35173-015: Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project
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Social Monitoring Report Loan Number: 3711 NEP Project Number: 35173-015 Semi-Annual Report January 2021 Nepal: Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Prepared by the Government of Nepal for the Asian Development Bank. This Social Monitoring Report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Government of Nepal Ministry of Water Supply Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Project Management Office Panipokhari, Kathmandu URBAN WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION (SECTOR) PROJECT (UWSSP) (ADB loan No.3711-NEP and Project No: 35173-015) Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report (July - December, 2020) Submitted by Project Management Office Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project Panipokhari, Maharajgunj, Kathmandu,Nepal Tel : 977-1-4006629; Fax: 977-1-4413280 Web: www.uwssp.gov.np Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report (July to December 2020) Table of Contents I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................ 1 II. BACKGROUND OF THE REPORT AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................ 2 2.1 GOAL AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT ........................................................................................... 3 2.2 PROJECT IMPACT AND OUTCOME ......................................................................................................... 3 2.3 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................................................. 3 2.4 KEY SUB PROJECT COMPONENTS WORKS .......................................................................................... 3 2.5 REPORTING PERIOD ............................................................................................................................. 3 2.6 SOCIAL SAFEGUARD POLICY AND IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................... 4 2.7 SOCIAL SAFEGUARD ISSUES AND RISKS .............................................................................................. 4 III. SCOPE OF THIS REPORT ............................................................................................................. 4 3.1 SCOPE OF SOCIAL SAFEGUARD IMPACTS ............................................................................................ 4 IV. SOCIAL SAFEGUARDS CATEGORY AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT IMPACT ........... 2 4.1 APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY OF SOCIAL SAFEGUARD MONITORING REPORT .............................. 4 V. COMPENSATION, REHABILITATION AND MITIGATION MEASURES ...................................... 5 VI. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AND CONSULTATION ........................................................................ 7 VII. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM ....................................................................................... 27 7.1 RECORD KEEPING AND DISCLOSURE ................................................................................................. 27 7.2 ENDORSEMENT OF AGREEMENT REACHED WITH MAKAIBARI PEOPLE IN CHARIKOT UWSSP .......... 27 7.3 CHRONOLOGY OF EVENTS .................................................................................................................. 28 VIII. PHYSICAL PROGRESS AND RP/DDR/IPP STATUS ................................................................. 36 IX. PROGRESS STATUS OF SOCIAL SAFEGUARD ACTIVITIES AND INDIGENOUS PEOPLE'S PLAN ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 X. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION .................................. 42 10.1 NAME OF THE PROJECT MUNIICIPALITIES UNDER UWSSP ..................................................................................... 43 XI. MONITORING RESULTS AND FINDINGS .................................................................................. 45 XII. SAFEGUARDS LOAN COVENANTS .......................................................................................... 46 XIII. FOLLOW UP ACTIONS, RECOMMENDATION ........................................................................... 50 ANNEXES: Annex-1: Training Participation Data Annex-2: Minutes of Meeting Annex-3: Photographs Annex-4: GRC Committee Name List Annex-5: IP Households Selection for Livelihood Training Annex-6: Third Party Verification from Secondary School of Gurbhakot Municipality/Subhaghat subproject i | P a g e Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report (July to December 2020) List of Figures: Figure 1: Physical & Financial Progress made untill December 2020 .......................................... 37 Figure 2: Institutional Arrangement for Project Implementation .................................................... 42 List of Tables: Table 1: Summary of project descriptions and identified impacts ................................................... 1 Table 2: Status of affected assets in 14 subprojects ...................................................................... 1 Table 3: Status of subprojects and its implementation till December 2020 in the UWSSP ............ 2 Table 4: Resettlement Plan Implementation Status of sub-projects ............................................... 6 Table 5: Orientation/consultation meetings/training matrix ........................................................... 11 Table 6: Chronology of Events in Charikot ................................................................................... 28 Table 7: Status of Grievances and Resolution .............................................................................. 30 Table 8: Submitted Grievances and Resolved Status .................................................................. 31 Table 9: Physical & financial progress made on July-December 2020......................................... 36 Table 10: Summary of project towns and municipality ................................................................. 43 Table 11: Corrective actions and way forward .............................................................................. 50 ii | P a g e Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report (July to December 2020) CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (As of 1st January 2021) Currency unit = Nepalese Rupee (NRs) $ 1.00 = NRs. 116.39 In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank CDC – Compensation Declaration Committee DDR – Due Diligence Report DPs – Displaced Persons DSMC – Design and Supervision Consultant DWSSM – Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management EMP – Environmental Management Plan ERDSMC – Environment Monitoring Personnel Eastern Region Design Supervision Consultant GESI – Gender Equity and Social Inclusion GRC – Grievance Redress Committee GRM – Grievance Redress Mechanism ICG – Implementation Core Group IEE – Initial Environmental Examination IPP – Indigenous Peoples Plan IR – Involuntary Resettlement LAA – Land Acquisition Act OBA – Output Based Aid OHS – Occupational Health and Safety PMO – Project Management Office PMQAC – Project Management & Quality Assurance Consultant PPE – Personal Protective Equipment RDSMC – Regional Design, Supervision and Management Consultant RF – Resettlement Framework RP – Resettlement Plan RPMO – Regional Project Management Office SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement WRDSMC – Western Regional Design, Supervision and Management Consultant WSS – Water Supply and Sanitation WUSC – Water Users and Sanitation Committee iii | P a g e Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report (July to December 2020) NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of Nepal and its agencies ends on 16 July. FY before a calendar year denotes the year in which the fiscal year ends, e.g., FY 2019 ends on 16 July 2020. (ii) In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. iv | P a g e Semi-Annual Social Monitoring Report (July to December 2020) I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (Sector) Project (UWSSP) is supporting Nepal in expanding access to community-managed water supply and sanitation (WSS) in 20 project municipalities by drawing on experiences and lessons from three earlier projects funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The project is financing climate-resilient and inclusive WSS infrastructure in project municipalities and strengthen institutional and community capacity, sustainable service delivery, and project development. It is being implemented by, Project Management office Kathmandu under the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management, who will address any resettlement impacts, permanent or temporary, during project implementation 2. This semi annual report presents the Social Safeguard Documents; Resettlement Plan (RP)/ DDR implementing status till December 2020.The overall project is classified as Social Safegurds category B in accordance with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009. ADB's SPS covers both temporary and permanent impacts implementation. 3. 14 projects are under implementation in three geographic regions of Nepal. No land acquisition is required for the proposed projects.