CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 21, 2012 What She Does
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E1620 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 21, 2012 what she does. The question was, ‘‘What did grants to faith-based organizations to assist Hummelstown was soon booming with jobs in you do for someone else today?’’ with home repairs; and loans to small busi- stone cutting and shipyard work. With the bor- I think it is safe to say that Regina has nesses affected by the storms. Regina also ough growing and the nation expanding, the spent every day of her life doing extraordinary helped individuals who suffered losses from Hummelstown Brownstone Company (HBC) things for others. She is an active participant Hurricane Ike. She also served on the Bush- quickly became the leading employer of local in community affairs and is the founder of sev- Clinton Coastal Recovery Fund and the Texas residents from the late 19th Century to the eral nonprofit organizations that provide assist- Governor’s Disaster Recovery and Renewal early 20th Century. HBC owned and operated ance to the underserved communities of Commission. several quarries that produced Hummelstown southeast Texas. In 1988, she founded and Ms. Rogers excellence has been recognized brownstone, which at the time was one of the serves as Executive Director of the Ben Rog- by others throughout the years. She was se- most popular building materials in the United ers/Lamar University/Beaumont Public lected as a Distinguished Alumna of the Uni- States. Schools: ‘‘I Have A Dream’’ program. The or- versity of Houston in 1994, and was named a Today, Hummelstown is the very picture of ganization has made available mentoring and Distinguished Woman of Northwood Univer- the quaint American suburb. With a lively guidance, along with $4,000 scholarships to sity. She was named a Child Advocate of the downtown area and genuine small town at- nearly 400 academically talented students who Year by CASA of southeast Texas; a Pace- mosphere, Hummelstown is home to many would not otherwise have the opportunity to setter of the Year by the Cancer League; a Pennsylvanians who commute to jobs in near- attend college. Woman of Distinction by KTRK/Channel 3 in by Harrisburg and Hershey. Ms. Rogers is a Member of the Board of the Houston; and was a recipient of the Cherish To celebrate the 250th anniversary of its University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer our Children Award from the Child Abuse Pre- founding, Hummelstown’s various civic groups, Center, the Harris County Hospital District vention Network in Houston. She received the businesses, churches, and other organizations Foundation, the Pauline Sterne Wolff Memorial Press Club’s 2002 Southeast Texas have worked together to organize a busy Foundation. She serves on the boards of the Newsmaker of the Year award; was a recipi- week of events. These festivities included a Children’s Defense Fund Texas Advisory ent of the 2003 Humanitarian Award from parade, community breakfast and picnic, fire- Board, the Babe Didrikson Zaharias Founda- Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Beau- works display, movie night, and family friendly tion, and the Holocaust Museum of Houston. mont, Inc.; named a 2005 Citizen of the Year events for children. Heritage Day, walking She is also President of the Joe Louis Inter- by the Southeast Texas Regional Planning tours, and other activities showcased the rich national Sports Foundation, established in Commission; and was a recipient of the Cris history of Frederick Hummel’s town and illus- 1972 by her late father, Ben Rogers. She was Quinn Community Service Award in 2009 by trated its bright future as an ideal location for the first female regent of Lamar University. For the Jefferson County Bar Association. families and businesses. six years, she served as a member of the Regina Rogers learned the importance of Mr. Speaker, I am proud to stand alongside Texas College and University System Coordi- public service from her parents. She has car- my friend, Representative CHARLIE DENT, to nating Board, where she was Chair of the ried on her parents’ legacy by being a tireless honor Hummelstown on the occasion of its Educational Opportunity Planning Committee advocate for those in need. She is an incred- 250th anniversary. I would also like to con- for Minority Education in Texas, helping imple- ible woman with an abundance of energy, and gratulate the borough’s residents on a highly ment programs to increase admissions and re- a heart as big as Texas. Through her personal successful anniversary celebration. tention of minority students and the hiring of involvement in, and financial contributions to f minority faculty in colleges and universities numerous organizations, she has left an indel- TRIBUTE TO ALPHA DELTA KAPPA throughout Texas. ible mark on southeast Texas. Our community INTERNATIONAL HONORARY OR- Ms. Rogers established and serves as chair is better because of her compassion and gen- GANIZATION FOR WOMEN EDU- of the Julie Rogers ‘‘Gift of Life’’ program, erosity. Regina Rogers is the epitome of char- CATORS which annually makes available more than ity, and a perfect example of what we should 1,800 free mammograms (more than 18,000 all aspire to. In the words of Ms. Rogers’ late since inception) and 500 prostate cancer HON. MO BROOKS father, Ben Rogers, I ask you, ‘‘What have OF ALABAMA screenings (more than 6,000 since 2000) for you done for someone else today?’