Northampton Group celebrating their 50th birthday, 19th January 2020

The Ramblers promotes walking, protects rights of way, campaigns for access to open country and defends the beauty of the countryside. The Ramblers Association the charity for walkers. The Ramblers Association is a company registered by guarantee and registered in and Wales, registered number 458492. Registered charity in England and Wales 1093577. Registered Office, 2nd floor, Camelford House, 87 – 90 Albert Embankment, London, SE17TW


Chairman’s Address

General Secretary’s Report

Area Treasurers Report including Area Annual Accounts

Individual Group Annual Accounts

Area Membership Secretary’s Report

Area Footpath Secretary’s Report

Northamptonshire Local Access Forum

Lost Ways Committee Report

Chester Farm Footbridge

Greenway Project

Walking for Health

Website update

Group reports

Officers and Members of Northamptonshire Area Council 2019/20

Greetings from a Chairman in lockdown

In last year’s Annual report I wrote about the loss of Maurice Tebbutt stalwart of the Northamptonshire Ramblers. In November 2019 Kate Ashbrook, Chair of the board of Trustees at the Ramblers and long time friend of Maurice’s came to the dedication of the gate in Maurice’s memory. There is a good photo (shown here) of Kate walking to and from this event with Bob Coles MBE and President of Northamptonshire Area Ramblers. A week after this event Bob Coles died at home. We shall miss him.

Bob Coles, Kate Ashbrook and members walking to the Maurice Tebbutt memorial gate.

In September 2019 to celebrate Bob’s 90th birthday Kate had dedicated a tree to Bob in the Woodland Trust’s Stoke Wood, the closest property to his home in Little Harrowden.

The Northamptonshire Area Ramblers are in the process of procuring a memorial gate for Bob to replace a gate in the village of Little Harrowden that was installed at least 60 years ago and repaired by Bob since then. Bob’s son Mick has identified the gate (shown here) and the landowner has given permission for a replacement memorial gate to be put on their land. Since we started this process the world has changed as Covid – 19 has struck. This has caused many problems one of which is how we obtain a hard wood gate to last as long or longer than the current gate. Work on this is ongoing.

What with periods of lockdown and members shielding and/or taking precautions to avoid the disease all our members have been affected by the pandemic with many group walks and whole group walk programmes and events cancelled. The Ramblers had organised to hold some training sessions for Walk Leaders in Gayton and Grendon village halls this year and these events too have been cancelled.

With the Area and groups being advised by central office to hold all meetings and AGMs on line Area have now arranged a subscription to join Zoom. This is a first for most groups and after a few practice runs most meetings are taking place. For those members who are not IT savvy these meetings were not our first choice for a way to hold them but unfortunately in the current climate this is better than nothing. The Ramblers too postponed General council this year in the hope the Covid situation would improve across the country but in the end the AGM was held with delegates voting beforehand online and Kate Ashbrook and Michael Penny, honorary treasurer presenting all relevant paperwork electronically. The meeting was shown on line and is still available on You Tube.

Let‘s hope we can all meet to walk together soon.

Fiona Rawlings

General Secretary’s report: this post is vacant so no report this year.

Please consider volunteering to take on this important role. Support available if required.

Treasurers Report

The financial situation has obviously been very unusual this financial year. Most Groups have had vastly reduced expenditure due to the restriction placed upon operations as a result of Covid.

As a result of the expected payments not being required for lost ways work in 2018/19, Area reserves increased substantially during that year and, consequently, no funds were requested for Area in the 2019/20 financial year. This has resulted in some reduction in reserves but, with the restrictions on what can be undertaken as a result of Covid, reserves remain high.

Northamptonshire Area budget request covers both the Area and its Groups. For 2019/20, the Groups received the finance requested from Central Office. The requests made in August 2019 were based upon normal annual expenditure, driven largely by the production and distribution of walk leaflets and newsletters. For all except the 20s-40s Group the expenditure has been much reduced and consequently most Group reserves are high. For the 20s-40s, their main communication is by the use of internet based services such as “Meet up” for which costs have been unchanged from a normal year.

