Annual Report 2015

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Annual Report 2015 Testo International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine serving laboratory medicine worldwide Annual Report 2015 ANNUAL REPORT 2015 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR EuroMedLab Congress Paris, FR - June 2015 - IFCC-Abbott “Turning Science into Caring” Symposium Bali, ID (December 2015) IFCC Speakers Bureau Webinars and Distance Learning Modules e-Academy, open educational resources Experts Database Launch of the IFCC Foundation for Emerging Nations Implement cooperation and agreements with IFCC Regional Federations COLABIOCLI Congress 2015 Quito, Ecuador, September 2015 - 2 INDEX Message from IFCC President 4 Executive Board 6 Treasurer Report 7 Corporate Members 14 Committee on Congresses and Conferences (C-CC) 16 Scientific Division (SD) 19 Educations and Management Division (EMD) 32 Communications and Publications Division (CPD) 38 Task Forces 43 Federations 47 » APFCB - Asia-Pacific Federation of Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine 47 and Laboratory Medicine » COLABIOCLI – Latin American Confederation of Clinical Biochemistry 50 » EFLM – European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 54 » NAFCC - North American Federation Of Clinical Chemistry & Laboratory Medicine 57 Full Member Societies 58 Affiliate Member Societies 119 3 Message from the President of IFCC This is my report after the first year as IFCC President and I’m very proud to summarize what has been done during the 2015. During 2015 IFCC again increased its membership as we welcomed one new Full Member: • Malawi: Malawi Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists (MAMLS) And three new Affiliate Members: • Iran: Iranian Association of Clinical Laboratory Doctors • Nepal: Nepalese Association for Clinical Chemistry (NACC) • Turkey: Society of Clinical Biochemistry Specialists (KBUD) Collectively, there are 90 Full Members, 12 Affiliate members and 46 Corporates Members and IFCC represents >45,000 senior laboratory medicine specialists. The important work of IFCC takes place in its Divisions, Committees Task Forces and Working Groups. During 2015 >300 experts volunteered to work on 46 IFCC projects, which cover a wide range of clinical, scientific, educational and communication related topics. Full details may be found on the IFCC website ( and reports from many of these projects may be found in this Annual Report. IFCC also contributes expert input to a number of global organizations. The IFCC Strategic Plan The Executive Board for 2015-2017 has identified and agreed the above strategic objectives for its term of office. They accord with the overall IFCC strategic plan and its principal objectives. They are intended to be in addition to the ongoing work of Division Executives. There are 33 strategic actions which have been classified into the following four broad areas: 1. Supporting our membership. 2. Broadening our horizons. 3. Improving the quality of laboratory medicine. 4. Improving the effectiveness of IFCC. The Executive Board worked effectively during 2015 and I would like to outline some of the achievements: • Agree and implement a procedure to enable the future election of Regional Federation representatives to the IFCC Executive Board. • Signe the MoU between EFLM and IFCC. • Conclude and sign an agreement with the North American Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (NAFCC). • Launch and promote the Foundation for Emerging Nations as a new income stream for IFCC. • Invite an external body to perform a wide-ranging SWOT analysis of IFCC, evaluate the findings and publish a report with recommendations. • Further develop and promote “Shaping the Future of Laboratory Medicine”. • Devise and introduce a strategy to increase the attractiveness of IFCC to Corporate members. • Establish one new high level project with WASPaLM that aims to promote the quality of laboratory medicine through promoting the value of Laboratory Medicine. • Increase the number of young scientists participating in the IFCC Committees and Working Groups. • Consolidate the mentoring programme as a Special Project and promote its gradual expansion. • EuroMedLab Congress, Paris, FR - June 2015 ( • IFCC-Abbott “Turning Science into Caring” Symposium, Bali, ID (December 2015). • IFCC Speakers Bureau ( 4 • Webinars and Distance Learning Modules ( • e-Academy, open educational resources ( • Experts Database ( Over the last year there we increased the activity focused to outline on the clinical effectiveness of laboratory medicine. For IFCC this has been exemplified by the work of many of the Task Forces and by the increasing collaboration with international clinical organizations. This trend will surely gain further momentum in the years ahead for laboratory medicine is truly central to clinical decision making in healthcare. Finances The annual accounts for 2015 were audited in March 2016 and copies are available upon request from the IFCC Office. IFCC had another solid year financially and our finances are sound as we prepare for the future. The only ‘dark cloud’ is the continuing fall in value of the Euro against other currencies, notably the Swiss Franc (the formal currency of IFCC). We prepared a clear budget for 2016 to try to contain the increasing expenses but with the goal to improve as much as possible the activities of IFCC in favor of our Members. Finally, I wish to thank, after my first year as President, the Executive Board and the Chairs of Divisions for their skill, wisdom, commitment and inspiration. Our excellent team in the IFCC Office in Milan (Paola Bramati, Silvia Colli-Lanzi and Silvia Cardinale) have again demonstrated their dedication and professionalism in supporting our Members. Above all, however, IFCC owes a great debt to the many scientists and medical doctors who work on a voluntary basis to give freely of their time and expertise in the interests of improving the quality, delivery and relevance of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine on a worldwide basis. It is gratifying that we are seeing an increase in the number of experts who want to work for IFCC. These people are the true strength of IFCC as we move forward. 