MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015) Preprint 19 March 2019 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0

Controlling and leveraging small-scale information in tomographic galaxy-galaxy lensing

Niall MacCrann1,2?, Jonathan Blazek3, Bhuvnesh Jain4 and Elisabeth Krause5 1 Center for and Astro-Particle Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA 2 Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA 3 Institute of Physics, Laboratory of , Ecole´ Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne (EPFL), Observatoire de Sauverny, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland 4 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA 5 Department of Astronomy/Steward Observatory, 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721-0065, USA

Accepted XXX. Received YYY; in original form ZZZ

ABSTRACT The tangential shear signal receives contributions from physical scales in the galaxy- matter correlation function well below the transverse scale at which it is measured. Since small scales are difficult to model, this non-locality has generally required strin- gent scale cuts or new statistics for cosmological analyses. Using the fact that uncer- tainty in these contributions corresponds to an uncertainty in the enclosed projected mass around the lens, we provide an analytic marginalization scheme to account for this. Our approach enables the inclusion of measurements on smaller scales with- out requiring numerical sampling over extra free parameters. We extend the analytic marginalization formalism to retain cosmographic (“shear-ratio”) information from small-scale measurements that would otherwise be removed due to modeling uncer- tainties, again without requiring the addition of extra sampling parameters. We test the methodology using simulated likelihood analysis of a DES Year 5-like galaxy- galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering datavector. We demonstrate that we can remove parameter biases due to the presence of an un-modeled 1-halo contamination of the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal, and use the shear-ratio information on small scales to improve cosmological parameter constraints. Key words: gravitational lensing: weak – cosmological parameters

1 INTRODUCTION early detections by Tyson et al.(1984) and Brainerd et al. (1996), it has been measured at increasing signal-to-noise The observed shapes of distant galaxies are distorted due (e.g. Choi et al. 2012; Cacciato et al. 2013; Mandelbaum to variations in the gravitational potential experienced by et al. 2013; Velander et al. 2014; Clampitt et al. 2017; Prat emitted light on its path to the observer, an effect known et al. 2018b), and precision measurements from state-of-the- as gravitational lensing. In the weak lensing regime, a small art photometric imaging surveys have been used for cosmo- change in the observed ellipticity of such a source galaxy

arXiv:1903.07101v1 [astro-ph.CO] 17 Mar 2019 logical parameter estimation (DES Collaboration et al. 2017; is generated, known as a shear. Coherent structure in the van Uitert et al. 2018; Joudaki et al. 2018; Singh et al. 2018). intervening density field generates coherent patterns in the observed shear field. For example, a net tangential alignment The galaxy-galaxy lensing signal depends on the total or tangential shear of source galaxies is produced around matter distribution around the lens galaxies, or the galaxy- overdense regions in the intervening density field. matter cross-correlation function ξgm(r). In the halo-model Since galaxies also trace overdense regions, we can mea- picture (Seljak 2000; Peacock & Smith 2000), on small scales sure the average tangential shear of source galaxies around the measurement is most sensitive to the properties of the these tracers, also known as lens galaxies, to probe the rela- halos populated by the lens galaxies, for example the mean tionship between lens galaxy and matter densities. This sort halo mass. Hence galaxy-galaxy lensing has been used to of measurement is known as galaxy-galaxy lensing, and since characterize the relation between halo mass and baryonic content of galaxies (e.g. Leauthaud et al. 2012; Viola et al. 2015; van Uitert et al. 2016). On larger scales, galaxy-galaxy ? E-mail: [email protected] lensing has been combined with galaxy clustering to simulta-

