An Associated Collegiate Press Pace1naker Award Winner • THE •

0 .. \ .R. hits the Flcctric Oelanare loses to ;\1aine Facton. 38-3-t, BI . Ct

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Volume 129, Issue 22 · . www.revi!!~·mlel. ~dtL c .'- • - ._-._ .~ Tuesday, November 26, 2002 Newark prepares for smoking ban sa1d. ~ tkidi fnl,t:hd-1 1glll, public inlnrmc~t ,,n •liTica forth.: lkla\\luh.llng sllhl~-olll~ 111 public ''ill be ,,flici.llly DtnSIOn or Public II.:alth. \n<~l as business as it will durtnl! thl! .:1 .:nine. hnurs. poo;slbk," he s.llJ. "\\ e \\Ill tr) our h.:st tll educate customer,, ,md I thmk ··we ar.: g,1ing. 1,1 t;ik.: a11 ay all ;hhtray,, 11 hich people arc ;1\\ arl! i,; 'J 1 nl:•,·em of the pro.:es' \\111 h.: e,1sy-g:mng ... comtnl!. ... he said '-.:ark,; ,aid the nell .m ma\ nnt hun indi1 idual bar, .111d restaurants Barnl:tt ,aid th.: r.:s1.1urant "dl tlllt b.: l.trc..:h dfkcted bv the han b,;,,, s~ .:wr) bu.; ness ts a fkct.:·J equally. h.:caus.: ,mly 1110 table, anJ th.: bar 11.:r.: des1gn t.:d·f,lr snwking · Joe Fukhcr. 11 ho i, a :lon-,mnking han.:nd.:r at th.: D.:.:r Park Tav.:rn. "Hopefully [the la11 1 11 ill g.:t mur.: p~!upk nut and ,1hnut ... h.: ~aid o;atd he h.1s mh.:d f.:.:Ull!!' ,lhvlll th.: snwkull! han. THF REV IE\\ File phO!o "[ '-tudcnts] arc young l!nough smokt!rs fh.:1r habits can chang.: ·· The state" ide ban on smoking in any indoor public place will take .,T lu\'l: ban.:ndme. but I hate c.oinc. hlHne .;mllh. and it·, not h.:althv fht: Sll10king ban 111<1\' cnntributt: tll a chanl!l! in business not lll11\' in b.:mg around pe0plc-wh,1 stnllke, ..'he ,-,11d ... A lot ll( p.:ople dllll 't !!-t' t,1 th~ Dda11are but in n.:tc.hhllrmc. states as 11ell. c • affec t ;'1/o,, 27. and local businesses are gearing up for the switch. bar be..:auo;e the\ 11ant t • <110id all of th.: smoke .. .h1hn \\'csk\. ,m-ner 11(\\'cskv's Restaurant 1n Llkton . .\!d .. sa1d he is "At f1rst. I 11as m shock [th.: law] actually got passed. but I was pretty (i.:n.:ral :'l!.niat:l:r '-Cl'lt Kinl! •Jf Hrun-;11 id Blue lien I an.:s in 1':11 .trk .:xpl:ctmg. busii1ess to ri'e b.:caus~ of the snh1king ban '\,1uppmg ll'nt~r ";,a1J ht: ha~ a pnsitivc outlo,>k on the sinl.llillfl "I sympathi/1! 1dth th.: hw;inesses [in lkl:mare] h.:causl: they arc so mm:h indifferent to n ... she said. ··It may hdp m~ smoke a li tt le less. and I l g,1 11 11h her fri.:nds. OUt nnJ visll businl:sses that the\ lllh<.!-1'\\ hi! 1\ llUJdn 't~·· ' d11uht in m\ mind. hut as a busm.:ss 011 n.:r I 11ill g._:t a !.11 more busm.:ss in Kmg said the hll\1 ling. alk): .; plannmg. 111 put mn o;l1m.: materials hl h.,th th.: re~taurant and bar.. c ··I gn lll plac~~ l can haw a good tim.: at," she- sa1d. "I \l on't choose places just b<·caus.: of th

B\ h.\\'lllD0\\11 {; tJ tr~ n<:ll r.:r 1 c.udo; ' ml) ,~..:urate f •r fl r ~ I A \\ldd~ COhi.:St~d ll(lt'l'lll\ lUI! rl!pllrl C.trd in Spring '"\\ e'1c air.: th· care llf a llll of 21 r.:ka cd , 1 'J1 .\!other' A>!.Iinst Drunk th.:'.: l'su.;,," sh.: s,tid 'B) th.: tune the r~port Drivml! b,;u.:d Del a·,, are <1 C-. 1 1 1~ same s..:llfl: B\ D O \II~I C .-\:\T0'\10 card, came rut our pro,:.r<~m' 1\.:fl! ;!lr.:ad) •n t •. •rm.·r '; t•r E.lrf,,,. the o;tdte r.::c.:11 .:J ;.,,t the v.o ks ., 'l he natllln put any hoilda~ preparatiOn tvr th.: 11c.:kend .m.: create a DLI ch.:ck1wtnt 1!\Cr~ \Ycek~nd al ellort into rebuilding ih presl: nce on kno11 n for frequent alcnhol-r.:lat.:d crash.::, dtlt.:r~n~ :ocatt11ns 111 the ,tate-. 1\htLh 1\as campus this spnng. Alpha Chi Omega Ih.: .:\1ADD rcpllrt card grades stat.:s LOlnctdentlv on~ ,1f the sugl!cstions ol the chapter presid.:m Christine Brenner said based on th.: number ol akl'lwl-r.:Iat.:d traffic rep,,rt card · ~ c Brenna is the only paS•ln remaining in death,. th.: tutal cnst incurr.:d thrllU!!h drunk fhis year. the nu11b.:r of fatal crashes the SlHilfltv after all its other members Jri1ing ,md state\\ tdc• k>!islation. ' disaffihateu' in Ocwber. imL'llln!! abllhll d.:cr.:,ts.:d b~ l:; p.:r.:.:m "Ther~ is too much of a bad reputation Durin~ th.: ra~t tl\ll y.:ars. n:' Sunun.:rs said she attrihut.:s this declinl: in Tklal\.trC"ans dt.:d .md ~-10!, million 11as sp.:nt fl>r Alpha Chi Omega on campus ri ght drunk l1ri 1 inc. tn a Clllll b1na 1i,lll ll f fac HHS no11 ... she sa1d. ··The\ feel that 11 \\ ould be ,mnualh b.:caus.: vi drunk drl\ inl!. including Dl I .:h.:d..p11111b. ne11 and tougher .:rr) R•>g.:r,. pr.:sident ,1r :-.!ADD wo much of a hassle-Ill try to rebuild right l;l\\s and the stan nf dri1ing pr11g_rams such as llll\\ Dd.111 are, said th.: r~p,'rt cards are tw:.:,;.;ar~ Click It llf ·I 1.:ket, a sc,Jthdt ch.:ckpuint alnng Alpha Cht Omega,, 11 hich \\ aS w hdp th.: communn~ f,lcus nn th.: prnhlems slat.: r•>ads. established at th~ universit\ on Feb. 26, cau,~d b) drun~-o dri\ .ng. Kdk) !3all.:). spokes\\ for Go1. 1972. \\ill end ns run as the ~1Ide st soron ty ·· lh•_' puhllc h.1s gro11 n u>mplac.:nt on Ruth Ann !\!inner, said the stat.: has m1rk.:d on campus 1f the naunnal council fo llows dr,lllk dri1 tnl! Jsst.l:s ... sb.: sa1d. ··and the hard 111 C11mhat drunk dri1 in g. thrlltlgh 11 ith its d.:~.:1sinn. kg.i,lahlrs th1ri'k thc prvhkm na, g.•Ht.:n hett.:r. !'hi, y.:ar child .:nd,mgcrm.:nt p.:nalti.:,. Brcnn.:r. 1\11l1 is the onlv remaining but drunk dr 1 ing still happ.:ns ... rep.:at ofknder leg.tslatillll and \icttm member ofth.: Sllrllrity, said she is upset by -'•>nathan Adkuh .;,•mmunJcatllolt d1r.:L1ur retnhuttlm h.:cam.: nll1r.: strinl!l!nt the council's de.:Jswn because 1t d.:fies l:l.:rvthmg shc 11as h\ the sorontv. for thc 1!<> .• h.: state n.:.:ds tel fil!h! a!!.ainst the ··1111. 1 not an accur,lle 11 a\ t.i ,;s.;.:,s th.: opportunttie,; fM 11 ,imen for a ltktrme." dispropc•rtillllh .:d in she said "Anythinl! we sct our minds to, prog.r.: ·, mad~ b~ tat.::s," h.: 'ai~l .. Th~! g.rad.:s I.Jtal .llcc>hnl r.:lat.:d crash.:s. r.:tl,•ct \IAJ>T)'o; g.:nd.t. Ih't th.: d1ll.:r.:nt 11.: can at:C11111pl1 ' h ~- Ik ,.11d thL' hil!h numh.:r ,1f min11rs !his nH>ttn has m.:ant a lot in her life 'tat~s· l!l! im 1111.:d Ill drunk Jri1-ing. ts because nf lenient sine.: she joined the soront \. Brenner said, ··tJ(i, i, a hi!!hly dill:rs.: na11on. \\hat und.:rag.: la1\S and sub-p:1r educatillnal and she is n•1t g.1Hng. to gi ' c.up easi l) \\urb tn lla\\aii ~n .. \ "rwt h.: \\h,lt \\Orks 1ll pr11g.rams She sa1d she wants oth.:r 11 llmen on Dda\1ar.:" · ·· ·tJtes need Ill make It dear that a dri1 er campu~ tn .:xp.:n.:nce \\ hat she has I)J) HO\\ ~~ .:r, \1A h,•[J.:\ .:s the h ., p(1red at a 10 blood ak,llwl k1d ... 1!\p.:nenc.:d 11 ith th.: snrMity. oreanin.11,1n .md o;t,ll.:' sh •ulu ha1.: the R,,J!ers s.1id, "'that \'11"t r.:a!J/e hl11\ ljlllekl) has had help fmm many p.:opk along: the uffic.:r tor the Dcl.m, r..: H1gh1\,t) t'>.:partm.:nt, their dri 1 in g. is impaired .. see .\LPJL\ page AS 'Biden considers 2004 Balloon celebrates 30 years

In \1.1 \ \1( 1\T\LF\ matter because I 11 11uld meet n manv d1fferem tt F.l· kmds nl penpk her.: · l'h.: ,·wn,· Ball•hlll br,>u!!ht huthlr.:do; ,1f run for the presidency "Plus thev 1!\!t k1ck-as~ hand. ·· n11Jdk-ag.:d patrllll' >'lt ol the 11 lll'dl\ urk o~l Ruchie lhihni. keyb11ard pb)er f1r llart . B\ . \~ D RE \BE \ E '\1 TO runninc ·• .:ckhrak lis 'lOth ;uumer'; '"\ S,JturdJ\ nie~t. s;ud h.: fdt pri1 ikged 111 play in th.: anlll\l.!l'$3ry EJ•rr'lf B1oen rcfus~d to d1scuss the specill.: 1h.: popular bar :llld mght.lub oi1 l·,lst :'\l.nn 'en. J,),.:ph R Bid.:n. Jr, fl-Dd. 'a1d Cl11KI!rt d1''f.:ren.:cs 1n llj)llllllll b~t\\ ecn himsel Stred held a pri1at.: panv early 111 th..: .:1 en1n!! "It ·s gr.:,Jt playmg. h.:r.: lllilight ... h.: said h.: IS COlll.:mplatin!! a 2 l0-1 •un lur th.: and t lore. ,;ay111g it \\\1Ulll be "pr.:matme bat •'r.:n.:d 11s d11llfS to lhc• g.:nc ~~ puhhl' at X lllllol\ ing llart 's llpenwg p.:rl11rmanr.: "It·$ pre:1dcncv m .t td.:\ 1 .:d int.:n II! I\ tlus 1,1 l!fl!!dcrn rl1ck hand the for JU)' I )cl;m uid run and lh.: scJah•r i•'ins a plHll •ll potential 1'011 ..:r fr.p J .'ack , I I l <1 llll'd md 1•1111!11) ··t played h..:r.: 1.!1<.!11 tl111ugh l \\,Js still a whether he is think inr:· h.: said. "1mple · y.:s and y.:s:· that inch de.; ~.:1' Jos.:ph J i.:haman, D­ tlle sever, I huncrcd l',llls 1\:10 11 ,.,,dcd Ill' "AI (Tl'rc Is a stglllliL,ltlt natwnal Ruhinr 'a1d h.: 11.1' pkas..:J \lith IHlll llan's Cor,n, ~en J.>lm Kern, T)-i\fut ntllllllll!. hL \\,Ulb- to thwul!IIOut 'le I ,-(b, \\Jul.: (\•m1.:ll I k sa1d altho >U!!h Bid.:n has hcl:n in th.: "It hclp,•d that l1 '"" r\1ug '\" take th.: n.:. t ·e1 era I nwntJls to s.:l: 11 he Senat,• lor '\() ycn•s. he '' ould pmv ide a lltld<.! fr<.!ljlClll .!pp,, a!l'l!' in the nucl- SO . In thl: St,, te Hall,ll11l 's '\() Years of busmcs, has a reasonabl.: dt,!llcc ,,I \\ inmn!! I, lresh l;~c~ to tht! Democratic party \\ ilmmc.1011 re,,lknt A1'1and.1 J.:nninl!s, -1 l1 !~a" hoo;t.:d more than 200 ,Kt;, mam llf 11hom " I'm !!L)llll! ll> co tak.: a lc'~'lk and b~( HJse h,• h;1s t'•lt i.lll tnr th.: pr.:siJ.:nt:) ,, .d ,h~ C31•11! b.t.:l to. 1, lone H. l•wn's 11er.: nallllnall) li'Uring. gr.1ups. · dcciJ.: ,di.:ther ur n·, t tt s nabk.'" Bid.:n Ill ,If\' K sine.: l'!Xi>. l II 1{1 Vll \\ I 1oc ph• • l l\er to "e\ISI t L\\ h'.Jf-; that sit. satd. "Bu• 11" it \\cr.:, l haY.: r..:al Artlsh such a' Da\ id B\TI1<.! nf the I alkine. "1 •!Jrnk 13rd.:n \IOUid d,l 1\dl 1n T he Stone Balloon celebrated its JOth lr, qu~ntt.J ihe cluh m the '7( • llc,tds. \.\ idcspr.:ad !'ani.: ;litd (iellrg..: C linh1n dtsae.reemenb 11ith AI 'tl s,Hn.: thing~. 1 dchat.:s and proJ.:ctin!! an m1ag.: altractl\C an ni' ersary Satul'(lay night" ith li' e "\\.: uset k' l,,,J c her~! all thL llllll!:· sh.: ltl\1! all tntv.:l.:d 111 :\.:11ark 111 !!rare the ,;rage at wotlld not he it alt. l to •h.: uninr,t'\. but it did.n 't t.~ •1lll<.! llalln,Hl. · ~ .\2 • 1111 Rl \IF" • O\ember 26. 2002 Wilmington • requires gun • registration

tn <·'"\h. \\1:

lh~ \\ Ilmlllgt,,n ( .t) ( ,,uncll pa~scJ .1 gun regt~tr3tllH1 bill Ihur,da~ ntght that r.:yuires ;Ill tin:.tmt tcac·) ,_r,,up. saiJ the said. Jnhn Tllllmps~lll. prestdcnt 11f the Dcla\\are the military scrvtces and the Army Corp~ llf l·ngineers to limit thcrr or\!anu.1t.,>n \lntnu.;,llJih:d thl.' wm-:r~it\ 111 establish Clli\ cr satd UJ1<111 rcgtstratwn. pllllCl.' ''ill issue gun ~portsmcn As~ociatiun, a division llt' thl.' 'ational cleanup activtl!e~ nr "take tll-adnsed short-cuts to limit Cl1Sts" .l:l .!l:c'l ratl.' rq"'-''''nt.llilll' lll ha td)!UJi \ lllknce Ill ll\\ ners a ceniticate that must ac<:epanmcnt arc failing Ill A media relatltlns ,, 'ficial ti.1r th.: \\ t!mtnl!ltln ilkgal guns with p,11Ice. 'hl.' lull\ ersitY t'lmnd· that, Ill \\ ilmml!tlencc unexploded munitions on inactive ranges across '\0 million to 40 ''ill put d straillllil the depanawnt hcc.tusl.' Jctccti\CS Counctlm,ln Ohwr can mn\ sav he Jid ,;nm~thiHg." l.'Xcl.'ctlcd thl.' natwnal il\ <.'rag.<-' h) II pcrct:nt. ht: sa;d millllln acrl.'s, an arl.'a roughly cquivall.'nt tn the state of !'lorida. ''ill be pulkd frLll11 their assignml.'nts tu "''rk tln '\ot also twted that th~.·re drt: no rl.'quirl.'ml.'nts 111 Cleaning up the unexplod.:d munitions. Ruch said Friday in an thl.' st:ltl.' rl.'gardtnl! gun rl.'gistralL!.LIII cla~siJied as Ctimina]s If they f()rgct lU regiSter thetr Dd.t\\.lrl.' ha.· man) h1oph,1ks and handguit 'i prohkm. and ''ill he ai' .1dJitinnal wul li.H members \\l.'rl.' in t:tv~lr ,1f the r<.. rl.' ad\ anced <-'11<-'fl!\' '-' ITicil.'nt which takl.' abllut t\\ ,, nwnths ILl spring ,1f unl.'xplnJcd ordnance lln I 'i million acres of former fhc :.. • Tkpdrtm,nt l•l I nagy machin..: tn rl.'.Jch thl.' calculatwn pro~l.'SSPfS than Purple.· anJ it \\ill p~·ritlfl11 llne sirnulatiun. aniillunc-:J pl,1ns on :-\o\ li.J 1\Jr spcl.'J ola htmun brain. he said. still usl.' hucc amnunts ,,[electric it\. .. J'his is a S\Stcm that can hanJil.' militar) land and 2.'i million acr.:s still in the Pentagon's pl)SsessJon. et,nstrul.'t!IH~ thl.' \\nrld's t\\O l'astest Wilkes satd the plans flH Blm· \\-ilk<-'' ~aid th 'Sl.' .:ompuh:rs ;irl.' thl.' ultimate !ask. a ·•ull phy~ics· On<.' s.:111or T·l'A official, \\huse office produced two of the sup<-'rt:ompukr~ <-'.tclt c<~pabk ,,r Cil.'ne-1 an; less C:lllll.'Tete. hut ''hen ncl.'d.:d 11<'\\ hl.'L\Il!Sl.' thl.' natinn Illl ~imulati,nt ... he :aid J,,.~um~Ihs maJc puhli.: by 1'1 l:R. said both those documents arc compming ilformati >nat ,;pel.'ds thl.' computer b fuushcJ it ''Ill h:l\ '-' ll·ngl.'r pl.'rforms actual nuclear litis means Purple ''ill bl.' able to more tlt,In l\\ll years ,,lJ and •:itc prl1h!cms related to Pentagon lit~t.:r th:m th.: human brain. Ii1stcr capahillltl.''>. tdcall~ nmmng at ll.'stine, S test thl.' hand!<.' all Jimcnstlln.; nf a nuclear cleanup practicl.'s that ha\ c since been rectified. I c'lll1tpui~I hl.' ''Ill l1c l,uilt a, tht• spcl.'d Lll ;r,(l trilliPn rakul.Jtion' st 'l'kpt't• ,,, \\ l.'rl.'c.Ists. he \\ ·i!l.,l.'>, 'pokesman t\n tmaetne." \\'ilkl.'s said "Th.:y arl.' a Throu\!h th<.:><-' stmulatwns. the satd. · than a militar) ran ~ y<-'t still contain [unexploded ordnance]·· • • I\ s.tid t'te first el,mputt:r, rl.'ally btg. dea 1n the sri~'nttrtl nation ,,0uiJ bl.' able t<> prl.'Jict the Ciluck s·till supercnmputl.'r.; .n.: •t.l.'kn.tmLt! l'ur'1lc. \\1' hl.' ddiv.:rl.'l• u>mmunity,. Pl.'h'l\ 1 1r .mJ ate;l\ ot .1 'tnl' nuck r h m 1, mc1re IPporar t,r PROt>OS\1 10 F'\LISI' Cll 1/E SPIFS \\'<\S DOO\TED t J 1 1\ l'rmorc labs m C'.1h omit .md .kiT Gli.tck, -.pok.:sman for Il3M '' t:npons I he c.tlmp~tcrs could pnctical rcas,Hts Js ''ell FR0\1 S II\ I~ J' \\ill bl.' Ll'l.'d 1<1 perf>rm C'.tkulatillns CN Th.: Justice Department's Operation riP. l'l'r tc,tm~ nucle,tr '' eaptl!ls ,.;upcr..:omputl.'r,; \\Ill '''-'igh '' l.'apnns. he ..;aiJ. J[lCfC:ISingJy d.:pl.'nJ..:nt Oll pwgram. \\ hich would have ~nlistcJ tens of thousands of truckers, The sl.'.:unJ supl.'rL'Ortpu1cr, ·~lul.' appnlximatcl) 200 tons and \\ill hl.' "One \\ ay Ill simulate explosions Clllllputl.'r.; l'ur research that \\as bus dri,.:rs n' p<-'r ''-'cond, about thl.' same amount of cncrg\ as 4.000 (ilu<.:k said l'urpk \\llllld Jo thcsl.' Cllmmerci,tl .:on1puting in th.: future. the C•'ntrn\~rsial imtiativl.'. ft was hlJtmded by criticism from civil same speed as the human brant or hnml.'S. ~ - nuclear \\ captHI simulatillllS in kss and targeted i'ur eliminatil ti.1r anti-terrorism policies that many Rep !'l.'rry ~pl.'ncc, R-1 Xth District, has "C hildrcn that ;S admintst.:r~ \kdicaiJ to chilJrl.'n un a ll.'rminally ill children t~H:.: has Cl1111promiscd thetr \\as cn\'is!llncJ .1s a "national sysll.'m for reporting. susptCillus and Th.: llll<-' casl.' that \\a~ r<-'t:<.:ntlv admincd. hl.' said, case-hv-casc basis. and if children are eligible ror health even funhd, Link said potentially terrorist-relat.:d activity" invnlving "millions of h td hccn trying to obtain )J('S approval ~ince \1edicaid. it pays for thl.'m tu go to a l'l'H' facility. "Children's cnnditwns \\.m;en. and I hate hl sav Augu~t. I aylor Levine sa;d SlllllC children ar..: dl.'tcrminl.'d thts, hut some even die not gl.'tting th..: carc nccJl.'d,'' Ameril.'an ''nrkl.'rs who, in tht: dailv cours<.: or their \Hlrk, <•re in a ( hildrl.'n '' llll r !..:vine said she attributes stJnte 111' thl.'sc public places," acconhng ttl a dl.'scriptillll po,;tcd last summcr on the typically go to prcswbed pediatric extended care "We 1ieed to continue pro\iding. senicc to kids complaints to families that had heen rccct\in~ Justicl.' Dcpartml.'nt's \vcb ~!le. facilitil.'s, called PPI·( s. afta hl1spitalizatitlll, I ink that arc eligible." she said !he ACT U anJ llthcr grlmps, aiarmcd by the possibility that said. Medicaid. but are no lonl!cr di\!Ible bcc,iuse th~ I ink sarJ his biggest Cllllccrn \\ ith thl.' tkla\. and child is bl.'ltcr. or tn c!li!Jr.:I1 that have bl.'en utilttv \\llrkers nr ddivl.'rv dn\ers mtght be enlistl.' d Ill ~p) on 'lltcse faciiitll.'~. ltk..: ~urses ·n Kids, arc Jay In soml.' cases. tli~ Jl.'nial t)f appro\ al. 1~ that fCL'l.'I\ing th.: s.:f\ICeS that tlll.'\ shtlii}J nnt ha\C in cust,;mers, said thl.' ''as a kill "gO\crnmcnt­ tacilities. which ha\l.' all th.: nH;dical services progr<~m ~to cr~ating ch1ldrcn are sulTerinl! tn thl.' m.:antimc the llrst place · sanctitllll.'d l'eepmg l'l1ms." necJl.'d tO care t\>r .t sick child. he said "T\.ly heart hlel.'lf~ fllr them," hl.' said "Thesl.' "Some Ita\<-' recl.'tvl.'d Sl.'n ices ~rrunl.'uu~h l ink said thth<-' '' '"' arc concaned ab,mt tht: Lltildren iled br Allllll Chrilfopht'r fi·om ! .. A. Times and Washingrvn Since Nurses ·n Ktds is a dav fal:llitv. childrl.'n ttmc to l