No funds have been requested for Area in the 2020/21 budget request and, for the most part, Groups have accepted the base level funding proposed by Central Office for 2020/21. 20s-40s have requested their normal budget. These requests have been approved by Central Office.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the group treasurers for their support during the year and providing timely responses to budgeting and reporting requests. I would also like to thank Ian Woods who has acted as the honorary examiner of the Area accounts

Roland Rawlings

Kettering Group 2019-20

Ramblers Association - Northants 20s - 40s

Receipts and Payments for Period 1st October 2019 to 30th September 2020


Area Allowance - Q1 95.25 Lloyds Card Fees 36.00 Area Allowance - Q2 93.58 £3 x 12 Area Allowance - Q3 93.58 Area Allowance - Q4 93.58 Advertising - Meet Up 86.87 13/10/2019

Fasthosts Internet 23.98 08/11/2019

Fasthosts Internet 77.03 08/12/2019

Fasthosts Internet (Domain Renewal) 11.99 27/03/2020

Advertising - Meet Up 86.67 13/04/2020

Total Receipts 375.99 Total Payments 322.54

Bank Balance 01.10.2019 422.46 Bank Balance 30.09.2019 475.91

£798.4 £798.4 cross-check 5 cross-check 5

Summary of financial year for Independent Examiner Summa Mai Self-funded Tota Total receipts ry n 375.9 - l 375.9 Total payments 9322.5 - 9322.5 Closing cash balance 4475.9 - 4475.9 Net assets/liabilities (funds) 1475.9 - 1475.9 1 1

Having carried out procedures in accordance with the Area and Group independent examination guidelines, I consider the " NP50-Northants 20s - 40s Walking Group “ accounts to give a fair representation of the

Signed: Date: Name of examiner: (Alternatively, if you do not wish to print off this sheet please send in a signed copy of your own Area/Group accounts to GB office). Membership Report

The table below provides the data regarding members assigned to the NP area and the individual Groups. The figures are correct as of the Mid November 2020.

Area & Group memberships as reported by Central Office

Totals Northampton Daventry Kettering 20’s-40’s Oct 12 1084 466 138 251 165 55 Oct 13 1049 427 156 267 127 72 Oct 14 1021 411 114 261 161 58 Oct 15 1007 392 128 255 159 55 Oct 16 963 365 133 242 155 49 Oct 17 948 352 130 236 154 59 Oct 18 937 344 128 234 146 60 Oct 19 956 328 122 246 151 69 Nov 20 939 329 125 229 162 65

Members not allocated to specific group 29

The overall figures for the years shown in the table show a gradual decline although there was an increase in 2019. Overall figures show we are close to the 2018 membership level, this in spite of the difficulties in retention this year due to the constraints imposed by Covid. The latest report from Central Office indicates that since 1st October, 18 new people joined Ramblers and were assigned to our Area. This is repeated month on month and yet there is no overall growth to be seen. With people moving into and out of the county there is a continuing need to ensure the we are visible to the people interested in walking and identify how to recruit new members effectively and how to ensure their retention.

R. Rawlings

Area Footpath Secretary's Report

First some good news. Thanks to the hard work of members of the footpath committee including Dr.Will Lovell and Chris Shaw as well as other members of the Northants Ramblers we have a County Council promise that the fire damaged bridge at Chester House will be replaced.

Also during the past year, a new footbridge over the canal at Crick was opened on the 24th April (see photo).

In the west of our County a replacement 8m footbridge was completed on the footpath between Eydon and Chipping Warden. This allows the removal of a long diversion of the Macmillan Way route between Boston and Abbotsbury, and restores a very useful inter-village link.

The new bridge at The Island north of Elton en route to Nassington was completed in the summer. You will notice the left hand side of the steps up are covered in bitumen as a result of complaints by the Ramblers and others that the open structure is difficult for dogs and people with walking sticks. The west end of the bridge is in Northants the east end is in Hunts.

The construction of the HS2 London to Birmingham High Speed Railway is proceeding. Most fencing across South Northamptonshire is complete, site compounds established and construction beginning. The Parishes of Lower Boddington, Chipping Warden, Thorpe Mandeville, Culworth, Sulgrave, Greatworth, Helmdon, Radstone and Brackley are all on the route. Their paths will be changed to a greater or lesser degree. We will monitor the previously agreed Right of Way alterations.