© 2015 The Authors 2 N. MacCrann et al. neously constrain the galaxy bias, and cosmological param- minimum scale for galaxy-galaxy lensing than for galaxy eters, in particular the matter density and matter clustering clustering in the combined clustering, galaxy-galaxy lens- amplitude at low redshift. Especially when combined with ing and cosmic shear analysis of Survey (DES) external constraints from e.g. the cosmic microwave back- Year 1 data in Krause et al.(2017); DES Collaboration et al. ground, this combination can also provide competitive con- (2017). We demonstrate how this non-local contribution can straints on the dark energy equation of state (Weinberg et al. be accounted for in parameter estimation, and use analytic 2013). These constraints will only improve with upcoming marginalization (Bridle et al. 2002) to avoid adding extra stage IV surveys such as the Large Synoptic Survey Tele- sampling parameters. scope1 (LSST), Euclid2 and the Wide-Field Infrared Survey When galaxy-galaxy lensing of a given lens sample is Telescope3 (WFIRST), which will dramatically increase the measured from multiple sources redshifts, some limited in- volume of high quality weak-lensing data available. formation can be extracted even in the absence of a model There are typically significant observational and theo- for the galaxy-matter correlation function. This is often re- retical challenges in performing a galaxy-galaxy lensing anal- ferred to as shear-ratio information; since the ratio of the ysis (Mandelbaum 2018). In the former category, the shear signals measured from two different source redshifts depends must be estimated with high accuracy from images of faint only on the Universe’s geometry (Jain & Taylor 2003; Hu & source galaxies that are typically noisy and blurred by a Jain 2004; Bernstein & Jain 2004). In Section3 we extend point spread function, an ongoing challenge in the weak the aforementioned analytic marginalization formalism to lensing community (e.g. Bridle et al. 2009; Kitching et al. allow the retention of shear-ratio information from small- 2012; Mandelbaum et al. 2014). Furthermore, interpreting scale galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements that would oth- the signal requires redshift information for both lens and erwise be excluded due to modelling uncertainties. Our use source galaxies, which generally requires estimating photo- of analytic marginalization for both these problems makes metric redshifts from noisy flux estimates in a small number our methods much more useful for cosmological parameter (typically around 5) of optical or near-infrared bands (e.g. estimation from weak lensing surveys; without this the extra Hildebrandt et al. 2017; Hoyle et al. 2018; Tanaka et al. tens or hundreds of sampling parameters may lead to signif- 2018). icant increases in convergence time for MCMC-based infer- There are also significant theoretical challenges when ence. We demonstrate the utility of our methodology by sim- attempting to model the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal, which ulating cosmological parameter inference from a DES Year generally becomes more difficult at smaller scales. In order 5-like galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering datavec- to predict the signal, an accurate prediction for the galaxy- tor in Section4. matter correlation function ξgm(r) is required for some range We conclude and discuss some potential limitations of of physical scales r. On sufficiently large scales we expect lin- the methodology in Section5. ear bias to hold (e.g. Fry & Gaztanaga 1993; Kaiser 1984), such that ξgm(r) = bξmm(r), where b is the linear galaxy bias, an unknown constant that can be marginalized over and 2 THE POINT-MASS CONTRIBUTION TO ξmm(r) is the matter correlation function. A higher-order per- TANGENTIAL SHEAR turbative modelling approach may be successful in predict- ing ξgm(r) at smaller, mildly nonlinear scales (see Desjacques We start in Section 2.1 by describing how physical scales in et al. 2018 for a recent review). A perturbative approach will ξgm contribute to the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal, and how likely fail on scales approaching the 1-halo regime, but here the non-local contribution from small physical scales can be a model which assumes some halo occupation distribution marginalized over. We draw in particular on Baldauf et al. (Peacock & Smith 2000; Seljak 2000; Berlind & Weinberg (2010) (also see a recent treatment in Singh et al. 2018). We 2002; Wechsler & Tinker 2018) combined with an accurate discuss the use of analytic marginalization in Section 2.2, prediction for the clustering of halos may be and compare to the approach of Baldauf et al.(2010) in successful (e.g. Cacciato et al. 2013; Nishimichi et al. 2018; Section 2.3. We extend the formalism to a tomographic tan- Wibking et al. 2019). Even this approach will break down gential shear measurement in Section 2.4.1, and demonstrate on galactic scales where galactic astrophysics will affect the the effectiveness of our approach in recovering unbiased pa- matter distribution in and around the lens galaxy. rameters in Section 2.5. The important point is that whatever modeling ap- proach is taken, it is crucial to ensure that the measurement 2.1 Theory is only sensitive to scales in ξgm(r) where that modelling ap- proach is sufficiently accurate. In Section 2.1 we describe A lens galaxy sample at angular diameter distance Dl gen- how the galaxy-galaxy signal receives a non-local contribu- erates a mean tangential shear, γt (θ) (e.g. Hu & Jain 2004) tion that depends on scales in ξgm(r) that are much smaller than the separation at which the measurement is made (i.e. ∆Σ(R) the impact parameter in the lens plane). It was this poten- γ (θ = R/D ) = (1) t l Σ tial non-local contribution that motivated the use of a larger crit where ∆Σ(R) = Σ(0, R) − Σ(R) (2) 1 2 and Σ(R) is the excess mean surface mass density at trans- fareaid=102 verse physical separation R from the lens, given by the pro- 3 jection of the three-dimensional galaxy-matter correlation

MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015) Small-scale information in galaxy-galaxy lensing 3

function ξgm over line-of-sight distance Π: mass if our model for ξgm(r) makes a non-zero prediction for ¹ ∞ Σ(0, rmin). In this case h p 2 2i Σ(R) = ρm dΠ 1 + ξgm R + Π , (3) δM −∞ B = (8) 2 πR Σcrit where ρm is the mean matter density. Σ(R1, R2) is the mean where δM is the bias in the model prediction for the enclosed surface mass density averaged between R1 and R2 mass i.e. this term accounts for inaccuracies in the enclosed ¹ R2 2 0 0 0 mass prediction. We note that for a given lens galaxy sample, Σ(R1, R2) = R dR Σ(R ). (4) 2 − 2 B will be a function of lens redshift as well as R i.e. B = R2 R1 R1 B(zl, R). Σcrit is a geometrical factor that determines how the am- We can also write B in terms of systematic bias on plitude of the signal depends on lens and source redshift, bias the galaxy-matter correlation function prediction, ξgm (r) ≡ and for a single source redshift plane at angular diameter model true ξgm (r) − ξgm (r) i.e. the difference between our model for distance Ds, is given by ξgm(r) and the truth, ( 4πG Dl (Ds −Dl ) (1 + z ) if Ds > D ¹ ∞ ¹ R −1 l c2 Ds l 2 0 0 h p i Σcrit = (5) B = dΠ R dR 1 + ξbias R2 + Π2 . (9) 0 otherwise 2 gm R Σcrit −∞ 0

