Bedfordshire. Ke'mpston
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DIRECTOHY. J BEDFORDSHIRE. KE'MPSTON. 117 p.m.; Wood End, clearrd at 10.30 a.m. & 5-30 p.m.; Medical Officer of Health, George Butters M.B., C.M. Bo:x End, ciPared r:t 9-45 a.m. & 5.30 p.:r.n.; sundays, I22 Bedford road, Kempston 4-:JO p.n1.; Bedford Arm~, cleared at 9 a.m. & 12.15, Surveyor & Sanitary Inspector, Ernest Henry Caleb L-+5· 6 & 3. r5 p.m. ; sundays, S p.m. ; Bedford Road, Insldp, Bedford road, Kempston cleared at 9· r_:; a.m. & 12.30, 2, 6 & 8.30 p.m.; sun Collector, Frank Howard, 7a, Mill street, Bedford. d:lys, 5 p.m.; Kempston Hardwick, cleared at 8.40 PUBLIC EST A.BLISHME~TS. ~un. & 5.30 p.m. daily, except snndays; Marsh Leys, Cemeterv, ·wm. Crow;olcY,clerk to the Burial Committee cleared at 7· 15 a. m. & 12.30 & 6.45 p.m.; sunda:ys. - - Count1' Police Station, 63 Bedford road, Harry William 8.3:l a.rn . - Church, serg-eant, & 4 constable~ Temperance Hall, Bunyan road, 'Villiam Crowsley, sec C'RB.A.~ DISTRICT COUNCIL. Volunteer Fire Brigade, James Felts, captain, & ro men .Meetings at the offices, Bedford ;-nad, the last in each month. COUNCIL SOHOOLS. Members. Bedford Road (girls), erected I8g6 & enlarged in Igo.r _\ll retire in "\pril, rgr6. for 400 childn~n ; :\'Iiss Hannah Dakin, mi~tress Bedford ;:-oad (infancs), erected 188g & extended in Abbott Austin Le-wis 0-we!l. W illia m I9IJ, for 400 children; ~fiss Sarah Crarey, mistress Carnell B obert c\lfrpd Panter _\rthur "\Villiarn Church End (mixed), for rso children; Edwin Storr, Deaco,1 Horace St8nlev • Hidd•r• Arthur John master Felts J ames SaundeTson Herbert l'ercv. Up End (boys), fer ~76 children; vVm. 01Yen, rr.aster Ken1•al v Michael W orr·all Alfred " Ode!l "~lfred James Whitworth William Carrier to Dedford.-_\lbert Victor Stevens, twice daily, g a.m. & 6 p.m Officers. Omnibus to Bedford, 8. Io, 9·35 & ID-45 a.m. & I--.),? - Clerl;, "\Villiam Pay ne, Bedford road, Kempston r. I_:), 2.20, 3-40, 8.3o & 9.30 p.m. week TreJ.surer, Thomas H. Barnard, banker, Bedford days only PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Sawtell Mrs. Stoneleigh, Bunyan Td Chambers Elizabeth (:\Irs. ), laundry, .A.bl1ott MTs. 2 :\'Iargetts read Sim :\hs. 78 High street Thornton street Eagshaw "\Villiam, 58 Bedford road I Source John George, 29 Spring road Chibnall Alfred Benjamin & Alfred Earnard Thomas Hy. J.P. The Hoo Stow Mrs. Green end .A.nthonv. brmers, Rusheyford farm • Beaumont Capt. Lindesay Beaumont Tallents Mrs. 56 Bedford road Church Institute J.P. Crosseland Fosse I Thomas Charles, 6o Bedford road Clarke & Son,high-class confectioner~. Eonfield Frederick, 84 High street I Villar .Alfred Edwin, Box end pastrycooks & caterers, 52 High Bower David 1\'LD. r53 Spring road Walker :\'Irs. 138 Bedford road street ; & at 87 Midland road, Bed Bower Wm. Scott, Springfield house, "\'Vhitemore Georg!}, The Yews, St. ford; established a quarter of a Butters George ~LB., C. M. 122 Bed- J aim's street century ford road Williams Edward, 86 High street Cocking Elizabeth (Mrs.), boarding Carpenter Mrs. Frederick Stanley, Williams Frederick Wenlock, Uplands house, College fann ' Moorland 1 Wyatt Rev. Paul Williams M.A., J.P. Compton Harry, market gardener, Cbapnwn George, 86 Bedford road I An;;tm Canons Elstow road Charles-"\Villiamson Mrs. St. John's I COMMERCIAL. Constitutional Club (Alfred E. Berry, Homes ! A.bbott Austin Lewis, undertaker, ISO hon. sec. ; .A.l bert Plater, steward), Chibnall .Alfred Benj. Orchard side I Bedford road • 194a, Bedford road Claxton ~Irs. I Margetts road 'Ames Harry, confectnr. go Bedford rd Cook Chas.shopkeeper, I 12 Bedford rd Clover George Arthur, The Old Mill Amos Frank, stationer,Ioo Bedford rd Cooper Stephen, farmer, Thistley end house .A.nstee Benj. millwright,soBunyan rd (postal address, Bromham) Cnsack Wm. J sph. Kcmpston manor .Austin Burt Ginns, butcher, 8 Bed- Cotton William J ames, hair dresser, lJakin Mis~. 