The photo shows one of the Greatworth Paths (Footpath AN13) The view shows how all the Rights of Way that cross HS2 are being treated. From the small metal gate the route is confined by wooden fencing, across the route of HS2. Just to the West (left in photo) is the point where HS2 will enter "Greatworth Green Tunnel" to emerge just past Sulgrave Road. A wide cutting at the point shown will also give space for an electricity transformer and compound to supply power for the railway overhead lines. AN13 will be diverted to pass over the tunnel mouth.

Since early March 2020, and the pandemic, we have been unable to hold our monthly Footpath Committee Meetings, but our work continues using email and 'phone to communicate. We are consulted on all Planning Matters that concern the County Rights of Way. Each member of this Committee is a “Local Footpath Secretary”, and looks after a block of the County Parishes. We welcome Alan Walters (Northampton) to our Committee. Alan replaces Jeff Noble, who has had to retire due to very poor health. I thank Jeff very much for his dedicated work over the years.

Reporting path problems, such as missing signs or broken gates and stiles is essential to maintain our network of County paths. Please use the Northamptonshire “Street Doctor” website to report problems if during your walking you come across anything that needs repair. It is far better that a problem is reported from multiple sources, that relying on just one person. When a report is made; a report number is generated; and updates are provided. This helps our valued path network to stay open and available.

Many thanks to all who have helped me during the past year. Particularly I wish to thank all our Local Footpath Secretary's, for their hard work looking after our established footpath network.

Andrew Pike

Northamptonshire Local Access Forum (NLAF) It is a statutory obligation for a ‘Highway Authority’ to have a Local Access Forum to provide advice to it and other authorities on the improvement of public access to land for the purpose of open-air recreation and enjoyment of the area. The two unitary authorities will be the ‘Highway Authorities’ and each must have an LAF and make their own policies. Initially they are likely to use the new RoWIP as their strategy and as it has been proving difficult to get sufficient volunteers with a range of interests to become members of the LAF it is being suggested that at least initially there should be one LAF to serve both authorities. The interests of The Ramblers are currently well represented at the LAF by four members of the Forum that are also members of The Ramblers but meetings have been infrequent and the most recent held on Skype on 3 September was very poorly attended. The next meeting to be held by Skype is scheduled for 10 December.

Rights of Way Improvement Plan (RoWIP)

The County Council have finally approved a replacement for the plan that expired at the end of 2017. Although the new plan for 2020-2030 was approved by the cabinet in July the correct version was not made available to the public on their website until very recently. (Search for ‘Northamptonshire Local Access Forum’ in order to find the link near the bottom of the page). This plan sets out the strategic framework within which decisions on the maintenance and improvement of rights of way within the County should be made. The Area has obtained printed copies for any member of the Footpath Committee, Area and Group committee members and any other members who wish to have one. Please contact Fiona Rawlings or Bob Entwistle if you would like a copy.

Unitary Authorities The proposed elections for the members of shadow unitary authorities which should have taken place in the May of this year have been postponed until May next year (2021). In the meantime the government has appointed members and leaders of the shadow authorities from the members of the existing authorities and they have been appointing Chief Executives and senior staff. It is still intended that as from 1 April 2021 that the County Council and all the existing District Councils cease to exist and that all their powers and assets transfer to either ‘ Council’ (replacing Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough and East Northamptonshire) or ‘West Northamptonshire Council’ (replacing Northampton, Daventry and South Northamptonshire).

Bob Entwistle

Lost Ways Since last year Central Office have launched their path search. This took the form of a two part exercise, the first a grid by grid comparison between an old map and a current one and the second a consolidation of the findings. The first part went far better than expected and the whole country was checked far quicker than anticipated. The headline findings are due this week and I am hopeful that detailed reports will follow shortly.

We did not take part as we had already undertaken a similar exercise ourselves, albeit with different maps. This does mean that we will have had different sets of eyes looking at the county and either reinforcing the evidence we already have or suggesting new routes not evident from the sources we used.

Central Office have decided to share resources with the British Horse Society and post documents on their site. I had already had our 1910 Finance Act valuation maps listed by them and will add other material as and when available. Anyone who wants to should be able to access the BHS site.