where zl is the lens redshift. A prior on B could then be constructed from a scale- bias The presence of Σ(0, R) in equation2 makes clear the dependent prior on ξgm (r) (see e.g. Baldauf et al. 2016 for non-locality of ∆Σ(R) (and therefore γt (θ)); this term de- more discussion of the inclusion of such theoretical uncer- pends on the distribution of mass around the lens on all tainties in cosmological parameter esitmation). scales up to R, or equivalently, on ξgm(r) for all 0 < r < R. In Section 2.5, we perform tests of our formalism using As a consequence, ∆Σ(R) and γt (θ) can be sensitive to the the ∆Σ(R) signal from a truncated NFW profile (see that sec- mass distribution on one-halo scales, where a perturbative tion for details). The blue solid lines in Figure1 shows Σ(R) modeling approach will break down, even when measured at (top-panel) and ∆Σ(R) for a truncated NFW profile, as well separations R that correspond to much larger physical scales as these same quantities for a point-mass with the same to- in the lens plane. There is extensive discussion of this effect tal mass as the truncated NFW profile (orange-dashed lines). in Baldauf et al.(2010) who propose an estimator-based ap- For the point-mass case, Σ(R) is simply a delta function at proach for dealing with this non-locality that we discuss in R = 0, while ∆Σ(R) ∝ 1/R2. This plot demonstrates the point Section 2.3. We note here that a projected galaxy clustering that 1-halo contributions with very different scale depen- measurement, wgg(R) does not suffer from this effect - here dence in ξgm(r) and therefore Σ(R) have very similar scale the minimum physical scale probed in the three-dimensional dependence in ∆Σ(R) on all but the smallest scales. This is correlation function ξgg(r) is the same as the transverse sep- why marginalizing over a point-mass contribution can effec- aration R. tively account for an uncertain one-halo contribution. If we assume we can model the galaxy-matter correla- Of course, by marginalizing over B we lose some infor- tion function ξgm(r) only down to some minimum scale rmin, mation, which will result in a loss in constraining power. we can account for the contribution from scales below rmin However, we believe this is well justified, since the physical in the following way. For R > rmin we can decompose Σ(0, R) scales informing our model are now well-controlled. Assum- into two terms ing that biases in the ξgm(r) prediction increase at smaller 2 2 2 physical scales, accounting for the non-local contribution in r Σ(0, rmin) (R − r )Σ(rmin, R) Σ(0, R) = min + min . (6) this way should allow for the robust use of smaller scales R2 R2 in the measurement than if the non-local contribution is ig- Only the first term in equation6 is beyond our ability nored. As discussed above, if one does have a motivated to model accurately (the second term requires only ξgm at prior on the potential size of biases in ξgm(r) at small scales, 2 that information can be naturally included, and the loss in r > rmin). This first term has 1/R scale dependence, so for constraining power will be reduced. R > rmin, any bias in our model due to inaccurate prediction 2 of ξgm(r < rmin) has a simple 1/R scale dependence. Hence, for R > rmin, we can model ∆Σ(R) as 2.2 Analytic marginalization of the enclosed mass ∆Σ(R) = ∆Σmodel(R) + B/R2 (7) contribution

where ∆Σmodel(R) is the prediction based on a model for We have described in Section 2.1 how uncertainty in the ξgm(r) that is correct for scales r > rmin, but can be arbi- model prediction for ∆Σ(R > rmin) that arises from uncer- trarily wrong for r < rmin, and B is some unknown constant tainty in the model prediction for ξgm(r

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Shermann-Morrison formula to directly calculate N−1

13 −1 2 | −1 10 N = (C + σB xìxì ) (12) −1 −1 −1 C xìxì|C 10 = C − . (13) 10 −1 −2

) ì| ì x C x + σB R ( 107 Indeed with this form we can even use an infinitely wide NFW Gaussian prior on B by taking the limit lim σB → ∞ in which case 104 point-mass C−1 xìxì|C−1 N−1 C−1 − (14) = − xì|C 1 xì 10 1 100 101

2.3 Relation to ADSD Υ(R) 1014 Baldauf et al.(2010) introduced the Annular Differential Surface Density (ADSD) statistic which they label Υ(R), de- ) fined R ( 2 12 rmin 10 Υ(R; rmin) = ∆Σ(R) − ∆Σ(rmin). (15) R2

This statistic removes the contribution from R < rmin by ef- fectively using the measured signal at r to estimate the 1010 min 1 0 1 non-local contribution. We can see this by substituting equa- 10 10 10 tion7 into equation 15, and observing that terms containing R (h 1Mpc) B cancel: model 2 Υ(R; rmin) = ∆Σ (R) + B/R (16) 2 Figure 1. The surface mass density Σ(R) (top panel) and surface rmin h model 2 i − ∆Σ (rmin) + B/r (17) mass density contrast ∆Σ(R) (bottom panel) for a smoothly trun- R2 min cated NFW halo (blue solid lines, see Section 2.5 for details) and r2 a point-mass of the same mass (orange dashed lines). While the model min model = ∆Σ (R) − ∆Σ (rmin) (18) two cases have very different Σ(R), they have very similar ∆Σ(R) R2 except at very small scales. Note that in the point-mass case Σ(R) We demonstrate in Section 2.5.1 that this approach has is non-zero only at R = 0; this is represented in the upper-panel very similar performance to marginalizing over the non-local by a vertical line at the left edge of the plot. contribution with infinite prior. Which approach is preferred will likely depend on the details of the analysis. As described is correct only for scales r > rmin. This likelihood must be in Baldauf et al.(2010), a nice feature of the Υ(R) statistic marginalized over the unknown constant B, via is that is is estimator based, and does not require the intro- ¹ duction of a new free parameter. P(∆Σobs(R)|∆Σmodel(R)) = dBP(∆Σobs(R)|∆Σmodel(R), B). Explicitly marginalizing over the point-mass contribu- tion as in our approach (while using analytic marginal- (10) ization to avoid extra computational cost) allows one to In the case that ∆Σobs(R) is Gaussian distributed with covari- more naturally include a prior, which may allow one to re- ance matrix C, and we have a Gaussian prior on B with mean tain more information. We also show that our point-mass marginalization approach can naturally be extended to to- zero and width σB, one can show that (Bridle et al. 2002) P(∆Σobs(R)|∆Σmodel(R)) is also Gaussian distributed with co- mographic measurements where shear-ratio information can variance matrix be retained, as described in Section 2.4.1.

2 | N = C + σB xìxì (11) 2 where xì has elements xa = (rmin/Ra) . 2.4 Extension to γt (θ) This powerful result means that operationally, in order Particularly for photometric lens galaxy samples, γ (θ) can to marginalize over the free parameter B, we need only per- t be a more convenient observable to use than ∆Σ(R) (and in form this simple operation on the original covariance matrix fact the latter is not a direct observable since a cosmological C, rather than explicitly sampling over possible values of B model must be assumed to calculate R from the angular in e.g. an MCMC chain. separation). In the flat-sky and Limber approximations, we In the case that we want to use an “uninformative” or can relate γ (θ) to ∆Σ(R) by integrating over lens and source very wide prior on B (i.e. very large σ ), N may become t B redshift distributions, n (z) and n (z): close to singular, which will be problematic when numeri- l s −1 ¹ ¹ cally calculating N which is required to compute the Gaus- ∆Σ(R = θ × DA(zl), zl) sian likelihood. We can circumvent this issue by using the γt (θ) = dzl dzs nl(zl)ns(zs) . (19) Σcrit(zl, zs)