5 EXECUTIVE BOARD (EB) The Executive Board held three meeting during 2015. The first meeting was held in Milano on January 30-31; this meeting has been the first one for the new EB elected for the first time by an electronic ballot and was mainly focused on the new Strategic Plan. The second EB meeting was held in Paris in connection with the EuroMedLab Congress on June 19-20. The third EB meeting was held in Quito in connection with the COLABIOCLI Congress on September 26-28. Besides the new members societies that joined IFCC in 2015, two merging took place, the first one between the “Royal Belgian Society of Clinical Chemistry” and the “Belgian Society of Clinical Biology”, forming the “Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine, and the second one between the “Romanian Society of Laboratory Medicine” and the “Romanian Association of Medical Laboratories”, forming the “Romanian Association of Laboratory Medicine”. Two companies joined IFCC as Corporate Members: Helena Biosciences Europe, UK, and Ningbo Medical System Biotechnology, China. A letter was sent to National Societies of the Full and Affiliate members requesting for their annual report. More than forty reports were received to be included in the IFCC Annual report 2015 which is available on the IFCC Website ( 2015 has been the first year of my 2nd term as Secretary of the IFCC and has been for me a great opportunity to continue my professional growth in Laboratory Medicine as well as the chance to meet and make new friends from different countries and cultures. Thanks to the members of the EB for their support and friendship, thanks to all IFCC officers and to the staff of Emmezeta-MZ Congressi in Milan (Paola Bramati, Silvia Cardinale and Silvia-Colli-Lanzi). Sergio Bernardini, Executive Board Secretary 6 TREASURER REPORT I start expressing my warmest thanks to Dr Bernard Gouget as the previous Treasurer for his work and services to IFCC. During my first year of term as the IFCC treasurer, with the valuable help and assistance of the IFCC office, the annual dues of Full, Affiliate and Corporate Members have been received, the adherence of operating units of IFCC to their budgeted allocation have been monitored and detailed records of all transactions have been kept, reimbursements have been processed as quick as possible after the receipt of the claims. Close collaboration has been achieved with the IFCC investment bank, (LGT) to optimise the financial return on IFCC investments. A detailed report has been prepared in consultancy with the Director and Portfolio Manager of LGT to provide to the IFCC Executive Board the detailed status of the investments depending on the chosen portfolio. The annual accounts and financial actions have been reviewed by an external independent audit in order to finalize the actual income and expenses at 31st December 2015. COMPARISON OF 2015 PROPOSED BUDGET WITH ACTUALS AT 31st DECEMBER 2015: IFCC NET INCOME The 2015 budget was expected to be closed with a deficit of CHF -408 461. Instead, it was closed with a positive balance of CHF 154 850 (Fig. 1). IFCC NET INCOME - 2015 Budget to Actual at 31 st December 2015 SUMMARY Budget 2015 Actual 2015 CHF CHF Total Operational revenues & financial income 1.388,000 1.952,283 Total Operational costs & financial charges 1.796,461 1.797,433 Profit (-loss) for the year -408,461 154.850 Figure 1. 2015 proposed budget versus to actual at 31st December 2015. TOTAL OPERATIONAL REVENUES AND FINANCIAL INCOME The actual total operational revenues and financial income in 2015 are CHF 1 952.283 (Fig.
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    jane lombard gallery Yuko Mohri b. 1980, Kanagawa, Japan Education 2006 M.F.A., Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Inter-Media Art 2004 B.F.A., Tama Art University, Department of Information Design Teaching Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Fine Arts, Global 2017–present Art Practice 2016–2017 Lecturer, Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Painting Full-time Researcher, Tokyo University of the Arts, Graduate School of Film 2006–2008 and New Media Commissions 2019 Private commission, Tokai Tokyo Securities, Tokyo, Japan 2016 Public commission, S-House Museum, Okayama, Japan Grants and Awards 2020 Grant, Arts Council Tokyo Fiscal Year 2020, Arts Council Tokyo, Japan Grant, Asahi Shimbun Foundation, Japan 2019 Cité internationale des arts: Lauréats 2020, Institut français, France Ones to Watch 2019, It’s Nice That, UK East Asian Cultural Exchange Envoy (for China), Agency for Cultural Affairs, 2018 Japan Grant, Arts Council Tokyo Fiscal Year 2018, Arts Council Tokyo, Japan Grant, Asahi Group Arts Foundation, Japan Grant in Support of Art-Related International Exchange, Pola Art Foundation, Japan Contemporary Art Support Program, Terumo Foundation for Life Science and Arts 2017 Bvlgari Avrora Award 2017 (Recommender: Ryuichi Sakamoto) Grant in Support of Art-Related International Exchange, Pola Art Foundation, Japan The New Artist Award, the 67th Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts, Japan 2016 Support, Japan Foundation New Delhi 58 white street | | [email protected]
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