Is the fact tha. '•'¦¦: ' ¦¦ ¦ ' : 4.65-2.86/..V:/' '- ' .. and . Frank - Murphy and" Gar • ¦ /WL ¦ . . . ;y W. t disposed of Shakey'g Pizza and ¦'¦: : : can be enjoyed by so many people without losing its qualities. . Ruppert'i 1 0: Rog»r'i-M»it 1' 1 ConiCari . 27% PlphsDg . 41% Mimi-iS .D. No. 1 hard winter , ' IC I , 2 qualify ¦Handy Builders of La Crdsse en '' Federal action has preserved the river as a scenic water- Todd both supplied two hits as take Center J O . • for ConOil f : 31% Phillips 50% 2,65-2.78..: ' Elba dispose dof St. Charles 6-2. SpelU '/ " 1 1 Pelac'luk's .« :J route to the finals; p , :;' way—a truly wild -river-—and both Minnesota and Wisconsin MONDAY'S (tESULTS CntlDat : 35%. Polaroid 135% .No 1 hard amber durum.j recognize its value.VEach state has,established a St. Croix . Games between Minnesota . Rupperl's Jl, UCT I. y Dan Thill fired; one-hitter Dartlnd 35% RCA 22% ¦ ^. . 2,84-2.92; discounts amber . 2-5; state park—as: a matter of fact they surround the river in City and Rollirigstbne and Ridge- . Spalls 12, Polactiilc's »., aiid struck out 13 as. Glub ^ Deere .36%: RepStl - 23% durum 5-8. /, lakt Center I,, Roger's MisT J.y . Publictinks : one of its moist beautiful spots. V, .. way: and Witoka were postponed Mile nipped the Fail /Creek DowCm 50% ReyInd 42% ' in the Corn No. 2 yellow;13. Interstate Park covers 165 acres of St. Croix due to. wet grounds: y Joni Schneider of Speltz went COON . RAPIDS, Minn/ (AP) Chicken Chasers, l^o f Class duPo'nt 159 Ro?kwl 26% Oats Mo. 2 extra heavy white River valley near Taylor Falls, f &-for-6, including a home run; — Led by a state Highway Pa- B title game. Thill also tossed EastKod . 130% SearSR 93% ..92.WWW.' Tracy Hengel, fRuppert's >¦ went trol , member, 10 golfers from a no-hitter earlier in the tour- Esmark .:. 24 ShellOii ;50% -W' , -' -'V-'Withfh: fh» co nfines of t_.ji area j i a fabu- 1 ' ." Barley, cars 155, year ago 2 knock Joyvnv 5-for-5; Shelly Gillen, also of Minnesota qualified Monday for ney jagaiiist Centerville. , Exxon f •' 94% Singer V .491/4 242; Larker 1.55-1.75; Bluia Mal- lous rock gorge reaching 200 feet abova the Ruppert's, had three hits ; Mary . Club 4-Mile also whipped Dari ' the National Public Links . Tour- Fixestn 19% SoRand P 38% ting 1.55-1.75; Dickson 1.55-1.75! water./ This forms the internationally kijown /:•. Leggin, "UCT, had a homer; nament to be held July 11.-14 at &¦ Marks of Fourttaih City, awhile FordMtr 55 .-' • StBrnds- '- . .51% ' : 1he same 49 of 50 targets ¦ Feed fl.48-1;54; - . Dalles cf the St. Croix^ (dalles rneaiit a« and Nancy Richer, Lake Cen- Flanders, - N.J. ;• Fall Creek knocked off Kennari GenEl 57% StOKal , ' ' '75 ' :. ¦¦: . Rye Nol 1 and 2 1.24-1.28. = dells arid the St. Croix's version puts the; similar Gcive Hen giel : and Dick Nie- ter, went :2-for-2.y V First year patrolman Torn Ford of Whitehiall and Dan's GenFood ' 24% StOillnd 84'^ V Flax No. 1-2 6.00 .nominal; . rock formations in the Wisconsin Riv«r to meyer knocked dowrn 49 of 50 Lee/ who plays; at Gross . : Goll Bar . of. Arcadia. . . GeiiMf. .56% TelexCp 3% ¦ ¦' '¦ Girls' Pee Wee American " ; ¦ Soybeans No- X yellow 10.25. . targets, incLuding 25 Iri a rowf ¦¦ Club 63% Texaco '• -,.34% y •¦' / shame.) , . ' • . • • ¦ . . ' . Wly' ¦/. Ml U .in MinneapolLs, shot a 36- GenMtr ¦ in Monday : Night Trap . ¦ ; ' ' . The .parks weiconie . visitors and campers. Along with : Ihe Recce's.' -' - . ' . - ' , 3 0 . ' Wl/a'avirA Som 1 ' J hole score of 149, five over pair, GenTei 28% Texasln¦ . 93% League at the Winona Sports- Winona Knit. I I . Kramsr. , v i in windy and wet conditions at Trpu* Unlihnited Gillette 54% UnOil ¦ : 38% Wiribn^ market! Interstate Park -is Minnesota's St. Croix State Park, 30,920 MtVoy'i Jl/ Aqum-lum 0 1 ¦ ' ' ¦; : men's: Club.- . . . . ' ¦ ¦ '¦ Froedtert Malt Corporation • . acres of wild land./ fy y V-V MONDAY'S/«ESUUTS the Coon . Rapids course. Lee's Goodrich 21% UnPac • . 53'/i ;¦ ' Keith / Peterson , Rich , Tulius , Kramer Plumb, del;- Aquarium (forfeit) •¦' meets ' ¦•28% ' . . HOUM 8 a.m..'to 4 cm. Dozens of streams: criss-cross .ihe area, providing great Weaver a Son» J5, Win. Knitting 13. one-overrpar 73 on the .first 18 Wednesday Goodyr 22% USStl . Submit «smpla befora loading, John Kramer 7 y ' curch««_(_ fishine and fine canoeing; Harold Meyer, Roccb' s P.liia "Ui M.cyey'»:U. :- boles was later matched by an- Greyhnd 13 /_.:WesEl V 34% Barley ui crlcei sub|«ef to and Vic Vawghii: also picked off other qualifier ,/Herb - Howe, of The Hiawatha Valley: chap- G-ulfGil '¦ P 22% Weyrhsr . 57% ehanue " Above Stillwater, Minh., there's . the St. Croix Island ter of trout Unlimited: will h