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The B/R2 term in equation7 contributes approach will depend on whether the lens galaxy redshift ¹ ¹ uncertainties allow the construction of sufficiently narrow pm B(zl, R = θ × DA(zl)) γ (θ) = dzl dzs nl(zl)ns(zs) (20) redshift bins. t R2Σ (z , z ) crit l s In the tests below (Section 2.5, Section4), we do ¹ ¹ −2 B(zl, R = θ × DA(zl)) not explore realistic cases of the redshift evolution of = θ dzl dzs nl(zl)ns(zs) . D2 (z )Σ (z , z ) ( )/ 2 ( ) A l crit l s Bi zl, R DA zl , which would require realistic galaxy simu- (21) lations, and is beyond the scope of this work. We instead focus on demonstrating the usefulness of this formalism in ( ) where DA zl is the angular diameter distance to the lens idealized cases where the narrow lens bin assumption can be redshift zl. Note that the bias in the enclosed mass prediction safely assumed. B(zl, R) can now in general depend on the lens redshift and the radius R corresponding to the angular separation θ at redshift zl. 2.4.2 Analytic marginalisation Hence for γ (θ), we can similarly remove the impact t In the case that we have n lens redshift bins and n of modelling inaccuracies in ξ (r) at scale r < r by lens src gm min source redshift bins we need a model for the full length- marginalizing over a term with scale dependence 1/θ2, for N tangential shear vector (i.e. the concatenation of all angular scales θ > r /D (z ) where D (z ) is the dis- d min A l,min A l,min angular scales for all lens and source redshift bin pairs) tance to the lowest redshift lenses considered (i.e. for angular γì = γì , ..., γì , ..., γì . scales corresponding to physical scales greater than r in t t,00 t,0nsrc t,nlensnsrc min In the case that we can make the narrow lens bin as- the lens plane). sumption in equation 25, we can use the following form: model −2 γt (θ) = γ (θ) + Bi βij θ (26) 2.4.1 The tomographic case t where i and j are the lens and source redshift, and again For photometric surveys it is convenient and, given the lim- model γìt is based on a ξgm prediction that is accurate only ited photometric redshift precision, often close to optimal to down to some scale rmin. It is useful to write this in vector perform a tomographic analysis where lenses and/or source notation: are split into multiple bins in redshift and correlations be- nlens tween all pairs of lens and source redshift bins are used. In model Õ γìt = γìt + Bitìi (27) this case, our prediction for the tangential shear for lens bin i i, and source bin j is where ( ) model( ) / 2 γt,ij θ = γt,ij θ + Cij θ (22) ( 0 if lens redshift bin for element a is not i where (tìi)a = β θ−2 otherwise ¹ ¹ ij a Bi(zl, R = θ ∗ DA(zl)) Cij = dzl dzs nl,i(zl)ns, j (zs) . (23) (28) 2 ( )Σ ( ) DA zl crit zl, zs where j is the source redshift bin and θa is the angular If the lens redshift distribution is sufficiently narrow, separation for element a of the full datavector. We note that or ( )/ 2 ( ) evolves with redshift sufficiently slowly Bi zl, R DA zl in the above, and throughout, we use i and j as redshift across the width of the lens redshift bin, then we can make bin labels rather than vector indices; tìi in equation 26 does the approximation not represent element i of a vector tì, rather one of a set of ¹ n vectors. When we do provide a piece-wise definition of C ≈ B dz dz n (z )n (z )Σ−1 (z , z )D−2(z ) (24) lens ij i l s l,i l s, j s crit l, j s A l a vector we use an index a as in equation 28. Analytic marginalization over all B can again be per- ≡ Bi βij (25) i formed by updating the covariance matrix to N given by i.e. only a single free parameter Bi is required for each lens redshift bin (rather than a free parameter Cij for each lens- Õ N = C + σ2 tì tì| (29) source redshift bin pair), with the impact on each lens-source Bi i i i pair modulated by the effective inverse Σcrit, βij . We’ll call this the narrow lens bin assumption. Of note here is that if where C is the original γt covariance and σBi is width of the we can make this narrow lens bin assumption, then we can Gaussian prior on Bi. extract shear-ratio information from the enclosed mass term, We can also write N in the form without any assumption about the amplitude of that mass. N = C + UU| (30) In effect, we gain constraining power on the relative sizes of ì the βij , which contain geometric information through their where U is a Nd ×nlens matrix with ith column σBi ti, and Nd dependence on the angular diameter distances which enter is the number of elements in the datavector. We will refer Σcrit (see equation 2.1), and thus information on cosmological to U as a template matrix since its columns are template parameters (e.g. Jain & Taylor 2003; Taylor et al. 2007; Miy- modes to be marginalized over. We can use the Woodbury atake et al. 2017) and nuisance parameters quantifying e.g. matrix identity (the generalization of the Sherman-Morrison photometric redshift uncertainties (e.g. Heymans et al. 2012; formula introduced in Section 2.2) to get the inverse: Prat et al. 2018a). We note that one can of course choose N−1 = C−1 − C−1 U(I + U| C−1 U)−1U| C−1 . (31) the width of the lens redshift bins in order to attempt to satisfy this narrow lens bin assumption. The success of this where I is the identity matrix.