\lA A\ n \\'0.\IA \ ROBBED apprnximatdy 10 p m l'riday anJ '7"i and hlack dress p l'i1.1.a ;mJ ''ere '' alkinl! l.'ast lln 1111rwr hanl!inc i'mm its dcctrical ol unkno1\n ml.'n at thl.' "~'-'''ark the ~idC\\.Jlk \\'len '\\U unkn<~\\11111<-'11 \\ircs. an w;kn;,,, II liyuid P\\ them. S!,.t ( i.:rald R tile ho,lll ,,r her car and a Jlattcnl.'J .11 .lpproximatcly 12·~~ a.m SunJa;, '\impsllll satd. front tire, 'limpson said. Simpsllll said. Unc lli' the unknown men l!rahh.:J rhe Jant.lgl.' llllakJ appmximatl.'ly A lkr an arguml.'nt inside a pool the man arlH nd Ins nl.'~k and 57'\, he said hall. a gmup ol· unknom1 men bl.'gan threatened hun, be :aid lightmg in thl.' parking Int. he satd The '' lll !h.: C,:1p on f.dst :\ fa!ll 19') I !'l)ll1nutlt \an. Simps

' • - • - ...- ---;.--"""1-"""" --.-- - ~ ~ ~ NO\ ember 26, 2002 . TilE IU\ IF\\ • . \ j FOX hosts show Iris scans live from Scrounge now zn• use B J \ lT \HDl f Ol R as 11 .::11," she• s;ud. rf }(, I r ()n.; 11! l.;u.;·~ Clue-; .tb, It '\e\\ark \\JS that lh~ sun hau llllt \~t riS~n ,-~~krd.t\ \\ h~n rk.:d .t• the< hry,kr plant BY KE\T\ I RESSLLR C~nt~r Appruxtm,Ild) II) ,·,trlv binb s:t,m cc. up .t.J/j Ji,·p r'· r '-'•'rill b~gan th..: \\Cath.::r hr;t~t ;ll ~ .'0 t ' 'ic11 tlk' -.;hull .ud l'\ en a , hanCl' t'' John F Kcnn.::d\ lntcrnatwnal Atrpnrt h am li\llll ,~,Ibtdc the ~tuJ,•nt CL'nl-:r. nhn lilt! ,,n kk\ i-;i m 'Illlng hc,tJc "cri,, ..!' currently the onlv· airp,>rt in th.:: nat ion Ill llhtdc t,, th.:: ..:r•'lUll!l: after, 1 h,,ur. 11hcr~ .;he hwaJc.tstcJ th.: \\cat'tc C•HI,IHIn ,,t thL' .;h,,,, '-•llllc' ,tudc•nts tt .. t stnppcd 11\ \\ .:r.:: t<:rmtnal H l \ l'hit,I,klnh • ~CI\,; clh>,;c Ill bn>adcasl inlc'fl'St~d in Ill:\\ S br,\tdc; s( .IIH! ,CJ/Cd thL' Bnan 'I rum1!.:: spokesman for the tr,,m '\-:11,1rk Sen ,;;nd. h..:c·au-.c the stau,m •'PI'Mlllllll) tn t lk Ill an .1 ·,·,tmpli-;h,•d rranspnrtaltr the .future. - Sl!cmit)' tcclu'lr, but more tmpnrtantfy, th.::rc i,; Jlll number of pilot projects using varinus th~it "Its the' n.:: :hut!! that l:\enb,,,[\ cares I .::she Friedmld m.c tll acc..:ss controllcchnolol!\ ." lnnnil.:: said. .tbout 11hat do I ~1car todav'! \\hat's it the l ntv.::rsity 11ookstore. satd sh.:: ,,~atches \\ 11erc tl: sh(>\\ \\;!' h<:IIH! hW.tlkastcd t.lkl: .ts mul'h m.::t,:,n,J[,,g) .mJ adl'~htllll! no1 !..11 c '0 rc·rort all) 1 wknc.:: ,,r ups.::tting "\\.:: hear ahllut their lives. not just "I ·, , \\a~ t,, g..:t p.::opk t,, kn1111 .1 little ,,r its scheduled pilot run. no tina I decision then r st.m.:J ,;tud\ inl!." ,!J.: saiJ .. 'lll\ I Ill:\\' busin.:ss." she -;aid. hhtor;. atli'Ul the area I .un bn>,tdc\tstmg fmm ha1c tl\ll y.:ar,; ,,( mctcnrPil'!!! under Ill) has been mad.:: on keeping the tns-sl'anning ··tt '-;not the horrible nc11s, like st;mding in system. ·'They have hccn very pleased \\ i1h the pilot run," h.:: said. "I'm sure\\ h.::n Ihe pilo1 program ends JI'K 1vill make arrangcm.::nts Newark volunteers may help clean oil spill Ill keep the sys1cm operating." Victor Van Der Chijs, prestdcnt ,,r B\ \UX\ S \'\lO R\ v.:ars hal'k did major em trl>nm.::ntal .llllt.H!e, as d d .1 -;pill ncar wtdcrl!,raduatc llldav." ch iphol U SA, said liis Clllnpany ts \'• h .t ' htl!land'-. :--hctl.ui,! Island~ ... h.:: said ··r t iink th.:: rcgtoi: utthc 'itlntt saiJ once ·.m animal is rescued from an oil spill. the responsible for unpkmcnting and operating \\,lunt.::a.; frvt'1 a '\1.'\lark-ba,;.::J \\ tlJhk R.::hahtliL.tii•Ht l'rc~·aig~. ml ~pill is athlth.::r l11ghly ,,:n ··tl\ ,., L'L 1ll1gically rich tir-;t prinrity is th.:: animal by tending tn its medical th.:: ins-scc sent 1l ~pam tn help rescue 11 ildlilc atkl'ted by '''Ill: that may p,1,;c 1·cr~ [,111~ t.::rm dam:~gc· thre·1ts." ne.::ds. ! he ins-scar111ine. tccht1l1 lnl!.v has J rl:l'Ctll OIJ spill Svh e~ ,,ud t:tc·t,1r, such as tlw lks .en ,,f th.:: ship. the 11ay m "'!he initial swbili!il, s,mk ast llf \\;llcrpwor nr htwyant and are unable to remain warm. loan you my eyes," Van Der Chijs said anunab ~-.Ill th.:: hundreds. nl1lthou~ands. 'pam."lw s:uJ "1 he Prestige \\as sm,J.:: hulled · Birds arc also at risk I'llr gastroint.::stmal problems rr,1m "Iris-scanning is takin11. an alr..:ady solid "At 1fus plHlll Jcspttc 1h.:: s11.:: ,,r th.:: slick, it has Ill' I r.::sultcJ .. !'he• [ ""''n \ .llJo did tlllt ediT\ "'much c'il a-; the ahsnrhcd lllxins. ,;he said . security system ~md streng1hcning it.-. tn mam ammals nccdtil!! r.::habilnatwn:· sh.:: ,aid "As the ,,it Prest gm participalin!! In 1hc ::!'JtiJ sch.::duk.". · con,enient. secure: tunc .::ffccttvc i!lld ann tal lurkc\ l r,ll ll1K mn .md ~K 11alk rua ThlHnas I' \\ampler. city councilman for futmisttc. he said m '-.nurdJ\ morntne ll.mdloff Park. lhL 4th Dtstnct. said he panil.'ipated in the "The employees CllJll)' hcin~ Imolvt:d Ill '\har'l)n Brucli. r.::crCdi.1r.:: the Thanbgiving minuics ltll your.time], hut I'm setting a airport in early 2000 hut has been holida\ hcndunark." he said. discontinued. A\\arJ.; 11crc giv.::n for the tor three mak \\'ampkr satd the weather 11as gr..:at for Orr said that 11hile Charlott.::-D,,ul!.las as \\l:ll as th.:: top thr.::.:: kmak finishers 111 nmning. except for the ''ind. had the syst.::m 1111ly for a brt.::I' pcrllld. each l,f th.:: 1t) al!e brackets 111 b,,th runnin!.! ·1 h.:: 11 ind did ha\.:: an effect besides reactions from users 11 ere cnc,luraging. C\ em,;. l'nE.::' ''~r.:: alsn ;mard.:d tx. 17. in the ~K 11Ith ~1\"l:·;J\\ a v~. tit.:: e.x..:r.:t~e u.d lor Ihe frc.:: !'-shirt he\, as bleedi11g, and Ill ch.::ck for couldn't "ork ow a deal \1 ith the security a ume of 17 07 hccau~e - Sh.:: ·said don.tti<111S 11 cr.:: l!I\ <:n bv \!,Jih Burns. 'J. said sh.:: ran her lirst 'iK .Jl Sll!.llS nf a Cllncussion. fie \\3S treated and . olutions contractor \\ ho did tht' test run Ftrst-plact: 11 ,1111<'11 \\cr.:: Kar.::n Reher. 24. Cl1ntpam.::s ,uch a, ( lnr.:: Ouldlll1f Appard. X. hut \\·as p.uttcipaiins in t'tc rurk<:y I rot for able Ill stay and 11atch 1hc race limsh. ti.1r us:· Orr said. in th.:: 1OK '' ith a time nf 41:4n, and J.::nna Kirk\\ Lllld l'itn.::ss <·tub, 1\lnddl's Spnrtmg. th.:: tir't time 1\ti.::r tlic events, participants enJoyed fruit "[ hope tll have the iris-scanning \ IcCar!an. 1'·in the: ~K \\ith a time ltf :20·1)3 . (;.,,,ds. !'ike t r.::.::k I itnc~s Club and \\'nml.'I! "I practll\? by 111)Sl:ll .tnd \\ ith my ;md \\ ater provided h:v Parks and Recreation. program here at Slll11C point in th.:: ncar Bruen satd all the top \\ inn.::rs ''ere Ill 1\ ltll llll. 11101111'1\', .. she said. "I lo\.:: numing. It's a ti.m as trophtes and al\ards were presented to the fltturc. but right IlLli\ u's not on llur plate," ai\JrLkd l!ift cenifica1cs to Aemc Markc\S S,,phr'th.:: tntditional Thanksgiving nuke) participated ti>r h.::r ,.::cond tim.:: tlus year t\>r f)uaPC ( hriSly of .\laryland said he UD Study Abroad ranks high

year. compared 10 !ewer than 500 excursions provided 10 students University is sixth students\\ ho \\ent abroad a decade "\\'.: also have an expenenccd Big sister has big heart ago team nf [,lcal directors in llUr host Junior Kcll) '-lulliYan al11ays in the nation for '--rhis gm,\th can h.:: attribUI..:d Cltuntries 11 ho help to admimsta to the inc'rcasing tnt.::rcst in Study our programs," he said. 11 am.::d a )'llllngcr stster. and Ihis Abroad opport~nttt.:s 11nd to th~ Grit'fiths satd th.:: Center for year her dr.::an. cam.:: true 11 hen participation in 'he hec.tme a 'nlunt.:cr in the univ.:rsitv·: stmnl!. ClliTimitmcnt to International Studtcs organius 13ig Brnthers Hig \tsters foreign progranzs intcmati~nal educ~llon:· he said. .::ach prngram's travgram . the \ st-.tcrs I del thtngs ~~~ tth th.:: kids programs are becoming mor.:: llnalil.::d, the ccnt~r csttmatcs h'"' l!llllll! ubrikl!.::s .md ullt\crsttics. ,;h..: said. things I 1\ ith ) ''ur little bothers Sulli\all ,,tid she and Kcntso1a ··1 \\,tnt to he a f1•skr m '!her offcrinl! more ~rudv Abroad studvinl! abmad iit Clranada. Spain. "' <1111 tu.;eth.:r at th.:: Inc tl thu.:: arc su m.tnv t.::'s.t Ciritliths. dircl.'tnr ,,r the schlllar~hips than .::v.::; bcfor.:- ll' 11as ·the-best idea h.:: 1!\l:r had or sist.:rs I The cos\ dcp.::nds on Ccnt.::r l\1r lnt..:rnational 'itudi.::s, YOU '\" rnming p,H>l. cht dr.::n '' he• a•e gr<•\\ illg up 111 help SIUJentS \\ Ilh the CllS\S of "The program gtv.::s Is udcntsl \1 hat d1J \\ llh lh.::rn ," s ,11 d t h c' unt \ .:: r s i t \ nt.llk a ··• tat• ., 'll It.-r Ill''' to dn~." bad hausdl<>ll''·" 'uiii~.ln -;, J. thCSL' prngrams the amnunt m its 12th ··w.:: tr) and d,, tun tlungs, .;h.:: -;,.tJ • .. lt \\.IS r.::\\.trdlllg lor "\\hen the\ arc .1k.::n all.t\ trom (iritt'tths satd th.:: C.:ntcr for h:.::l t\1r th.: place" both nt u'" tlte•tr latlll.ltes t1le) dun i 1•,1\.: pl.tcc ranking last ! car. lntcrnati,mal Studies '' orks hard tu Ciriffiths said mM.:: than :'iO lik.:: pia) g;tmes. go pl.tccs and "f .tctor' tur the m..:rcasc ar.:: 1h.:: Alter Kcnt~ha mn"vL·d to 'tflllll! parental ti,..ure, rind rcaSllltahk acc,,mmodatllms perc.::m of 'itud) Ahn1ad pn,granh Ita\ c dmncr tog.::th.:r ·· numh.::r nf prog.rams ntler.:d and rl!ia , the: BBBS match.::.! her "I "''uld like l\1 ttll l'tat r•>k "1th tHl l.':....tra fees tn the students. •tre ortcrcd dunng 11 imcr sc,,l!lll. SulhYan \Olunkcrcd 1\ith t11o the dt1 cr~tt~ nf these prngrams, .. 11 tth' Brittany 7, abo frnm an,l utrc kr tr..:m >L tl'<:\ "\\'c do an dll:ctJ\e jnb tn <:Ind hcti\Cen 70 and 7 ~ pcrl'.:nt ,,t dtt ter..:nt chtldr.::n stncc sh.:: >IlL >:ltd Ne1\ -.rk. \\ill 'llab stMting- a culture nf Study dunng the \\ ullcr . .::sswn, ~h.:: said ' s a c•J in ,In c•-matl ne.;sa1!L' that an includ.:: 1\llrktn~ "Hit BBHS and Abr,1ad." J h';.: untlcrsll\ ranked behind - She sp.:nt llhlst nf h.:r tim.: -.stunatul I, 'OO studems-frnm tit.:: "t•h her first little s1st..:r .ll'tcr gr;,duatllln she lh'Pt'' lo Rtch satd th..: r.::sidcnt dtrect,1rs lht. [ '111\CrSIJ \ llt' '\lllrl: ]),tl11L' anJ Ic:< dt -; l!r.llk in Nc\\ .tiii\Cr,;tt~ :trc e.,pcct.::d lak \Chtck~ , our JObs .1s Jcsu~' ~te\\.tr,k" '>aid l'.tl Pattillo, directur 111" l'attill<> said the bL''I tcclmolo!!.\ should ClllllmUIUCallll!h 1\lr th.: ali<111a) ( nunc!) he 111 car~ <1 pCLlple can clt]oy th.:tr fight cancer of Churches \ducks\\ llhout pollutine the attnosphcre The campat!!.n. \\hich starkd ,th an .lllempt tu challenge luel-l'l"fiCicnt cars . .1nd tn lump.: '>Ptll:crt v.:ars uld hdp makc llllllCrOUS ll!Chnl1JOI!ICS ..:ncfit the buyers conscwus 11f ''hat they pun:llLtsc in consume!"\ tu purchaso.:- \.til~ .tlld pick-up trud. l pp ~l j t llJsk.:: ,,f I kiJ\\,tre in ,tddtlinL·ert, thc most efficicnt \chicle that made th.: \annus lechnolu!!.ies. he s,tid. • 'i70 Or)( mo•e 11 1 ... IH>!<.: \dll 1e '' luc:h ml'luded perl\mnanc..:s h) s..:,·era, addnilln,tl best scns.: for his litl!styk with high fuel ( harle,; 1 erritn. spokesman ftlr the pJrdtas.:d th.m •t c rr lie !.'· ~L ,r car studcm ir.:: Dance CLllllpan~. The , :.Chromes held their first annual charin New drug breathalyzer tested th.: Y-Chromes:· he .;;lid ·· \Jt ,,nJv is it entertaimnl! concert Satunla) to benefit cancer care. · for th..: audi.:n..:c. hut II eat> dra" ii1 m,1r..: mon.:v f,rr B\ \SHLF.\ llR\ID pruhahl~ \HlulJ Hell b~.. panicu trl~ c•fc t \C DRJ rctumed nnce 111\Jre after intem1isswn. "Th.;rc arc rmnv di fti:rcm 'erswi1s hetnl! lestd DLl\\ :· she has in th.:tr svskm." h.: s.1id. Ill<~ I .md asststs familtes exper·encing. financial performing. ancxt..:nJ.:d dance sequ.:ncc 1\.:aturing the said. ··s\1llll' test saii\a, sweat, hair, breath and urine I 3\\ enlo..rccmcnt shnulJ ClJllllllue •o I , k ll•r impa!rt.d ,[J fticultic.; by suppl)ing them '' Jth a gift basket on ~lt~ltad Jacks,HI hit~ "Bad" and ··smo,llh Criminal .. "This would h.: the first time a portahk testtng dc\lc.: llunksgi\ inl.l. The Y-Chmmcs capped the evening with a li\e­ dri\ws the \\a) it do..:s lltl\\. t~>ing field tesh and \\ atdung I 'r \\llulJ he used t\1r Jme t~stmg bv Ia\\ enfmc..:ment unicials 111 erratic drivin!!.. \\ hid1 are \ Cf\" d tix II\ L' h.: ·aid '"lhi; y.:ar we h,1pc 1,1 pw'id..: 1.70( f':m11hes 1\ ith song p..:rCnnnance. rendcnng. such htts as Stone a '' idespread capacity:· - · "In that \\ay. you \\ill )!Ct. j1Cl1plc \\ho slwuidr.'t ..: dr \ill!!. a ti.tll Thanks!!!\ mg dinner:· she sa1d. "incluJtne. a l cmpk Pilt .. h..: ud r,Jr pc

ll\ I \ '\ 'J . \Ol '\G lum or th~ oldest a'' ards at /\~ \II . Jattng hack authu said the long lrst ofpr~\ious As a cnlkag.ue stn.:c I'I(>'J. pmkssnr ,J! a ".t~ 1<1 mak.: c~'.ltpmp,lSII

BYS.\ R.\1..\ \ \'\CII\ 1,,,,,1~lup. P.t., P-1 I t..., II it sh ,alln t •lfk,; •rt· r reCipients must \\ork 411 lwurs per 1\eek. veluck,; pnced at I per car. mailer tl ~\Ill drnC ll;J Ill a Jcl, rl'ldll. e h \\ll:_l Mimi Abramn\ it;, a pr11fes.;or from sh.: ~aid, and the state.; that Cratc du lars .. Welfare Reform 2002. Who Benefits'' tlwusands nf lo\\ -paid\\ urkers.'' sh<.: sat d. AcL]uisttions. said a 1\.:r a PJ "1\ rollin!!. hrllbuard Is 101 \\O,ll the p,t''•.: "I hi,; prngram tncrcased internal attcn'd..:J the. Cllll

H\ K.\T lii:Rl'\E GRH'ELD 1 nudio: Recital llall .. lt \\as impr<.:SSI\C Jill\\ thC\ dtd lllll' piL'l"l' thatL"LitJld ltke .1 1) ti'in~ c·~l' , tee )L'U stt d,mr 1J d ''Ir \\ r" alf }f. r ,,,,, "[ ptcked '' nrks that most retkct~d dilkrcnt p.:ri,1ds la,;t up to im..:rmisston," ~ \ ;tns Sdtd. II alJ Clli'1CS lL'l'.C h..:r .. r\!t: ._ I t..: d d !he seaceahk Kinl.ldnm," \\htch co mposer of our llf \~a.Jted tu stng r hun psut•~s l nne•stt\ ,,t \ tr!!,lll!, l n \efsll\ ( tl f r 1 '"\\ c arc not cdchrattnl.l him hecause 11 ts Ius cunsist..:d or L' ~hapters fwm the '1\Leluia •..• I lead said or thL' pieLl' Hcrkcle\ ,;nd J'ri 1cet '1 l'n \er-.·t\ ttca I " htrthda\. nor IS it tht: anm~·ersarv nt' his d..:ath, hut Hook ur lsat,th and last<.:d about 4'i time." that \\,ts \Hillen in live fnr th,· :lll•ior I ilh Burns'''' tmprn L'd \\,tl t 1e ... h,l .t

hecaus~ he 1 ~ the must cdehrated compnscr of tr Is , tn.:tl n~ e\ c:r\ 1 • , 1, IJ I h..: Schola Cantorum. \\ hich consi-,ts Llf more than tamtltar '' tth Tllllmpsun het'nr.: the 11/ll.lir·pro{t!.I.\OI"l'llllfllmd the group began rchcarslllg l\1r thc appr.:,·iatc, and shnuldn't hL lllttl'l!J tcJ , ' 11 c1 12'i sineer: trom both the university and surwundine. .:onccrt, lounJ this p.!rt or the tribute the lirst '' .:ek of :>cil

B \ .JJ:'\ \ Ill E "[\en lwdy come, 1,1 thctr tllllt she sati.l II R r1 ·I hi' )Car \\L' didn't g.:t as llldll) sJ,,t and I they] arc pretty I h.: mtnJmum dnnatitlll I rom Kapp. D..:lt.t '' ror t\ "td l'ntd c rp,lr.!lc sp-1-10. he ,aid .hllli(}} Erin !Jonoran 1 h..: ne\1 a lot of lim, so \ll' s-tgncd up l(!r it "' the 1\llll,tld :\k ),llla.d htll.Sl' tl' I :I c h m.:mhcrs or this year ·· \\ tlmtnetnn the• ltr': "'''k II' lratcrntt\' Kappa J)dta Dono\an said shc lcds this D.:ccmhc•. member rtldc r,;r ------hat! to sign up llll Rl \'If\\ ( ~11a lk tz year's program \las mllfe ,,rgani1cd Iluqnl.'ssc'' un \!J 11 ''reel \1,\S Kappa Ddta 'orori~ and Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity ride t\\O hnurs. \lhtch hr,1kcn d

IH 1rss1< \II \GS'I R0\1 predominant!) b!.tl."k but [,ILC l:i :h'l thl' lOCUS uf the may be dissolved lfR Llr!!dliJ/,ltlllll 1,1111', d pra)t'~" ltllcd th.: R,,Jnc: Ro,Hn in ' .:ni,lr flam1..:n Pipcr. prugr,un c•Hillnittc.: .:haitman .md a continued from A 1 t J,rt ( .:n·..:r "" nh,re than _oo students and 11\l' \car m.:.nhcr ,,r the chutr. s,\iJ he all ·ndci.l thl.' l'trst , n, cr • t\:nJ.:d the <;,,,;pel Ch,,ir' · ··c1,,~pcl rcheund ci1mpus." she saii.l. ~r \\ 1 J dappmg. tlm:~Je 1111.: \\,lilt tn J.lln lit and.hc .t part, ·\,Ita. The Gospel Choi1·'s •·Gospel E\plosion·• fills "Therc is a 'K run that I \\as planning on partaking. in ng th~: rtr Juctwn ,,f the c\ cnt. th.: mist res' lp.:r ~atd the ~''LIP I' 11''' ,1nly .1 \\a) ''' IIUI'istl.'r 1•1 uc ,n u.J .:n ,mr.:t~cd :tudi.:nc.: in'''hcm.:nt in th.: CtllllllllU!ity. hut ~t!Stl a \\,t) In be .I part ld. ~llllll'thlllg_ li!ll''" .;!up and .tssn~tattng '' ith 0ther students "htl share the ulli\.::r,;itv. said m.:mhcrs of the (ire.:k communi!\ .. "I like b.::mg. a part tll .Ius gwup bee. ,•se tt t~ , 1,11 ot \'ll'\1 ~ art: conccrn~d with tht' council" s dcci~i,m h1 r..:mov~ , J th ... (nlspcl Ch0rr i,; studcnt-mn and Ctl!tsists yt,ung pctlpk ,rri\ing tn li\e ll1r < hnst, and it', !!'"'d h1r "It's a ~aturda: night. a.nJ \\C c.,uli.l he at a dul>, a party Alpha Chi Omega !rum campus. 1.. fclhm.;htp," he ·aid. tlr .111~"' here l.'isc. but each L'r us cfll)t''l'' ttl h.: here." she "\\ l! arc still in convcr. at ions \\ ith them." he said be' t '" ,f thl' St) f.: o! 111liSIC, the clwir IS Br,mn a ''l Sunt ol Omeg.t's national hc;aclquartcrs in lndtanapolis t ..:nh. '' 1cr.: ' J:otl!Jcnts t n~l ish per~ol' p.!•ttCI ~.I, lll' Ill ,;t ld\ ,\b \ < l pr J..?.rdlll' Stllllctimc n.:xt \\ cek ttl tr:- tn plead her c,tse 111 person. "lalkm>!. !(l ,,,mconc fro.n ~lnt,\111 \\ .. s .,he aal "One; Ill cH.r '·l· cr.h s.udy If Alpha Ch1 Omega is r.:mnwd lrlll11 campu.; no\\. real!) helpt'ul .. she said "I k ttlkc•d about , broad it is qu.:stit1nahk as ll1 \\heth.:r nr nutth.: url!allt/atinn a 1,11 of thin~::.;. like ''her~ It' t.Jt an I h1ll\ ... , lllc !'••.tl 11 .u lt:..hl , tu !?.1\C \\ illc\ cr rcturn, she said. - much thmgs'uht .. Am.:• L.ll~ students •hc-llj)po·tunity ll) .. !'h.:) '' ill.:nd tlp c,,ming hack 1\'tthin th.; next fi\..: Studcm':.; \ isit.:i.l difli:r.:n• t,thlcs '' htdt Lor lCe't d td t,ilk 1\11.1 studcn: from ,,thcr wars to trv and rc-coloni7c." I3rcnncr said. "\\'hcthcr displ.i)L'J Jtcms lrom the ',trttl!I' L 01 I f l'' " ~lr lllll thl' university\\ ill a!IO\\ that iS up Ill th.:m .. l'tlUtllri.::.;' .:ultur.::s t •'Iter s.tid th~.: Co mopl'lt.111 < lub has N,,rman sa1d rullltlfS that havt' surfaced m rt ct'nt One t;t bk rcpr.:scnting Scl tth AlrtL'a, mcn,h.:rs ron 1'1 r • th.m •}( di•!'.:rcnt \\l'Ck~ abnut fMm.:r member~ ur the Alpha Cht had trthal ptllt..:r:. maps, th.:: courllr) 's ll rumnrs should he Ctmsidcrcd hcarsa\ ... h.: said the fe.;ti,al t,i lt'arn more .tbuut :Vkxtco ·1 It,• duh has app• ox1matcl) 200 Festhal ofl\'ations Thursday. and ttl me..:t other people attcn~m,_ the m.:mb.::•,, .;!•.: suid, -1(1 nl \\llllm .trc Norman said an undcr2.round s,)r,mtv IS mcrdv a ::--tud) Abn>ad prugram there Ill .lanuar) ,JCll\l.'. s,lcial gr,ntp that IS not' rl.'cogni/cd hy the (Jr~d. "That's ''hat ts :itl gr.:at ahout \osm,, "''inc.: I wn dn lntcrnati<'llJI Relation· , 1.: dub .:on~ .;to; ,,f b,llh c nmmuni tv m;qnr \\ tth a CtJnccntrattnn 111 I a tin it is like .t littk ~amih ... she said. .. fhcv

