1 TheVedanta Kesari May 2019 1 The Vedanta Kesari The Vedanta 1 A Cultural and Spiritual Monthly `15 May of the Ramakrishna Order since 1914 2019 2 PRIVATE LIMITED Regd. Off. & Fact. : Phone : 04172 - 244820, 651507, Plot No.88 & 89, Phase - II, Tele Fax : 04172 - 244820 (Manufacturers of Active Pharmaceutical Sipcot Industrial Complex, E-mail :
[email protected] Ingredients and Intermediates) Ranipet - 632 403, Tamil Nadu. Web Site : www.svisslabss.net New Postal Cover Golden Jubilee Celebrations: Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Smriti Mandir, Khetri The Postal Department released a special cover to commemorate 85 years of Mahatma Gandhiji’s visit to Poonampet, Coorg District, Karnataka, and his stay for a night at Sri Ramakrishna Sharadashrama, Poonampet. The cover carries a photograph of the ashrama and Gandhiji’s message in the ashrama’s Visitor’s Diary COVER STORY ‘Would to God that all men were so constituted that in their minds all [the] elements of philosophy, mysticism, emotion, and of work were equally present in full! That is the ideal, my ideal of a perfect man’ declared Swami Vivekananda. May Bhagavan Buddha, Sri Shankaracharya, and Sri Ramanujacharya whose birthdays we celebrate this month bless us that rooted in Dharma, we surrender at the Lord’s feet and discharge our duties with an awakened mind Editor: SWAMI MAHAMEDHANANDA and heart. The Cover Page is an attempt to present this idea. Published by SWAMI VIMURTANANDA, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Chennai - 600 004 and Printed by B. Rajkumar, Chennai - 600 014 on behalf of Sri Ramakrishna Math Trust, Chennai - 600 004 and Printed at M/s.