Thursday, July 2nd 2015

Shabbat Candle Lighting

time this week: 8:11 PM

The Weekly Portion: Parshat Balak, the king of , summons the to curse the people of . On the way, Balaam is berated by his donkey, who sees, before Balaam does, the that G-d sends to block their way. Three times, from three different vantage points, Balaam attempts to pronounce his curses; each time, blessings issue forth instead. Balaam also prophesies on the end of the days and the coming of Moshiach.

The people fall prey to the charms of the daughters of Moab, and are enticed to worship the idol . When a high-ranking Israelite official publicly takes a Midianite princess into a tent, Pinchas kills them both, stopping the plague raging among the people.

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We had a fantastic first week of camp! We made great art projects connected to the 6 days of creating creation, had a blast playing with our new water slide and water toys, loved to stretch with Ms. Jackie in yoga and learned how to drum with Mr. Chris. We stretched and had fun with Ms. Winkie of Jumpbunch! On Thursday, we went to the Little Gym and made a patriotic cake for the Fourth of July. Next week, we will have fun celebrating some Jewish holidays and we are excited to go on our first trip to Eisenhower Park. Please note: As of Monday, July 6th, please send your child to camp each day (except Wednesdays) wearing their bathing suits under their clothing and apply sunscreen at home. We will send home your child’s swim suit at the end of each day. This will make our transition time run smoother. We will reapply sunscreen on your children in the afternoon before we go outside. We look forward to a great, fun-filled summer. Thank you for sharing your children with us and have a wonderful, safe weekend. Shabbat Shalom, Morah Michal and Morah Amy


*There is no camp tomorrow, Friday July 3rd!

*On Wednesday, July 8th and Thursday July 9th, please wear camp t-shirts!

* On Mondays, girls should wear leggings for Yoga

* Please bring bathing suit to camp every day. PEEK @ NEXT WEEK: