Working with Text
Working with text . file formats . CSV, JSON, XML, Excel . regular expressions . module re, finditer Some file formats File extension Content File extension Description .html HyperText Markup Language .exe Windows executable file .mp3 Audio File .app Max OS X Application .png .jpeg .jpg Image files .py Python program .svg Scalable Vector Graphics file .pyc Python compiled file .json JavaScript Object Notation .java Java program .csv Comma separated values .cpp C++ program .xml eXtensible Markup Language .c C program .xlmx Micosoft Excel 2010/2007 Workbook .txt Raw text file PIL – the Python Imaging Library . pip install Pillow from PIL import Image Python-Logo.png img ="Python-Logo.png") img_out = img.rotate(45, expand=True)"Python-rotated.png") . For many file types there exist Python packages handling such files, e.g. for images Python-rotated.png CSV files - Comma Separated Values . Simple 2D tables are stored as rows in af file, with import csv values separated by comma FILE = 'csv-data.csv' data = [[1, 2, 3], . Strings stored are quoted if ['a', '"b"'], necessary [1.0, ['x',"y"], 'd']] . with open(FILE, 'w', newline="\n") as outfile: Values read are strings csv_out = csv.writer(outfile) . The deliminator (default for row in data: comma) can be changed by csv_out.writerow(row) keyword argument with open(FILE) as infile: delimiter for row in csv.reader(infile): print(row) csv-data.csv Python shell 1,2,3 | ['1', '2', '3'] a,"""b""" ['a', '"b"'] 1.0,"['x', 'y']",d ['1.0', "['x', 'y']", 'd'] CSV files - Tab Separated Values import csv FILE = 'tab-separated.csv' with open(FILE) as infile: for row in csv.reader(infile, delimiter='\t'): print(row) tab-separated.csv Python shell 1 2 3 | ['1', '2', '3'] 4 5 6 ['4', '5', '6'] 7 8 9 ['7', '8', '9'] JSON “JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format.
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