FRIDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1960 Get d Chest X-Ray Any Afternoon ^Next Week—No Appointment Needed! J m r w D,lly N,t Ptmi Ran The Weather ALL SILK SCARFS For tho Weak Boteg Foromel of 0. a. Waubo ' November 2S. ISSd T ad ^i iBorsaafaig in Sgunra and Long atylea highest near 4Si ekmdy teolgbt, with rollad hama. Colorful 10,146 Printa In all colon. Each SttPttttm IlFraU t rain after midnight, lewmt nsnr $ 1 , 2 5 to j 2 . 9 8 Member of tbo Aodlt 40. Rain, wnrmef Sunday. Bureae of CtfoolatloBs Manchester—A City of Village Charm VOL. LXX, NO. 5S (UtemUed Advarttateg on Pnge N ) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1950 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS 4 Die in Fire National Newest Liner Can Double as Ti^pship Open Hearings irS .E A S Y , Red Chinese Swarm PLEASANT Which Sweeps On Expanded •y ia fr Uly" m otcM Mt AND 4 Story House Defense Funds in w«ml«rful nylon tricot CONVENIENT Toward Pyongyang; TO DO ALL YOUR Eight Others Burned or Solons Ready to I*ro- SIFT SHOPPING Injured in Philadel* vide Sum Asked in Maldiino’pl*<** *h*t •«hl#v* tl*»l eu**ow*w**^# HERE! phia Blaze Caused Emergeiiey Appeal Refugees Flee Capital look with Ha CtifMHno •mhreMtrad iM w l By Ashes in Cellar By President Truman nylon oppllquoa, Cno Fronch piping. Philadelphia, Dec. 2—cP)—Four Washington, Doc. 2. (/T*i Con­ MarArthiir Says **State rich ahirrlng. ITt luxilo. tho GIFT brothers and alatera died of buma gress apprared ready tiKlay to Truman Views Game Of Umloclarptl War and amoke Inhalation today In a pump another $I7,860,000.0()0 Into Fothien AcoCamy CeM Modal Award the national defense effort to help ExihIs Between Peip­ fira that damaged a four-atory check what President Truman HANDBAGS South Philadelphia tenement cLlled "the Imperialist designs of From a Heated Box ing ami U. N. Forces” ; hngorio in nylon tricot ihol house. the Soviet Union." Genuine leathers, faille, simulated Eight other occupants of the Hardly had the President asked Yniiks 1.4iiiiich Coun- tokot herd woor . littio suede, plastic calf. Top handle building were burned or injured, for the money yesterday when the ter-Atlaek to Recap­ styles, many with lipper com* two of them critically, and police House Appropriations committee ooro. In booutiful Winning partmenta. estimated 20 addlUonal persons started hearings. *^^"*‘***‘'*J**”“y 1 Indian Eiivov ture Soiigchoii; 10th jumped or were aided to safety At the end of the first of prob­ Anny-lNavy GlanHic Uii look ooiora. from the building. Heading for the open ooena. Dec. 1. on her **bullder'e trials,'* Is the 26,000-ton American export liner In­ ably 10 days of hearings, eommlt- (Ipr Heavy Guard; Mar­ GorpM Bane Perilwl The dead, were Juanita Ector, dependence. Srat Mg passenger vessel launched In this country In o\-er a decade. The 68S-foot liner tec members. Republicans and Tries Suasion s2 « 9 8 to 5 7 * 9 5 GIFT HANKIES lb. her sister Emma, six, and their Mae designed for fast conversion to a troopship rspnble of l^ar^.vlng 6,000 men to any port in the glol>e Democrats alike, told newsmen garet . Not on Trip Tokyo, Dec. 2.—</P)—Chi- brothers, Frank, 12, and Robert, non-stop. She Is riding high above her waterline because none of the passenger liner furnishings are privately there la nothing much no.sp foivps surged Houth- EACH — Plus Tax All white or colorful 14. Firemen said their patents aboard and tanks nre no,i Oiled for the os'crnlght t rlnl run. Built by the Bethlehem Steel CVtmpany that t>>ngre8a can do except pro­ On Ghiiia'*8 Wn Prints In Linen or Fine at Qldncy Mass., the Inde|iendenee has a rated Kpee«l of 26 knots or ahont 20 m. p. h. ( .\ r WIrephoto). vide the money. Philadelphia, Dec. 2 (/F - Presl- ] ward tonight in an envelop­ Sheer Cotton. Lace edges were away when the fire started dent and Mrs. Truman arrived i GOWN In Perfaetiwi 25c to $1.00 about 4 a. m. Means Heavier Taxes ing Ked tide on the approach- —Embroidered comers— Ptnk. Caleotlal Bhio. Two Are Critical A top Republican summed up here today to Join a colorful crowd j Ran Tells Reds Willi- CH to r.vongyang. One Red and all-over patterns. EACH the eommlttce attIUide this way: at the 5tst annual Army-Navy j OauC White. SS te 42. L«e Hill, 36, hla wife Jennie, 20, Italy’s Defense "It'a a lot of money and It's go­ manpower was reported •8.M and their daughter Gloria Jean, Bride of Moslem Must football game. drawal from Korea within 25 miles of the grave­ five, were taken to Pennsylvania ing to mean heavier taxes for everybody but just can't take The President's 11-car special W'oiild Be in Their ly threatened city. It is the Hospital suffering from severe Council Orders train, with 193 persona aboard, ar­ SUP In PerfertlMi Pink. bums. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are in any chances now. It would cost only capital that ever had much more to lose the war.” — rived at the Pennsylvania Rail­ Own Best Interest Cte«4 White. 22 to 42, critical -condition. Return to Dutch Ma road yards adjoining Municipal born liberated from Commuhlsm. The tenemept house is located There was little early Inellna Pyongyang was the R ^ Korean 20.2S Crisis Session tlon to try to trim the new mili­ Stadium on schedule at 11:18 a m. New York. Dec. 2 v/l") The just south of,South street, be­ Extraordinary precautions to guvrinment seat until It was tak­ tween Sth and 6th streets. Fire tary budget, which would boost to Unit I'd States will probably dis­ en over by United Nations forces Aaaorted Styles In Gowns f^gsciggsfA ' I'gAgsiifiQ She Sobs at Court Riil* around $42,000,000,000 the funds guard the Presidential party were Oct. 20. men said It had no central heat­ taken In Washington, along the close late today, a delegation and 8Hp*. ing system, with separate stoves rrague lerm s Husband “i Meet Monday to Discuss appropriated by Congress for na­ epokesman said, just whdt action General MacArthur warned tional defense for the year ending route of the special train, and In that the situation in all North Ko­ used to heat each apartment. the sprawling horseshoe-shaped It wants the United Nations to Deputy Coroner Frank L«venthal Tcili You, Hate My World Situation; Reds next June 30. take against the Chinese Commu­ rea was growing more critical by Run from In fact, some Influential House stadium where some 102,000 per­ the hour for the Allies. But it is said the fire apparently started Hit Truman, A«Bonib; sons will witness ,:il8 sftemoon’a nists. from hot ashes from a stovs in . Mother” ; Appeal Filed members said the new amount Secret nrgotlntlons are going not hopeless, he said. might nqt be enough and more game, y The Chinese have Uirown a the basment, and swept quickly up U. S. Embassy Guarded ' C'risp-tlear Day on. he revealed, between the U. S. the ata^pway, filling the building Years to Life Singapore. Dec. 2—(/R — With be needed later. delegation to the U. N. on one haU-mllllon well armed troop# in­ 'The $1.060,000,000 was earmark­ It was a clear and crisply cold a ith smoke and flames. tears streaming down her cheeks, Rome. Dec. 2—</n — Prealdent hand and Security Council mem- to Korea for their offensive ed for the atomic energy eommls' day as the Chief Executive ar­ against the United Nations forcos, Occupants of the building ware a pretty, 13-year-old Dutch girl Luigi Einaudi has called a spe rived. Mr. Truman was bundled bera plus those countries which trapped in their appartments by Nine Catholic Church- have contributed to the fighting In MarArhtur said in an unuiual MULTI-COLOR : WSJ taken from her Moslem hus­ cial meeting of Italy's Defense (Oontinueid on Page Bight) In a heavy overcoat, and Mrs. statement answering written quea- the blaze, and a number jumped Truman had a fur coat over her Korea, on tho other. from windows before firemen ar­ Meii Guilty; Opasek band today and turned over to a Council for Monday after a round Hussla has not been consulted tlons submitted by war corre­ FLORAL woman she says she hates—her green aiiit and wore green velour spondents. rived to assist them down ladders. of urgent conferencea by govern­ stadium boots to keep her feet he said, and neither haa tho Chi­ There was no Immediate esti­ Draws Life Sentence; I mother. nese Communist delegation headed "Htete of War Exlsia” Sobbing brokenly, Maris Bertha ment leaders on the grim interna­ Report Jobless warm. He would not dlecloec the num­ CH EN ILLE mate of damage. Bishop Gets 25 Years tional situation. Unlike the rest of the crowd, by Oen. Wu Hsiu-Chuan. Nertogh stepped from the Supreme Continues Efforts ber of U.N. frontline ground Court building in a tropical rain­ Einaudi conferred with Foreign the President had a ateam-hested troops in Korea l)Ut It Is believed Prague, Czechoslovakia, Dec. 2 Minister Carlo Sforza for more box on the 60-yard line awaiting It is km>wn, however, tlist In­ storm and Into a surging mass of than an hour last night Sforza On Increase to be about 200,000. BEDSPREADS -(AP)—^Nine Roman Catholic three thousand Malayans.
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