DON BATCHELDER JOHN E. PETERS BEN TISDEL BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 541 4th Street • P.O. Box C • Ouray, Colorado 81427 • 970-325-7320 • FAX: 970-325-0452 Ross Davis Idarado Project Manager Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver CO 80246
[email protected] June 26, 2018 RE: Idarado Resource Damage Funds: Pre-Project Proposal - Review Requested Dear Mr. Davis: Thank you for your letter dated April 30, 2018, regarding the remaining funds in the Idarado Natural Resource Damage fund (NRD funds), and CDPHE’s encouragement to stakeholders in Ouray County to create suitable project proposals. Since receiving your letter, the Ouray County Board of County Commissioners helped organize a public process to identify partners and potential projects that meet the Trustee’s requirements to use NRD funds. We asked stakeholders to focus on potential projects that restore, replace or acquire the equivalent of the natural resources injured; projects that include matching fund sources; projects that are part of a cooperative effort with other organizations; and projects that either will require a low level of operation and maintenance, or for which a suitable alternative for operation and maintenance by an entity or organization other than the State is available. With significant input from a variety of stakeholders, including the City of Ouray and the Uncompahgre Watershed Partnership, three proposed projects rose to the top of the list. Taken in total, these three projects would benefit approximately 109 acres of mountain and sub-alpine forest eco-systems by increasing wildlife habitat, restoring riparian form and function, and improving aquatic habitat.