I haven't been able to obtain the documents I would have liked during the year but Bob and Will are pursuing specific claims while we await further evidence.

Andrew Knapman

Chester Farm Footbridge and Greenway Project

Chester Farm Footbridge The footbridge over the River Nene at Chester House Farm was badly damaged by fire a number of years ago. The bridge provides access to Chester Farm Heritage Site and has been out of use for a very long period of time. It was formally closed in 2015 by way of a Permanent Traffic Regulation Order by Northamptonshire County Council. The Northamptonshire Area Ramblers have been campaigning for a number of years to persuade the County Council to commit to repairing or replacing the bridge, particularly as it would provide a spur access from the Nene Way on the north side of the River to the Chester Farm Heritage Site once the restoration works are completed (to re-commence early 2021) and the Heritage Site is opened to the public in about two years time. Our efforts have borne fruit and it is a priority in the recently adopted County Council Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Subsequently Northamptonshire County Council have now agreed to fund the replacement of the footbridge. It is anticipated that commencement of construction will begin in Spring 2021.

Fiona Rawlings (Chair) and Chris Shaw (Footpath Secretary) being shown round Chester farm by Jack Pishhorn, Business Manager (right) and Ben Donnelly-Symes, Archaeological Curator (left). PS: note the masks were only taken off for the photo

The Greenway Project The East Northamptonshire Greenway makes for attractive and safer walking and cycling available in the heart of the Nene Valley. The Project is being developed in phases, some of which are already completed between Rushden/Higham Ferrers and Irthlingborough and others will follow within the next few years.

Two workshops have recently taken place for the next phase between the Wellingborough Embankment in the town centre and Ditchford Lane at Rushden Lakes. There are three routes being considered:-

1. A Red route from Ditchford Lane along the A45, into the Chester Farm Heritage Site, then alongside the River Nene into Wellingborough; 2. An Orange route from Ditchford Lane along an old railway embankment, then predominantly along the River Nene via the Chester Farm Heritage Site and Claudius Way following the rear of the Distribution Centre into Wellingborough; 3. A Green route along the A45 for most of its way (avoiding the Chester Farm Heritage Site) then following the rear of the Distribution Centre at Claudius Way into Wellingborough.

Funded by the Heritage Lottery through the Nenescape Landscape Partnership Scheme, this proposal between Wellingborough and Ditchford Lane will improve the overall Greenway scheme between Wellingborough in the south and Peterborough railway station in the north and vice- versa.

Chris Shaw

Walking for Health The funding at national level was due to end in September 2020 but this has recently been extended to September 2021 and the walks need to be sustainable by then. Various options are being looked at and it is likely that the local organisers will be charged for use of the national database which is currently being improved. In most parts of the County some ‘official’ Health Walks are now taking place which comply with the safety requirements for walks of up to 30 people although most are only walking in groups of up to 6 people. None of them are actively promoting the walks at present simply inviting walkers who were already registered to go on them. The restart has been delayed due to the latest national restrictions on walking in groups. In Northampton the walks are organised by ‘Trilogy’ the operator of the leisure centres and they have recently obtained funding to enable them to employ the organiser on a part time basis to reintroduce some of the walks. In the meantime they have asked the volunteer leaders what their intentions are with regard to their walks.

Bob Entwistle

Area webmaster report

The Area website has been refreshed in the last year. I found the software to edit the website difficult to use initially. There are explanations on various activities that members of the Area committee are involved in, such as footpath maintenance and lost ways etc. Over the next year I hope that I can work with the rest of the committee to get into the routine of deciding what updates members would like to see added to the website.

Belinda Cupid Group reports

Daventry Group

WALKS: Eight weekend walks: Attendance: Min 8 Ave 13 Max 19 Eight Thursday walks: Attendance: Min 11 Ave 14 Max 21 The last walk prior to the pandemic was Thursday 12th March.

EVENTS: Christmas Short Walk followed by lunch held 12th December at Sulgrave. Annual Lunch, 31 attendees, Narrow Boat Weedon. The visit to the Lake District scheduled for September was cancelled. Hopefully this will go ahead in 2021.

