A Guide to Trickling Filter Wastewater Treatment Design and Installation of Trickling Filters
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A Guide to Trickling Filter Wastewater Treatment Design and Installation of Trickling Filters 2H WATER TECHNOLOGIES Water Management Professionals 2hwatertechnologies.co.uk What is your #1 wastewater • Increased demand for high quality of effluents • Insufficient capacity of the water treatment plant treatment • Energy costs • Reliability of operational and maintenance processes challenge? • Meeting tougher consents In this step-by-step Guide we take you through the most important factors you need to address to make the best buying decision and ensure the best performance from your installation. Tricking Filters have a long history of providing reliable, The more you know the more you can take advantage of ecient and cost-eective solutions to a diverse range the breadth of choice available of industrial and municipal wastewater treatment .... which is particularly important given that wastewater applications. treatment is under constant scrutiny, development and revision. Life is already tough for wastewater professionals. But everything changes It’s not going to be any easier as the legal and regulatory As Trickling Filter technology continues to evolve, the standards governing wastewater and euent treatment breadth and depth of application options available have and discharge become increasingly more demanding. expanded to provide signicant opportunity to improve operational eciency. Take a look – and find a way of using this technology to benefit your wastewater application 1 For more information: 01604 742300 Visit: 2hwatertechnologies.co.uk Trickling Filter - Evolution The BASICS The Trickling Filter process is based on the biological oxidation of pollutants contained in the wastewater. The media in the Trickling Filter provides a surface for the growth of bacteria and other micro-organisms that feed on the organic pollutants in the wastewater, and then uses oxygen in the air to convert these into harmless by-products. Trickling Filters can provide biological treatment of wastewater to reduce Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) in carbonaceous systems, BOD and ammonia in combined carbonaceous and nitrifying systems and nitrifying lters to reduce ammonia. Originally built using rock or stone media, Trickling Filters have proved simple to run, reliable, energy ecient and able to achieve successful treatment. The modern version of Trickling Filters uses the structured plastic cross-ow media. This continually splits and re-splits the applied ow at each point of contact between the opposite downward sloping corrugations of adjacent sheets in each media block to produce ecient mixing. Nitrifying Trickling Filter Ammonia Reduction Paper Mill BOD Roughing Filter (Source Glatfelter) Municipal Industrial Trickling Filters built with structured plastic media can be When a company is faced with tighter discharge consents or designed to meet the increasingly stringent standards higher industrial euent charges, high rate plastic lter required for modern wastewater treatment works. Plastic media oers an economic, simple and reliable option for media can be used to create an ’add-on’ to an existing meeting these demands. 2H oers vertical ow media with Trickling Filter and decrease the load during pre-treatment, optimised space and construction requirements compared when, for example, the capacity of an existing works has to to other processes. This type of media is more energy be increased or the consent tightened. ecient and requires less supervision. Additionally, a Trickling Filter can provide a supplementary ‘special treatment’ stage to meet new standards dictated by legislation. The versatility of plastic media enables existing assets and treatment systems to be upgraded to meet future needs with minimum cost and disruption to the treatment capacity. Every Wastewater Management Challenge is Different It is possible to meet almost any wastewater ltration requirement, and achieve great results, by using a purpose-built system that incorporates exactly the right combination of products and processes. 2H oers a comprehensive range of plastic media Trickling Filter products, with which we can build a wastewater treatment solution to deliver precisely the results you require. 