B\ LIS.\ \En:-.. \.1. communi!\ ... she said "J\rt 1s in my head It"s Mllllt'lhtng I ha\t' In "p I l:ach artist \\Ill h

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Ads on patrol cars HEY, LOOK

It Arn.:nc.m poh•e olltc ·r are J'fLlOl!i.'l" ;Uld thl'; Jbplay~d in h•,,kmg.l •r a \\a} • • j, ,._: ,,,n,.: rl''J"-'Ct. the' .t:rkct patn1l ti'r n.:11 , ·lul'l.:, flr th,· American pohce prtll' ol .1 "hoppm.. dc1Jattments I h..:y c.m·t Just HE E! t>u,·>- t t>r.:ak a c,>ntract and 11,,\\ I'\ cr the tot.l ~hould consider [1\l\\ tht'~ \\ill h.: pn.:e !i'.tl 1111'\ 1\l'l pt~ the true cost of ·''"ll'lalt'd \lith a h) unpl ·m.:nt111g. th , . m..:ssag..: that 11 ttlh-? an n<:11 ad\c·rtnn!! --rh.:m.: letting ..:mharrassm.:nt nnt r..,..:s 11.n -r<'l•lltd cOinpames Pnh to tndniJual ~wn.:t.1r_1 ·<'k.: th<.') ,ire pr,>ud >Jlll;bl,rs 11f Amenc;m fh.mklulh. Nt'll:.trk Poll~.·.: .tl!r.:e polic.: dl·partm.:ms It "til surely get Jnd ar.: 11 till! nut to h;n.: su~h d th.:m great puhli..:it). \lhtch should he pr.,gr.Ul1 r~is.; lllt' R.:l 1<.'\\ <.'Lli!Ullt'IIJ, t' them 1\>r pncing th<.'tr respect lughl Bcli1rt' p,,lic.: tkpartmcnts ntsh to th:mL.t\ u1e tk'll, lull w''l \.:hide..; put tlJ.:S<' ad1 1'111s.:m.:nts on th.:ir palmi "' li>r ;,th.:r P•'lkL' ,tati<'lb that ar.: <.'1f". the\ '-lhlttld think til u:..: ah<1ut h<>pmg t,, unpl.:ment th.: llt'll program. \\hat thi,· is r.:ally g11utg to cost them 11..: h,lpt' th.:: s.:nou.·l) ,·unsid.:r 11 hat rt th.:s..· Gun registration "' cll)ul\' I. :oo.'\, .tlllir..:.trnb ar.: c.:rtiti.:at.: that th..:v must carry'' ith r..:quir..:d to. r.: rcgist<.•rcd 11 ith th~.· th.: lir.:anm Jt all.tim..:~ or .:!$.: Jilce \\'tlmtngtun J>oltc.: D..:p •. rtm~.;nt fin.:s up Ill J.(XlO. h.:c,ms..: 111 a !!Jn \\'hik this may h.: an r.:gtStrJlion rill that ~------.... inc om l 'lienee tll gun r ... ~un>~) It ) h r, II (lo n•p.) I. h.tnds and kn.:.:·, puttm)!_ th.:tr han,b arlJnl 1lll thiS billl\?ing lht' R.:\ tt'l\ • t l u.: '"' ) , .:r 1'l , t', I n, :- cpt cl tn ~.·, 11 llh 1 .:h r 1 ns .1 '1t.:r dr \ lll!' nhHC 11 holly 111 th.:ir cultur.:, hut mitm.::, 11. hl.t,·b ' more work still ,IJIS\1 .:r t,J ,ill 1(,; pr11bl.:ms. t tl .:r t ll r 11t ·t .: but not t l'J, r.t~c ,1rmk ng ' Jrinkmg. d '<='occur am, 't-st) n1n,_ p~..1pk .1 r..:,ul: ot l!Un 1 'IIC\.:r \\'ilminctlln still \\".: th. Sl c ~ ;n ., ' tt: h 'r s t • n "'-'\t'rt.ttd.t Ill I ''"r thl' Jl<' ul an-.tdal: Jll11llSt push.:ti do11 n an .;,cal.llur hy .tn 1'\.l't't'J~ - th.: its high handgun lir.:anns tncr..: .. s.: ,.\\,trt'J,c''', td 11' 'r11 ot'11' \\c n•.:n \\ lld• ·, P.: t. I nHnn tilL drl1 11'1! 'a e.:'' ()It h11\. I tn.:r.:dibl) in.:brtdkd Ci.:rman, 1dll1 .tpp.:ar.:d IW .lh1lltl th.: 11111111 wnt ddll!!<.:rs ,•1 ,._: u; 1 ,h a,tll 1lll 1\0tthl l'l',l I\ 1tKC ,, dri\..: ;_ still a l c.:rtallll) a hlllld thmg. 11111 p11p l J.:tnm,·ma: hlo11 tu It~ t'rt\1'. . \\ .: Stronger arguements needed polte) lik~.· matur.: adults. - - Newark. DE 19716 can 1111ly lwp.: ILl ,~.~ mor.: r•hl i\.: puhhcll) ol in order to lo·wer the 1-1.: 11 .tnt.:d tn g.:t drunk and 11 ;~> sn Fax: 302-831-1396 nur ~ornrit1 and pf (ir.. ek ilk 111 !::C'n..:ral .n d.:>p<.:rat.: h.: f.:lt the n.:.:d hl j.:np.trdi/1' 1hc luturc ts,;u.:s ol I he R.:\ tel\ - drinking age hll)<'r·s re.:ord as 11<:ll .ts lu, ,m n in E-mail: bnvv (t?; tlPtaining th,• alcohol. Oh\ iott-h the ks.;ons h.: • 'u:.l/1/Ttt Luu •h 1 ~ lw 1~h .t l.:Pll n.ttL JrLum..: 1t, KL'nn.:th 11as sup-pns.:d ll' karn lrom the lirst ol't'ense The Opinion Ed1tonal pages are an open fomm for public debate and fc•nwr \ILl .t.t!.:' ·, .:nit mr ~11• f'- 'lhHtld be all0111'J ,IJdn't smk in. because l\lcLtukl O .td, •nant th.:n ntnmng fr1illl th..: P•'llCI' Letters and columns represent the ideas and beliefs of the authors and Drinking column fails to a '1111~1 kn1er 1'£ tl·.: al!l I, tHkr llll\l'rlll!! th.: I jUSt \l.,ntt'd ltld b.: i It'll \\llh tit ... ~ •' ~.:ar lld Jr,nkill! d,;<'. 1~ )t'.Jr th.: ! nttlh ~>I ;\m.:rt•'1 K.: ttl' It \Jc( .tul...\ old .:.m. 11111 ttt~;.J• p.trcn•.; "<'riTII>S <111, drink n 1,1\\ s and 1 andk our,.: I\ es 11 ith sonh' !.:1 .:1 11f Whil.: 1ut.r .tr.t1cl.: lidS 1\l'll 11rftt.:n. !t.l th..: r hlm.:s 111 t11c .H'.t t 'clwt.:,· ltl cntur.:.: ,,r m.tll,rtl). II tit.: \UICI' 1h.Lt r.:pr.:sents u' 1s .?. the\ pc.Jplc 1<, dnnk ~~~ "'"I trdllh 11 itl· :h.:tr parl' 11' • :::I 111 Am.:nca l1>r); t • com.:. tthlrc th.lll like!~ 1\LJl,ldn't d) tl1at the c<'P~ c.un.: 11 >uld lt'ctch til' r "a • 11ne tlr 111' · fh.: onl~ tllll> th.:tr house and handn •tc,l th.:n 111 the•r uln~.;t'll ahk tl• nl!s I ttl,JQI!Ie O'I.: 11 nul.! \/(fi,,a /angu~lia Advertising Policy for Classified and bux..:r,_ But that', a '"P

The Revie\\ reserves the rtl!ht to refuse anv ads that are of an Improper or inappropriate time, place and manner. The ideas and opinions of ad\ ertisements appearing in this publication are not necessanl::r those of the Review staff or the uni,·ersit) . Questions, comments or input may be directed to the ad\ertising department at The ReYiew.

\Lmag.i.o~ :"lt'\\~ 1- di1ur,. Etlitonal hllttur: t \\S I tSI\:t ( m:..., rn. "' " \r Cr~phr,· I ,r rrs \dmnu,lrnt\\(' '\( \\\ l.dlln~. ;;_ \\ l( I 1n l'\S I tatun' hli111rY O•tn Ot;k

c,n"""e,tridtn..:r.thott·up ll.ct•l.~c.l·m uokity th~rclun.' I am fa..:ine another ~.lisastrous seme,ter absnluteh e\Cntlun~ ke th, 111'1~ I , \\ " L'dr\ .o g..:t f'l) ,h,trc, tc•c•, .111d the lii11\Crsll\ \\'II 1-:c 1'1\ OK. so tlno; sh7•uld land me a coni S~O million. Mo\ !C .. at~d ,( trtng I ~~-he.IU) pa!'cart <.:<.1..:. lL r.enn.. , .Jeff \I an .it.! I h;tt · lllltid us: ht: abLHtt CllLJUg.h to pa) fnr the tn lh11ll .Jt me J\' .!1 tJ 'l llt:r h, 1d • l I<.'\ th1nk I ht 1k t""m t 11 lor .t minute , he I\\ o t..~n.t ~r' tll. ' ltlltWtl,t s I, 1d-: Yet .llh'lher la\\Suttt I'm ,,n a roll ht:r..:. II 's these dl pr, c ltr!L!J \', • .. r ot 'l'c Ha~ \rriHd \\ e I. 1 1 cnrollt h.. , t 11•..: .t 1 'e•r,.ly I 1,tJ tH' Lkt I rcalt;~ hy tiLl\\ that tht: uni\Crsit) ullictals are Ob\ tous·· tha. c uld ev..:l t1 .. tlh a>t. U'i ,til frum tit~ ha \\Otl1t. bc• put t!llde liLI 1 a leU\) \\1 r tla I nr br~aktng nut 111 cold sweat But settle your fears. rhere <:vii !\kDonald's L' J -J '\ltra.:ltll'.. all tht' e' 110\ le s ;trt; lh•ttt b..: me. 10 Yu.t kntl\\ ''11Ll l'mtalkme. about. I'm talking arc ILl bl.tllll.' fo' t'!eir" !1 Ill p• ltl l I t, JJc l' and 11 •: e'Tll.: .>f them had ,Ill\ Sl't:'lll'-; in \\ l1ich abol't the pl'tlple who g.o to mo~-j~s anJ comment on d1abl.'t.'s, lugt hi l J pr..:ssl ' nJ this 1 •he k-t,! •,• pul'm!! a 1 a! -n ghtcr Jtts 1,1 c,ttcl tt'J on obc. It\' t'\ n ,; nde re.1Jmt 10r t tc •am I ', 1 1'1\ hgh ,, ihJol Aitd tt's Ill t tl c bUL<.'r 1 td rt< All lh: ; 'e',L'l rs t1ld tiC tll"\\,tdlL1LI"c,nt'C tilL Jll,\l'rsttv on the ml'm' ,lfL' lt1 bl 1'1c', brl.'-,kt st ··I mch fl..: I e.g ''d' ,1 I' rt) sc Jtlll k\luft,n the :\IL'COtLk..!l . , lld\ t.:'t pj' ~ l'l~s, thl' .11 the unt\..!lstt) c.!l, J,,gucs. f!1e) 'rL lillcd \kFhtrf) I)< 1".1'111 Ol'Klll~ l)'d)d 1\L!S.t'\1:1 ne \\ th smt mg J.. (1-: .t tJ hdpp) l'"<•lt'ssL•rs. :t\tmht:rc to be 1 ikt-n-r"h t '"HI .~r, ptt Jrcs 'I so nt: po,,r '•·P <~skcr tt " F1r thu't' \\I, h \en". ul!l:reco a 1c, rt tt .J.. lr m \\ lh J 1 opel bl' )>- " r l[ clf co•'kt: nd 'n ol'ihtmy on .. J s td' be~ 1 !.!.<-11 1 ,1\\ \ \ 1!• 'm ''ll II' ht:.:.t '" I h, \ l'n't been tc , n\ ol n') thh mm~ •,·c AnJ . n tht ..J.J"• on 1..: r. 1 s .tr • th..:rL l, w.;St:' t'll' Sc'lll'Sil'r bcca.tse I ""' ,,'d 'hell In) .m~ lllhcr 1 b 1 u• otb '.Jt there be !,''lltn•• dt nt 1e cl, s,t, \\ t'r" ' th•• buildtrh! .!cross fn>I 1 the JS qt ~,11 '1 I• s kJ ll1L ll me 1 itsL · t l 1 the .. ( re~l .. I tCI!J,l,.\ .lw :\!,t!J pi!ll1l! ."U.;pCCl, thc•l lll\efs 1) ol )L! cl\\dfC om.: I 'I I ll t 111\ tault. " 1 !'1..:hocl\ IL st !Cvt?r In this da) Jlld .1g,• \\ lt~;"n d I 1 -" IMkJ bl k 1.. 1 !lilt rmcd me 01 th., ·.. ll1l\J um~ntal" clta1gt .!Ill! Give thanks every day, not just on holidays

,, ' • ' 1 -hl hdd\ I e 1 tile,! "1 h " t • t I L \\ l HI d "v! ,l\ b..: .til l) I tItT) llut· s,lmc Jd tt1 P f' thl l.l'Jpll •t Lll r hws it But nh) must we ·wait Tlo\\l!vcr, a ridiculous amount or pcnpk are sC' self-1 I\ oh ed tha• mthtl'rtng Ho\\ I the rt:s ( t I ,._ IS spe ,, rl;'ll1);: grt:..:d~ ol Hi money 1s spent on Incarcerating th<: a c.rin fLJr SlH11<.: 1 loll\,dtl and despair. It's as if slluation. th,,t happen< n, d,u'v b lsi' \\tth frtcnd" tJ I l) 1er <1 hL 1 v A me mat\ d 1 ht.s t.XIcn h!J d H Instead ot \\hintne. about L"iected lleine '1 nKfll lur t Jl l'\..!f\ da\ cnok..:ll k' ll111t:td tiL • II c .t•L \ ~J1t.'1d t.m..: thankfulness is made up ntrici.tls. d,1 sumcthlllg to ini'lut:n.:c mtst sl,ould ~,ccur nwr~ lrC..Jll<'•lll\ - thankful for. from t II.' l'tlert 1., 1 1 bL .!H tlect nl? 1r '' ~ .. that ;!.l) '' happiness of our lives if harder to find. rviJ\ be th<:ll, ll1ue It '0 l c; mlllLdldk Plym,1uth down to the , .., 1 t) lL ,h • ·~..: I\ n .mdtt•t's[, ,[l.'nutdl the rest of life is spent fhat goes for the more personal pah ~ dtsll1.1) ·,,t the Lt qw~ tt,, 1 I .hl' n,tttLJn, lr,Jm a nllt, 1 kinds of ud.i .t' the gr ''~r) -, th t ": -r 'tltf g,h'rc t 1e or our It f.: as \\ell. lnstt:ad Llf dt:spising. th..: \\t' \\.tt't nLed .1 p.trti Jar thcmcd ~tOrl' pr b.un ,•t o tr ,,o• d \\ h.• can·. But being greedy and slmt mnm picked for a gill, thank her 1'11r hultJ.t\ to L'C,eb•atc lut 1,1\he heine AnJ ,1 th0 eh the h~ lid,\' h,n e tlst..!d I t J\\.:111'!.!. on th.:m and .mah/ine ht:r thoughtfulness. Trv to ar12ue kss \\ith mtlfl! J~o,itt\C Ill our e\l.'ryda~.:Ji\<.'s \\ill e,,,tt ·n "'tout o•',,mtr' 1 1 t 1e n.trk..:ti 1- t L • •u Jt tl'. ,nri .:thmg .tcds h b..:· J,m~ ·hopeless'? ) )l!f fri~nd about coilt1ictil1j!. points or turn tlUt ht:tter lur them ,1s \\CII ,md "e'll \, orld, they .~r~ a rre.It oppnrt.J'llt\ tZ1 ihL ut t 1cm - 'ie\\ and Ctlnsidt:r tht: \\Onder tlf thl' feel like conkin_ •mk..:y' o~ll tht: time round up the whok t.unil) Lr g >od t 10d '\nd t r !.!.cllUillC molt\"'·, wt t(l "i 1 011. ability to have different ideas abnut thl' nd fl>r the lln studet h, 'LhL ols anti Cin;tn.:tal aid also has a huge inlluence on others. hiafon> a uth I edu Get invo ved to get known at Delaware

As.! II' H, l'1c bet?! h ek) •htlll~.tntls ~~·s :1.1rd tn bd.L'\..! th.t• "mc people lnund it difficult to find It doesn't fit my pcrs,ma lity t.) not tr~ ' ' 11' kl.' tl'l.' s~hnol o1 better Seth en •ueh tL [I lt. J,\ lliLllL! tllfl'l' .1 dub th,H they\\ nul,1 d'J•, plac..: for <>thers and mysdf. 1 f•crel'' t m~~ ·n i u.:e dtffert:nt \\hen I "alk "ith nct cis t~round .:ampu>. th~.:y Hre ah\ ays iltnazcd In high school, I \\liS \erv .tctive. t ere· tc<1 mv 'clt.'l'i paper .tnd Goldstein I est r1d'l v<- r \\ tth llJ\\ l11311) people I kn. \\ J n I; bdtc\ e, ,l!td I tdl them this. that if you played spom. · ( ..: tt..:r" t>r i l!r '11m '!g get ,II\ td\l'd in acti\ l'•t:s uttstJl' the classroom ~ L1ur college e:<>pl'ricncc I wonder \\hat soml' .;tudl'nt-; at the ttni,.,r,tt) tiLl utstc.Jd of gctung. One Big Ad\ Stlf\ ~0 rt. l •th frL'S J[],LJ1 \\II bl' that much Oh're d) n;ume m•erestin!:! ,md rt'\\arJing in\olved 1d' pleml · )t'.rs \\ tl• Blue I Cl' ...,,m t1t•t)t e.ct Pte wrLme, sometuncs I 11:..:1 ,,\en\ht:lmed bv all of Mavbt: th..:v drink a lot t1r m:l\he• th~' ,trl' 111 ,, maJ •r tho1t Jocsn·t Enigma n~r rl \\Pr fi-e Re\ c\\ Ill) ,II~; ,h II\ !tiCs th,tt , am 111\lll\ •d Ill .111J that 1,; partly the reason \\·hy I'm giH them the time to jotn a group~ All I cat ''" to th<'St: ar~ m'ent,; ts Jtllhr atdh,pcftl) ,m.rl;e.. r "'!.weer .t m.:mb.:r ll LuiTIJ1U,; ~ - ,;pecific majors Tht: anthrtlJ'lllog.y maj, r kb the nthn1pnh•!_.!~ dub. enJo~able bc;.:au, t s..:em •J.a .n.s I<~· · ~ Ul11\<.:" 1) ''ith a It to1l ..;tt,,let.t ge,liLll2\' major, ha\e the !!.t:L1logv dub a'ld 'L on btd~ otapproxtmdk.\ :1 Hl peot~et .'t Jl ti.J h•p t,_.n,\r.:rc ,!l. ~ il1.actd!tion tn tlws~. thcr~ are m~t y mml' L.uo" \\tth ,, .Ji,er,;..: p<:ople ·<'em t ... know me, a 1d I hKL tt • amount of tht:mes Iherc arl.' rclteiLltlS cit b..,, ltkc lntl'n.trs tv .1nd llillel I h;n.: fn.:nL rangirg tnn1 •e 11'1c • 1 .1 'L rs \\It• t,t\L k'IJ me and tht: em irtli1111Cnt,tl and pt1litic.t dubs .ndt dug :-;•ud~t·h t,1r the• that the) J n't Cllj.J\ tlu dt hI It's 1. , bt:L 11 " he rids · ~s dL be 1.!, hu• l:nvirnnmcnt and thc Collcg..: Dt:nwcrats .md R..:pt hltLans bt:Lause ot the .:hool's larc.e s.Lc; ·lhere are e1en dub,; that h,l\e \I'll \h'rktnl! \\ILl he .. Jm,ntstratton I 1111.! t adm t I ah\ ) ]-. ,\e •t UVIL ) rrJ I II l_ \\,lll th.:r t'ec, t ~ to mak<: lift! ror tht: students on c;impuo; bdtc:r n,• Re..;tdent ."tudent m: expener co h re , t h ... .J 1 \c sl') ha\c: t,l 1 ... 1 ) 1 k. i K..: [ Kll•J\\ Associatillll hnld-; C\ l'111S lhrl•ughlllll the ) c'.t to llH h..: stude'nls 111 fun a lot ol peopk 'hl! ur \..!r t' kL 1k, r I •u Pk t:xciting acti\.itt<.'s. \!) friend' ah1 a;" a k ine \\1 \ l m · ted k..: t 1cv d<> ,. 'et: .1 I ) This semester ha~ seen the .:rcatl n nf n..:\\ cxutii•J; dubs ltkl.' an sine<' I came t··om r... llv ,11' I 1 _h sd ' c I' t n~ Jl 1 ~ l stuJent Akidn club and the runmng dub, ,m 01 g. nth..: s All I .:an .ty is • .:. Jt 111\. ~ t. \\ t 1 cit " , 1 d l ~ 11 /.tltoH 1 1 The uni\·t:rsitv t:v..:n has ;tn <'t!lin· ..:1 tb ~ n1 I .t fl.'\\ \\e~:k ,teo, I campus. \\htc 1 e ~arkJ '1, t n .:t, \\IdL '1 t, " 'ric m ~. \<.: 1 no idt:a this grLlUP e:<>ist..:d. Jl·ey go ~,;1' tr•ps II dhr th• :'Idle \lm ntain di,crse cxper ence biking, rafting., b

