Special Libraries Association -- Legal Division -- Quarterly, Spring 2000, Issue 1 (Table ... Page 1 of 40


Leadership and Organization Legal Division Quarterly Special Libraries Association Newsletter Spring, 2000 - Vol. 6, No. 3, Issue 1


Programs The Intranet: The Alice of the Wonderland, Part 2 Resources

Special Libraries Editors Notes Association

Index Legal Division Quarterly

Copyright and Disclaimer From the Boardroom

your pr update

Ask Someone to Join!


net results

tax file

Help celebrate your fellow librarians!


international corner - Law Library News from Australia

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international corner - Letter from Europe

international corner - Letter from Canada

member news

Legal Division Treasurer's Report

new members

SLA Legal Division 2000

The Intranet: The Alice of the Wonderland, Part 2 by Linda Will Greenberg Traurig

"It takes all the running I can do to keep in place, and if I want to get somewhere I have to go twice as fast." Lewis Carroll

When we last left Alice, she was concerned about the difference between the "Eat Me" bottle and the "Drink Me" jug. But our faithful Netitor took care of that by including a rank and review chart on the Wonderland intranet page that helped Alice decode the resources.

Not only did our Netitor decode the two products, but included a chart on what level of product would be the best resource for Alice's needs.

Now, however, Alice is running from place to place, trying to compile resources in different mediums and she is becoming hopelessly lost, not to mention exhausted. But why run at all? All Alice needs to do is go to the intranet catalog, where all the resources are just a hyperlink away, no matter what the medium.

At Greenberg, we have collaborated with our Litigation Support department to create a Microsoft Access database. We use the database for catalog data which will display in hypertext markup language (HTML) on the firm's intranet pages. Terry Seale, the King of Hearts of all catalogers, is able to insert bare URLs into the catalog which provides live links to files on the server, other intranet pages, Web site pages of publishers and other sites, and even Westlaw® (using the West Intranet Toolkit™). Firm- wide Web subscriptions can be embedded to facilitate user access (as in the case of the BNA newsletters). As well, IP masking can be used to limit

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access to users within the GT intranet. Recent technological developments have enabled Terry to transform the online catalog to a rich source of the table of contents information and even links to full texts of documents. For example, the laws of Florida, which are published by the legislature, have an incredible Web site coupled with legislative histories. Terry has included a live link to that site. Users can find the book and then search the Web site for statutory history.

The combinations are endless and never ending, just like the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, but much more educative. Future plans include links to CD- ROMs (mounted on a Citrix server), in-house annotations, and added content similar to the consumer book reviews available at Amazon.com. With a good editorial software package and some creative thought, an intranet electronic catalog can become a one- stop shop for the end user, ensuring that they don't have to run any faster to get what they want!

Linda Will can be reached at [email protected] or 305-579-0834. She is always ready to talk Net.

Editors' Notes

You will be learning a bit about the upcoming SLA Annual Conference in this issue.

Check out our newest column, Your PR Update, whose editor, Cindy Spohr, promises to keep us informed on Division matters that affect public relations. We are sure Cindy would be happy to enlist your help in spreading the news about our conference programs as presented in her first column.

Also, please note the Call for Nominations as the yearly election of officers for our Division is important.

We have a list of our newest members which you can place with your Division Directory; see if anyone you know has joined.

We wish to thank West Group for taking on additional responsibilities regarding the Quarterly. As you know, they had been doing layout for some time, but will now see the newsletter production process through to its conclusion, adding the printing and mailing. And, it's looking good.

Look for one more issue to come to you before the Annual Conference.

Barbara W. Silbersack Co-Editor

Mary Lynn Wagner Co-Editor

Legal Division Quarterly

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Legal Division Quarterly is published four times a year. We reserve the right to edit for space and clarity. Please send submissions to Barbara Silbersack as an attachment to e-mail in Microsoft Word for Windows, 12 point Times font.

The Legal Division Quarterly accepts sponsorship of mailing, printing, and other services. Inquiries regarding Legal Division Quarterly sponsorship or advertising should be sent to the Advertising Manager: Alice F. Fosson, Bracewell & Patterson LLP, South Tower Pennzoil Place, 711 Louisiana St., #2900, Houston, TX 77001-2781, (713) 221-1142.

Special Libraries Association assumes no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by the contributors to the Association's publications. Editorial views do not necessarily represent the official position of the Special Libraries Association. Acceptance of an advertisement does not imply endorsement of the product by the Special Libraries Association.

Mission Statement The Legal Division intends to play a leading role in the SLA as it becomes the premier association of the library world. Our profession is our central focus and our activities will promote professional development and competence.

Co-Editors Barbara W. Silbersack Mary Lynn Wagner

Advertising Manager Alice F. Fosson

Design, Layout and Production West Group

Web Site www.slalegal.org

Join the Legal Division Discussion List Send a message to [email protected]. In the message type: subscribe sla-law your name. One of the uses for this listserv is Division business. It will not inundate you with messages. Please subscribe.

From the Boardroom by Larry Guthrie Covington & Burling

We have a blockbuster conference taking shape for this June in Philadelphia! Winter Conference solidified these plans and finalized SLA approval of our liaisons with the British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) and Australian Law Librarians' Group (ALLG). These,

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along with our already-established liaison with the Canadian Association of Law Libraries (CALL), are represented in columns in our newsletter: Liz Blankson-Hemans (BIALL), Suzan Hebditch (CALL) and Ruth Bird (ALLG).

Reciprocal programming with AALL has succeeded. AALL will host a program, "PLL and SLA Legal Division: Meeting Our Needs in the 21st Century," Sunday, July 16, 2000, 1:002:00 p.m. SLA will offer "Working With AALL," Tuesday, June 13, 2000, 1:00 2:30 p.m.

Claire McInerney, President of the Oklahoma chapter of SLA, has invited me to present "Legal Research for the Non-Law Librarian" in Oklahoma in the fall.

We invite and welcome volunteers. Please contact any member of the Board.

Larry Guthrie Chair

your pr update Programs and Events Philadelphia 2000 by Cindy Spohr Lexis Publishing

Plan to attend the 2000 SLA Annual Meeting, June 10 15, in Philadelphia! Many volunteers in the Legal Division, sponsors and speakers have been working toward an exciting group of programs and social events to ensure that the 2000 meeting is an educational and rewarding experience for all members of the Legal Division.

You can look forward to some of the programs and events you have enjoyed at past conferences, as well as new and exciting programs. Here is a brief overview of programs you can expect to attend at this meeting. Additional detail can be found in the SLA Preliminary Conference Program and on the Legal Division Web site, http://www.slalegal.org.

The Legal Division will once again hold a keynote address for Legal Division members following the SLA keynote. Jeralyn E. Merritt will speak on "Representing the Unpopular Defendant: Why We Do What We Do." Ms. Merritt has been a criminal defense lawyer in private practice since 1974. She provides representation at all stages of criminal cases and served as one of the principal trial lawyers for Timothy McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing case. Ms. Merritt lectures to lawyers nationally on a variety of criminal defense topics, and since 1996, has provided insightful legal analysis for NBC, MSNBC and other television networks. Ms. Merritt will address how and why lawyers represent unpopular defendants.

Professor Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will speak on "The Role of Information in

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Our Environmental Destiny." Professor Kennedy's reputation as a resolute defender of the environment stems from a litany of successful legal actions including prosecuting governments and companies for polluting the Hudson River and Long Island Sound and winning settlements for the Hudson Riverkeeper. Recognized as "Hero for the Planet" in Time magazine, 9/2/99, Professor Kennedy will address issues related to the future of the environment. This program is co-sponsored by the Environment Division.