64 Bedford road ! ford road r88 Bedford road Deacon Horae~ Stanley, The Croft, Bandy Joseph, florist, ::l Spring road Cranfield Rebecca (Mrs.), farmer, llunyan road Barker .A.da. (Miss), shopkeeper, 36 Kempston Hardwick (postal ad .Emerv• William, r;o Bedford road Cleveland street dress, El stow) Farr Alexanrler, ~lill house I Barker .A.lbert, beer retlr. Green end Crowsley Arth. parish clerk & sexton Faulkner ~fiss C. Derby villa, Bed- Bartram Arthur John, coal merchant, Crowsley William, clerk to the Eurial ford road I 48 Bunyan road Committee & to the Kempston Fletcher Heg-inald Chas.228Brdford rd Beard Eli, boot repairer, Igo Bedford Rural Parish Council,2 Thornton st Foster Ed-ward, The Elms, High st road & Ia, High street Cryselc:l Limited,electric lamp manu- Foster ~amnel, Bunyan road Beckwith Eliza (Mrs.), laundry, facturers, Wobnrn road Garner William, 15 I Spring road Park road Dagley John Richard, cycle agent, IB6 Glyde Hy. Wm. Balch, 62 Bedford rd Beckwith George, agent to Prudential Bedford road u-reeves Rev. Percy M . .A.. (vicar), Insurance Co. 6 Park road Day John, farmer, Church end Vinrage Beddall Harry, artificial teeth manu- Day Thomas John, farmer, Kemp Harris Miss, Rees cat. Bunyan road facturer, 70 Bedford road ston Hardwick (postal address, Harter Waiter George Hatfeild J .P. Bedford Union Children's Home (~iiss Elstow) The Bury; & Arthur's club, Lon- 1 Rose Barrows, matron), Bunyan rd Devereux Ralph Henry, shopkeeper, don S "\V Bell John, shopkePper, Bell end 64 High street Henrnan James ..Alexander, Moat ho.l Benson Williarn, grocer, 13 Bedford rd Dudeney & J ohnston Ltd. grocers, 35 Kempston Hardwick (postal ad- Bichener retlr.8oBunyan rd High street dress, Elstow) I Blackwell Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkpr. Eastmans Limited, butchers, 2roa, Rislop Maj . .A.rchibald,42 Spring road 23 Beatrice street Bedford road Howard James Harold J.P.TheGrange Bodle Cbas. hair drssr.82a,Bedford rd Egg le stone Thos. plumber, 13 Park rd Howlett Rev. Charles Edgar ~LA.· Bo-wer David M.D., C.M.A.berd., Elliott George, florist, 23 Park road (cu:·ate in charge of St. Stephen's), 1 L.R.F.P.S.Glas. Springfield House Ellison Joseph, beer retailer, 57 The ~est, Spring- road a~ylum Runvan- roan Jackson John Farrar, Box end Brand(,n Henry Thomas, shopkeeper, Emmerton .A.lbert. hair dresser. q6 Jenks Edward Reginald, Rusheyford, I go Margetts road Bedford road k 20 High street Box end Brinklow Andrew, grcr. 3 Margetts rd Evans Francis J. shoeing- smith, 5 I Joyce Misses, 76 High street •Burnapp John Wm. water inspector, Hizh street Keep Henry, 24 Hig-h street I 34 Park road Favell Harry, rr.arket gardener, 25 Martell Henry. 230 Bedford road · Burridge Henry, brick maker. Hard- Coll£>g-e ~treet Mason Elias Bertrand, 139 Spring rd wick hill (postal address, Elstow) Felts Brnthers, tinplate workers, 1S4 .Mitcbcll Frank Carter, 7I Spring rd Butters George M.B., C.M. physician Bedford road Mitchell 1Vm. Geo. Carter,BoxEnd ho & surg-eon, medical officer of Felts James, mechanical engineer, Newland Mrs. Kempston house health to the Urban District Coun- Park road :Kewman Wm. 129 Spring road cil & medical officer to Children's Felts JessiB (Miss), dress maker, 154 Panter Artbnr, 7 Silverdale street 1 Home. 122 Bedford road Bedford road Powell All.Jert Richa.rd, Hillside, Campbell John Thomas, beer retailr. Fire Bricrade (F . .A.nstee, captain) Bunyan rrad I Eoll end Fi~her Cb,u}es, beer retailer, 17-l Rob:nson James Charles Hensman, ·Carding .A.lbert Charles, shopkeeper, Bedford road Marsh Leys I 20 Park road Flower Eliza (Mrs.), dress maker, Saunderson Herbert Percy, .A.mpthill Cemetery (William Crowsley, clerk to I44 Bedford road road (postal address, Elstow) J the committee) Folkes William,gravel mer.Bedford rd .