Sporh Ldit 1n: ( op\ F tli1 ns AdH:rli~ jne Uin.'<'tor. .... \ ...... stst:m1 "port ~ tliun \ ~ I ft.: Fnn VlcDor.'ilk \ \ ' \.'\Slit lilt } nt rt IIOUI Df } If ~ \dv~.:rtisinc. \ 'sbLtnt Dift"('tor';{' lhnt'y Onh :u hJilo f'llh"iifil' • -pt. '"'1) 'lnC sat·;rda·; 6 pn1 1v pm y L.. r'JS! show ~0ur ~olleqe 10 to quahN for 1ve buck menu Fall in Newark can be the best time of the year. For some students r>'u.,t bE.. 21 to purct1ase alcol")of,c beverages however - because of stepped up efforts to c ontrol alcohol, occupancy of private residences, or noise- it means an arrest. Or, SOVPS because of post arrests, some students receive bod news from employers, graduate schools, or the military service s. Chili chef dailv preparation Most violations of State and City codes -things f or which you receive citations from the University or Newark police - are reported SALADS ,·ned wtth hl'usqnad · breadstick as criminal arrests in national and State crime reporting. Convictions Big Garden $5 of City ordinances are reported as criminal convict ions. They are mi ·ed greens, cucumber. 1·ed , grape tomatoes. not like "parking tickets". And an arrest record will turn up in the julienne carrot and herb ~:inaigrelte future. On background searches for employment. O r m i litary service. Big Cae~ar $5 Or graduate school. And an arrest can result in University discipline, cnsp roma•ne and fr·eshly made tlr·e;,ing w1th cr·0uton .. up to and including expulsion. Scrutiny of criminal records and Pecorino R<.>mano for all these purposes has increased dramatically since

September 11 1 2001 1 as reported in the Wall Street ~PPETIZERS & SH~RED PL~TES Journal on March 191 2002. Tex-Mex Egg Rolls $5 gr11led chi(·ken black beans. corn, bell peppers. If you have been arrested in the past-or are arrested this semester cheddar chee'e and a"ocado cream - don't panic. Whether you have had charges in the past, have Bruschetta $5 charges pending now, or ore arrested this semester, you have the marinated plum tomatoes, fresh mon.arella. right to legal representation. I served as N ewark C ity Prosecutor and balsamic s;rup for many years, and hove for the last several years represented $5 many students in the Delaware courts. If y o u h ove been arrested garbanzo bean puree, grilled :.oft , cucumbers, and hove questions about your pending case , or your past arrest imported olives gTape tomatoes, feta cheese record- call. Thanks to DUSC, you, your parents, or both, can consult and extra \'lrglll olrve od with us by phone at no charge. Chicken Wings $5 fie11· chtpotle or cla.,~ic Buftalo \auce with blue cheese dressmg and vegetable stich DON'T LET A CRIMINAL RECORD ROB YOU OF YOUR FUTURE. @) Chili Nachos $5 and bean chtii. diced tomatoes, black beans, green onion, Jalapenos. 1\.fontere} Jack and cheddar cheeses MARK D. SISK, ATTORNEY

s~ n DIJJ I c H ES Sert•ed i.l'th regetable slaw and french Jnes Hughes, Sisk, & Glancy, P.A. ~ Carolina Pork Barbeque $5 (302) 368-1200 x15 01 I traditional pulled pork in nnegar sauce and cole slaw on a kaiser roll 299 East Main Street, Newark Mushroom Bacon Burger $5 Email: [email protected] ~ 8 ounce~ \ng-us heefwith mushrooms, hacon and choice of pro,·olone -.harp cheddar or Swios on a kaiser roll DUI • Alcohol• Noise Violations • Overcrowding • University Administrative Procedures1

WOOD OVEn PIZZ~ 1 listing of areas of practice does not represent official certification as a specialist in those areas. Traditional sauce. ba,tl and mozzarella


D ------~D • THE •

The Review Business and Advertising Offices will be closed from Wednesday, 11/27 through Friday 11/29 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. •• No papers will be printed on Friday, 11/29 or Thesday, 12/3. Offices will reopen on Monday, 12/2, and we will resume publication with our Friday, 12/6 issue. The advertising deadline for 12/6 will be 12/3 ~-/.:NoAMP· at 3:00p.m. The last issue of the semester ELECTR\C GUlTAR, will be printed on Tuesday, 12/10. • • • • You know The Review will close for winter break from you Wednesday 12/11 through Friday, 1/3. want it• Offices will reopen on Monday, 1/6 and e control, \ike 2 pickups, vo\~~-324-~~~­ the first advertising deadline will be new.----- $800- ca - - - ~ Tuesday, 1/7 at 3:00 p.m. So get it. • • • • Winter Session issues will be printed Fridays only from 1/10 through 2/7.

• • • • The N~ournal Spring Semester and regular Tuesday & Friday publication resumes on Friday, 2/14. DL------__.0 302-324-2424 www Album Reviews: Lurking \u01osla1 e Within: \!Jtthho\ \\ 1.~ people lo1 e I\\ cntv Jr•d r...;;;;:;;;;~:;::;:;;;;;;;,....;...... "p-\ \I. I hi' 1-..wel 83 B2 t_..;....:_.~W;;;.:.."-"'"""• Tuesda), November 26,2002 rF-\Tl Rl S

comes to

B\ JA\llf:. \BZL (,

-\, rhe 11 ghh dun and the cro11 d roar-.. li' c unas­ summg gu)' p1ck up the1r ilhlrLilllenh .mJ take the stage. The Flednc Factory in Philadclphta rumble-, '' tth screams of delight a, or 1\ RnolutiOil begms to pia: Stanmg off 11 nh a bang. the men qlllckl~ break inro ··:;am .. and from that moment on. the crtmd jumps and smg' non-stop. ea-.omng lh set '' llh old t'fn ome-,. ne" hit> and a p011erful co1er of L~'s "\\'ith or \\ ithout You'" 1\tth op.::ner :-.tatt '-,athan-.on. the men from Rock\ Ill e. )..1d . sure !-nO\\ hO\\ to take a cro11 d as d11 crse as they come and umt~ It 111to a smglc screammg enuty. The entire sh011 reache> a clima\ as the opening chord-, of "Craz: Game of Poker" hnger in the a1r. The song. probabl;. one of the band's best known. is a truly mteractn e number. during which e\ ery -.mgk person in the crowd ha, the1r hp' 1110\ ing and the1r bodies '''ay­ lng. Fan fa\ontes like "About ~lr. Bro1111 .. and "] Feel !lome" makes the dedicated fans di77)- 11 ith delight. while nc\\ cr fan> cannot help but be -.uckcd into the phe­ nomenon. \!arc Roberge. the lead smger. is incredible as hb unique 1 oicc penetrated the cro1Yd. Backmg hun up IS the outstanding sa\ophonc play>~ng of Jerry DePino Benj Gershman,, .. oltd on bass. \\tth Richard On on gui­ tar and Chns Culos on dnmb. completing the package. Before the sh011. Gershman is kind enough tll ha\·e IE Rl \II\\ ,o l~t' I ()1 \ Rc' < luuon College-age rock stars Of A Revolution performed to a diverse for a ,,htle \\tlll dif- "The Wanderer." and there ts a \1 ord before '"of are\ olu­ preproduction. 11·orking on ne\\ songs and the structure State is 11 hen\\ c -.ta ted to f1gure t•ut that pen ph: 1n nther tion." but '' e don "t tell people that word. It's just one of ferent people. companies. whate\ er \\.: ,,·amed to do of them. \\'e ha\ e about ~() >llllgs that are read1 for areas •,•Je' ,tbmn 1t. It 11 ,,,.. there ,,.c -.t~.rted ·o pld) some something that would aiiO\\ us to do 11hal \le ha\'e been tho;,e things: we ha1 e to J.;eep our myster:. Before '' e recording. it"s just ,,.c ''ant to nan·o11 ·it do11 nand r.:cord sh ''' s <.tlld '' c penp'e 111 •he alllllcnu:. It '' ;:h pret­ dmng. jusr pick 1l up. It \\'as 1mperam c to us to h,l\ e were pia;. ing real sllCl\\ '· \\ e \\ ould p!Jy 111 tnends ·hot..,­ the 12 or whate1·er. ')o '' c are looking to b.: in the stud to t) e\clti 1g 111 g' <•u: •bert. ,twr h.l\ 1 g ne1er pla:ed L1·erlin.: I<~ 1rd, 1111 oiled 111 that L1\ .1just \\ orkt:d out: es and in the b.hcment jtht me mg round. It\\ .is before 111 January. but we rL l·npinl! fur .he ~pr'n!! Omething dtfkrent :md umqu.: for each of us. ,md th.: to sa; th: least.\\.: haYen't signed anytlung )t:l. or an) l aYa r' ertine l 'en thing. ner) relc<~se ''Ill be ~pitt It sccnh you tool.. a \Cr) at)ptcal mute. hcc:tu\c )OUr thing iike that yet. but we are Ill the prm:l'Ss rc1olution \\as more doing somethmg out of th.: ordi­ betm:cn the l\ll>. pmbab.y. \\e are really e\cu.:d '' 1th mu,ic "as nut hd"on• 10u \tarted tourinl.: :1\ a hand, nar:. One da) \!arc came do'' nsta1r' and said. '"\\hat do There ts an offictal statem.:nt 111 a fan \\ eb ''te of ho\1 e\er~thtng IS 11orking out or hernre ) nu 'taJ"t('d to dn :Ill) thing. I hen ) ou "ent you think ol call ng it Of A Rc1 olution'?" It isn't so much ours. It 1s and you can check 1l out. .letT) to college. "hich i'o rare'' ith man) hand,, the name of the band. but th.: name of'' hat ''as happen­ put a statement up th.:re. There is a ''hole section on it. \\hen you guys \\ere still in high school i~ "hen ing to us. \\'e just feel rcall) luck) Jbout the whole thing. \\e ha\e ''( raLy Game of Poker" came out. Ho'' did you man­ 1 eah that aJm,,...t exl' u sted "comry e1.-:'). Though \\orl-;ed \'Cr) hard for it. Jnd it\\ 1ll be great for us and the age to get it heard all 01 er the place'? \\ e dtdn "t all gradu.ile f1um ... ollegc :\Ia c .md C lms people 11ho ha\<: supported us. \\e think 11 i' a really That "as I\ hen you guys Here still in high school, grau.lated, but the rest ol u came rcall) .: '' ht.t del·td- right? pos!ll\..: e.\p.:rience \\.:are really excited about it if you \\'elL a btg part of all that ''a-, our friends. another couldn't tell big part ''as the Internet. Our fnenus. some '' ho were sec OAR page 83 Writing for the silver screen

BY JLSTI\ REI 'I;\ on the produt:tiun.' h.: say~. >creenpla) '· he cnjo~ s '' Pllng abnut hi,wrical C\ ents StaltRq ~r·tt '"Occasionally he'' ill go back and as!.; me Ill) opin1on b.:caus.: the 11'1po11.1nc.: of these e1 enh touch man) peo­ Imagine bemg captured b) Japanese ann.:d forces and on somethmg. and that is impnnam because it keeps the ple\ JiH~S. told to budd a railroad through the treacherous Burmese eo he rene) of the original 1dea." F<>r all thn,.; people con•e right out of college. I ''as mcnt by th.:ir Japanese captor, dunng World War II It " not trained in wlkgc," he says. also based on the accounh of Lmcst Gordon, a Scottish .. o basically I had a da) job and ,,·em to all the sem­ captain, and on.: of more than .5.000 pnsoners forced mto I wrs and read all the boob, so I thin!.; it took me a littk building a railroad through the jungb llfThailand. longer than most to g.:t 111) tiN big tihn." Godm1 a says hts .:xpenence \\'Oiling on tl ts moYie Godawa sa) s h.: is UIIT<:ntly \\ orkmg on a project\\ ilh 11a' both C\Litmg and informatl\e. lie \\as surprised by the same director and producer that h.: \\Orkcd '' 1th on "To ho11 much of the .Ieilia I ";recnpla) \\as kept lnt.tct and hl''' r nd \ll \\'ar<" \\ell the uir.:l tor\\ orked \\ .th him "[ \\ '" Jllst rec.:ntl) lm.:d b) \BC Toud1stonc lll ch> a He says he \las on!) on the set for about t\\O \\eeks. I HI. RF \II\\ hie Ph< to' reiH,te ol' a ntnt->cncs calkd ·Ghost Soldiers.' and that " but h.: was able to giYe the dl!.:cwr hiS perception 11n se\­ anothe1 \'/urld \\ ar II o,lOr)." he says. Screen" riter Brian Godawa spoke about writing eral ..,cenco,. CIoda\1 a says that although he ha-, done tictlonal and storytelling at Cla)ton Hall Saturday afternoon. "Once the director starts 1'10\ mg. he hegms to focus 82. I'HF RF\ IF\\ • , \l'lllhl'r 2h. ::'0( 2 udioslave~s not all the rage

•• \udiu-.l.tH•" ''ere llH"I litnloll' fn1 '-:<'1 1>11 all hr mncl( I I pw milliom of mi!CI \udino,lm c Ongrn.tll). \udrt"l.t\t' "·•' "'t lOJlL' tmdcr Ill\' hn-/1 rind 111// too c/O\<' In wu 10 l pk lntl•ro,wpc Rccnrcl' 1h1' )t'.Jr\ Ot!.fe,t. hut o,honl;. helorl' touring jcel."' R~ttinl.!: .'r .'c .'c I 2 beg.m. Cnrndl \\ .tll-.,·d .t\\ a> from Ihe hand On "Sl'l It Oil:· JLI'•l lhl' oppo\lte happens. duc· Ill bU'-IIle'" manal!e'llal probkm-, lh.: Cornell\ dra\\n out ,·ncab 'eem lo lag b.:hmd m.m.tgem.:nl' nl huth Cnmdl .md the the llllhiL'. h1rn1L·r Ral!t' nll·mht'l' ca<.'11 uthl'r and lie 1aid ll'l it ofl Sel II off' 11m1' clultlren I c.IU'L'd l"lllltlict \\ ithlll Ihe ne\\ hand )d II rig Ill .\cl il otf 'lei il off /lOll' children I ( t•mdl ,·am.: h;~,·J.. to \Udit'-l.t\.: aft.:r th.: \ct afire · B\ \IH I"~\ \ICJ-.\ 0\ ~roll,) l1r.:d lh m .. nagl'r' and ullkell\el\ h1r.:d The fiN .. inglc. ··coehi,c:· io, one of the llC\\ nne' w.:ak.:r song' on the .tlbum. The actual music \ud LIItd,.tflt'n. l.tcl-. de 1•• Rt'ch.l '" Tht' .tlhunt doc, in ft \\ h~n I he b.11d I,Jm'~.:d t\\ <' yc,,r, .Jgn. pan' of tht... album. though.\\ hieh '>UCC'C,,I\l'- to lil·e !f'.rou u·w1n11 /Jelie1'e ... Cnm:ll .tPi'roachl'd lhL' l'"'lt'd dcmandmg 1_;. cr..:at..: a compktcl;. d•flcr..:nt '>OllllU. l\ of the songs on this album haYc a c·ert.un ch.mgc' . .:n unn~ th.n \uditonl' .. i' a good e\amplc 'nnilar feel to the group, and the lislener will \\OL ld Il\lt b.:. fL'ImL"nllon ol R.tgl' \g,1in't lhL ol the inenrporalltln ol' the t\\0. Hall\\a) undt,ubtedl) get bored. \!Jdllle'. tluough tl1c 'ong. 1\ lorl'llo hr..: a!-.' mto one ef Sound garden and 'or Rage Against the \(1[ on I) Llid he m'''t on a nam.: chang..:. h1' o,i~n

":\lore Than You Think \ou \rc" fhough l'homa' · 1;. ncs arc dccl'nt. "Quality" guitar rift> 11 ithout commg oil like: \ latchbo'\ l\1 cnt~ he tune I\ tOO reminiccnt of othl'r Talib Kwcli another bac rock-rap C<'llahoration \ 1atchhn\ o,ong,. \tlantic Record' Rawku "I'm !he i//e\1 l'IIICI'<' I lnd u llll/11 nl Rating: ,'( ,'( 1,'2 .. l1m ell" ha' a ,Jightl> dlfh:rcnt Rating: ,'r ,'( 112 my H'()ld I \\'hen I <'Will' tllll Nit:~m In h third a.bum. "'\lore Than t\lll 'Otllld. '' hich " rcfrc,hing. On the second solo effm1 \lllCC his didn't undcr.llwul it at .fin!.·· ll1nk 'I <'LI \n: :· \.Iah:hho\ T'' cnt) ''I'm 1101 cm:r I'm jus/ a lillie groundhrcaking work as nn..:-half nf K,,eJi rC\cab proot' of hi' grm\lh "' h.' f.t led 10 pn>ducc 4u.tlll) matcnal. tmJ•utrl'd f"mtlot Upcr duo Black Star. Talih a lyriLi'ol onlhe .:ntircty uf .. Quality" yet Th.: l1ro,1 tw 1' tra~k' arc hmnd, !tal< un11·cll I kno11 ri~ht 111>11 you K weh agam fall-. -,bon of the bar he and retain\ h1> lrademark comple\ f1lkd \\ ith av. k\\Jrd ramlnn• !Xlli\C' t'WI i fell." i11 os Dcf raised. metaphor'. 'pintual rcfl'rl'nl'e' and Thc· beginning of lr.tcl-. 1\\P. 1\.t,ll~. riglu ,,, the IJ,tcner '' o,tarting ,\Ithough K wei i ·s 1;. rica! style IS '>bout· ouh to black 1cons I ike John

"'Dhc.tse:· make' the i'-!cncr feel as to get 1111\l the mthi'-. the hand thnm' paced -.mging of Craig Da' 1d. impeccable as always. and he manages Collranc and\\. F B. DuBol\. \ potcnualla,te of~ future BlackSiar tlll,ugh the: .trl' tennmall) d •. Rob in "Cold."" c·umph::tc \\ llh atroeit>u' Paul Doucette. the hand·, drt1mmcr. lo 'urpnse "ith a fe\\ ne\\ capable K \\eli presenh . ome of h" most con ,!lhu1 1 '' o,cutlkd nn ··Jo,;. "h_;. \\J'oling a Thoma-.. thllugh tc.uncd up '' nh kg nfh IP additi\111. the mu'k and dne' a pniful job or gl\ Ill!_! thl' o,ong llo" '· .. Quality"' lack;, the '-park that tro\Cr'lalmaterial on "The Prout! ... re'Uillllll "nh \ Jn, DL'I on .t .thout cntl \lick .lag~.::r. make' th.: ""1g Thom''' · 'inging mnnk' a had rl'mh­ .. Do\\ nfall" a beat and a tempo. To makes an album grcal. "fu£ftn the J>OJI<'/'\ 101 Timuthl' h.l\ II' Lhildr..:n Dcf 'L'l''ll' hl',ltillll to "1und morl' Iii-...: a <.,ma,J• \lolllh 'mglc tion or an 0 To'' n 'nng make !he 'ong \\ orsc. a go~p..:l ch01r A com!Stent !heme lhroughmot Hc\(•ir:ft \ in hell !)o ,.,·cntlunr.; \ Of.. 1.1mp IIllO lll<' 1111\ final!\ luntnbutmg a !han one of hi' 011 n .. \II I :'\ccd.. o,oumb hi-..: .thad mi\­ 'tan-. 'mging in the middle of the K\,eli\ poetl] is the qruggle to ht: up IIlli all IIlii.\ I l•c ,,.,.// I l'<'lllcmb, r in mufllcd \ cr,..: a th.: '>On~ fade, . \Iter thl' tiN l\\o tt~ck,, th.: Ji,tl'n­ turl' ofth.: Do\ll' Chtck, and the Corrs. track. thro,,·in)l the 'ong mto a 1aibp111. to hi-, audience's e\pecwtions \\hi h.: '>I ill Oklalulllw 11'17<'11 they f'lll out tht !>Ito ,\ppear.•"lL<:s !hal c\hihn more laknt .:r can 'tan brcathi.,g a ''gh of reli.:l. "' .., if< uin i no h<'liU/1' .1/um lk It gi,cs th..: impres'lon of a Chnstian II) mg to e:>.prc" hi1melf -,incerl'ly. And f'lll 'l1lwmc lcrmri.,t Ho11rhin~' on .m: D.l ()uik ·,all' ,1y' 'month prouuL"lion thefmlllflmorrm1· end' rock gone temhl;. wrong. Hip-hop comedian Da\'e Chap g<.:lting second gnod l;.n.:,, dra~ · Think 'tou Arc" i .. annthl'r allcmpt h~ Hdal"' • 1d 'chn<•l \OLdl <111 \\.1i1in" For to K \\Cii as a ghetto philnsnphl'r. !he 'Iring gue'l a111'h lim\ l'\ cr. there i-, 'h 1 t 11c a11d .. To ) ou .. \lmbe. mu'/1 juul 'om£'"'''" \\ h;,(·, \\llr e. thl' band COI\tlllllt'' ~lalchhox Tw.::nt~ l(lr a hit alhum. DJ'" flr'>l black man 111 tlight and the man•h,tl C\c'a e lor lhc• Jl

.\Iter a mueh-hca•cd ~cao;urL Though readers might hnYe be.::n "Enter· the Dragon" Han\ ma111al an' toumamellt \\her<' hl' \\ill h.: gl\ en the ABC".., "The Bachelor'' -,tar \aron ,h,) l'l'cau'c 01' Altlcck ·s ;.oung Directed h~ RobPrt Clouse chance to c\..rel r.:\ engl.' on Han\ hl'ndunan Oharra ( R, >ben ucetdcd to pmpo". \\'riHen b~ :\ lichacl \llin Wall). \\ho 1 respon.,.bk for the death of Ll'.:·, 'oio,ler huge Han; \\ llhton dtamDnd hl' Aflkck"s girlfriend. ]\:lis>- J. Lo '' 1973 Des pile thc· m .:rwh..:lmin~ prl',cncc ol Ihe lllm\ o,tar. out him".1mner \\·as Pierce Rrucc Lee's car.:~r 111 o,hO\\ husincs'o began in 19-11 at there '' 'rill l'\ idcncc of the filmm.tkl'r\ \\can ness or ha1- ~") o; lhC) ha,·c on\~ o;cl'n ~t<:h othl'r Brosnan. a g..: one ''hen he appal ant! \\ill be stuelined for Lee. howe1er. maue most of h" II\ ing teachmg and who mirrors the '7(), no,talg•a of hla\plmtat1on lilm~. failing a sobriet~ te;.t at a tmftk two 11eeb. de\clopmg ke1 Kune Do. Some of hi' students 1nclude ··l\1an. )OU come right out of a com1..: hooL· he says to 'top. She was pulled over on the Karcem Ahdui-Jabbar. S!.:,·c ~kQueen and the late James Han nght before he take-, out hi' henchmen. Cohum. Hollywood free\\ a) after of1kers Rapper n· Angelo was arrested But for the most p:u1. the succc" ollhc mo\ ic rc'h on Tired of the raci'ol attitudes of Hollywood execs and of 'potted her makmg an illcgal lane Mond.'l) by Virginia police after he the 'boulder' of Bruce Let' The 'ccnc in '' hich Lee cha'c' C'hin..:-,e kung fu 111stn.1ctor~. he returned to Hong Kong in change. allegedl: ass:mlted and verbally Han 11110 a mom full or muTnr' i' an eftcctild) h) pnotic the late "60s. when Lee bc:came a st;u· afler con,ecull\·e h1ts abuscd a \\oman at a g;t<, station. sequence !hat " prohabl) the mo'ol rccognitl'd image ol "1th .. The B1g Bo.. -.:· .. FisiS of Fm; .. and "Retum of the Bruce Lee on film. Berlin pol1ce cleared Michael The mcidcnt apparent!) was trig­ Dragon:· \Vh!le those films were his claim to faml' 111 J long Cnlonunalel:. Le.: <.lied o,h\1111) alkr the rek.t" of Jackson of an: implication-. that gere-d b) her crittlism of the \Va) he Kong. 1973 ·' ··J:.nter the Drngon .. launched Bmce Lee mto .. Enter !he Dra!!on ... While thnc hLIITounding hi' death. thcon'-h 'hould rl'memhc• gltng his young son nut of a '' mdow Holly ,,·ood studio Warner Bros., .. Enter the Dragon.. was Lhc IC"-011 that Lee gl\ C\ 10 one or hio, student... at the bcgm­ Ja-.t \\ ed.. It i~ ·till being dcteml.incd On Fnday Steven Seagal and a also America·s imruduction lo the \\Orltl of kung fu action ning of .. Enter the Dragon:· whl'thcr il \Ilikt• a linger pointing a\\ a) 10 tht' '\;o arrc'ts ha\·c bccn maue yet. haraso.;m..:nt int:ident invoh ing a The film's Bond-like plot imoh·es Le.: (Bruce Ll'e). a moon."' Lee: says to his pupil. repurtc1 \\ ho wa~ rcst:arching tie~ man1al an .. master who is a"igned b~ an uni-.nO\\ n intelli­ .. Don't COJKCntratc on the linger or ~ou \\ illmJS' alllhat Ben Allleck \\ to monitor the happenmgs on a remote pri\aiC hc