Additional educational programs include:

"Alternative Workstyles It's a New World of Work." The speakers will address successful strategies to present to management to create alternative workstyle possibilities and techniques for working effectively in these environments.

"Gumshoe Librarians and the Gray Matter of the Internet." Experts in locating people, public information and hidden resources will reveal their secrets.

"Cherokee Justice and The Great Plains Tomorrow." Philip Viles, Chief Justice, Supreme Court of the Cherokee Nation, and librarian, will speak on tribal issues. Drs. Deborah and Frank Popper will discuss their controversial legislative plan to return large tracts of unpopulated lands to a buffalo commons.

"Dispute Resolution Techniques in the Workplace." A mediator shares the secrets of resolving disputes through interest identification, negotiation and predispute planning.

"Distance Learning Chicago Bar Association." Distance learning in the legal environment.

"Hot Technologies for Information Transfer." An overview of the latest technologies for information transfer.

"Legal Research for Non-Law Librarians." A program for librarians with little or no background in law who want to learn the basics of legal research.

"Librarians in the Boardroom An International Perspective." Discover how librarians reached their positions in the highest levels of their organizations and how they plan to maintain their roles in the increasingly competitive information industry.

"Marketing and Auditing Your Library/Information Resource Center." Ulla de Stricker comments on strategies and practices useful in auditing and marketing information services.

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"Training Materials on the Intranet." Learn more about one of the most useful features of an intranet delivery of training materials to end users.

"Working with AALL." Representatives of the Private Law Library section of the American Association of Law Librarians and the SLA Legal Division will explore the various aspects of both associations as they relate to law librarianship.

The Legal Division is a co-sponsor of the following programs:

z Copyright Update

z Ethics in an Online World: Legal and Privacy Issues in Journalism and News Research

z How Congress Really Works

z Information Sources North of the 49th Parallel: A Primer for Conducting Subject-Specific Canadian Research

z International Conflict Resolution: Challenges and Strategies

z Old is Hot! Antiques and Collectibles: The Fine Art of Collecting

You can also look forward to the following programs and events: Emerging Technologies Breakfast; two Tax Roundtables: "Tax Issues Transcend Borders" and "An Intranet to Serve Tax Professionals"; International Roundtable: "County, Courts and Province/State Librarians (CCAPS) Roundtable"; the Annual Luncheon and Business Meeting; Networking Breakfast; Leadership Tea, the Ice Cream Social; a No Host Dinner and the Tuesday evening Social Event.

Ask Someone to Join!

There are many benefits to belonging to SLA, as you probably already know. How many of your colleagues are aware of the Legal Division?

I often have contact with law librarians who are either new in the field, or simply not aware of the great benefits available by belonging to the Legal Division. I try to remember to carry an SLA membership brochure with me to local meetings and invite new people to join.

Another opportunity is available when doing interlibrary loans. When I am sending an ILL to someone out of town, I always check to see if they are members of SLA. If they are not, I drop the membership brochure into the envelope with the ILL along with a little sticky note that says we would love to have them as members.

SLA will be more than happy to mail you several brochures if you would

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like to help us recruit some deserving new members.

Carolyn Korkmas, Membership Chair

Water cooler Medical Research Tips for the Web by Constance Ard Greenebaum Doll & McDonald

Most of us are law librarians, interested in legal research. Our roles have changed from legal information finders to Knowledge Managers and many other expanded information roles.

Now we are starting to become efficient at researching corporate information, news, financials, and medical information right! Well, efficient may not be the best way to describe my skills with the medical research that I perform. Stumbling in the dark towards a specific point describes better how I felt when I first started doing medical research for my law firm.

I was lucky that when I first began we had an attorney on staff who also happened to be a registered nurse and a very good medical researcher. Often my duty involved obtaining the medical literature that she wanted to read. That's not the case any more.

Now I find myself looking for experts, jury verdict information, and medical literature as well as background information on specific medical conditions. We, like everyone, want this information now, we want it cheap, and we want it to be good. Meeting all of those goals is not always easy. The growth of medical resources on the Internet has helped. However, finding everything that is available on the Web is not always easy.

Here are some tips I have developed over the last few years that seem to be helping. Read any and all articles related to medical resources on the Web. This will lead to more information than you know it will also remind you of what types of information to avoid on the Internet. Caution: Stay away from sites authored by folks who are selling medical products but not offering a lot of information. This review of literature has helped me find some really good research sites.

I can now go beyond browsing and drilling through the option on Yahoo! under the Health Index. However, this is a good way to get to many useful sites including journals and articles. Now I start with sites such as Medical Matrix (http://www.medmatrix.org/index.asp), a metasite that guides me to journals, Medline search sites, clinical studies and more.

The hardest part about searching for medical literature is not the search itself. The various access points to Medline and the official sites for Medline searching at Pubmed (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Pubmed) and

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Internet Grateful Med (http://igm.nlm.nih.gov) make finding citation information for articles you want easy. The location of these articles is the hard part. There are many resources with medical journals online. I used to get lost a lot; now I only occasionally get lost.

Many sites offer articles. Some are subscription based, others are free. I love those free sites. Medscape (http://www.medscape.com) has a "collection of 7,000 free, full-text, peer-reviewed clinical medicine articles." (Gloria Miccioli. "Researching Medical Literature on the Web." LLRX.) JAMA and a few other American Medical Association journals are available at http://archpedi.ama-assn.org/.

What about the experts how do we find information about experts involved in our case and how do we find experts we may potentially want to use? In the August/September 1998 Law Office Computing, Genie Tyburski offers great advice about locating information on medical expert background information. Morelaw (http://www.morelaw.com) offers a search capacity by name or even just area of expertise for expert witnesses. This site can also be used to search for Verdict information. How often have you been asked to find the award amounts in medical malpractice cases that have x fact patterns? This and the subscription-based Jury Verdict page (http://www.jvr.com/) offer the ability to search the Internet for verdict information.

You can take this a step further and use the Expert Transcript Center (http://www.triodyne.com/etc/etc.html) to browse their experts to see if they have any depositions or trial transcripts available for purchase.

Perhaps you do more in-depth medical research than I do and this is elementary to you. However, if you are more comfortable in the midst of EDGAR than the American Medical Association, like I am, these tips just might help.

net results Medical Sources for Attorneys by Carol Furnish Chase College of Law Library, Northern Kentucky University

Carol Furnish, Chase College of Law Library, Northern Kentucky University http://www.nku.edu/~furnish/medical web.htm. This Web page was created in 1998 for a Health Law class. The site is reviewed quarterly and the latest update is January 2000. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. My e-mail address is [email protected].

Basic Research Outlines

Frank Kellermann, Mary Zammarelli & Robert Balliot, How to Search for Medical Information Discusses how to locate medical information. Divided into three parts

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covering specific Web sites for locating drug information, information on specific diseases, medical statistics, medical related news, and doctor's credentials. An extensive bibliography of "notable" Web sites and print resources has been added at the end.

Gloria Miccioli, Researching Medical Literature on the Web http://www.llrx.com/features/medical.htm

Update to Researching Medical Literature on the Web http://www.llrx.com/features/medical2.htm. The author reviews several methods of accessing medical information via the Web. Her first article reviews accessing MEDLINE via the Web. MEDLINE is the electronic index providing citations and abstracts of biomedical journals. The second article includes an excellent analysis of ten primary Web sites providing access to medical information.