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Again, we may want to consider the case where we allow We generate a Gaussian covariance matrix correspond- maximal freedom in the model by taking the limit σBi → ∞. ing to this datavector which has roughly DES Year 5 statis- In this case equation 31 reduces to tical power - we assume an area of 5000 deg2, a lens galaxy number density of [0.013, 0.034, 0.051, 0.030, 0.0088] galaxies −1 −1 −1 | −1 −1 | −1 N = C − C V(V C V) V C . (32) per square arcminute, a source galaxy number density of 2 per square arcminute for each redshift bin (i.e. totalling 8 where V is a Nd × nlens matrix with ith column tìi. If we cannot make the narrow lens bin assumption, then source galaxies per square arcminute), and σe = 0.4 (the we have total ellipticity dispersion) for all source redshift bins. We add to the galaxy-galaxy lensing simulated datavec- nlens nsrc model Õ Õ tor a simple 1-halo contribution (on top of the linear bias γìt = γìt + C tì (33) ij ij term already present). For each lens redshift bin, based on i=1 j=1 the fiducial linear bias values above, and the mean redshift where we now use ij to label the lens-source redshift bin of the bin, we calculate a fiducial halo mass M200 value fol- pair, and lowing Tinker et al.(2010) and concentration, c following Duffy et al.(2008). The 1-halo contribution is then calcu- if the lens-source redshift bin pair  −2 θa lated as the tangential shear from a truncated NFW profile (tìij )a = for element a is ij (34) with mass M and concentration c at the mean redshift  200 0 otherwise of the lens redshift bin only - meaning we can safely make  the narrow lens assumption for this contamination term. For We can again marginalize over the free parameters C an- ij convenience, we use the smoothly truncated NFW density alytically, transforming the covariance matrix C according profile in Equation A.3 of Baltz et al.(2009), with τ = 2, to equation 2.4.2. In this case U is a N × N matrix, where d p since this allows for analytic calculation of ∆Σ(R). N = n × n , the total number of lens-source redshift bin p lens src We note that our model for the galaxy-matter correla- pairs. The pth column (where p = i × n + j) is given by lens tion function, which is the sum of a linear bias 2-halo con- σ tì where σ is the width of the Gaussian prior on C . Ci j ij Ci j ij tribution, and a one-halo term, is not very realistic. We do not include satellite galaxies in the model, or a realistic dis- tribution of halo mass and concentration. It is unlikely to be 2.5 Simple Tests accurate in the transition regime, where the one and two- In this section we test the the above formalism by using it in halo contributions are of comparable size. Additionally, our parameter estimation on galaxy-galaxy lensing datavectors 2-halo term does not have a cut-off at small scales to account with reasonable one-halo contamination. For all tests where for halo exclusion (e.g. Smith et al. 2007) so may make too we use analytic marginalization we use the infinite prior case. large a contribution here. We stress that this model, while of For the point-mass marginalization, this means we make no limited realism, is well-suited to demonstrate the usefulness assumption about ξgm(r) below rmin. of the techniques presented here, where we marginalize over We first describe our simulated datavector, which is the impact of the 1-halo contribution without making as- used here and in Section4. We generate a galaxy-galaxy sumptions about its functional form or even amplitude. We lensing and galaxy clustering datavector based on that used defer the study of more realistic one-halo contamination to in the DES Year 1 analyses of Krause et al.(2017); DES future work using galaxy simulations, focusing here instead Collaboration et al.(2017). The galaxy clustering part of on proof-of-concept type tests. the datavector is not used in this section, but is used in Sec- Unless otherwise stated, we throughout impose mini- tion4. The lens sample has 5 redshift bins spanning a range mum angular scales in our simulated datavector correspond- of 0.15 − 0.9 in redshift. The source sample has 4 redshift ing to 4 h−1 Mpc at the mean redshift of the lens redshift bins, roughly spanning a range 0.2 − 1.3 in redshift (see Fig- bin, which equate to [21.5, 13.5, 10.0, 8.0, 7.0] arcminutes for ure 1 of DES Collaboration et al.(2017) for more details). the five lens redshift bins. Both galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering signals are generated according to a linear bias model, with values of 2.5.1 Recovering the linear galaxy bias from γt (θ) the galaxy bias, bi = [1.45, 1.55, 1.65, 1.8, 2.0]. Simulated mea- surements are generated for 20 log-spaced bins between an- As a first simple step we test the recovery of the linear gular scales 2.5 and 250 arcminutes. Again following DES Col- bias, bi for each lens redshift bin i, from the galaxy-galaxy laboration et al.(2017); Krause et al.(2017), in our linear lensing signal only. We fix all other parameters fixed and bias model the galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-matter power spec- analyse the datavector with and without using our analytic 2 tra for redshift bin i are in fact generated as Pgg = (bi) Pnl marginalization scheme to account for the 1-halo contamina- and Pgm = bi Pnl, where Pnl is the nonlinear matter power tion. The solid markers in Figure2 shows the bias in the re- spectrum calculated using halofit (Smith et al. 2003; Taka- covered bi, calculated as hbii − bi,true where hbii is the mean 4 hashi et al. 2012). Throughout, we use the CosmoSIS pack- of the marginalized posterior and bi,true is the galaxy bias age (Zuntz et al. 2015) for theory predictions and parameter value used to generate the datavector. For the blue circles inference, implementing in custom modules the 1-halo con- marginalization over the point-mass contribtution was not tamination and Gaussian covariance calculation described performed, and hence biased values for the galaxy bias are below, as well as our analytic marginalization scheme. recovered, while for the orange markers point-mass margin- laization was included, and the correct galaxy bias values are recovered. The corresponding open markers indicate the 1σ 4 uncertainty on the recovered linear bias parameter, demon-

MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015) Small-scale information in galaxy-galaxy lensing 7

0.20 redshift bin j. For this test we keep the linear bias and none cosmological parameters fixed to their true values. We pro- pm duce constraints on the δzj with three different modeling approaches, introduced here with the same labelling used in 0.15 Υ Figure3: (i) ‘none’: we do not marginalize over the point-mass con- ) i 0.10 b tribution and hence expect this approach to produce the (

σ tightest, but also biased constraints.

or (ii) ‘pm w/o Σ ’: we analytically marginalize over the i crit 0.05 δb point-mass contribution but allow a fully independent con- tribution for each lens-source redshift bin pair (following equation 33, thereby not retaining shear-ratio information 0.00 from the point-mass contribution. (iii) ‘pm’: we analytically marginalise over an indepen- dent point-mass contribution for each lens redshift bin i.e. 0.05 assume a perfectly correlated contribution to all source red- − Lens redshift bin shift bins for a given lens bin (following equation 27).

