Freedom and enthusiasm . Where people grow and dream. Tekijuku(適塾) Koan Ogata(緒方洪庵) A pioneer in Japanese modern medical science

Medicine Science Engineering Yuichi Shiro Engineering Nobuaki Yamamura IMCB Akabori Science KiKumagai Innovation by fusion World leading immunologists A pioneer in imaging Kishimoto Akira Yanagida

Order of culture NAS member The imperial prize The imppperial prize

Immunology Frontier Research Center World Premier Initiative (WPI) Program Why is a spatiotemporal approach important in ?

Innate response Adaptive response

Dynamic immune cellular networks

Characteristics of immune system T cell differentiation • Largg(e number (1011))y and variety of cells • Migration whole through the body • Dynamic cellular interaction

A variety of immune cells move around and form a dynamic network in the body Individual cells are influenced byyg interacting with other cells in the network

The balance of immune resppyonses in the body cannot be deduced from isolated cell studies

Imaging of spatiotemporal immune reactions in the body Development of imaging techniques Single molecule imaging Multiphoton microscopy MRI (11.7T)

ligand GPCR PIP2 Lymph node PTEN Lyypmph node PIP3

Intracellular signaling Cell movement and interaction Immune cell localization

From immuno-imaging to translational research

Imaging of the immune system Evaluation of cancer immunotherapy

Patterning of immune cell dynamics Imaging of lymph node Therapy Cancer- Normal Cancer Allergy attacking T cell Autoimmune disease

Cancer Successful Diagnosis and treatment of immune diseases Cancer Infectious disease Failure Allergy Autoimmune disease Organization chart Core Research Groups Cooperative Institutions

International Immunology Groups Overseas Advisory HtDfHost Defense(Shizuo Akira) National Institutes of Health Review Board Immunoglycobiology(Taroh Kinoshita) New York University Immunopathology(Atsushi Kumanogoh)

Director Immunochemistry(Hisashi Arase) California Institute of Technology Shizuo Akira Immune Regulation(Tadamitsu Kishimoto) Harvard University

Management Developmental Immunology (Toshio Hirano) University of California San Francisco Committee Immunodynamics(Masayuki Miyasaka) Domestic Mucosal Immunology(Kiyoshi Takeda) Deputy Director RIKEN Molecular Immunology(Hitoshi Kikutani) Board of Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences, Representatives Experimental immunology(Shimon Sakaguchi) Cell Signaling(Takashi Saito) Ly mphocyte Differentiation (Tomohiro K urosaki ) Lymphocyte Development(Fritz Melchers) Gastrointestinal Immunology(Jang Myong Ho)

Imaging Groups Single Molecule Imaging(Toshio Yanagida) Biomedical Optics(Junji Seki )

Biofunctional Imaging(Yoshichika Yoshioka) Nano-bio Materials(Takashi Jin ) Information System(Yutaka Hata)

Research Management Section Administrative General Affairs Section Director Accounting Section