Cindy Pitchon and Genie Tyburski, Finding Health Related Resources http://www.virtualchase.com/govdoc/health.shtml A comprehensive guide to locating health information on the Internet. Organized into the following categories: Search Services and Databases, Research Guides, Catalogs, Reference Works and Agencies and Organizations.

Dictionaries and Manuals

BioTech's Life Science Dictionary http://biotech.icmb.utexas.edu/search/dict-search.html Contains 8,300 plus terms related to biochemistry, biotechnology, biology and genetics.

INFOMEDICAL Dictionaries http://home.ipoline.com/~guoli/home/in_dict.htm Links to a variety of dictionaries, information for patients, medical terms, and the Merck Manual.

Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual/ Contains the 17th edition of The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy (©1999). The Merck Manual is the most widely used medical text.

Merck Manual of Medical Information-Home Edition http://www.merck.com/pubs/mmanual_home Based on the Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy 16th ed., The Merck Manual of Medical Information (©1997) transforms the medical text into commonly used English for the layperson.

Merriam Webster Online http://www.m-w.com/ Links to the WWWebster Dictionary and the WWWebster Thesaurus.

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World Wide Web Acronym and Abbreviation Server http://www.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/index.html Keyword searching for definitions of acronyms.

Electronic Journals and News Sources

Full-Text Medical Journals

Doctor's Guide: Internet Medical Resources http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/medjournals.htm Links to medical journals.

FindLaw: Legal Subjects: Health Law: Journals and Publications http://www.findlaw.com/01topics/19health/publications.html Links to health related journals, newletters, and current news sources.

Medical Matrix: Clinical Medicine Resources http://www.medmatrix.org/index.asp Links to medical, clinical, and science journals. References a large collection of health news sites.

UNC Charlotte: J. Murrey Atkins Library Reference Services: Medicine http://www.uncc.edu/lis/library/reference/health/med.htm Links to electronic journals and electronic indexes PubMed and Internet Grateful Med.

WebDoctor: On-Line Medical Journals http://www.gretmar.com/webdoctor/journals.html Links to online medical journals.

Health-Related News Sources

Biomedicine and Health in the News University of Connecticut Health Center Library http://library.uchc.edu/bhn/index.html Provides quick access to the biomedical, scientific and health journal literature referenced in newspaper articles appearing in the New York Times.

Reuters Health Information Services http://www.reutershealth.com/ You can access Reuters Health eLine, consumer health news articles, for free. The Reuters Medical News and Clinical Pharmacology Drug Database requires a subscription.

Medline Access

Medical Matrix: MEDLINE Access http://www.medmatrix.org/_SPages/medline.asp An annotated and ranked

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list of organizations providing free access to MEDLINE. Includes dates of coverage, query features, and any display options offered. You must register to access Medical Matrix and click on MEDLINE from the home page.

Government Agencies

Federal Government

GPO Access: WINSLOW State Library of Ohio http://winslo.state.oh.us:80/gpo/

Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/

THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet http://thomas.loc.gov/

U.S. House of Representatives http://www.house.gov/

U.S. Senate http://www.senate.gov/

Federal Agency: Health Sources FindLaw: Legal Subjects: Health Law: Government Agencies http://www.findlaw.com/01topics/19health/gov_agencies.html

Statistical Resources Guide: Health Statistics http://www.mnsfld.edu/depts/lib/hstats.html by Larry Schankman, Government Documents Librarian, Mansfield University Library.

University of Washington: HealthLinks: National Health & Social Statistics http://healthlinks.washington.edu/statistics/natl.html

Specific Agency/Organization Information

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services http://www.hhs.gov/ The primary agency protecting health and providing human services. The Web site includes links to HHS agencies, to the healthfinder; a gateway to consumer health information services, news releases, speeches, and HHS budgetary information.

HHS Office of Inspector General http://www.hhs.gov/progorg/oig/ Links to special fraud alerts, Medicare advisory bulletins, inspection

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reports, and advisory opinions. You can access this page by typing in the URL, or by linking to the HHS Agencies page and then selecting Office of the Secretary and scan down the list to Office of the Inspector General. Click on OIG Electronic Reading Room to start your research.

CDC: Centers for Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov/ Links to health information, traveler's health advisory, publications, data and statistics.

CDC Wonder http://wonder.cdc.gov/ Access to CDC reports, guidelines, and other publications.

CDC: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports http://www2.cdc.gov/mmwr/

CDC: National Center for Health Statistics http://www.cdc.gov/nchswww/ Includes data on Aging, National Hospital Discharge Surveys, U.S. Life Tables, the Top 10 Downloads, and Tabulated State Data.

CDC: National Center for Health Statistics: Other Sites http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/sites.htm Expansive list of links to health-related information. Includes FEDSTATS and The White House Social Statistics Brieifing Room.

Food and Drug Administration http://www.fda.gov/ The FDA regulates food, cosmetics, medicines and medical devices, feed and drugs for pets and farm animals. Site links to press releases, issues of the FDA Consumer Magazine, tobacco regulatory information, and toxicology research.

HCFA: Health Care Financing Administration http://www.hcfa.gov/ The federal agency that administers the Medicare, Medicaid, and Child Health Insurance Programs. Site includes links to Laws and Regulations, and Statistics and Data. Includes information on purchasing the Medicare/Medicaid Manuals. HCFA is undertaking an effort to provide electronic versions of Program Manuals on the Web site. Your Public Library, Government Documents Department may receive these manuals on CD-ROM.

NIH: National Institutes of Health: Health Information http://www.nih.gov/health/ Links to many health information services provided by NIH including MEDLINEplus via the National Library of Medicine.

U.S. Department of Labor: Occupational Safety and Health Administration

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http://www.osha.gov/ Links to workplace injury and illness statistics and other safety and health sites. Includes the OSH Act, interpretive letters, compliance directives, and regulations. [You can search for OSHA enforcement inspections by company name. Access the Subject Index and then click on Establishment Search. Enter the name of the company you wish to investigate.]

WHO: World Health Organization http://www.who.int/ Links to information on infectious diseases, health policies, and statistical data.

Locator Services

Drug Information

Drug InfoNet http://www.druginfonet.com/ Links to healthcare and pharmaceutical information. Organized into subtopics including: Drug and Disease Information, Health Care News, Associations, Medical Schools, and Hospitals Online.

PharmInfoNet: Pharmaceutical Information Network http://pharminfo.com/ Includes a search engine and a directory of subject categories. The categories include: Drug Information, Glossary, Disease Resources and Centers, Discussion Groups, and PharmLinks.

Health Information

healthfinder™ http://www.healthfinder.gov/ Sponsored by the Dept. of Health & Humans Services, a gateway Web site that links to a broad range of consumer health and human services information.

Mayo Health O@sis http://www.mayohealth.org/ Provides reliable health and wellness information from the Mayo Clinic.

MedicineNet http://www.medicinenet.com/ Developed by Information Network, Inc. and organized into the following categories: Health Living; Diseases & Treatments, Procedures & Tests, Medications, Medical Dictionary, and News.

Medscape http://www.medscape.com/ Medscape, Inc., is a separate company of SCP Communications, Inc., a publishing company specializing in the needs of the pharmaceutical and

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health care industries. Access to Medscape is free, but you must register to use the site. You can navigate the Web site by using the search engine or browse the subject arrangement of health sources. Provides links to articles, detailed health fact sheets, a glossary of medical terms, and a list of toll-free hotlines.