!--.a~ittariu' ,\l-ies km you can't handle on ~our own. l'hin~ of the Week ()\, 22-DeL". 211 (\Jar. 2U- \pr. 19) hard about who" ill h~ th~re lo help )liU ··rlc) M~ t. Ct err.tiC\ ur hlr'iltiJ~ \\II a tuner\ nip­ fhc star' l,t\.; ~ b1_,. 'urpn'c 111 ,tor,· ltlr "h~n 11 nllmh mg to change .. A group of obese teen' in 1\c\\ Yml­ Crwg f..'ilhnm .. p .: hc _o .>at lot ,, Jnnk. Rem.:mlx "-.'U tt '\\C\!k.. \l~l· "Ln: ~oL. Jr~ re,td; ... n the r tmag.-. but 1'1.:) ·n: ddi­ \m·. I e l00r \OU" kc up c n t) n tlX' \<'llr \Ill! don t glt L lll~ht oll,::.uard. \ irgo arc su1ng 1\lcDonalds bccau'" the~ :!I ::!W::' mtd.. tlC't !he L 'd I ,,ok at ('1\Jl I \ug. 23-Sq>t. 21) '") the) \\Crc unm\arc MeDonald' then I s'1irts · l'nuru"i SL·ttlc u gri.._.. , dlll'C b~ "harin~ some turkt..') foot! \\as fattening. The hm;..:r ll1r .. It \\,t' an . oen I\ lcr ot 1cr' rmght lllll Ccmini I Sept. 22-0ct. 221 "Lmc Xir.;ht with Conan 0'8ri< n" !'It'll<<' '1'/tt\r- 1htt• I he Rl'' WI\ ILl!... ftc!. f\lal 2Ct-.Jun. 2UJ :'\,,,, that th~ .,..._•mc .... kT t\ J.hno't don~.? take ahoan/111£ D•ll "t ld alii: Jll O\\c·r go •o \••ur h~ad thi' th1' t1ml.' lo rela\. The cnnlmg oil period \m. ::'I ::!00::! "'Am.\tcnl£t!ll 11'11< rt flu Xo11 alk l'' 72. :::oo2 \qua1·ius \\C.CI\ I \; h.t!d tn _~-.·t .d1""~11~ \\itt- ,lHO\.'on~ "!II hdp ~ ou gathe·r 'lrength lor tht: final •·im1 ha', llll\£'d mort !lum 500 ill •.Jan.20·1 l'll.17t o 'I. ll" '' h.:n !Ill'~ 're hlind '''nth push "Chno,tma' is right around the corne·r /1£'.\.1('\ 1'1'( I' ill ill\( (11111' l'(ll'(J::£'\, Don t ':Jt [{)( 1 d1 t ke\ I his ... rs" ~,Or) and if you're for ,, gilt l(>r flu y, 11 }i ork lilll< ' l' h ..,. nt \\ l~U I' ftl, k ,' \111,! fULl!' Uti tt ''' I Of' In te'll• Scorpio 1\lichacl.ldcbon·, bab). )liULan"l gn \m ::!::', :!1)(1_' \I mal note O.t" 111 tP turk.:) •· ( ·ant·ct IOct. 2.V\ m . 21) \\Tong "ilh a parachut.: Gcn wn not trc 'tu I (.Jun. 21-.Jul. 21 J Don't negkd ~l'llr tru~ i'eel1n;:' \cling l'll authoritie> arl' im cstigalln~ .l!ld arc "l1cry tlnll' Ill' \t:ntun.~' 0111 lll.ll .I<.: I IJ ( ' m "111 mJ r .lflflllll'" 1h1' IC r ,,, ''hat n1hc1' thml- 'l"t.:aJ nl \ nur 011 I' tn ing l\1 dctcrmme II the hab) ",1, in real \1 orld hc· gc'h 'tr,mgLr .md Pi\C{:... I hunK ]" 1\ lf(ll \ IJ or =- OlOI"l' tiM II j\hl •lll~llllOih \\ II OL'h"f kad to happtllt..'""· ,;., I""' thh. IH-\lar. I'll 1 ro ,md I ,lfT 1\ nnl) lnlllhl.:. mn•·c dang..:r on !he: balcrrl. dt'll.t thu•~o. he• gLl ,\l,m '>halo.~ ,\h•rl' - <'11111[11/cd by ( hri' /~('fill fl\ ptophan o.~nJ akulo; \\ II eJ c ~our Uul. .22· \ug. 221 "/'he /.ale l.a1< Sholl' H'ith than a deLadc nl bitarrc bcha\ inr h) kqliL'~S 11g11h ~Pille tn1w '->uon ) ou \\ iII t:'lll.:nu nt~r ,1 proh -Chris Reno B3 • TilE RE\ I H\- • !'.member ::!(l, 2002 he incredi le, edible SPAM

IH 1\.\TE DO II f RI\ tn..tntctlltn \thllll, :1-ltnn It \\as recet\cd so \\elL a permanent SPAl\lmuse­ \,,.. kt:'J11trlt um \\.ts opc·ned 111 June. lhc museum is 17,000 squ;~re feet 1\ith II C\htbns. In 19J~. a compan~ b! the name ol llonncl l<'L'd' hnstcd a c't prouuet The fir,t prize ret.:iptcnt. Kc·n Dagincau. \\d'> ,he '•'\ ' · <~ntlllunccd at a \e\\ '\car\ l 1 ~: pan~ lie\\ <111 S I Oll and the r~pwduc, 011 nf h" cntn on mtllt<>ns of can-. around the \\ nrld. lhc musc·um '' qutc! approachtng its I OO.OOOth 'l'.itor lh II e\hibtts sh0\1(\tsc· thtngs from a \ILlnlv l'ytlwn sktt 11hcre people are chanting th c Su;cc its uchut 111 191 7 • '-,P\\1 saJe, halt' COilllllUeu to inncasc· C\c'r) pr\lut.ct's name, qu11 -.boll'> stmilar to "\\ho Wants To Be.\ IV!tlltonairc," a 'car. Jultc ( ra' cn. utrcetnr of corporate communu:ations '~" s. \\\\II c'\hthll. a place\\ here 1 tsitor' C<~n thctr 011 n SP.\ \1 and a gift shop - - P-\ \ 1 " sL>Id in Ill CLHI!ltncs and produced in taetP \\I\, populant) changes from state to state. Hawaii T'herc arL' sc1cn diffcremt,:.pcs ofSP·\\1, ranging frLllll ongtnJI Sl'\\1 u>thumcs th.: most <.P.\1\1. 11 llh lc\as. Californta. •\rkansa-. and Alaska also to tur!....:\ SP-\\ 1, lahasco ,'P\\1 and garl1c SP\\1 !alltng 111 tl·e top fi1 c. ( ra.\ til ':1) s about '··' cans of 5P \\I arc consumed pcr 'iCl'Lllld \\<>tid "Ciuam Lon-;umcs the most per capita out of an:r11herc in the 1\0rld," 1\ IUC. Radfill'd says. omparc that Ill thc 15 nullwn c:1n per 11 cck cun,umcd b~ \lltc•d I he c·nmpan) 's 6 billionth can of SP.\I'vl. manufactured this summer, l·orccs tH crsca' dunng \\ orld \\ ar II and the populant~ or tills \ acuum- \lpcntng of thc muscum. 'hal\ n R,tufi.,rd. clrchiYC dm:ClL>r for the SP\ \I nHhCUlll in \ustin But more than SP.\\I's tra1els 01crscas and its immortilization in a \linn .. says that a can of SP-\\1 c·an bc carcn tndeftnttCI). thc pr,>duc'l 11 til muscum. SP \\I '' also constant!) on the mo1 e in the form of the SP.\ IV! Till Rl I II 1\ Stc•< D1 ld.t, Illll losc an1 Llf II> lla1 llr for !i1 c year' nwbt k. Radford -.ay~ thcre arc three trucks acccpting resen at ions to lral'cl SPAM, one of America's favorite condensed pork products, boast'i "Thc L;pttmum tunc to kccp ; can of ~p \\1 ts I 0 year<· ( r;n en saYs. thc cnuntn. onL In tht.: Fast. \\est and Central L'nited States. During \\\\fl. P \\1 1\ib sent to Ru,sta. L ngland and thrnughnut a flavor lifespan of fi ve years and is edible for up to a decade. !'he S-P \\1 mobile tra1 cb to large e\ cnts and football games. Its schcd­ 1 uropc and the I ar 11 here \rncncan sokhcr' 11 crc. she 'a''· I L•nnc:r It ll l:i~>t ulc is postcd nn SPA "vi's \\'ch site. Jt tours anywhere there·, going to be a Senior Stephanie S70ke says she docs not tru'-1 becaus<.: is 111 a can; prcstdcnl DI\Ight D [ l'enhOIICr ate his share of ::,P\\1. S0111CIII11L'o up lu it's proct::sscd. She say' though she: ha' not actually mccl it. ,h.; nc1 cr will. largc turnuut of people and gt\ cs out frcc samples of SPAI\1 burgers along three times per da~. "I look at it on the shelf and thmk of dog food ." Stoke says. thc 11 a~ The truck -.ccrns designed to catch the eye of the consumer. "Hc said thc on!) thing he could t'orgi1 e the com pan~ for \\ '" scnd ng enior Jess RiYchm says she also ha~ nc1cr tried SPA \1 and doesn't ··tt !nub III..~:" hu.gc blue SPA \I can." Cral'en says. lL'O mu.: h." C r;n en sa~' plan to. \!though <;P \\1 h;s tra1t.:lcd the \\Oriel, it sllll has not made the journey ror SP\ \l's I OOth h111hcla) tn I 991. a tempt,rary mu-.cum 11 <~s npcncd "You don't really know I\ hat's in SPAI'vl. It could be anything." 11110 a college studcnt's diet OAR visits Last days of drive-in Philadelphia BY IA:'Ii T. \'OU\'G knows 1vhat1s out there. But for him. it isn't about competition. S!a/1 Rqmrter "This is different. This is unique." he says. "People come .-\~sunshine draws to a close, cars roll In. forming a single here for the atmosphere almo>t more than they do for the tile line toward a tickt::t booth almost too small to ~hower in. movie." continued from B l The grass at the Diamond State Dri1·c-ln is green and fresh and \\'hich explatns \\h) Brown's 1 i'>lllll was for a rcno>atcd d11 tdcd by ycllo\\ poles that once held speakers. now barren cd that the band \\as \\hat we ''anted to take the driw-in featunng "family. !licks on!) ... and alone. The nack bar looks like a dugout at a lillie league llC\t ~Car to do. f'm younger then the other gU)S. For the first time Ill eight years. the dri1c-in I> ill remain field, patntcd light blue 01er stone and placed directly across anu 1 dtdn 't get the cla;.scs I needed. so I decid­ open this December to feature .. , JatT) Potter and The Chamber from the site's main allraction. That same auraction caught the ed to take a break. I plan on going back. of Secrets," w·hich \\ill bring in a large family contmgent. c;. c of Donald Bro11 n. Jr., as he passed through town tra\'el ing h.nOI\ mg that I had a year and a half left of '\lormallv in , member, the gate receipts go dol\ n 11 ith the tem­ on Route 13 while headmg to Florida nine years ago. school. ~bile all th" wa~ going on. I I..ne11 I had perature~ This year, the large crowds ha1cn't -.ubsidcd and the The 60-b\--tO foot screen that sat in the field of half a to take thts opportunii)'. I have C\'CI) intention of sh011 must go on. dozen acres u; the '>mall tOI\11 of Felton. Del. was all but for­ going hack. tt';. JUst, this felt like the nght thing BrOI\11 certainly doesn't bandit:: the cro11d;. alone. His mo gotten. like so many other drive-ins across the count!). Brown to do. sidekicks, Da1 e and Patti Creigh. help form the team of thrce had 11 orkcd for a fCI\ drive-in theaters back tn Massachusett~ full-timers that run the dri1c-m all summer long and on week­ 11 hilc attending ,chool at Cape Cod Community College. With \\hen did ~o u g u~s get management'? ends in the spring and fall. They ha1 e been at B:_OI\ n 's side his expcnencc in projection cqutpmenl and his l01 e of the once since 1995 \\hen the drive-in re-opened. popular pastime. Bro1~ n thought the rusty screen. which was P.lanagement probably in like ·93 or ' 99. \\'hat Brown \\ill contact Da1 c on the walkie-talkie when he once proud and entertained families for decades, could be happened \\as we were just doing too much for proud agatn. needs more change in the ticket booth, and faster than one can the fi1 c of us to h:mdle. \1arc 's brother Dm e sa) "efficiency," Da1e is on a btkc pedal­ He soon dt~co,ercd from the property's ~======~ offered to do\\ hat he could our of hts house, set ing hard to race O\ er to the booth and sa1e 011 ner that the screen hadn't been in use for up some ho11 s. and 11 turned into a full time job his partner. more than seven years. The owner , Albert 11 here hc 11 as 11 ot'king out in Las Vegas and then and \lildrcd Steele. had seen it all. Thcy had "This is Patti will handle the demanding hc mo1-cd to Flonda and did this the 11 hole time crowd with case. as they Iinc up out the h.:cn there sm<.:c the bcginmng. \\htch for A ftcr that he 11101 cd to \lar) land and 11·c mo1 cd different. This is door of the snack bar during intermission II I~ I\ II \1 .1, nuc \b/u thosc keeping scorc at home IS 1949 The) h<~ck there after college and 11·e based our op.:ra­ 1 he walt.. arc decorated \\ ith 1 tntuge OAR lead singCI'/guitarist Marc hau seen the highs and low' of the driw-in tions our of there. unique. People JTIO\ IC ltckets and prC'iC!lt day lllOI IC theater 111dust~- The best times have been Roberge plays the fan fa\orite "Craz) posters. Illustrious. the worst. de1·astatmg. come here for \\ hen ~ ou gu~ s sit do'' n to come up "ith a Game of Poker.'' Brm1n's plan was to bring back the fam­ 1 hc opcration j., stmple. but that\ ne\\ song. ho\\ d oes that proce s ' 'ork '? not to say it's a breeze. ily atmosphere that \\as once synonymous the atmosphere If ~ou could collaborate \\ith an~ act in the The crowds can bc large and O\ cr­ \\ ith dri1 e-i ns in the 1950s and ·60s. Two It's the weirdest funkt~st proces-. I ha1 c c1·er " orld. lh ing or· dead. \\ ho "ou ld it be'? almost more \\ heh111ng. In the summer of 1999. years later. he stgncd an eight-) ear lease with e\perien~:ecl. and I have been in other bands and Artisan\ "Blatr \\nch Project'' played to a the Stcelcs and 11as set to bnng Hollywood to orehc>tra-.. There are all sorts of 11 ays to do Li1 ing or dcau'! \Jan. umm. I dLln't I..nm1. that·, than they do for full hou,e. In the summer of 200 I. the Delman a area for the first time in nearly mustc. \\hen I say Ils ddf~rcnt. l should clarif). a good qucstion. J dclinttcl) 11 ould 11 ant to jam 30 years. the movie." Gniversal Pictures' "The rast and the \\hat happens '' we are all ;.tanding around. 1\ith Jimi llcnurt\. ,\,a h;hs pla, I ltkc play­ Furious" opened to \val c-, of carloads. In the ·so,. a stage set up in front of' the somcom:: starts playing something. we check out ing\\ ith pcoplc 11hn can np II ,oln. I would lt!..c '\011. it', a "parking room only" screen had shO\\'Cascd country music on - Donald Brown. Jr., mmer of the \\hat it is. and'' ithin t\\·o minutes 1\e get a gen­ to play 11 ith Fric ( laptlll', Bob \farlc~ . I'll pia) cro1\d. Sales of popcorn. hot dog-. and nights ''hen moYies were not shown. Tex Diamond Slate Dril·e-ln eral feel of 11 omcone brings an acoustic guitar music 11 ith an) bod) I _just ltkc lL> jam. soda are so htgh. they e1·entuall)' run out part. or some lyric;.. or a urumbeat. and eYer) ­ Rillcr and Bill Halcy and the Comets. just to ======­ for the following evening. name a fe\\, performed on this stage. bod~ just builds on 11. It i. not somethmg 1\C con­ Your mu\ic ha~ been dc~cribcd in so man~ dif­ For Br0\\11. 11 seems like a good Afterward. it 11·as an outlet for people to view pornographic sciou-;1~ do. it just happens. We are doing it col­ ferent "ays, ho" would ~ou describe it'? measure of succe s. It has been ctght years since he fixed up the films. lcctil·ely and e' eryonc adds their 01m part. nasty, run down faci Iity that seemed destined to be a construc­ In 1967. Albert Steele broke hi> leg and soon had to fight There arc t110 11ay,, the man 1\il\ is "tsland tion site, perhaps butldmg a Home Depot or Wal-\lan. 0\\, otT an infection that kept htm bed ridden for live years. \\ hat is your fa\'orite place to play? \ ibe" blues-rock. I r you 1\ all! lcs<, \\ ord-;. I \I ould the intrigue of the dri1c-in slowly returns. Though. he sa~., ter­ fmanciallv, the best thing to do was rent out the dri1e-in. The sa;. naturai rock. rific gate receipts and more success can bring damage and less pro pert] ,; as lca~ed to R C Theaters out of Baltimore, \ Id. And I lo1 e playtng at home. Mar} land, Ohio. appreciative customers. for the next 20 years. the once proud screen that attracted fam­ C altfomia, Colorado, those are Ill) big ones. \\e Do ~ou ha' c a favorite song. of all th•! \Ong~ "The cleanup process can be tough." he says. "The grass ilies and teen couples featured X-ratcd moYies. ju'>t played a great sho\\ in Seattle, remember the you pla~ '? gets torn up. and poles get knocked d01m." b entually the 20-ycar lease expired, and the Steeles had old Pearl Jam 1 ideo. "Alt1 e ... where Eddie - Still , it appcars to be a great.mi\ of seasoned drive-in 1 ct­ the property in their hands again. Vedder ''as hanging off that thing- we played One l really likc that 11 c Jll'>l startcd pl<~y mg is crans and lirst-timers. BrO\\ n and his partners try rhc:ir be,t to :-.lot that thcv ever left. The Steeles have lived adjacent to there. The Gorge in Washington is one of the ·'Road Oubtcle ( olumbus." that IS really fun to keep everyone happy. Any legitimate complamt IS met 11 ith the biu screen fo;. morc than 50 years. But as years went by, the most beautiful places I ha\ e e\ cr played. I ltke play I ltkc '':\bout \Jr. Br0\\11. .. 11 c always ded­ fnencllmess and fairness. not found Ill today's multiple\ the- property wcnt to waste and no mm ies were shown. the Electric Factor: alot too. icate it to our fricnd ~ltkc \\ ho passed a11ay a aters. .. , thou<>ht 11 was uone forever:' Mildred says. couple years ago. It\ nice play mg that At the drive-in. etiquette ts takt::n Cars do not '-.o\\, soon as the day warm up and sunsets extend mto Do ) ou still get ner\'ous before performing? song because I! JUSt hnngs htm back to C\'cry­ a: dnve m \\ ith thctr lights on. pcoplc arc isolated in their cars and the e1 cning. the Diamond State Dri1 e-Jn gets set for another thing, It feels likc hc is 1\lth us'' hcn 11c play tl. everyone has their own tiny nook on the Ia\\ n. \1m te sound Is season. Even though drive-ins arc as common today as -tracks I get more excited then nen ous. but there are that is' et) cool transmittcd via F\1 radio. or a beehive hairst)·le. the old throwback to the "good old days" shows I am nen·ou> for, if it's a big crowd. or if "One guy has a sound system 11 ith such p01,er. he h:J~ a is hack in action. there arc certain people there. or family mem­ Ho\\ is it being on the road, you sound tired'? following that has accumulated o,·er time... BrO\\ n says. Through the years, the setbacks for dri1c-ins ha1·c been bt:rs. But more often r am really excited to play. In tl~c projection hut. ti\O old-school projec!Ors arc lined relentless. Rack in the '50s. most families did not hm e teleYi­ Yeah. I ha1cn't been slccping much lately. It's a up. each facing out mto a tin; 1\indolv and onto the gtant \\ hite sions, so a ntght out at the movies was an escape. Soon. tele' i­ ls it interesting fo r~ ou because ~ o ur fa ns are '' holc lot of fun. r mean I m out hcre 11 ith my 'iCI\ ing screen. The two machines appear to be from the mdus­ s ion~ popped up in homes, followed by 1 ideocassettes and now m os t! ~ of the same age as you? best friends. \\ c arc ha1 ing" grcat lime. playtng trial rc\olution era. but for Brown, thcsc arc his babies He pay-pcr-1 ie\\, rental stores and DVD's- 1\'ot to mention the music. lra1·cting the cnuntr~. mcetmg pt.:ople anu repairs them hunsclf \\hen the) nccd tinkcring anu he change, multiple\es that have taken mer 111 the last few years. Y.:ah. totally. It's alway~ been a really cool part really enJoying It It "just haru ·cause )Oil arc the reels accordingly throughout the lllO\ ie Thc 'v1anagcr and projectionist, Brown isn ., na·i, c. He of it. cause after the dri1 ing through thL middle of the night. some­ Thouuh Bro1'n \\Ould likc to thtnk he has II all down to a -.hows \\C arc just hanging out. Its people \\e just times you can't rcst and you arc ;may from pret- scicnce n;w, tt \\asn 't always so easy for him. would ha1·c hung out \\ ith. dOing the stuff we 1~ much e\erythmg. flll:nds, t~untly. gtrlfncnds. "J ·ve madt:: some nustai..e,." he says "Some real beautic>.'' \\Ould haw done during college. Like at Ohio whale\ cr It IS somettmcs hard ltllC purpose of seemg <1 totally cool. cause then 11> just different people ,\bus. \\c arc reall) lllLk_:. to h 1c that. mo\ ic. J\.ht) be too many 11 inclo11 s 1\'Cl'C foggcd up? all ha1ing fun together. Its just the. oh what\, a '\Jo ·~thclcss. the team of thrcc that run the Dtamond State good word. like I guess comforting f'cding, like l)o )llU have ''I'Oaclics" \\ith ~ou'! Drive-In take thetr bu.;incss scriousl). They rccct\e help from when you walk out and see >Omeonc you could friends\\ hen nights arc hectic and if help i., nccdcd. hang out \\ tth. Then after the show you meet Yeah, but 1\C don't LJII them rnadtcs. 11c call \\ ord has s~ read 01 cr the year,. The dnve-tn ma) not he a them and it's like you're hanging with friends. them pctlplc. Thc truth Is tl C) dl'C .tbsnlutcl) llCL­ booming busincss li!..c II once \\a' in the middlc of the 20th cssan and appn:ci,ttcd I he sh111\ cnuld not go Ccntun~ but 1t ts !lnunshing ncar lower Dcla\\ arc. The <;tccles \\ ho \\ Ould you sa) ~o ur m usical i nfl ucnc(·~ on without them. rhc~ dL' really good 11nrk, and Br;l\\ n couldn't be happier. 1 hough BrO\\ n doe,n't C\pcct arc? 'OlllL' of thcm ha\ C bcc·n II ith Us. thc tnur man­ a driYc-mcomcback natinm\ ide. he docs think the nostalgia has agcr Jot.:! ILlr IIkc thrcc Pr fuur 1·e.trs. Our sound a placc 111 people\ hcarts and mtnd~. \\ hcn the~ clo-.c the \lmc personally: I wouldn't want to speak fur cngmccr we mct at un~ t:1Lo-;._ A.'"'~. '3l."='~~;:._~ to think there are morc years on the lwnton. A tier ;.~II. II\\ a-. thc can get my hands on (oldpla). Foo Ftghtcrs. around, .hat's JUst IW\\ \\ c .1 c. hori;nn nine year~ agLl that tempted BrLl\\ n I<' pull the car 01 er Till- Rl I II \1 Sarah R.,do and -.ce if a dream could become realny.