Figure3 shows the mean of the posterior on δzj (solid Figure 2. The bias (filled markers) and 1−σ unertainty (unfilled markers, solid lines) and its 1−σ uncertainty (open markers, markers) on the inferred linear galaxy bias values from a DES- dashed lines) for the three cases above (blue circles, orange like galaxy-galaxy lensing datavector with five lens redshift bins squares, and green triangles respectively). We see again that (described in Section 2.5) at fixed cosmology. The blue markers there is a degradation in constraining power when perform- show the case where no marginalization is performed to account for the 1-halo contribution and hence the recovered values are ing the point-mass marginalization with either method (ii) somewhat biased. The orange markers show the case where the or (iii), but that this degradation is smaller for the case analytic marginalization scheme in Section 2.4.2 is used. Green (iii) where shear-ratio information in the point-mass con- markers use the ADSD statistic and recover essentially the same tribution is retained, particularly for the two lower source constraints as the point-mass marginalization approach. redshift bins. strating that as expected, there is some degradation in con- 3 MAKING USE OF ALL MEASURED SCALES straining power when using the point-mass marginalization IN THE TANGENTIAL SHEAR scheme. We also implement the analogous ADSD statistic for We can extend the above formalism to make use of all mea- γt (θ), sured scales in our γt (θ) measurement. As above, we assume that for each lens redshift bin, i, there is an angular scale  θ 2 Υ(θ) = γ (θ) − γ (θ ). (35) θi which corresponds to a physical scale in the lens plane t θ t min min min rmin, below which we do not have a trustworthy model for This shows very similar performance to the point-mass the galaxy-matter correlation function ξgm(r). We therefore marginalization approach. For simplicity, we use as γt (θmin) cannot make a reliable model prediction for γt (θ < θmin) simply the smallest angular bin in the measurement remain- (even if a point-mass contribution were marginalized over). ing after applying the scale cuts. When the ADSD statistic However if we can make the narrow lens redshift bin assump- has been used on data, an estimate of ∆Σ(rmin) has typi- tion, we do know how the relative amplitudes of the different cally been made by fitting a power-law over a range of scales lens-source bin combinations for a given lens redshift bin are around rmin (e.g. Mandelbaum et al. 2013). We do not at- related i.e. tempt to compare to this more complex approach here, al- γ (θ < θ )/γ 0 (θ < θ ) = β /β 0 . (36) though we note that analogous information could be added t,ij min t,ij min ij ij to the point-mass marginalization. For any measured scale we can therefore write down our model for lens redshift bin i and source redshift bin j as: 2.5.2 Shear-ratio information model 2 γt,ij (θ) = γt,ij (θ) + βij Bi/θ + βij Di(θ). (37) As described in Section 2.4.1, if we make the narrow lens bin assumption we can straightforwardly retain the shear-ratio The second term is the point-mass contribution described in i information in the point-mass term. One way to demonstrate Section2 and is not included for scales θ < θmin. We have this is to allow some freedom in the redshift distributions of now added a third term containing a function Di(θ) that i the source redshift distributions, and test our constraining is zero for θ > θmin, and allowed to vary freely for scales i i power on these distributions. Shear-ratio measurements have θ < θmin. Physically, for θ < θmin we are allowing the value ∆Σ( ) i already been used for this application by Prat et al.(2018b) of R = θDl to vary freely for θ < θmin, while enforcing who extracted competitive constraints on these shift param- that it takes the same value for a given angular scale and eters using DES Year 1 galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements. lens redshift bin, and hence is simply modulated in γt,ij by Using the same contaminated galaxy-galaxy lensing datavec- βij . We refer to marginalization over the Di(θ) as small-scale tor described above, we allow a simple shift δzj for source marginalization.

MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015) 8 N. MacCrann et al.

none pm w/o Σcrit pm pm, ss 0.012


0.008 ) i δz ( 0.006 σ or >

i 0.004 < δz 0.002


0.002 − 1 2 3 4 Source redshift bin

Figure 3. The bias (filled markers, solid lines) and uncertainty (unfilled markers, dashed lines) on the inferred value of δzi , the shift in the redshift distribution for source redshift bin j, for different small scale γt (θ) treatments. The datavector is based on a DES Year 1 galaxy-galaxy lensing datavector with DES Year 5-like uncertainties. ‘none’ indicates no point-mass marginalization is performed and small-scales are removed. ‘pm w/o Σcrit’ indicates point-mass marginalization is performed for each lens-source redshift bin pair independently (i.e. no shear-ratio relation is assumed). ‘pm’ indicates point-mass marginalization is performed for each lens redshift bin independently, retaining shear-ratio information. ‘pm, ss’ indicates both point-mass marginalization and small-scale marginalization are performed, the approach that retains the most information while still being unbiased.