NetWellness http://www.netwellness.com/ A consumer health information network founded by University of Cincinnati Medical Center and now a collaborative effort with Ohio State University and Case Western Reserve University. Provides an extensive "Ask an Expert Service."


Hospital Select http://www.hospitalselect.com/ Sponsored by Medical-Net, Inc. and the American Medical Association. Enables you to search for a hospital by name and state.

HospitalWEB http://neuro-www.mgh.harvard.edu/hospitalweb.shtml Created by the Department of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital; includes a growing list of hospitals with Web sites.


AMA On-Line Doctor Finder http://www.ama-assn.org/aps/amahg.html Provides information on virtually every licensed physician in the United States and its possessions, including more than 650,000 doctors of medicine (MD). All physician credential data have been verified for accuracy.

American Board of Medical Specialties: Certified Doctor Verification Service http://www.certifieddoctor.org/verify.html This service allows the public to verify the board certification status, location by city and state and specialty of any physician certified by one or more of the 24 Member Boards of the ABMS.

DocFinder http://www.docfinder.org/ A health professional licensing database sponsored by the AIM- Administrators in Medicine, Association of State Medical Board Executive Directors. Includes Licensee Profile and Status for several states.

Medical Images

Health & Medicine: Anatomy & Physiology

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Health on the Net (HON) Medical Images & Movies http://www.hon.ch/Media/anatomy.html

National Library of Medicine: Visible Human Project http://www.nlm.nih.gov/research/visible/visible_human.html

Meta Directories of Health and Medical Sources

CataLaw: Legal Topics: Health & Welfare Law http://www.catalaw.com/topics/Health.shtml A directory of health law sources with international coverage.

FindLaw: Legal Topics: Health Law http://www.findlaw.com/01topics/19health/index.html A guide to health law sources with keyword searching capabilities.

Hardin Library for Health Sciences, University of Iowa: Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/md/index.html A meta directory that ranks the best sites that list health sites.

Law and Politics: Internet Guide Medical Database http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Lobby/5011/medical.html

MEL (Michigan Electronic Library): Health Information Resources http://mel.lib.mi.us/health/

Yale University: Cushing/Whitney Medical Library: Selected Internet Resources in Biomedicine http://www.med.yale.edu/library/sir/

Professional Associations

American Bar Association, Health Law Section http://www.abanet.org/health/home.html

American Health Lawyers Association http://www.healthlawyers.org/home.htm American College of Law & Medicine http://aclm.org/

American Medical Association http://www.ama-assn.org/

American Society of Law, Medicine & Ethics http://www.aslme.org/

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Search Engines

Health A to Z: The Search Engine for Health and Medicine http://www.healthatoz.com/ Produced by Medical Network, Inc. The page includes a search engine and a directory of medical topics.

MedExplorer: Health/Medical Internet Search Engine http://www.medexplorer.com/index.htm MedExplorer was created by Marlin Glaspey, a student at The University of Calgary. The page includes a search engine and a directory of medical sources.

Medical World Search http://www.mwsearch.com/ Medical World Search is intended to aid medical practitioners, researchers, or anyone with basic knowledge of medicine, to formulate a precise query to search the World Wide Web.

Medscape: The Online Resource for Better Patient Care http://www.medscape.com/ Medscape, Inc. is a separate company of SCP Communications, Inc., a publishing company specializing in the needs of the pharmaceutical and health care industries. The search engine includes phrase, author, journal title and year limit queries.

* Many descriptions were taken from Stephanie, C. Ardito, "Medical Information Sources for Non-Medical Professionals: An Elixir for the Uninitiated," 9 Library Management Briefings No.1, 1 (1997).

Current Reading List

Information Sources Brian L. Baker & Patrick J. Petit, eds., "Health Care," and "Medical Jurisprudence & Malpractice," in Encyclopedia of Legal Information Sources 2d ed. (Detroit: Gale Research, Inc., 1993) 445-449, 661-669.

Julius J. Marke & Richard Sloane, eds., "General Research Sources in Health Care and Medical Jurisprudence," in Legal Research and Law Library Management rev. ed. (New York: Law Journal Seminars-Press, 1998) 26.01-26.06.

Kendall F. Svengalis, "Health and Hospital Law" in Legal Information Buyer's Guide & Reference Manual (Barrington, RI: Rhode Island LawPress, 1998) 309-313.

Medical Experts

Nicholas Altebrando, "Finding Medical Experts on the Web," 4 Internet Lawyer No. 8, (1998). (Available via LEXIS-NEXIS, LEGNEW: NETLWR).

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Josh Blackman, "How to Find Experts on the Net," in Internet Fact Finder for Lawyers: How to Find Anything on the Net (Chicago: ABA, 1998).

Gloria Miccioli, Law Library Resource Exchange: Expert Witnesses on the Internet (last modified July 22, 1997). http://www.llrx.com/columns/ expert.htm. The column links to a number of expert witness sites and to referral organizations.

Genie Tyburski, "The Case of Doctor Y: Lawyer X Tracks Down a Medical Expert's Background Information," 8 Law Office Computing No. 4, 78 (1998).


5 The Internet Connection No. 8, (1999). Entire issue focuses on accessing Government Health Information.

Nicholas Altebrando, "Medical Research on the Net," 3 The Internet Lawyer No. 1 (1997). (Available via LEXIS-NEXIS, LEGNEW: NETLWR).

Stephanie C. Ardito, "Medical Information Sources for Non-Medical Professionals: An Elixir for the Uninitiated," 9 Library Management Briefings No.1, 1 (1997).

Josh Blackman, "How to Conduct Medical Research on the Net," in Internet Fact Finder For Lawyers: How to Find Anything on the Net (Chicago: ABA, 1998).

Ann L. Carlson & Diane Kovacs, Health and Medicine on the Internet. (El Dorado Hills, CA: Library Solutions Institute and Press, March 2000).

Sheryl Summers Kramer, "A Research Guide to Medical Malpractice and the Law," 16 Legal Reference Services Quarterly No. 1, 31 (1997).

Lisa Marks, "Health Care Law Resources," 5 PLL (Private Law Libraries) Perspectives No. 4, 1 (1994).

Bruce Maxwell, How to Find Health Information on the Internet. (Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1998).

Janet L. Reinke & Michelle Schmidt, "Legal R: Issues in Health Care Law: Selected Bibliography," 14 Legal Reference Services Quarterly No. 4, 3 (1995).

tax file A Look at Web-based Training Options Provided by Dialog, Lexis and Westlaw by Adrienne Eng Tax Analysts

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Librarians need to keep up-to-date on new search features so they can use online services more effectively and efficiently.

In addition, many librarians also need to prepare training material to use with their patrons in their role as Training Specialist. The Web provides Web-based training options that can help librarians in both of the scenarios described above. In the past, to stay current with changes to online services librarians and attorneys either attended off-site training classes, or, in larger firms the firm's account representative came by for "updates." The traditional training classes were time-consuming, expensive, and also difficult for solo librarians or staff from understaffed libraries to attend. Attorneys found that the classes were never at a good time or that attendance at the class cut into billable time. The online service providers understand this and now use the availability and power of the Web to offer training and updates. For example, you can find tutorials, tips sheets, and information on scheduling telephone or classroom training at the online service providers' Web sites. Training on the Web is available 24 hours a day, private, and best of all, free.

