Red Chinese Swarm Toward Pyongyang
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FRIDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1960 Get d Chest X-Ray Any Afternoon ^Next Week—No Appointment Needed! J m r w D,lly N,t Ptmi Ran The Weather ALL SILK SCARFS For tho Weak Boteg Foromel of 0. a. Waubo ' November 2S. ISSd T ad ^i iBorsaafaig in Sgunra and Long atylea highest near 4Si ekmdy teolgbt, with rollad hama. Colorful 10,146 Printa In all colon. Each SttPttttm IlFraU t rain after midnight, lewmt nsnr $ 1 , 2 5 to j 2 . 9 8 Member of tbo Aodlt 40. Rain, wnrmef Sunday. Bureae of CtfoolatloBs Manchester—A City of Village Charm VOL. LXX, NO. 5S (UtemUed Advarttateg on Pnge N ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1950 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS 4 Die in Fire National Newest Liner Can Double as Ti^pship Open Hearings irS .E A S Y , Red Chinese Swarm PLEASANT Which Sweeps On Expanded •y ia fr Uly" m otcM Mt AND 4 Story House Defense Funds in w«ml«rful nylon tricot CONVENIENT Toward Pyongyang; TO DO ALL YOUR Eight Others Burned or Solons Ready to I*ro- SIFT SHOPPING Injured in Philadel* vide Sum Asked in Maldiino’pl*<** *h*t •«hl#v* tl*»l eu**ow*w**^# HERE! phia Blaze Caused Emergeiiey Appeal Refugees Flee Capital look with Ha CtifMHno •mhreMtrad iM w l By Ashes in Cellar By President Truman nylon oppllquoa, Cno Fronch piping. Philadelphia, Dec. 2—cP)—Four Washington, Doc. 2. (/T*i Con MarArthiir Says **State rich ahirrlng. ITt luxilo. tho GIFT brothers and alatera died of buma gress apprared ready tiKlay to Truman Views Game Of Umloclarptl War and amoke Inhalation today In a pump another $I7,860,000.0()0 Into Fothien AcoCamy CeM Modal Award the national defense effort to help ExihIs Between Peip fira that damaged a four-atory check what President Truman HANDBAGS South Philadelphia tenement cLlled "the Imperialist designs of From a Heated Box ing ami U. N. Forces” ; hngorio in nylon tricot ihol house. the Soviet Union." Genuine leathers, faille, simulated Eight other occupants of the Hardly had the President asked Yniiks 1.4iiiiich Coun- tokot herd woor . littio suede, plastic calf. Top handle building were burned or injured, for the money yesterday when the ter-Atlaek to Recap styles, many with lipper com* two of them critically, and police House Appropriations committee ooro. In booutiful Winning partmenta. estimated 20 addlUonal persons started hearings. *^^"*‘***‘'*J**”“y 1 Indian Eiivov ture Soiigchoii; 10th jumped or were aided to safety At the end of the first of prob Anny-lNavy GlanHic Uii look ooiora. from the building. Heading for the open ooena. Dec. 1. on her **bullder'e trials,'* Is the 26,000-ton American export liner In ably 10 days of hearings, eommlt- (Ipr Heavy Guard; Mar GorpM Bane Perilwl The dead, were Juanita Ector, dependence. Srat Mg passenger vessel launched In this country In o\-er a decade. The 68S-foot liner tec members. Republicans and Tries Suasion s2 « 9 8 to 5 7 * 9 5 GIFT HANKIES lb. her sister Emma, six, and their Mae designed for fast conversion to a troopship rspnble of l^ar^.vlng 6,000 men to any port in the glol>e Democrats alike, told newsmen garet . Not on Trip Tokyo, Dec. 2.—</P)—Chi- brothers, Frank, 12, and Robert, non-stop. She Is riding high above her waterline because none of the passenger liner furnishings are privately there la nothing much no.sp foivps surged Houth- EACH — Plus Tax All white or colorful 14. Firemen said their patents aboard and tanks nre no,i Oiled for the os'crnlght t rlnl run. Built by the Bethlehem Steel CVtmpany that t>>ngre8a can do except pro On Ghiiia'*8 Wn Prints In Linen or Fine at Qldncy Mass., the Inde|iendenee has a rated Kpee«l of 26 knots or ahont 20 m. p. h. ( .\ r WIrephoto). vide the money. Philadelphia, Dec. 2 (/F - Presl- ] ward tonight in an envelop Sheer Cotton. Lace edges were away when the fire started dent and Mrs. Truman arrived i GOWN In Perfaetiwi 25c to $1.00 about 4 a. m. Means Heavier Taxes ing Ked tide on the approach- —Embroidered comers— Ptnk. Caleotlal Bhio. Two Are Critical A top Republican summed up here today to Join a colorful crowd j Ran Tells Reds Willi- CH to r.vongyang. One Red and all-over patterns. EACH the eommlttce attIUide this way: at the 5tst annual Army-Navy j OauC White. SS te 42. L«e Hill, 36, hla wife Jennie, 20, Italy’s Defense "It'a a lot of money and It's go manpower was reported •8.M and their daughter Gloria Jean, Bride of Moslem Must football game. drawal from Korea within 25 miles of the grave five, were taken to Pennsylvania ing to mean heavier taxes for everybody but just can't take The President's 11-car special W'oiild Be in Their ly threatened city. It is the Hospital suffering from severe Council Orders train, with 193 persona aboard, ar SUP In PerfertlMi Pink. bums. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are in any chances now. It would cost only capital that ever had much more to lose the war.” — rived at the Pennsylvania Rail Own Best Interest Cte«4 White. 22 to 42, critical -condition. Return to Dutch Ma road yards adjoining Municipal born liberated from Commuhlsm. The tenemept house is located There was little early Inellna Pyongyang was the R ^ Korean 20.2S Crisis Session tlon to try to trim the new mili Stadium on schedule at 11:18 a m. New York. Dec. 2 v/l") The just south of,South street, be Extraordinary precautions to guvrinment seat until It was tak tween Sth and 6th streets. Fire tary budget, which would boost to Unit I'd States will probably dis en over by United Nations forces Aaaorted Styles In Gowns f^gsciggsfA ' I'gAgsiifiQ She Sobs at Court Riil* around $42,000,000,000 the funds guard the Presidential party were Oct. 20. men said It had no central heat taken In Washington, along the close late today, a delegation and 8Hp*. ing system, with separate stoves rrague lerm s Husband “i Meet Monday to Discuss appropriated by Congress for na epokesman said, just whdt action General MacArthur warned tional defense for the year ending route of the special train, and In that the situation in all North Ko used to heat each apartment. the sprawling horseshoe-shaped It wants the United Nations to Deputy Coroner Frank L«venthal Tcili You, Hate My World Situation; Reds next June 30. take against the Chinese Commu rea was growing more critical by Run from In fact, some Influential House stadium where some 102,000 per the hour for the Allies. But it is said the fire apparently started Hit Truman, A«Bonib; sons will witness ,:il8 sftemoon’a nists. from hot ashes from a stovs in . Mother” ; Appeal Filed members said the new amount Secret nrgotlntlons are going not hopeless, he said. might nqt be enough and more game, y The Chinese have Uirown a the basment, and swept quickly up U. S. Embassy Guarded ' C'risp-tlear Day on. he revealed, between the U. S. the ata^pway, filling the building Years to Life Singapore. Dec. 2—(/R — With be needed later. delegation to the U. N. on one haU-mllllon well armed troop# in 'The $1.060,000,000 was earmark It was a clear and crisply cold a ith smoke and flames. tears streaming down her cheeks, Rome. Dec. 2—</n — Prealdent hand and Security Council mem- to Korea for their offensive ed for the atomic energy eommls' day as the Chief Executive ar against the United Nations forcos, Occupants of the building ware a pretty, 13-year-old Dutch girl Luigi Einaudi has called a spe rived. Mr. Truman was bundled bera plus those countries which trapped in their appartments by Nine Catholic Church- have contributed to the fighting In MarArhtur said in an unuiual MULTI-COLOR : WSJ taken from her Moslem hus cial meeting of Italy's Defense (Oontinueid on Page Bight) In a heavy overcoat, and Mrs. statement answering written quea- the blaze, and a number jumped Truman had a fur coat over her Korea, on tho other. from windows before firemen ar Meii Guilty; Opasek band today and turned over to a Council for Monday after a round Hussla has not been consulted tlons submitted by war corre FLORAL woman she says she hates—her green aiiit and wore green velour spondents. rived to assist them down ladders. of urgent conferencea by govern stadium boots to keep her feet he said, and neither haa tho Chi There was no Immediate esti Draws Life Sentence; I mother. nese Communist delegation headed "Htete of War Exlsia” Sobbing brokenly, Maris Bertha ment leaders on the grim interna Report Jobless warm. He would not dlecloec the num CH EN ILLE mate of damage. Bishop Gets 25 Years tional situation. Unlike the rest of the crowd, by Oen. Wu Hsiu-Chuan. Nertogh stepped from the Supreme Continues Efforts ber of U.N. frontline ground Court building in a tropical rain Einaudi conferred with Foreign the President had a ateam-hested troops in Korea l)Ut It Is believed Prague, Czechoslovakia, Dec. 2 Minister Carlo Sforza for more box on the 60-yard line awaiting It is km>wn, however, tlist In storm and Into a surging mass of than an hour last night Sforza On Increase to be about 200,000. BEDSPREADS -(AP)—^Nine Roman Catholic three thousand Malayans.