One may ask if we are introducing too much freedom in (39) the model, since the point-mass contribution at large scales where j is the source redshift bin for datavector element a is determined by the density profile at small scales, which we and are also now marginalizing over. However, the density profile ( is never fully determined down to zero, since the shape noise 1 if X < Y Θ(X,Y) = (40) on the measurement diverges in the limit of zero angular sep- 0 otherwise. aration. Using some parameterization for the projected den- sity profile down to zero would allow the information from We also update the definition of tìi such that the point- these small scales to constrain the point-mass contribution mass contribution is not marginalized over for scales θ < i to larger scales, potentially reducing degradation in the con- θmin: straints when marginalizing over the point-mass term. We ( 0 if lens redshift bin for element a is not i leave further investigation of this approach for future work. (ì ) ti a = −2 Analytic marginalization is again extremely useful here, βij θa Θ(θmin, θa) otherwise since we may want to marginalize over 10s or 100s of ( ) Di θ (41) values. In order to perform analytic marginalization, it is again useful to recast in vector notation, with the full γt (θ) The Dik in equation 38 are the set of free parameters datavector given by we introduce to marginalize over the density profile at small scales. We note again that i, j and k in the above are not vec- n n N i Õlens Õlens Õθ tor or tensor indices, but rather labels for lens redshift bin ì ì model ì ì γt = γt + Biti + Dik sik (38) and angular bin respectively i.e. Dik and sik are from sets of i i k Ínlens i i Nθ scalars and vectors respectively. As in the case of the point-mass contribution, we can perform this marginal- where Ni is the number of angular bins for lens bin i θ ization analytically by updating the γ (θ) covariance matrix with θ < θi , and t min according to equation 2.4.2, where now U = (Upm|Uss), the concatenation of the template matrices for the point-mass  if lens redshift bin and angular bin  Θ( i ) marginalization and the small-scale marginalization over the βij θa, θmin (sìik )a = for element a are i and k respectively Di(θ) described in this section. Uss is a matrix with dimen-  Ínlens i 0 otherwise sions Nd ×Nq, where Nq = N , the total number of dat-  i θ MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015) Small-scale information in galaxy-galaxy lensing 9 apoints with i . It has columns ì where is As expected, modelling approach (i) results in the tightest, θ < θmin σDik sik σDik the Gaussian prior width for the free parameter Dik . but biased constraints, since potential contamination by the We repeat the test in Section 2.5.2 in which we analyse 1-halo term is not marginalized over. Cases (ii) and (iii) re- a γt (θ) datavector, which contains unmodelled contamina- cover the true cosmology (indicated by the dashed lines) tion by a 1-halo term, while allowing shifts in the source correctly. For this parameter space there is a modest gain bin redshift distributions δzj . To increase the usefulness of in constraining power when using the small-scale marginal- the small-scale marginalization described here, we extend izaiton (i.e. the gain in case (iii) over case (ii)), with a 16% the simulated measurements down to smaller scales - adding decrease in the uncertainty on Ωm. another 10 logspaced angular bins between 0.25 and 2.5 ar- In the other three panels of Figure4, we study how cminutes. When not using the small-scale marginalization the different modeling approaches perform under variations scheme, these extra scales are removed by the scale cuts, so to our fiducial setup. The top-right and bottom-left pan- have no bearing. els use larger and smaller minimum scales in both galaxy- The results are again plotted in Figure3. The purple galaxy lensing and clustering (corresponding to 8 h−1Mpc downwards facing triangles represent the case where both and 2 h−1Mpc in the lens plane), with a couple of trends be- point-mass and small-scale marginalization are used. Com- coming apparent. Firstly, when using smaller scales, the bias pared to the “pm” case where only point-mass marginal- when not performing point-mass marginalization (the con- ization is used, the inferred δzi values remain unbiased, tour labelled ‘none’) is increased in significance. Secondly, but uncertainties are significantly reduced. In the two low- when using smaller scales, the gain from using the small- est redshift bins, the extra information reduces statistical scale marginalization relative to point-mass marginalization uncertainties to below those in the “none” (no point-mass only is reduced (this is expected since there is simply less or small-scale marginalization) case. We conclude that this information for the small-scale marginalization to reclaim). double-pronged approach of marginalization over both the Finally, in the bottom-right panel, we re-compute the point-mass contribution, and the underlying signal at too- covariance matrix with four times the density of source small-to-model scales, is the most successful at recovering galaxies (keeping our fiducial scale cuts). This is potentially unbiased shear-ratio information. useful to gain an intuition on how the results here may apply to other lensing surveys which have a higher source galaxy density than DES, like the Hyper Suprime-Cam Sub- 5 4 TESTS OF COSMOLOGICAL PARAMETER aru Strategic Survey (HSC, Mandelbaum et al. 2018), LSST ESTIMATION or WFIRST. Increasing the source galaxy number density decreases the shape noise on the galaxy-galaxy lensing mea- We perform some simple simulated-likelihood tests to show surement, which is the dominant contributer to the covari- how our analytic marginalization scheme helps with unbi- ance on small scales. This makes the bias in inferred param- ased cosmological inference. We simulate parameter estima- eters when no point-mass marginalization is performed (the tion on the joint galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering ‘none’ case) more significant than in the fiducial case. The datavector described in Section 2.5. For each lens redshift extra signal-to-noise on small scales also leads to a greater i bin i, we again cut out angular scales less than θmin cor- gain in constraining power when using small-scale marginal- responding to < 4 h−1 Mpc in the lens plane for both the ization compared to point-mass marginalization only, with galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering measurements, except the 1 − σ uncertainty on Ωm reduced by 23%. in the case that we retain these scales for the small-scale An impression one may take from Figure4 is that marginalization scheme described in Section3. In this case the decrease in constraining power when using the point- i mass marginalization (orange and green outlined contours) angular scales less than θmin are retained in galaxy-galaxy lensing only, and are only used for the small-scale marginal- is rather large compared to the parameter bias when not ization scheme, rather than being modeled explicitly. using it (blue solid contour). We note that the size of this We analyse the datavector (again using the DES Year bias here is a direct result of the highly simplified, order-of- 5-like covariance) with three modelling approaches: magnitude model we’ve chosen for inaccuracy in the ξgm(r) model (contamination by a simple 1-halo term), our chosen (i) No marginalization (point-mass or small-scale) is per- scale cuts (e.g. using smaller scales would result in greater formed bias), and survey properties. In reality, for a given galaxy (ii) only point-mass marginalization is performed sample and observational setup, biases could be much larger (iii) both point-mass and small-scale marginalization are or smaller. Furthermore, unlike in the test presented here, performed one would be unlikely to use the same minimum scale cut Firstly, we vary only a linear bias parameter for each in the two approaches - a more conservative minimum scale lens redshift bin, the matter density, Ωm in the range would likely be required when not marginalizing over the [0.1, 0.9], the amplitude of the primordial power spec- point-mass to meet some requirement on the ratio between −9 −9 trum, As in the range [0.5 × 10 , 5 × 10 ] and h in the inferred parameter bias and uncertainty. We further note range [0.4, 0.95] (with the Hubble constant given by H0 = that informative priors on the point-mass contribution can 100 h (km/s)/Mpc). We assume a flat ΛCDM cosmology with be naturally included in our framework and would reduce the all other cosmological parameters fixed. σ8 is recorded in our degradation when including the point-mass marginalization. MCMC chains as a derived parameter. For our fiducial setup, Next, (returning to our fiducial scale cuts and source 0.5 the resulting constraints on Ωm and S8 = σ8(Ωm/0.3) are shown in the top-left panel of Figure4 (here and through- out, contours represent the 68% and 95% credible intervals). 5

MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015) 10 N. MacCrann et al.

