Ujumbo: A Generic Development Toolkit for Messaging Based Workflows Dept. of CIS - Senior Design 2012-2013 Archit Budhraja Bob Han Sung Won Hwang
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Univ. of Pennsylvania Univ. of Pennsylvania Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Jonathan J. Leung Sean Welleck Boon Thau Loo
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Univ. of Pennsylvania Univ. of Pennsylvania Univ. of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia, PA ABSTRACT We began development by consulting local and interna- Many organizations, especially in developing countries often tional nonprofits and small scale organizations that may lack technical expertise, resource, and financial capital neces- require custom platforms in their operations. We gath- sary to build applications with complex logic flows. Looking ered data on their proposed workflows, needed functional- at the different kinds of products on the market, there seems ity, as well as surveyed their available financial resources. to be a lot of commonality between them yet each of them After talking to several resource-constrained and non-profit is developed independently of each other, requiring program- clients, it was observed there was far too much manual com- ming ability and a substantial investment in time and financ- munication. Most organizations we interviewed are physi- ing for each application. Our project aims to reduce these cally entering and processing data on day to day operations, additional costs in building a new application with common often in simple spreadsheet software. They also invest many communication features by creating a generic platform that hours manually calling and text messaging their members for users with non-technical abilities could build off of.