The article pulls together some useful training telephone numbers and Web addresses for Dialog, Lexis and Westlaw. In addition, this article highlights some pages on each Web site that may be of particular help to librarians in staying up to date and in preparing training material for end users and notes where tax-specific material can be found in these sites.

Dialog On the Web The Web address is www.dialog.com.

The Dialog site has two useful sections the Library and the Training Center. The Library has the current documentation, e.g., Bluesheets, product literature and content literature. The Training Center has an extensive, comprehensive training section. Some sections of interest are:

z Quick Tips and Tricks addresses specific questions quickly and easily.

z Search Solutions answers those frequently asked database and topical questions with step-by-step search strategies.

z Expert Insights or Short Subjects provides quick training designed to sharpen and enhance your research skills. To access these items, double click on Training Center from the Dialog home page.

Over the Telephone Customer Service Number: 800-334-2564. Dialog Telephone Training: Contact your account representative to arrange for complimentary telephone training.

In Person

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Use the Web site to find the location and time of training classes.

Tax Specific Dialog does not have specific information on tax in their Training Center.

LEXIS On the Web The Web address is web.lexis.com.

The Products and Services link provides a general overview of Lexis products and services.

Marketplace, which is found at Products and Services, provides links to:

a Customer Training, where the Telephonic Training and off-site Learning Center times and dates can be found

z Customer Service

z Content Documentation, which provides a link to the Directory of Online Services

z LEXIS-NEXIS Software for downloads of Lexis Software and patches

Information Professional was designed for librarians. The Weekly Research Tip, New Lexis Feature and Database Updates are useful links to keep up-to-date on Lexis. Training Resources contains information that librarians can use for training end users, e.g., Boolean Search Essentials or LEXIS Search Advisor a quick overview of the completely new way to use Lexis.

Over the Telephone Customer Service Number: 800-543-6862.

Lexis Telephone Training: 800-262-2391 (choose option 4). Lexis provides complimentary, personalized telephone training in a number of areas, such as the new Lexis-Nexis features and Lexis-Nexis Xchange.

In Person Use the Web site to find the location and time of training classes.

Tax-Specific Information Tax Search Tips can be found at the Legal Literature link at Content Documentation Legal Literature Link. Tax Search Tips can be downloaded or printed.

Westlaw® On the Web

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The Web address is www.westlaw.com. The Web site gives you access to Westlaw and to a number of support features, such as a documentation store and a list of training classes.

z The Documentation section lists Westlaw reference materials that can be ordered to be delivered via mail or downloaded, depending on the documentation. To access the West Group Documentation Store, click Documentation under More Information on the home page. Click GO TO THE DOCUMENTATION STORE, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Westlaw Documentation. To view the list of taxation materials, choose Taxation from the Select Topical/Practice Area Materials list and click GO.

z The Training section provides you with training calendars. To access the training calendars, click the Training tab on the home page.

Over the Telephone West Group provides personal, complimentary, one-on-one assistance based on your needs. West Group Reference Attorneys: 800-733-2889. West Group Telephone Training: 800-328-0109.

In Person Use the Web site to find the location and time of training classes. Refer to the information above.

Tax-Specific Information Use the Web site to order or download tax-specific documentation. Refer to the information above.

Adrienne Eng may be reached at [email protected].

Help celebrate your fellow librarians!

The SLA Legal Division is publishing its very first yearbook with support from the Bureau of National Affairs. We are looking for any photographs, program notes, newsletters, member updates, and accomplishments pertaining to the division and its members beginning with the 1999 Annual SLA Conference. Any and all items and ideas will be considered for creation of the yearbook. If you are interested in being involved with or have ideas about the yearbook, please contact the editor, Julia Daniel, by phone at 313-983-4354 or by e-mail at [email protected].

l'eagleeye Sponsoring Librarians for GLOBAL 2000 by Jeffrey R. Stickle Wilkes, Artis, Hedrick & Lane

The Eyeball has been watching the folks at the D.C. Chapter and a host of others trying to raise funds for bringing developing-country librarians to

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GLOBAL 2000.

This will be a major international conference, sponsored by SLA, held in Brighton, England, in October 2000. At a cost estimated to be US$4,000, it is not cheap to sponsor a fellowship for one of these deserving librarians. There is quite a group of very qualified individuals who met the application deadline, over 400 of them. So far the D.C. chapter has coordinated raising $50,000. The Legal Division agreed to chip in $1,000 and other chapters and divisions have contributed. The government of Denmark contributed US$20,000. Perhaps your firm or organization would like to contribute? Four thousand dollars is a lot but any amount would be a contribution to improving the contacts and knowledge of librarians from developing countries. Contact Daille Pettit of the D.C. chapter at [email protected].

Cooking up legal news

Here's an interesting section at Findlaw. Legal Grounds at http://lg.findlaw.com is a Web round-up of legal news from the mundane to the bizarre. Columns are segregated into "Top News Relevant Hearsay," "Cyberlaw News Download This!", "Entertainment Law Legally Entertaining," "Criminal Law Arresting Developments," and the stranger stuff at "Weird Legal News Eat my Justice!" The story summaries have links if you really want more information than the blurbs editor Jim Twu creates. For those of you who eat other things besides justice, an interesting site although commercial and not legal is http://www.books-for- cooks.com (don't forget the dashes).

Join the ALA

In the paper department, the Eyeball would recommend that somebody in your library join the American Library Association so the office can receive their monthly magazine, American Libraries. While not a legal publication, it has many articles and news items that are of interest to the legal community. The Eyeball has found the "News Front" features to be particularly useful in finding out about events around the country and in Washington, D.C. The articles are well-written and often will get your hackles up to the point you might write a letter.


The Bylaws Committee is still looking for folks who would like to discuss the current bylaws and whether they should be changed. Contact Jeff Stickle ([email protected] or 202-457-7370) if you are interested. A minimum amount of your time would be required.

international corner Law Library News from Australia by Ruth Bird University of Melbourne, Australia

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Greetings and a happy new year to our American colleagues. You may have seen the wonderful fireworks display put on by Sydney to mark the celebrations on December 31; these are but a taste of what Sydney has in store for this Olympic year.

Law Librarians Symposium 2000

Our third Symposium will be held in Sydney from 19-21 July 2000. Previously held in Melbourne, these symposia are the first such gatherings which are aimed nationally at law librarians only. Our other official conference, held every two years, combines with Special and Health Librarians. The Symposium allows us the opportunity to concentrate on the legal issues, and other matters which are specific to law librarians, whether they are in private practice, courts, universities or other institutions. The topics include:

z Knowledge management

z The republic where did it go wrong?

z Copyright digital legislation and libraries

z Point in time legislation online

z Internet issues collection development/historical collections

z Pay equity case

z Stolen children

z Criminal law war crimes in Timor

z Class actions

z Intranet/electronic services/Web page design

If this is just the excuse you need to come for a visit to Australia, please contact Mary Greenfield, our National Convenor, in the first instance at: [email protected]

Referendum Results

In November a referendum was held which asked voters to decide on two questions. The first, the republic question was whether voters would accept a "proposed law to alter the Constitution to establish the Commonwealth of Australia as a republic with the Queen and Governor-General being replaced by a President appointed by a two-thirds majority of the Members of the Commonwealth Parliament."

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The second question was for a preamble which asked voters whether they approved the "proposed law to alter the Constitution to insert a preamble."

Both proposals were defeated, by a majority of the voters, as well as a majority of states. The margins for the first question were much closer than for the second question, but the results reflected an historical fact in Australia, that if the two leading political parties cannot agree on a constitutional amendment, the majority of the population will vote no to change. So for the time being Australia remains a constitutional monarchy.