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the medically underserved population of south- And that’s just the way it is. Friday, September 21, 2012 east Texas. In addition, the ‘‘Gift of Life’’ offers f education that focuses on breast, ovarian, and Mr. BROOKS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to other gynecological cancers, prostate, testic- HONORING THE 250TH ANNIVER- commend the Alpha Delta Kappa International ular, and lung cancer at 80 or more outreach SARY OF THE BOROUGH OF Honorary Organization for Women Educators programs a year, impacting nearly 17,000 HUMMELSTOWN on its sixty-five years of dedicated service and people annually, as well as smoking preven- proclaim October 2012 as Alpha Delta Kappa tion programming through its ‘‘Don’t Smoke HON. TIM HOLDEN Month. Established in 1947, Alpha Delta Your Life Away’’ campaign. OF PENNSYLVANIA Kappa’s goals have been to establish high While Chair of the Southwest Regional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES standards of education, give recognition to Board of the Anti-Defamation League in 1994, Friday, September 21, 2012 outstanding educators, build a fraternal fellow- Rogers helped found the Coalition for Mutual ship among educators and to promote edu- Respect, a group of religious and lay leaders Mr. HOLDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on cational and charitable projects and activities whose annual programming includes pulpit ex- behalf of myself and my colleague, Represent- enriching the lives of individuals everywhere. changes that promote positive intergroup rela- ative CHARLIE DENT, to honor the 250th anni- With a membership of over 33,000 edu- tions by encouraging understanding and re- versary of the Borough of Hummelstown, cators representing all fifty U.S. states, Puerto spect among Houston’s diverse population. Pennsylvania, and to recognize the many con- Rico, Canada, Mexico, Jamaica and Australia, In 1997, Ms. Rogers established Inspire, tributions its residents have made to our great Alpha Delta Kappa is committed to edu- Encourage, and Achieve, a program designed Commonwealth. cational excellence, personal and professional to perpetuate her father’s legacy of helping The Borough of Hummelstown was origi- growth and for collectively channeling their en- young people achieve dignity and respect nally founded as Frederickstown by Frederick ergies toward the good of their schools, com- through knowledge, compassion, under- and Rosina Hummel, who in 1762 purchased munities, the teaching profession and the standing, and love. IEA emphasizes rehabilita- a plot of land in beautiful Dauphin County to world. tion for youth in detention and/or on probation, call home. The Hummels divided the tract into Women in education constitute a great por- annually impacting more than four hundred ju- numerous building lots and sold each to Ger- tion of the nation’s working force and are con- veniles in the Minnie Rogers Juvenile Justice man settlers looking to start new lives in the stantly striving to serve their communities and Center and through its Ben’s Kids outreach region. Originally serviced by the Berks-Dau- nation in educational, cultural, and charitable activities. phin Turnpike, commerce through the borough programs leading to harmony, happiness, and Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in was greatly enhanced by the opening of the peace among all people. 2005, Ms. Rogers co-founded the Southeast Union Canal in 1827, which connected the Over the last few years, the members of Texas Emergency Relief Fund (SETERF) that Susquehanna River to the Schuylkill River out- Alpha Delta Kappa have given altruistically to provided several million dollars in assistance side Philadelphia. The Lebanon Valley Rail- the communities they serve by raising nearly to thousands of people after the storms, in- road later made the community even more at- $14.5 million dollars and volunteering over 2 cluding gift cards to social service agencies, tractive to businesses when it arrived in 1858. million service hours. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:39 Sep 23, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00038 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K21SE8.026 E21SEPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS September 21, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1621 I congratulate Alpha Delta Kappa Inter- and become proud providers. They support hits as ‘‘Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head,’’ national Honorary Organization for Women the work requirements in TANF; in fact we all ‘‘What the World Needs Now Is Love,’’ ‘‘Al- Educators on their 65 years of unparalleled do. It works, and no one is trying to change ways Something There to Remind Me,’’ ‘‘Do success and wish them well and salute them that.