2 For more information: 01604 742300 Trickling Filter - Approach Modern Trickling Filters can be adopted at each stage of wastewater treatment. With the correct design application Trickling Filters can be used to replace or compliment existing equipment at whatever stage. Available for both New and Upgraded plants Industrial Municipal Sedimentation Aerobic Aerobic Anaerobic Roughing Roughing Anaerobic Trickling Filter Trickling Filter Chemical Sedimentation Aerobic Aerobic BOD Trickling Filter BOD/Ammonia Trickling Filter Sedimentation Aerobic Aerobic Nitrifying Trickling Filter Nitrifying Trickling Filter BIOdek Clarification Clarification TUBEdek Primary Treatment Secondary Treatment Phosphorus removal Tertiary Treatment Discharged To River 3 Visit: 2hwatertechnologies.co.uk Trickling Filter – Increased Treatment Trickling Filters with plastic structured media oer a solution to increasing capacity requirement at the same time as providing enhanced reliability, at every stage of the treatment process. BIOdek media can be supplied for Roughing Filters and Secondary Filters for carbonaceous treatment to reduce BOD, for Tertiary Filters for Nitrification to further reduce the level of ammonia concentration and for Denitrification. Roughing Filters for primary Secondary Filters for reduction of high level BOD carbonaceous treatment Trickling Filters are an eective option to reduce the load The higher loading rates applied to 2H BIOdek secondary coming into the existing works as BIOdek media can be lters are typically between 0.2 kgBOD/m3/d to 1.0 produced in various congurations to achieve the required kgBOD/m³/d – depending on the required euent quality. level of treatment and for particularly heavy loaded With appropriate topographic layout, BIOdek lters can applications, vertical ow media is ideal to ensure that excess operate in gravity feed mode without the supply of sludges are expelled. additional energy. No other aerobic water treatment process oers this advantage. Case Study: Case Study: Thames Water Wheatley Yorkshire Water Roughing Filter Media Installation Secondary Filter BOD Reduction Trickling Filter ventilation Rotary Distributor Since going live in 2017, a purpose-built BIOdek trickling A 2H BIOdek solution improved treatment at an existing lter solution has continued to exceed expectations by works for Yorkshire Water. 2H supplied and installed ensuring Thames Water’s SWT plant in Wheatley, 3030m3 of BIOdek 19mm plastic cross ow structured Oxfordshire: media (150m2/m3 specic surface area) in three • hits the company’s 100% compliance target secondary Trickling Filters. Each tank was 16.5 metres in by removing over 75% BOD and achieving ammonia diameter with a media packed depth of 4.8m. levels of 1mg/l in the nal euent • meets Thames Water’s commitment to safeguarding The lters were designed to treat 767 kg/day settled BOD the local water environment and 168 kg/day of Ammonia and achieve a nal euent • has a resilient, sustainable future compliance of 50:35:15mg/l SS: BOD: Ammonia. 2H designed, manufactured and supplied the components The media was installed into concrete tanks protected by for a new glass coated, steel tank Trickling Filter measuring tall sidewalls which ensure safe access across the top of 3 16.25m in diameter with 443m BIOdek KFP619 structured the lter and provide wind protection for the distributor PP (Polypropylene) plastic media with a specic surface to prevent spray being blown o the lter. Ventilation 2 3 area (SSA) of 150m /m . The 2H solution also includes a slots were built into the tank periphery to serve the Shallow Bed media support system constructed from media and plenum area under the pack. The vents have highly-resilient, erosion resistant, moulded concrete tiles doors that can be closed in cold weather. and a customised Equio rotary distributor. 4 For more information: 01604 742300 Trickling Filter – Increased Treatment Tertiary Nitrification Water Treatment Case Study: Trickling Filters used in tertiary nitrication are designed to Severn Trent Water meet tighter ammonia discharge consents. The nature and type of biomass that establishes itself within tertiary Nitrifying Trickling Filter Distributor nitrication lters produces negligible amounts of solids. As such media with higher specic surface areas can be used to optimise the overall volume of media and, therefore, the lter footprint. Provided the works is within its suspended Nitrifying Tricking Filter solids consent, no additional capital expenditure is required for post lter settlement. BIOdek plastic media is particularly eective for use in a nitrication plant; its long retention times, smaller passage crossow structure, and high specic surface area all combine to produce a very high specic nitrication rate with the lowest levels of ammonia concentrations in the euent. Within 3 months of adding BIOdek modular plastic media lters from 2H to an existing rock-based nitrifying Trickling For extremely low ammonia discharge contents, Nitrifying Filter, Severn Trent Water (STW) recorded a drop-in Tricking Filters can be congured in their operation to ensure ammonia from approximately 4 mg/l to 0.2 mg/l. that healthy nitrifying biomass is maintained throughout the media to maintain a robust process. The original rock media Trickling