Goods & Services Tax

Once the new year arrived without any real Y2K problems, many law librarians in Australia have had to turn their minds to the impending introduction of a Goods and Services Tax. This new impost commences on July 1, 2000, but as with any major tax reform, the legislation, newspaper articles, journal articles, press releases and related maters addressing the issues are in heavy demand by lawyers, students and lay people.

The legislation is called A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth), and is referred to colloquially as ANTS. The introduction will be complicated as several categories of goods will be GST-free, and the GST is, in many instances, replacing wholesale taxes currently in place. The unofficial consolidation of the legislation can be found at http://scaleplus.law.gov.au/home/docs/ANTSGST99.rtf.

Digital Agenda Legislation

Proposed new legislation by the Federal Government saw the introduction of an amended definition of library which effectively excludes any library or archives in an institution that is operated "for profit" from participating in the free copying provisions we have used for interlibrary loans transactions. This has raised serious concerns throughout the library community, as the concept of a distributed national collection has meant that over time some of our best collections in certain areas of specialisation are, perforce, held by private or semi-private institutions, but accessible to all in the library community. The submissions made by the Australian Law Librarians Group to the Parliament can be read on the ALLG home page, at http://www.allg.asn.au/.

Cheers from down under until the next time!

Letter from Europe by Liz Blankson-Hemans Clifford Chance, London, England

Just as I put pen to paper (or should that be finger to keyboard?) to write this column, Larry Guthrie's e-mail to the SLA-Law listserv about the BIALL and ALLG formal liaisons with the SLA Legal Division hit my screen.

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I am as pleased as everyone surely must be about this development and I hastened to reply to Larry, pointing out that as I am a BIALL member, you've had the benefit of a BIALL connection (however informal) since I became your European liaison.

Since my last letter, there have been a number of developments to report on, particularly from the online front. This is not surprising, as the 23rd International Online Information Conference and Exhibition (Online 99) was held in London from 7 9 December 1999. This is traditionally the time most online vendors preview or launch any new products they intend to market. Notable amongst the new arrivals was the preview of Westlaw UK. The official launch is February 2000, but visitors were able to see the intended offering of full text cases and legislation, current awareness, news and business information (www.westlaw.co.uk). Of course, most of you in the U.S. are familiar with Westlaw, as we are, but we have always felt it to be very U.S. biased. In order to appeal to a broader international market, West Group and Sweet & Maxwell have developed Westlaw UK, which promises to be a serious competitor to Reed 's Lexis-Nexis.

This competition should get very hot in the near future as many of you will know that Lexis-Nexis have now bought the suite of Business Information Products that includes the heavyweight news and business information content of FT Profile, FT Discovery and FT Newswatch from the Financial Times Group.

Other products on show at Online were the Butterworths Tolley EU Direct Gold service, which offers up-to-date information on European Union legal issues. EU Direct is a new addition to the Butterworths Direct suite of products including Halsburys Law's Direct, All England Direct, etc., which I have mentioned in this column before. Soon after this launch, Butterworths Tolley also announced the addition of the Financial Regulation and Corporate Law Service.

Not to be outdone, LAWTEL has also launched an EU Legal Information service which includes all the Spicers material, exclusively, as well as full text of documents on Europa the official pages of the European Union. This is a subscription service.

But surely the greatest news of all for proponents of the availability of free legal information is the news that there is a serious campaign well under way to make all of Britain's laws available free on the Internet, in the manner of the Australasian Legal Information Institute site (AUSTLII). Although we are some years behind the Australians, contributions (in cash and in kind) towards making this a distinct reality have been coming in thick and fast. The project is known as UKILELI (United Kingdom and Ireland Legal E-Library Institute), but a search is underway for a snappier (perhaps more pronounceable?) name. And, today, I found out that the U.K. Court Service announced a new judgments database on 21 January. It includes High Court and Appeal Court judgments from 1998, and appears to be free (my cup runneth over!). Check it out at www.court

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service.gov.uk/judgmentsdb_intro.htm. Also of note is the Jersey Legal information Web site: www.jerseyinfo.co.uk/judgments/index.htm, which contains a complete index of Jersey's Laws and Regulations, Royal Court and Court of Appeal practice directory directions and draft legislation, as well as the laws and Regulations enacted by the States of Jersey since 1997 and the unreported judgments of the courts from October 1997.

Most of my news has been heavy on online developments as I promised at the beginning of the column. However notable amongst the legislation enacted since I last wrote are the following:

z The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, which abolishes the privity of contract rule in English law.

z The Electronic Signatures Directive, which came into force on 19 January 2000: (http://europa.eu.int.eur- lex/en/dat/2000/l_01320000119en00120020.pdf) And these bills:

z E-commerce bill

z Financial Services and Markets Bill

News on the professional side is also rather thin, as most have been busy arranging Christmas and New Year parties. However, I must mention that the European Chapter of the SLA has been busy doing its bit towards the organisation of Global 2000 in Brighton, England this October. Hope to see many of you there, so start working now on those who hold the purse strings.

Letter from Canada by Suzan A. Hebditch Canada Department of Justice

Do you want the good news first or the bad news first on the Canadian legal publishing front?

CALL/ACBD Serials Tracking Report for 1999 released

Each year, members of the "Serials Tracking Project" of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries/ Association Canadienne des bibliotheques de droit (CALL/ACBD) gather pricing and publishing information on a "shopping basket" of Canadian legal serial titles. The final compiling of that information and this is the good news results in an annual report. The latest edition, the Serials Tracking Report for 1999, is now available at http://www.callacbd.ca.

The bad news is "the average increase for the 308 hard copy and 17 CD- ROM titles tracked in 1999 is 15.85%, an increase of 6.53% from 1998. Although Canada Law Book and Butterworth's did influence the overall

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cost increase, Carswell Thomson Professional Publishing was by far the largest contributor. For the 140 Carswell Thomson Professional Publishing titles that were tracked, there was an average increase of 28.39%, an increase of 19.95% from 1998."

For readers who collect Canadian materials, you will be interested in looking at this report. It offers very interesting analysis, useful charts (including a five-year comparison of prices). In short, it is a good read!

Practically speaking, it allows you the opportunity to do some forecasting for your continuations budget for 2000. For instance, from one publisher in particular, many of the cost increases came late, in the autumn of 1999 with three of their law reports increasing by $14.00, $17.00 and $35.00 respectively, per volume. Because the Serials Tracking Report tracks the total cost of each subscription on an annual basis, the full impact of these price increases will not truly be felt until 2000. Knowing that the individual cost per volume has substantially increased, you will, with a reasonable degree of accuracy, be able to predict your costs for budgeting purposes.

Quicklaw adds U.S. case law to its roster

No Canadian law librarian is worth their salt unless they can search Quicklaw. Canada's largest online legal information facility with over 1,450 databases and newsletters has now added American materials to its collections.

In September of 1999, West Group (owned by Thomson Professional Publishing) decided that Quicklaw would no longer be permitted to be the Canadian distributor of Westlaw. Instead, Westlaw in Canada would be made available through Carswell (another Thomson-owned company).

The good news for Canadian legal researchers is that Quicklaw aggressively took this opportunity to enter into the American legal market by acquiring Current Legal Resources Inc. (CLR), a leading Internet publisher of United States statutory and regulatory information. With the bringing into the fold of CLR, which now operates under the name Quicklaw America, the following was added to the Quicklaw stable: the United States Code, 19 topical databases, the Code of Federal Regulations, U.S. Statutes at Large, United States Court Rules, the United States Supreme Court opinions since 1900, and some five million (and growing) other full-text U.S. court opinions.

