Planning Services COMMITTEE REPORT APPLICATION DETAILS APPLICATION NO: CE/13/01542/FPA Redevelopment of main entrance building to provide new glass lobby and double heighted atrium. Erection of FULL APPLICATION DESCRIPTION : animal care centre, animal sheds, equine centre, feed store and associated facilities NAME OF APPLICANT : East Durham College East Durham College, Houghall Campus, Houghall, ADDRESS : Durham, DH1 3SG ELECTORAL DIVISION : Durham South Ann Rawlinson, Senior Planning Officer CASE OFFICER : 03000 261393,
[email protected] DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE AND PROPOSALS The Site 1. The application site relates to East Durham College’s Houghall campus which is an agricultural teaching college. It is situated approximately one mile to the south east of Durham city centre. The overall site is approximately 380 hectares in size. The main campus buildings are sited to the north of the site and accessed from the main A177 road. They comprise reception, dining room and classrooms. The building is largely single storey with a 2 storey element to the centre. Other buildings comprise of workshops and storage buildings. Directly to the south of the buildings is a car park and area laid out for tractor driving. There is an arboretum to the northern edge of the site. The campus boundary to the north is formed by the edge of the Durham (City Centre) Conservation Area with its southern boundary defined by the River Wear which forms the western edge of Shincliffe Village Conservation Area. The site is low lying and predominantly flat. The site is essentially a patchwork of green open fields defined by hedgerows and trees with denser areas of woodland within the site and enveloping it, most notably Great High Wood ancient woodland) and Houghall, Maiden Castle & Little Woods Local Wildlife Site forming a scenic green backcloth to the west.