~------Jacko is not so wac ko l.i<:kson !~111 ami dL'fcnde' \mcc Ill) IO\C for to '\c\erland, I could hme lillcd htm 111 before Jack "'11 s!,tncJ ,1, lar back as I can remember, I the plastiC surgef} got too bad un reL.lil \,m,,u, p•:rwd-. 111 Ill) hli: that I haq: \ nd there J'> the whole matter of htm somc­ tad tn "stand b\ my man." hm\ clwngmg the color ol his skm Jackson has In middle'''''- \\ h1.:h \\as tlunng the pen­ a rare '>kin dtsease. 'thhgo. that causes his skm \hdt:Jcl Jaek"'ll is l'll\.' \\e'trd 111<\ll a hi tlu:rc nd .l.te k son \\ den) Ill)! tins '\til C\ <.:I' ·~w ,m .1\ 1d Lkl\:ntle·d hun, sa\ ing that It \\as all a pad, of tt was best to just alter his skin completely. fan hi.; I.' 111) 'elf ies Jlht ''' the ho) and hts farm!\ could get Personally. I thmk he could ha\·e lowered his \s .t t'Jn. I ha\..:: had to pu1 up\\ nh .1 1 .m<:t\ "'llle' nf he bon\ mtlhtln-.. \nd the) did. too position in the weirdest person 111 the " ·orld li. t l'r\\ "'111\.' hke 111 define"~ "\\ ,tcko .f.JLI..:o' 'he) gtll an 1.'\limat.:d ';, 15 to '>20 mill run a \\hole hell of a lot by just Iem ing it be and let­ q ts,•dcs .md t<>kr.n..:: 1'1..:: m..::dia m.tkm~ Hill hom the J<.::L\11'1\.' th..:: J'Just ll>athcd m.. n 111 ttl\.'\\ tlrld till.' Ill instead, he did it all in secret and freaked the \I.'s. \ 1Id1a..:: '' .t bll e'\tr..:: ne :111d dt>c'' 'tlillC \II I could thmk nf was poor 1\1ichael, \\Orld out. thmgs that can be· det-n..::d .,, '--'ill"), hut htl\\ though. \ er) IC\\ people ha\ e e\ cr understood ln recent years. Jackson has gone on a vari­ eould hL' h.:lp It \\ 1th the• d ildhPod th,Jt he ILd. lnm, '-''PC<:tall) the mcdta. I \\ill admit that it ety of rampages, attacking Sony Music chief \ lt>t PI f.mlPtts pcPpk do ofl:th..::-1\ .til \\ .ts i'<'Or judgment \Ill his pan to push it under Tommy Mottola, including calling him "racist" •lung'. l'llhl ,,f\\ ht.:h llt'lle' nfth \\Ill e \Cr 1.. 1\1\\ the n g .md not ''' '''IIO\\ through \\ tth the trial. and "devilish." To add to the drama. later that .tb,Jut B,n ~~~u .:.u b..: sur· .I .1 tf J,~c·f,."m de'e'' [)l t I can undeNand \\ h' he dtd what he did so day Jackson \\':1\ ed a picrure of lotto Ia wear­ nm..::thmg \\e'trd, \\<.::\\Ill all he.ll .tbt'L It un th..:: he <:Puld mn\C on\\ tth hi-. lili: peacefully. ing horns. llt.:\\" 15 tn!IH ~""~' l.t'.:r I \en then . I kill.'\\ he\\ as a ltrtlc weird. but I His recenr coun scene drama has also added f \ er) lll.IJUr llC\\ s tlL'kt n thl.' \\ •rfd Ctl\ nc\ C' qucstinned ht-. character a-, a genutnel) to his Wacko Jacko persona, making him appear ..::r ·d 111, J'1tht re·e·cnt ..:pJSr hote•l \\ l'lliLI\' l.tst lucsd.I) pm atc wo tilled \\ ith dcphants and girallcs But it doesn ·t maner to me. I knO\\ that l tllldt n .I'H1 ,'\\ \ ork t.lbloiti, \\L e p.trtie ,md Ill\ Jtcs \ I-.nmg children to get a ride on a de.pitc the media's ··wacko Jacko" coverage, uLirl~ blisi..::nnt;. l.tb ·I n~ .f.tcbon a · \\ a.:ko .. steam tJ.un and battle\\ ith \\·atcr balloons in a he ·s a pretty decent guy - he just doesn't (hO\\ t1'1glll,t 1 and ,1 '·\ l..d Bad [)~d l h..:~ custom built flll1 is not 1111'1J'h:d .u·d 'hi.'\ \\ ..:r,· 1 t 'I\ est gat- bt.t. sadl), I \\asn·t. on. It's time for them to leave htm alone and let Jng. It alsn didn ·,help that Jack-.on decided to get him be a freak in peace. Besides, in case they J,\\.' S\lll h,\, siiJC(: Jf'OIOgJZCd, Sit! lllf! 11 iJ a sl.'ri~s of plastic surg~nc::. don~. A once very ha' en ·1 noticed. most famous people are a lit11e \\ nitl.'n 'tJII.'ment Pn Tu~'da) •hat h..: made :-ttlraeti\ c man is no\\ a\ ct;. scary looking m:m. on the weird ide. ,( .. tl'rrible IJ1 '· \\ h le also stre"tng th.Jt \\luch on I) adds to th~ media's "\\'acko Jacko" ,v1aybe it ·s the fame that drives them over the ..[he \\ ,,L,Id llt.:\ c1· mtcntiun• ll~ endang..::r the crcatit)ll. I k could star in hts 0\\ n horror mO\ ie deep end. but I' ll put m:r money on the fact that lt1e' of11is dHidre'IJ" \\Ithout .m~· make-up it\just that bad. it\ because they li\e their lives under a micro­ fhj, is) Cl anothcr .hmg that I c:Jn add ltl the I nc\ cr rea II)\\ "hat \\as the matter\\ ith scope \\ ith the media wishing for them to make ft , t of C\ cnts that I h;n ,• hall ll> tukrJtc ,ts d ll's look' 111 the first place. l thought he was a a mistake so they can catch it on camera and put L'Ulil.' bact.. 111 the da~. If on!) he had in\ ited me it on the 5:00 news. American familes open homes to foreign students

BY STA\' GOR:-.IIC rience she had. I hanksgi' ing. ()oyda ,.,ays. ts a mcc holiday to Sta{/llt'pnrter Growing up in northcm Michigan, l funtoon cclcbrat..:: with the student-. bc:causc it isn 't rel igious When rhe German students staying with li\ed in a 22-room boarding house that accommo­ and it ts a good nattonal holtday to C\plam to them. "-:e" ark rc,idcnt Barbara Zitlau inqutrcd about the dated I I students, American and international. ··1 hey ah\ays seem to like the food ." she says. meaning of the word .. oz."' she took it as a perfect Huntoon says. The expenence ofspend111g the hol­ Zitl.tu sa)' \\hen the students flr'ot see the opportunity to teach them about one of the most idays with di rTcrent types of people \\as a po,Jtt\ <.: turkey. the) ,tre shoded b..::causc mo-.t of them ha\·c helmed clas-.ic mtwies in American history. one, so she decided to do the same wah her own ne\ cr seen one bcl(lre. Unfortunately, after she explained "The family. Huntoon says some of the eoumries her stu­ Wizard ofOz" in detail, they brought her a bottle of Since she started, lluntoon and her family ha\ e dents ha1 e come: from don ·1 c\·en h;n e turkeys. shampoo and pointed to the words ··I :2 07" rhe hosted students from KU \\ a it. Jordan, \1alaysta. "I don ·t do nny cutting untJ I t.:\ eryone has seen source of their confusion. Kenya and Austria. among others. When Huntoon the lwd." This is one of many stories host families of for­ first became im·olved 111 the program. the students One y..::ar, Huntoon says she had 30 students eign exchange students are able to tell fondly. would stay with her lor a longer period of tunc. representing I 0 countries Ll\er Thanksgi' 111g Becoming a host family, Zitlau says. allo\~S them to e\ en up to three years. dmncr SilL says shl.' had thr..::c or four students liv­ ~hO\\ foreign student that Americans are not the ·'f ha1en't done 11 fi.)r awhile." she -,ays. "so rude. ,elfi,h people the:\ are sometimes sterert.: dmner. The) ask a lot uf questtons says. "It has been wonderful for our children." takmg their students with them. in order to mclude about Thanksgi\ •ng. 'he sa) s, and seem to like it. The Goydas ha,·e taken in students from them in the famil). with the com cr,attt>n around the dmner table Gcnnany. France, Spain and India. Zitlau say~ she During the holidays, if the student~ arc still ah\ays li\cly. felt the need to open her home ro foreign studcnb around, host fami lies tend to mclude their students The Goyd,b lil..e tu ha\ e thl.' '-ludcnts help cook after studying in France for a year. She has had stu­ in the celebration because the '' ofth..: Znbu Becky Huntoon and her husband have hosted but Thanksgiving seems to be one of the be'>! grasp fi.>r -,tude'lts \ Jr. and \lrs. Zitlau decided to bt.'Come a host famil~ so they could students since 1985. She says she decided to times." Zitlau says. "\\'c ju-;t kmd nf enjoy being together:· sho\\ foreign students that American stereotypes are not always true. become a host family because of a childhood expe- African students adjust to American culture

B\ K \R \ LAFA/.lA There is a feeling, of being separate from rhe other races in America, Sial/ Rr.:prn lt:r including other blacks. he says. For a small group of uni\ e•,lly -.tudents from Afnca. the dt-,tance "Personally, because 1 participated in a black fraternity on campus. I bet\\ een home and -.chool b much larger than just a fc" stare~. do not feel unconnected to the African American community," Hakizimana '\ot only do the-,e students travel great dbtancc' for their education. says. "Bur other Africans do find it very difficult to connect with them.'· they abo ha\·e to cross great culture barriers. They must adjust not only to The Delaware African Student Association helps students that were college ltfe. but ILl a\\ hole ne\\ eoli!Hr) born in Africa and find it difficult to adjust to a new culture, he says. Sophomore\\ 1lliam !LtktLimana \\as born 111 Rwanda and moved to 'Through thi organization, I got to meet other students from Africa, America fi 1 e years go and talk with them about i ues,'' Hakizimana says. --~1~ parents \\ere mi.,sionanes -,o \\1.' 111\l\Cd around a lor, but nO\\ Senior Hailab Gherezgher says he and other Africans started this sup­ th~y are retired and II\ ing in Dcla\\ Jre... llakizunana says. port group in order to bring all of these people together. Sr1ce hiS parcm-. 1110\ ..::d around SL> much due to thetr JObs. he says he "The idea wa to help Africans who come to university to get them h 1d to .1dapt to n<.:\\ langu«gc' and cu'ture''- accl11nated to the situation here,'· Gherezgher says. Hc li11.'d lll lt\C dtlterent {OUntr es .r Africa and earned a new lan­ It can be a big culture shock for many Africans. he says, and this soci­ guage in each one, llak'III11<11la 'a) s. HO\\ t:\ er, as he gro'', oleic ~ it ety prO\ ides a guide to lessen their anxiety. becomes more dtflicult to re•ncmb..:r. Africans li\ ing in America, or any other country, still have an obliga­ ·• '0\\ l on!) 1\JHlll tour langnges fluently. Kneri\\anda, Sw.thilt. tion to their home country, Gherezgher says. l ngli-.h and Fr..::nch ·• .. If we as Africans do not take charge and rebuild our nations then no [ngl~sh 1-. ac:tu.I!Iy ht• third !at guagc b..::hmd !1" natl\c tongue and one else will," he says. ·'Africa is in bad hape and needs a lot of help." French, he~")', \\lllch he .I~cd \~hdc lnm·> 111 Due to coloni7ation and ei\ il war, Africa \\ill ha\·c to be reconstruct­ HakJLimana 's pt>st-Loll.:gc plans .trL bc:~ und the rl.'ePJhtiuct Its go\ernmcnt and ccnnumy at"tcr <.:1\ 11 land and \\ ork in helptng rebuild tha t country, and I \\'ant to do the same \\ ar ra1 agi.'J the C<>Jtntry llakt/Jl11an,t -.ay~. thing back 111 Eritrea someday," Gherezgher says. "(,ntng back"' 111 dHmtn .11 d beu•g .1 tlnctor th.:rt.: ts ho\\ I c;m hdp lie says Afncan Americans should also trmel to Africa to get a IT'} na~ 1 e people'," I <.: .11 s chance to C\penencc pan of their culture that they might not haYe knO\\ n ThL' ullldittons 'I R\~. PJ,t \\ crl.' o horribk hc and hts l~tmii) \H'rc about. gr.mtcd amnc>ty lrnm tl•e l S go\cr'lment tJ c<~me and ,J\1.' 111 ,\mcru:a -· fhts ''ill gi1e them a better und<:rstandmg of where their ance-.tors .. \\cabo ll'ft bee.w~.: the ftgl tlllf' \\,1 bt.:t\\CC'l tilL l\\O matn Iribes." came from and gi1 c them a connect ton to thetr roots, .. Gherezgher says . 1 c: , y, "\1y t:uhe \\ .~, PI !II.' t IlL tr1 be] .1 1d my mother nn the otiH:r. .. Li\ ing In \mcnea for almost 20 years makes it seem that he 1s rnu rc Once 111 \mcriL 1, lf,JktLintdn,t s.t\ tl.:rL \\l.'rc othl.'r obstacles he connected to \mNican culture. he says. but there \\ ill ah\ ays be ddTer­ H Kl \ \\ J, 'he:, to 01 l.'reome ences between the two cultures. Sophomore William llaki1imana talks about adju<.,ting to ·\merican cult ure after Iem ing R" and a the ~ears ago. :-.Jm.:mhcr 26. 2()(12 • T ill·. R l~ \ IE\\ • HS


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For Rent Help Wanted Announcements Community Bulletin Community Bulletin Community Bulletin Board Board Board l.hinc in '\ t\\a r~ t hi-. 'urnrnl'r'! l 1 pt·uph I· ra tc rnilil'"- "ior uritit·, \\\:\ [.[)1 \pr n~ Hr...~l'l'- 1 \\am to go ill tor dtn."Cti!m>. c'~l Gmce George at 37X- 735~. make ad,ance arrangemenh. For more info call and all Ti~ "-l!tma..,ter locJtion' through~ lUt lhe n~:ed t·d tn .., uh-ll't in l n i, ~:r, i t~ Cnurt.'ard Cluh"- - ~ttuk nt (. ro u fY'"~ ( nnm . .f.t H... a \1JJ.tll~m. ·\capuk'n. thl' \ knu:Roa.,ted Tu~el and Stutling. B~t:d I lam. 002))78--1'!00 or " 'II chri;~ma,modes; Dd~' '' are \ aile~ Endeanng mnmenL.., fmm \ parlmt·nt ... . l nd ude' \l l utilitil''· Ponl. hJrn lo., I,UOO-'i2.U()U t hi... 'l"llll:,ll'r \\ ilh ~~ prmt·n Bah.m·J,,O F ''nII I SIX'­ (andit'd S\\ttt Pot..tto;,_ \I ~L..,hed Pot;.ttoe ... '' Cmden!lla. \ laddin. Tite L1Ulc \ knnaid. Skepmg I!~ rn. \ (". IIBO. 1>\\. \\ l>.l"lu..,L· to t:ampu .... ("ampu-., J·undrai ... t•r J hour fundrai..,in1! e\ ent. -~,.~,_-l7 fl or en .111 ,ak_•, u ,UIKl\:3,t\J~:.tlltln.., .(\lnl Cnmedy Carahei Dda\\arc 01 Colby & B~. IUI~. \I ulan. Bl"aUt) and the Bt:a't .llld Snm\ c.·t m!f) ll'lt·l~ furni,lu.od! ( all 1JO~ l ."\55-fl.. L\U. O ur p ruJ_!ra m' ma l.. l• fundrai..,in j.! ea ") n ith no G'"'' Ba~e Choe~ Cahhage \(a,hed Tun"P'· h~41Y 1 Cran~ITie Rt.!~ilmal Be:m Cmnpany t lnrmerty Ground Round) at XOI S \\ "hue: and the 7U\\art ..... Th~ C\~.·ncml"nt ~!!'"' <.~ t ri"k'. I· und r.Ji .., in~ d all'\ ~u-e tilling ttuickl). "o .... D1,he'. Green gl't \\ i•h tlw 1>rugram! It \\Urk\. ( "untaN C:b~rnlc. \w>ned Rnlb. ~I ,U1n:Jied Amchoke College A'e 111 1\e,.a r~ fri aml Sal '1:45- ~ 15 the f-ir-.t l·ninn Center \\lth ..,ho\\IIITI~o." " n Ca~e. Coflec. Tea. \ pple '\;m 29 & 30- From . \ &E\ Carol me Cumed' ~7ih a1 !lam. .1pm. and 7pm; Saturday lA'C 2Sih Cider. Cold Dnn~' Hour." Chri' Cnccia; from Comedy C en ira!. Ed ai 113m. 'lpm. and 7pm; Sunday .IA:c 29ih at I pm \1cGonial and Chm Schkmererl and Spm; \londa) IA:c 'lith at 'pm; Tuo"-la) De.: I xpandin ~ dance 'tudio l !~lkin ~ for ballet. tap. '1},i at l lamanJ3pm; \\ed Jan J,ir L~ICEI- i' rd .u ll,llll illtd - pm; Sal Jan 4th ai !lam. Travel k"'t:r-. ttl wrc..1p gift.., at 11-. txx1th at Chn.., \1aJI tpate 111 Santa\ Secrei Shoppe on Saturda). .\pm and 7pm. and unJa:. J,ut 5ih ;U I pm and \\ .ut Stall nt:cdcd 01 hlh~ (\tfc- 4 mile' ~(ll1r nt II ;.md t.l~t~ ore't:lung lomllllrnlk"'gi\fng l ·m.L.a~ to Dec 7ih. 2002 from 9 lOam unit! 12pm at the 'rm Ti<·kel\ are<.~\ <,},' • .!nd ~10 '"'d a illmit:d '\ev.~tO.. on S 110 tll0-~55-5fll1'- Chn..,trn~h E\1! Your g1ft nf tmll! to thi.., \\Orthwhile George \\'il-.,on Center in '\'e\\ar"- Thts unit..Jth! numher l)f ~5 Reg.. tl YIP Gill b.: pun:h;~-..ed itJ Spr n~ Brl.!aj.. \;h.. 1i1•n 'C.w~..un J.un~u~...·a <.tnd tun Pllll..:"d \\ill help't': mnne~ for Lh~ and CO"il effec:t iYc hoi ida~ t'\Cnt gi\es children at Lhc:: Fu-...ll·n.on ho\ office i.ill Ti~kctma,ter \ ... .~p h. l. B.lhamot:;, \l.!lii!Jr f 0111..1 "i. P drc farn .'.S:H ''k +l·omm. ta..,t gnl\\ ingL·omp<.lll\ " 'rid·, r:!'et.lte't ~._·hildren \'~Jiunh."Ci:'! \\Ork 4 hnur the opportumty to purcha~e gtlb fnr t'amll~ and lnalJon' thoughout the l.XIa"arc \dlk~ 1t I J(1 He.: ~ u.: B •J... 't." 't:' I n: P .!fla.: ho.b a Pl'"'ition in St' marhl:ting drpt. Grl'at -.htf', dunn!,! \fall IOU I" Come: ~t' an indi\ idual 01 fricnJ.., \\ 1th ~~pint ,,,ed pri~c tag_ All item ... 1:! 15 ·~ "V>-.)'f(l (Jr tS:'i6J ~JX-91"( JC) tlT on th~ ''~hat :1 \h.ab' ( u ll1 ... lUI h '\t)\\ lltnn (an pu .. "\.pt.:rit.·nn. '\t.·t:dt.'tl: t'ar. grc:.-d a ttit ude a nd gl:t a pnup tng~Lh~r f-or mor~ mhlnn~tuon l'r to will t>e priced Pel\\een <:-.75 and ~5.1Xl and" ill \l..", Gmup Ji,\.:ounr... ar~ .t\ail­ Kt:p~ 1 I ROO·~ q ""O(J""T ~.: k s'um1ntnours.cor Re-.enl.-'d lou"t fur n·nt un \\ t:,l Park Platt. J BR \ t l]UillL"t:'f tdephone .:!92-~<'~ I be gtft \Happc·J lor fret" \olunteer' w11l he on ahle h) Gt!lmg (21 "'G:-.;9-95-l.' . r~olmg hand 10 a"i'i children "iih 'hopping. For add•· j.., aJ,n a\ailahlc ihrou~h Ti...:ketma..,ta fo1 !hi' ~llld "lB \. J h:nan t ~ all<)\\td. Oll..,tn·d L S \ Sprtng Rreo.l... Pra.:,~...nh Sp!tllf! ~o03 11~ Rainhov. Chorale DE. ~I 7~-\0il2e mi\Cd tiona! mfom1ation. pJea,e call the '\:ewar~ Jll f-if',l l"nillll Comple\ e\cnt.... I.nnitl'J tKkct' to Jo,e tn rampu ... "IJUO mo. JH1- ..J 55-•~S92:. ( mrus Rep' \\,uneJ I 1rn ' '"C'1." tnp.. tnr I:' or jlC4.1pll.: Can..:un B.tham.t" \l.u.ul.m .l<.tlllJ.II..t, d1oru~. will pettnml 11, :!()():!holiday concen enti­ Park' anJ R~creat1on otlice at 11021 366-7060. ~m e\du ... i\e :\e'' Year-. E\t:· Prin~e"' BJIJ art' \\.. lj uko. ~•llllh P.hlr .tnd Hnnda Ph 1,\lklpht.t tled \lldttla' \\cknrfl<' tile L•ght. on Sal.~ 1-t a\41\lahlc: h: L';.lllmg 121 "'iJ.~:S9-Y5-l-' nu, c;'\c;_mt B ,~?u <. t rpt.tralt.' <>II"- • (..til I oil I ret: I S.1 7 -tf.\1 at ~pm and Sun !'"A!~ 15 at -+pm. Roth pcrl(.)mlanc· Bring hac~ the L!a)' or old \Vinterfe"-t 2002 take ... place nnm\XIio.ud: f()llov. ing th!.! 'pm 'hm\ ~han: hl\t:l) . quit.'t horne uf .27J. l .j.! turn BR. Bdllem L'r I r 11,ec:' 'l·c:Jed __:!"\(1 aLb~ f1 I""' f·\t J.l \'k l11 ( <.112 "'"ill he hold ai hN and Ccntml Prc,h) ienan promi'e' to be a wonderful add•uon t1..: tllltthUh, 11l1...JUJIJ1~ ll1llel. FR! L I (X)() \'\D DIin' ·lt,dand \H~.-~ 1 :-lf)(l mn. ' l·r~ du'l' tn utm· \\\\\\ £·pt~uRR~.m .... ~'m """~I.H 6:30 b) carriage for pKture.... 366-7060 for Chtlr~lk l.Xli.I\\Jre anJ the Chorale Dela\\are lltgh u..,, :!h6-036..t nr ~ .5 5- 9SlJ.1. Studenl( Jt::O •.:om' t'.ll I S{)(l- 1·+-15 or l:'tmul ad\anee). by calhng I ~~X-512-50'13 or chrecll) ~.ue.., 'UnlOil,t\a~o...ltlt'O'.~...·t· n t("l\.J.l~ ~ lmm ...:hnm ... membel"'. ror more mfo go to mor~ mlo Sdux1l Fc,tl\al Chtlru .... dlr"l.·ded hy \\JIIJd i' lllghil~ltt­ Announcements ~ b;t Churjl Ro;d \ l.uerial Cuhure p re~ub \\ .illi,lm Glea-.on. ·1 g1ft em elope and a Ji ... t nf pan1c1pating hu... i- ed h) mu-.i'-' tn'm the Sm1u..,.... l~unll~ olht~r i\uls.;l P:u.lti Ai 0 ~ D\\t>ll "\lm 111 a nt'at Little Cottage": -\.n.:hlleL'ture. ne,.,e .... There j, no fee for the g1 ft cert1fi~atc. \ ICnne-..e Cllll1fll~'et'.. \ JL'nna beguh at 7· 'tlpm T!l: &lle.iU T:b.S • 6!1l-i..'7-m!·c. and r::.>t:-... ue in i lannah Cmlb \ l11e Current!) gift centficaLe:-. can he purcha"t'd on "" lA'C ~ I '1. 1'1ckeh are ':>511. · (~). illld ~7< ••md ~l ain Stree1 a1 Je\\elr) Studio. 50 E \tam St. llll..illd~ d1all1pi.iglle. pi.U1~ la\OP.., and thl.' nso·, Fuxcruft TownLomes f>,· &lC·2"7-l99l Blmd..,\\olllan·.., ~drTati\"t!' \\"ed. [)c;!c flth l.a:ntre Fonnal AllillC\. 12'1 E \ la1n St. \ tllage lmp<.H1, . "J"lt'l'lal CtHll..'icP,:;c- ~f\ l~l". F-'n67 •llld d1'"u"ion -1-5;\llpm. (iore l lall Rnnm 101 . ~o E ~ t am Si. City II aiL 2~0 El~i<>n Rd. dunng hoth e\Cilh.~~ll rhe DSO at (102!65h·7~2 T ._ b'tY-k.::. t f"T"lc!=- s Stnl -tlt1 ,r,... \utt ·\tu ll1i.., -.cminar j, 'pon,on.xi h) the C ~mer for nd.v1dual trar ce~. \'Va:st'l.. ,. ft hlllitla) ..,p1rit h) Jt)J11111f S~mw Now acceptmg applications for llt::.tlth Stnice G' \ Clinic. Fur inrurrmtlion or ~()7~. ot Ne"ari-. Pka\e call i31l2).1nl\-7030 for more h11· a rda\in~ \ 1..,11. nun.•. ju1u". anJ donut' ~ spring, svmmer and ·m appointnu:nt. Gill X..'I-KHJ .5 \lnnda~ through lnformatl(m. J.' \\l'll o.h a photo dl~llll.'e \\llh Sant.. 1 \\l.' hJ.H' a.::J fa!/ 2003. lrida) S:.'ll- tl and I:IHI · -1 :00. Contident ir Ju,t and P~acetul holit..ll.l~ ft'latt.'\.lcr..tfh too. Cnm~ ~o.tmrd:t\.IA.·'-· ... th ('f\ l fl'"'· lJ: .~I) ,11 GL"'tlrgc: (\~ltl~r lnlllo.lli\ e... a pn~jl:ct ol Pacem in Tem ... and the D1..,ney on h:c pre ... ..::nh Prince:'" Cla:-.,j(.., from lnlm II; l(\ tlw \\'iJ ...... ,n Potccma"-mg Sub-{ ·nit of tl1e Stmlt:g~ lor j\lJ..,..,inn Thu"day. Dec 26th through Sun. Jan 5ih. (',,,, '' .:! at d11...• dtM.)r ami d1tldrcn mu... l lx~ .tn.:om· K ... P'! ol the l o... ~o..c ,, ull ,.:,., ,~,_·~._· ... tlon .tnd rt'b\­ of the :"\C\\ ("a,tle Pre'b~ tt!r) ''til ~..:o-ho..,t a frt.""e Tit:'keh go on ... ale Sunda~ \'m IOth at I Oarn at JMnil!t.l h~ ~m al.iult I or rnon!' intonn.ltHifl, pka-:< .ttlon .. p... ln~.:.11cd on H.trk ... d,tll· Rd. ncar Di...:l.ln,on puhl1<· kcture by Swn Rmcr. a ti>rmer C'> the Fir... t L"nion Ct'nlt"r hn\ offiCe (all ' 1...'\\~lfl... Pari..' ami Rc:\.Teauon .tt ~M-'t){""lf). 1 nfft::nng .t ~(I' ( L.i"'-nunt lor ha1r apJX,intml·nh \\eaJX"" Jn,pel RoaJ.. \lapoca'. \\'ilnungton. Jl .... llm 01 ni.11\l ~...·on Car C;snen and U111ity T11ilm l fi, top!(\\ iii i"X: ''1111.! Coming '\"ar \\"Jth Iraq: ndnet m "ath lnten m I he sU~Jl...l P•".AD·S"JF~ · t' li\~l COHJkifqS How did \\ l! !!Cl here.'" Tht.., I~Xtu~ i:-. free ami The Review business and adveJiising offices \\ill be orx:n Ul all I or morc;:o intom1atam. call (){)2.)6:'0- Enc!oltd Ratt C.r T11£trl ~721 closed from Wednesday. 11/27 through Frida). 1-800.255-0666 TI11.· .iXth ('hri,tmot" in (kle...... a hou't!' tour" til take II /29 for the Thanksgiving Holiday. No papers \\ill l.S tf}(: f'eiftt'l WIIJ tO pl.tL"t: nn \ ..uu!Ut~ IX'- 7th~ One day t.'ad1 ~ L"ar ()~k..,....._t re,id~.·nr... (1jJeil tht.·iJ door" ami im ite ~ou to be printed on Friday, 11/29 orTuesda), 12.3. 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86 • TilL JU. \IE\\ • ;-..:'o\ emh.:r 26. 2002