Additionally, in the late fall of 1999, Irwin Law joined Quicklaw. Still considered an upstart in Canadian publishing circles, Irwin Law was founded in 1996. However, they have in these few short years, published over 20 books and now, have made all of these titles available on Quicklaw.

This, I believe, is just the beginning. Could it be possible that in the not too distant future, people researching the law will only have to learn how to

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manipulate their way around one online vendor's offerings? It could well be. This venture into the American legal publishing arena expands Quicklaw's already solid British, European, Commonwealth and Canadian collection. I recommend you keep your eye on Quicklaw.

Suzan A. Hebditch is Acting Manager Regional Information Management Services and Regional Law Librarian, Prairie and Arctic Region, Canada Department of Justice, Edmonton, Alberta Canada.

Suzan is the immediate Past President of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries / Association Canadienne des bibliotheques de droit. She welcomes you to contact her at [email protected].

member news "Accounting" for Legal Division Members by Karen Krupka Wildman Harrold Allen & Dixon

Remember, you can send your news item to me at any time (not just when I post the notice to the list!) by mail or e-mail. Let me hear from you.

Contact me at:

Karen Krupka Wildman Harrold Allen & Dixon 225 W. Wacker Drive Suite 3000, Chicago, IL 60606 Phone: 312-201-2395 Fax: 312-201-2555 E-mail: [email protected]

Note: By the time you read this, my e-mail address may have changed to [email protected]. There should be a transition period, but you may want to send your submissions to both addresses to make sure they reach me.

Anne Abate, formerly of Dinsmore & Shohl, is an Assistant Professor at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems. Yes, that's right, an accounting department. Anne is on the information systems side of things, teaching the Managing Information Systems introductory course as well as courses in electronic commerce and business on the Internet.

Anne is also an adjunct professor at the Library School at the University of Kentucky and at the School of Computer and Information Sciences at Nova Southeastern University. For those that don't notice the trend, Anne has degress from Xavier, UK, and Nova.

She intends to keep her ties to the library world and remains a very active member of the Special Libraries Association, including as the Chair-Elect of the Legal Division, so we have not heard the end from her yet. Her

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address is:

Anne K. Abate, Ph.D. Department of Accounting & Information Systems Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH, 45207 E-mail: [email protected].

Bryan Carson, formerly of Hamline University Law School Library (and host of a wonderful reception at the annual conference last year), has a new position. He is the Coordinator of Reference and Library Instruction at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

Western Kentucky University is a comprehensive university with 14,500 students located 1 hour north of Nashville and 2 hours south of Louisville in a city of about 50,000. Bryan is head of reference for the entire main library, which includes a 60% Government Documents depository and a law library.

There is an unusual situation with the law library. Although the university does not have a law school, the law library is considered to be the public county law library. So, in effect, Bryan is head of reference for the county law library, which is staffed by a full-time law and government documents coordinator and a half-time law librarian. His new address is:

Bryan M. Carson, J.D., M.I.L.S. Coordinator of Reference and Library Instruction Western Kentucky University Libraries 1 Big Red Way Bowling Green, KY 42101 Phone: 270-745-5007, Fax: 270-745-2275, E-mail: [email protected].

Debbie Muntean is now the Director of Information and Technology at Briggs and Morgan, P.A. in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. Debbie had been the Director of Libraries and Records at Briggs and Morgan, P.A.

Angela Hodge of Perkins Coie of Portland, Oregon, writes that in the last few months she: 1) taught for the Library & Information Network of Clackamas County (LINCC); 2) did a presentation with LaJean Humphries of Schwabe, Williamson and Wyatt for the National Business Institute (NBI) on "Internet Strategies for the Paralegal in Oregon"; 3) published two Web sites, one at http://www.askalawlibrarian.com and the other at http://www.askalibrarian.com; and 4) will be teaching Basic Legal Research at Marylhurst University. What a busy lady, and all such worthwhile pursuits!

Holly Mohler, formerly of Long & Levit LLP (which disbanded at the end

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of the year), is now at Green Radovsky Maloney & Share LLP. Her address is:

Holly Mohler, Librarian Greene, Radovsky, Maloney & Share LLP Four Embarcadero Center Suite 4000 San Francisco, CA 94111 Phone: 415- 981-1400 Fax: 415-777-4961 E-mail: [email protected]

Janet McKinney, who was Director of Collection Resources at the Leon E. Bloch Law Library, University of Missouri Kansas City for more than eight years, has accepted the position of Computer Services Librarian at the law firm of Shook, Hardy & Bacon, headquartered in Kansas City, Missouri.

David Bryant of Legibus has three items: 1) he is co-teaching Law Library Administration at the Chicago Bar Association facility under the sponsorship of Dominican University, 2) he has recently (fall 1999) been named to the Illinois State Library Advisory Committee 1999 for a three- year term under Illinois Secretary of State, Jesse White, and 3) he is the subject of an article in the Chicago Bar Record for February/March 2000 on the appraisal of the rare books of the CBA.

Legal Division Treasurer's Report by Carol Furnish

Financial Activities from 10/1/99 to 12/31/99 Balance as of 9/30/00 $17,260.65 Income Bulletin advertising income $250.00 Meeting incomre - vendor contributions 2,865.18 Total Income $3,115.18 Expenses Bank charges $6.80 Meeting expenses (6/99) 128.80 Meeting expenses (6/00) 5,000.00 Total Expenses $5,135.60 Total Outflow -2,020.42 Balance as of 12/31/99 $15,240.23 - $5,000 contribution from Lexis-Nexis commited for 6/2000 SLA conference.

new members New Members in the Legal Division December 1999 to February 2000

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Kathryn Arbuckle University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Diane Buress (student) Mercer Island WA

Susan Callaway Borden & Elliott Toronto, Canada

Elaine Dockens Office of Attorney General Library Chicago IL

Carla J. Evans Proskauer Rose LLP Washington DC

Cherie Feenker Lange Simpson Robinson & Somerville Birmingham AL

Elizabeth Fink McCarthy Lebit Crystal & Haiman Cleveland OH

Paula P. Gehring Jones Day Reavis & Pogue Dallas TX

Candace Goss Butzel Long Detroit MI

Tasha M. Gsell Quick Lathrop & Gage Kansas City MO

Allen S. Herschaft NY City Council Law Library New York NY

Rachell M. Jeffers Seattle WA

Robbie W. King NewFields Atlanta GA

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Christy L. Leith Davis Wright Tremaine Seattle WA

Carol P. Long Faegre & Benson Minneapolis MN

Joseph J. Mattera ITI Resources Brooklyn NY

Pauline A. McMahon Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly Minneapolis MN

Joella K. Seymour Covington & Burling Washington DC

Risa L. Skerker American Home Products Madison NJ

Maureen C. Stellino Verner Liipfert, et al. Washington DC

Carlotta Stoudt Proctor & Gamble Hunt Valley MD

Pamela J. Taranto Louisville Free Public Library Louisville KY

Denise Walker U.S. Patent & Trademark Office Arlington VA

Elizabeth A. Walsh Foley & Lardner Milwaukee WI

Sarah L. Warner Wontawk New York NY

Carolyn M. Weber

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Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal St. Louis MO

David B. Webster Ballard Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll Philadelphia PA