HEALTH AND SAFETY: Five slip and falls reported, one trip over bramble. No injury sustained in each case. No follow ups needed. No official Ramblers walks have taken place after 12th March due to Covid 19.

COMMITTEE: Barry Payne retired as Chair at the 2019 AGM to be replaced by Alan Seaton. Vacancies continue for Footpath Secretary and Area Representative. Alan agreed to try to attend Area Council Zoom meetings for the time being, but wouldn't attend physical meetings.

MEMBERSHIP: As at end of August 2020 we have 118 members. I do fear that we will lose a few because of the ongoing pandemic.

COVID 19: In lieu of any official walks, most members have been getting out in twos and threes. The Daventry Ramblers Facebook site has been vibrant with items about previous walks and walks we should have had. In general, there is no call for us to start official walks as yet, but we will gauge opinion at the upcoming AGM.

Kettering Group

This year has been one of two halves. I think that goes without saying. From October to March we continued much the same as always, whilst since then we have been impacted by the restrictions caused by the Coronavirus outbreak. The latter brought a halt to walks and other Rambler activities, and as the Group’s year closes we are still restricted in how we conduct our walks. Members including walk leaders have had to “shield” themselves and their families and we are still not in a position to produce a regular walks programme, as we never know how the consequences of the pandemic will affect us on a week by week basis. We have to take health and safety precautions more seriously, and quarantine is something that we all have to consider as a possible outcome of our actions. So a special thank you to our leaders this year, whether currently leading or shielding. A number of walks each week have now recommenced, and are added to the Ramblers web site on a rolling basis. Numbers allowed have been restricted causing a booking system to be necessary and also a requirement of track and trace. Social distancing needs to be remembered and observed. I know this is a nuisance, but it is essential if we are to continue. Thank you for your patience. Sub groups of friends have walked together supplementing Group walks. Do enjoy your walks with other members, but please ensure that you are aware of Coronavirus guidance to ensure safe walking. Our Windermere and Ridgeway away breaks had to be cancelled. Thanks to Josie for her efforts and we miss the opportunity to holiday in the Lake District. Thanks also to Mike for completing our Treasurer’s return despite his illness for the majority of the year. I am sure he would appreciate someone assisting taking his role forward if a volunteer steps forward. Looking ahead, I will continue to place walks on the web site, as long as leaders are happy to provide walks. The numbers on each walk are determined by the leader and subject always to Ramblers rulings, currently a max of 30 (but with restrictions) and the willingness of members to adhere to guidance. I appreciate that not everyone is able to expose themselves to large numbers and prefer to keep to “the rule of six”. We need to respect that, whilst being flexible in trying to provide walks on a safe and secure basis. Once we can see the way out of the threat of Coronavirus, I will look to returning to a full programme. That I feel however is someway far in the future. Membership numbers overall fluctuate but are currently 152, last year it fluctuated around 147 so membership remains positive. Our shared walks with Wellingborough are on hold as they are not currently advertising walks. Similarly our shared Boundary walks have been postponed till next year (hopefully). Thanks to all members of the Group for their contributions over the last year big and small, and just being a friendly bunch that make our walks a pleasure and a success.

Bob Seaton

Northampton Group

50th Anniversary Celebrations The group celebrated reaching 50 years since its conception with a walk closely following the route of the first one on the initial programme on 18th January 1970. Joy Tripp took us on a very enjoyable walk from Dallington Park taking in Harlestone, Nobottle, Little Brington, Great Brington and return on 19th January this year. Sadly our plans to hold a Celebration Cream Tea in July were cancelled due to the pandemic but we hope to rearrange when conditions allow.

Group Website and the use of Social Media The group website continues to be the access point for many people who are interested in joining our group but this year we greatly developed our use of different social media platforms. At the beginning of the year the Secretary took help and guidance from the 20-40’s group to set up a Meetup group page. This platform allows members to search for local groups offering activities in a range of hobbies and interests. Details of walks were beginning to be uploaded when the lockdown came into force preventing further development. Our Meetup group membership is now approaching 200 and hopefully some of them will join us when group walking returns. A Facebook page has a smaller following but is regularly being viewed. Many thanks go to John Tye in running our two WhatsApp Groups. One group has kept us in touch with each other with photographs and comments. The other one allows for the planning of informal walks in groups of 6. Walk offers are posted and snapped up very quickly. Many thanks to everyone who has led walks.