oby Miller May the biggest mess win ... Professor of Cultural Studies and Cultural Policy Department of Cinema Studies Tisch School of the Arts New York University Will speak Tuesday, Dec. 3 5-6:30 205 Kirkbride Your trashed home may earn you... on .A Snowboarding Rental Package For 2 from Switch Snow & Skate ''Cultural Citizenship''? 2 Free Lift Passes to Blue Mountain $75.00 Gift Certificate to the Ski-Bum A Free Large Pizza from Peace a Pizza A Breakfast for 2 at Main Street McDonald's His books include Global Hollywood, Sportsex, And a Disposable Camera From WVUD Globalization and Sport: Playing the World, Plus, a LIVE Broadcast from Your Place, Popular Culture and Everyday Life, Technolo­ where you are the DJ! gies of Truth, Cultural Citizenship and the Popular Media, The Avengers, Can't be bothered to document your mess? You can still win a prize for donating a new unwrapped Contemporary Australian Television, toy or good condition childrens clothes for Child Inc. The Well- Tempered Self: Citizenship, Drop off is in the Student 1\tledia Office in the Perkins Culture, and the Postmodern Subject. Student Center. Or, earn twice as many chances by Ed. A Companion to Cultural Studies.; dropping off your toy at our ren1ote broadcasts, Film and Theory: An Anthology \X'ednesdays, from 2prn to 4pn1 at Trabant. Ed. A Companion to Film Theory Check out Ed. SportCult. for all the gritty details Assoc. Ed. The Television Genre Book. UD I• acts. Figures and ;\;utc~ ==="'"""ide Sophomore fon\ a rd Erica • Ice Hockey s''ept h~ leers • Women's b-balllose to LaHar \\as named field hock­ Richmond to start the season e~ third team All-American hecasue of her outstanding • Yolle~·ball gets earl~ exit pia) throughout the season...... ee page C2, and C3

November 26, 2002 • Cl Commentary 1att DaSilva Spoilers spoiled as UD drops finale Gordon keys last­ Jninute drive to propel 'Nova over Delaware

B' \ 1\fT \:\liS tions at one p01nt. the la-.t to ' 'r White for the game-wmner. It \\a'> a ca-.e of 1den- vdlP'· ··1 L·ouiJ he 'een ''' mg~ng Connnr. who was seemg Ius safeiy when Gordon was called d1l\\ nlleld llll h1' crutchc-.. !lng fir't action of the o,;eao,on thanks to for mtentwnal ground1ng 111 the them .11 the yt1unger player' ami And) Hall's torn rotator cuff. con- end zone. A Collins 36-yard field barkin~ out mntnational .:ommands. necreJ on 10 of 15 passes for 216 goal With R:l5 left in the third lk be..r n•pre-.ents :1 group of lead­ vards and one touchdown and quarter cut the lead to JUst 28-26. er' "hom K C i.,:eeler has preached ~ushed for 52 yard-. and two more "lr really presented problems. a' the hanle,t "orkmg Cllre he had scores. and we never real!) caught up to e\ er manned the sideline' for. However. not to he outdone. what Del a\\ are \\as doing. \\'e THL Rf:\ IF\\ 'Pat 'loohe) \\atLhlll!! the Hen' gut out anoth­ Gordon rhre\\ for a career-high weren't prepared for Connor." er thriller- agam't \ Jllamn a on Senior running back Keith Burnell blasts his way into the endzone during Saturday's game \·er­ -160 yard-. and three touchdowns. Talley said. "We had to simulate sus Villa nova. Burnell fi nished the game with 11 2 yards in his final game as a Blue Hen. S.arurd.t). )llll fin~tll) g1>! a 'en-.e ot the mo-.t impressrve being a what we thought he was ''hat Keeler\ been ! ahnut ,even-\ an.! sconn~ going to do. Connor d1d You tinalh !!Ol ,, of what pass t~l Bnan Whit~ ; m~ch better job run- embod1e. th~ r;adnwn of Delaware \\ nh 15 o,;econds left to FOOTBALL 11111g the hall than we tootball. Connor thrives in first start play. capp1ng off a 7-1- c\pccted. He hurt us a R1card<> Walker ran hack every yard game-winning couple 11me-. on the k1ck return a' 1f it were lm ll. dri\ c. quarterback draw." BY CIUI(J SHER\J..\1\ 111 practice and Ius last ~tart '' d'> last mdudnl!! an 86-vard tlluchdown pa" \Ja1 ~~ _ \r f ,,., 'l'meumc Jr. gging three or four On the dav. Gordon Wildcats k1cker Adam sca-.on's finale agam't the Wildcats. to red-shin fre,11man Da' 1d Boler. \\'iiJ..:ah ·pecial reams player' to completed 39 of 62 James connected on a \\hen It "as annnunceJ la-.r So as the ga;1c began. lmle was While th1s touLhdo\\ n marked the ''am the e\tra \ arJ. He absorbed pun­ passes and went over .;;,;;;,;,;,;;..______31-) ard f1eld goal \\ i!h Tuesda\ that junior starting quarter k.nO\\ n how the )11llllg signal caller longest pa'>s pia) of the year. Connor ~hin~ blow' 1-n order Ill do so. back A-ndy Hall had torn hts rotator 300 yards for the fifth t1me thr'> 3:53 left 111 the thtrd 4uarter to would respond a' he faced one of the wa> abo able to mm·e the ot'fensc \\;lker also led the Hen'> with 15 cuff and would not p!ay aga1nst season and the II th t1mc in his build rhe VIllanova lead to 31-26. hesl LJUarterbads Ill the cuuntry. like much like h1s predece-.-or Hall tackle. . Villano\d, a lot \\ao., made about the career. but the Hens came back to gam Villanova·-. Brett Gordon. had. with h" feet. Dan .\lulhern. Del a\\ arc ·s leadmg "He'o., the best yuarterback. tl11s man who would take over for H ~ .\lulhem hmlt one of the A-1 O's a true frLshman to rcpla.:e semor le Chri'' Mnoney recovered a ··1 wouldn't sav that !\like 1lowe\ ~r. Gordon <~nd Conrwr after in Ill the upcn field he-.t defen-.J\t: lme-. from the ground qu.1rterback. Sam Po-.etl\\\ all Juring Gordon fumble for Delaware at Connor surpris.:d. me. but we both \muld respond to the task at As a whole. the Hens recorded 211 up th1' sca-.on and fini-.hcd h1, cam­ the ream·-. final fnur games of the the Villanova 19-yard line \l'ith hand. bur 11 would be Gordon v.ho , arJs I'll the gronnd. which marked paign ranked third all time in JOked in the locker room that th1s season. and nm1 the second 3:22 left to play. seemingly icmg ror had the tlnal hurrah. "' he e\ecurcJ a the fiN time s1nee Ocr. 5 \ crsus Del,t\\ are Ius tor\ for career tackles. k1d r-. JUst a gamer." Keel.::r s;ud. straight vear Connm \\lflll:tion bu,m.::~s thl'> time nc\t denied. Cnmin£ into the season Connor But the Hens could not manage ''The attention. the pre,surc . down the field !!oin!! 7-+ v<~rds 111 I: 1-1 ground as \\ell as 111 the air. \CJr, bur look \lUI fnr hj, little brllth­ was behe~cd to fight for the starting .r first JO\\ n. and senwr ki.::ker the emotion in thi-. game was so and hanJmg Dela\~arc .16-o. -1 5) a But after the game i1ead coach tr Scort Collin'> missed on a -12 -yard JOb hut m1sscd more than a monrh of 38-3-1 defeat. K C. Keeler made it clear that Hall • J 1nn 1\lulhern has got three years intcm,e that I think at some po1nt I action with a broken inde\ linger. licit! gnal attempt. just asked ·please let us han· the Bur when the game wa~ < \ er. the w 111 he the starting quarterback ne\t to step 1nto the '111d <~I m1ddle Ime­ and then had to reorient hunsclf With The \\ lldcats got the ball back hall last.'" Talley sa1d. story shifted from the Hens last-sec~ sea-.on. Jcsplle Connor gutsy perfor­ hacker hr-. hwthcr and mentor WI 11 and. led hv Gordon's surgeon-like the offense. nnd defeat to the surpnsmg pia) ot mance. leave behmJ. He\ gut th.:: 1Jeal fig­ He orchestrated the '' mning ThiS task was made even harder precision.·charged 74 yards down dri ,·e. all the wh1le taking the Connor. "There is not gmng to he an) ure to model him-.elf atrer. the field for the \\inmng score. considenng that Connor had onl) Connor tlnishcJ the game I 0-nl- Keith Burnell ran like a bat out nf Gordon reeled off seven comple- sec UD page C3 taken about 20 percent of the snapo., 15 lor 216 yards and one touchdown. see CLA SIC page C3 hell (or a tran-.fer out of Virginia Tech) for 107 )u.r,J, against the con­ terence·, best defense. \ m.::e Wrbon .::rapped for last­ chance tackle'> out of the seeondar). p1ckmg up <1 total of mne m his cur­ tain ~:all Explorers' big second Joe l\lmucc1 played rhr,mgh nag­ gmg mjuries. even notched fi,·e tack­ les 111 a 27-10 upset of [\;o. II 1':orthca rem while pht) ing \qth a ' hematoma llll h1s thigh. half KOs Hens' opener 1':1ck. Fazne. an unheard of entity \\hen he \\ alkeJ onto the team m 19lJ11. developed into one of BY CRAIG SHER:\tA:\ Toward the middle of the fir<,r half. This run would be key. because \/,' ,, ,,, '>1' "''Editor Delaware still found itself leading by Delm\,lre's more reliable outside when Delaware was finally pod \ rllanm a· playofl hopes. 1l1e Explorers finished the game s1milar to the problems that plagued That's when the Hens started to Keekr·-. "I ne\\ edition of the rra­ with three player-. sconng 111 double them throughout last season. break down. as Delaware scored only Jiuon"l !!Ol on to a rock> '>tan. li!!urcs. including 1-1 polllts from \\eak intcnor play . who lack of Sli'C resulted in an Explorers allowed the Explorers to rally and throughout mo-.r ot the game seemed former pla)er to e\plain the abiht) to 73-56 victory over Delaware (0- l l e\pose the Hens· weak- right the sh1p to be 'one step ahead of any Dela\\ arc Fnday evcmng at Gola nesses. defender. Keeping 11 all 111 the tamil), "' to spea.k Arena. Due to five Dela\\are Also. fr.~shmen forwards Ste\ en "This is the liN game MEN'S turnover'> and a lack <'f But hi job \Hls made a ton of d lot Sn11th and David Bell both t1pped Ill 13 of the year. and players BASKETBALL overall defense. the Hens caster h\ • core of '>Cnlor-. who led pmnt-. 111 the wrn -,omeumcs anticipate ccr- allowed LaSalle to get open Delaw, ;e to a rc,pectahlc 6-6 sea-.on Dehm arc "a-. led hy A me-.. who m tain thin!!s." head coach ------looks at the bao.,k.ct as well Co1Ndcr tho: fact the Ho:ns· Ills fiN ,1ction since mjunng IllS knee Dand Henderson -.aid. Hens 56 a~ transition baskets that scored 1-1 poinb on six of 1-1 sh\loting '>IX lo~'c cam.:: b\ .1 comhmed 26 "And wnight w.:: d1dn't LaSalle 73 would be Delaware's po1nt . and that tlu-. syuaJ and linisheJ tw o-of-e1ght bchmd the rcahz~ compete the \\a} I Ach1llcs heel throughout \\as much hett.:r th

    nd half. both teams tim-.hcd \\ Jth etght. as tho: l\\ o "t'llt a hmc been wrthnut .\lulhern and com­ appeared a' 1f the Hens would he able· would again bat!le for the lead gomg pany fom ol ~ mne lnllll the behmd the ~rc . to usc their expcnence !0 counter through live lead changes. and w nh The higge,t kev of the game wa' B; the wk;. the '\;CAA ~ranted LtSallc's ( 1-0) raw athletic abihty. as 13:57 lver~en sank two free throws to "I Pt;ps"l h1-.· red o,hlfl '<:!a~on. II felt hchinJthe line. as LaSalle shot llJ the explorers hegan the contest sending grve the Hens a -1 .~--IO aJ\·antage. Adams c.1n Ci-IT) mer some of the of-25. \I hile the Hens only L"ollld t\\o fre-.hmen and a sophomore to the - However. th1s lead wa-. -,hort as th.: l.:ader h1p yu.alitics that the gradual mu-.ter lour-ol- IO behind the dunt~ tloor. Explorers began to sll\m C\act!y what ing cl.1ss posses cd thts scao,;on. the '>tripe. As the game began. it seemed as 1f an Arlamic-1 () b.ask.cthall team 1s capa­ After the g.une head LOrward !1.-faunce Scsso1m and a schi!: ll1C. and with LaSalle runmng mance fmm our mterl\1r tonight." he could tarnl'h the "mk.hor'e unage three-pomt field goal by JUniOr guard almost a perlect motwn ollcnse there th1s c'a"y group portra)etl 111 a h1g sa1J ''lhev knocked our guy' back I\! ike Ames. was little that Delaware\ unders1zeJ v.ay un Saturday. qnJ tht:) n~vcr recovered:· . \\ 1th tlus earlv combmed effort. the guards could do. Del,l\varc will lm>k to p1ck up 1h Hen-. opened an ·early 9 -6 lt:ad. and as - In all. the E\plorers opened up a 19- first '' 111 of the sea-.on \\hen it play, .\fall DaSill'll 1.1 a llllllll1~111g 1port1 thc half contmued. both team-. battled -1 nm and e\poso:d th.: many problems ho-.t to l.tmg Island L'mversity Sunda~ I tiL Rl \II \\ ( hn't''l'ha 1 lll editor for The Rent. 11 Sc111l COlli· haLl-. and fm1h lf)illg to establish '>ome thai the Hens wc.-e plagued b] at di1 - at 2 p.lll · .Junior guard i\like \mes led_D_cla"arc ni~ht ".ith ~.t points llll'llh ro uu/mi/1'(1~ wlel.l'flu. sensc of olkn\lve rhythm. fercnt points throughout sca-.on . in his first action since sustanung a knee tnJUl') m October. '2 • THE RE\'IE\\ • ;>;n,·l·ml"ll·r ~(1, ~002 Explorers expose Hens' inferior interior

    B\ '\L\TT D.\SI L\ A played bette!. hut not ton1ght ISc .... oJml d1d I hen. 11 uh I 0 minutes kit. Bell blew past \! .\Jif \/ not have .1 l\lo Se">oms night. He n1,hcd hi-. Ses,oms hl sLI up an easy Jennallll' Thoma-. PHIL \DF! PHL\. Pa. One game tnto shot-. lll'>iLle. d1dn't -.IHm po1-.c 111 the post la~-up The Dcla11.1n: b g man hardly the 'casun. De!.JI\ .Jr.: men's ha-;kethall head and \\'.:ntl never rcall) got out of the hloLb rcdccm..:d hnnq:ll on the suhscqucnt posse-.­ coaLh l>a1 1d Hcmlcrsnn ha' le.1rned that the [Oillght." ston. 11 hen he had the b.J!l stnppcd lrom Ius Hen•,' 1ntcrwr headache 11111 not gu a11a} Scssom-. ti Jmhcd otT a lorgcttahlc .:1 ening unstcaLiy h.•nd~ h) 'inuth h th~ det,nls ol the i!llcrwr CoiPnial \thlet1c: ,\\sociation la-.t )Car had athlellci-.m a few t1mcs with three hitahh-.hcJ little on the uflclhl\ c "rll kt l ~.~h !Hcndcrsonl talk. ,tbout pht) 111 the paull lie -.pok.c often of a "hnle in end."' he ~alI "But \\C need cvei")Uill' to play the IllJddlc: hut little cnuld he Jone to fill lie h1t the onl) field goal he attempted to \\c can hllllo! cftnt and concenli".JtJon. The that void o\·er the la-.t year. flmsh 111lh three points. \\'msc yet. the 1\\o h:.tsl you c.m dn ts rehound. hu-.tlc. _l!o for the In fact. the lien' Hwk. a couple of -.tep' ''en; sc\·crcly outplayed hy a pair of frc'h loo-.c hall ::,,,me people d1dn"t hring the hack1vard fr,lm that goal when two notable men for11ards Steven Sm1th plLkcd up 13 cfl1lll lolll~ht ·· h1 ~ men transferred last points and SC\en rebound' while Da11J Bell lvcr en-led Del, 11 re 1n rebounding vlith ~Mark Curr). a husk.} 6-foot-5. 2-+5-pound ahuscd Hen-. IllS! de hy dr;l\1 lllg touch fou b 6.1 per game last season. an indication of f,ll'\1 ard. c:ould have been a capable plug. hut anLI notchmg 13 pmnh to go "1th c1ght mcornpctcnc.: JnsJdc. he JUmped slup to L Peter·-.. boards. Both he and \\.:ntt tried to po~t up a cou­ ,\t 6-foot )1, Scan Knitter faced sDme crli­ Delaware looked mn't Jc,pcratc 111 the ple ot umc' throughout the g.1mc and. much ICt\nl as pia) ing ~oft ms1Je. hut the powt paint during a 19--t run the Explorers put to their u!'rl r J7C:d chagnn. could do little hccamc moot when he dec1ded to transfer Ill together in the second halL Sessoms. the fall more than flub hopeless .tttcmpl 11 hen m.:t Lafayette after two years at Delaware. guy for a great deal of the Hens· liNd.: trou­ 11 nh h1gg.:r. harder h<>JJcs. AgaJnsl LaSalle Friday ni!.!hl. HcnLier,on ble>. d1d httle to help his own cause "Th<:) 're extremely tall:· lvero,en sa1J. " I optcJ to -.tart the game oft. 11 tth a three-guard A crucial thrcc-m1nute strctLI1 that startcLI felt hk.c evcJ')Oilc 11as X-toot-5 out there .. rotation with sophomor.: l\1ik.e Slattery. with appro."~:imately 12 minutes remaining The (l!JIIs lal:s (Ill Scs'>Olll\ · 6 foot S 'houl juninr 1\tik..: Ame-. and seniOr Ryan Iversen. sa11 Sessoms unra1·el. and 1t's no coJncJLicncc Jcrs. c'pee .til)' wuh sc1 en-foot Greek That left senwr Maurice Se-.som-. and junior that the team unraveled 11 nh h1m. import loann1' Xcn.1kJS ~nting out anothe1 Robin Wcnll fending for themseh·c~ 111 the Fir,t. he committed a Je .... -than punishing injury-plagued sca,on \I 1th a high ankle mtdJic. and a lack. of productwn from the foul after be1ng beaten hy bJ1pe LewiS spra1n. forward'> has highltghted a dtre need to under the net. That turned out a-. a thrcc-pomt It 11ouldn't he surpri\ln_l! to ~ee 'ophomore addre-.., the situation. play that gave LaSalle the lead fur gond at fom.1rd Call in Smith gctllng mnre minutes. But how! -t-t--+2. Smith grahhed a team high six rchounJs "They h.t\'C got to play better." was On the very ne"~:t possessiOn. Sessom-. on 1--nda) 111 just 19 minut.:s of pia:. II II Rl \ II \\ /Chl!,luph,·r Bunn Hcnd.:r~on ·., simple ans11·er during the post­ stood unattended to right undcr the buLket. ··we 11ent sm.ill a Jut hecau~c our b1g guy-. weren't getting it done:· Hender-.on satd. .Junior forward Robin \Yentt drhe~ to the bm.ket Frida~ night during the Hens game pre" conference. only to be called for a travelmg vtnbtwn '7.~-56 loss to LaSalle. Wentt and the rt'st of lJD rt'tum to action 'iunda~. "The~ can play bcttLr and they have after shufllmg 111 the paint. '"We· v.: got a lnt of work. to Jo ... One of Philadelphia's finest