Sheri L. Zetterower Security Life of Denver Mortality Research Center Denver CO

Stacey A. Zurawik Irell & Manella Los Angeles CA

SLA Legal Division 2000

Executive Board Advisory Board Roundtable Coordinators

Executive Board

Chair Larry Guthrie Covington & Burling 1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20004 Phone 202-662-6158 Fax 202-778-6658 [email protected]

Chair-Elect Anne K. Abate, Ph.D. Department of Accounting & Information Systems Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45207 Phone 513-745-3296 [email protected]

Chair Elect-Elect Jeanne Korman Weil, Gotshal & Manges 701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 2100 Miami, FL 33131 Phone 305-577-3118 Fax 305-374-7159

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[email protected]

Director 19982000 Thomas B. Fleming Piper & Marbury LLP 36 Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone 410-576-1617 Fax 410-576-1135 [email protected]

Secretary 19982000 Hellen M. Kerr PricewaterhouseCoopers 5700 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M2M 4K7 Phone 416-228-4681 Fax 416-218-1499 [email protected]

Treasurer 19982000 Carol Furnish Northern Kentucky University Chase College of Law Library Nunn Hall Highland Heights, KY Phone 606-572-6484 Fax 606-572-6664 [email protected]

Past Chair Cassandra Morrow American International Group National Union 175 Water Street, 11th Floor New York, NY 10038 Phone 212-458-1811 Fax 212-785-4325 [email protected]

Advisory Board

Advisory from Tribal Courts Philip Viles University of Tulsa 700 North Greenwood Tulsa, OK 74106 Phone 918-625-1407 [email protected]


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Anne K. Abate see Chair-Elect

Bylaws and Division Manual Jeffrey R. Stickle Wilkes Artis Hedrick & Lane Library 1666 K Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20006 Phone 202-457-7370 Fax 202-457-7814 [email protected]

Communications Committee Thomas B. Fleming, Chair see Director

Counselor/Advisor to the Chair W. Leslie Peat Sullivan & Worcester Library 1 Post Office Square Boston, MA 02109 Phone 617-338-2888 Fax 617-338-2880 [email protected]

Division Directory Editor Nancy Hurt United Services Automobile Association 9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, TX 78288 Phone 210-498-0660 Fax 210-498-0608 [email protected]

Division Photographer Karen Krupka Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon 225 West Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606 Phone 312-201-2395 Fax 312-201-2555 [email protected]

Employment Gayle M. O'Connor CourtLink, Inc. 400 112th Avenue NE, Suite 250 Bellevue, WA 98004 Phone 425-450-0390, ext. 243 [email protected]

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European Liaison Liz Blankson-Hemans Clifford Chance 200 Aldersgate Street London, EC1A 4JJ England Phone 44-171-600-1000 Fax 44-171-600-5555 [email protected]

Government Relations Sylvia Piggott International Monetary Fund 700 19th Street NW Washington DC 20036 Phone 202-623-6309 [email protected]

International Listserv Coordinator (Global 2000) Scott Hatmaker Vinson & Elkins 1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20004 Phone 202-639-6728 [email protected]

Legal Division Quarterly

Advertising Manager Alice F. Fosson Bracewell & Patterson LLP South Tower Pennzoil Place 711 Louisiana Street Suite 2900 Houston, TX 77002 Phone 713-221-1142 Fax 713-221-1212 [email protected]

Co-Editors Barbara W. Silbersack Thompson Hine & Flory LLP 312 Walnut Street, Suite 1400 Cincinnati, OH 45202 Phone 513/352-6528 Fax 513/241-4771 [email protected]

Mary Lynn Wagner Keating, Muething & Klekamp 1800 Provident Tower

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One East Fourth Street Cincinnati, OH 45202 Phone 513-579-6902 Fax 513-579-6457 [email protected]

Design, Layout, Printing and Mailing West Group 610 Opperman Drive Eagan, MN 55123 Phone 651-687-6790 Fax 651-687-7374

Liaison to AALL and other SLA Divisions Lori Hedstrom Program Manager, Librarian Relations, West Online West Group 610 Opperman Drive Eagan, MN 55123 Phone 651-687-5891 Fax 651-687-5614 [email protected]

Liaison to the ABA Susan Catterall Leonard Street & Deinard 150 S Fifth Street, Suite 2300 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Phone 612-335-1742 Fax 612-335-1657 [email protected]

Listserv Administrator Richard R. Guajardo University of Houston Law Library Houston, TX 77204 Phone 713-743-2315 Fax 713-743-2299 [email protected]

Membership Carolyn C. Korkmas Tax Librarian Shell Oil Company 4353 One Shell Plaza Houston, TX 77252 Phone 713-241-2155 Fax 713-241-7029 [email protected]

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Nominating Melody Hainsworth International College 2654 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34112 Phone 800-466-8017, 941-774-4700 Fax 941-774-4593 [email protected]

Professional Development Chair Scott Hatmaker see International Listserv Coordinator

Public Relations Cindy Spohr Lexis-Nexis PO Box 933 Dayton, OH 45401 Phone 513-865-7883, 219-436-1944 Fax 513-865-1858 [email protected]

Committee Member Becky Fillinger

Scholarships and Grants Naomi Prall Forbes, Inc. 60 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10011 Phone 212-620-2239 Fax 212-620-1811 [email protected]

Sergeant-at-Arms Thomas Rink Tulsa Police Department Training and Development Division 6066 East 66th Street North Tulsa, OK 74117 Phone 918-591-4528 Fax 918-591-4505 [email protected]

Strategic Planning Jenny Kanji Lexis-Nexis 353 Sacramento Street Suite 800 San Francisco, CA 94111 Phone 800-375-4458 Fax 650-324-8589

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[email protected]

Committee Member Carol Berger

Student Chair Bill Childers UCLA/IS 254 GSEIS Building Mailbox 951520 Los Angeles, CA 90095 Phone 323-466-1497 [email protected]

Vendor Relations Charlene M. Cunniffe Boult Cummings Conners & Berry PO Box 198062 Nashville, TN 37219 Phone 615-252-3586 Fax 615-248-3030 [email protected]

Committee Member Julia Daniels

Web Site Advisor Richard R. Guajardo see Listserv Administrator

Yearbook Editor Barbara Folensbee-Moore Pepper Hamilton LLP 1300 - 19th Street NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone 202-220-1528 [email protected]

Roundtable Coordinators

County, Courts and Provinces/State Librarians (CCAPS) Judith Jackson Harris County Law Library 1019 Congress, 17th Floor Houston, TX 77002 Phone 713-755-5649 [email protected]

Emerging Technologies in the Law Nathan Rosen

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Credit Suisse First Boston 11 Madison Avenue, 7th Fl. New York, NY 10010 Phone 212/325-5672 Fax 212/325-6424 [email protected]

International Susan DeMaio Oceana Publications, Inc. 75 Main Street Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 Phone 914/693-8100 Fax 914/693-0402 [email protected]

Tax Judy Parvez Deloitte & Touche 555 12th St. NW Washington, DC 20004 Phone 202/879-5689 Fax 202/879-5309 [email protected]

Carol Mohammed Canadian Tax Foundation 595 Bay Street #1200 Toronto, ON M5G 2N5 [email protected]

Created: 1 September 2000 Copyright © 1998-2000 SLA Legal Revised: Division all rights reserved. Some graphics URL: http://www.slalegal.org/ copyrighted by Art Today Inc. Suggestions: Web Manager Special Libraries Association, Legal Division

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