' ¦ ?r ' ; ' " ' ' i^AHiynrY' . ? . ?' ?; ? V - '- . "f /- VVWBy Charlev ifch.uii

¦ : " . ' Mort Walk«r . - vCBLpNDiE . - . Y'Vfv^ BEETLE BAILEY : w . f \* W W By

¦ ' - ' 'REDEYE";-' . - By Gordon Bess ¦ ¦ ' LI'L ABNER • - Yy.: ' By Al Capp - ,

; ' 0; STEVi CANYON yy V . V V^^T^ -W^ I ' ^BARNEYTGOOGLE^nd SMUFFY^SMlTR ; fy V';^ : y- , : - - -; By'.Fred .LaswellV^ ' ' ^ : ;

¦Wi " APARTMENT' W-^ . Vy By Aleic fCotifcy Two G rea t FREE

)¦ : - ¦ ™ ¦;. . .. ;: jpHH ^^ I-' - ^pA Yy A ^ !BP * ¦: j^ff: I ' - . . ^. ¦ ¦"'^^¦PA * ) ¦ 'Jngmj^ ^^Y -''»'- f «___ ¦ ll ll If I 1 ¦ ¦ ia^^^M^i^t^^^ MS ^^i ^^St9S9^ ^^ S^^s9i-. ^L * J * x ^L ______¦____ . ______! ___¦ I - _¦- V .,. • ; M^^^L^m^^^^^ , ;: \ V trorcv REX MORGAN, M.D By Dal Curtis ^ ™

MARY WORTH By Saunders and Ernrt I CO ORFUL 16 I CH T '' P L , - N - 'Wm^^AA^ AAJ ' j BEACH BALL ,*^fe»^ ' UW' XIS " HEAVY, STRONG VINYL j ^ ^ ^%% / ( -. PILLOW TOTE BAG T o^# j ¦ ¦ : ¦ ¦) v# Your choice of either of these two ' '4SM&^TI^ »Vp '& * ' i \ ^j* ^ L * J gifts with incoming Dry Gloaming V y ' C' , ! I ^ j: ^^J ~ -™ . -v..; J Order of $3.95 ! * ~-^ww., ;..«*. J C ^ NANCY By Ernie Bushmiller \ lc/A#& Supptu.JkduU. • BOUNCY BEACH BALL - Cfti°>™ ( I 18" ball that's fun at the beach or in J f the back yard, Made of heavy, durable, j ^^

( / ^ Wlttf fin / \ ITll'Fl y\ i'TlfirS 1 • PILLOW TOTE HAG — Lnr/;e enough 1 ' ) to accommodate your beach and I I I lA f knrJrrlhi Lli l _ftMi ¦ * l/lM ' fr"' I to 1 swimming needs! Strong (MIO U (;1. I WmmSSmSm¦ ^ I . - - - 'n})t senson after season. Use it as a I I '"** MAIN b I. pillo-w. as a spoils event seal or just 1 '"" \ Phone 452-2301 ;Hurry In fer YYour FFree cGiftl.ltl i