Social Events Our Christmas meal took place at The White Hart in Grafton Regis followed by a carol service in the village church. Thanks go to Steve Sayers and Cathy Finnegan for organising the events and the walk beforehand. Sadly we cannot hold a Christmas meal this year because of the ongoing restrictions.

Out of Area Walks Peter Mitchell kindly led the walk from Cherington in the Cotswolds on three occasions for groups of 6. The last trip to go ahead was The Battlefield Trail led by John Tye. As a result of the postponement of the Pembrokeshire Way walk, five members due to participate decided to use the time to walk the 87 mile Ridgeway walk.

We are very grateful to Martin Fletcher for his series of walks exploring the Nene Way, Northampton Boundary Walk and the Milton Keynes Boundary Walk.

Vivienne Mitchell

Wellingborough Group

Despite the impact of COVID-19 on our community, we have been able to get together in small groups for ‘unofficial’ walks in August/September and into the Autumn. (Our social activities (including our annual barn dance) were cancelled)

Using the ‘WhatsApp’ messaging service to inform the group, a ‘Wednesday’ group has undertaken walks mostly in the south of the County featuring walks of 7 to 8 miles including around Salcey Forest; from Stoke Bruerne towards Yardley Gobion; and from Bugbrooke over towards Pattishall and Eastcote then along the Gayton ‘ridge’ with splendid views of the surrounding landscape. On each of the last two occasions we have returned to our start along the Grand Union Canal.

An ‘Autumn’ Thursday group of up to six has been a little more adventurous undertaking walks over 10 miles. These again have been mostly in the south of the County including from Stoke Goldington over towards Hanslope; from Greens Norton following the River Tove towards Wappenham; and from Braunston along the Jurassic Way towards Ashby St Ledgers and Welton returning along the Grand Union Canal over the long Braunston Tunnel (2000 yards), past the Marina with its hundreds of narrow boats and ‘home’. One walk (before the dark early evenings set in) went further into Bedfordshire with a walk over the Sharpenhoe Clappers from Pulloxhill (off the A6). On each occasion we have kept a register with phone numbers.

Chris Shaw

20’s to 40’s Group

Since the last AGM we have a full programme of Sunday walks, early this year a number of these were figure of 8 walks to attract new members wanting to do a short walk with the Group. The Group had a weekend away to the Peak District in February where we walked through Lathkill Dale however due to the Covid-19 situation other trips to the Lakes, Isle of Wight & France unfortunately have all had to be cancelled. From March, in line with the National lockdown we stopped all Group walks and cancelled our walk programme. Some members of the Group have got together in smaller groups and have been out on ‘unofficial’ walks in line with the guidelines.

A group trip to the Peak District in February 2020

Officers and Members of Northamptonshire Area Council 2019/2020


Chairman Fiona Rawlings Vice Chair Bob Entwistle General Secretary Treasurer Roland Rawlings Membership Secretary Roland Rawlings Publicity Vacant Footpath Secretary Andy Pike Minutes Secretary Webmaster Belinda Cupid Publicity Secretary

Elected members: Chris Eilbeck, Andrew Knapman, Ray Butler (co-opted)

Group Representatives Daventry Vacant Kettering Carmel Griffin, Northampton Bob Entwistle, Northants 20’s/40’s John Hadley, Jayne Deering Wellingborough Chris Shaw

Area (local) Footpath Secretaries Committee 2019/2020 Acting Chairman: Richard Gell Area Footpath Secretary: Andrew Pike

Members David Craddock, Roy Talbot, Robert Martin, Phil Munro, Chris Eilbeck, Andrew Pike, Roger Tyler, Robert Seaton, Chris Shaw, Will Lovell, Alan Walters, Jeff Noble, John Christie

Lost Ways Sub Committee 201 9/2020 Members Andrew Knapman, Will Lovell, Bob Seaton

Northamptonshire Local Access Forum

Members include: Bob Entwistle, Andrew Knapman, Chris Shaw, Bob Martin