0.90 1 0.90 1 4, 4 h − Mpc none 8, 8 h − Mpc none pm pm pm + ss pm + ss 0.85 0.85 8 8 S S 0.80 0.80

0.75 0.75

0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 Ωm Ωm

0.90 1 0.90 2, 2 h − Mpc none 4 nsrc none pm × pm pm + ss pm + ss 0.85 0.85 8 8 S S 0.80 0.80

0.75 0.75

0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 Ωm Ωm

0.5 Figure 4. All panels show constraints on Ωm and S8 = σ8(Ωm/0.3) for a DES-like galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy clustering analysis. The simulated datavector has contamination by an un-modeled one-halo term in the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal (described in Section 2.5). In addition to Ωm and σ8, the Hubble constant H0, and a linear bias for each redshift bin are varied (see Section4 for details). The true values (i.e. those used to generate the datavector) are shown as the grey dashed lines. The three sets of contours represent the three modeling approaches described in Section4. Blue solid contours result from using neither point-mass or small-scale marginalization. The orange outlined contours use point-mass but not small-scale marginalization. The green outlined contours use both point-mass and small-scale marginalization. The top-left panel is for our fiducial setup described in Section 2.5. In the top-right (bottom-left) panels we use larger (smaller) minimum scale cuts corresponding to 8 h−1Mpc (2 h−1Mpc) in the lens plane for both galaxy-galaxy lensing and clustering. In the bottom-right panel, a source galaxy number density 4 times higher than the fiducial setup is assumed.

galaxy density) we additionally allow w0, the (constant with sues with small scale galaxy-galaxy lensing measurements. redshift) dark energy equation of state parameter, to vary Firstly, the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal measured at physi- from its ΛCDM value of −1, in the range [−3, −0.33]. Figure5 cal separation R in the lens plane receives significant contri- shows marginalized constraints on Ωm S8, h and w0. Again, butions from scales r < R in the galaxy-matter correlation modeling approach (i) recovers the tightest constraints, but function ξgm(r). We have described how uncertainty in the biases with respect to the truth values are present, with the model prediction for this contribution can be straightfor- 2 truth lying outside the 68% credible interval in the S8 − h wardly marginalized over by including in the model a 1/R 2 and S8 − Ωm planes for example. Again, when using small- (for ∆Σ(R)) or 1/θ (for γt (θ)) dependence with free ampli- scale marginalization, modest gains in constraining power tude. We demonstrate that this approach can successfully are apparent in most of the 2d projections of the posterior, remove biases in inferred parameters when an un-modeled and the constraint on w0 is improved by 16% with respect one-halo contribution is present in the galaxy-galaxy lensing to the case when only point-mass marginalization is used. signal, and that this marginalization can be performed ana- lytically, to avoid adding extra sampling parameters to the parameter inference. We note that the approach of Baldauf et al.(2010) also achieves this goal, although our approach 5 DISCUSSION may more naturally allow the use of priors and retention of shear-ratio information in a tomographic analysis. We have described and demonstrated a methodology which uses an analytic marginalization approach to target two is- Secondly, we demonstrate that an analytic marginaliza-

MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015) Small-scale information in galaxy-galaxy lensing 11


8 0.80 S



0.75 h 0.60



1.0 0 w 1.5

2.0 0.30 0.45 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.6 0.8 1.6 0.8

Ωm S8 h w0

Figure 5. Simulated constraints on cosmological parameters from a DES Year 5-like galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy lustering analysis (see Section4 for details). The simulated datavector has contamination by an un-modeled one-halo term in the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal (described in Section 2.5). All varied cosmological parameters are shown. A linear bias parameter for each lens redshift bin is also marginalized over. The true values (i.e. those used to generate the datavector) are shown as the grey dotted lines. The three sets of contours represent the three modeling approaches described in Section4. Blue solid contours result from using neither point-mass or small-scale marginalization. The orange outlined contours use point-mass but not small-scale marginalization. The green outlined contours use both point-mass and small-scale marginalization. tion approach can also be used to extract shear-ratio in- photometric redshift uncertainties, as well as cosmological formation from small scale galaxy-galaxy lensing measure- parameters. Our approach here is an example of including ments that would otherwise be excluded due to modelling theoretical uncertainties in the model, which is explored in uncertainties i.e. those corresponding to physical separa- detail by Baldauf et al.(2016). Our case is an extreme one tion in the lens plane R < rmin , where rmin is the small- in that we allow complete freedom in ∆Σ below some scale. est physical scale for which a ξ (r) prediction is accurate. gm When it comes to using such methodology in an anal- Again, the use of analytic marginalization allows us include ysis of real data, there are several factors to consider that many extra nuisance parameters without having to explic- merit some discussion. Firstly, when using the point-mass itly sample over them in a Monte Carlo chain, making the marginalization, one must still choose a minimum scale r approach tractable for cosmological parameter estimation. min for which the ξ (r) prediction is trustworthy. We have We have shown that this extra shear-ratio information al- gm discussed the rough scales on which typical modeling ap- lows improved constraints on parameters which account for proaches are likely to break down at a level relevant to cur-

MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015) 12 N. MacCrann et al. rent and future large-scale structure surveys: ∼ 10 − 20 Mpc ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS for a linear bias model, a few megaparsecs for a higher-order Thanks to Gary Bernstein, Joe DeRose, Chris Hirata, perturbative approach, while an HOD approach could po- Shivam Pandey, Judit Prat, Carles Sanchez and David Wein- tentially be reliable to tens or hundreds of kiloparsecs. berg for useful discussions. JB is supported by a Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione Fellowship. BJ is Ultimately, realistic, large volume galaxy simulations supported in part by the US Department of Energy grant are required to inform this decision. Cosmological hydro- desc0007901. 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MNRAS 000,1–13 (2015)