    BY Kl\1 BRO\\ tree ag~ nc). a smglc pia) cr is tie it.'' "It took us almost four year-. to \ as much n• ·~c) HI one ) a' \\'bile sal,mcs still remam one of reco1cr. It took the San1m} Sosa/l'v1ark Th1 \\ mtcr.• 1~ tc.uns scr,unblc to C.trpcll!.:r nJ.Ldc lt>r selling !11 proks­ the h1ggc. t <1bstaclc' for 011 ncr-. to \lcG11ire homerun -.cason of 1998 to dd free agent~. the \\'llrth 1>f pmtcs­ sioJI.l te ..m taL klc HI profcssulllal .. pons. the face get the game back. to "here 11 was." .nhlctc; ts ng. All'\ of O\lllcrsh!p ihelf ha-. undergone a Carpenter -.ays. with the current .11-'d RoJnguct is gJe,Jt ma_talanes. but then ec the pmtector~ of a national 1) of play Hlg 11 nh he an. Carpenter .1\'-' hccausc le" skilled thcu· teams lcss..:n-. the linancial bur­ gamL'. Regrcttahly. the day came 11 hen the athletes hdorc th..:m r.:c<:l\cd suLh den~ after lostng '>Casons. But no11. Carpenter says. tl1c onus cmhusiasm fmm f,m, could no IPngcr h1gh .unounh. Carpenter s •• y-; the ideal mcntal1ty would come dm1 n more on the players ht' heard ll\ er the deafemng .. ound' of lltt: s.tlary pn >porllon' dfl' '"l'" ed in ha-.ehall 1\ould rcyuirc c1 cry m1·ner than the 011 ncr'>. b1g man l11c tdealism L1f pmks 1onal sport~ "'\ lm (>f these o\\n<:rs ha1c no t..OI'­ h,!ll team flll hi-. II\ eli hood identtfy 11·ith a person on strike 11 ho is 11 ren.:goll ted r<:\ enue 11 ould llUI'\ 1\ al in th.: ma!...m~ 1.3-2.-t million dollar-.? referee game' r .:.tll} 11 0111:· !1<.: '·') \Ioria Jcj)\'nJcd on the opcralllHJOf Ius "'TI;a'lk. God it didn't happen. Rubt Rul•ph :'1-IOJg,m ( .urcnte Bascb.tll d.:spe1 atcl) ne ·ds h 1stah - b.JSL'ball t.:,un. a-. 11 ''as man) year' cause It 11uuldn't tl). more -.o today fom1cr 0\\ ncr of the PhilaJdphia IlL l11c .... lane ... Carp.:ntcr s.t) '· .. nJ thL' Lgo.) ou '' nulJn 't -;..:e these gu)' mak.­ then ever before."' Phil he' and Lllll\ crsit) Board ot nnl~ ''a) to dL1 >t1 Js h~ nnplcmenllng mg the '>alane' the) arc mak1ng In 1976. \\hen free agency became Tm tee member. savs he nc1cr ima~ salar) cap'>. Othem ise. he '>ays. ll payrolls mllmll .tllul~cd:· . maJor league -.alary was 50.000 Ill Junior hitter Liz Ommundsen receh es a sene earlier this sea­ make the .. alanes the) Jo lllda). He he .thk to compete 11 nh in the s;uuc AI, that ch ..ngcd 111 199~. 11h.:n pro­ 55.000 dollars per year. Today. the 11 son. The Hens closed out the season with snen straight lo ses. al ,, sa)., ts cr.:atmg sp<:<.:JfJc prob­ tinane:al .ucna a' the muht-hilhon dol­ ha'>chall \\t:nt <111 '>trike. awrage ts 2.3-2.-t millton. a -tO-fold lem for haschall. fr andu e'. '\othmg 111 hJstoJ') h;,J eYer slopped mcrcasc 111 26 years. ·The pn mar) fmcc drh mg the Han) Kala,, hall .1f fam.: hroad th.: \\orld S.:ncs. 'ot 11ar. 11<1t .:co- \\hen Carpenter '>Old the team in tinancJal Jifiiculties 111 bays l\[·L films.'·)' a! •. l) caps. both 1111\ of nucle:.r anmhilatiun nuthing had philosuph1cal dtffcrence-, of opm­ Delaware season \\'hen he '<>IJ the Plulhcs 111 19. I. unum ,'Jld JHHllll111111, as 111 the !'\f"L. <.:nuld th11 art our national past tun.:. Jon 11 tth hts peer-.. ( arpcnter .,, ) '· it \\a' for appro\J­ arc needed to su. t;,in prntcs-;wn;,J unlll an ccononuc strike. However. the real rea,on came matcl) nul lion. 11 hiLh at that lJm<: 32 h,t,chad ~lillomurcs on both "de-. of ,tlahm dnwn to mnney. \\as the h1gh.:-.t pncc p:.uJ lor a rna_)\lr fht.. <1\" ru·s need hl \1 or!,. tnt•cthcr dispute L.tnc.:led the 1111\\'~1\ cring "'Bottom line was you couldn 'ttrust [e,,gue tr~nduse ends on low note i1 !he hest mtcrest of the game. he \\ nrld ';enc .. your business panners when It came to Toda). ,\l.:x R,1Jrigucz. shappoinnnent fttcall) B\ ALL.\."1. \IChl"'.LEY points ,,ml 12 rebound'>. "She's I Cl") 1lllk lll;. Th.: SptJ.:rs 1\Crc alsu addreS>ed. as Despite scmor forward \llison And 11 h1le the Hens d1J mana!.!<: ll > toward the bonom of the CAA -.tand­ l11e ,c,tson featun:d -..:n:ral bright helped great!\ h~ 26 Hen \\'0\lF'\ 's made ih \\'ay tuthc stripe Trapp\ 1-t points. she wi II need to in2:~. t.:Jt off the game succc,sfull). -the} 'Jl"h for Del a\\ arc. mdudmg four play­ turml\ cr' .md I X of 53 BASKETBALL nnl) II tunc-.. improve on her ~ of 11 ficlu goal ~.. We ju-.t start.:d playmg bell<:r ~till lett R1chmond with a stnH!IIl!! er' plaung top- ti1 e 111 'annth confer­ ,h, 1ot•n~ '"\\'c need to get contact -;hooting and lil"e rumovers 111 ordc1 to team<· head coach Bunme Kenn) s.1JJ r.:rmndcr the\ ma\ not b.: a~ far an "\\L' settled for Jlllllp shl1ts.'' she· the second half And although Delaware -,hould be enure game. "We heat who w.: should ha\'e h.:al­ Gm aars completed the sen tournament In othc1 liN ruuml .Jctwn. I11LUth poll Both Malcom and Sailer 'aid ophomorc fornanl ..nJ last )car·, markcLI a fr.:sh st

      t­ ~laJi-,un -<2 1 - 9. 13-3 1. a team that had .m!v ~'i 12 at the half. J.tlllt:' '\ladJ,On, ltlJJlled IIllO the '>eL ments will help them agamst a LaSalle But Sailer \\as held scorclcs th.: 0\\ ned them tlw. -.cason in l\Hl match­ nnd round , 11 th.: Juumamcnt .L!ld 'wept team that " 1-1 in its tirst weekend of es. contercn.:c p of the \t:C Pla\cr of the 'lear. JUilJrp.· \Jason\\ <'11 .1 hack.-anLI ll·hmurt.' H 14 12 8

      lndi,idual Stuth lics )C ;1\\:lfl FOOT B ALL ltu,hing ''' lh.. llll 19 by Cnnnt'l the leers Conf l't·t \ U I'd H~..•nnd! ll Jt:nkHh q ~q " 'mhc-JSt~rn "'-~ -, 1{l.: \ ~, \\t .:h I\ {,n a pass fwm llu\1 rd ' I· ltttal' JS-111-1 ey sqL;ad ts ldt scarchtng lor momen­ I hi ret Qu:u·tt·r extendmg Dela\lare's lead to 2 n tum for the rcmamder of the sei ,,.._, l ( ~..11!1 I'"' d;, lc; 2 h:ers titst goal ol the l!a•nc cuttt'lg the R h,lJ\~ 1-.!.tnd Is II Ble~k'r ' l' I) 12 good that came out of this weekend tl .. 1 n. n ,,,1\t w "'' ) Hens lead tu 2-1 (H.' '-."hJil~.: for the team." Hens heaJ coach Josh ., J) ll1 S~< { 011 \t \od h.f ~l< BJ,., m:w.: U {) 0 Penn State tteu the game up ~.~rly \lt-tk 13 R"'ull' Brandwene said. "\\'e learned the \ iiJaumtl .'\W. lHhn... af\' 3..1. lllOf'llf 0 !I u m thL seconJ perH>d \\hen scn.or cen­ fH1Hf-.. 10 :!16 I 611 necesstty of pal!ence and sllckmg to I!•J'•otrJ. · ~ I tx· lJ \ ter lJttstlll I\Tat1in L~pllalttcd on a our game plan ... )1 J.'"-'.._huSt:'H' ...:.~ . R"Jotk b1 •.ul.J -• r~mrth Q uJrll·r Puntin~ ~· Yd". pass from JUnior left 11 mg Brendan \td.lne '"'I ~"' H.u-:;p~ hire 14 T he leers ( 1-t-0 ·\merican "!'\ l n. 1--.l~, B nnt• II .> J r m cBr an •Heft:r llX Roache JUst four mtnutes mt > 1he Rh.. htl1••nd 1;;,: \\1 ltllll .,.\.\J ar~ 11 Collegiate Hockey \s. ociatton) 1l IHC f I . \111\c ( l!liJt J. '-+· 11 Totul• IlK pcnod s4uaring the game up at 2 2. ~\.: rlhca.\t~m U ,...... , e... \ 1.tJ:, ctn 11 1 \\10 I), .. \'l H!l3Jl \ \·j It~., \d ra ..... h"iJIIl Hrt.•n scored first 111 its 6 2 wi n over Jacget auded hh third goal tll the C\ t..i~m \dam Jt'll'' kit:},), _:...K _-;4 \ 1l1Jn•H·a Delaware (9--t ACIIAJ I n da) at Rust "dturda~ •.. (;anu...... 11 /JtJJO:! \1 r2.:N.u ·¥>1' later at the 8:52 mark. the "'(;h'"'l-n.!... ·orJ ~') } J rd... unJ thrc... h'u~o.·hdu\\ n ...... h,\\f',,.r.,if ..1 I •rl''~{' .. .-~..· ....., ... ku... ll m P:1 o..: :\tt~' ITlplnl 15 rutal\o 62-.W-H 4611 Hanis mto the net. tvin!!. mdud m~ .t.!dntc->.'. 10 J 11n~ 'l'\t"n-)arJ .....-nrin~ d~t\\ 1cJ n-..,t tt.~ r' 1l \\,lharnlx ~Lr} l'i- ' Hens an ~we re d back with a Penn St. 'i Pa, t ~ ( l'~tnpk·t ..· d Iii the game once Lgol!Jl at 3: h ., ... fll Bna~ \\ ~"Uft.• \~Hh I~ "\ .H goal by sen10r center Dan Hens 3 1 R t.>t.'l' i\ill!.t ~II. Y\J h ' oJ -;s.-, .... \\m'"'t Dcl.l\\.lrc:. Ct+ll1pk'tt.'"d"' t•l 0 ...... I an' 60) 1\.h 111 lht.~ Howard who was :.l'>Si'>ted ..;;.;.;;,;.;.;.___ .;.;....,.;.. . Tc .iJ t)J u-.,nt' PI~J' :­ ()? \\hue II 16:\ Just 2.11 into the tlmd \\ '1. f.1t.Jl 't'l \.t.JJ, ~~~ Cr.,,... by semor center Chris Fcraaoli anJ II l~ i 22 period Penn State Jumor det nder Def~n..~i\t.> Pht~tr"' of the \h·ek \\ t! (ic.l!Jl (\:r Jlld} 6.4 Urt•...,er ) 77 (I .tate lam~' :\.bdh t•n. ~g1't ~ nng fnur (J.ckk" h•r a!:-f' ,J l r ll_2 \11 \I lht.• 4 1 J': ) -..:1 I,-~- rota(, .w ~r.o 3 a goal bv freshman win!!. Philtp OtlS. ... ,nq freshman fomard Brett Wil son added t''' ;J.nJ ~hr t! 1.~ ... ~~~~ \~ hll~ hlrl.."m; t"" o Jum· J\ll Ill "''I I 'llt.;\'.11 }( • Mc-Keon. ~' ho converteLI a p'a,~ from It ItO another p01nt to the score 1\ hen he l' kS Puntin}! '\q. 'rJ.... . A\"g. l,nng senior defender !\.like Kearsev. ~) 1{ I l ~ Tamt.•"' 1 100 3.U ~5 connected on a pass from sophumore The leers took a eommanJing lead l)1'" 11•n ll•t' ZtJ·4f) 11 ! ~ l utab 3 100 3.1.3 35 forward Garrett Dn·ins gn 111g the .,. I' \\U t 0 11\t'J IO!h during the second perilld. kecpmg the "' "oJ ~ leers a comnutndmg 5 3 lcaJ. ) 4 1 ' ll ~ Hens· off ense at bay wht!e scunng h )( ( "' "" n With 12: I I remainin!! on the .:lo(k. <; "., ll\ ' ) J; three goals of Its own 11 !thm a 10 Hens senior win!! Joe Bartktt added minute ~pan. the fourth and fmal goal for Price. Jaeger. and semm center Delaware. cutting Penn Stat.:'s lead to Paul Sealock and Jaeger all recorded 5--t. seconu peri od goals ti1r Penn State. The leers .tdded msult hl mill!') buddmg a -t-2 lead. \\ hen Weber swred wllh 9:03 rcmain­ The leers added another goal 12:-+9 mg and junior forw:ml Joe Shcndan into the tlurd period \1 hen senior left The ended the game wllh a final goal 11 tlll 1\ mg Paul Crooker scored oil a paS'> -tY -,econds left lO pia). from junior forward-, Glenn Zuck Brandwcne satd h.: is hopm.; hts improving Penn State's leaL! to 5-2. team will take the lessons they R ~ort With 3:27 remmnmg in regulatton learned this weekend and use them the leer' capped off their 11111 wnh a fo r the rest of the season Q.oal b\ Zuck who 1\as asststed by "We have to take \1 \I c · 1 e Jaeger ·an the play. giving Penn State learned and make it a 60 mmllle '' a com incing 6-2 wm. game habu." he saiJ "\\'e are slatting VanDeusen's back to record-setting ways On Satut~a\· mght. the t1n1 teams to play hetter and that shou!J bode faced ofT again at Rust Arena and well ''lllll" mto the enuof tbts semes Delaw,lfe 11·~s looking to prove !lself ter a~ ne"'-.t semcstcr ., H\ '\I \TT \ .\liS '>t-phe IS rc ';ar.t '>'. \\Oil Ill 'l ; ')l) 60 K.ipe!CII,ki \\On lhe 200 to the v isttln!! leers. ' 'f RaiZi -,a•d he '' di appomted Wlth tr~~ t\ L ( ,,, )')) a'lu JUr"''' \leghan Petry c.tptured the 1.000 lt.:e~tylc The Hens' !!.Ot nff to Lln earh '>li.lrt Del a\\ arc senwr d11 cr Jul e \an !Jet~>cn re 1 <1 ned unb<..atcn thl\ .:.1 on the lvs. cs Hoi\ e1 er. be "'10\\ tile I( 1-·H1 just -+9 seconJs into the fir t penod capiunng the Dne-metcr and three-meter c1 ents \lith reL 1rc1 lf<..~ll' nc teJm 1\ ill tare welltn •he remamder of Ptfttr ,1 ,n 1, i :111> ~eu•nd pla.:c fimshes 111 th.: 200 freestyle (2:00.29) ·~,hen jumor center, 'tck Ratn pte ked "core'> and led the Hen 1\·omcr:·s ~wimming Jnd dntn~ to a "4 l)'l llS 1!Uill~~- nJ 200 butt<..tlh (::'. I ~.56). up hts only goal of the \1 eekcnd oft a non-lea!!uc 1·ictnn over R1Ller ,n Dehmarc·s hnn1t: PF ncr S .. turda\ ll .~Jt\ a hulc upsetting be au ~ ll Ot the me'l·~ side. three Hens look first place fmtshes as the -tOO loose puck gl\ mg Delaware the early Harn Ra11 strom Pool \\a'> ~uch a br2 11cckcnd l(,r u :· he freest) lt:. · clay lean' of soplwnwre ,\k\ Skacel. senior Kcvm 1-0 lead. V~n Dcuscn. 11 bn last oecamc DL'I.lll arc's t'r ' <'Ver said "We ju~t mauc some mental \\.: sser jun or Jeff Shtchls anJ frcshman Cuhn G1bson won 111 "The gnalie had trouble ho!Jing t'\C \.\ Champion~htp meet tjualtfter. po,tcd a scnre uf 1~2 12 mtstat.,cs late 111 the garne .. S\\ 1'\1'\11 G \, D 3 I (J . -t onto the puck." Raai satd. "Lw:kll) on the one-meter bt>ard and "'II n. 1'i on the thtcc-metcr bP. rd. She oroke her ol\ n record in the nne-meter and bettered tho:: Dn1 G Semur Jau1b 'loh<.. <:uptured the 'i() freestyle 122.70) and Wt:tsser I was able·to get the rebound anJ hit II \\011 the :'iOO freest\ lc c-+·-tS.51 ). SeniOr Tim \\ao,ici\SKI addeu mark of Tam a :\!aim Ilk 1 1YY7 -Y, ) (ln the three rnellr The Dela~1are men·, -,quad captured three ftrst place lim ho::s three second pl.t:c lumhes in the 200 ind!\ tuual medley c2 :01 211. 200 hreast'>lmke (2·I-t.20l and -tOO medic) relay hut cou!Jn't get pa'-1 Rider (-t-21. 11h1ch pnsted I ~O.:'i-~6 51 ictory o\er the Hem.. (' 'llJ.7 2 . Both Hen' •e.tms 11 ill ha\ c of! until Dec 6 \\hen the Hens ho'>t Lchtgh Classic in defeat The Dcla11are women (-t II won their fourth stn.igln meet. \1 hile the men (0--t) remained 11 mless on thc season. and LiS.dle in the lmversttv uf Dcla\IMC l111 ilat!llnal. The Hens 110mcn tallied mne first p!.tcc ftni,hes as the ..:oo free,ty le ln \an Deusen's c .. recr. ·she ha" racked up one CAA Champwn'>hip rela\ team nf junior \ Iegan :'\larshall. senwr Sara Cierskt. enwr Ltnd'a) tnne meter dl\ till! 1. been a top-fi\ e Coloma! A thletic ,\ ssocration 1Jclia1 .tile .•tnd freshman Chnssy Kapele11Sk! 11 on in 1 46 1S. Ch.wlpttm,htps f r{i,her (I sl in one-mt.ter dtvmg: 2nd in three-meter dtv- 1'1!!): an EC \C Compeltlm (3rd in one-meter di' ing: -tth in three-meter Junior Sara Peffer took the j(,() freestyle (:'i.ll.1~). sophomore ).tra dt~ tn!!l. an :'\CAA ··zone-A" D11 tng Competitor (3rd m three-mcrcr. 8th in Stephen' 1\ on the 200 butlcrfl) C2 II 23 l and Jllnwr Sandy ';tephens 1\ un the 200 indt\tdual mcd!e\ (2:0SU)I l one-n;elcr!: an 1\'CAA Champwn~hip Qualifier (32nd 111 one-meter: 35th 111 J unior Jill FttZ!!erald lt;ok home the 100 freest\ le \5-t.6l'll. whtle the -tOO :hree-m..:ter): the Delal\are Alumm Association Team l\.IVP Al\ard wtnncr medle) relay te:tm of Fttzgerald. 'ophomor~ Kristen r\1 wit. Sandy and the C.\A Female Di1cr of the Year. UD drops

      a thriller I"HL Rl \ 11 ·\\/1'"' !"ooh~) Sophomore quarterback Mike Connor runs. . in one of his h \ O rushing touchdowns in a 38-3~ Hens loss to \ Illanova Saturday. continued from page C I from continued from page C I neal I\ satull 11 a' ll"tlrth !l. and it 11 as wtnu out of the botqerou-, home cru\\d·-, -,,.!Is. fun 1~1 imp!;. wmpcte lromcally. the fterce wmds were at Gurdon·, 4uarrerback eontrovcr .. y•. and I still "I wa' a little nen mh !!0111!.! in. back. fee l extreme!] comfortable about our becau~e !l \\as hc "! told the l!UYs in the hudJ!c dunng the last quarterback post tion:· said ... \nLI I\ .1en you get sm.t<..keJ 1n series ' I sl\e;r ·Ill God. if you giw me timc. However. Keeler said despite the the mouth an) sense of nen ousne's we'll go down and wtn thts g.tme.' .. Gordun d t fl'icu l l!e~ Connor laced throughout goe~ away:· sat d. the .. eason. he showell no sign of \\ith ,ueh .r Jon!! Jmount ot down The lo" brou2ht an end to Dela11arc's f11st ine:xpenence 1\ 1th th.: 'pread offense. time. Conntlr ~aiJ,he kne1\ h<.. .,cason in 36 ,.;,trs 1\ithnut lubb;. Ra;mund "I Connor[ processes things very '>Omething to pro1·e manm:-~n the ,;Jehnes and ended a rather up­ 1\ell. anJ he grasps things \er) ··You only get "' m.ti'l L'h,mccs. anLI - Jm~n 11rst camp;ugn for Keele1. qu tckly." he sat d. "You as~ ) tlur-,elf anJ I 11 ant ln make the be't of 11.'' he "\\'e 11 ere pia;. 1ng a good team and they just hm1 ts a kid gomg to go tlUl .tnu play s~ud " I just 11 .mteu to 11 ir. nd I got the job done. Keeler -;aJtl ·Our kHh battled the 11·ay he did without taking a -,nap 11 .~,n ·, lonkmg .tt an~ thin_ mdl\ idu­ thllUl!h. I thoul!ht Ketth I:Lt•nell played the hcst all year all\ ... nam~ of hts ca~·eer here ... ·'But 11e were ver;. pleased 1\ llh -(\lfll!OT a lsi' satd he \\ ,, ill't tr­ "After a htghly tmpresstiC 'cason ·opening 1 te­ the \\a: he plays. because he plays priscd ahout the su<..CCss he had 1 10\ ton o1er pOI\I.!fhPusc and then 1'\o :'i Gcorgta 11 llh a Jot ol courage .md trcmendtll!s 1ng the hall 11 llh hts teet. SP~thern. the Hen-, showed tl:hhes of both bnl­ heart." "\\e 11 ere taf.;m _ what the dd.:1 sc liancc an I m •tl!ucru;. on thetr Ill!) to .1 puulint:! Ll·en \\."!Ideals head coach :\nd) "a\e u<· he saiJ :; \nd I\ hen \1.:! r.n 6-6 finl'>h . I\ lost frustrating 11 .ts thetr inability Tall e) satd ht: \\a-, unsur.: about how ilie oplwn. I 1\ s ~ole •o I nd an to 11111 nn the road Saturday was Dchtll.ln.:·, to prepare for Connor. upcntng <~JHI go \I uh I" on!\ home loss of the ) car. "I Connor] presented a pt no !em 1'\m\ '" the !len' he J •nto •he \'ill.tmll a head coach Andy Talley ~~1d th~ for th. and we had no iuc.1 what he uff-se,tson. Connor 1\ ul once gam excitmg game 11 .1'> akin to a pia\ ofl gam·: could do. face the knm1 kdgt: that no matter "They [Dclm1 are] arc rnundttH! 111tu the kind ··Connor .tlso ran the h.dl hcttcr hu11 mud! he unpn" es u\ et the I I of football team that K C I\ ante I in the begm than we th,nn!lll he could. and we ,L,~'>Iln the sltrting JOh Jemams wrtl• ning ... he satd "!think they' re as good as ull) ncwr real!] ~aught up 11 11h \1 hat I!all. bod;. iri thc league. 1f not better. That 'a I) ptca. the\ were doin!! ... Tallv s.ud. \\ h.lte\·el the 11 tnter month hold pla)off game:· Biller satd- une .nl Connor·, fnr Cunnm is still uncle r. but I he The team~ eomotned IOJ lJ65 tJt< thnm accu n tncl rcrlatn'> at the unn c1 o.;,t), 19 penalties for 19R ;.ml'> \ tll'""nma had 'i ~S lltL RLVII \\il'~t Tnnhn ratclv anJ lm ability tnplacc the hall Connor 11 iII once a~.Jlll l.:ad v rds of lot.ll otfcnsc \\hde the Blue liens \ group of Del a\\ arc defenders ~marms to the ball during the fo~r ~ h quarter of exactly where 11 nel'ds to h.: pla..:cd. Dela11 arc's offense tltntnl! nc'\' pt(kcd up -+27 )ards. •rKJ,iLitng 211 y..trds t>n the Delaware's .'\8-34 loss to \ illanma at Tubhy Raymond field. The Hens fm1shed the year "[Connor] IS able to tlllO\\ a spfl '>(lring ', hlue 11 hite game ~lith, .u lh grounJ agatn<,~ the top-ranked defense 111 lhL· 6-6 O\erall. pass and he makes 11 easy fnr to any chance nt bem • the 1L'..Jill·, AtlanttL 10. <..atch the ball." stan cr. " I' m proud of hoi\ hard our hoy' played Keeler~ Ill • \\c r.:.tlh \\olnttd to_!'et a 11111 fo1 nut anJ play really well .. \\hen asked abt>Ul lostng anothet the sentws. but I tlunk the bigger thing Is to g•' red-shirt se~Nln Connor uncnthusta'- .., ·,_, _"'_ MUG ·~ ' ~':, ' • ' •ivY tfi'GIIT ~ -~, Kristen & 12/6 OJ Dance Party

      The Noise 12n Double Shot of Jam Bands • Tf1JU1KSGIVII1G w/Stepanian & EVE Seeking Homer EXTRAVAGANZA 12/11 Last Day of Classes Bash wl Kristen & w/Burnt Sienna The Noise, Chorduroy 12/12 Mug Night & w/52 Pick-up & Mr. c:reengenes Sole Craft MUG 12/13 OJ Dance Party • 12/19 Mug Night irv tfi'GIIT w/Chorduroy ~ -~, Kristen & The Noise 12/20 OJ Dance Party IS I C www.s~atraveLcom liaTRAVEL I Call 368-2001 for more info •· OnLinE >> On TI-lE PHOnE >> on CRmPUf >> on TI-lE fTREET , 115 East Main Street • Newark, DE · . .. ~ ;.. . ·~ . .

      ~ -...~ '''="- ...... ,.:"-'-=-··-'"~' ~ -;~ ~ j~:Vr~t-- '·· -~ -~~· .. ::f.:~t:;:~~.A~~>·;~:l.. ·-~., ~~;AN~ . DEME.~~Q,~~~~J!~~.. , ; DELAWARE • .~ , . : · \t~ : ~~?f~~~~~~~i$;:~ .. -:~--~~~~-~-~i;>~; ..:~:..~.- . z·~:~lf·"*1!

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